in . "'': VVi2Y,$. Without . K Prejudice ? ''': f '..'''' r i . VOU2 i' u i. i v ' . " : rV . s ' . ' ""! r 1 . . - . I.'.' 1 , ,7 . IS,! Published ia Ellzil . City. : ," 1 ;'imBTH CITY NORTH CAROLINA,. M 1917 NO. 113 - v- ... . . J ; . . IV ' ''. - ( KCgjSU V" ' ,.. ..... ,- ; '4 v 3 rdiHillG race tv '.. Aboutflen Oays AftereDraft i Receives the Signature of the President all Persons Between the ?Age LinnJiesmbed v;iU Present Themselves at customary voting Places. ! CONSCRIPTION BILL a T?i PPTMn TMiT A VFT it WflRfiineton. May 7.There was s time in the country..'-, history when . mUitary enumerators, backed by ba. j Bv lnltert Pres- ' oncts. went out among the peffple to j Washington, May 7. Wide differ ' taka a compulsory seryU-'e census. ece8 over tne age iImit8 in thevarmy, 4 Today, under the principle of unlver-Jan mlnor details, are delaying the . sal 'liability to service' the execution pa8gaga. of the conacription bill now, ;. of the law Is put into the hands of ln conference. the people. , . ' ,The approval of Ihe new national 1 Aivprp a M M A Tiy ' army blU and the Presideafs procla- 1. v pAPT matloB thereunder will be co-lnclderit l , Alt J, '' f persona within the age limits 1 i 'A Scribed will be required o; pre-j (By United Press ' sent themise'vea for registration at' - Paris. May 7. the Allies greatest the customary voting places in the concerted effort to stamp out the sub ' voting precincts in which they have marine menace is being. planned with their Dermanent homeson . a aay comer ii:- .,- tf .... t Scene From Jule v enu 44 i wlmy i'tiOuiua Lcaauts Under the Sea4" at fhe Alkrama Wednesday. mm peace IS BltKt t-AKt AMERICAN M1MHTKK SAVS COtfTRY HMOULD NOT BK DE CEIVED BY DUPLICITY AND 8LACKEN PKEPARATIONH JMiih; I'rili.f i IF I issujoeo -h-h h Proirtent will announce. . enc OI tne ways ana means or ac- Th. probability Is that from ten niPsaing this feat. t6 15 days will elapse .between ap"-! The' United Press is authorized to proVal of the bill and registration that the American Navy will day play a great part rn this co-ordinated The governor of each state will be P1-- V ( . .the chle.' of refstration therein. Th 1 , - '.' ' ' v . 1. re-istraMoo in .each AEROPLANE . . .1 . v. . vf ' :' 'Vi mim Ain' COUBtrTUM' fldt to b decfttvfid countr o pe, in cn .i,,,, . UtturflL JCUJYliSO! ' ::71 (By, Unitod rren.i Copeihugen, May 7. "Any Ger- pan peace proposal at this time sim ply indicates determination on the part of a tremendously organized, still powerful nation to gain its 'own ends' declared American Minister Egan to day In a warning to the peopin of America Yoked through the' United Press. He appealed to his fenow by Si v.,roi.(on aptlnr AT-nTncio. unlfiSS a r t- rrntf Chi. . . ,li hll ne announced : r v., 3 taken Impression that oVfaians UttLW" . l - - v iUUUUU ilia J I i--TX IkUDLllO IVCI U" ( , w who. A0rnnr In MtlflB conUininK j uu- 1 aIT reaUy iuw Bwi... - pmiiou ui'isvu luyr uviuvb un iu vut 4 Germans peace ,duTliclty and not 'to pns. and eitravagaace," sUd he. 1 One of the worst things that could mly -at apy time, but more to quit. V ' populations of more than 30,000, the . registration will be under coniroi 01 '' the mayor selected boards ot regis o Iration. In order that the designated county and city officials and the peo ple generally can get a clear under standing of the census muthods, the following brief outline is given: 'The Bherlffs or other designated officials. Immediately upon receiving notice from the governor, shall ap point registrars for each voting pre cinct. The proportion of registrars shall be one for each 170, persons to bo regtatered, which age to tie registered will comprise about 1 per cent of the population. It, for Instance, all mn between 18 and 25 years of age, inclusive, are to be registered, the registrar would have to enroll about seven per cent, of the precinct popu lation. t It Is desirable to accept' the set of comnetent volunteer rgls- ars to serve without cdmpensatibC dj registrars must be sworn. . PK voting place n eaph preeinct must be prepared fo7 registration. FMU printed instructions covering ev ery detail of registration will, be in the hands 6t Bherlffs and mayors, on the fl'ih day after the President's proclamation. 