News Without - Bias -Views Without Prejudice Somebody,Has fo Raise Everythino: You Eat Do Your Share ' - ' - - - - The Only Democratic v Newspaper ?ublished in Elizabeth V City Vol. 3 ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, ViURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 19. 1917 : ; NO. 96 GERMAN REVOLUTION IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL Teutons Said to be Well Supplied With Arms and Ammunition are ThreateningtoInvadeUruguay By CHARLES STEWART Buenos Aires. Apru li great German po, u.tiQii; a three states has levulteijft Dispauhts iroin Montevideo, cap Hal or the Uruguay, the snwll Somh Auiericdii Stute'-to the so.ith oi Brazil, assert tnat (he Ten ons are well armed aiid hae even smik- it 9ffl WONDERS OF ElECIBICIIY artillery . Tuev are taut to STUDENTS OF STATE COL I FRF (IF AGRICULTURE AND plentifully supplied with am .nu.on . ENGNEER1NQ QVE INTEREST ,aud provisions also. ING- EXHIBIT It la difficult to set details oe- cause Brazils censorship Is strjtf- , N c n( ly supressing particulars. It seems. I Electrlcal KnglluerilK, S(K.letv Jiowever, tnat ine reueuiou icmcm in the Brazilian spates of Kio j Grande, Parana, and Santa father- ina. The German population there Is estimated at half a million These are Brazil's southern provinces. Uruguay dispatches declare that the Germans attempted to dynamite the railroad bridge at Santa Maria. IThe Government of the Rio Grande province is attempting to concentrate the strongest loyalist troops to oppose the lehels in Porto Alegra. . Meantime Urusiuy Is massing troops on her horler far ing that her territory may be fn vaded by the Germans. Officials are quoted in Montevideo dispatches who assert their belief in the ability of the government to with stand all such attempts. The Drazillian Germans have been known for some time to be prepar ing for a move ; gainst Uruguay. They would prefer to obtnin poss esslon of the rich nitrate deposit", of Chile but these are too far awav It Is believed, to make this practi cable. Brazilian censorship prevents ol talnlng verification of what action is bein.: taken to quell the insurrection. N STANDS Hit TIE ALLIES FOREIGN MINISTER DECLARES THAT RUSSIA FREE IS DOU BLY STRONG AGAINST GER MAN MILITARISM 'By t nil O:! . Press 1 Petrograd April 111- A . ledge I hat Russia stands unswei Ving a'ainst Germany was .;iven today by for eign niiuister Mti'.iknff in wePom lng the British and French I lbor delegates. T Provl . Pinal gov ernment will conti": o to do t part in the anhilintion of Cerman militarism wi'h the n te-,1 inten slty. he stated "Our ldo.,1-, he; went on -is o irent the future inis- i,ili: of w r. beg you to i n n 1)111110 to vour c nintHes i that n free Hns-Pi is ! m!.!v snrig to prevail ;g mi. i h.-r u.... Wants Statement From Socialists I I'.v !':it"' !!-. Wa: liinulon. April r.i - lioprrsen- I (ative London, soidali I, cable I a i friend In Ibe llto-'siiin Pona today urging pu'd; al inn of all authnrata J five statement de pirn: trnt the BusKlan socialists aic not In favor of u separate prate. of North Carolna State College pre sented to the public for two even ings this week a spectacular show which was of much interest, and of great credit to the students put ting on the show. The apparatus used, much of which was construct ed entirely by students, was valued at over $10,000. Demostratlons and explanations were made of many of the modeur, wonderful and myster ious stunts accomplished with elec tricity. The laage attendance was enlight ened and entertained by many mar velous accempllhments whloh elec tricity now performs. K;gs were fried on Ice, an arc lamp was made to talk, write and sing a telauto graph transmitted writiii" over to differenet parts of the building, iron was heated whte hot in a pail of fr'er. an electric magnet was shown capable of lifting a swing containing ? eople. and other in teiitinr