News .Without " Bhs . ' Views Without Prejudice VOL.2 1 tV i .. I V. , . -- - . , s III ;; ; (Prejudice - - Published in Eliiibci:. City- ' ' ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 23. 1917 NO. 7 : DAW MAY BE ' r - V f OTHER COBB NeCRAW IS OETKRMINED THAT GIANT OUFIELDER SHALL SHOW THE BASEBALL WORLD WHAT HE CAN DO THIS YEAR By H C HAMILTON UNlted Press Staff Correspondent) New York , March 23 John J. McGraw's declaration that Davy Robertson, Giant outfielder, is as great ball player as Ty Cobb, if he Qiant star cares t o be, wa8 almost the cause (or breakinc out American flats and holding a public mass meeting to send thanks by the citizen-, of Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Dave used to play on the town team in ElUtbeth CPy and they have known for seme time down there that Georgia has nothing on tSaulh Carolina in the matter of sending great bsaeball p'ayers to the major leagues. Dave ha.s been around the National some time. He upj the ball on the nose, lew infield hits ,4 yei Moyock Briefs gallivanting League for and cracks heats out a nr, steals a liase or two. turns in a few fielding sensations 3'' year and calls it a whole twelve months trammed iuto ftf"or four or whatever the rase may be. Dave Is temperamental. Ho la b lo a southerner with the. southerners contempt for the Northerner's brusqueness. He is a great ball player and he Knows It fairly well.' But Dave wants J to be h'reat in his own way. If , he doesn't feel like stretching his i legs in a sprint to first base, why I it's nobody's business, ho he does as be pleases. MoC.raw has 1 een grilling Rob- ! ertson tor some time, using his own successful way of making a great man out of his potential great. This year, according to McGraw. Rob ertson Is going to step out as the only real rival of th fainoj? Georgia Peach in all round ball playing. Dave has added a few promises of his own and it may be that he will for?ef temperament and try to make them stick Last year Dave busted into the first days of the season with a few well timed crasheR that placed him at the head of the batting list with no trouble at all. He played like a fiend, ly a Cobb, and be made such a MKre that everyone, Mc Graw included, said the star had t lastbegun to shine. But it was premature praise, for Dave struck a slump, forgot his good resolutions and ended the season with a tot ting average of .307. barely within the hall of fame. New a .300 mark isn't to be sneezed at any time but Dave is capable of more and McGraw is de termined he shall show It this year. Moyock, March, 22 Mr. Langford Gregory, alter spending a week with frlendf and relatives hen has returned to Norfolk to resume his work. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Powers of Portsmouth were the guests of frlends here. Sunday. - Mlssea Alice and Margaret Poy ner spent the week end with their aunt Mrs. Harry Powers, at Pons mouth. Miss Evan and Lina Powers of Northwest, Va. are unable to at- tenr school owing to the illness of their aister, Mrs. Howard Wlnslow Mrs .C G. Fehrman, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Le na Jarvia, has returned to her home at Smfthfield, Va. Mr. Frank Bryant was In Moyock Sunday. Miss Cora Ayd'ett'has been very ill for the last few days. Mrs. Mollie Cherry of Norfolk spent Thursday in Moyock. Mrs. J. C. Mor.'un spent Sutur day in Noroik on business. Airs. S. it. Piilchard of Balti more is visiting his siter. . r.-i Mo lie l'oyner. Mr. ami Mrs. N . Hathaway have I returned from home after a stay in Norfolk. Mr Stuart Ballume spent day ut Snowden. The Epworth League had its re gular meeting at the Methodist church Sunday evening Mi's. Fritz Ritter had gotten up a vefv good program on "Influence" which was thoroughly enjoyec' There will be a Council Meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Y. I'oy ner's next Friday evening at ":30. It is hoped that 11 the officer-! and ;'s nu"i members of the League, as can will be present. GEDL lANY SAYS II TRANSLATES ALL HAPPENINGS ON LAND AND 8EA IN TERMS OF TEUTONIC VICTORY AND DECLARES SHE IS ENTIRELY SATISFIED JOHN GRANOENS ' (United Press Staff Correspondent) Berlin. March 23 There is no re volution In "Germany. The London, Holland, and New York rumors of trouble brewing in Germany are merely the result of the Entente'a wish to fatter the thought of such trouble. Germany is united and confident with no visible signs of revolution. German officials are amused at the report and attribute it to nervous nes8 felt by the enenvv over Russia's revolution. The Russian revolution itself is at'ributed to the failure o! the A'liPji to maV;e any gains whle'i cou'd be construed as ad . am lug to ward