J Somebody Has to Kaics iiverymm Jou ii,at---io xour Uiare News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice -JIM The Only Democratic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth , . City , v : : !VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, . SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 21. 1917 NO. 98 mokcis Arc kiuuiis In German Capital An Opportunity For Boat Owners Thousands of Munition Workers Protest Against Reduction InlBread Ration. (By Cnttnu Press i Amsterdam, April 21. - Twenty thousand munitions workers in Ber lin and Spandau wa'ked out on a general strike today as a l rotest a tainst the recenV reduction of their bread ration, according to the latest infoi mation from U rma j ny. Scores of conflicting rumors, in cluding a number of reports of great violence, accompanying, ri in' a number of cities reached here to-day . At Madenlmrg a great force of strikers are said to have revolted and trlsd to bum the public build ings. According to this report troops were called out to lestore or derder and rioters were killed and wounded on the streets while the city was reduced to a state of seine Reports from Dusseldorf declared that at a meeting of strike de'egates in Berlin the soldiers rejected a pro position advance by some leaders de manding that the government Re nounce its intentions of annexa tion, abolish compulsory service and Institute Immediately aa - equal franchise system. Kot even the promise of an In creased allowance of meat artd po tatoes Is a sufficient offset for the curtailment of trend supplies, ac cording to German reports Workers have apparently seized upon this as the logical' time to express a de mand not only for more food end for a more equitable distribution of it, but also for better pav !,nd a re duction of the hours of labor. That German leaders recognize the seriousness of a genera! strUe and a hint that the situation Is more grave than report have indi cated Is evidenced by the appeal which Von Hindenburg is said to have dispatcher General Gruener, urging that "every strike," however small, may be the unjustifiable means of weakening our defensive forces, and an in execusable crime against the fighting men of the na tion who bleed In consequence " Extraordinary efforts are I eing made. apparently, to restore order and to suppress news. Two day's ORPHANS WILL GIVE A CONCERT IN THIS CITY The singing class trom the Oxford Orphanage will give a. concert in the Alkrauia theatre on Wednesday, May 2nd. The Orphanage Committee is anx ious that the children will havci both your moral and financial sup port 'U this concert. TL purpose of the singing class trip iv to assist our brethern of the Masonic lodges, and Order of the Eastern Star Chapters and other friends in stirring up Interest, keep ing the cause before the people and to assist the Oxford Orphanage in its work. The purpose of the institution is to "nvide a home and proper care and training for homeless children. The conditions for admitting child ren into the institution are: That they are rea'ly destitute and home less: that they are sound of mind and body; that they are not over twelve years" of ate. Unlike most orphanages, children of all aged (under 12) are permitted to eifer.H even babies helng allowed. Approxi mately S7f children are taff szrzd for at the Institution and of this number only about l!io are the off springs of parent g who are Masons, .notwithstanding the fa"t that the orphanage Is a Masonic Institution Elizabeth City should I e very in (crested in this ood cause, as there are at the present time five boys from this city in the home. The need Tor funds Is very orient with about 375 children to take care of, the tremendous rise In prices of everything trey wear and eat makes the matter of finances a very serl oub one We cannot urge upon our friends too strongly the neeesfjty for raising more money. This city has indeed been l'essed and pros pered when we read and hear of the dreadful poverty and suffering in other countries, and it seems to be our duty' and privilege to help these little ones. The plea of the orphan Is very simple. There are no new things that can lie sId about It So A recruiting office of the United Jtates Naval Reserve force wil! be opened in Elizabeth City next week. The office Is on the third floor of ,the Federal building. This branch of the national ser vice is open to owners and opera tors of yachts and motor boats sui table for naval purposes in defense of the boasts, and those enrolling In it will not be subject to drsft when the young men of the country are called to service In the army or navy. The Pamlico arrived here Satur day and will remain until April 24. On that date she will begin a cruise of the sound ports for the purnore of enrolling recruits In the Coast Offense Reserve. Argentine Makes Demand (By United Press) Buenos Aires, April 21 Argentine made a formal demand to Germany for satisfaction in regard to the sinking of the Argentine 'eteamdp-, Monte Protegio, by a submarine. Announcing this, La Nucjon. Ar gentine's leading newspaper, de clares that It -is understood that If the reply is not satisfactory war will follow, and not mere'y a break In relations. Meantime, alarming repo:ts are reaching here as t the tn:reisinr gravity of the German revolt in Southern Brazil. Revolt in Hungary Destroyers Are Sunk (By UnHcfl Pww) I.ndon. April 21. Two Geiman destroyers were sunk and another probably destroyed in an attempted raid on Dover last