Somebody Eas to Raise Every tiling You Vf ! o Your Ciinre ... - - 'S .... . : . .: . . srs. ... I u r , w . .... , . , . News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice The Only Democrat: Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City; VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL, 6 1917 ; NO. 85 uja. M Mnm wMM ISpdUi-aU :. , .... k . , . . . ., Ninety-One German Ships Aggregating Half Million Tons, Interned in Amer ican Ports, Seized. Men and Money Need Of Nation Rev CR Angell To Supply Pulpit Both Must be had in Order to Wage Vigorous War and Measures are Ready for Action by Congress. By ROBERT J. BENDER (United Press " Staff Correspondent) Washington, Aprif America is at War. Amidst the most dramatic scenes the House at an early hour this morning and after an ail night session passed tihe resolution for mally declaring Germany the country's enemy anil la un hing the country into a world light for dem ocratic ideals by a vote of P.?:' to BO. Congresswoman Rankin, with a sob in h' r voice protesting her love of- country and of loyalty to her government could not bring her self to vote to plunge the nation in to war and her name appears among the fifty who opposed the passage of the resolution. The first blows will ,e struck at once. Already the 91 German ships scattered at Important Amer ican ports and with an aggregate tqnnage of 594.696 have been seized. Otder covering other preparatory tops have been flashed from coast to coast but because of their mili tary nature have not yet been di vulged . The President siened the meas ure at 1:13 o'clock today one hour after the Vice President had affixed hlB signature for the se nate. It was inimediate'y taken to the White House, following the Vice President's signature, hut the President was out. for a wn'k. which explains why hl8 signal ur- was not affixed to teh document until an tisiiir harl ol'jnna1 Vice l'resid' nt Marshall signed the bill with a new stub pen As he' finished a lone drawn siuh es caped from every one present . The presiding olfirer of the Senate clear ed his front rflspingly and so then did evrry one else. The nation is now ready for men and money with which to wage the war and measures cover ing hoth have already been drafted drafted and are awaiting action by Congress PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION Th" White, House issued a pro clamation. Wowing the aitual rig nature of the President. declaring that a rtate of war exists between the United States and Germany and directing n'l officer, hoth civil and military, to exercisr vlgilem- n the discharge of th-ir duty citl tens ore oppenled' to uphold the lnwq and tr support the measure necessary for the prosecution of the war. The Pproclamation also enjoined all alien enemies to preserve peace towards United State8 and that they would be undisturbed at Iomrfca they observe tb laws - The ''President and cabinet are in session for a further .consideration of .f nances. '. The "President Is con- BRAZIL M Y Ml E 1 SINKING OF BRAZILLIAN SHIP REPORTED TO HAVE AROUS ED INTENSE FEELING IN THAT COUNTRY Rev. C. R. Angell hag been se cured to supply the pulpit of Black we'.l Memorial church during June and July. For the past two win ters Mr. Angell has been studying at Union Theological Seminary at Cheater, Pa. Before going to Ches ter and after leaving Richmond Col lege, Mr. Angell had a large field, covering nearly all the Baptist churches outside of Elizabeth City in Pasquotank county and was ex tremely popular with his own con gregation,, and with the people of the county gent rally. Expressions of appreciation fr m his people were many and substantial on the occasion of his marriage tn Miss !!ma Meads of Salem the last win ter of his pastorate here and when they left to go to Chester and their return to thl3 section for a biief summer vacation is always greeted by the corddial welcome of many friends. His presence in the pulpit of Blackwell Memorial church will give pleasure to trie cent? relation and to many visiting friends, it ls believed. SO BEANS T MORE NOURISHMENT IN TEN CENTS WORTH THAN CENTS WORTH OF OTHER F00D5 AND VALUES IN 80 BEEF. THEIR Card Party For Soldiers (By United Press) Rio de Janerlo, Aprli t' -Brazil may declare war ou Germany. Official announcement of the sink Ing of the Brazilian steamer Para na with the resulting death of three Brazlllian citizens has aroused the monst Intense anti-German feeling here and the situation is regarded as grave by the administration. British Lose Steamer To-day (By Untied Press) Washington, April 6 The British steamer Canissear, with one Amer ican on hoard, was torpedoed today without warning. No lives were lost . Sent to Atlanta (By United Pressl New Yorl-, April 6- ("apt alii Frit -zen pleaded guilty today to the charge of conspiring t(, dynamite the Welland cana!. He wa sen fenced to IS months Imprisonment at Atlanta. The Ways and Means Committee of the Surgical Dressing Committee a branch of the Bed Cross Soeet of this city, will hive a subscrip tion card party on the night of Wednesday. April 