Views iVithout Prejudice" ' 4 City VOL.' 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, YEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 23, 1917 NO. 'iso;; ;i5i rsiiflw ms ill - . ,4 AT NA-tTHINK ..MEW . .CONGRESSMEN ' TIONAL"'"' CAPITAL4, " ! - THA ONLY BY, UCH COURSE , rCAW PRESIDENT .' BEL CERTAIN BP SP! r aSS ". , a fcF WANTS' 'it I-' ,' Bjt ROBERT J. BENDER-''. ' (United, Press - Staff, Correspondent) WHlngton,.Mrch'7- Tnst,"th'e Resident most ; posttlTe and spe- : clflc If he getewbat be wahta'troin Congress 1a the lmpreaslqn-of forty .per cent of to new Congressmen now presentBere.l;' They say that - Wilson, shows a position t be tini Idly . suggestive and that . . such ? a coarse on hlg part ', may mean dlsai- ' trona' delay in patting through his real program. Apparently now the temper? of Congress'taTors", leader '.whV-will give definite 'reasons ' for "the extraordinary session. ' There., is evidence that some , of ',v Mthe western members . hare (come , trom the 'fojks back home ' with their. war ardor 'slightly cooled. ' Sloat of them admit that they will follow the President's lead, provld- doesn't 'mince word, or speak egneralltles. , A ) v Interest in the stand of.' Senator Stone of the Foreign Relations Com tnittee is lceen It is reported that he fa ready to fight additional war fnoTes against German. v ' :. Meantime, the President , Is whip ping' the looked for'meaasje into shape. It 1, stated, that this' will he the longest address he has ' yet inade to the Congress and that te will srecommend the Immediate pas- vage Of the legislation. that was. ' lost In the ruck g,;tft'. preceding ' tongerss jexplred." . ? t. , '- t .v; )ed. be ''Tanks" Used To Take Town By WILLIAM PHILIPSMM3 ' -(United Preae. Staff , Correspondent) With th," British Armies,' March 28 For the, first time since the be ginning of he fighting In " Belgium armored carB supported by cavalry attacked ytown today wtth entire success. ; The German garristo at Rnvdllna wal 'nrent into a '' - Well layed jtrap the German's )jnnkns; little" jeslslance'as they" ' were" not Prepared against such an attack hat were expectingvonly adrancee skir mishes, Boyelles is now held bby a strong riylh fo V CAH COPE KITH GERL1MI REFUGEES r- n p r - r i" 4 L M U ll '. i a y 5 To Night At : New Theatre A Hrat lamattmt bij tl Coumuir NO MILITARY. MOVEMENT OF GERMANS IN MEXICO NOW THREATENING .ANYTHING MORE SERIOUS THAN BORDER RAID8 "V - '"-'. : IDA WU E- onemiiziiii v ,y THE MENACE , OF, , GERMAN J DRIVE IS HASTENING THE ' PROCESS ACCORDING TO AD VICES FROM PETROGRAD j-. By j United Pre v Petrojttid, March 28 Thfiy' mefl gce oLrlhe German drlveinto Rus sia is accelerating 'the re-organiza - tlon of Democratic Russia. ' The greatest energy is apparent X the war office, y 'Troops at the "front have been apprised of the reasons of the revolution and J of ,tlans fpr the future. A system lzed distribution of food supplies has been affected which is relieving Tor JaoEciRta da '.. the jhortage that as so keenly felt in some dMricts before the war. Amunitlon oredrs p'aced Jn the tanked States are als0 being speeded up. J. Washington;! March, 28 Wlile reallxipg the possibilities of trou ble as a result of ' the gkthering Germans In Mexico, the Government believes' that it is prepares to cope with -the situation. Reports show thai Germans in considerable num ber are felling to Mexico, possi bly fearing that they will be herd ed in Internment camps If they remain in this country. Border raid)) will be .guarded against: hot o 'tar military move .against ' the Tinned States from the .Mexican border W of , sufficient scope ,to cauie serious worry. " The fear of4 munition plant plots, fostered in Mexico, Is one reason why the militia have been p'aCed on police'' duty to guard such plants Offers Russia ' Separate Peace (By United Press) . London, March JS-Genejal Ne ville Is driving a wedge with sledge hammer blows, ihtp the German line north north of La Fere and Laon. The fighting is of open variety, cavalry and , armored forg ingahead and harassing the re treating Germans. A rumor reach ed here bv way of FTofand todsf that Germany had offered ' seoerate peace to Russia suggesting the au tonomy. 