l!cv.s Without - - Bias Views Without ' , Prejudice vX1 (Qi&fr- Newspaper Published in Elizabeth . . City - VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 26. 1917 NO. 102 OOD PRICES ARE ABOVE ALL REASON Wants Site N . ' For A Fair t Food Shipments Abnormally Held Up and ElemeAt of Speculation A Potent Factor in Boosting Prices flff APPOIHT FOOD DICTUM : While Food Probe is Reporting Unjustified Prices Council is Considering Relief Measures. The director of the Albemarle Agricultural Association held a meet ing in the law offices of the seere- ' tary, Thomas J. Markham, Wednes day and Toted to advertise for bids for a fair around site. These bids will be opened on Friday, May 4th. and in all probability a site will be selected at that time. Meanwhile a canvass for stock In the association will be renewed and it is expected that the amount de sired will be subscribed before the dite set for the opening of bids of those offering fair ground sites. The bids will be received up to the time set for opening them by W. J. Woodley, chairman of the Site Committee of the Association. i (By United Press I Washington. April 26 The results of the first congressionally authoriz ed probe of food . prices was report ed here today. The conclusion of the report is . that mere is no jusi giuuuu fblgh prlce8 01 many pruuucis n ai? demanded and it recommends the ur gent need of the organization of uch comprehensive marketing ma "chlnery as would bring producing j and consuming communities into di rect trading relations with each oth er. Municipal wholesale markets are recommended. Conditions unearthed here may be a criterion of what the Federal Trade Commission may find in its nation-wide investigation of the food situation. The probers found reports of food shortage misleading. The prices In many cities art" mutual ly high and the poor Ve cdmpe'led 'to resort to the strictest economy t0 provide food. It appears also that the consum ers are practicing frugality to an extent never before heard of In this country. The sale of the expensive cuts of meats has greatly fallen off. .The decreasing garbage collections in the cities also is an indication of graeter household economies. - .It is proved in the report that shipments of foodstuffs have been abnormally held up And that the apply has therefore been abnormal ly depleted. The e'ement of specu lation has also teen a potent fac tor in the increase In prices. Ship ments of food to belligerents hive not affected eg-rs or potatoes, but the prices of both of these have soared with other foods. That some -American, probablv Herbert Hoover or Secretary Wil son, will within the next few mnntrrs become the food dictator of the k' world is Indicated as one of the de ll. , velopments c.f the international war lfu'!conference of the allies. ! More and more the" proceedings of the council appear to be crystal "llzlng Into a monumenfAI campaign to fees' the allies. ' Questions of shlp . ping and finance are considered of .-'comparatively coTiatcral but vital importance. Root Accepts Chairmanship Gas Company Gives Beaefit (By United Prei-sl Washington, April 26. Cjngress man Root has accepted the chair manship Of the American commis sion to Russia. Took Step to Aid Farmers (By United Press! Washington, April 26 To aid the farmers of the natlon meeting the food situation the Government took stejjfl . today, to throw one hundred million dollars Into the breach. Sec retary McAdoo announced that all postal savlng3 deposits will be made immediately avai'able as loans to farmers. No Vote Yet On Draft Bill (By United Press) Washington, April 26. Congress continued today to struggle with the elettlve drnt bill hut supporters of the measure feel a renewed confi dence that It will pass by a - good majority. A poll by Representative 3ardner indicates that opposition la weakening and has already reached a point taht will make safe a favor able margin. No vote, however, is expected In either ohuse today. The House has agreed, however, to vote on se'eetlve conscription to morrow. The debate closes tonight. 