Views iVithouy Prejudice . t. J v . j L , ,.. . .. , Newsier Published in Elizabeth v.- City .VOL. 2 ELISABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 31. 1917 NO.,D f ' .PREPARING: '. ' JlioltoiRnGGtE Administration' Plans to Raise i lAimy iQf 'Million Men and to . Li 5 v.: Emergency V r (United Press Stair porrespondent) Washington, March. 31 Having ' all but formally -recognized thelm- A-Htwii4 M mat vrJiMne ' Aetna! 11 1 1 li .1. u . . . l r v " a . ... ' i." I.'.I.UI.. warfare, tnis government iowub out to prepare for a itruggle. ; the end t which can not, Admittedly, be foreseen. Months go when it appear In evitable that the United states and Germany must eventually clash, It - was ' the desire of the administra tion to tak eeVery possible step to prevent what ha Itappened. The particular reason given for thi, attitude Was that the services of a peaceful United States would accomplish more In helping war atrlckkeh Europe tc regain its feet v . than to throw American arms and - men into the balance on one side. But, barring a miracle, the United 8tates must now give over the idea of assuming the role of peace maker among the nations of earth. The great question facing this gov ernment today is how much further the flameg of the European con flict may reach ' into this hemis vwTbj.An8)t san situation is doubt- v - Wi " It is assumed that it the United States fights it will be tmnosslble to maintain friendly re lations with Austria, Turke'y and Bulgaria. 1 It would be obviously unwise to have diplomats or allies of nations wlth'whteh. we were at ' war sitting at Washington with un hampered view of the workings of the American Government' Besides the Mexican threat hinH drothe United- States following thfc Zimmerman note and the expla- A jaMon of the note by Zimmerman ... Democrats Get House (By United Press) Washington, March 81 The De"m ocratlc organization of the House wa, practically a assured today when Representative -Helgesen was stricken with appendicitis Mlowins the lllnesB of Representative Cap stack. Both are Republicans and their illness cuts the Republican to tll down to 212 votes. Congress man Mann will receive the, Repub lican nonmfnation for the ..speaker ship, according to the chairman of the Steering Committee. ' PACIFISTS ARE LOSING ALL HOPE AND STRONGEST INFLUENCE FOR PEACE SUDDENLY TURNS INTO STRENUOUS EFFORT TO PROSECUTE AND FINANCE WAR Live Little Locals Many Minor Matters M erelyjjM entioned L. C. Brogden of the State De partment of Education at Raleigh passed through the city Friday on his way to deliver an address at Old Trap. County Superintendent of Educa tion F. M. Eason of Camden was in the city on business Friday. TG. HAVE BOATS ' BY MAY FIRST VIRGINIA CAROLINA NAVIGA TION COMPANY REPORTED A8 HAVING ALREADY MADE NE CESSARY ARRANGEMENTS TO THAT END ' J. B. Williams of Shiloh here Friday on business. was (By TTnited Press The- strongest Pacificist influence fa America has suddenly (turned Malvern Brock of Powells was in the city Saturday. Baltimore, Md. March 30 The Virginia Carolina Navigation Com pany, which plans to start the op eration of boats between this city land 13ixa,beth , City, N. C. on May let. two freight problems that have puziled Point commercial organizations and trade bodies here for some time, provid- j lng transportation facilities to New Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bunch who I port News and added facilities for were married here Thursday return the Eastern Shore of Maryland. ed to thPir home In Jarvishurg ol ( Officials of the company plan to the Vansciver F'riday. make stops at Newport News. They ! have assured Mayor Mosg that the ErneBt Dowdy of Grandy in j vessels will be able to handle much the city Friday. j freight for that port from Baltimore most expeditiously. Since the ofll- Mrs. Isabele Anxe and Mrs. 'j.jaig 0f the Chesapeake Steamahlti Lula Forbes of Old Trap were in ! recently refused a delegation of the city Friday shopping. 