iun r li. I Ei-s Views .Without . Prejudice . - , jr .7. -., r,.-'..? , . - . Tl2 CJ.y d Newspaper Published in Elizabeth ; City 'f VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 29. 1917 NO. 73 mm 4 ; - . DY EASTER CITY. MANAGER .-URGES . EVERY ELIZABETH CITY !, CITIZEN TO COOPERATE ; FOR ' GOpD HEALTH AND CLEANLINESS t "A Clean Town by Easter" ii Elisabeth City', slogan now. City Manager Commander call .attention to the need ,of a Town .Spring Cleaning, wklch ihas been somewhat delayed by weather. He urges all E'isabeth City cltiiens to clean up their premises now, not merely that the town" may make a better appearance for the time be ing but to get tld of flles mo8r Qultotoes during the coming warm .months. Much more can be a ceo in pushed in this direction now' than by. waiting until the hot weather is actually here-. ( This Clean up Campaign should note be hindered by the warmth of Interest in the approaching election either, insists Mr. Commander, but every officer is urged to keep oh the Job and every citlsen Is "urged to co-operate in making Eisabeth City a clean town. Back alleys will he ' inspected carefully, also restaurants and cookshops, and proprietor must get busy and clean up without further - delay. Elisabeth City has for the past few yearg received much favorable comment on the neat appearance of her streets and under the City Manager plan of government great Improvements have been made in the matter of cleaning up vacant lots. Vigorous fighting of flies and mosqultoeB has had its effect in the nealth of the city, and 'last year when infantilef paralysis and typhoid fever raged in many towns, ElUa 1eth City reported comparatively few cases of sickness for the sum mer's .season. But City Manager Com mander is not satisfied and neither are Elizabeth City's progressive clt isens. That this -summer shall bring less sickenese and ' better ' health, and that Elizabeth City ehall fast become a flyless and mos quitoless town is the aim and to thig end the "CleaiTup by Easter" campaign is setting the ball ro'llng BOW sock' pins LIVELY S INCE WORK, HA8 BEGUN ON BOAT FOR 'VIRGINIA CAROLI NA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY The dock of the Virginia Carolina Transportation Company (presents an animated appearance since work has begun on the steel hul! pur chased Ity the company to be re built into a modern boat for use on the new line. Mr. R. 0. Wilson, the compa ny's engineer, has the work in charge and hi9 force of men are busily at work, for the first boat is to be in operation within sixty days and a second one a few weeks later giving E'izaheth City direct trans portation to Baltimore In time for the trucking season. Mr. Charles W. Harrison, Chair man of the Board of Directos of the Viglnla-Carolina Company, will ,e In the city sgtln this week to personally supervise the work of getting the new Mne in operation. Mr Harrison is an old Rliznbeth City boy who has "made good" and s with iinme-large number old friends who romem- ' ' ber him as "Charlie," and an in creasing number of 'new friends who are appreciative of his Interest "'in the development of Elizabeth City and Elizabeth City's truck and " trade territory. ' . ' Allies Advance Too Rapidly 0 Irujted Weaw . Loridon, March 29-Not only la the Franco-British " advance ' going too tut after the retreating Ger mans on the Western front to suit the Teutons militaristic plana, but rarest among the German peo ple la Increasing, according to dis patches from Holland'. Vere Americans Among Prisoners (By TJnltod- Press) Washington, March 29 It became known today that the United States Inquired through regular channels if any American citizens were among the prisoners recently taken into Germany on hoard the raider Moewj. Wants Peace Without Victory (By United Pressj Buenos Aires, March 5 (By Mail) General Carranza's proposal that the neutral countries cut off sup plies from the 'belligerent nations unless the latter make peace .terms has many supporters in offi cial circles here Wesley Classes At Rocky Mount -The Second Annual Convention of the Federation of Wesley Bible Classes will be held in the city of Rocky Mount on the 4th and 5th of April. i The Federation is 'under the aus pices of, the Annual Conference Methodists and incidenta ly should South, and is intended to promote the organization of Bible Classes for the study of the Bible. It