- ..ws Without '. f ".w.."TT ' 1 vwv . . " ... - - . ' 6 -W - T-' T Newspcr Published in Elizabeth City VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 2D. 1917 NO. 97 1111 PROHIBIT 0! IS NOI UjiLILY FOODSTUFFS BY GOVERNMENT MAY LEAD TO CUTTING OFF 'GRAIN FROM BREWERIES tBy Oolteu i'rMs) -- I-1 Washington. April 20. Whether "war prohibition" will be an emer r jency measure of the present Con X gress will.be determined shortly. . ",, The President and his cabinet 1 i'took up today the recommendations f ; ot Secretary Houston for legislation covering the entire problem of food -"-conservation and distribution, and Secretary Houston's suggestion was V laid before Congress this afternoon 4 Simultaneously the Government's In- teations as to war prohibition are : likely to .be divulged. The prohibi tion question i8 closely associateu with he food problem. Congress was asked to give the Government v authority, which if granted, would ' place the ""country's entire fond pro duction under just supervision . This would include of course, pow er to shut off grain or other food stuffs from the breweries r Moyock Briefs Moyock. April 18. Mr. J. P. Bry ant spent Sunday here. ' Mr. J. J. Morse spent Tuesday la NofoOk. Mr. S. F. Adylett spent Friday In Norfolk. Mrs. Hertnan Newborn and two little daughters are spending some time with Mrs, Newbern's pother and sister at Moyock. Mrs. A. J. Adylett spent Wendes day in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Flora hare returned So Statesville after spend ing, some time with Mr. Flora's mother Mrs. Laura Flora. The Epworth League will have a Council meeting at the Methodist Church Friday "night. , The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. W. D. Cox last Wednesday. After the usual business wassttend etl to delicious refreshments were served. fUl REBELS STRIP REPORTS FROM URUGUAY STATE THAT FIGHTING IS IN PROGRESS BETWEEN GER MANS AND GOVERNMENT TROOPS JBueBgA4teft," April;, 20. Wlhan, llr-tight Erasillian censorship- J id X-n raniirt u frnm TTriiffimv 'rtpclnrfl .,kv... . --- I (,,! ' that the German revolt in the' Bra-I - 1 1 1 ( I r Leaves City ForDelaware tillian provinces is growing in pro portions. ' Refugees pouring into ITntuvy report fighting between the Gor man re,els and the Government forces in Brazil. The Urumiayan Government ha dtspatchojd re serves to the border to prevent any violation of its neutrality or sovereignty. The Rev. J. H. Warren, l'astor of Pean, Street t?tholist Church re ef h e.1 au Tnvltd'on Item i tie Kings Wood Methodist Fourth of Wilming ton, Del. Mr. Warren was not in clined at first to answer I ho call, but filially decided to visit the City and Church. After preaching to tbU congrega tion and agate receiving a unani mous invitation by the Bishop Dis trict Supt. and the peoule Mr. War ren has decidtd to accept the call. W'llmington Conference i8 one ot Ihf very best Conferences and ot ters many advantages to a man ot Mr. Warren's type. Thero aie twen ty M. B. Churches in that one City, together with Schools ahdTToU 'eges and every advan'ate tint his y may denlre. Mr. v.'arren starting at the bottom in his r r Division is m nnn IU HARD i UU II IDEA HOLDING ITS TRENCH IN FACE OF ADMITTED OPPOSI TION FROM WHITE HOUSE BELIEVED THT CONTROL OF (By United Press) Washington, April 20 Despl.e the adminrititon'B efforts to annihi late it, the Roosevelt Division idea is holding its trench. It i3 the meet formidable obstruction in the p.th of the President's selective rcon scrlptlon plan. Betting favois the idea that T. R. would get Into the trenches with a volunteer force In France long before the first con st ript dirtsons are ready for the fray. It is admitted that President Wil son is opposed to the plan. Friends of the (Jolonel insist that Wilson- opposition is predicted on the poli tical possibilities likely to ensue when Teddy comes niarchng home. Administration backers only ridi cule thi8 suggestion. MISSIONARY DAY AT BACKWELL MEMORIAL Next