! V LIST YOUR PROPERTY AT ONCE AVOID THE RUSH News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice s The Only Democratic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth . City. JU.Maa-a..a..a.,aM.,,.. .... iM VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING. MAY; 8 1917 NO. 114 Suppress Peace Talk Among German People German Governement Insists on do ing the Talking Itself and People Cannot Understand Complex Situation. (BY ARTHUR MANN) (United Press Staff Correspondent) Copenhagen, May 8 The German government started "peace talk" for Its own ends, but now it is confront ed with a distinct and decidedly grow lgn movement among the Germans jpeople for peace, which it is taking measures to repress. Private advices today show this new development. The reports give details of an empire-wide hunt for "peace spies." The hunt has been transferred from civil to military au thorities with rewards offered for the arrest of peace propagandists. The- German government appears determined that if any "peace talk" Is done the government and not the people shall do the talking. Mean while, the people of the German pro trilung now BY SPEGML TRAIN 'Hv United Hri'sui With French Commission, Effing ham, Illinois Traveling now by spe cial train the French Mission resum ed their tour of the Middle West this morning following the wreck last night investigation disclosed a broken rail twenty feet in the rear of the wrecked train. This might have been broken by the hea-y engine or by some plotter. The question is still un It was Theodora Roo.v.lt who aid "Chautauqua ia tha moat Amarican thing in America" an admirabla way of aaying that it magnifiaa aocial, moral and po litical harmonies. In its audi ence tha rich and poor elbow each other its program ia pa triotic, but nonpartisan its plat form is clearly moral, but never sectarian. Without regard to class or creed or party or social stratification, its gospel is always that of genuine uplift and qf broadening vision. BRITISH PLANES DOWN MliOONS ASSASSIN'S BULLET AIMED AT KAISER (By United Press) Rome May 8. The Kaiser had a narrow escape from an assassin's bul let this mnrnlno- vKli. i VIGOROUS AERIAL DEFKNS1VE Berlin, according to dlspat h from WAEI BY BRITISH FLYERS. Zurich to the Daily Courier h e" T h" t" "at an unldeiS man flred three hnt t v.. MV H.O.IOC1 D BURG LINE JUKIOR CHAUTAUQUA A TREAT FOR. THE BUYS AND GIRLS Special pin s for the children iu con nection wilh the coming Chautauqua include the usual good time of the reg- 'Jos fit Jz (By WILLIAM PHILII SIMMS) (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the British . Armies Afield. May 8. Seven British aeroplanes today shot down seven German bal loons In resumption of the vigorous aerial defensive waged by British flyers. Fighting continues violently around Bullecourt. At the time this dispatch car. Two arrests were made. The no lice refused to comment on the affair HICT PROBABLY WILL WW ; 1ST AUHIVERSAY THURSDAY NIGHT MAY 17 AND PLANS WILL BE MADE FOB "GOOD WILL DAY CELEBIU TION" 801 GUILTY Is sent, the Germans are vigorously ATTORNEY ROOP OPENS LAST CHAPTER IN TRIAL TODAY WITH VIGOROUS DENUNCIA TION OF VAWTER'S CONDUCT assaulting that portion of the Hin denburg line headed by the British on the southwest border of the vil lage. The assault is so far fruitless. rr . .... i.ir enemy gained a little ground HI,- I'nlt-M !'!; nntli,nn TO uu,luBl "l rreunuy mBi nignt hut Chrlstianburg, May 8 With in- ranea to oust the British. structlons iriven to the trv M..h Another temporary deadlock seems were considered as favorable to the to have been reached today along defense, Commonwealth Attorney tne Hindenburg line. Raids continue Roop opened, for the State the final "ol" H1UP8- Bcauerea along a wide chapter in the Vawter trial today. ... , . . , some plotter. The question is still un- vlnces are puzzled to understand why i , , , . , . , . . aeiermineu. some memDers or tne 11 UllfjinilVI Id 1 1 - J I J UM'HV II U IIM . , uission seen inclined to llie nclier feated, as the German government r. claims, she in still making war and; , , 'a German agent, not hearkening to German peace feel-, The members of the mission were erg. . . . . severely shaken up in the wreck but The result, according to advices liere, ft a formidable wave of dlssatls-f JmmmO vv ii v i diuj;i.i iuvii ci uvu I vy iiiq I party and the staff of the mission 1 -. . . . ....111.. J .... . . I . u . . . ..1. I. . . 