News Without Bus Views Without v v Prejudice 1 a in Lhizi ' City i V0LT2 , ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL. 7.1917 NO: I j 0P7O ';! UiiUU n n PnQ - .'n ) ' n n t ! u.d);vQd.--': n Uu Reality of War Brought Home to Hearts Of People, by; Definite News of Immediate ? Parting EASTER ;JS!C : V.' ' '' . ' . A . '. . ft S DAY WU.L; BE APPROPRIATELY OBSERVED' BY SERVICES . - OP UNUSUAL BEAUTY AND IN- TEREIT - rv Norfolk is. Immediate Destination, But Lieutenant Commander Wilson can not Say How Long Will Remain There - V Tne u t0 Uie ; Etiabeth CHy -boys came Friday night abbut nine .o'clock and In every home In ' 1 Iraich Jived a member of the cora LW the news that the hour had struck flashed within the space of . , a tew moments. ... All day the armory on Water ...afreet, with armed sentries at the entrance, has presented a very 'warlike appearance. Crowds of in- ' terested spectators have thronged the sidewalk and street in front .of ' " the armory building' but have gala- ' "no tokliiig of "what - is- gtfhg n: to : side., The immediate. destlnati:n Elizabeth City boys ,1s Norfolk,. Dis patches from that city today State that' the naval militia' are already arriving there a tthe rate of hun dred, per dayi; No doubt, the grate will have been considerably increas ,-ed by tomorrow.WjThenaval mili tia pf Washington and ' -New . Bern will pass through ' : Elizabeth ' City and reach Norfolk ' alongx with " the oorr pany here ., ,.' ;V:;-r "l ''" ''' 1 Where , the 'bbyi will, igo'"rafter reaching Norfolk ia uncertain. Ask. d about howjlong; heivwouldC be there or where he .would 'go.'. from there Lieutenant .Wilson " replied I haven't A any iddea. '; Later In the day he sent-a special mes senger to .The Advance offlc to ask' 'that no mention' e be made pi any definite time of departure, M he did not himself know when his men would get -dff, . w GEBIIIS: FIXED DUE CBUISER Advantage , With Ererich TariH April 7 Violent artillery at I 'on, with , tonsiderabla fighting between reconnoitering v. detach ments i T reported from - various sections on the western front to day. ; " German attacks on Outvflla and Aubols were repulsed' In hand greanade. fighting east of; Chamblg nuel. with advantase Vesutinj to the French,,.; . , -- . .. ... ioraiiccruits Every Day Norfolk, April 7 Naval racruita re arriving at the rate of. 100. a day. ..'Twenty-six hi ndrfed aro nov; In traJnin? to bo eont as rapidly SEVEN MEMBERS OF CREW OF CORMORANT KILLED IN IX "PLOSION AND REST ARk; PRI8 : ONERS OF-WAR v H 1 V.fe v" (By United ;pres. 1 Washington, April The German interned cruiser ? Cormorant as blown up by the crew in the harbor at Guam as American marines. weee onVthe pplntiiPfr ; seising the tessW, It 5, learned today when the qccurence 'was anhouixced by the Navy;. Departments 'Two Ger manarranfe pfflcenii Cleven Ger man: enlisted ' men - weffe t killed by the , explosion.; i: Twenty ; officers, twelve warrant, offldefs,, and S2t en listed ben" tire prisoners of war.; -:-v- .. The Cormorant la ft., converted crulsei: actlve'ln th early days, of thef)WB ln'oraldin ; commerce; ships . in the Southern Paclflo , ' Ofll cers nera are unable to aocount for the German's possession of suffici ent "auantitites of o explosives to ac complish the destruction' 'of the ship in time of Internment, ' for all ammunition 'and explosives of ev ery character even v gun , breeches had been1 removed, by i Federal au thorities. - . , :. , EXPLOSION PREMATURE 'iTbe1, explosion," it Is believed, was premature. '.' t It Is thought that the Germans had planned to wait .untiL the -ship "was boarded ,b.v the marlnen before firing the explos" Ives. ; V -' t V I The Navy Department has 'reviv ed reportr' o' A raider off the Vir ginia s CSapes. : GeAnany .may 'stage something spectacular atfainsji Am erica such ai a repltion of tbe U-C3 tlait is' the conflde,Tit'; belief ol kavy Washington, April 7 The govern