Sunday is Missionary day at Blackwell Memorial Sunday school. The following is the program: 9:00 a. m. Sacred Concert By the Sunday School Band. 9:30 a. m. Song Service By Chorus Choir and School. Prayer. Bible Reading Led by those hav ing Bibles. Band March 'Onward Christian J - ' -. -;.). ft-'- (. , ., V - t UROL OF. COIEBA v" MASTER FRED FEARING Winner In Sweetest Baby Contest with 2,350 votes to his credit. A close cecond was Fences Pappen dick wlh 2,028 and Flora Johnson "with 1,400 votes. Soldiers." Song By Primary Dpartinent. Exercisse P.y Miss Perry's Jcni'jr Boys. Exerclne By Miss Broth r's Ju nior Girls. 'Giving and ivlnrf By NV.ss Annie Belle Trueblood. Cornet Solo By Larry Enni, Skin ner. s Exercise By Miss Jones interme diate Boys. Exercise By Miss Morgans In termediate Girls. United States Flag Pageant By forty-eight young men of the Berea Class and thirteen youn women of the Fidelis class. BRAZIL LOSES ANOTHER BOAT -REPORTS THAT LEAK THROUGH CENSOR INDICATE THAT ALL IS NOT HARMONY IN SOUTH ERN REPUBLIC (By United Press) Tub Janerio, April 2D. The report today 'that the Brazilian stcimer 1 .KsBelem, has been torpedoed ly n German suhmariu? in the Medi erra- a nean aroused still further excite ment here. ' The unconfirmed announcement that the German minister, P.ioli::. will go to spread German pronagan do throuph Chile is t 'l en here ns a clear, indication of Cliile's lack of sympathy with Brazil's brer;' in relations with (3rmnn. The Federation of Labor has noti fied government workers not to fght in the event of war, nddlntr that "the government had better employ the idle workmen ?h"fin' let them engage in hostilities." new field of labor. There are only five per cent of the Mlnhlers who receive more salary, than he Is of fered. Mr. Warren stated to a re porter of this paper that he regret ed very much to leave the old North State, and especially the Washing ton Institute, Washington, N. C. SALE BEGINS SATURDAY Winter linpered in the lap of spring in a most tantalizing not to say immoddest manner. But Spring Isn't thinking of tarrying in the arms of Summer a bir And before anybody realizes it. Summer will be here. That's why the Womans' Wear Stere Is getting ready for it. On Saturday. April 21st, and for ten days following, I this up-to-date centre of fashion will "have a Sale that is sure to move its stock of silk dresses, suits, coats, skirts and o on. You see. this had to l e done to make room for the big stock of wash Rkirts, suits, dresses and real sum mer things that are arriving al ready. Prices are going to be cut on all Vprinjg garments, so that, it will he to the shopper's advantage to buy them immediately. Startling re ductions on beautiful garments, that sums uj) the situation. But, seeing is believing, and shoppers are urged to see these lovely 1M7 models on tho opening day of the sa'e at The Wo- i man's Wear Store. . adv CARD OF THANKS So many Kindnesses were shown Mr. Loftin during his illness and so many expressions of 'Sincere sympa- "f. J : , thy have come to hix, home since his death that it has been ifflpossTn" hie for me to thank each friend In dividually, and I wish to thank them all through the columns of The Ad vance tot each kindness to him. and to tnj roe. ,2. . u .'" V.:., , Mrs.' I. N, LOFTItf. mr..an(ivigrs. u. li. iirarirorfl re , !!,.-! I, , , fi-!r t..r frl STARS AND STRIFES 1 U ON BOTH AMERICAN AND BRITISH FLAGS TODAY FLOAT OVER ENGLISH PARLIAMENT BUILD London. April 20. This is Amert lea Day here. Thousands of. Ameri can flagg dress the city and a nota ble audience assembled at St. Pauls to do; honor to America and to fecon crate themselves to England's Ideals. Both .'King and Queen were present as well as other royalty, and the entire American colony " Including C'f Amrlf"-n Bml'Rssnflor. To The Citizens Of Elizabeth City: As you know, our President has called upon the va rious Governois of the State throughout this Union and the Governors in turn have requested the execu tive heads of