'business men of Newport News to make that city a port of cil'. the ELEVEN SHIPS sum by raids: 1 ..... New Sea Rover Lands Two Hund red Sixty "Five Survivors at Rio de Jnerip anfl Slips Away Unharmed. " -" ; ' DATDII1TICM I IlllllUlldl Dr. J. M. Newbern of Jarvisburg wa, in the city Saturday. from efforts to prevent t war to plans and means of financing it. Simultaneously It became known that the plan of the American Com mittee on War Finance headed by Amos Plnchot to p'ace the entire financial burden of the war on persons whose Incomes exceed five thousand dollars has the strongest endorsement In high Government circles . ' The greatest significance is plac ed in the sudden action of leading pacifists because they are in close W. B, Basnl;ht and J. L.1 Weath communication. While thev in-Uchu fiISQlth Shore, Tyrrell Coun- real outdoors. "For delightful va y, who hold poHltions at Bertha nary me iew i neawe s unequaianj slst they hope for peace their ac tions indicate that the hope L. practically dead. St Qiientin is Threatened By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS (United Fresg' Staff Correspondent) With British AimleB Afield. March 31 The British, have occu pied Hcndlcourt, Stemllie, Marte vllle, Vermand; Soyecourt and all villages to the northwest of Quentin. St. Eliz.ICity Loses Out Elizabeth City lost In both High School debate8 Friday night, He-'-ford winning at Elizabeth City ami Edenton nt Ede'nton. Islands Become , US Possession Washington, March 31 Twenty five million dollars was transferred to the DanlBh Minister today and the Danish West Indies have be come the Virgin Islands and Uncle ' Sajn's lowest possessions. a to, CfcY WEEC 8ERVICE3 3 weeaic services will be hell at Y-brlst Church neit week a tol fowl: ' Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Dve p. m.' Thursday at eight p. m. Holy Communion. ' Friday at eleven a. m, i -ft . Revr,H. 8. Osurn, the new rec tor will hate charge of the ser- . vices. -r-' ' ,' . "i . . ; - ., - EASTER PLOWERS1 'GOOD AS 5M6NT LEAVE .YOUR OR--X AT THE APOTHECARY YATES CIRCLE MEETS The Yates Circle of the YVomans Missionary Society of. Blnckwell Memorial church will meet with Mis Mary Copeland on Parsonage street Sunday afternoon at half j past three o'clock. All members areurged to attend. W.,43- Gai'her Jr., C. R. Pugh. and Herbert Peele returned Satur day morning from Poplar Branch where they wer.e Judges In the South Mills Poplar Branch debate. W. K. Leary of O'.d Trap was in the city Saturday. Misses Luctnda Klght, Luclle Pugh. Lizzie Pugh, and Effie Bur gess of Old Trap Were here Sat urady shopping. VlrginlanB have turned to the new steamship company for relief. The new company will gtart bus iness with two vesssels, the Enoch Pratt and the Newbern. each with a capacity of 700 tons. It plana to add to the equipment several other vessels. To Night At New Theatre Saturday's play is "Hazel Klrke." a charming story of the Kentucky hills with a heroine and hero of the were here Saturday shopping. Y. I.. Perry of Mamie I he city Saturday. was In V T Brlckhouse of Powells Point wns here Saturday on business. anywhere" say the patrons of the popular playhouse. The shows are always good and they are always different." ON in II ID STF ENGLISH CHANCELLOR OF EX CHEQUER 8AY8 THAT GER MAN SUBMARINE POLICY HAD L008ED PURE8TRINGS OF ALL INVESTORS Miss Stevens of Laurinburg who is teaching at Jarvisurg this year wa8 in the city Satuiday shopping. Daniel Wright. Ike W FlRher, C. A. Wright of Jarvlsburg were In the city Saturday shopping J J Jones of Tyrrell County wss In the city Saturday. C n Burges and N H Kight of Old Trap were here Saturday. t 1 Minim, nf UKidnh aiaa In tUa city Saturday shprlng. T P Sullivan of Shiloh was here Saturday. C. I). TarMngton of Manteo passed through the city Friday on his wav home from Norfolk. Mr. Brivht 'artwrl,'ht of Weeks vllle was In the city Friday. CHRIST CHURCH J. L. DeCnrmls of Shwboro was In the city Friday. C. K. Kramer has returned from a business trip to Norfolk. Kev. If. S. Oaburn. the new rec tor will conduct morning and even ing servlcps. Tomorrow lR Palm H"nday. Snnday School meets at nine-thirty a. ni. Holy communion and sermon at e'even a. m. Even ing prayer and sermon at 8 p. in K. R. Newbuld of Hertford was : the city Frldar. CITY ROAD CHURCH We are urging that every mem ber of church be present at the preaching service in' April. You