News With out Bias . ' Views , Without Prejudice The Only Democratic Newspaper PublishedIn Elizabeth , City ' , ' VOL. 3 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 17, 1917 NO. 94 m i ItoS t 1 n 0 German Submarine Attacks United States Destroyer in Early Morning Hours But Missle Missed Target ClllilUJII is Enemy Fighter Escapes A GREAT PICTURE VAST SUM OF MONEY EXPEND ED IN ITS PRODUCTION AND THE PRICES CHARGED ARE QUITE REASONABLE. A' trillion is ailed to an error in a-dj' day's ad of Civilization in Tyrrell Ctfunty Man Drowned All Subseqnent Efforts to Under Sea Raider Fruitless. Trace Daring Are W hi' il l'r I vrd scat ii:t-l a' 1'5 and iru'id have ' c':i L'"i a " I . ti;t' I1' prb pa: ed with w hat " Over a year wa s ii'i; t he ; rat i i in- pnirs worn i en; This id ,V cents. A wiien c lu ll' r t licit ; es Washington, April 17 The first shot of the war was titedd by (V many and it missed its mark. An enemy submarine, braving the perils of the Atlantic in the early morning hours today attacked the destroyer Smith by tiring a torpedo across her hows. The shot missed, the missile clewing the American vessel In (hi'ty yard-. The sub tnbarine disapi eared ami all subse quent iT'.r: to tra e the host il fighter was futile. Official conliinntion of the en counter was ic.eived by the navy department shortly after noon t da. The t.fllclal st iie.nv at i .-ne 1 d . I ,r ed that (be Smith sighed an ene.iiv submarine running -m' tie rg- d ;.t rhout S;:in this morning as the U-boat tii d a torpedo and dUa,;, peared. This atim k is the arst cone e'o evidence of persistent rumors that un enemy submarine was lurking off the American oast . The facf that the Fire Island station convey ed the original information leads to the belief that the Germans are not far distant from New York City. Boston. April IT A German tor pedo launched at an American war vessel from a submarine at twenty clock this morning marks the first engagement of the wm geiiy WLL According to wireless nnssa received at the Chariest own n yard here, the torpedo missed mat k and (he irine uh disappeared . (Tlif Putted Sa;es ship at v. ! the torpedo was fired, the d- a r Smith, was nudum tied I) I vi able to Mil e l'"e onem This is the frst np" enemy suhm -ritic in ters since th" 1 't; ted the war. The iri.-yil-P M and , f t of Lone I l-.r.d ,!!..' v the na '.' t I 1.' ' ' cm . . ' ' e Vt d, ALL- v,; - f'.;- . ' - ; .il iV I rev v '" a Riot nr.;' " ' ' r u?r 'ii ' ' I ' : i i ' i n es i v y its klv ird el III! I OFFER NEW PEACE DIPLOMATS IN CLOSE TOUCH j WITH GERMANY OFFICIAL 3 j j LOOK FOR ANOTHER STATE- j I M E NT OF TERMS FROM TF U- ' I TONIC EMPIRES. By WILLIAM G SHEPPERD i f'.'.ii'-d Pres Staff C r rrrp'iitdp'it i ' t 'Ii risl ia na. A r 1 17 ( da ot ' n i ! short ly to is-uo I i ne yn I s a s; t men! of ti.i terms on . hit h .she will make peace or r 'iis der pe u negot ia'ile aci oi'ding to r, inoi s i;i 1 diplomatic ( ircles today. j The report comes from soune- closely identified with the plans of Geriimn officials. No details of i what Germany prop- ses to offer have been heaid. However, it I- j not believed that the terms ' set I out will differ in radical respect from the German inpsirod outline of what would be the demands of the Teutons given out at aWshingotn in December. American diplomatic offlcals have been formally advised that Germany is behind the psemlo- s a iallst movement for peace. The ap pointment of BernstortT as ambass ador to Sweden is in line with the Cuba to be Represented Washington. April IT Cuba will send a commission here t.i lonfe--with tltf Kiiglisb, -French and Ane r iean cdmmissionoi s in their (lis cusions of America's part in the war against Germany . FOOT EXPERT HERE in- . V. I, ivton. n present inc. the S inill M'ltiulai 'uri.'