'fhe mayor of a cify containitiR more than 30,000 Inhahftants. or the ofPrlafo deslgpatrd by the 'governor therein, slia'l with the approval 'f the governor, nppol'tt for each word or Vunvenient mil or subdivision con- V skirts of London today. One killed and two injured is the only damage report d. '' ' TO' ATTEND CHOWAN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION I ' Dr. B. C. Henlng with delegates, O W Ward, James G Gregory, Col 1 M Meekins, C A fcooke, W L Cahoon. J J White, Sr, left today for Colum bia to attend the Chowan Association. , WILL GIVE ROOK PARTY. "The Surgical Dressing Sociity of this city will give a Rcok p'rty In the Southern totel parlors - Taesday evehinj; uner the auspices v evening unier the direction of Mrs. J. G. Fearing f pickets are on sale ro at 25 tents each . A good musical pro frainwlll be rendered. Further par ticulars will be given by Mrs .Fear ing ipn request. Clerk of. the county where he may be stayhrg, on the sixth day after the I President's proclamation. If he Is In h,)1n' w"u1'1 lvp 1,,m !l decisive of-n-'jMtv nf nvor :tn noo nnnuiatinn th fenslve have been sacrllHed in the CANNOT IO0SES BPITIS'rT GHIP AND (JERMANH RETIREMENT Il'ST CMK H(H)N I'NLEBS DE CIDKD CHANOK .(KtTRH OX FIGHTING KFRONT (By United Press London, ."day 7.--Conthiuous Ger man attacks Hlilco Saturday """have filled 'to loosen the British grip on the Hindeii'mrg line around Hulle court. Despite the strong pressure of the Germans, however General Halg ! reports improved positions. With French Armies Afield. May 7. Gwman's retirement from France must como unless the Germans can stop the French drive. Today's flght iiiR shoved that the flower of the Ger man army which IlinileiihurR had AMERICAN THRIFT SOCIETY, KAYS IS TIME FOR COURAGE AS- WELL AS PRUDENCE Xew Ycr.:, M y ... i4U na of ' ;reatt dunge s that confronts m thiu moment .'a miji,lded thrift," : 7a ;.!?' a statement issued to-day ty S. W.- Straus Pie ideht of the Asrer'jr;, 'Society for Tft. Io our efforts to be pafrtotlclly e rjomuvL we find ourselves go- riCELS LICEHSE ill LIFE a- - ' r I DFCflTTO IK IS Bin k COMPAJfr.'CAN. NO LOXGER kDO ' V BUSINESS IV THIS STATE SAYg EVEN ,AT cojnnssioxEn young axd is IX HANDS OP RECEIVER j i RALEIGH: N.C..MayrInauAneB f Conimlssionerr ,i Toang hias' cancelled the. license of th,e ( PittoburglLife and Tfrusj "Company' t0 do' business In Not;t!i Carolina as , tte Company' has, beerv placed tin; the hands of , ai itce;w. This . ondiUoBj.' was' rrovght about what appears to te one of the most gigantic fraud? Hn tie recent history of life- insui obtained control of the '.company end its aesets and tliejf ( appear: t have got-away with a.lar?e quart! ty f the jame, possibly three v or four; million dollars. ' ; As soon , as the rumor of the at tempted wreck got out the Insuraa ec Commissioners of Pennsylvania ana iew xors, got Dusy and are TWENTY. CENTS A POUND IS CHEAPEST PRODUCI! FARMERS CAN NOW RIITJ SAYS WAYNE BANKER ' Raleigh, May 7. North Carolina's biH for food and feedstffs last.ear exceeded, the value of Its cotton crop by $20,000,000, according to an esti mate by. Secretary tncaa of ("55 state Food Conservation Commission. Figf nrlng