features weie a mercurv vapor lamp, electroplating, lamp burning on glass without wire con nections, xray. wireless telegraph system, rectifiers and storage bat teries, and the instantaneous tele phono system. The most spectacular part of the show was a Tesla coil, made by a student which steps up an ordi nary 110 volt current to 1 OoO.DOO volts This coll was shown fo pro duce a three foot soaik. and novel experiments, showing beautiful col or effe ts made a treat impression To exhibit the h rmlrssness of the high frequency current produced, two students allowed he urf-en;t to pass through their modies and form a spark o foot Ion lolween spoons held in their mouths. To The Citizens Of Elizabeth Cityr As you know, our President his called upon the va rious Governois of the State throughout this Union and the Governors in turn have requested the execu tive heads of the vanous towns and cities in their res pective states to do all things possible to relieve the food situation and reduce the high cost of living large ly the result of the conflict in which we are engaged as a people, 1 am calling upon each and every one o you. owning or controlling any vacant Jot or lots in E lizabeth City suitable for cultivation", to immediately plant and raise everything possible for the relief of the people, and should any of you not be in a position to use these lots yourself, then 1 earnestly request that you tile the same with me, giving description there with, that 1 may turn these lots over to a committee of good women who have this matter upon their hearts and who will furnish the seed and see that it is Culti vated. 1 know of no more patriotic duty that we can perform at this time than that of aiding our people who suffer because of high prices. In earnestness and sincerity 1 call on you and ask that you render this service to humahify.'lnd I feej" confident that it needs onl) to be called to your at tention to be granted. Any service that I can render as .he official head of this city will be a pleasure, and I ask that you call upon me at anytime. Respeatfully, P. G. SAWYER, MAYOR. Prige Essay -On Thrift By EVA B. BAGLEY (Student of Moyock High School) The Best definition of thrift t ' Care and wisdom In the manage rnent of ones rebources." Thrift seeks not metely to aTe but to earn. Economy manages, frugality saves, providence plana, lad tbrift at once earnfc and saves. wlth a -view to propor and whole some and profltaLle expenditure at a fittfg time. Lot-oil take thrift in the differ ent professions of life, the thrifty fanner first because we are most in tererttfd In this Un3 of work. The th lfty farmer mai;es his plans for each conrn; year with FRENCH LUKE ' F UBTHER GAlliS INTENSE ARTILLERY ACTION AROUND f QUENTIN - MAY PRESAGE TREMENDOUS v IN FANTRY ASSAULT THAT WILL CARRY THE TOWN By WILBUR FORREST V (United Press Staff Correspondent) - Paris April lEverywhero-.luc' cess" is the epUoma of official state . ineuts from various fighting fionU These statements bring detail! of a fresh and continuous sweep ' tor ward by the French In their great great ar. All of theset plans are ! offensive against the German-lino. " definite and practical. combining! Positions dominating Nauroy .and ... . . . .. : theory and piactice. tr.s eincient uorouviuers were capturea in ,,tno economy consists in knowirsg condl tiors and preparing for them In ad vance. Fie sho :ld be hut nut parsimonicja? . The thrifty farmer uses the lest so d and farm tools In order to ob tain the best results from his la bors . lie must ue Intelligent enough to se the need of an education for his children. In this way he will bo contributing most to the gener al uplift of the community and will at the same time le preparing the way for his children to become nobler nienn and women. Realiz ing that health Is one of the very best lime savers he does not neg lect the health of his children. A sound mind in a Bound body be comes his motto, and Ijp is ever ready to support healthful sports for his children. He Is willing to work and Is anxious to see others work and come to the frant. Firing May be Was Thunder NEW DEPARTMENT OF W COLLEGE I STUDENTS WILL BE EiPECIAL j LY PREPARED TO TEACH ! AGRICULTURE AND OTHER AL I LIED SUBJECTS Door to Room Was "Jimmied" (liiel Pnssl T:io t-n. ih : : m h. t; lO.fli ('a ' C il.ird "i ' u ' u ' U'" ' "!' ': ;' he-ivy "" '.l V;!.