V VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 30.1917 NO. 7) REAL WAR IS Df THE HORIZON Jlolweg's Speech Dissipated the last 0 Doubt m Washington and it is Be glieved That America Will Play QHer Full Part in the Struggle. Will Give Free Seed f By ROBERT J.BENDER (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, March 30 Von Beth man Holweg's speech in the Reich stag yesterday dissipated the last doubt. Real war is on the horteon The general concensus of opinion is that the conflict is now not to be aroided . t President Wilson and his cabinet are expected at the cabinet meeting thls afternoon to shape the last de tail of the policy that will mean the entry of the United Stateg into the greatest conflict in history. Holweg's speech swept aside all remaining doubts from 'the mlndg of International experts that President Wilson will, make demand upon Congress that America shall play her full part In the struggle. He Is turning now strongly toward favor of universal military training in Tiew of men who have followed closely the trend of events. Indications are that the pacificist element in Congress will be swamp ed beneath the tide of patriotism now steadily rising. The Presi dent's speech will make German guilt and German perfidy evident. Holweg's speech yesterdty rHk en as indicating f Jtigue. His mes sage was foolish'y insincere United States officials think and they be lieve that It will be a power to turn the balance In Germany and Austria against autocracy. Congress will undoubtedly author ise the President to caU at least 6000,000 men to the colors. Thee Consuls Are on way By TJn'tefl l'wi , Washington, March 30 A general revision of rates on fruit and vege tables from southern producing points to northern markekts is an nounced by the Interstate Com merce Commission. Reductions as ,well as increases are involved. From NW Orleans to seventeen principal markets east and west of the Mlsslssl 1 477 rates are In creased, 332 reduced. nd 37 re main unchanged.' Note of Doubt In Reichtag The Chamber of Commerce has free seed for distribution to those who will plant garden8 this year. As long as the supply lasts they will be given out to those who make application for them. Eliza beth City folks interested in reduc ing the high cost of living should see Secretary Pugh at once, set these seed and plant a garden. (Bv United Press) Amsterdam. March 30 For the first time since the beginning of the war a note of doubt regarding Germany's future crept into the dispatches from Berlin today ,;iv comments on Holweg's Reichstag speech last night. One, newspaper Is quoted as hop ing (hat "Germany is prepared to fight the new and powerful foe." Socialit organs denounce the Zim merman Mexican Japanese scheme and declare that the Prussian gov ernment must he abolished. Social ist! plans are gaining new adher ents and German leaders forsee a menace to their powers In such un rest. ; ' vf Mustered Into Service TBy'TJnitod Press "m Washington, March 30 Battery E and F. Connetlcut field artillery were today ordered mustered into Federal service. Cormth School Closes Tonight Tne Closing Exercises of Corinth school will hegin promptly at enght o clock tonight. Tuey have oeen carefully prepared. Without doubt they will be highly enjoyable. hey consist of a Play "I'icKled Pol !iwo,j," Songs, Drills, and recita tlons followed by delightful refresh ments. 1 ub Ic cordially invited. Following are some of the things out of the ordinary done by the school . j Thanksgiving Exercises, largely attended ,y parents and friends of the school. The pupils Issued in- J vitations on drawings in the shape ' of pumpkins. "A Postal Salt" j from which It realized $17. "A Box Supper" from which it secured $15.65. Bought pictures, teacher's chair, shade,, for all the windows, other necessary fixtures, basket ball, volley ball, improved ;rounds and have money vith which to pur chase additiona Horary books. Miss Mary LeRoy and Miss Ella Thornton are the teachers. 