.g (' impany in l !.e ;l ' for 4 1 lie !i r-t t roe day i of the ufrk with Ov.'C-s Shoe Company Mr l.axton is lie r to give expert advieh on the ca e or the feet and a to. how to relieve all manner of foot ills. He knows how not only to relieve but to cure corna. bunions, callous spots on the sole and other foot ailments that make life torture to those who auff'T from them. He will not be here after Wednesday ami those who wish to see him should act promptly. adv. attempt to come to t" I ate peace with Russia . of sepei to Mr Dean, "You ee the star Is to be your ward " "(). yes." re plied Mr. Dean "she Is my Fannie Ward" The rest of the company promptly lrscended upon him but the punster managed to escape with his life. Others in the cast are Fugene Pallette. Horace II Carp'nt er. Vola Vale, Paul Weigei. Walter Long and others. e ' t Itl Ml,', k -n i spe ta 1 " iiV," whii h is to b screened at the New Theatre this week, and ;is the advei tisement tell us, oer a tnilli. n doll u s expended In its making. Kven dis counting loth iii;' atltjes by thirty per cent we stfl' have t')c most re markable thlnp yet done in the movies. These movies are noth ing, if not marvelous--in fact a movie that was not in the estima tion of "n maker and his hireling" a marvel would not havo I lie least chance of getting ovct. The picture. Civibat i A," made its bow, so to speak, at the Cri t Hon Theatre, New. York, with vei v little predimin ry tr 'inpe i lowing in the wav of press work It just went on tn it'ii id w, y a: d took I Pise ew York by storm, al tliotit-ii band:: appod by com ielit Ion of the many other forms of -en--talnment which lirnadway tihvav' has on hand for its giWt transe'ent 'cosmopolitan popul :lbin . Yet thi picture, liandicapt ed as it we e bv nnalesty, h s held (is place in th very building where picture compe tition is ahsolutelv at its keenest in the winhl the Ciiterion Thea tre ladng one of the many Imposing pit hire houses on one block on Broadway Its phrnominal suc cess is due to the fact that the product r. Mr. Thomas II. Ince sue ceeds in touching the hearts and minds of everybody who sees his beautiful seteen sermon on the love of ones neighbor. The Christus walks through this picture and walks through It with infinite dignity and compasdon. The mind almost automatically finds itself conjuring up scenes of the Holv I. mil nineteen centuries News reached hore of the death of Mr. Joe Liverman of Tyrell county from drowning, Mr. Liverman and his brother had load ed a gas boat, with fiah and were trying t0 get them aboard the Alma which, was off abreast of Doak Point. The men headed straight for the Alma. It war rough that morn in : and when they were close be side the im" ; vjve i Li s'" od the !i'!Ybcat in irrjp of '!:, The how !' the Alp,. i s'ruek ihe biat. causing '' I" ' ' ri'e, Vr. I.h i" un::i 1 ei ag :n.,l:!i' to swim was d" owned. Sticking In First Sweets Cold weather has delayed the putt in .r out of sweet potatoes In Currituck: this Spring but this week the farmers will generally begin to gel ttieir plants out. Mr. Lloyd Hampton of Coinjock was settJng out his plants Monday, say visitors to the city from Currituck wdio came Into Kli.alieth City on that dav. IE WA COUNCIL TO IWEET IDE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NINE YEARS ELIZABETH CITY WILL BE HOST OF THE EPISCOPAL DIOCE-E OF EASTERN CARO LINA mi arc !ieri .1 ,i I OS ,' ' 1 r e O I 1" Tonight's Show t Alkrama HINTS TD REDUCE MOTION PICTURE