11th. in the Ma sonic Hall. In the Robinson build ing, and the public is cordially in vited to attend. Tickets can le secured from Misses Margaret Hollowed, Maude Grice. Fannie l.amb Houghton, Nan cy Burgess and Mrs. C. W . Hollo well, at twenty-five cents each. "There will ),e delightful refresh ment., and an attractive musical program." says the committee, "and you had bether buy your tick ets early. Come out and help the wounded soldiers." , NEW COATS AND DRE88E8 ARRIVE AT MITCHELL'S I have Just recti ed a wonder fill lot of coats and dresses." said Mr. (). F. Gilbert, proprietor of Mitchell's this morning. "We have all the new colors and style ef fects and at very modest prices. A call will convince you that we have the most complete lino in the city. Including new Jersey Coats, new silk suits ,lnck satin suits, silk Jersey coats, new sport silk skirts, new wash dresses, new waists, new wash goods and so on. You never saw so much pret ty Muff In your life and every day then is something nrw at Mitch ell's adv. sirierinc i-nlllne In Mg financiers of the country for advice as to 'he l-e-'t iieiDs of floating the big bond issues contemplated. Also thn question of how t'Xes are to be Increased to 1 ring revenue up to the estimates of the amount re quired for the army and navy. Congress is staggered at the sle of the etimates aq compared with the war with Spain. APPROVES ARMY PL i ' The President has al0 issued a wtnteiiient api rovinvt the war depart ment'g tlan of raising two mil lion men. Necessary men will bo secured by volunteering, as at pres ent until the President that resort to selective draft is nees8ary,,i( -Additional forces to. be rafoed t(r the draft will be men betwepn. tfui ares of 19 and 25. Two Arrested At Wilmington i i ! tl!T Pntr, Presp Wi ming'on, N . (' April 6-Cnarg -l with a'tenip'lnc to in' Ite riot. John Harney and Dick Kelthun. while carpenters, were arrested Jieif today. They will be j;iven will be ;ven hearing tomorrow. The prisoners ; re alleged 'o haw expressed the hope that the l'rei d'tnt and the whole ca'Inet would tie asassinated. before night. Washington, April 5 The domes tic life of a modern army , .-houjd be an example to evttry American ! housewife. 1ft tbe arm' tho ,a" tion Is well balanced, !H Cheapest nutritious and palaCible foods :ire purchased, ai.d the most economical means of preparing them an' used. It a patriotic duty at this time and all the time, whether there Is war or peace, for every American woman, rich or poor, to keep her home ""prepared." Home prepara tion means substitution of cheap, appetizing dishes for costly foods practical elimination of waste, and scientifically balanced rations. There are two great groups of foods that enter Into a balanced hu man nature- the protein group, like meats, engr.s and beans. uud the starch group Mich as potatces. rice, cereals, bread etc. The pro tein foods as u rule are more ex pensive than the starchy foods. Some protein foods, howi ver, are cheap. The prime factor in econ omy in foods Is the choice of pro tein foods that at the same j time ( heap and palatable, j A cheap food, rich in prut' in and fats Is the ordinary ti Id soy bean, 'often sold under the name "Togo I bean." Ten cents worth at the i price of fifteen- cents a quart will supply over .five ounces of protein, while average beef at 80 cents a pound will supply little over one ounce of protein for the same inon ey . Excellent goups can be made from the water In which soy beans are cooked, as well as for the water In which most vegetables are boll ed. Save also vegetable tops, skim milk, bones and meat scraps for soups. Make the butcher give you all the fat that he weighs with our cut of meat- It's valuable grease. Pont depend on one kind of food When potatoes are dear remember that one pound of dry corn meal provides about five times as much fuel or energy and five times as as much tissue building protein as one pound Jf)f raw pftlocH and costs from one-third to one-sixth as much . Raising ate rich in sugar, natural salts,-and the natural grape acids and their cost ls low. Whole wheat. cooked tl'l It bursfs open or cracked in a lit I tie 02.T.O hand mill Is one of the ; most deliclou . and nourishing break I fast foods known and Inexpensive I even at the present high cost of I wheat . Save fuel and labor by making hot breads only when using your j fire for tbe cooking of other foods, i Avoid the danger of overcoklng. I ,'uhI conserve the favor of your din 'Tier by ii.'lng a tireless cooKur. You can make a g 'od one yourself v r ; cbeauly. ! inch exp"dients as the.' r ver . woman can "preiare" her honi" not on'y against war but also ! against sickness and hard tims. I . Organize New Real EstateNFirm -f ' A new real estate company was organiied here Monday at the law offices of R. V. Turner under the name of the Northeastern Land and Development Company ; Officers were elected aB follows: M. N. Sawyer, President; H. W. Morrtsette. Vice President; G. R. Little, Secretary and Treasurer; Roscoe Turner. General jqnager. These vyjth. ii, Morrisette. M. B. Simpson, J. ' V. Wilcox and R. O Ilauley of Moyock constitute the hoard of directors. 