fXfNews Without, ' , J MlUiUUi, Prejudice ; The Only Dcmccti: f ' , ; Newspaper j- Published in Elizabeth City VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CriT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1917 NO. ICS AliElIinilG FBEllCH PROPOSAL . . V ' ... - ' ' ' THE WHITE HOMSE AND CON GRESS BOTH THINKING 6yER PROPOSITION OF SENDING . .NATIONAL GUARDS TO FRANCE . SOON 1- : . fBy Un'ted Pr") Washington, May 1. The . French argumet, that troops, possibly the .national guard, be sent within six weeks to Europe, ia having Its ef- feet In the White House, it is gen erally believed. Officials are still canny when the subject is mention ed, but some of them are known to favor the ,p!an strongly Vhlle oth ers, once actively hostile, are now only passively opposed to" the meas ure. Tne idea is spreaatng to con gresg also. The question of the sending of troops to Europe quickly remains one of the biggest yet to be settled. In announcement of the policy de termined upon is expected within a few days. Before any such announce ment can be made, hdwever, the stumbling block of the unsettled con scription issue must be removed. ; The conscription oill was re-introduced for final passage in the sen ate .today. iV Cjty Will "Have Band Stray Shot Hit's Negro Womai Bedlam broke loose Tuesday mom ing at about ten o'clock in the back yard of Noah Overton, colored;when his wife was struck In the top of the head by a number 6 shot, from a gun in the hands of Rev.' J, A. 'Shaw who lives on Church street Mr. Shaw is falsing chickens and gardening In his back yard this year to keep down the high cost of liv ing. He had lost a number of young chicks lately and jw hen he saw the cat that was eating them on the back yard fence Just getting ready for another meal, he picked up a neighbors gun, which Jie had borrow ed for the occasion, and let fly at the, marauder. He got pussy all right and put her where, she will trouble no more young chickens. But a stray shot glanced .from the fence and struck Annie Overton on the top of her head as she was bending over her wash-pot kindling a fire . She saw the blood and began to scream and kept on screening until Dr. Hofler, a colored physician arri and administered an opiate. The home of Noah Overton is not directly back of Rev. Mr. Shaw's 10 urn FOOO COMMISSION URGES CJ TIVATION OF EVERY IDLE LOT, IN 'AND. NEAR TOWNS ' AND BRITISH ADVAIJCE IBIS. GET OKI I'fflfD ' ' IS NOW CHECKED HEAL FREEDOO ; ; TO BUILD SHIES t ft - - J. I ' . v"-' : . . I . L " - ' CITIES The camarHti. engineered by tWe "Chamber of Comerce, for a munici pal band in B'.iiaheth City; cami-t a successful close Momrajr night When tin zvA organisation was ef fected at '"P. ". Zeigler's on South Road street. The officers are as fol lows: Business Manager, C. R. Puh Leader F. H. Zeigler; Director, Larry Ennis Skinner. The band Is to be known ,as the J. H. Zeigler Band, named in honor 'of the late J. H. Zeigler, who was first to undertake the protjtlon of a band In -Elizabeth City. About twenty members were pre sent Mondsy nlaht when the organ isation was effected. SCARPE IS II DEATH VALLEY SCENE OF RECENT BRITISH OF ' FENSIVE VIVIDLY DESCRIBED BY WAR CORRESPONDENT - (By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS) (United Press Staff Correspondent) With The British Arifnes Afield May 1. The Bcarpe is taut becom ing & valley o death for the Prus sians. The slaugmered eneny lies thick rmong the dandelions oa the valley's-yellowing slopes. In term, of loises the Scane is a year's defeat fr the Germans. tv no Umt part of the Zlegfrled line known ,t. the "Wo'an front "al ready molting r.way at its northern did and ihe Iv. court to Quea.nt sys tem of (iermnn defer-ses threatened Hindengurg is throwing 'division af ter diviflon Into the stnite. with jrders to hold at all costs. As the Brltsh day by day bite