is doing a great work among the Methodist, and Incidentally should tend to stimpulate renewed interest among other denominations, Each Bible Class In the Confer ence Is expected to send full dele gates, and a large crowd is ex pected to attend. An elegant program has been ar ranged and prominent speakers both lay and clerical will take part in the discussions. Also music will be a prominent feature of the meetings. Ample accommodations have been provided at the hotels and among the hotels of the city, at very reasonbale rates. The railroads have given special rates, and as Ftockky Mount is centrally located and accessible from all points of 'he compass a full attendance Is expected. t All delegates are requested to write to Mr. J. H. Westiarook. Chairman of the Committee on En tertainment, Apprising him of their Intention to attend, and he will see that accomodations are secur ed for them. The recption com mittee will meet them at the train land assign them to homes. RATHER FiEHT FOR AMERICA BUT QUESTION OF TRANSFER RING SERVICES FROM BRITISH AND FRENCH FLAGS IS NOT SATISFACTORILY ETTLED I , By LOWELL MELLETT (United Press' Stan Correspondent) London, March 29 Americans now fighting against the Germans under the British flagg would rath er fight under the stars and stripes At least, that is the case with the large percentage as - expressed at the American embassy here. Thus far those who have Inquired how t0 transfer their services directly to the United States in case Amer ica enters the war have not re ceived much comfort. They lost their American cit izenship when they took the British oath of allegiance and legally can not become American citizens with out the procesg of naturalization. Hqwever. the soldiers feel cer tain that Congress will restore their citizenship if they are wanted to Join the American forces. linn U S I E SHIPS STRONG IMPRESSION PREVAILS THAT U BOATS ARE AVOIDING ACT THAT WOULD PRECIPI TATE OPEN HOSTILITIES fBy United Press) , Washington, March 29 President Wt'son la deferring decision en. some vital details of his , so-called war message to Congresg pending developments of the next tew days. tiki- fe. I -i- r . I i ... .1 wiiDin wuicu iuiwei is espmieu lo ciariy ouuino uermany luiuro War course and the possibilities of making peace In a speech in the Reichstag. Meantime the effectiveness t of armed neutrality is il ust rated in the site passage of several armed American merchantmen to England. This circumstance has created a : strong Impression here that Ger many ls not attacking these vessels IN POLICE COURT Johnnie Harris, colored, was giv en thirty days on the roads for as sault in police court Thursday morning. Roy Jordan, colered, was given five months on the roadg for lar ceny. , Defeat Turks In Palestine (By United Press) London, March 29 Defeat of a Turkish force of twenty thousand south of Gaza is reported officially from the Egyptian expeditionary force. Heavy casuailtles wre in flicted on the enemy south west of Jerusalem. PLAOTIOG DAY APRIL 5 f r , K pwiamaitim bg (Snumtnr Our forefathers established the must produce his own meat and noble custom of setting apait a meal, and when he has done this day in autumn on which to return he will find no difficulty In obtain- thankg to the Lord of the Harvest ing other necessary supplies, for having blessed them with the A these thlnRg ,'nake a Buhgtan. "kindly fruits of the earth." tlal lncreage ,n our food an(, feed A true interpretation of the cropg essential to our self preserva- Thanksglying spirit comprehends all tlon reasonable effortg on our part to Now, therefore, I. Thomas Walter insure celestial bounty. ' The con- Blckett, Governor of North Carolina, ditlons which now confront us do hereby designate and set apart, appeal for activity on our part with peculiar and compe ling power. THUR8DAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF APRIL, 1917 A3 PLANTING DAY English Take . German U-boat IB Onlieu Preeal ' Washington, March 29 Between the lines of conflicting - statement in a cablegram from Consul Frost at Queenstown, naval men hare patched out a story of how a Ger man submarine torpedoed the . Bri tish bark "Neath." taking the' cap tain on board as a hostage. The submarine waa then herself cap tured and her crew have been land ed at Queenstewn. Two Ameri cans wer on board the Neath bnt there were no casualties. Martial