5IE PMI1HR TtllLADY PAF1TS THAT WHEEZE ABOUT THE WOMAN WEARING THE PANTS IS NOW A FACT, NOT A JOKE Display Flags on April 2nd By I'nited Press) New York, March 30 The may ors of 215 cities have asked these cities to start the movement through out the country for a nation wide display of flagg on April 2nd, the .day that Congress convenes. Repulsed by British Forces May Organize Civil Employees Washington, March 30 A board has been appointed by the War Department to consider the advisa bility of organizing civil employees fo rdefense on the Panama Canal. Contracts for Submarine net's Washington, March 80 The con tract foV a hundred steel cable anti-submarine nets was awarded by the Navy Department todny, cost ing H 188,100. These nets are to be 5f00 feet long and 34 feet wide and are like those used by tiie British in the Thames. The Atlantic seaboardd is being constantly scanned for submarines. All maratime advices order cooper ation with the navy in a close vigil. ACHOREE LODGE MEET8 .Achoree Lodge I, O. O. F meets tonight In the halt on ItOad street. All members are urged to. be pros nt,"- (Kv Unite, r'rfiss! v Berlin, (Sayville Wireless,) March 30 The Germans south of Peronnf an dnorth of Relsel nave way in a line from Royal Coat to Serel In the face of Superior British forces Elsewhere French and British at tackks have been bloodily repulsed. Richmond Wants Armor Plant Will Close For A few Days w -tf-rfSii, ...... The New Theatre will close fol lowing Saturday night's show for a number of days in order that the lobby and interior may be remodel led. A larger and superior screen is also to be placed in the theatre and the playhouse will open next week aain with facilities increased for pleasing its patrons. The New Theatre under the di rection of Mr. Louis opened its doors nor very many weeks ago with afternoon and night shows, uivlnu KHzaleth City the first reg u'ar matinee service in many sea sons and has enjoyed marked pop nlarity. It features the well knon Hluebird pictures and other high class films and make an effort to give the public "the best pictures to he had" says Mr. Louis. Work on the building will forward as rapidly as possible in order that the doors may again be opened at an early date. The re opening will be marked by a spe ehl picture of unusual interest and merit. -the title! of which will be aanouncea in mis paper wun ui few days. Mr. Cohoon has Moderen Pig Pen Washington, March 30 A delega tion of Richmond business men call ed on Secretary of Navy Daniels this morning in the attempt to ob tain the proposed armor plate plant Goethals is N J Engineer (By United Press) Trenton, March .10 General Go ethals has been formally appointed New Jersey's State Engineer with a sa'ary of $25,000. Mr. F. F. Cohoon Is just com pleting a modern sanitary pig pen on hiR farm Just outside the city. 1 ,egan this plan fifteen years ago shvh Mr. Cohoon." and then got interested In newspaper work for a lon.u time and did not get the Idea carried out. Now it Is about ready for the habitation of the most arls lerritie hops in tl.e county. It has floors, so that the pi is can't Incithc In dust and get the thumps." It haq feeding troughs or my ov. n p anning that slide the food down without Immerslm: the hoes. It has srperate water and feeding troughs, a living room, a f in In room and bed rooms, and. j,i short, is up to date In every re spect. " ' - . ' WANTED: YOU TO , LET US TAKE YOUR ORDER FOR EAS TER FLOWERS WE ARE AGENTS FOR, A R NEWTON, THE POPU LAR NORFOLK FLORIST,- THE APOTHECARY HOP mar 2f 2? aft ,i -: . CONFER DEGREES TONIGHT Eureka Lodse No. 317 A F and A M will confer the second de gree tonight in the hall. All mem bers are requested to be present at 7:30. Grand Lecturer J. N. Pat ton will officiate. Refreshments' wi'I be served! . : '. By MARGARET MASON (Written For the United Preaa) The busy housewife pants these days As she does up the chores. You see she's cast her skirts aside For trouserettes indoors. In a class with the hoary and de crepit mother in law joke the one about the advanced female donninj the trousers has done equally long and faithful service. But lo and behold the latter wheeze has done ceased t0 e a Joke and in these days of 1917 become a stern reality. Dr. Mary Walker blazed the trail for the wearing of masculine nether garments. I believe, but it took a heap of red tape to keep fhrm on .rn. Curie more recent ly gained the permission of her government to wear'em after a great deal of trouble and time, hut now everybody's doing it