for ward a lit here and a lift there the Germans counter attack repeat edly. Always they come in close masses, where British guns reap a horrible harvest in the open coun try. Sunday, I watched theeavy fight ing abut Oppy and south to Gav relle. There the Germans attempted to retake trenches which the British won early Sunday morning. After three years of warfare be tween forces hidden from each other behind' trenches, the bight of com; batants maneuvering in the open is most spectacular. On Suday 1 could (Continued 6n Page Two) house, and not only a blah board fence but a . number of outbuildings interpose almost a solid wall between the two back lots. The shot must have glanced upward and sideways and struck the woman on Its down ward sweep. The Incident created considerable excitement among the colored s people living" on the Dun Rtan's lane. Mr. Shaw says he will continue bis gardening and chicken raising, but that he will do no more (tunning Raleigh, April 30. Tha titles and towns of the State are being called upon to "do their bit" in the cam- paign for increased food and feed production being energetically push ed by the State Food Conservation Commission. Governor Bickett's pro clamation in the interest of more home gardens was effective to a marked degree, but tbe Food Com mission is now going a step further and calling upon the cities and towns of the Stite to undertake the cultivation in- food and feed cropa of all vacant land in and adjoining them. FOR TWO DAYS GERMAN RESIST 1 ANCE WAS BEN IMMOVABLE . AND UNSHAKEN ON WESTERN - FRONT ,v ' . ' Kin I iiuii ii i m rcccnT 111 LIILUI APPLIES TO TELEGRAPHSTELE PHONE, AND CABLES BUT EF FECTS TELEGRAPH AND TELE PHONE LINES ONLY ALONG MEXICAN BORDER (By United Press) Wabhiugton, May 1. The Govern nieutoday put into effect a censor ship f cables, telegraphs and tele phones, applying the. cable prohibi tions to all lines but operating pcainat telegraph and telephone lines on'y along the Mexican border. The Prtesidont ordered the censor ship liy proclamation. Hie War and Nivy Departments are also at work compiling regula t'.oiH fcr the censorship of newspa pers -and press associations. These chiefly ii.tulve messages of incom ing and outgoing of merlcan business concerns, uiio individuals. It's object Is to prevent military from reaching the enemy and the 1 sjireailiiiK of information prejudicial I 1o the interests of the United States or favorable to the inteiesis of Ger many.the clrcualtion of false report3 or reports prejudicial cither to mili tary operations or t() relations with foreign powers. So Koes into eftect America s first ironclad censorship. "The farmers are rallying to the call," declared Executive Secretary John Paul Lucas of the Cpmmisslon tbur many of them are handicapped because of the shortage of work stock and labor. It is evident to me already that, while practically all of our farmers are going to be wise enough to raise sufficient food and feedstuffs for their own estTbllsh ments, and many of them a surplus that will be available to feed our cities and towns and mill communi ties, we are stiT going to be short., It is going t0 require a tremeifdVus ly increased acreage to ' produce sufficient stuff to take' the place of the $80,000,000 of fosjd and feedctulTa our State ,has been importing. To prevent want and hungar nuryuiea ni;n.it(0"jEBi lejttsir ; "There Is" vacant and Idle land In and neat to every town and cfty' in North Carolina. There is In every city and town some workstock and Jabor that con be temporarily divert ed from othepless vital activities to the more important work of tiling these lands. We are ea!linj upon the mayors, the commercial organi zations and'the progressive citiiens of our towns and cities t0 act prom ptly in getting all of thef? Idle lands into food and feed crops, such as corn, soy beans, peas and