victory. Germativ is entirely satisfied with the resit'ts of her submarine warl'aie and with the progress cf the war. The retreat 011 the Western front is viewed as a dever strategy on the part of Hi:denbiirg to save lives . To Night At v . New Theatre HOT ADDED WHIRS 10 INJURY SINKING OF TANKER, HEALD TON, BUT BRINGS NEARER AC TUAL "WARFARE, NOW REGARD ED EVERYWHERE A8 INEVITABLE NEW DELIVERY BK AERY WAGON Cartwright's Bakery has purchns d a new auto delivery wagon which made its first ppearance on the street Thursday morning. It attracted considerable attention and favorable comment as being one of the most up to date delivery wagons yet seen on Elizabeth C!tv" streets. HIGHWAY EXPEfIT CONGRESSMAN SMALL WORKS TJWARD THE BUILDING OF THE CAROLINA SECTION OF THE ELIZABETH CITY NOR FOLK HIGHWAY Congressman John H. Small has made application to Dr. Logan W. Page. Chief of the office of Public Roads, and Rural Engineer of the Federal Department of Agricu'.ture, for the services of a Highway En gineer In connection with the pro posed highway from Elizabeth City t0 Moyock. This is part of Norfolk-Elizabeth City route. The highway expert will go the territory and recommend best- route to be followed and best materials to be used In the eon structlon of the highway. the over the the To Masonic Orphanage ROBERT J. BENDER tl'nlted Press Staff Correspondent I Washington. March -Insult was added to previous injuiies from the hands of German submarines when the American steamer. Henldton. waa torpedoed in the North Sea Wednesday morning. The list of American dead is growing. Wilson and Lansing are both con vinced that Germany's present course mere'y hastens actual war fare, which now regarded by every body as unavoidable. The Healdton was a Standard Oil tanker bound for Rotterdam. and was torpedoed without warning with loss of twenty or more men. PROSPECTS GODD WILL ATTEND CONFERENCE Rev. J. H. Warren nuptor of Pearl street Methodist church will Monday for Baltimore to attend the annual session of the Baltimore Con ference of the Methodist church. MASQUERADE PARTY TONIGHT John Henry Tunridge, a little fel low a' out eight years old. was sen!, to the Masonic orphanage at Oxford today by Elizabeth City Masons. Mr. W. P. Knowles put him In charge of the Norfolk Southern con ductor on the South hound train. He will reach Raleigh tonight and will be met by Rev. C. A. Ashby who will care for him for the night and send him on to Oxford Satur day . This is the fifth cbi'd admitted to the Masonic Orphanage from Ellza .h Citv within the past twelve months says Mr Knowle nnd none of them have been children of Mason. FOB POPES MANAGER OF CAROLINA POTATO EXCHANGE BELIEVES THAT 1917 CROP WILL BE HANDLED WELL AND WILL BREAK RECORD The W. W. Clas, of rtlac'iwell Memorial Sunday 'School, Miss Bos sle Mofgnn, tocher, will give a mastjurif'rV party tonight in the basement. The public iH cor dially Invited. An admission fee of five cents will be charged. WEATHER OR NO There are two Institutions every married man must maintain to. be happy: his wife and alienee. Rain and warmer tonight. Satur day partly. Cloudy- I WILL PREACH MASONIC SERMON Rev. .T W. I'a'ton, Grand Mason Ic Lecturer .will preach a Masonic sermon Blnekwe'l Mpmlrlal church Sundav afternoon at three o'olock. All ure cordially Invited to attend. ' ' Rev. w. A. Plland hag returned to hia home in Goldsboro after, ft isit to friends here.' Mr. Howard N Smith of the Divis ion of Markets at Raleigh returned home today after a trip to Eliza beth City and surrounding terri- i tory in preparation for the four n.onth'H potato season, during which 1 time Mr. Smith will be h'-re as manager of the Carolina Potato Kx I change with ofHee,H In the Kramer j Building. I Mr. Smith will arrive and begin work the first of May. "The work ' !i 'un last yenr by the Division yf I P allets will be perfect d thi-t ( voir." says Mr. Smith, for the li.n ; vU- of potato growers j pr .-poets are benutlfui," b ad del enthusiastically. "There Is too I riuieli at. stake in the hi:; Kn tnni North Carolina potato crojf lo allow it 10 be hand'ed lgnnrantly or un wiselv. and wo believe this season w.iil urprv k all other seaso s in actual proflt;. "Speadlnrc of Currituck. that's po tato land." said Mr Smith, "and 1 tell you, Currituck people know it. They will part with" their money, but never with their land, under any Inducement. t And they are Tonight at the New Theatre. Mba Clara Klmtall Young wll la seen tn a thoroughly entertaining picture-play entitled "The Badge of Shame". Thl, picture has ten filmed with the stage p'ay bearing the title of "The Yellow Passport and it gives Miss Young one of the moat tcintilating roles of her ca