come and encourage some one else to come. The pastor, Rev. ('. B. Culbreth will preai h at bo'h the morning and evening services. The subject for the morning hour will be; "What a friend said to his friends on leaving them." The subject for the evening will he: "Are We Bondsmen?" The Sunday School will meet at nine-thirty with C. R. Pugh as sup erlntendent. The Epworth Le.igue will meet at 6:30. The pul lie Is invited H fitr,nd all these services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH In the absence of Dr. B. C. Henlng who It, conducting revival services In Norfolk, Rev. R. .. Gay of Raleigh will preach at the First Baptist chuvh Sunday morn In, and Rev. D. P. Harris of this city will fill the pulpit Sunday night . 1. I). Tarkihgton of Mnteo was in the city o-i business Friday. MEETS MONDAY AFTERNOON The Parsonage Aid So:ietv of the First Methodist church meets Monday evenln- at 3:30 with Mrs W J Lurnstlen on Road street. All; members are ure,'d to l,e present. PARSONAGE SOCIETY MEETS The Paraonage 8ociety of Qty Road Methodist church will ' meet C. O. Miller on Pearl Street. Every- member i requested to 'be pifent as thi8 will be nn important .1 H. Snowden spnt in Norfolk on business. Thursday FIRST METHODI8T CHURCH The pastor. Rev. J. I.. Cunning lUm. will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening and continu ing the serie,, of evangelis sermons. In tbe morning the subje't will be ' How one may obtain a genuine Christian Experience; " In the even ing. "Sowini and Raplnu." Every one Is cordially invited to attend. Sundav School meetR at 9:30 a. m.; Epworth Leigiie at 6:4li. Crorn J. Spt'nce went to Eden- I ton Friday on pirfeislonal business t lv. Rufiis Br'dley Is able to 1)3 up ;ii!ain after a Revere Illness it his home on Ehrlnghatts street. Rev. N. P. S ailings of Moyock was in the c'ty Friday, Mr. Stalling la able to preach again after, many . months of , Illness s and id gradually.' and be believes . com plete,ly.1re5aintjig,il hea!ttv.l-..'., ;, .'J I ; , . '.- . WEATHER OR NO , ' Fair and "vptrmer toniKht. Runj PEARL STPEET METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m.. H B. Griffin superintendent. Ep'orth League at 7 p. m. , Rccrelnry C. W. Ford of the Y. M. C. A. will speak at 7:30. BLACKWELL MEMORIAL CHURCH N f Pev. R., Ony iof ,Ra1lgh will preach at the." evenfn servica '. ht 7;30. .supplying , for thW pasUJlev t. N,. Loftin, who continues 111 at bf j home on TennsylvrDla Avenue. Herbert Perle wltl f enlc et t'l;K ; By; HUGH . ROBERT80N r j (United -Press Staff Correspondent) ; Rio De Janeiro, Marclj 1 Two hundred and sixty-five men. and two women survivor8 bl eleven ret! sela sunk in the Atlantic wer brought into port her by another amazing German raider today. Ae-i cording to the tory .to'd by the iOJ vlvorg the new commerce destroyer . files the Norwegan flag and ia a heavily armed auxiliary sailing Yes sel bearing the name ot the Sea Adder." jJ-.t The vessel Is said to have left Germany on December 22nd, Her By LOWELL MELLETT present wnereaDouu are nninown. (Copywlght By Ths Unfted PreM) Most or the victims overhauled London, March 31 A Banar Law, were sunk in the Ylclnlty Of TtlW . chancellor of the exchquer, ha giv aa- ar re saia i nave en the United States the receipt for beep, lost in the sinkings. , .' raising five billion dollars under cer -- tain given rlrcumstances. Only one Ingredient ig. necessary, he said, in effect, and that Is p$trotism but It Is well to hvae It stirred by Gfir man fright fulness. "The synchronization of German frightfulness,' he said, "made the success of the victory war , lonn certain." Just as Zeppelin attacks on Lon don started the first great rush to the 'colorer tne-Oeraimpromi89,, f undersea frightfulness accentuated the greatest rush to the pocket book any country ever saw. So In giving the people of Great Bri tain most of the credit for tbe'r great financial effort the chancellor Insists that some credit be alloted to the promulgators of the frightful ness campaign. Asked why he bad confidently tin dertaken to raise the desired money with a promise of a little more than five per cent, Interest when London's greatest financiers had