ment round up of -erman plotters Is on in fu.l blast today. Score of arrests have been mad and countlsl others are to follow From Jacksonville come the. tre-1 port thaV Karl Fink, alias Cuirles Fink."i German wa, Arrested, k last Tftl nTgirrTtnry groes,'. v A later report from; Jacksonville says ithat; Hfobert kl ks,. negro, was arreBted today for Incendiary' talk and admitted that Otermatrs had held a meeting In hfg neighborhood tellng tlhe negroes that if the Unite- ed States , won the war with Ger many all nesroeswould be' rtiirh ed to slavery tut If the Germans were': ylctorioue the negroeg wouid for. alllight house, and ordetlng re piiriB Ul IUI tU9IWIUU . UlVIUCUUi. f i ' '.f";; t-:; ...'y?f.'."-:-''v',V A inter report' M regard. to the 'Cormorant indicate that . possibly one office and ,' four enlisted nien' escaped that ;are listed" among th missing. The Coreiorant ,'sankl in the . harbor of Apra, off the island of Guam. ' ' . Round Up Plotters Special Easter music will be? a prominent feature Is Sondiy'a wor ship at Elisabeth Oty churches.' v CHRIST CHURCH . . At ; Christ' Church Holy Commun ion will be held at 7: SO a. m. At 11 'o'clock' 'morning prayer, Holy ' Communion and sermon by the rector ftev. Herbert 8. Osburn. Following lg the order of worship: Prelude, Tannhauser (Wagner), Org anist, Miss Clara Covert Processional Hmn No. 109, "Wel- ? (spme Holy Morning" Christ' Our Passover. (Wlegard) Gloria Patrl Festival Te Deum In D. (Schaffter) Jubilate In E. flat, (Dudley Buck Hyjhn No. 118, Angel8 Roll the ,. Rock Away" Qoli Tibl Hrn .No. 118, -At the Lamb's . Hieh Feast" s Offritory, -They Have Taken VrfAway My Lord". (Stelner) ' Corimunlon Hymn 218, "Here, 0 ',, V?My Lord, I See1 Thee Face, to PFace ;; ".-V. - : . Postlude, "Marche Legere," (WH ":i'neln):,Kern).. , - . RecexBtonal Hymn No. 117. "He Is VA Children'! Service be hfld at live p'c'.ock ' Sunday ift'ernoon. There" Willie no service ''t night. Totenize: j . Home Guard A.i mass' meeting wtu be ' held la the court 5touse Monday Inlght ibr the purpose of formulating; plans for a home guard during the wax. Every ody interested , In the pr genJxatlon la urged to attend the meeting and, to assist In whatever plans , may be, undertaken. '; The Bed Men of the city took $he initiative la this movement and soon had the co-operation of all the fraternal orders la . the ,clty. The Interest spread to such, an ex tent that It was deemed advisable to ask the ' public generally to -par ticipate In sucb measureg aa are to be taken. . . be given . equal rtgbta" with whites and allowed to intermarry. Moi German arrests are expected to fol low In Jacksonville.' , ' t PREPARE FOB ; : CIS FEST 1 PARADES, BAND CONCERTS AND CLEAN - SHOWS WILL PEA TURE CHAMBER OF COM MERCE GALA. WEEK IN ELIZ ABEf H CITY trange Craft r . Off Nantucket "; Navy- ' Diipariincnt , . today r n ' I t "it a tranre craft is olT i! sii ' ( Mh'hoiif.0, i ' - r;-kt light ship re- ;i t.'.-' r.. ,!i r Bi(.rhtoi off -:i-y. 1" li'i!i;!f colli'tlDr Of ! 1 , r- ''" 1 t-i ' "J !-i ' -. The Elizabeth City Chamberpot Commerce fs busy with preparations for a bg celebration to. foe known as the "8pring Feseival ." There are to be parades, band concerts and all things that go J make up a gala week. Arrange ments have been made with the Murphy American shows to fur nish all attractions. 