cotton at $100 per bale 9001000 Toalea would hare been, nequlred ia pay the West and other sections for the meat, .breadstuffs and feedstuff 3 the State Imported. The crop product tlon m.the sutejjras under 70000 bales. "At presert prices of food and feedstutra." declared Mr. Lucas, 'the' samb.amount of food and feedstuffs would coat us eppVoxImaUly $200, ' 000.000 or 2,000.000 bales of cetton.' -, If North Carolina shoold, by a mira-i ClA. ' nrnHllVca Mn amAi.nt dehig everything In-lhelr power :to M the,8outh l09ii?! preset thepoUcy holders of the would mU at SWTS 2i company and no .doubt (wil succeed p0unf and we would' w. worse off ln doing so.- The parties atemntina- it . T -M -11 . , ,. .. .. .. " ," 'w ii w- wouta at me same wen as me oia airec- 'time neuter tn - - .w.hw Vlll VWU SUULI and feed. It is a certainty, however,' that regardless of the pries and quan Uty of cotton we raise we will not b able to get the vast amounts of food and feed we have heretofore .Import ed because they will be requisitioned ' by the government." , ; ;, ' tne fraud as tors of the company will no doubt be Indicted and punished. The company has an Income of r early four and one-half million jlolars and assets of over twenty m - ... . - -uur minion aoiiars, wiui capital of one million doltsrs and a surplus of lony. I' h-s 'nsjnnce In I Mr. Lucas states that. while a tre- farce ot over $115,000,000 of which pnendous amount or work Js yet to $1 393.449 is held by citizens of - N. be done, the people of the 8tate ar Cirrblina: The company has nver beginning to realise that rear. necci? done a very large business in this "'ty and net hysteria Is ehlnd thdf state but relrvsured the Washington movement for greater screagW an V icfc to the other eitreme. which is i 9 ,nsuranoe t;ompjiny or New viuuuwyn oi iooa ana 166088. just as great a menace as wasteful espec ially now. , The point is to differentiate be twocn d'-stiuctive and constructive tl)t if; . Intinies of peace or war aiti 1, reprehensible'? i:ut indis'cri i l'.atc tl ht-flstedness Is wors. be csuae in sireh conditions the provid ent are made to suffer wltah Hie lni provident. j ;cn'i'-o the whole nition adden Iv h;:s be.ome con"Cl9' s of the nee osslty of thrift. we as. individuals' fhniild take care not to deflect from their normal courses the tldns of the natlon8 money tha!t turn the wheels rf Industry, America as a nation Is not. lir danrer of running ! short of money, but we are threat I ned with n f.od shortage berause ' on us lrrts the dirty a?.d responMlhllTl tv of feedln? the allies. "Every one Can distinguish, the ! difference "between prudent living : and wastefulness. If a man buys -a I suit of clothes, a vnlr of shoes. ' or ! a hat. his money goes Into legltlni 1 ate circulation and furnfsh8 ups for capital and employment for labor. eh oi t to ave Rhelnis MANY PRISON KHS TAKEN Paris, May 7. Twenty nine thou .nud GermuiiH have buen captured by the French since Ajirll 16. War offico adds that offensive Is contiuulnR to ilay flth French everywhere tct6r- eompetent persons to tlio-'COnty or owl "'puising counter auaeas. city clerk on the sixth day after the; "Wuh BriUi,h Amies Afield. May 7-. iu0i,ln f Ilia nrni lamolln., Th -- " A aSirajlUH 11 OOU'J 101 RCU Ull Call illl - city clerk Is the official to whom to apply. The absentee will be told how 1 to register, but he must mail his card ' hi tome to reach his precinct by reg istration day. ( 'Persons too sick to present thom f elves for registration must send a talning about 30.000 people one reg- rlerk wll give Instructions for regis-' dwier mile into German lines early to re tlcn. May and maintained their ground suiTPHsrully RKainat. all enemv conn- Officials of