1 '" JACOBS WRIGHT ' Mr, Ljrfcfp. Jacobs of Victoria, Vai and Mis Helen M Wright of IWmouth, Va,4were married Wed- v'.tj by Mr. Munden. MOYOCK THI8 MONTH Following Is Che program for the Camden-Currituck Union Meeting to be held at Moyock. FRIDAY, APRIL 27TH 11 A. M. Introductory Sermon Rev. E. J. Harrell. i: P. M. The Authority of the Church Covenant: (a) As resides In the membership collectively D. P. Harris, (b) involving the vows of each one who enters into the Cov enant N. H. Sheperd. SATURDAY APRIL 28TH 10 A. M. The Scope of the Cove nant. (a) The support of the church as laid down therein J. K .Hen derson (b) Home religion ag procrlbed in the covenant W. J. By rum. 2: P. M. (c) Conduct before the world as t forth in the covenant S. Hurst. (d) Our obligations as set forth in the covenant, not obviated by any change of location B. C. Henlng. SUNDAY APRIL 29TH 11 A. M . The Extension of the Kingdom of Ood to the Utter most parts of the Earth W. J. Byrum. 3:30 P. M . Demonstration B. Y. P. U. program Represen tatives First Baptist and Black well Memorial Church Unions of Elizabeth City. J Broadway" Jones This is the da movie fans of E'lzabeth City have been looking forward to ever since the first an nouncement that Geo M. Cohan wouldaappear In "Broadway Jones." This Is Mr. Cohan'g first and only apearance on the scheen and hag been healded with rapture from all parts ot the country. Don't miss this opportunity ot see-Ing-the feature hit of the Spring Season on tomorrow also, "The Perils ot Our Olrl Reporter," will be the extra attraction at tha Al krama in addition to "Broadway Jones." . The ladies of Elizabeth City are to be given an unusual opportunity this week to hear some Interesting lectures on fancy cooking. These lectures aie t0 be given through the generosity ''of the Gas Company, and are under the auspices of the Parsonage Society of City Road Methodist Church. There will be three lectures to be given on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 4 o'clock until 5:30 In the after noon. The lecturer Is Mia. Florence Wright, of New York City. Mrs. Wright , is a graduate of Simmons' College and the Boston Cooklnj Schools and has had ten years' ex- on domestic science. The lectures on domestic science. The letnres will be planned with especial atten tiqn to unusual recipes for salads and desserts, also some new and In expensive meat dishes. All the re'Ipes will be made and cooked before the ladies, snd at the close of the lecture will be passed so. that every one may taste all that has. been prepared. There Is no admission charged and all ladles in terested ni getting some new ideas for entertaining, and better methods for preparing food, economy In ma terials and such will find enjoyment and profit in attending these lec tures. Mrs. Wright has offered her ser v.Ves to the Parsonage Society and her salary for the week , is donated to them. The Gas Company has gen erously offered the use of their room and a percentage on all stoves and gas appliances sold during the week to the society. So any one purchas ing such this week has the oppor tunity of aiding the society. The ladies will close the week with a sale of home made cakes and rolls Saturday morning and serve a supper Saturday evening in the rooms of the Gas Company. LETTERS SH BELIEVED TO BE POSITIVE PROOF THAT GERMANY 18 CRYING OUT DEFIANTLY WITH HUNGER PANGS (By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS) (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the British Armle8 in The Field. April 5- (By Mail) Germany's evident intention of trying for a short, aharp, decisive struggle" as chronicled by neutral observers In Berlin. Is dally making itself visible In Mack and white out here. Here Is an extract from a captured letter, dee.Mng with recruiting. "There is a general cleaarnce now everyone who can move his legs Is passed fit for service in the field. Everybody Is now being called up. Even those who at first were de clared quite unfit have all been tak en." The reason for these levee en masse seems to be Indicated In th follown letter, also taken from cap tured Germans: "Altona. Want is now only beginning the hunt for coal and the shortage of food Every day. turnips, not even cabbage. A serious epidemic of viru'ent smill pox (Schwarze Pocken) has broken out In Hamburg, but has not reached Altona yet." 'Berlin: We still have no coa' here and last week there was no bread to be had without astruegle. I stood in the snow and cold wind for an hour and a half pnd was about the tenth In the queue. Sud denly the women rushed through the door like beasts of prey and splin ters of glass flew about. I got in with the second batch and secured half a loaf the very last piece of bread Some Doubt of Freighter's Feat ?