"'.." ' . : A -v ' ' " I News Without 2 - Bias ' . 'Views Without ; Prejudice . V 7 EnglMisHaymgSquarc With Allies and America Lord Northcliffe Gives United Press ;' Frank Interview as. to. worn-, ings of British Censorship , IBMARiFSTsERlOUS But Idea That Geroan Submarines Can Win War ' 7 He Asserts Preposterous ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINaTf&PAY EVENING. MAY 4. 1917 MAYG.' FITZGERALD Ths OrJy Democratic Published in Elkibeth City no; 1)1. ttrttlnn has Sensing a nation-wlde doubt M rl sue heen telling the All ZcL Press today ceBses and the campaign on the west ir . BrU(ah is: ztzzs zxt HddlUon the Jjtf?Z servedly Brian's TuZitl was painted democracies, while th Irish atatemeut of Eng- out .and a request maae ur " land's attitude. ,hd to the inquiries by A. an indication of the the United the ritlsh office. JSai own line, evidently at Press today over the British governm f the suggestion of the foreign office. , I -9 v - s i , ; ; , ! . -' St? ! 5V v-: r- , h vt Situation KowJTense victories, Vhlcli have put trie pro posed Berlin-Bagdad pVoposition out of action, are merely satires on the truth. 'I "The whole situation of the war la ht in anu ni me r''". except v nw ii? to tneir many yeaio "i ation Vere successful iu certain areas tho-iigli they lost all their colonies and had their ships driven from the hpiih. Last year was the year of final preparation by the allies, but during 1916 the flght,resembled that point m a tug of war when neither side "seems able -to pull the other over the line Trulnv TlirkflV is Oil its last legs, AUS- fria and Hungary are crying out tor and Bavaria are ucatf cnv - " fllscontented. "Through the United Press I have nnlnied out at various periods of the wafr that In my Judg ment the struggle will be a long o I have not altered my Judgment. A tyranny tljat has taken so many years i ) (By E U (United ress f Cen v "inr mp -f 4. America is get -?Tm J complete facts of 'every news far.ture of the British ewlN . . .v.. iivelopments, i of -mbarino e- , and may expect to receive them very 80on. The submarine Btrongest card Germany has played, ' w it will never win the war. bUTtregolng is on authority of the man whose prophesies and state- Cnron the war have came to carry .m0re weight than thos o any other figure in the Wiled countries-Lo.d ''NCXo is Jrobably the ..ar e9t facer of facts in England . He nlver dodges. Today the United I Press t sparely up to him the prooi tTon of the gathering doubt and dis trust in America resulting from the -S that British officialdom has not ie-en frank wth America in "" gather'Btrgth and has fortified , ent of Bubmarine lo98ea" truth ! luelf by every possible mixture of lblv had not Deen rLm the allies successes on the We.'!nrregard to the loss of tonna'ge ibcime "there is no doubt that the fmur. J Lious. The government dos not i brute force and science Is not easily broken. "i was talking Ufday with an American citizen who left Austria with your ambassadorial train .three weeks ago He tells me that the Prus- prevent our newspapers from counted the entrance of the United o. nor prevent mei 1 ntxtna into the wur, being Charaac- dents trorrf saying so. The gowrniD , " ca u,nnrnnt f the speed with in 1 believe, very soon puuu At Russian Capital orkmen ; and Soldiers at Logger., heads With Authorities -of New Provisional Goveroftentand Gravq Consequences May tyesult, . PLAV.NQ -OttMAlMl IN TH!::CH.ME3 NORMANDY - COM .C OPERA -j." Br- BUBtM i' r.Artw w. . . nmm for OOISLMITTWIH HAVE 1WEN Al fOlNTKI) AND AUKANGRMENT8 MADE FOR DISPOSING OFSEA SOX TICKETS cum DOUBT US TO 1i 110 FIRED SHOT : CRISIS IS APPARENTLY AVERTED r ' PetrOfrad, May 4.,-- dramatic speech appealing to the patriotism of tha workmen 'and soldiers was da-' livered this afternoon from the balcony of the Govern ment building,. Apparently the crisis has been staved off,- 1 ME SlCilED EITHER GERMANY IS PritLTriTY, C'ARIE - i OR IS ThAeatened with anarchy I'NIiEHS MATTERS CAN RE AD JUSTED ' . ' DEFENSE IS EXPECTED TO HAKE ........ .w.ni I V- Itiuci Ml I'll Tit IB I "in i - K FN H AT It N A L VAWTER CASE I'ca's war preparations or Germany, is bkMAAllUAAb vtvii l-ntuallv beset bv the worst of Inter- -AnTMl'Rr MATIN - (United PresB Staff CorrespondenO Copenhagen. May 4.Either Ger many's war managers are playing the shrewdest publicity game for the purpose of causing relaxation in Amer ...in ua nhift to make vour Ml facts and figures. a u , ,aratlon9. um on the other hand, they can arrange the matter with rthe AuHtrian8 aIld Hungarians great Frepch and Italian allies. regretted luiving como to the part- "I do not hesitate to say in my, Amerlcai and anVimnrine men- I ? newspapers mai i" . ace Is the greatest difficulty we have . . ....i tt,st the hart so far but 10 i"". lunmantno m i their nowspiipers were peinmieu i say so. "You nskPd about Ireland and I appreciate the utimulus that would 1e given the campaign in America were the Irish 'quewi fo settled. There is, however, no lllllculty between Fing .. i it vhould be re- war can bo won by th preposterous. Certainlv there can be no complaint of lack' of frankness or of even cen sorship in the reports of the United k ... k . ,.;nfrw1 Prooa nor- Press ana u- - . , -. . .. .,,,., f. hQ . respondents at the Brltisn cronw in numbered that nio i"hj -.v. i .r of the war, I waa one .,,. lhe uit(!r proteatante and the . J ' .,).. Kfivniest critics. o.,n. iiHntliwest CathollcB. Mr. ttat the present t ldy1 George is devotinr? a great nroeress t)t the amntini of time in an ftffort to bring dally rppw"" " " v ... i British advance as published her- about uniou among the Irish people In the United States are of the frank- themselves, e hope no less than 8t statements made by any of the you for an early and satlnafctery set- belligerents. "The very act that the Germans . - n 1.a4i- hlllfrt loSBB in L and our methodical captor. of'complete undorstandlng of the fact men muu . . ... t ha Tiolted Stated Is their undergrouna iotw i - imiwhvj r ,1 ' around Arrks .bould tonvlnce Amer-jtne mcfst IVl'V" tlcment "Throngliout the British dominions and In France and Italy, mere is The Guarantors of the Chautauqua Association for 1917, met lir ftne Court HouBe last night at gelght o'clock with thirty-live members pre sent: v Dr. B. C. Hening was made Tem porary Chairman ami Oil l'ugh Tern nnrarv Spcretar'y. rru fninwlni' nfllcitrs were eiecicu I lie luivn'wo " for'1917: G. R Little, President. Dr B C Hening, Vice President. J CUJf Sawyer, Secretary. W G Gaither, Jr., Treasurer. The following Chairmen of the respective committees were elected: Ticket Committee, C R Pugh Advertising Committee, Geo. T.. Twiddy. Junior Committoe Mltr, ''Tattle Harney. Hospitality Committee, J W Wil cox. Ground Committee, J B Lelgli; W J Woodley; C E Kramer. Parade ComtnJttee, Misr. Mxriou Woodley. Tent Decoratlcm'. M Leigh Hticep. Upon motion duly recorded and carried it was decided that each nnnrantor should be given his pro portionate number of tickets at the nnpninit of the ticket campaiR.i. anu fny frr the jiumber of tickets which he expects. to use in his own ramuy Wn tic- nt receives the tickets; that ho fhall be expected to use hlu effort b to sell his remaining quota of tickets until Friday, June, 8th, he . f,..Qr.ltnr nf fhniitniKillli on lore me i" "ti'n Wednenduv the lilth.; that on Frl- i ,t i. . .. 