educational, charitable tCr4ttaeks. This thrust carried the and other Institutions should apply BrUgh t0 the eagt of a T1Iage yn f.w t rf ut rnt iriiiB tn th rnuntv nr rtv . . ... he mav pppolnt a' , V " : "5 ' " ' i 1" Northern direction rrom men- , t.M Uic ...a... v.. ..oLC;cour( T,10 G2rmUW re now hemned of the proclamation as to a conveni- ie wef)t rast-and 80uth. on TTHit h nrl nf -O-rlllt rn i fntl I' ' The wardens of jails, penitentiaries end reformatories should apply to lerks of counties .and cities of over the county or my clerk'for instruc JO.O00 must secure a supp)y of blanks tions on the sixth day! Five days af anti copies of the registration regula-! te the date of the President's procla tJons from the sheriff or from "'the mation compile regulations will be mayor. Absentees and the. sick will ' in the hands of all sheriffs and of the apply 'to such clerks to have their officials of cities of over 30,000 pop TPglatration. blanks fltsd -.outIn-no ulalior; case shall such persons be given reit-; The President Is 'authorized to cafe if.ftton certificates. They are to be upon all public officers to assist In thtf! the Band are Invited to he present expected . tonight Istratlon board, and shall designate one ofTicer,of each board to perform duties similar- to those Imposed upon the sheriff, as heretofore outlined. If the mnyor ri.-rre central board to co-ordinate the work of minor boajrds. i 1 On the fifth day after the Presi dent has issued his proclamation, I "The . America)' people have rPspon ! (led Jh a traJid way needs of ' the nour. We are g"Ing to con- ' swerve, our resources and Increase our food supply In a way that will a rtonlh tho world hut in riolni thi we stand f"ce t(j face with economic i hardships uness each Indlvllinl Is ! 1 enee rnd foresight . "In 'brief, iidmlnkter your exiiendl i . . tiyes in a clean, honeet, legitimate and ptr.ilKli'orward manner. Frt Imitate wart'1 of 'food. t earlil In while build upp other. Those In buslnesj 4 , IlLsructed by the clerks .that . the bur- "execution of the law. It Is - k'M$ji.m them flo see to it that vhe that patriotic citizens wOl offer their ' '"'yTa the registrars ; of their services free. TegfStrars,-'such ser- ' h( incts by regf stratmn day, (vices wllj be gratefully acknowjedg- absent from tneir , nome ca. Yolutitrers for this service shonld "f be registered by mail", eommunlcate Immediately with the " man should gd'Io the proper official. , , r ' ;' ; I ' . .;' ndnd that every moifhful you savo may he the sustenance cf some nun . gry fellow abroad. . ' "But we should not tear dewn on i cne hair! BAND PRACTICE 1 shpuId,not hesitate, 'but be coura?e- 'AT ARLINGTON 0U9 and koep ,oln' America has i j everything to mifjie her 'c Sperous. . The billions that are being 'raised f war will return evventuallyy to the pockets of the people. Even thc money which we loan to the allies - being spent ,'n America. We are still tn the greatest eraof. prosperi ty the. country h Vf?r known. In the matter of individual expen dltvre'every man should Jtie guided by bis awn necessities and Jhe need of his country A Let'none of ua be a s'acker In the business world. .This The F. H. Zeigler Band will meet In the Dining Room of the1 old Arling ton Hotel on Water street, promptly at eight o'clock tonight for pr$tlce. All who are Interested in Joining WHATJIER York a few yers ago'1 and operatd In business men and live farmers of the ' this Mate for a long time. W ' , 5 t State are working shoulder to sllould-' The Insurance CommieSloner; ays '' r ,a the campaign and -the co-opera-o he policjr holders of this stite ,t,on ! ,tB' buslne'ss maii and banker thof "e will do verv thine- W bis- fM ttjiv prove very conslderaB!.. . ,?weTOrtinat-e1 j. to-prefect them. He advises yMn7"""1" ml b-rjUlolds.