1 . . weio unveiling juuijieu lue iiulr, uui HOLWEG POSTPONES ADDRESS Amsterdam, May 8. Holweg today postponed his much advertised peace address "In anticipation of events which will facilitate the task," ac cording to his explanation printed In the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger. The Ramo paper announces "rumors of an agree able political event Imminent which It is hoped will not miscarry." fuetlnn nn-h-i't German autocracv , which Is nc-w mveeptng over the en- i remained upright and none of 'occupants were injured. URGES NEED OF f the Tamaqua (Pa.) Children Who Took Part In the Play Which Was on the Pro gram the Closing Day at Each Chau tauqua. ular Junior Chautauqua, with its games, thrilling stories, its good time songs and the most wonderful of all the Junior plays, "Good Fairy Thrift," written especially tor them by Mrs. frontage Ing but without major llght- MUCH INTEREST IN HOG RAISING Dr. F. I) Owen Keder1! evpert in charge of the hog cholera work in Pasquotank, Camden, Cu'ritur-k. Perquimans, (Sites rnrt Chowan counties. finished up his work for the month of April with n totnl of eighty firms visited, -'i'l interviews with farmers. ml fifteen men taught to administer serum Fifty one demonstrations were conducted by Dr. Owen at which 821 hos were treited and 2iui men present . including hogs tr-nted lv the ass istants, n to'al number of " S 'J t hoo vers tnvtrd dirint; (he month. ii'iti. .1. e n , llll Uie sun f. oi in', wwi-ii-. '"Oik al: ea:U a liicvei and ilh the fnrre is-cd inle'rvt in f " I pro duction in this section, farmers have become intensely interested in hi K Knleih, .May S Agricultural and sconomic aulhorilies in the State are looking this year for a substantial son of a boom In the hog-raising in dustry of the .State A packing house is under construction at Wilmington, one is practically assured for Raleigh and there is a movement on at Char lotte looking to the establishment of one in that city. Already, however, there are packing houses at Green ville. S C, and Richmond. Va. so that, as a mallei- of fact, every farmer in the State Is within shipping distance of a standard market for his hogs. I Ions an- at pns'-nt selling on the Chicago market at 1 a to 1 1; per hundred and with : per centjewer brood sous in the country than last year there is little or no likelihood of the price drooping much for a year or more. The price- in Mm South is doubly assured because this section, which normally imports millions of i f, , x it f y'v'. w Pyramid Builderi, Junior Chautauqua, Shelburne Falls, Matt. Nan Oppenhinder Kherle, the founder of .luiiinr ( 'luiiHaiKiiiu. in addition to these usual prepara tions, however, are two extras, put on the program for good pick. "In the Village of Ding Dong Hell" Is a Mother Goose fiiutasie prepared for the chil- SPEAKS TO II C PARENTS URGING PATRIOTIC DUTY FOR HOYS AND GIRLS WHO CANNOT ENTER FIGHTING RANKS WEST RALEIGH, N.C., May 4.- T. E. Rrown. State , Clnh dresses the following letter to North Carolina parents: Every man, woman, boy and girl wanu to have a nart in our coun try's defense.PajtrlotisnV now cau-'.-.n every heart to leat with added energy, and ' very soul The burden of the proof that Vaw ter did not Are in self defense was placed upon the state. The instruc tions specifically stated that if the jury believed that the "puy my bill and take my wife" tetter was the product of an unsound mind it should not be considered The liunle:i t!i proof was pluc ed on the defense to show that Vaw ter was insane or intoxicated at the time he wrote the letter to Heth and did not know what he was doing. The case is expected to go to the iiurr,bx noaa W fidnii&d.ay,. . After the hearing tho Impression seemed to be spreading that the jury would be out only a short time and ing" 'accoulinli an si'" 'f prosperity In ment of farm work enrouragin'- !his depart- PUT HEAVY FINE ON FALSE ALARM growing better hogs. Dr. Owen's