the various towns and cities in their res -'pective states to do all things possible to relieve the foqd situation and reduce the high cost of living large !y the result of the conflict in which we are engaged as a people, 1 am calling upon each and every one o you owning or controlling any vacant lot or lots in E lizabeth City suitable for cultivation, to immediately plant and raise everything possible for the relief of the people, and should any of you not be in a position to use these lots yourself, then I earnestly request that you tile the same with me, giving description there with, that I may turn these lots over to a committee" of good women who have this matter upon their hearts and who will furnish the seed and see that it is Culti vated. I know of no more patriotic duty that we can perform at this time than that of aiding our people who suffer because of high prices. In earnestness and sincerity I call on you and ask thai you render this service to humanity, and I feel confident that it needs onl) to be called to your at tention to be granted. Any service that lean render as ;he official head Of this city will be a pleasure, and I ask that you call upon me at anytime. Respeatfully, .' ; 'P.G. SAWYER. - MAYOR. TREMENDOUS VALUE OF PRE VENTIVE MEASURES IN SAV ING NEXT WINTER'S MEAT SUPPLY ' - r By Dr. F. D. Owetl "-- Hog cholera i8 an extremely con tagious' disease affecting hogs only, which is characterized by its ex treme high mortality rate, rapidity of spread, and the fact that it caus es a larger financial loss to the farmers ot this country than any other animal disease. It is a preven table disease, but not to any g.eat extent, it is cnrable. There are thtee forms ot cholera, but all due to one cause, a very small germ or organism that is car ried from farm to fawn in a multi tude of days. The first form of cholera, known as the hyperacute, will usually, kill the animal before the owner has had time to knok that they are sick. Usu ally the victim of Jliat form will die with in oiTe to six hours after show ing signs or sickness. The second form, known a the acute type will usually kill the ani mal in from two to fourteen days. And the third type of the disease Is known as the chronic or lasting form, and in which the victim will linger for a, period varying from two weeks to three months. When ho,? cholera appears In a hei'df, uick action is essential to the saving of the herd. By acting, at once, after liOg cholera has biy- diagnoned, and having the healthy ones vaccicnated, or inuoculated, it will betpossibly to save from 90 to 9fr per cent of the entire herd. A good hog man wtll see his' hog every day and watch carefully as they are feeding for any sign of unthriftlyness, or any animal that lags behimi the herd a they drift along. That animal should he Imme- l diately taken away from the re) mainder of the herd, placed in close quarters for further observation, and if it develops into cholera have the entire herd immunized at once. In the beginning of an outbreak of the disease, especially if there hag been no disease in that section for some time, it may be difficult to at once diagnose cholera, and often times It Is real economy to slaught er arid post porten the sick one.thus saving time In treating the halance. Such post mortem, of necesslty.must be done by a man who has been trained in that work. The anti-ho cholera serum, pie pared from the blood of an animal that has been rendered so hyperim mune, that he has more than he needs of the protecting elements.'Ji will save practically all nwlne that are treated before the disease pains entrance Into their systems. How ever, after it has started, the chan ces of having the anim.ii is reduced nearly half. The method tit the Hcrum known as the serum alone method, will protect for a period Tlng from four t0 eight weeks, after whi'h the animal Is Just ax piisceptahle a8 he ever was. The 'nethod known as the s"rum kItiiiI- Tiinoous rr in;-time met noil, on .he other hand, will protect for a uorlod ranging from six months ui; 'o ten years or longer. But the hit ter method can bo used only bv pome one with previous training,. The greatest care must be ohserv ed in its owe. and It if well for nn ov.