6f Poland and the interna tionaHaztion of Constantinople as a hasl of agreement. Diabetes is Kaiser's Malady (By United Presg Berne, March 28- The Kaiser's malady, on" account of which he is now at Hamburg for treatment, is h mild form of d)abetes-' accord In f to wireless dispatches ; received here today. His, physicians are eaid to have giveri, aBSuranc that j with careful treatment they.? can core the disease. ' It is admitted,; CJf,, 4ontc Cffr however, that worry '-Is ' retardinj .OlUUClllO VllCl the Emperdr's recovery.' H Scatter German Propaganda (By United Prensl Washington, March 28 German propaganda In New York Congres sional districts lg being distributed at" German Lutheran churches', with reuqest that letters regarding it be sent Congressmen. At least one member has received a batch of these letters already. But on the other hand he- has another batch from Gemans not in sympathy with the movement and pledging sup port to Wilson. NeWllegimenfs Called to Colors ft'!: "V k' (By Untted , Press) I ' Washington,;-- March 28 The PlrSt J West Virginia the 71th 1 New; York, 2nd. Connecticut1 and - 2nd New ' Je 'sey Infantry regiments of theNa--tinnal Guard were ordered Into Fed 4 Service today. . ' ' , c -, .. ... , Services to U. S. -y United Preesi University, Va., March 28 Ad vanced chemistry .students of - ' the University of Virginia today placed' themselves at the disposal of the Government. EATER FLOWERSf . GOOD A8 tORTMENT LEAVE YOUR OR DER AT THE , APOTHECARY 6H0P ' i mar 23 29 30 ti . - V - ; r-v,'..V'U.' t ' -.'''' :v-';V;----- v ; , H . . v .-"''! - : ' ---- ' - - f " ' ' Our forefathara, established the must , produca,hIa own meat and nobla custom of tetttaf , oart" a w.ft. ki one thia day la 4 autunB oa which to relura i ,jn find tso difficulty " In obtain; thank, to' the Lord' of tha . Harvestlng othof' necessary .auppUes,. for having ,btessecr them with tho ' H All tUM things- make a subsUn-,-klndly 'fruiUrof th: tarth.v ttJal increase In bur' food and feed -A ' truettnteretatloa' )t : thicP' 8nu'to elt. Thanksgiving spirtt wmprehenda ,0".- ,, , , ' ' v ' reasonable efforts on , oiir" part ; o t Jtow, therefore, I, Thomas ; Walter Insure celestial twenty", ! Th cpn-Bickett, Governor of North Carolina, ditlons '-which how ' confront 'ua do hereby. designate and set (rpart appeal . for ictivUy- baour part; wiV 4r ' .V: , 1 . - : peculiar and CoWlmg power.: . THURSDAY. THE . FIFTH DAY OF '. ' .': S. -r lt-; VAPRIL..1917 AS" PLANTING DAY K U The world war has drawn to' ."'"x.. T . j , y the battle Une .-miriona. of ' Show and on that day I earnestly urges who in times' of peace "went forth - U to sow 'China and tha United J- All mayors of incorporated States art about to swe'l the', la-: towns to call the peop e together gions who light and must be 'fed, fvahd devUe and nut , into execution ' ; ., practical wayi and taeans of hav- 2. From tne ioum ine oou ,wmu; i - , , y v ing every vac and adja I. marching on Worth, CsroUn.JVl to tn. o;n p,anted to grtln or of .counsel increase criDS ana smoae nu. pet or potatoes. sure and safe defense against itW '';. a. . - .-4 2. All farmer's organizations coming or mis. pest. ujr Yrj . , - . hind to meet and State the destruction of eotton bT t . . ... - . -m i their members to heavily oy ine pou weeju,ns neon mw,.,. A , . 'i - '. . .v . 1 ... their food and feed crops this year, ed by the pafalytt of the farmer's credit. -Being, forewarned of the fJ. All landlords to insist that steady advance of 'thia, enemy and their tenants shall plant food and the certain conaequence of its' at feed crops ample for the sustenance tack. It will be' : colossal stnpidUy of their families and their livestock to fallvto meefr It wltn tne only. 4 AU merchants and bankers to weapons thatlhave proved eftectiVbr ,.1 their ' customers who are to Wit, broad ;acres of grasses &nd engaTe(i n farming to increase grains. ' i tn(j, acreafte planted to ' food and , .' ' 1 ' j . , 't ii feed crops to such an extent that 3. .The amended crop Jien law,1 1 . j '' . . . .1 ' i1 t, . will be unnecessary, for them to was framed . tAabutOsjlj...