potatoes. In Raleigh the Rotary Club, which' recently purchased garden seed for 100 poor families, has volunteered to assist in this Important work. Our towns and cities can and must be a factor In Increasing onr screase and production of food and feedstuffs. They will be the great est sufferers if the stuff Is not pro duced nd they are tn a position to render service to the Nation and to themselves in the same meagre as the farmer who has the workstock, the labor and the land nenessary to increase hiH usual acreage. This" Sprk can be undertaken 1 y Indivi lajn, syndicates, by the municipal authorities or otherwine as local con- . ditlons may determine, but our nao- inf jrmatlon j, lt0 get tne reHll'.tg demanded by necessity, should act, promptly." In order to relieve tbe labor situa tion with the farmer t0 some extent If possible the Food Conservation Commission is calling upon the may or of every cfty and town In North Carolina to rigidly enforce the vng rancy statute and force tbe loafers to the farm or factories. Halt Workers Join iVi Strike WEATHER, OR NO 'air nd cooler f ' i tonight. Vtadnes- e v c t : n3 nTth- ' London, May 1- Half of all the munition workers in the province of the Rhine, Germany, joined In the general strike today .according to a special agency dispatch received here from The Hasue. Tight German censorship has cov ered most of the developments of May Day, ;he date Fet for a gen eral strike In protest to food condi tions In Germany. ... Full information concerning the rm-yrntiiT.t .War Loan tau be . ob tained at The Flrat National Bank wTilch will JiandlV individual , bub- whU'h vs'1'1 T .t ! hf'SvI IhpI cub- Bill to Include Other Nations 'Rv Vniteri Press) Washington, May 1. That war with other natlons than GTmanx. may threaten the United States was indicated when 8enator Chamberlain Hoday offered an amendment to the Conscription bill, asking th it the word "emergency" te substituted for the word "war. He said that he had been informed by the Ju fge Ad vocate that the-general bill may be construed to apply onty to tbe war with Germany. ', :i I ". . , - - - ..- 7 ' ... . ' , . 'Km. 4, Full in'ormatlonv concerning. , the Covorament War Loea can Jje 'eb tained at Tli8 Flsst National Bank wh(ch: will handle individual sub T''' 's'-t I'liont thrg.'-' f From WlUiam Phillip SImms, Uni te4 Press Correspondent at the Bri tish' Front. May 1. British and Gar man force, alike took breathing rpace .today. Worn out and cut .c pieces by their retrenti and reck'ess counter r.jn-k8 of the !ast few days, the Ger man infantry quieted down. The British for their part settled down to utillery firing. Their guns all day roared a never ending chorus. The German cannon replying in thunderous echoes Guemappe wag shelled all day Monday. Arleu was likewise a tar set for (Jciraan projecMles. The Gtri'irus were jalpably ner vous, feariny an attach south of Ony and fov this reiswn kept (the line from Oppy to Csveiie sprayed with ibne'ls. London, May 1. A feudlock is ap parent aIon the Br'tisl. front today. Field Marshall Halg'g enly report of flhting is of a successful raid during the night non.h of Yores. This is the second day oi apparent immovability to the British advance from Arleux south of Monrhy. J'A " NOW HAS ONE. OF MOSY DEMO CRATIC ARMIES ON THE GLOBE t SAYS CORRESPONDENT , (By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD) CONGRESSMAN.5., SMALL SENDS SIGNED STATEMENT APPEAL tNG , YO WORKERS TO" RES PONO TO , THE GOVERNMENT'S NfEO, I- Neutral City Is Bombarded tBy vrjlintetriPrt!e) Tbe Hague, May 1. An aeroplane of unknown nationality bombirded the Dutch city of Zienkee. near the Belgian frontier, Sunday night, kill ing three persons and damaging sev eral bouses. (United Press Staff Correspondent) Petrograd, May 1. From the Csar's winter palace, until recently' the teat of the most autocratic of