110 TROUBLE 10 sEizme m: Tonight's Sh6w At Alkrama Douglas Fairbanks in Manhattan Madness" will be the feature at traction tonight. This ls a typical Fairhankks picture, and this fact speaks for itself. Also Helen Holmes in the "Lass of the Liimherlands" and the Shlltding Shadow will be shown. Saturday, matinee and night Vir ginia Pearson In Dare Devil Kate will be the feature attraction, and old Musty Suffer will bp th( re to muke you laugh. Dare Devil Kate runs a 'Saloon in a western town and the story of a ftiike among the munition workers in the town and of Kate's parti In il makes a story of dramatic situa lioii. with a charming love story tunning through It. At Moyock This Month Following Is tlie program for the Camden-Currituck Union Meeting to be held at Moyock. FRIDAY, APRIL 27TH 11 A. M. Introductory 8ermon Rev. E. J. Harrell. 2: P. M. The Authority of the Church Covenant: (a) As resides in the membership collectively D. P. Harris. (b) Involving the vows of each one who enters Into the Cov enant N. H. Sheperd. SATURDAY APRIL 28TH 10 A. M. The Scope of the Cove nant. ' (a) Tl'.e support of the church as .laid down therein. -J. K .Hen derson lb) Home religion ag prt-ncribed in the covenant W. J. By rum . t- P. M. (c) Conduct before tbe world as set forth n the covenant S. N. Hurst. (d) Our obligations as set forth In the covenant, not obviated by any c'ange of location B C. Honing. SUNDAY APRIL 29TH 11 A. M. The Kxtenslon of the Kin-Tlom of God to tbe Utter-mo-1 patts of the F.artli W. .1. P. rum. .; : ' I' M . Demonstration 1! Y. I' C. ironni H"prc-on t.itives First Baptist uud I'.lacl: well t'bnrili 1'rioii of F.'izabeth City. ALL CREWS OF INTERNED VC3 8EL3 MADE PRISONER WITH OUT RESISTANCE. NONE OF, VESSELS READY TO RE; CQM MISSIONED : '. , ; ' $ . At,vi,,yiJ:tj New York, April 6 America first act of war was the seizure of the Interned German vessels la American ports. " Iti Ihe port on every ctaat ' ini In all the Island possessions of this Government marines br blue Jack Jsckftn boarded the enemy - ships early today, made the crews prison erg and took possession Ot j th9 ships. At Ho)Oken alone eighteen ' T6s sels, Including the giant Vaterlsnd. were taken over. Twenty-seve'l ships were seized in New York hat bors. ;' ' At Washington two ships wers seized, tbe Kiel and the Nlcrift. At Jackksonville. Florida. ,' ths I Frelda and the l.eonhardb were tatt 1 en over. - . ' Other ports reporting seizures Mi Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleanl, Jackennvllle. and San Francisco. No trouble was reported in ' ivf Instance. In every port the KUV rlnes or blue jackets wers . armei and awaiting only tbe paseags- b the House of the War resolution. In all cases the enemy sailor were sent to lmlj:ratlon stations' and some were paroled. V- .' Though the German vessels ars mihject to use liy the United State,, It is problematical whether any of them will be immediately commissioned or not. Tq most Oaiel the machinery and hulls are in bsd condition as a result of having" been tied up for two or three years . '' V-'' f'i ' Ill Tl S DELICATE cm: n il NATION'S EMBARGO QN' WHEAT DISPLEA8E8 ENQfANO- WHO THREATEN8 RETALAORV EM; BARGO ON COAL " (By United Press) Buenos Aires. April 6 England has brought powerful pressure . t) force this country to raise JU embargo on wheat. it hav 1 een learned that , the British threatened an embargo 6n toil', as a reprimand a course' which would mean paralyzatlon to railroads, chipping and all the .. ln dustries of the nation. J;,. The true situation is still Con cenled from the ubllc here ag thS " Government does not wish to ' ftp1 pear as having been ordered InW any action . V British Blow t.t CARD OF THANKS Xo Enlarge All Stations Washington, April , ft The . en largement of all naval training: eta tion"? will 'be effected at once..- !" We take this method o' M.jin'c i n -the people of Manns Harbor for their aits of kindness and de.-ds of sympathy during tile illness" afi.l deuth of our wife i.nd mother, Mrs. J. D. Midget t. We are very grate fui to all. Jno D Midgett and chi'drin. It pd. Garranza May Be Enemy too -- i- 'V .- . ; WW. Cohoon of Manns Har.bor was sere Thursday. FEDERAL AUTHORITIES EX PRESS EELIEF .THAT MOVE MENT OF DE FACTO TROOPS PORTENDS HOSTILE ACTION El Paso April 6 The Federal Au tBorities here believe that , the movement of the ,De Facto troops toward the United States border portends hostile action. 1 - . j Up Big Depot .. ., (By Pnltod Press) ; With British Armies Afield, April ; The British artillery today blew up a huge German aniuiiition depot near Arras. Flameg rose into the air 3ii0 feet nt the explosion , and the cdncussion rocked the country side like a great earthquake. V ,. . WEATHER OR NOW'1 ' ' Fair tonight (ind Saturday ; frost la Interior tonight. Rising temper ature Saturday. - '- , V'S Talk wa by all means if - po i mean It,; hut un'eas you are rend ' to enllrt when , yonp turn coin' , pct a l!d on your Pp. ' !

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