News Without Bias , . v Views Without , Prejudice..; Sy S City- The Only Democrc , v , Newspaper VOL.2 ELIZABETH CrTY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 24. 1917 SIMS FOR GUARD DUTY THE MASSACHUSETTS REGI MENTS HAVE ALREADY BEEN CALLED INTO ACTIVE SERVICE AND OTHERS WILL BE GIVEN SIMILAR DUTIES Washington, March 24 Two regi ment! of Massachusetts militia will be called at once Into service to guard the fort and the. river ship, building work, at Qulncy and other plants in the Bay State under arrangments between Secre tay of War Baker and Governor McCall. The militia will guard government arsenals, munition plants, and especially shipyards where Government construction is under way. While the Department refused to gay -whether similar plans would be made fur the militia 'of other etates it Is plainly indicated that the National Guard in other slates will be used when necessary in de fense plans on lamd . Dispatches fryom Portland, Oregan '. hundred a jiy. but no nothable in . '!brUlgea acss the Columbia and i , 'Willianytfte rivers 'have been plac undejr the uard of the Slate mill ':. y"rfa today. - f j RECRUITING INCREASES ' f While the number of recruits en- listing at the army and navy re cruiting stations ha Increased dur ing the past week. Indications aro that the country is not yet fully aroused to the imminence of war. The navv has gained an average of 117 men a day since the recruiting campaign started, but still needs ! nerly seventeen thousand. The army recruits number nearly two ' have just been received that the ' crease has been shown as a result L" of the international crisis. ARRANGING CAMP SITES ping for extensive camp sites like Plattsburg and several nitlllm dol lars will be spent in making the necessary preparations. Germany Will Declare War (By United Preasi Zurich, March 24 Seyeral German newspapers declare that ' Germany will declare war on the United States as soon as the first shot Is fired at a German submarine from an American gun. Progress Made Around Soissons Paris, March 24 The French forceg coptinued to advance today. Great improvement in French posi tions around Solssoms was made last nlht, the French progressing east of Canal St Quentin on the West bank of the Oise north of La-fere. Hi HEALDTOF HOT OVERT ACI GERMANS DECLARE THAT IT WAS NOT NECECSSry FOR VESS'L TO TRAVERSE BAR RED ZONE (By United Press) Merlin. .March 24--Gei many can not. see why America should regard be sinking of the ..Upa'dten as an ov it act. That public opinion is agreed (m this point Is the express ed opinion of the German newspaper Mittag. which, while admitting the possibility that American sentiment of Germany would le made more hostile by the vessel's destruction, said that it was unnecessary tbt tbp Hea'.dton should traverse the barred zone. Editors note Survivors of the Healdton sav that the vessel was actually in tne path of safety pre scribed by Germany when she was struck. It is predicted that Ger many will deny this claim. VIILOCK CALLED 11 FROI E II BELGIAN RELIEF WORK GIVEN UP BY THIS GOVERNMENT. AC TIVITIES TRANSFERRED TO HOLLLAf.'D (By United Pressl Washington. March 24 Mrand Whit'ock has been withdrawn as minister to Belgium, the State De partment has announced . This government has also with drawn from the Belgian Relief work and has transferred itH activities to Holland. Whitlock's withdrawal is taken as a fore-runner of real war. For some time the State Department has been debating the advisability of giving up relief work and the recent destruction of sev eral relief ships has discouraged further efforts. The State Department dec'ared that Germany's past conduct, has caused this government not to "feel -warranted In accepting the respon sibility for leaving American Relief workers in German occupied terri tory." The enormous task -of feed ing seven thousand Belgian has been one long f'rht against German restrictions, stubbornes8 and interference. TORtfADO sweeps SOUTH INDIANA AND THIRTY-FOUR ARE DEAD IN tlTY OF NEW ALBANY ALONE WHILE PROPERTY LOSS AG GREGATES MILLIONS (By United Pressl New Albany, Ind. March 24 Thir ty fou bodies were recovered early today from the ruins o" the tornado which' swept the city destroying Lthree hundred homes and leaving a thousand persons homeless. The