- tt -i . (By Unites Press New York, April 21 The Inter national Mercantile Company, own ers ot the Mongolia, have received no report of the sinking of a Ger man submarine by their freighter, the Mongolia. The commander of the vessel merely cabled his safe arrival. London, April 26. Considerable skepticism Is manifested here as to the ability of observers p detect a hit of a submarine periscope at a distance ot a thousand yards, as re ported by the captain of the Mon golia. Americans here hope that the report ot the sinking of the subma rine will be confirmed. Wilson Opposes Muzzling Critics Bv Untied prsi Washrington, April 26. President Wilson announced today thit though re favors tljQ espionage bill he Is uteerly opposed to any censorship of teh presg which would deny the people their Indisputable rUht to criticise their own public officials. GEU! LOSSES UH LI ill., ..H t, fi, j , REALIZING THAT NO TRENCH DEFENSES CAN WITHSTAND TERRIFFIC LEVELING FIRE OF BRITISH ARTILLERY TEUTONS OPPOSE LIVING WALL TOIRI TISH ADVANCE - Friday At New Theatre ment their attention, are of the opinion that the domestic crisis in Germany is responsible for her defiance of the United R'atcs and the world at large. They say It Is hunger assert ing itself empty stomachs crylnif out to lie filled regardless of conBe quences. Tonight's Show Vt Alkrama Sunk Schooner By Gunfire (By United Press I Washington. April 21!. The Amer ican schooner Percy Birdsall has hem sunk by submarine gunfirc.the State. Department announced today. The rew was rescued by a pitrol. The schooner was not warned PRITqHARD-ALBERTSON Mr William Cecil Prltchard. of Weeksvi'le and Miss I,essle Kather iie Albertson. of thls city were mar ried Wednesday by Rev. 1). I ar ris. The briffc Is the daughter of Mrs. A. H. Maker on Cedar street. The groom Is the son of Mr. G. P. Prl chard of Providence Township and Is a huccphhIiiI youn,' farmer. RETURNS FROM BALTIMORE Dr. S. W. Gregory has returned from Baltimore where he went to take Mrs. Gregory to John's Hop kins for treatment and Is now in his office again. t Dr. Gregory say f that Mrs. Ore gory stood the trip to Baltimore finely, and is doing as well ag could 19 expected. .;' .;. ', . Tonight "Broadway Jones" la the feature attraction, starring the world famous Geo. M. Cohan. "This pacture." says Manager Kramer, "is decidedly the greatest picture ever brought t,( this city, regardless of prirt." "As a distributor of mirth and good cheer, It is safe to say that Geo. M. Cohan has no equal In the coun try today. Born on the fourth of July, he has had one of the great est treatrical careers In the annals of the profession. Tie is a great lov er of America nnil is respected in every ocuntry on the globe. This will be the movie fans first and only opportunity of peolng Geo. M. Cohan in Elizabeth Cltv. As an extra added attraction an in tprertin story "The Perils of Our Girl Ueporyrs?" will also be shown. Tomorrow Is a notible day In fllm- Ldom at the Alkrama. A great lug nine reel show of ral Stars, like Norma Talrnngein Fifty Fifty, Pear' While in Pearl of The Army and lle'eti Holmes In Lass of the TjUinberlands. Norma Tilmage in Fifty Fifty de srrves special) mention, as she is now the leading star In the wonder ful Relnec Picture. To see her In her new plav FUty Fifty is a real treat, as both the Star and the pic ture are the last word in picture pre fectlon. In view of the fact that the ?rl day nisht shows are so packed the management asks that all the chil dren who can do so attend the mat inee tomorrow. Those coming In from school will see the whole show. Henry B. Walthall, who will be seen in the Truant Soul at the New Theatre, Friday, April 27th, wil! be remembered as The Little Colonel ln the Birth of a Nation. This is not a War Picture, but a picture that will set you to thinking and after you have seen it you . will pnrself con- WEATHER OR NO Local showers this .sfternoon.Fatf tonight. ind. Friday nt rarhVs wlndi.". " if- , .". . ." terplece The Truant Soul after it was completed and run for the first time the Board of Censors congratulated Mr. Walthall .personally. After you have seen this picture, you will agree with the Board of Censors. "The Truant Soul" was written by the world-famous author, Victor Rousseau. It portrays a man In death grapple with humanity's great hidden menace, gripping the specta tor and holding him tense ln fyls seat from the opening scene to the end. It carries you with the charac ter down to the depth of degrada tion and despair to the lowest pit of Hell. It lifts you at the end of the heights supernal, showing what a woman's love can do for a genius who ha8 drunk of the dregs of life. It is a photoplay that shows all the horrors of a man of