all mod ern governments, a huge sign today procalimed the rising 'tide of world democracy. On the eve of May Day, minister of War Gutchkoff issued an order striking the last bonds from the army of the new Russia. It Is with, this new spirit of freedom that Rua-' tors, shipwright!, sia win ceie urate tomorrow, ine keynote of the day is struck by tb$ eipn stretching across the front of the palace, fa?Rloned by the hand of workmen now knowing the meaning of liberty. It reads: "The Proletariate of All Counties Unite." ; The orders issued by minister Gutchkoff today were put forth at the sugpestion of the private boU dlers themselves. They provide: Hereafter all soldiers, are to be considered citizens of Russia. (Un der autocracy's ru!e they Vre not even sunpored to be units of the nation they were suposed to die for.) Complete religion! freedom. Free speech guaranteed. Congressman John H. Small sent this, paper the following signed state ment for publication ' . ) The Government, through the U. 9- Shipping Board, ,1s "preparing to construct; about one thousand wood en ships and the Department ef La bor has undertaken to aid, the Board in securing . workers la , thia line. They need experienced ship ; carpeV v bridge , builden, dock ; workers, Joiners, caulker and , also men who can use anadza, and all other men who feel that they can quickly learn the work of a ship yard. If there are any who wish em ployment In this line I advise them to write at once Hondrable W.' B. ' WUson, Secretary, DepfKment of Labor, Washington, D. t., etatinr their exp'erience in any particular line of shipbuilding work and', the Secretary will at once give them d atlled information. , ' ; . . I may further state ' that ' (he Dee j partmeht of Labor has undertaken j to assist the Department of Agricul ture in the work of securing '. farm, laborers. Under this cooperative plan the Department pf Agriculture if to ascertain where such workers, are' Attendance at church serv'cea not most needed and the Department 0? compulsory. . tabor rnt "Trndertake t0 find the Mall from trenches shall not be ' WOrkera. In thia Om ot,natlonal censored. I crisis whsa It Is so necessary , to. All mail, including pftmpilets.shaii , nroducs the maximum" of farm nro. .a. i ' ' i . be delivered to soldiers at tbe front, j dnctB( rtwH jt;Btrood-. BupplleB, it ib mose essential to bring togeth CHILE IS TIED BY SECRET TREATY AUTHORITY ON SOUTH AMERI CAN RELATIONS OFFERS THIS AS EXPLANATION FOR 80UTH ' ERN REPUBLIC'S ATTITUDE (By CHARLES P STEWART) Buenos Aires, May 1 'Germany and Chile negotiated a secret treaty, gnaranteelng Chile a foothold in South America when Prince Henry of Prussia visited this country. Tli's I the statement made in an artie'e Jose Molins, authority on iTouth American relations, published in" the Kev?ta today. Chl'e is thus held powerless, it is stated, to ex press sympathy with either Brazil or the United States. Big Plot Is Unearthed Mtv New York, plot to Mow Street office, to be followed by and the spreadln. United Presfl May 1. Details of a up an- important Wall presumably Morgan's tapping of wires false reports of Wilson's assassination and of sub marine rildn wrs revealed' today by the po!t! rollowinv th questioning nf Wolf Hirch. formerly netty ofTl- rr in ho normaii- submarine wrA vice" ' ' The servile "sir" abolished in re plies by private so'diers to officers. I Hereafter privates sha'l say "ye" or "no" without the "sir" In an-1 swering officers. A 'so so'diers here after need not salute their office- I "unless the soldier wishes." Pri vates, however must come to. "at tention" when comanded to do so. Corporal punishment in the army i completely agollshed. It is in this spirit of complete freedom that Free Russia celebrated May Day. Tinder czardom. a few I rave spir its ued ' to meet In remote forests on May 1 and In cosfnt drad