devastated area Includes one third of the city, and is a half mile wide mid two mil"s long Jhc search for b)dies still continues and the city Is now under martial law; Wild scenes followed the storm. Women and children ran through the streets hysterically searching for lost relatives, while men fought the raging flames. Theloss is estimated at no less than two million dollars. Thirty nine are known dead, nearly one hundred and f fifty are injured In the entire path of I he storm which traversed Southern Indiana. CAS COMPANY HAS NEW AUO DELIVERY TheGas company hm a new auto ! heuas ( mv lolnery tnk. ft" "We are prepared" s-iy8 Mr. SMI lin".s to give Elba'e'h fty people prompt, and rflitient service. If you otder your pas range now with in an hour's limo you can have It Installed and connected." WANTED to t M? "' second :; hand VnrA In rood rnnnln nrdei If own- r will take fair price. . . ' Vi AT MOUNT HERMON SCHOOL "Played and lsi". or "Thirty Thousand Dnl'ars." will he given at Mt . Hermop school Fr'idny nisht. Marrh 30th for the benefit or he school. ' Refreshments will bo served aft'T- the pl-y and the pub lif is cordiallv invited. WILL GIVE SILVER TEA The Ladles of tl'e Presbyterian Aid Society will give, a Silver Tea on Tuesday afternoon from 3;30 to 5:30 at the residency of Mrs. G. W. Ward on West Main street.' A , verjr'cordlal invitation ls ex tended to friends of 'all denomina tion! and a de'lghtful afternfion Is assurreol all those who attend." I! ' LEAGUE ISORGMIIZE HERTFORD WOMEN IN ENTHUS IASTIC MEETING LAY PLANS FOR WELFARE WORK IN PRO GRESSIVE CITY ON PERQUIMANS Hertford, March 23 A well atten ded and enthusiasm meeting of the women of Hert ford was held in the audi torium of the graded school on Thursday afternoon, for- the pur pose of discussing the organization of a Patrons League. The Rev. W. H. Carter and L. R. Crawford Sup't of Schools, outlined the need of such a league and the great field open for sulh work In a progressve town like Hertford. The Rev. R. M. Ormand oulined the plans of organisation, embracing practically all of the activities and the meeting voted for Immediate or ganization. The plan will cover general re'ief work which Is al ready organized and working under the Ladies Circles, educational work which will include the home and the school, and prevention, relating to health and sanitation. The main organization I ehind the branches wi'l act as a Welfare Com mission, and the following officers were e'eited: President, Mrs. W. H. Carter,; Becrefnry. Miss Mae Woorf Winslow; Treasurer. Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood. An Executive Com mittee, to perfect plans of organi zation, draw up a constitution and nominate officers for the branch ac tivities, was elected as follows: Irs R. W. Smith. Mrs. H. Shannon house. Mrs. George E. Major, Mrs C. w. MorRrfh, and Mrs. T. R. Langston. A. publicity committee was also appointed to enroll membeis. It consists of: Mrs. W. L. F. Tlabh, Mrs. P. H Small. Mrs. W. S. Ttlanchai (I. Mrs. Charles Johnson and MrH. .Tames Shannonhouse . The next meeting wl'I be held on Tuesday, March 27th. when the plans for organization should be complete. fS'.' To Night At New Theatre Saturday show Is always a good one, and this week It is a Gold Rooster play " featuring Florence Reed. The title is "New York" and the story ig a dramatic one of patri clan and chorus girl. Tonight's Show t Alkrama Paving Streets In Hertford Hertford, March 24 Preliminary lines and surveyg are now being made in Hertford with a view of paving the streets from the Norfolk Southern Depot to the point where the bridges cross the river. Clean-up Week At Belvidere Helvldere. N. C. March 21-Mrs. Robert Welch, Assistant Couty Superintendent, visited the school here last Friday. The students and teaihersof I!el vlder academy took Mond.iy and Tuesday for genuine Clean Up Days The whole campaign was swept and all the trash hauled away and burned. A tennis court was laid off also a tract one eighth of a mile In circumference. The seudentg are now getting ready for the County Commence ment to be held in Hertford on the 29th. -T"UT3" On Thursday the 21!nd all the Be! vldere White schools oT Helvldere township will meet here for the preliminary contest. A pbn. "Home Ties" will be giv en bv the