-v oro has Issued a rather striking let ter to his customers and others farmv era in Wayne and adjoining counties V showing that cotton, even at-CO centS a pound, is relatively the .cheapest , farm product upon the market today'' and Is lower In price, considering tne' prices ofother commodltes, than-lt ; was at a normal price of 1$ cents' a pound. The. following shows the con- trast, which Is even greater now than ' ' It was when the lettej was Issued! In an average Yea with 12e coti' 89 bushels potatoes at 70c. or ' V'v' " ton, a $60 Bale Can Buy VKC', HOLDIER ON GUARD WERE 750 pounds lard at Sc. or , f'1: THROWN TO THE GROUND BY 22 barrta flour t $4.60, or , . V THE FORCIfOF THE EXPLO- '75. poundsUacon at I6c, or "i ' SION 100 bushels corn at 60c, or - '' .r'- SO pairs shoes at 12.00. or ;.. 720 yards cotton goods, at Sjio Kingsport. Tenn. May 7 One 1 nl8 eRr wltn ZOc Cotton, a third of the mamoth munition federal Bale can only Buv ' ' dyesluffs and chemical plant was dls-! M t)UH"ol Potatoes at $2.26. or troyed here early today by a terrific 500 P(mnA 'ard at 20c, or ' explosion j 8 barrels flour at $13, or The explosion resulted In tho death l,OUI"lfl of nacn at 30c, or oRone and two nrobablv fatallv burn-! 14 bushels corn at $1.50. or ed. Soldiers on guard were thrown to the ground by the force of the explo sion. The city rocked as If by an earthquake. It Is' not yet known whether, the fire was of Incendiary origin but the policy holdeYg have premiums tint need t0 be- paM they will forward the sanfe In checks psyabie to the Receiver of, the Pittsburgh I (to antitrust Company. Pittsburgh. Pa. uuiiitioii ruliii IS DESTROYED utmost excitement prevails here. PROBABLY El WITH Hie JURY! ,20 pairs shoes at $5.00, or V ,V,' 66fi yards cotton goods at 16c. v "Enlarge yor food crops and lnten y'; sify their cultivation," urges Mr. Bor . den. "It will not only pay you better ' ' In dollars and cents, but In no other , way can you serve the 'Stars ' and Stripes' and the whole of humanity " I.BH Well." , i. ;v Many merchants In every sc(Ion of the Stale have refused to advance supplies and fertilizers to farmers who persisted In. plantnlg too large nropi.rtion of cotton or tobacco SJ) . compared with food and feed cropsVK In many Instances bankers have foI ' lowed the same course, lending ready . ' I SENSATIONAL VAWTER CASE KX-T f7 " If a Kpff"' 5 I'KUTED TO GO TO JURY WE D-S d fed CrP' bUt D H TIMOXY HIOM SAXITV KV.I me usual acreage or more of cot ' I'KRTP IMv Utilto Christlanburg, May ,7. The belief Is growing that the Vawter murder trial will end with a hung Jury. The case will probably go to the Jury Wednesday'The laefoduction of more expert testimony Is expected at the close of Jhe case. Judge Moffett spent 8unday at Salem and his train wss late thjs morning, delaying the opening of court. The celling of the l court room, la literally sagging from ton and tobacco. In almost every. community in t(ie State .the banks are lending money In small and 'large.,' amounts for the purchase of seed n5 " fertilizer for food and feed crops. ' Vy .V VISITORS DAYS AT THE SCHOOLS , May 10, 11, have.beejf-set aside as vlpitors' days for the Elizabeth City: Graded Schools, and all Interested tn tho schools,, parents and others, are ' Invited to visit their children's class- rofcms. to see the, work of Jhe children throughout tfie school f year and td .; Cloudy Monday night and Tuesday. Probably rain. Continued. cool. Mod- IS no day for the coward or'' weak,- jthe crowds that gathr to hear (this observe the clsss work of the cliTld- erate, possibly fresh, northeast winds, 1ms, - . - v ',.;. , , - - sensational case. Ten.