reer. She portraya the character of a beautiful young Russian girl who U forced to secure the yellow passport that is given to women of the streets in Russia to enable them to travel anywhere they wish In -that country. The girl has to get this passport In order to get out of the country and escape the persecution heaped upon her and her family. But the stigma of the Badge of Shame ft Tows her to America and when she is about to be happily tna'ried to a young American It becomes known that mi" had ths passport und for n time it appears 1'iat the marriage wl'l never take place. But the girls unele comes to her u'd at ! the crucial moment and makes It j pos1b for her to i-vrrv 'he young man after all. MPs Clara Kim ball Yoitl" ta. es the pirt of t'le youn-r girl and she plays it to per fection. Aiding her Is a particu larly capable cant Including a nura her of very well known film play ers. The scenes shown In the production are notable for their beauty. Miss Young wears a num ber of very beautiful gowns. The play ls filled to the brim with ex citing and tense situations and the interest is sustained and constant, from the first flash of the first reel to the lust flash of the last reel. It Is a glowing, thrilling, ro mance that will charm and deli.:ht everyone who sees it. Saturday',, show is always a gooi one. and this week it is a Gold Rooster play featuring Florence Reed. The title is "New Yerk" and the story is dramatic one of patrl ' Ian and chorus girl. FIRST MlTHODirr CHURCH The Sunday School la showing a marked increase ln attendance and now that Spring baa come ia ex pected to go Btfiadily forward. Erfry member la urged to be pr&ent Sunday morning. At eleyen o'clock the paator will preach on "Christ and the Children" and all the parents of the congrega tion are particularly Invited. At 7:30 the theme will be "The Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the World. The Epworth League met at 6:45 and will be In charge of Mr. Leigh Sheep who will present a matter of special Interest to eyery member of the League. 8ERVICE8 AT CITY ROAD CfHJRCH The pastor. Rev. C. B. Culbreth will occupy his pulpit both Sunday morning and evening. The aub ject for the morning will Le "The Forward Movement of the Church" The subject for the evening will be "The Lord's Tenth". The Sunday School will meet at 9 "0 with Mr. C. It. Pugh as sup erintendent . The Epwor h League will meet at ':3(t. The Evangelb'tic Commi te will p'ease meet for a f-'w minutPs just nfter preaching Sunday morning. The public Is Invited to attend these services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Marguerite Clark In Siiks and Satins right about It Marguerite Clark, decidedly the most popular and versatile actress who ever graced the moving picture screen, will be at the Alkrama to night in "Silks and Satins.' This picture, ls claimed by herself and admtrerg to be her most charming production. Marguerite Clark is noted for her innocent and childlike unsophis ticatlon, and this most prominent delineation of her character is truly exemplified in the role she acts tonight. Mr. Kramer especially tiroes that the children be a'lowed to see this picture as it will surely impress upon them a good, sound, and pleas Ing memory of this charming little character and her ways of making others happy. Also the Shielding Shadow and The Lass of Hie l.utnberhinds will be screened . Another S lal Picture for Child ren. ".Bine of the Mountains" will be shown at the matineo Saturday; also. Mustv Suffer. These pictures were'd entirely for the Child reus benefit. , Siif.nday niijht Norma Tiilina e wi". b se.'ii in "The Social Sece pry," a triangle 1cture which fen lures Ibis celebrated nctrfsB In all. of her charming nnd fascinating cha r ai teri- t les . Also a two part be stone corned v French Inflict Stinging Blows (By 1'r.Ited Press I Pails March M The Fiene'i rn der (e neral Neville are In 1" ie'In stinging blows on the . Ci' tiicns. north of SoissotiH and Rtlmos with heavy cost to the enemy. Dr. II. C llenlng will n-cupy the pulpit at both service,, Sunday, preaching at eleven o'c'ock fronj the subject "Good in Evil", the com pan Ion sermon of "I'.vil In Good." At seven thirty his subject will be Uecogtiitl n of Friends in Heaven" in the series on the doctrine of last things. All are cordially Invited. PEARL STREET METHODIST CHURCH The pastor. Rev. .1. H. Warren, wl'l preach at eleven o'clcok . Sun day school will be he'd at ten o'clock. Mr. E. B C.rlflin. superin tendent. Epworth Lengue meets at seven o'clock. At 7:30 Rev .1. M. Chappell of Washington will preach BLACKWELL MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. S. N. Hurst of South Mills will preach