Center Mill talent, on Frl day nlcht in the school autditopiutii of thi place. Mr. Tim .le-'sup and mother vi Ited relatives of Tyner last Sunday Mr. and Mri;. John l.asniter of Cornp'ak, X. C. visited their daugh tor Mr;. I. A. Ward of this p'ace last Saturday and Sunday. Misc, Lillie Mao Raiford spent Wednesday in Elizabeth City shop ping. Mr.. David Rogerson , at ., Norfolk, Yajis risking jils parents Mr," and MrsI J. .. Jf. A ,' Rogentori .1. " ' Mr Hugh White and sister, Hollo Saturday night Norma Talmae wl;i be seen in "The Social Sece tiry," a triangle picture which fea tures this celebrated actress in all of her charming und fascinating characteristics. Also a two part keystone comedy Madame Petrova iu -Kxtrava gance" is the big; feature for Mon day, matinee kind night. The lav ish beauty of tho s'ar and her cos tumes are in accord with the name, of the picture, und the beauty of the scenes Is indis ribable . A!s0 on Monday will be seen Kr.ui els Husham and loverly Hay tie i'.i -The Great Secret". BOOTH TARKINGTON'8 PENROD Hate you erer. read any of thoaa corking Penrod atorieg Iji C)tmo plliUn BlagaiineT Booth Tarklng ton la tho author and- they are n regular feature In Cosmopolitan, America Y greatest magatine. For April Mr. Tarkington contHbutes one of the best real boy atorles one of those stories which will car ry you back to the days when you were a boy yourself from that time when you first began to think that "pigtaisl" wern't so awfully bad after all. "Sam's Bau" that's tr namo of this clever little boy story it surely is a corker. Don't ml8 this story for it means heaps of fun for you from start to finish. Young Tolstoy In Vaudeville IS? NEWS FROM AMSTERDAM CLAIMS THAT SOCIALIST AF.2 DEEPLY 8IRRREO IN 'GERM A NY BY RUSSIAN REVOLUTION , Amsterdam .March 24 Thursday's debate in the German Reichstag was featured by bitter' attacks On the Kaiser and Chancellor Holwag as the originators of the war; ( and also by a Socialist demonstration lauding the Russians for -the over throw of the Russian autocracy, , , Attention Called To Rest Rooms The Civic Leai-i.e lias reeei-.t'v hung in a number of public places throughout the city neat and attrac tlve sisns calling attention to the Rest Rooms provided for the rest and comfort of out of town shoppers and visitors. -Th"nt room9 are located on tho second floor of the Hlnton Hulld ing. two doors from the elevator and are kept up by merchants, banks city aldermen and profe sional men with the co-operation of the Civic League. It Is veiy much hoped that visi tors will avail themselves of this opportunity for rest on busy shop ping days. They ate Invited to eat their lunch there and to make these rooms a real resting place. Packages will be delivered there from any of the stores and every effort will be made to make the rest rooms a convenient, stopping place. San Francisc , March 23-' Count LJ'ya Tolstoy, son of the late Count Leo Tolstov Is scheduled to ! bo,'ln a tryjut in vaudeville heie 'day after to-morrow t I if he is more of a success In this j than he was in his attempt to I make a speech at Columbia Cniver . slty, he will receive one thousand j do'lars a wvek for forty weeks on i the circuit. He will have a tryont j of one week to see how he "takes" j with the vaudeville patrons. The row the Count had with Dr. Hurler ' of Columl ia over his socialistic ar gument, whkh respited In his b'- in'j forbidden to appear at Colum bia. Is what got him the vaudeville engagement . Live Little Locals Many Minor Matters V Merely Mentioned Hertford Ready For Edenton Hertford. X. C . March 24 The Hertford end of the State High School debates to be held on March 30th will be conducted by the school Literary Society, Herman Jenkins, Presiding and Hannah Mae Fleet wood acting as Secretary. The Hertford High School, represented by Silas M. Whedbee and Louise C. WHIIford wl'I present the affirmative side of the ari;umont, while tho Edenton High School represented by Roy Spry and Jessie Hedrfck will take the negative. The Judges for the contest will be Dr. T. S McMullan. Chairman. Hev. W. H. Carter, and Rev. R. M. Ormand. Enthusiasm In School Work I'nusual interest Is manifest in de bating at Hih School this yeir and tho Inter hib school debate with Hertford next Friday night is looked