with the great est ease and nonchalance. Along with the high cost of liv ing and other evils, of course, this feminine penchant for trousers must be blamed on the poor o'd war. Only this time It Is no evil but a blessing in disguise of punts. With the womtin forced to ta!:e over the tasks of males in a'l fighting countries, naturally It was meet that they should take over the cut of their clothes as well. One can't very adequate' y oil en tjines, JToT drive motor and run elevators aft done up tn skirts and petticoats. Hitting on the sidelines, Maiden America, and Matron America as well, have ca inly appropriated, as they do all Imported fads and fash ions, those bifurcated garments for their own und pant no loifger mere lywlth emotion or exertion but with gingham, denim, chumbray, silk and satin. By a quaint whimsey of fate it Isn't the advanced feina'e of the joke who Is now wearing the troutt er effects, however, hut the deir, domestic little wives and mothers, the "Queens of the homo" and the "housewives of the hearth". As a first aid to baking, brewing, sweeping and chores of the home in general, nothing could be neater, sweeter or fleeter than one of the new pantalette house dresses. They are made with a b'ouse waist, with sai'or collar and loose, three quarter si eves. They have a neat little belt, button down the front and there are two dandy, handy bip patch pockets, one on each hli Thus far they are no different than the little old last year's model house dress. But below the pockets comes the great divide Into cunning lltt'e trouser ettes that clasp the ankles with an elastic headed frill or e'se hang Straight with a stitehed hand of the material bound ing them, like an honest to goodness regular male trouscr cuff. On some of the prettier models this band around the bottom of the panta'ettes life the belt, collar, and 'deeve cuffs, is of a contrasting shade of material. These sensible and snticy suits come in chamhray trirghani. denim. and khkkl in rink or blue or white or tan. Then there aro the regulation overalls, the female of the species resembling much the snale. These :tr" of course for the more strenlous val'.s of workaday feminine life. Skating overalls are cutting some Ire these days too, let me tell vou Fair skaters find they can cut a much letter figure ei?ht or eny old figure at a'l in the smart new tal'ored tronserR of novo'ty suiting and fwcen cut generously wido'wlth bis; flap pockkets on each blp and cunning suspenders of the samfl material holding them socret'y in place. Mylady ludy of elegant leisure la panting to be lit a trousered class with her sisters, the sporting girl and the busy housewife ' So she Dollar Declines 16 per Cent !ti United pres.i Yashington, March 30 America haa suffered a net loss of sixteen per cent In the purchasing value of the dollar In the ten years ending with the year 191t, the department of labor announced today. Salar ies have Increased 19 per cent. Food has increased 39 per cent. No Signs of Dissension (By tTniud Press) Washington, March 30 The Dem ocrats in the House caucus with 33 per cent today renominated by acclamation all old officers. There were no signs of dissension on In the appolntmnet of committeemen to fill the vacancies In the Ways and Meva9 Committee. snonw of FOOD MID IT. Debaters Are On Hand Hertford'g debaters, William II. Oaither, and Thelma Elliott, are in the city ready to meet Elizabeth City's representatives tonight at the High School auditorium. The Judges will he Messrs W. L. Cohoon, E L Sawyer and W M Hinton. A large and enthusiastic crowd Is expected trf cheer Elizabeth City's speakers and a delegation ls also here from Hertford . James Brown and Julian Ba;nn of Poplar Branch were here today on their way to debate Manteo tonight They were accompanied by Prof. L. L. Lohr of Poplar Branch. Miss es Carrie Wescott and Eu!a Griffin of Manteo passed through the, city on their way to debate South MiHs tonight. Elizabeth City has sent Clarence Ashhv and Geneva Roane to Kdcn ton to debate. Tonight's Show At Alkrama Owing to the unprecedented pop ularity of the Friday night feature shows, The Alkrama has decided to give another big oue for tonkht. Lillian Clsh is the Star and well worthy of the name Star. All the theatre