'There sre 12 shows, all . novelitles. ..and . . these officials, who re keeping a Jopkout Ky; been gURairted Mr p.; tT. -Murphy who personally manages them, to te clean. having no , so- calld ',glfl shows", and " w, gam' J bllng devices on the grounds.1 , The show lil be entirely nwy. .having been built at the' winter ' headquar ters In Suyer,:8.?C..',jflrhere'. will be" free acts each day ' featuring Marsarrt Quincy, known as a div ing Venus of exceptional .agility. - i, Director jLepore and bis ' concert band will1' furnish the music, glf lng free concerts dally and - playing rc-ihntly the show grounds. i The Cbsmber of Commerce looks forward to' a ,Mg wek and - liberal putronnpe from April lCth. to' 21at, tbe date of the festival. Bickett Issues V Proclamation r.alelgh; April 7 Governor Blrk-' ett today issued a proclamation ex prcaslng the utmost confidence) n l"i loya!of the ripg'rws n a race, i1" lnrln.T . tbat"he 'is convinced that t;.r. C' rirnn . cannot disturb tb" t ' 'r fr!"iii"y n. co-oht;:I Ivp WEATHER OR NO Tnlr tonight and' pro! ably '1-'V. TytiTit frnati In ff" I ' ' t. !" :rvr t- K VI I T KUAu CnURCH V .; ;. Morning Service Organ Voluntavy, bf V. 0 Davis Hymn No. 107, by Congregation Pray er4y the VastorT Rev. C. B. J '.' Culbreth" Anth,em. "The - Wondrous Cross", . scMHes). by the Choir Baptism of infants The( morning lesson Announcements. Easter offering ' Quartet, "Our Hope Lies Dead" . , (Loreni). by Mrs. Bell, Mrs.; ' Davis, Misses Martin and Ches- eon i Anthem, "Te Lord I8 Risen In ' deed" (Loreni) by the Choir 8ermon, "The, Meaning of Easter", ' ly the Pastor 4 Hymn No. 108, by the Congregation , Evening Service " A Layman's Service, led by Mr. P. '.I'M. Williams, lay leader of the . church Organ Voluntary, by U. G.' Davla Hymn No. 180 bby the Congresatlon Prayer Anthem. "Tell Us Where , l8 He?". (Miles), by the Choir Announoementsi Eaater offering Solo,' "Alas and Did Iy Savior '' BleetfT'l (Lornz), by Mpt, ..George Bell Address. "The Historic Evidences of - tbe Resurrection," by Mr G F t Seyfert - Anthem. "The Conquering Klng" fMHall). by the Choir Addrey, "The World's Greatest Victory Won by the Resurrec .'tion". by Mr. P. H. Williams Hymn No. 112, by the Congregation Address, "Some Biblical Questions I on the Resurrection", l,y Mr. C. ' R. Pugh ' Dotology Benediction .' r ;.. ' FIRST METHOOI8T CHURCH ''-'v i . -i "-7-X f ''.' ".. At 'lcven' o'clock Sunday ..morning the pastor Rev J: 'p "Cunn!ngl4. Will deliver an" Easter-mtssage. 'Ac Cording tb the custom of the chuw-h for ome yearg tbe . merAberifhtp o( thexhurch will .make, an, Eoter J of- f orJng to rineet thit various Confer enc benevolences. ' At the close of the sermon the doors of the chipeh will, be opened" for tfie reoPiiin of iiioae wh0 wlh to become jmem- ;); " The choir wlUVnibif " the 1 z 'al mnnie: I ' " HOME FOR EASTER Among the studdents at ' home for the Easter holidays, are Au brey McCabe. . Dr J Lev McCabe. Noah Burfoot - Burfoot Jr., Cam den Blades and William Meeklns. ...I .Ml I w - - -t "I Know That My Redeemer Liv- eth" (Handel) "A It Bean to Dawn" (Leaman) "The Dawn of 'Easter Day" (Lor- em) The evening service will be held at eight o'clockand wi l be a spec ial musical program, as follows: Organ! prelude, Ashford them. "For God Sent Not His til .HEIDI-': jeii;.;:,;: e Suspicious Actions Of VI itinj AinneQ'Lead To His'Arrest v .'V,v;:;'V Ant non" treace) Hymn No. 169, Mettiodlst Hymnal Prayer . Gloria , , -"lhheiri;1Ing'deJthe.lGali - (Stalner) vv 'l Scripture Rending Duet, "O My Father". (Heyae), Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Foreamn Announcement Offeratory. "Idylle" Solo "Vain the Stone", Mr. Harold Foreman ' yf'- Anthem "Fear Te Not" (Peace) 8olo', "He Lives Who, Once Was Slain" (Danas), ''Mrs. L. L. Winder Solo and chorus, "Easter' Bella" (Oasdell) Mr. W. C. Sawyer and Hymn No. 180, Methodist Hymnal Anthem, Hail' to the Risen LLord" ; (Herbert Ward) I Solo, dicing Eternal " (Heyser), Mm1 J. W. Foreman ' Quartet, "Dawn of Easter Day", Mrs. J. W. Foreman. Miss Woodley, Mrs Robert Fearing Mrs. Zenas Fearing Anthem, "The Day Which the Lord Hath Made" (Lamblllo'te) Benediction CANN MEMORIAL PRESBY TERIAN CHURCH The pastor. Rev. J. B. Black, will preach at both morning and even ing services. Sreclal Easter music wi'l be rendered at both services, though, owing to recent illness among member of the choir, the program this year wl'I not be as elaborate perhaps as usual. FIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. B. C. Henln wi l occupy the pulpit morning and night, t His subject at 11 a. m. will be "The Resurrection of a Dead Hope." and at 7:30 p. m. "Tbe tfnpsrdonable Sin." Special Easter music will be rendered at both services. BLACKWELL MEMORIAL Easter music will be ren dered at both morning and even ing services under the direction of Mr. L. E. Skinner. Herbert Peele wi'l speak at 11 n in. Rev Dv P. Harris will occuuy the pul It' at , the evening service,", ' " i. r '.