forward to with much en thusiasm . Competition for prizes at the close of school Is also keen. The I) A R nieda1 Is offered this year for the best paper on Sir Walter Raleigh. In addition to this, the First Na tional Bank ha offered rizeg of J5 and $2 for the test "Story of the "First Coins Issued ,y the United States." The Junlorg and Seniors are re hearsing their play to be given ear ly In May. It Is the hrluht little college play. "Trial of Hearts" with a cast of twenty four. Mlsse.j Lena Barnard, Bertha San ' derlln. Slyyl Barnard, Elva" Willis, Mrs. C. S. Forbes, Mrs. I S, Bar' nard. Mrs. T. B. Godfrey, Ml, and Mrs. J. C. Wright, Mrs. J.'XH. Godfrey. Mrs. J. B. SanderlJflT Mr Louis Gregory, and Mr. B. S 3. Davis came up from Arneuse Creek; on the gas boat, Inez Friday shop' ping. Miss KHa Willis passed through thv (Ity Friday on her way to her home In Manteo, after a visit . to hr cousin, Miss Lena Cani.lcn county . 4 . Miss Mattle Per'y has returned from Mamie, In CurrltucV County,, where she bag Just finished teach4 ing this year's session. She htt; us her guest, her aasistant teacher,.', ' Miss Silersori of Roper. ' r ,T Will Teach in Summer School Miss Catherine AH oil son has ac cepted a position as as teacher of History iu the Summer School at tho A. & E. College at .. RaleLh for this summer and will also he in charge of the Employment liureiu there. NEW MOTION -PICTURE THEATRE OPENS SOON I Lit ford. N. C March ': The new proving picture theatre wi'l fle ready to open nliout tho first week In April. Extensive repairs. , Including all the plumbing, water lines and r:hiI tliry arrangements ip the llertfoi I Gradcl School have lr'M complete I Societies Give Irish Programs Hurry G. Kramer, cashier of thi SavingH Bank und Trust Company, I , returned Friday from a busineii trip to Norfolk. 1 , i Attorney W 1 Halstoad of South MIHb wa8 in he city Friday Ott ,. business. V' EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETS The Epworth League of Road Methodist church will meet Sunday evening at 6:30. Mr W. '.'iv, '.. F.. Midgett will conduct the service and has an interesting program.' ' The subject Is "David Livingstone. , The public is cordially invited. EPWORTH METHODIST CHURCH. A Next Sunday afternoon at thret , o'c'ock the pastor, Rev. C. B." Clit' J lireth. will preach at EpworthV i. , church . 1 DOUBLING CAPACITY OF ' ' I TAILORING DEPARTMENT i ;t Mr. (). F. Gilbert is hastily dOU bllng the capacity of the tailoring department and suit department tot ladles at Mitchell's Department Store to accomodate his Spring bttv tlllCHS. ' The tailoring department, for tlfe making of ladies garments, was put ' In lust fall, the first in the city, and one of the few lM the State and uiau proved very popular. W. I !fc Thi! Junior and Senior Literary Societies gave very delightful Irish this week on Thursday and Friday. St. Patrick was In videtice in song, and readings and essays, and tho programs wcro greatly enjoyed. 1 TO THE VOTERS OF FIRST WARD will preach masonic sermon FOR HKNT: ResidoiM e No. 2IK North Itiiul street. All conven iences. Apply C. E. Kramer. 2'. East Ala In street. mar 24 2fi 117 opent Friday uftemoon in Hertford. Z Electric lights -are- now' being f In stalled in the school lultdlng.t j. ) ' BoltMoro celebrates ' a 'Spring Clean T'p Pny. " K' v . J. W. I'atton, (ir;,nd Mason Lecturer, will preach a Masonic 'icrnoii at lilnkwo'l church Sunday afternoon at ' three o'clock. Ail are cordially invited 'o attend. WANTED To Kry tn easy terms second "hand typewriter in good con dltion at a bargain. 5 ? -i, WEATHER OR HO r t Fair, cottier torllght, pr6bably light frot. Sunday fair, ; ' I hereliy annoirnce myself a can dldito for Alderman from He First Ward, subjoct to tho aXlon of the Democratic, Primary, April 12th. Your support will he appreciated. Respectfully, .1. B. FEIIEBEE. - TO VOTERS OF 3RD WARD T t,ereby announce tmsolf as si candidate fir reelection to the Board of Aldermen from the third : Ward In the Primary April 12th, If elected I wlU strive in the future aa ; J have ln the past to serve the people1 to the best, of my ability, Tour vote ; and, supnort 'l will , be ap- ..1.C nro.'ln tod . . , A"." ' r , .. . . '-V . i Itespectfully, C. C r .rr 4,'

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