Law Iu Spain fBr TTndeo Pr) London, March 29 Th" Spansih Cabinet ha8 decided to suspend all constitutioanl guarantiees and place the kingdom under martial law. Labor union headquarters have been ordered closed. These steps are taken to pre vent threatened strikes brought on by the high cost of living. and on that day I earnestly urjfe: 1. The world waf has drawn lo the battle line mil ions of those who in times of peace "went forth to sow." China and the United 1- All majors of incorporated States are about to swe 1 the le- towns to call the peop'e together gions who fight and must be fed. 2. From the gouth the boll weevil is marching on North Carolina. Full City boy who has "made goo Is we'comLT home alwavp ' much pridyy not only by his 'dtate fnmfly. .but by hlg :i , - r "tT ' . 1ATER FLOWERS! GOOD AS SORTMENT -LEAVE YOUR OR BCR AT THE : APOTHECARY f ' . . 1 mar 23 29 0 11 CARD OF THANKS We desire to take this method of expressing our sincere thanks for the many nets of kindnojs bostow "d upon us liy friends at the death of our mother, l.cvlcy Midget t. also we are grateful for tho many beau tiful floral tokens of esteem and sympathy. Signed Son and daughter Alonzo end Mattle Ejizalielh City, N. crilis ,and smoke houses are the sure and safe defense against the coming of this pest. In every and devibe and put into execution practical ways and meani of hav ing every vacant lot in and adja cent to the town planted to grain or grass, pc.aH or potatoes. 2. All fanner's urbanizations of Germans Repulse French Attacks '. (By Unites Press) - . Berlin, March 29 The repulse of all British and French attacks v on the western front today is officially announced. Four 4 enemy aero tane( were abot down. ' State the destruction of cotton ,y eveT kind to meet and counsel by the boll weevil baa been follow- U16'1- members to heavily increase ed,hy the paralysig of the farmer's th(!lr fo,)(l a"(l fp(1 ornPs this year, credit. Being forewarned of the 3. An landlords to Insist that steady advance of this enemy and thoir tenants shall plant food and the certain consequence of Its at- fce(i crops ample for the sustenance tack, it will be colossal stupidity 0f their families and their livestock lo fail to meet it with the only 4. All merchants and ,ankers to weapons that have proved effec;'ve. counsel their customers who are to wit. broad acres of grasses and ciiga en in i.irmnig to increase grains. ... s the acreage panted to food and li. The amended crop Hen law fc-d cro.s tu such extent that was framed to give to the small wil 1 :' unnecessary for them to farmer a decent chance to escape Purchase any food supp'les iex from a credit system that levies up- year. on the right to live and Tabor the Th(. ;,rfi ,r(al,ous No heaviest tribute Imposed upon a ,., ,. w,.,lt 8 ,1()(ir May helpless people since Augustus biing forth; but if we shall net (iiesiir issued ills decree that all mm pru(lon.- and diligence, the the world should be taxed. Hut ... wl;i nt Mr wn the farmer who fails to increase f;iji his food and feed 'fops will deny ; I) to himself and family the blessings of the law. The merchant will properly refuse to make unlimited ftilvttnnall llnriai ttt tlAar law. T a .-Uw. ' -t V.. J J j m i uin uuuuim na luny-nrBi year 0 r ' our American Independence, ; : -l ; v,v "ST. BICKEBT. .' v i . i Covreor French Take Gerpian Depot 'Rv rtnlted Wesr) Paris, March 29 The capture by advancing French forces of an im portant munitions and material de pot is officiary announced today. An Intermittent artillery waa In progres8 last night from the Somme to the Aisne. The French are everywhere In contact with the enemy lines. Solssoms was bom barded during the nteht by the Oei'mans with heavy guns. GALL LI Wl HT llif LIZ. ELIZABETH .CITY NAVAL MILL TIA HOLOINQ THEMSELVES I.' READINESS FOR PROMPT RE SPONSE. UEUT. WANTS RI CRUITS - . s -v.i... Net Earnings Show Increase (By United Press 1 , Washington, March 29 Although the railroads contend that heavily increased operating expenses great ly reduced their net earnings in January, estimates of the net in comes of the leading roads of the country made public by the inter state commerce commission to-day1 showed a gain of seven million dol lars over last year. Copipetes With Henry Ford London, March 29 Automobile manufacturers, authorized by the Minister of Munitions, are gettlni together on a project to coin pete with Henry Ford's big new plant to be l,uilt at Cork. The Cork phut is expocted to turn out 50 01:11 ma chines, tractors, trucks and pleas ure vehicles a year. Strange Suds Are Sighted Washington, March 2!) The Navy Department has ordered a thorough search of Long h and Sound follow ing rumors that two strange sub marines have been sighted in that vicinity. Lieutenant K. H. Baker ot Ri! elgn, paymaster of the- North Caro lina naval miUtia. 