of secret po'lee. would e-o through the forms o a parade under the red f of liberalism. oday the government itse'f Joins. The Russian calendar Is more than two week, behind thst In use every where on the globe But In order that new Russia' idea, of a w brotherhood a "prolstariat of all rniin'rfp"" ' was decided to ad vance May Day In Russia to coin clde with the rest of the world. A parade such s. Rusla never saw before will be the principle fea ture of (hp celebration hero In the capital. P.nr while Rus-ln l celebrating her freedom, her people. Jubilant at (browing off of their phnc'rbs. are no( forec'tHnf that Russia's liberty must be foutrht for. So'diers whn v.'rlted their homes from the front lwtmedlatelv after the revolution are returrlng to fl"ht bv the thousands. A'l over Russia wo men of the villages are shaming them Into returning to their duty,, demanding they fight and hf Id new RussH In her proud place In the world's democracfe. er the demand and supply for farm workers. Farmers who reed "ddk tional help, especially on Uve farms, Should at once communicate with the Secretary of Agriculture, stating their needs, and also with the Secretary of Labor, addressing both at Washington, D. 'V ' , t ' " ' "'flt 'Oil V Difficulty in Drawing Jury' (Ur United Vres" Chrlstiansburg, Va., May 1. There are Indications of difficulty In" drawing the Jury for the Vawtefl ' case and there is even talk of ft i change In venue. 1 Moyock Briefs ' Rumors of New - , Peace Offer iHv United Press) The Hague, May l. The Imperial Chancellor, Von Bethmftn . Holweg, will make a new peace, offer in the Geqnan Reichstag Thursday, the Perlinqr Tageblatt' announced today. For more than a month rumora iof another peace feeler, have been o!r r"'ated In furope in .the hope, Hi is Jrr,!3,' of 'c'onnteracti?:? i-.'" rr'?1 St.ranee storips are told by Rus sian soldiers back from the front of bow the enemy received the newi of Russia's overthrow of autocracy. One soldier told me today of the trangest . sight he ever n'w." "We have discovered now that the Gormans on our front don't like to attack us(," he said. "Under a red Vn last Monday Jernian officers clfmbed out oi'tbcfr, trenc'hea." The German soldiers Pfllowed. Wouldn't fire. 4'itve ljkgwjse hoisted our red fla.j When he Gerraan-iaw. we wer deIIberry",witbohof4iri&,, Mr fire from their ranks," und?f tho same red flag as. on wn" forces, tne isol diem themselves stoppeiT stilly .and turned back-to their Own trenches. TVct (ll ,", ")-(, r(7,-.r. "o Moyock, May 1. Miss Leola Lan; spent Sunday with her friend, Mtt. N. B. Kv&rb of Tulls, N. C. 4 v; Mr. Halsey Sears was the guest of friends in Moyock, Sunday. ; V, Mr. Frank Bryant, of Norfolk, Wa"" In town Suriday. '''' Miss Nellie Forbes of Indiantown, and Miss Sarah Walker, of Norfolk, spent the week end with teli missel . Aydlette. . y '- .) "iv- Mrs. C. E. Morrlsette and daugh"' ter, DorotO of Norfolk.', spent tha week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. W,' ' Sanderlln. " , The school commencement wilt be W4I May 8'h, afternoon and v night. Instead of May fourth, as W6 ) vlousl'. anii',uirjd. j " . ' i'.; We consider ourselves very forjttt . nate In securing Mr. J. O. Joyner, ; ' , State Superintendent of Public j'lnit s. ruction, for 'the day. Me -will probr, ably' deliver hlg address In the fdre noon. The public Is cordially Invited' ta' attend' the exercises. , . j 'V ' ' i i hi . alone, uring thrm to attack, but with 1 out vaall.' Finally-fhey, too, wpnt ; '.back dlsqtistejdly. Not a shot !ad v been fired; not a German soldier 4, harmed-in, that death, territory ."How ever we mlstiust red flags borneby Germans and AHSlrirjJs... Kow w frt' wlthalf bur 'jtfength "on gucb approaching: enemy forces. ; " I " We.ha're' proved .our. righT to t ifd flagnow' let' the' Cennm 'r-1 Aw- -'irq f r v. e rr'- i' ' ' f , ' "