de clared It would be necessary to pay six per cent he said: "The bankers, as natural, looked at It as a financial problem. I didn't. I looked upon It as a fighting problem, a war problem. I considered what the people would do as a matter of patriotism, not as a matter of finances x Once they were made to see tbe fluhtlni' pos sibilities of the money we asked. I was sure that they would not look twice at the question of Interest. Events proved that to be the case. He could havo added that the dlf ference In Interest saved the Empire more than ir.O.OOO.Ono.OO a year. "There were good reasons for not allowing the interest rate to ex ceed five per cent." he said. ' Through the necessity for keeping up our exchanges, the value of all money on' the t.onddn market has lon been higher than it otherwise would have been. Exchequer bonds hearing six per cent and treasury hills at five end one half, were is sued up to the very day of the lonn. It was owing to this hk'h level of money that manv financial men most competent to judee warn ed ni ethat the loan would not suc ceed at les than six per cent "It acepted to me. as chancellor of the exchequer, that to stereotype Rrttish credit at a hl?h figure like six per cent would be a serlom misfortune. It would be better even to risk a comparative failure of the loan. ' As a mntter of ticf. however. I dH not real'y rn ticlpate a fnlure in any decree. I was banking cn the people of the country. "And In my belief, N the success of the Jojin .should not be meaHured. In the' amount raised, but in . , ' the number-of persons who participated In It.'1 Eljht mllMon people haro a pirt in this loaw." r , Ad 'robins five rneoMn-Ml in said he was astonished t the en thusiasm shown. " v - - x " I never had seen anything llke It, not at the most enthuaiaspc party meetings," he declared. "That spirit of the people haa the great- -est effect on the people of means.. The spontaneity with whlch;'' the people gave their little made R Im possible for the wealthy to with hold the needed big contribution"-,, gtf ; tbeyjbaj Jeen sr jn.lndod . A search throuih London ui paper morgues had revealed, that his biographers unanimously agreed that Law had never coined an epi gram. Yet he was the author Of , the appeal: "Are you going to give your son8 and not your money?" ' "What Mr. Wilson la ponging "for we are fighting for." ' v " It is impossible for German na- '', ture to understand human nature." ' All In this loan campaign. "How about ltf"he wa asked.". Well, perhaps the war haa chang ed me. I sometimes think it ha changed all England." ! Despite the naturally highvinv Importance which he attache (f the financial side of the war, the ' chancellor is not convinced that 'It Is necessarily the controlling faotor. "The Allies. It goeg without -laying, have greater financial j resour ces than the Central Powers,, he ' observed,. "But as long a a country has resources It can ffghtV Germany's resources, financial, and otherwise, are practically confined within her own borders. But there Is evldehce that Germany hai lost or ig likely soon fo lose Jer credit with her own people. Her other resources may give way sooner than expected. Austria Is less able to support herself alone, but even Autria Is a nation Of ' , great productivity. Turkey and Bulgaria, of course, are being sup iwrted by the other two. , " "If It becomes solely a question of staying power financial and in- '. dustrlal staving power the Allies victory Is certain. We have the resources. " "Hag the effect of America's pos- ; slide entry been considered," he v. was asked. '' -Vf America's resources are greater than any of those of the Allies, but It is outside of the province ,.of a 's member of the Enzlisb government " to discuses America's possible ac- Hon. We have steadily refrained ' from doing so. Put If It ieymes' a question of staying power, it obvious American resources coil(l make, all the world." '. difference in JLhe M EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETS Th'd Epwortii Leagtie ' of ; City Road-Method tat -ehurcb"t"Wll! wrt at 6:30 Sunday evening, with Mrs N II. ONeal leading tie xer-;

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