0T nil tIMtftlH Will I'O oay, j in1" "i" nettled for with thetlckot commit f(!P From that date until the opening of Chautauqua the ticket committee will strive to sell the remaining un sold tickets. - (hi... fnllnoMnir rpRnUtlOUH WOP l nil ..-ci - adopted: . .Jf. That all who,SRll tickets fibMl keep . roenrd of oil persons rftuvnaseil and a purchasing tickets, by slng the blanks proviaed by tno i;uauiauiu monwealth attorney with Heth's bro ther. it is thought possible that in the lrebuttal the defense wjll enlarge up on Mis. Vawter's statement that, sne had her finger on the trlger when the hot was fired which killed Heth, thfs statement doubt (Bv United Prena) . Chriastianburg, May 4. The de fense in the sensational Vawter case A,lntlni1 fit rested touay aner uie mav U 10 allow a tmuiinuv v. actually beset by the worst of Inter national diasoimions. Private advices, apparently authen tic, emphasize the seriouBnesH of this situation in Germany und Austria and successor to Foreign Secretary Zim merman. The idea is that Bernstorff will attempt a reconciliation with the United States. The near approach of u crisis is Indicated in that bad feeling growing between Prussia and Austria. Anar chy is feared unless the people are Bhown Borne signs of peace and hope. ainc bv thfs statement aouov eceatea as io wuu Th feellnir urowlllE that the 8llb nistol and the difficulty oi oj:nvict.u" , .... .,.... . marine campaign hub uui i'iuuuioh . ..nil m- , niiFHH HH t WttB II1CICUJ ' Mrs. Vawter was unnerved oy yes- tordnv'B ordeal on the witness-sianu when it ws over and today remained nt home in bed. The. two witnesses tndRv testified that Vawter was not drunk on the evening of the killing. TO MINE ENTIRE ' , NORTH SEA the results anticipated. Hamburg, with its vast shipping In dustries now approves tlf? course of the foreign office in opposing subma rine ruthlessness. Hamburg holds that Germany' commercial prospects will be injured for years and that the shipping Industries demand that Ger many announce change of policy. (Hy WILLIAM G. 8HEPPERD) (United Press Staff Correspondent) 7 Petrograd. May 4-ODen ruoture between Department Heads or. ' th Provisional Government head vnl ' cbmimirteeB representing the , work . men and soldier came toflar Iwhefl. ttte cnmmltinB riomonrfall ttmt ti .... ... , government take the workmen and,. soldiers Into their full confidence.- t For some time, the tension, has been r ,' growing and the flrst clash, between , the two faction.1 earn ye'steMajr. y The greatest Indignation, has beet! aroused am' ns the workmen and sol- dier j repTeR'. rroUlves p .the announce tent that - the PvovIsionarlw'Tl'v ment intended to staml by the Czar's ', contracts with his illles. ' At yesterday's meeting of the Ru". sian Council with the Foreign Minis . ter two thousand soldiers with loaded ' -rifles from the Petrograd garrison r guarded the building where the meet ; lug waa blng held. Thousands "of citizens gathered In a gigantic dem' 1 otistratlon against Foreign Minister Mulikoff. Speakers from the soldier and sailor delegations exhorted the - people to Join them In their demand that the Government take all the peo ' pie Into their connderrce. A monster -. mass meeting 1h planned for tonight' There Is no disguising the tensity' of i the situation. The soldiers and work's fien declare that they will not ap rove any loans to Russia until thoy are fully apprised of the complete war aims of the 'Entente. They disaf)pro