- -v .ft ,-,-. , -. ' . PEARL. STREET METHODIST- ' -f CHURCH N "' y atsln'shlpwl. Ls'rcJjed'J'rv'" f f The Bunday school Wilt "give ah Ealter . program at 7:30 p. m, Ep worth League will i meet at '. seven o'clock. . ' v ' The regular Sumlay "school "ser vice w!!J be hi!!d at 10' a. m. A reputed jGerman spy was takel In custody here today and lodged la Jail to await development. The prisoner with a companion er rived In the city last night and I said to ; have spent ; the most of the time hanging arounud the armory 6 the' ' naVal militia.- Hie- action aroused" suspicion there N and , finally one " of the" men ' ordered him out He continued to behave in, a jnan -ner that excited suspicion, and at ' aboet- three o'clock thleafternooa he waa taken, In custody by the' Po lice and 'conducted to headquarters where his effects were gone Into. He gaVe an. inepberjntand rathet contradictory account of himself and wa locked up in Jail pending furth er investigation - of his s baggage, Part of It. was .it -the Peoplfa lSa9 marked for shipment. ; 4i y luciiuuuaviDg paperg were, found In his first effects but the story which he told undef examlna tion wa strangely contradictory; He aid that he was in the armory be ( cause haying -served - himself for fpur jeajs In the army he. was Inter ested "Id" the warllkke. preparations going 0n tberei He claimed to have arrived hv tbeclty this morning but witnesses were found who saw him . here Friday night, He said tbab hie father was an oysterman, later that he was Serving In the British trench es In France and finally that he was a 'postmaster lomewhere in . New . Jersey. ; : ; D. E. Bevtrn, if that is his name, has a non i resident's license to hunt In Currituck sound signed by E. W. Ansell. He also has an avl ator'a license fnd is saidto .be .one of the four ;whof passed though here in thle winter, oni the ) way, to the )Horid4; coalt;;' tw,W them W an aeroplane and two ot them in a launch. TwT Of this party stippeJ in Elizabeth ; , City, ; ; Jaquitn ; an J Schneider; and the rumor has since persisted here, that i they were In the employ ot i the German govern . ' menV , ;The man, htld here1 i8 sail ': to be one of the two who jnade the trip ni a : launch,,'', , Bystanders de clare that. his companion,,, seen .with, him last night, could noLTspeak Eng llsh except wl'h difficulty. He claims now to te In the employ' of an aviation firm at. Atlantic City, The" hearing., which waa conduct" ed privately" at poljce headquarters, " drew a big crowd of spectators to the city ahU, where the w stairway . leading up ; to Chief .Thomis'. offices wa packed and quite a croyd were assembled on ' the . street outside. ( cthin was) found in . the lK gage , brought , to'. tolce beadquarti ers Worn the People' Line except clothing and personal lettersj The ' s t only ; thing against ; Severn appear , to be hlB own eiisplclous behavior r and the ' contradictory, account he gives of himself. V w -,; , : ' ' Last Service : a Sunday P.Me I The Week- of Prayer for Homo MlPsiont - held vet . BiackweU , Memorial churoh during the , week, will come to a close' Sunday after noon .with the most elaborate pro gram of the wefk meetings ' .All otv the missionary 'organiza tions' of the-church will , take part, Mrs. S.' C" Newbold, repre "T.tiri : the W. M. U.;: Miss Callln Vorr? the Y. W. A,t,Mrs.," A. F. To. -, b Royal Ambssaadors; Mr. I. R. RkinnnT the ' Clr!s Aux ' trv; and. M.'M21T XcCov t ' j 1 !'5!1H,