1, in the ' city today" to look out for the equip ment pf the Elisabeth City contla gent of the militia. " Lieutenant Baker la making a - tour . of th state to aee . that each. , . man , ,tn every ' company has his . equipment and that the naval, militia are rea dy for cajl at a momenta notice., "We don't know what a day may bring forth," said Lieutenant '", Wll sonfi i, to i reporter for 'this pa per Thursday morning, "bnt we art expecting to be called . into .' service at any time. Personally t' ftelleve that the call will will cpme wlthla the next week. ' rv?'.'i';f.;.i "We are anxious," he . 'continued "that the Compan yhre may be re cruited up to full strength before the call comes." j" . i , ,; One who enlist, in the naval malitla puts himself into hia' C0UB-. try's first lin of defense :ln case of national peril and it ' still - left free to pursue .o rnrtae hie. ordl nary vocation in time of peace. It seems to me that for thia ,(rasott this branch of the service shouli be especially attractive." V, "Some folks are say ing.s, said ' 's young militiaman standing by, "that the Elizabeth City boys are ( Wish ing, now that the call to 'war ser vice Is-iminent, that' they had nev er joined the local company Well, it didn't look like M at the regular drill last night. W had a better at tendance than I have ever seen.". - The Kllzabeth City militia bare been on a number of cruise and have alwayg made a good showing. ; ono at our city of Raleigh, this the lfith day of March, In the year of our Iord, one thousand, nlnehun dred and seventeen, and in the profits'' wlirno longer tempt, him to take long chances. lie will wise ly tun justly insist that the farmer WILL GIVE FLAG8 AT SATURDAY'S MATINEE Tlx- A'kraina will give a patriotic 1 mbl' ni to all cMldrn who visit the Alkrama Theatre Saturday af ternoon . M.maper Kramer hus purchased a largo (unntlty of small American flagii witli a stick pin Inserted, to ?:ive to every child who visits the Alkraimt Saturday afternoon. It will be necessary to attend the matinee in order to get one of these flags. Mr. Kramer isvglv Ing these souvenir, to "Young America with the compliments of the season, and trust that all who wear them will be glad that they are Americana, and have the prlrl-l-r cf vmrfn "CM Cory" are sm AND OFFICE 18 OF PRODUCE . TRADING COMPANY ARE BEINQ MADE READY FOR ,SPRIN0 U- 8INES8 -il ' l ' , . ', . ' i Carpenters are busily at work tfc modelling the front of the building formerly occupied by the Peoples ' Navigation Company. In this build ing will be the offices of the new j produce company, Just incorporated under the name of the Product Trading Company with J. H. Ay dlett, president; A. F. Toxey, rfce '. president; and F. W. Stevens, secj reury-treasurer. vi Mr. Toxey of the A. F. Toxe Company Is one of the city's lead Ing wholesale grocers. Mr. Ay, dlett was formerly sole owner of ' the J. H . Aydlett Hardware Com ' pany and was In charge of tthe btt siness until recently he gave it up ' to l(X)k after other interests. Mr, Stevens, now of Camden county and a very successful fanner lA : that county, was formerly of Ellx-. ,. ahelh City and I still a member of the firm of C. W. Stevena Compaf ny, wholesale grocers, of this city. , The Produce Trading Company will be ready to handle the 1917 po tnto crop which Jt Is believed will , ' lie a record breukin,? crop wth . resord breaking prices, and Its or-v ganization ls of much interest to " growers in this section, besides ad- ntng to the general progress now , being mnde In- the city's business life, in both who'esale and retail ' phases . I.) BUNCH CNEAL Jerry J. Hunch and Miss Jessie O'Neal, both of Jarvishurg, ' . Cur rituck County, were married here at the home of Mrs. Louis Baker on Cherry street Wednesday,. - ":' WEATHER OR NO . Fair Thursday ijIgM and Frl.hy , Every man I, a success, evnn if it. Is only as a fn !'-.

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