- . . . ' . ' k nurchase any food supplies next farmer a decent chance to escape iurv,'"rc ' from a credit system' that levies up-, jcar on the rlght to live and labor the The times are troublous. No heaviest tribute iropqsed upon a man can say what an hour may helpless people since' Augustus bring forth; but If we shall act Caesar issued his decree- that all with prudenec and diligence, the the' world' should be taxed. .But "meal will waste not nor will the' tne farmer who fails to Increase oil fall.'' his food and feed crops wTll deny at our clty 0f Ra'elgh, this to hlmse'f and. family the blessings the 16th day of March, in the year of the law, . The merchant will of our Lord one thousand, nine bun properly refuse make unlimited dred and seventeen, and ln the advances under the tew law, 'Long one nundred and" forty-Brst year of profits wiirW longer jtempt him to our American Independence, take long, chances., He will wise- T. W. BICKEET. ly and Justly insist that the farmer Governor. WOULD CHE IIElWPli RU1EIII PROPOSED BILL WOULD ADD NEW MEMBER TO PRESI DENT'S CABINET AND MAKE UNITED 8TAEES GREATE8T AEREAL POWER s (By Unlia Press) Washington, March 28 A seper- ate executive department of the Government isto he headed by an added member of the cabinet will be created to assume sole charge Of the country's aviation service If the bill which Representative Cald well wiy Introduce next week passes The plan proposed would make the United States the greates aeVlal , open power in, the world. A special opening will be announced, 1n a day or two. Ready to Wear Dept. Enlarged .The Ladle8 Ready to Wear De partment at Mitchell's lias recently been added to and greatly Improved. This important department is lo cated on the i,lg second floor. Six, monthg ? Mr. Gilbert starts a new ready to wear department in addition fo the large space given to this department on the ilrst floor and hlH business haB grown to such protwrtlons that he has found it necessary to make immediate changes which give this department now three times the former space, making It better to handle this cus tom ln a more satisfactory manneV Carpenters and . decorators have been worlelng day , and night to complete nls work and in a few days this new department will be an- Saturday Marks Formal Transfer ', Washington,'. March 28 The Dan ish West Indies will , be ' formerly taken over by . the '' United States Saturday '.when' -the Starsj and Stripes will be unfurled Over St. Thomas. . Simultaneously ' $25,000, 000.00 wlir be paid' the Danish Mia inter at Washington:.1 . Another electric machine has been ordered and Mitchells will be prepared to make skirts to order In a few hours, notice. Suits la two days. Mr. Gilbert's " idea Is al ways to give better 'service. adv WEATHER OR NO a. Fair, tonight ;with light;' frost, Thursday fair and warmer ' Beware of secret' tips; : A man can He Just as well In a whfsper as be can Out load," " Behind the Lines, 'the ; photo play yersion of Mary BJder'a thrin Ing atory, will he shown' at ' tha New Theatrt tonight, Introducing i typical cast of Bluebird 'slayers whjcbl meana- the best to be "seen on the screen . ' V " ' 1 Behind the Lines" U a mUltary drama, dealing with diplomatic - re lations with the United fiutes "and Mexico. It will be of unusual In terest at 'this time of. International tenseness, and complication, M and will appeal to young patriots ; and old. If there be of the latter class, which la perhaps' Impossible; sine patriotism kindles all hearts to perpetual, yortth. : v t. f ' On . Thursday matinee and nUht the Kllne-pdison " feature, kThe 8entimental Lady" wilt bo . seen, featuring Irene Fenwlck- PThe Sentimental .Lady". , la .a eharrolng sfory oit American life tn which, a yofbg attorney' champions the cahsiofa.young business worn an wlnnlni, her4 case and Incident tally tier hearnt It Is typically American with true Amerlcsn strength and vigor, and ' is a de lightful story from "start to, finish iin JllSASS'll LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF THAT COUNTY WILL HAVJE BENEFITS OF BUSINESS OR GANIZATION AND CO-OPERA . TION-OF SECRETARY PUGH Currituck's leading business men have entered heartily into the Bust ness Men's Credit Assocltlon, frrrn irtg a branch of the Elizabeth City Association in co-operation with Secretary C. R. Pugh. Mr. P. R. Trueblood has return ed to the city after a. very success' ful .canvass of the county. "Currituck Is progressive" says Mr. .trueblood. "In business, In schools and ln every up-to-date movement for progress- it Is & pleasure to know Currituck people. They respond so readily to a pro gressive movement. You talk to a Currituck business man for fif teen minutes and he frtes the merits of what you are presenting, If your case has merits. "As for .Currituck hospitality, it is extraordinary, and makes you feel ashamed ( of yourself." Followln? are the members of the Association enrolled from Cur rituck County