fine sensi bilities tormented by the demons of drug. It emeregs from the blackness of a Poe t0 the sublimity of a Tenny son. Mr. Walthall has poured his whole soul into this production. He has given everything that his experience and his genius has to offer, and he ays: .. : "It Is my masterpiece." '"' x The story I sthat of a greit sur- ceon a genius, a man of fine di stinct h, but who has a hidden second nature. He performs yonderful oper ations, be does Inetsimable good for manklnkd. But sudden periods come over him when he reverls in thp primitive type. He Is possessed of temporary atavism. He sinks Into the lowest kind of vice. He Is crttel, heartless, vlndMlvc. unscriinulniis He reverts to tho cave man to the animal, where might Is paramount, and he blasts lives and love without conpunctlon. He Is the personifica tion of Dr Jekyll or Mr. Hvdo. but Rousseau ha woven en entirely dif ferent story around the character. Thp Strang reversion grows until the once noted surgeon has sunk to the lowest depths. He Is confined In a sanitarium. There a wonderful wo mana nurse recognizes hi, genius sympathizes with his terrible dew pair, and nursej him hack to mental, moral and physical health. He wins life and love at last. (Bt United Press) London, April 26. Complete rt pulse of a violent massed counter attack by German forces against the new British positions around Gavrelle Is announced by General " Halg's morning report today. Germany, is now suffering the most appalling losses of the war. Nprth r of the Searpe river, where the BrV tish fought ahead almost by Inches' 1 in the fact ot a great mass of men, the carnage was greater than that '' suffered by the enemy snlce the ' war started. Dispatches from the front carry -the Idea that the Germans, begin nlng to realize that no trench work " can withstand the terrific levelling fire of the British artlliery. are ein deavorlng to throw a wall of living! human beings against advance. The British losses are said to.be exceedingly small Tn view of the ferocity of the fighting. J ' REPULSED ON FRENCH FRONT,' Paris, April 26 Two tremendqul,;' German attacks on a halt mile front (. west ef Carny were repulsed tha mprnnp; with) heavy dosses to til enemy, It is officially announced pi , I1' the British'' day. One single British post defending r. part ' of 'Guillemont farm emerged victorious, tpday from, one Of tW fiercest fought of countless scattef ;'' ed nctlnnn mnrtrlnor a riav vonlat - V. nays ebcu, u y.vn. win j,nrBp;t cun- vun nghunrLhyjclUlng. off every ents constantly being brought to est Masterpiece. ' ' ' i': ng oft JOHN80N M'LAUGHIN JURY LIST FOR JUNE ' f . The following i8 the Jury . List . tuf Pasquotank County, North Cal ollna, term of Superior Court, -be ginning June 4, 1917. FIRST WEEK Geo. W. Cartwrlght. Mt. Her , mon; A. C. Bell; Enoch Speight-,'' h. W. Cartwrlght, Mt. Hermont Wil'lam Horton; Job Ferebee; JnO Webb; T. Delos Crary; W. H. Wil , son; Lemuel Jackson, Providence! Ned Rhodes; J. H. Hale; B. O. Davis; W. J. W'lllams; Victor M. Jenkins; H. C. Grlce; Timothy Temple; Joseph Roach; Joe White, ' (Pearl street); John Berry; H. M. Cartwrfght; J. H. Gard, Jr.; T. J. -Meades; Milton Ives. 8ECOND WEEK W. H. Bunch; R. C. Wlnslow' W. A. Jennings, W. C. Morrisette: J. T. Temple, Providence; William W. Sawyer; R. N. Davis; C. A. Long; W, K. Carter; Gilbert Dav is; W. T. Swain; Walter Hughee; C. W. Hollowell; W. H. Scott, Salem; J. P. Thompson; 8. 7). Mullen; L. R. Bundy; G. PIkej F. N. Williams; W. E. Roughton; J. E. Humphries; J, N. Woodj A. H . Baker; O. F. Seymour ;1 i THIRD WEEK Robert Meads; J. A. Meads, Nlxonton; R. O. Hooper; W. H. Munden; C. S. Bell; N. R. Broth ers; M. G. Morrisette; T. B. Jor dan; W. A. Chappcll; J. P. Green leaf; William Lowry; W. C. Over man; H. W. Dailey; Cason Morriv sette; W. C. Barnes; G. N. Wins low; E. F. Aydlett Jr; R. T. Ven ers; J. C. Modlin; Geo W. White Elizabeth City; W J. Skiles; J. H. T. White; S W. Beasley; M. Wescott. Institute In Currituck There will be a Sundayschool In stitute held at Perkins Chapel on the Moyock circuit next Saturday, April 28, In connection with the sec ond quarterly Conference. The In stitute work will be conducted by Rev. E. L Stack and Rev. C.B. Culbreth, It Is hoped that all the Sunday schools win hare their offl- cere, and teichere present;, and th i, Mr. Lawrence C. Johnson and Miss Mary Lou 'McLaurhtn both of Vic-1 "fl-, 'V'..,rpre crrlcd TuarsdVy 'Pblkj Is cordla'ly lnrited to attend. " by Mr. Munden. ' ' the services. ; . '. , ; ., J'