- u . "a-o . That i.-; t'te pni n i.f t' " , :i nt ! ; ii of :i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ' t . ssi-l a rriv in C this U'or .,n: fr-'iii h re ion , i' i In' I- p' '" ' 1 N' I - ;' ' noihcr t : v ' 1 1 t may !!. 1 i- 1 s her ' the -.hor' h .1:1 111.' e Senate Fight On Censorship !Sl ( i 4 1 - w WEATHER OR NO Fair tomrtnt. Frlliv fvr(.iit ir (Hy If'.feil IT""! Wushiiigton. April l1- Tile fight In the senate agi.inMt the pioposed administration censorship regula tions, lrrrluding the espionage mens ure, continued unhated today. Op ponents declaro that the enactment of the proposed regulation on1rl :. Kaieigh, N C. Anl 1'.' Hoard of rr.iU"S of .o:ili ina Stat'' 'ulii f-e ol A ;ri nit Ml Keg 1 rii'g en n; l il step loiwant in loi ,. , t, c iv its at ion in 1 1 i . pa rl mint of 1 ''a1' 1 ''aw ,,;.( vmatioiial V i" a ion. Tin a im t.i en upon re; oimiienda- j f i'i e.-ident Uiddick, m.d !.! . !' oi'ls wore appr 1 ii :te;l for . i H iiaii e of Hindi a depart- T!.i- course will take the , (,f 1 lie normal 1 oursu now I in tiie 1 a t;. io '.ue. and iil 1!" vo e c;.i I, pritnar-U., for Ibe tune , l.tng. to tiaiiijng teachers ol' agri wjli'.ire and rural p'oimmlcs for j jiout.en in Hie f.irtnlile schools of 1o '.rue. The work will cover the ;'eM oi elepieiuaiy pedagoL'i . In' bid In ; piiyc'colo 'v. methods of toach'nir. history of education, school room manneefiipnt. secondary and aerlruK urnl education, etc., and at the same time retain bs much of the regular courses In agriculture ai Is possible. The need for tuch a course ha been recognied - for a,, number "of years. , , The enlistment of farm life tchoclo bronght out more gtrlk" Incly the dcrnand for yonrg inen tliy L'nlt'iu rt-esst Washington. April 1H -The d.ior of the senate (omniittee on naval affairs in the capilol building was jimmied last night l'oliie believe 111-' sp;es p- e. open thr- door with iron instruments supposedly seeking, naval plans. The niaik on 1 he door are plain a t''e wood was splinteied. No j 1 : , 1 , i- ate nilssitiR from thu room-. i.iiAi'i-cr. Senator S',ins:n ;ivs ill ,' not liinr ' f 'i cni'-d'-ni ial l:,- l' V, I i' io I'll' r on e! WHAT CAN YOU DO ' : 11 . I w oiua n in 1 h ,,i nor 1 lea 1 eil t ii . rl dol t: .: -,::.:, I li.l I. lol -l ,.!! Ill ,, .1 n ' . i !o n p I 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 'o I'.' ': -wel : ;..-..- lie tii'- he Lad 1 'tir'i'ii tint 1 . ' ' he I 1 111 i a w ' t h v " ' '1 1:1:1 In ; the Sunmii r. :die works out most of the time nil onlv has th'e e:'tly morriing-i I (.ml laie evenlnes anil an o-'on ,1 dav of in which to 'oik a.ler ( r en), s .- ;.lsc Many rradu tet have hid to go through severnl years of appren tice fencing 1 efore thev lenrnod to adjust their methodds to the re quirement!! of the adolescent period with whl' h they had to deal. This In one of many forward more menU of the college under the virile administration of Presldont Rlddlck. and wit no dr-tiMt H (rrenfe.l with The thlfty farmer Is n e-nnH M.l Ken. He assists In enforcing: health regulaions in the home, ivhool. and i nimunltv thereby saving time, friends, and money. He assists In the preservation of the law and ord er in all his drties. Likewise, he increases ihe value of property by employing his greatest efforts fotf the lie'terment of all about him. He Increases the Joy of living In the household by promoting cleanli ness, healthness. and g:-pd