night, the Admir alty has announced. London. April 21. Five German vessels participated and were at tacked by tw0 British ships. The fight lasted five minutes. The llritlsh suffered no material damage. The cas ua'ties we're slight totaling one hun dred and five Germms rescued Imprisoned. Home, April 21 A revolution is under way In Hungary according to Vatican advices. As a result of thi' information it Is asserted that Buda pest, and twenty five other cities have been proclaimed in a slate of siege. CARD OF THANKS Mra. Jesse White takes this meth od of expressing appreciation to the many friends who by acts of kind ness and words and sympathy light ened the burden of the sorrow and the darkness of the grief that op pressed the family during his ill ness and death; and she wishes to assure them thit their thoughtful nes In the hour of her trial will never be forgotten. ago the Goxernment announced the ymany children are In distress and strike "settled." Indications are that the strike Is spreading. It is now repotted that the workers at the Krupp's plant at Essen have Joined the strike. Sev eral thousand are also out at Leip dc; but there Is as et no violence there. ANOTHER REPORT 'Copenhagen. April 21- Sixty thou sand workmen in Berlin are stil! resisting the efforts of P'c Govern ment to end a general m rike, accord Ing to word recehed here. Three thousand workmen nt Nuremberg are said to have Joined the tsrikers today. Tlie neufsch TV. gen Zeitung declare that Von Bethnnn HnlUvp refused to see a deputation of work ers from St randan, wherenpo,, the workmen voted to remain out of work indefinitely. BERLIN REPORT DFMES , Ber'in April 21 The rc. ..,,-( r rioting of strikers here is o!Ii(I,lv deviied. want even in our own State. Fath ers and mothers who have the Jov of children In your homes, listen to the words of Him who said: ' Whoso shall rcelve one such lit tel child in Mv name, recefvffth Mr ' j If anyone should ask you to bnv j a ticket Tor the concert n'ease do not say no. Remember ft Is for the orphan. W. P. KNOWLKS. MAN'S LEG BROKEN Mr. H. G. Peele. mate on . tin Steamer Trenton, was standing near a stack of fertilizer bags today when ono of the bags fell and struck him on his le;. breaking both hones.He was sent to the hospital at once.His tome lg at Manteo. Haig Strikes Another Blow ( l;v Cnlta I Pre R .option, ,:.nl .1. -neral Hat., she I aii"t!ier ! P v, , t Cam,rii :iy and advanced in ire than a ,ile toward that sitonghold captui- l'j- Gonnelieu Dispatches from I'arU tell of mo, " ground gained by the French north of the Rheimi. General Nlvelle.') fores heat back German attacks up on positions around Mont haul wre fed from the enemy a few days ago inflicting heavy losses upon the Germans. WEATHER OR NO -T- . .? Mr, Samuel Belanga, has i returned to th! city for a few tlayg visit to h!s family after working away from 1 1 f a v h!H ' Fair tonight and Sunday. Cooler tonight, moderate westerly winds. How doeg your garden' grow! II. C. Tiarklcy of Durant'i Nock vra-i In H e city f i:rrdi Tq The Citizens Of Elizabeth City: As pu know, our President his called upon the va rious Governois of the State throughout this Union and the Governors in turn have requested the execu tive heads of the various towns and cities in their res pective states to do all things possible to relieve the food situation and reduce the high cot of living large ly the result of the conflict in which we are engaged as a people, I am calling upon each and every one of you owning or controlling any vacant lot or lots in E lizabeth City suitable for cultivation, to immediately plant and raise everything possible for the relief of the people, and should any of you not be in a position to use these lots yourself, then I earnestly request that you tile the same with me, giving description there with, that I may turn these lots over to a committee of good women who'have this matter upon their hearts and who will furnish the seed and see that it is Culti vated. I know of no more patriotic duty that we can perform at this time than that of aiding iur people who suffer because of high prices, x. In earnestness and sincerity I c ill on you and ask that von render this service to humanity, and I feej confident that -it neeJs onl to he called to your at tention to be granted. Any service that I can render as die official head o this city will be a pleasure, and I ask that you call upon me at anytime. Respeatfully, ' P.G. SAWYER. , , ; ' MAYOR. - THINKS HE GUI A CROOKED DEAL 0. WALTER HARRIS IS URGING HIS FRIENDS IN FOURTH WARD TO VOTE FOR HOWARD PARKS URGES UNIVERSAL SERVICE TEDDY SAYS I BUT WHILE THIS IS - BEINQ PUT INTO OPERATION WOULD . LEAD VOLUNTEERS INTO FRANCE I desire at this time and through this medium, to extend my sincere gratitude to those friends ,who so nobly stood by me, and cast their votes In my behalf. In the recent primary. I entered into this contest actuat ed by the highest motives, and prompted by a sincere desire to be of service to my people. Not possess ing any knowledge of political ma nipulations, and h:ivinK no former experience aoln Rilii -inc. I was un fortunate enough to believe th? as surance that whs piven me by ttumo upon whom I U:id a right to rely, .and whose sup; oit I le t was due me. This illusion w.is dispelled, how ever, when I was c-i'.led into a meet ing of the friends of Mr. Gaither and Mr. I'ritchard. and told ),y tholr spokesman. Mr. T. J. Markham.ftho only individual who above all oth ers had. been Instrumental