Sunday morning. Rev D. P. Harris of this city will fill the pulpit Sunday night. Baptist Young People,, Unions meet at 6.30. BOY SCOUTS INVITED TO SEE "LIBERTY" The New Theatre has Invited the Boy Scouts to see their new serial. "Liberty", throughout its entire story. Scoutmaster Eord wll! dis tribute the passes upon application to him. EPWORTH METHODIST CHURCH Next Sunday afternoon at three o'c'ock the pastor, Rev. C. B. Cul broth, will preach at Epworth church . He would life to see all mem hers of the church present and to tends a cordial Invitation to wor all the people of the community ex ship there. AT MOUNT HERMON SCHOOL "Played and Lost", or "Thirty Thousand Dollars," will he given at Mt Hermon school Friday nl'ht, M.-ir- h ::oih for the I eneflt of the 'bo!. Refreshments will be erved alter the play arid the pub li' is cordlallv Invited. . Mrs. W. W. Grimn has returned from a visit to her .daughter . la Denver, Colorado, j 1 ' ; ' THEATRE TRAIN TO NORFOLK Tht Norfolk Soul t ern announces a special 'Theatre taln to Norfolk on Wednesday. March L'Slh, for the convenience of theatre goers wishing to see 'Experience" at the Colonial. The train leaves Elizabeth City at f:15 and return Ing'leives Norfolk at 11 :59 stopping at Intermediate stations. WANTED'--' La3y atenographer. Muat know ahorthana. ' Apply - In person at Auto' L das Engine Wk. IH EE roe fisi EltlL; THOE N CURRITUCK SOUND FOR LAST TWO YEARS HAVZ NOT MADE ENONGH - TO PAY GASOLINE PILLS .. ' , Waterlflly, N. C. Marcn IS Tta Farmer of thla section are ahowkj some little uneasiness, about th a frequent visits of heavy ralna, a many of the tmcljeri hay selected low land for elr Irian.1 potatoes. toer tfar that ao-muchrwet weatta whi not have any good effect I oa them. Moat of the Dlantare hava finished their planting la thla par ticular line. ' . V . The .fishermen here are vert much discouraged at not ', having caught, practlcaPy, any .. ipring catch. This makes two lmost blank seasons for thla point. 1 The fishermen, have not been " able ' to make a catch, part of the time,' suf ficient to pay for the gasoline con sumou In running their motor --w. luojr. ai wmung . very anxiously to know what action, the War Department, at Washington, are ,ntig to take on the matter ftf having the locks, on the canaL operated as before. The fishermen petitioned to that Department some time ago. for that purpoae, but have not had any definite information as to what the Dept. would t flo. This has come to a pqlnt where, a lot of our people on the coaat are deeply concerned, as they depend entirely on the sound for the . sup port of them and their families. It i -very evident that such quantities of -salt water emptied ln Currituck Sound Is largely responsibl V' for such a vast decrease in this , .indus try. Many of the game hunters also believe that it will eventually destroy the great beds - 'of v; duck food growing In this 'sound, 7 Which 10 u v-n nuini iur 1 in aiETWCUUn 01 - millions of wild ducks each tea, son We are trusting that some step will be taken to prevent this destructive p'rocess, sometime In the, near future. . i - MisH Ella Perry spent the- weak end with her brother, at Cedar drove Farm ;v . Miss Estelle Hampton, who la attending school at Pbpjar Branch, spent the week with her brother! Arthur Hampton of this place. ' Mr. Lloyd Roxey of Noroik was ' In our midst this week attending to business. -'i ; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Curies art in Norfolk, to wbjch city they cpn template moving soon. "; We congratulate Mr. and Mrt Arthur W. Hampton; It's SM, iiiSjliii!rii GIRLS AND WOMEN BETWEEN. FIFTEEN AND FIFTY F0RC ED INTO THE INTERIOR " Of -GERMANY TO WORK WILLIAM PHILIP SIMM8 ' (United Press staff Correspondent Willi llrtHuh lllnM fMK 23 -Not only did the Germans sweep from the part of France ""cov ered In their retreat all homes, Bup. plies and roads, but in many cases even her womanhood. In some districts all women be-' I ween lift een and fifty wero forced' into the Interior of fiermany, and all the inhabitants left behind Wre given the understanding that the had to work for Germany. At Roue T of - 1 ... m. i 1 I .1.1. i-'uuiii i,ei ioi:r nunureu . fins .....i .1..! IV. uiei "iiiim-ii weir llltveil 1U1U IUV Interior work. When asked Why,' -the refugees shrugged their' shoiiirjers The new German llne'H extraordinarily strong, about A IP lb) vide eountim: the supporting ". Unei and conimunl ;u:ng trenches, v- M1ss Hulah Bowden and "- Mjrs. S. C. Newbold are attending ; the Woman's Missionary 'Union . at Qiensboro as delogatee irom the Missionary Society of Dlackwell Me morial church, ' .

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