Ma'erial reduction of the lire haz i I!. aid in the motion pictiire industry j do all y cm win try - KITE STREET BEFORE EXPENDING PROCEED ; OF SALE OF NEW BOND ISSlftp BOARD OF ALDERMEN IrK". VESTIGATE MERITS OF CON. 7 CRETE. ' Kl.zabcth fit v will trv 2.000 siii.aio yards of cuiciete paving be', tote deciding bow the $6tl,000 Juat man' aiidliliie fiom the sale of i sii. i f miiiiii i, ul bonds fof' -tii'i paving shall le spent. Tni : ' experiment will he made on PenjU sylvaiiia avenue. This was decided by the board Of aldermen in a speciar meeting MOB day afternoon. The work will b done by the city under the super 1 vision of an expert from the Porti land Cement association. This ex ' pert supervision will not cost th cit a penny. Viie action was taken by the loard after they had listened to Mr. William 1'. Kn-ud of the Port ' land Cement Association set forth bis claims as to the merits of con- A ore'e and alter he had sh0wn them. '! , '. litters t' i inn eitv engineers all over ' i. the stale expn ssing a decided pre-J': f ... I'",' ,,t., .... -4 wilh b:eK or s md foundation the ' m ferial which Klizabeth City i has ' t:sei on all bs p ivil streets up t Xhii time. Mr KukbI convlnCAfl "' -i m,,i men (I'at thev shiitlld not . in. I- ' i bis new a ' 1 ' t giving hi-, vh w. more i 1, : trial. cj euditiire without a cheaper, and In-' salisfactoiy mater th' . I I 1 1 '. ;"' i u ' nut: 'i f ill':: ud .'if' i ', i i "i a1;. ever v "ll'l'l'l" Prill i ninv n, i an h" li'l'.b't i i die no :-. I ' i; ppe,te( to result from the publi 'iiteui of ImllnTns and"! t"ie direr lii'.n of the Commiftee en Fire Pr" v dn'i"n ltegulations and liisiiram e of i','e 'aionil As-n -iation id' the M )- i n I id are 1 ud iisi i v. ,t.',,.,::, l . wliicb has ju- t b- '". i - ai -d. ir. t . , m thai instir:.".r" rate en , ,; ! ir'du -.vliei-e tih-l . u'o ip , i . , ei I -d b V i llO 1 1 , ' ' ;" . ' t'e' 1 pi ,"--.i"i'al elrelrician 1 . i : a Cie il;: nee wi' it d " . u ' " , no in a 1 it llo ,v i ... " -, Have Hi.. ' a ' :i 1 n uk ' n gh i '). i i i, .par!., but that ' ' a nf '',!, Una- j ., i id : i! i;,'l(" P..' ' The annua council rf the diocese of Kast Carolina vIll meet at Kliza beth City May Lath, 16, and 17th. Christ church parish will be host to the council and it Is expected that there will he about 200 dele gates to be taken care of. These will consist of clergymen, women and girls representing the various branches of church activities. This Is the first time that this count II has met at Kli.abeth City since Itmx, when Ihe town did her self proud In honor of the event and gave her guests a royal welcome Il K believed that once again the rates of the city will be o en wide whi n these vb ltois c nine here to ' cell iiP'l' " The K lllg s tusi tli'SK " an i. whi1, Tl coll 1 ''in da I I'di op '.i Pall!" si ere a and i:n bill . id' 1 1 d..' 11'.., I ,' lid !'!' I d-e i ' i a h s , - a : i , 1 1 i u , 1 1 1 1 I ' . . !, c' ''II ' h .: ' i r : '1 ,. U" ' a ' ul Mr I mule s s that (onciete Is gaining in popularity as a paving material at a prodigious rate. H" cit(.H convincing figures to prove his point. In 1 !)()! the amount of concrete paving done In the Unit" ed States amounted to only 730,000 square miles. 1 In elx years, or by 1915, the total construction of concrete paving done In a year had Increased to 16,500,000 Hiiuare mllps In lOlfl. 24. ,000,000 square mibs of concrete streets and road were constructed And the rate of Incease Is climbing all the time. The I'ortlind Ceemnt Association does not sell or manufacture cjment. It s maintained by c"tnent m artifact ureis and p'ovid s exi ert supervis ion r eoiiereie work wi(hout charge d'h" pori'i'sc of th" m itiufa 'f. rors users of i ement from ir i areb" s nr ("iiorant d In ill-Hire tllem thfl ; esiip i wii i cement n I Plntee fi pub ur i'liu iir; ' po.