-por to watch the methods of the operator, and have him observe nil precautions in regard to cleatillreHn. ntc. as luck of the proper precau tion ft wl'l mean alices-, formation) or possljli blood poisoning to set in. 1 The dose of serum depends upon the size of the animal, but too much scrum cannot V given. Do not un derestimate the weight of the hog, an that will mean underdosing. After the animal has been lnno culated, he. should receive a light feed of slops, made from middlings, or, other mill feed, and given plenty ot water for the next ten days.,. Ha shouW be kept from-. wallow holes, running traron. hli?h,'BT. fc, f peclnlly If he has received the ser- H SLlflSH SIIIL11S i;i TROOPS SURPASsWeXPECTA TIONS OF OFFICERS IN ONI -. SECTOR OCCUPYING POSITIONS . OF, IMMENSE STRATEGIC IM PORTANCE ; :! . 1 . ... - . . ',. . , With the Trench Armies, April 20.. (Seventy-seven square miles of France has been reclaimed from ths . invader by five days of continuous smashing byt the French troops. - General Nlvelle's men, - progressed ; over a front of nearly forty milea to , -a depth of from three Quarters of a mile to four full miles. No less than, a soore of villages and towns hart V been taken sfn.ee Monday. . . , The German losses are staggeriig Two complete dlTlsonr or forty , thousalnd men, who made a counter attack on Justin Cou-. were literally wiped out by the French Artillery fire. - ' ' ' ; v' Demoralization is spreading amonp ' the German s even among the ofn cers. Great masses of reinforcements', hurriedly rushed to the defenses la an unavailing effort to stem , th4., sweep ot the tide of the French ad . vance. l; . ".The battle Is progressing faYOf f ably,' is the calm way In which the allied army chelfs regard the often ' stva. "The French troops exceeded " the expectation of their-ofncers,how ' ever, In the advance between ,Ostt " and Courtecamp, the attack in that' sector reaching the proportion of ft great success. The utmost strategic Importance attaches to the formlda. hie positions captured there. v London, April 20. Haig stru'eto again last night at Cambrai repcrt-l ' lng gains in the nelghborhod of VII Hers and Guizlan. Will LAV III : CARDS Oil TABLE GREAT BRITIAN WILL- SHOW HER HAND IN GREAT WAR COUNCIL WITH ' HEADS OF AMERICAN DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT Washington, April 20. Great Brit ain expects to lay all her cards on y the table when her commissioners meet the heads of the rarious de . partments of the American Govern ment here in war council. . ' All problems before the allied Governments will be presented and their discunsion will cover ft a wider field ard scope than has heretofore been indicfted. IPe i'enenjl imprelssion prevrils that the foremost pro'ileni i3 milataiy ard financial co-operr.Uon; buKJ ther subjects will be considered, . such, for innlp.nce, as ultimate peace terms, munitions, wheat sup ply. licneral transportation, the Ger man blockade, aviation and antt submarine works. VISITING PARENTS Mr. Kills Creekmore of New York City after visiting hln sjster, Mrs. Grunt Hentou on Southern Avenue left Thursday afternoon to visit hl parentg at N'ew Hope. ' A I Charlie Hughes of this city left Wednesday for Norfolk Va., to Join the Navy. Thomas Spires of this city left Thursday for Norfolk, Va. -. Charlie Creekmore of New Hope ' was in the city .Friday. ; :- - Union Jack over the parliament buildin.?, marking the first time m hisfory that a foreign flag has ' way , -ed over the British capitol., :, i- ' um-simultaneous method of innocu jation, Do not feed an animal that has been recently vaccinated on corn, or peanuts, etc. Prohably more oonvalent hogs are killed by" over feeding than any other cnuso.

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