i. vigorously of the statement credited to Mulikoff that Russia's aim IS Mr, crush Germany and Austria. -1 Washington, May 4. The Allies LITTLE FOLKS are considering iiihuuh ..... North Sea in order to thwart the Ger man submarines. DENY MINISTER , DEMANDED PASSPORTS ENTERTAINED BRITISH ADVANCE 15 THROl'JIl BACK Poplar Branch, N. C, May 2. The1 "Little Folks" of the first and sec ond grades of Poplar Branch High School, tutelage of Miss Inez Heid, London r-.av 4,-lferlin dispatches delightfully entertained a targe and deny that th Chilean minister has appreciative audience Saturday even demanded his passports. April 28th and was pronounced T a suceeiifl from flrnt to last THIRTEEN MORE I T,u' I'ramatlzatlon of the Tar Baby ACT? TSTfTTirri TTP which won the prlao at the County GERMAN RESERVES FLU NO VIO LENTLY INTO NEW ..HIUTWH FOlt'E SLIGHT GIVING OP GROUND CUT LOSS IS COMPEN SATED RV OTHER GAINH (Bv United Tressl London, May 4. With tremendous , weight the German-reserves werr flung violently Into line today and the British' advance was forced to fall V back Hllghtly. ' : British troops from advanced post" ? Hon captured Yahalh it is reported. : Lniwlnn. Mav 4. Thirteen survivors of the American Steamer. Rockingham have Been picked up Only two are lost. . Commencement, was given ugaiu.The i Tll(l lu,.,mni1, Wever revealed pro in arOUnu Arras mvuu v" - y j . , t ,.,.. titt our succeflsea hav been',ince the days of August, 11. m iieat as to tause them to hide their IBr that our government quite, un J''r,luw . .... i.-.'.- -.rl.1 A.,.Ai ; urk of frankmms be- , ;"(inl losses in oean. ' ' "in-Vln" 4 ottter b00ly- 'a ' ' " tween aI11" .rW ' V . wlflnlnir' IhAlThof know too lack of frankness b- woold be dipterous. " 5V wilnt. th I Thv know too that In any case truth rnrmm, nre frsnknewi ltsetr, irv r anu mo n i f even bucIi facts a, the a w-kr two, WA that truth wp-J nuCl.' by foHr boys and four girls dressed in th costumes of long ago, was especially charming. Refreshments were served and the total receipts amounted to $5p.00 This amount will be added to the treasury of the Betterment Society which wll be used In various wr.ys for press In an entirely new sector uuui that which the British drive centered for the past 48 hours. Awotiafion for that purpose. " That each Guaranto rshall pur chase and pay for as many tickets as be may reesonamy w . - fld ror sai . ny t i f thankg t0 M(M Rod (or the Vir - rtimros which I bellove will very short ly hf made public. I know of nothing In the way of news of importance eilbw on land or sea tbat baa bee withheld by the RxlUsh enorBhip i!iri in ni'any 'monthBv -except the de tails of one or tw signal nuccesvs with certain new war instruments the 1? tbe goverfient l ex w The following committee appolnt- tnontu have been made: TICKET COMIlTTEEf Dr. C II Williams. J.W wiicox. j Sawyer. S? Btalllngsi CbaS Morgan, J B Leigh.', r :, . . ' : . ' ADVERTISING COMMITTEE: Joe Winslow. W P Wood. H Q Kra mer, C R Wilkinson. s . IMriTAMTY torrTFF:: . work and time which she has no uft. sparingly given to horn Softool and community. rffkTJRtTTP fiT.ATISF. " ' aMMai ' J -'(By' United Press) Ws.if"'" M-ir 4.. Tlin Homo ARMLSTICE ON THE BATTLE FRONT. Meantime a virtual armlstico exlBtl. along almost the entire RuBBlaa front. Not a shot nan been llred by , either sldo for more than a month and on , the entire Husso-Gorman front there Is no real activity of any soro. At many pluces the Russians and Germans are fraternizing, moot Ing unarmed In no-mans land. This IB tearnod from soldlera here from tha front j . 'EhoTt WEATHER tonleht. Faturdar i"i-'T