-iM Pi le'l 1 7 I 1 ' t h I'd' W 1 1 i s own I , !, Din r fbe 1 II" ' ..' .. ! ., I I" d I "., I '" 1 I ' i ,e Ui" ei i ri : s -i 1 ,i a d 1 n "I for : e a'. . Willi n 0.7.I tingi: how i C'lP'titbi in '.' be 1 H.-.y moment. ( "a !"b.v i and I . ' ' n, t linurli 1 .s clos' iv cue oped, at'" no lesii po tentd, nr triced by the allied ad vance. General II 'ig's repo't this morn Inng told of a new thrust south of Caltibral. Statements from Paris inore than confirmed the most san "gufne hopes of the success of the Joint offensive . General NJv-,-elle reported a , desperate German jittettpt to stem the tide of the . i O'Ael'. L Hit '..rib ,l. i o,. ntrr a' I le "f tw, !H I'drnrli w d st in to th" "ir the S.oissoms lo ; j. 1' II ! is t'P'iiSt s 'die. elms front. setrilrd by t.r Kiench as ihe ob jective of their offensive, the field is Ideal for offensive fighting. The rolling country is sufficiently clejr to afford space for the hest mane uvers. The Germans are reported as, suffering heavy losses along the entire front. .l . ,',,",. ',.', , , . .. ' In , 'i . '! ,.i I ,,' !'; ' ' , ' ' 1 . ' ' ib" A '"is u,v , our i o'idilio:;" ; I ! i la hue', i",; (el In f:iii'"ts ii ai d a quarter h've and ive lirn ft bowl! b n s 1vt 1 1 Is i x' octed i i d with a rei-dlntf -' " ".. w'.lli ' on ,,f I ii' city ' " i b. 1 id Mr. ' r ubir brie has ' ' ' '" i ' - ivrtK r e -,r best 1 ' 'v e i r ebed. (dl whi' h ei erybody it mat t in Pnv, a ip) Keep sand pails han dy, '-'and will stop a small film fjre quickly and will not damage tiie stock. 2. Keep film In containers whn not actually in use. The time loss in replacing It is nothing. Naked fllu la the one condition that guarantees that a little fire will get beyond con trol In a few seconds. 3. Throw film scraps Into self closing metal cans, never into opon waste baskets. . 4. Keep the cotting rooms, etc, well swept , The tiny plecea of film ! e ahnut mt- the dust as dan gerous as to murk gunptfwder. .... P. ML S'liott. - . . a. -.- Hut d e,'t r w ill ligiit exi opt when it i ' ,'i ' "ii'" i to id l.f""i oi '. ( -ougli cement, ga.i olltio end I'd' -'roa on band for 'In day's woi', TP"' are all lib'hly in flammable, and should if stored waere thev ( an tin no harm. 10. Appoint one man or woman as fire monitor, and let. him know It la all his Job Is worth to fail to call down the boss, the cutter, or the office boy for any carelessness. The bulletin Is being distributed to nil tha affected interests in the busi ness. The conSmittee is composed of Jesse L. Lasky, Charles M. Biscay and - 1 i . i ! : 1 'I ' 1 1 i i ' ' a I , lb' 1 a ii . lb i !. vn td me d to in . .. poundi n t ) '(r k 1 h" paid ry al I ""t.a y a a sir pri . i i 'u b, , . ,. r ron is r ! P. a v I i ! d i i e ve nfn ihiii. f- r 1 1,'- :,n i s-e may s nd their o:tt i ut ion -, to tli" reef ry on Friday ; P onoon Ihrei to five o'i lock wdte e n r m nvttee 0r ladies will lie there to reci Ive such contributions. Home Guards Meet Thursday LODGE CONFERS DEGREE Eurea Lodgfe. No. 317, A. F. & A. M., will confer the second degree at their hall in the Robinson build ing tonight. All members are urged to attend. " ' ' ' ' Th. no'irh"' of t lib:: i Loth. City if rite Guard are culled to j m"t at f ho rraorv Tlmrsdsv night " 1 at. eight oe.-ek by otder of W. A. ', Worth, major. . WEATHER OR NO Fal tonight.-, Wednesday fair and warmer. ' ' 1 . V '

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