in my becoming a candidate) that I would have to withdraw or be fought bit terly by them, as my be'ng In the race was hurting their Mr. Gilther and Mr. Prltchard. I was able to speak my mind, however, and these Patriots understood beyond question after 1 had done so. that I would not be their victim, and prove untrue to those who had been loyal to me. The result o fthls treachery on the part of the spokesman of the meet tnK. and his cohort, was that my friends immediately began t;, see who were pbiying dirty politics and Bet! aujordlniUy,.,whle Mr. Murk ham was taken very sick and re mained at home a'l day during the primary, or ra'he- until dark as he could not stand the light, it was In jurious to him. Of the methods employed nt the polling place. I need ntit speak; they were apparent to every man who came there, suffice it to say that every means and method were em ployed to elect their Mr. Gaither and Mr. Prltchard that could lie devised by human Ingenuity, and these poo pie need hae no fear of any set of men excelling; them no matter how experienced they may he. And then' the records of the prl mary disappeared. Mr. Abbott (who was very active in Mr. Prlt chard's interest) says his brother in law. Mr Kenyon Bailey, destroyed them. Mr. J. C. Ilrooks another of their lead ers, made copies of it and refused to let any of my friends or the friends of Mr. Parks have a copy of It. and even refused to file a copy with Mr. Small, the Chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee, who de manded it, and with whom the rules of the Democratic Party require tha' It should tie filed And yet thes" people talk about rottenness, graft. land surh rot: may the voters In able to put the proper estimate on jthem. I wish here to thank Mr. j Small and congratulate the Demo cratic Party in thN city that It had i a chairman who stood for fair plav j and who was unseatbing in his de num IaMon of anything else. Mr. I'iirkH ha th"ough t'e edit minis of our newspapers made an offer that he would give i'e s rti of jTwenlv Five Dnllir: for the original list of voters made at the polls In , tli" oKriith Ward on April 1th Thi-'. j H-.t ha,, mil yet lieon presented to , him. And e( the ninvr hat ! H" ! cist abroad by Air Pi frchnrd's sup j pollers that upon the receipt of j Kaid sum from Mr. Pari',';, the Hit would -he f'lrthconiln '. and that the money would be given t chnMty.Mr. Parks ha not been Informed to whom he should send this money.Tt seems that These Charitable Gentle men1 studiously refrain from giving their names. How Is it, mRv I as. .that If this list has been, destroyed. It can be hauled up and Riven to Mr, Parks? I en rneatly believe that ny charitable onrantea,Uon would" pur, money gotten ' through" 1 auch f P"i for IT. O. VnrVq.'fin 1 f ns'; (Bv Untied Presa) New York, April 21. Roosevalt struck back at those who have been -using hlg plan for raising a dlvlalon as an argument against obligatory service today. ' In an Interview given the United Press he reiterated strongly his' fie mand for universal service and cou pled with It the plea that while the compulsory system la being jput In to operation a volunteer force should be Bent abroad. He said he did not want to be put in the position of saying to hit countrymen "Go to War," but want" ed to 1e aide to say Tome to War,' I'm with you." Want to i - - i ... Shelve Teddyi (Bv United Press" Washington, April 21. The t ol-' lowing are considered for appoint ment aB members of the American , commission tn vitalize the new regi ment In Russia: Elihu Root, Charlei , per of Chk'aKo University ,and Th6t aoro itooueveii. Say Draft Would Mean Violence Bv United Presai Washington, April 21 Predicting serious draft rlotj if conscription If ' adopted, antl-conscrlptlonisti appear ed today against the measure before the senate committee on military affairs. Tonight's Show At Alkrama Tonight William Fox present Walter l.aw in The Unwelcome , Mother, a remarkable drama that -every woman should witness. ; This picture centers around the beautiful theme of love ofchlldren for their dead mother, and holda the Interest to the very last, Svhett an unexpected climax occurs. Old Musty Suffer. In one of hi . funny comedies says that he will e here for this show. Tli! Metro Comedy is for the grown ups amiifccmcrft. and prom ises to be one of the best yet pro duced. Feature Week at The Alkrama starts Monday with Lionel Barry more In the Brand of Cowardice, al so Btishmtin and Payne In The Creat ppcret every friend of mine, and every man who believes In Right, and wishes to see this town released from the clut- i hes of those who seek to control it. to support him. I am for him, be cau'e of tb. crowd who nre fightlnaf him and the dirty way Kiev treated j me. and have acted. I am for him I and their offering to make me Mayor ' H" I would withdraw In their Mr. Ptitc liar d ',, and Mr. Gabher's favor bad no attraction for me. a burnt , child stays some distance from the fire. I am for him b"ciusp ho ima prom ised no man anything. hnt pmm'sed neither me nor my friends anything, but will go on the i.oard rot owned or controlled by nny Individual or corporation, and will give to his ward the very bet that he has, actu ated by no other motive than that of. serving the people, and will , not , Bell his .manhood to secure votea, of barter bla character t ' a ilt tl.6fuW.fi Vote for him,' and do your town a service. 1' v, 5 ' P.- WAT-TFR mm'?!. J".

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