J. P. Barnard. Shawboro; J. W.' Poyner. Flske and Charton, . C R Van de Carr Co., Moyock; W. L. Powers and Sons, Northwest; E R Johnson, Currituck; D. Llndsey, Manle; C. Barco, Barco; Hampton Bros., Waterlillv; 8. C. Grav, Corolla; A.B. Hampton, Aydlett; D. W. Woodhonse. Poplar Branch; Grandy Brown. W. B. Morrlsette Grandy; W. H. Oallop, T. L. Gar renton. Jarvlsburr; H. W. and W. W. Vew,ern Co., C. A. Brock. Powells Point. These members have adopted the Credit Guide as their rating book and will have all the privileges and benefits of the Buslneos Men's Credit Association: ncfn'-'Tn'i UtLU.JIllu MR. CURTIS WILL .SHOW TH f VALUC OV Tiiw -ri-r a TOR THURSDAY. MORNING C OR BLADE'S FARM i Mr. NY D. Curtis. Mlnacer " r Eastern North Carolina f or. ' Inter aational . Harvester . Company c : America; arrived In the . citv tL i morning t ' pot on : the UnJih r. -touches' fothebir tracUon ec.;:..' ploughing demonstration to ba t ' ! on the "turn of Dr. L,- 8 B'-adc 5, Thursday,' March 'lati as advertise! in mis paper pvei the sismatar i of Speheo A Hollowell. ? Local Re presentatives. ; ' '. T -' v .... v"The eyes of -nearly ha'f of tha civilUed". world.", "says Mr . Curt:;, are today focussed on the America a farmer; fooking to him for food, anl clothing. , . His resource will tt taxed to the fhlleet extent," and for thin ma unit " If Kahrwtwaa .ir.M I m lcanfarmer to take - advantage cf morj nown aevico ,iov increase pra ducUpn" tnoredr tolneet the eve? increasing demands Jt Is useless t aayhat' prjcflt will b hlher, for the law of supply inddemani al ways " fixes;' the ? pried Z " j : ; ' -' "The demonstration.. will la ft real big educational feat In modera farming, -as all questions .will t eheert ully ' an,d conscientiously a a wered. Every farmer should tt'.J advantage of thla free .demons;: i kion." ' ; , ' v .;;ij-rv--; , Tonight Show :At Alkram: Food Supply Overestiifited Amsterdam. March 28 The Ger man food dictator admitted ln the Kelchtag today that the amornt of food ln the territory under German control has been overestimated. In creased production Is impossible, he said, owing t0 the lack of laboi and difficulties od transportation. Dave Robertson , f'Strifces Out" J .Mr.: an Mrs', C."M, - 'Robinson of 701 Chamberlayne j avenue, Gin fer Park Richmond, 'have 'announ ced ' the J engagement of"! ' their Bessie Hsfrlscalewin he' seen la In' one bf Trlang'ea 'fipeclal .Dramas entitled "Honors AUarf'" i'A.' mars nterestlng,stiryYb5 ltrue,J. : deotloa and affection of a woman for ' her husband has rately been screened than' the one to be shown tdntgtt. In order to make you", laugh, A Mack 8waln Keystone Comedy, "HiB Auto Ruination,,", will foe run , for the sole' purpose , bt maklr.3 you feel in a "'good humor tor. a nice nteht'a rest! . , , At the Alkrama, Thursday .Vivian Martin will be seen In "Tho WaX Model". One of the ; Paramount! supreme efforts to product ' an' In comparable beautiful . J , plcturs around a wonderful etoryi ( VWan. Martin. haa been aeeq here ,many times before, ana i noted for her beauty and vl vaclousness of man nr. , ,? , Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Drew will also be there to give you; oo; laugh. " ''tV Owing to the unprecedented pop ularit of the1 Friday night 'feature, ; shows, The Alkrama has decided to ; give another big one for ' 4 Friday Matinee and night. .''','',' Lillian Clsh is the SUf ' Vandj well worthy of the, name Star. -All-the theatre goers will ' be, dellihtel to learn that this greatest , success "Diana of the Follies" wlUhe tho attraction.. ,In addition to thls.llyo part feature, there will be shown' . "The Shleldlnig Shadow" and 'The .. Lass of the Lumberlands." ' 5 , fi; Infant Son I)ead 1 -tV The infant son of Dr. and .fMra.V, F D. Owen died at the, home -on : North Road street Tuesday 5 nlgh, ; The little child was only a ; day -old, but seemed to be wolf and Dr Owen had started to Wilmington'' where he was on the program of the meeting of the Livestock Asso ciatlfn, when be was recalled by'' message announcing the baby'a death. ' ' - ' ' daughter Mlsg Elizabeth Robinson Akers to David Rofoortson, bettor known to his friends and . to the baseball fanB of the . country ' ., as Dave and Davy, r,r "iv ' 'I Mr.- "Robertson Is a graduate,, of the North Carolina State CoIIoko and has . ecelved his M . ' D. ' Tl)r-re Is some auction; ft is said, wbntb hs' wlli continue to ' play U-' next easou'or follow his t"