disposi tions among the family. It Is also a movement In the way of thrift to have good, wholesome food In the home and to use all precautions fo prevention of disease; for health In the home accounts for greater vital Ity and capacity for work. In the question of livestock the thrifty farmer excerslsos great care In l he selection of the breed best stilled to his localty and means. Ajf the waste from field and kitchen, or what was "formerly considered waste -,'oes to feed pfuR and cattle and the profit from stock In turn replenishes larder and pockektbook . Rvery anl ma!, too. adds to the homelike ntrmn phere of the fanner's home. Mu'h care is also taken wf'h Mowers and vegetable gardens-. The y..cet:i,es save the farmer money and are healthful for pome use; (P flow, rs are used () decorate, to befiutlfy. and to develop a sense 0f beauty In I the home. j TP" fu'llier t ,,,, w, ,1,,, p,!,,st I i'i' :s. ami tlierel 'ti ;lti Intelli e:o on 'O" at ton 1 1 -i n l a rooit 1 i t i . . -r i ... 1; ei- , iiefvi ;. "el, 1 tl: 11 ol' lo- lier is . f ,r ue ar lll'lilllv (e lL-ed ! V I'.lee tllMI.V.; the ' o ' s v e 1 ad t h 1 on- pa n v wo keel, ! tot te . (' s V . 1 The till' 'I -II I ! let, . in i'i, II,,, 1 Hoi I. - Mc.'a'e I .' and Me . I 'I I e III O .'IT. I : ill!' e e 'I lie piMli p e H hi P I, ;,..e 'II j ' ' 1 for the -Ii I v firmer a civ it,, : - 1,1 Ii, r too,', --'on I lr I vei-i -i.t.-nd t". :r down sn-i.: j de'i,lt.. nip-., fr i,p ,.r:i,it,. ,,f brift. I - 01 Id do 1 o PetdV V'tin cnotf f'om Franklin ami ithers t hese p'over1 s ' "Keen thv "hop, and thv sho;i W ill keep (,e. " "Ta ke car" of M'o pennies, nnd llin dollars will take care of them pclven." "Thrift is b"tter than annuity." "A man's purse will never beAare If he know When to buy, to spend, nnd to ipare." Cut your coat according to your rloth." ., aween to the east of Rhefmk: and in the smashing blows nioro ground' "a-, huiueu nulla Olll Ol DOiSBOUia tha ...,U...r .U- ... .1 r . . ." Desperate Goiman attempts t t0 create diversions elsewhere failed ' today to check the French advances; having no further effect than to ' ,ring on a general engagement . practically all ;,lon the French front. Around St. Quentin General Nl-'' velle repotted great artillery vctiv -. Ity. This, it Is thought, may ba the precursor of another tremen dous infantry i.ssault In that iec tion which may sweep the town long menaced Into the hands of the French. The Identification of twelve new German Divisions In one section b tween SoIbsohis and Auberlves means that the Germans there have been compelled to mass 240,000 new troops to take the place , of those '"cot to lliecoa tn tKS:frnriiJ'7"-' cheelr' the succeeding waves of the ' French assault. ' Every dispatch from the front emphasizes the (loody etCUtlon wrought, by the French ' iTtllfblJ against the German favorite tflethod of defense; that is. of massing men at a point of attack. Observers east of Ithelnis declare that the bloody slaughter of the hall of the Fench projectiles is appalling and. as great as ever seen In any battlefield. Word has heen passed to tho German Jont to hold all positions at any cost. This Dodge Will' Not Work Washington. April !! -Men who marry to dodge military service", will not be excused, the War De li, riment ruled today. Only marriages made before the outbreak of war will le taken Jn to account in making exemptions. No Submarine On Our Coast Amsterdam. April lit No Oer . man su'ma' ne is now In the wes tern half of tli- tl;;nth. saj'B an olliei:'1 all.ioiin. , inent Irotll Berlin today. Bickett Wants Men For Navy '( il. J i '. 'i-ii - Governor :',iileit to-day !ipe,Mp'ii io comrrter eial oi gani.u t ions ai d o inunlt leal authorl; ies to Im'kui Monday ft week's cinipaitii l.,r enlistment ill the nnvv. Hnmp riliinrHs Meet Thursday The members of ' the Elliabeta. Cly Home Guard sro called to m',ct at the urmory Tbvnliy r' ' t