goers will be delighted to learn that this greatest success Diana of the Follies" will be the attraction. In addition to this five part feature, there will be shown The Shielding Shadow" and "The Lass of the Lumberlands. " Saturday at the Alkrama matinee and night. Ilyproclsy, with Virginia I'e'irson. Musty' Suffqr, with Musty Himself His Busted Trust, with "S'im" Summervllle. " Hyproclsy." deserves more than passing mention. It l an expose of the shams of society, with Vlr ginln Pearson, playing the part of Virginia Trent, a debutant, whose, mother lives beyond her means, and Insists upon her daughter making a wealthy marriage. There are tw0 suiters, one favor ed by the mother and the other by Virginia. Virginia marries the one she prefers, who Is practically a ruined man on his weddln.r day. AGRICULTURAL AND LABOR C PARTMENTS WITH CIVIL S'.l VICE COMMISSION ARE WOF.K ING ON REMEDY FOR NATION 'j .. . . . ,f , (By United Pres, . Washington, March 30 A serious labor and food shortage faces tha nation. The Agricultural and Lahnr Ho. partment. and the Civil flanr. Commission are working on s; reny euy. There Is an alarmine shorter f farm labor in the western agrleul" tural districts due in large measure t0 the withdrawal of men for mi litia duty. This will have a in. roue effect on higher food" prices. . The demand for farm labor fa in creasing because of Spring planting. i ue record price8 are likely to continue unless crop production can be Increased. ' . ', , Surveying Road E.City-Moyock Mr. Anson Cohoon of MedfOrd. . Oregon, and Mr. Willis Ferebee of Camden are this week at .work surveying the Moyock-Ellsabath City section of the new Norfolk ' Elizabeth City highway. Mr Co hoon is on a visit to his father, Mr F. F. Cohoon, of this city, At' Medford he is employed by ' the United States government In ; the Forest Service, " . '. To Night At New Theatre "The Evil Women Do," a grip ping story of intrigue and Ten ( geanee, will be geen at the New Theatre tonight. The tragedy of s, woman's smiles and wiles ,and guiles makes a strong appeal. Saturday's play Is "Haiel Klrke, a charming story of the Kentucky hills with a heroine and hero of the v real outdoora. "For delightful Va riety the New Theatre is unequaled' anywhere" say the patrons of tilt' popular playhouse. The shows are alwarg Kood and they are always different . " . WILL filVF PI AftB At 8 SATURDAY'S MATIN EX The Alkrama will give a patriotic emblem to all children who Visit the ALkrama Theatre Saturday af ternoon. ' Manager Kramer has purchased a large quantity of small American flags with a stick pin Inserted, i td give to every child who visits tha Alkrama Saturday afternoon. It will be necessary to attend tha ' matlnen In order to get one of ,, these flags. Mr. Kramer la fiv In these souvenir,, to "Young America" with the compliments of the season, and trust that all whO wear them will be glad that thef are Americans, and have the prlvt lege ef wearing "Old Glory" affects the straight, b'ackk sl'k trousers of the Chinese woman, topped with a gaily embroidered Cblneve coat for her "robe lntlme" or the full trousers of the Turkish trophy under a Towing coat of silk Wearini' trousers has Indeed become such a fascinating habit that the 1917 female cannot even doff them off at night and so she dons, when the shades of night have fallen down and the window shades ate down ns well, cutey lit tle suits of pajamas with feminine V cut decollete and short sleeved upper,, and mascu'lne, straight out, ankle length lowers. So you see It keeps lovely woman panting twenty four hourg a day to keep ' up with these' strenuous , v,'-'.', t X-'iiJ 1 1::,',- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ' Tn the absence of Dr. B. d Henlng who 1 conducting revival services In Norfolk, Rev. R, I Gay of Raleigh will preach at th First Baptist chuTh Sunday morn In,?, and Rev. D. P. Harris of this city will fill the pulpit Sunday! night . . :; . " i. ' BLACKWELL MEMORIAL , CHURCH N ' t' Rev. R. L. Giy of Raleigh- will preach at the evening serylce at 7:30, supplying for the pastor. Rev I. N. Loftln, who continues 111 at his home on Pennsylvania Avenue. Herbert Peele will speak at- tl." morning service, " , . ', WEATHER OR 'NO ' Fair Friday night. Saturday f