popularity and labors are increasf dollars worth of pork from the West, must depend upon its own supplies this year as the Western meats will be required by the government for the maintenance of Its armies and the armies of the Allies. With this rare opportunity within (heir grasp every farmer in the State who linn hr...J(l ( n p- aforlr iu ( Thirty days in jail and a fine of USP u s(,nirillK iHn?e8t Iiunib(,r fifty dollars is the sentence for those of piKH linssib,, am ratsinK fwl with who turn in a false fire alarm. This wnjrn u, ,,,,, th(.ni I)ro1Prly. Pas sction wns taken by the Board of Al- turps of H0V ,1(lallH corn ftnd dermen in session yesterday. The velvtt hlliUH ,, other t,rop a,.p rpc. fifty dollars wi'! Fo to the informant ,0mmended f,- feeding hogs, the old method of feeding in pens having been found to he' uin conomic. In the fall after the crops of beans, peas. etc, have ben exhausted crops of rape, ( rye. clover, oats and similar crops should be ready. A good pasture of sell milk in Elizabeth City must be COr" an" VOlm ,,eRns' ""wever.BhouId ,-.a rpi. Iast well into the winter If a suflici- " ' I" FK ei 1 t J aL to IF'. ALL COWS MUST BE EXAMINED All cows belonging to those who examined for tuberculosis. The Alder men in session yesterday instructed the City Health Officer. Dr. C B Wil liams to hav this work done. ent area is planted. r IN INTY-NINE YEARS JEROME FLORA RELIEVED OF DUTY Mr J B F'lora was relieved of dntv ' Ljlth the Fire Company In yesterday's j meeting of the Board of Alderman. ina ucuou was takep la that Mr. ton, May 8. The condl- Flora fTTiinong those who hare been 4 . ft a m .... . . "r whrat on May 1 was vn roiled for military duty for Junior Chautauqua Gymnait, Towan da, Pa. dren and singed" "by members of the "flumes of NormMid.v' cast. Paul Fleiii;n:, ilic iii.t-i-i:iit. is the second of these extras for file children. "Seven Joyous Days." (From NliDiiu'ftin Dully Dispatch. April 30, VJU.) Chautauiiia s "seven Joyous days" In Hliamokiii are over for this season. The pro-i! uitis presented have been of high character, entertaining, enjoy able. (Mm at ion a I and helpful. It Is doubtful If inure that Is really worth while could he crowded iato one week at so small .i cost us has been given by ('hai!tauiiiii. In-. Korbuah, the plat form superintendent, rninlc immy wurin friends while i:: town njid will be cor dlally welcomed if he should be Identi fied with tSliiiinolilri's future Chautuu- (JII.'IS. It is to tshaiui'klifg credit that there has been so urgent a demand for an other session next jar. Slmmokin could not afford to drop out of the Chautauqua circuit, and the sentiment for its continuance shows Ma apprecia tion for something that la Worth while. Mrs. C' eoi feel a new thrill. iEirerv Ammin wants to pby a pft. r i Flgh'ing men Aftj-.'the sm.il!e,t part of our country's defense. Kvery normal toy?;vIs born a sold ler. There are thousands of boys in North Carolina who ere imbued with the military afjjrit, and yet are too young to enilat !n the fighting army. " . . Most parents ara.'glad that they are too youn. If you cm con scientiously feel that' your boy can Jut an honorably serve his coun try and still stay : nt home, your h.T.rt will he made g'ad. The Pvoddent, the Becretaiy of Agr.cyUuie, and all leading ofMeliN of tho Nufion are u rging the pro- ductlon and conservation or food and feed crops as Just as important ' n part of the Nation's de-fens ns the flghtlm; with guns and shells. I Amoricn niu ;t not only feed herself. ! 1-nt mum foe.i ,r aines. It , 1 f-- v family to buy one ' pound of food or feed, and thus dim 1 Inish the world's supply, when then' ! is land available for the production j of that food U tho fnmli;.v. nemeniler t.hat every 'time you ue a poniid of the commeriu 1 food i supply you are taking that much j l.oiii tiio nioiiths of hungry soldiers ' and hungry children. Bveiy jound ' of food you and your family produce -r :-pve, .,iM dd ju-t that much to 'ho amount So a. H KATI.Y M't n AO lo keen life i,, the bodies of si, living mothers and ohildr.-n. V.'e Iipv. ;nrth Carollni an amy of ton thousand hoys ai:d girls who are doing their part In this American crlsfs, by growing corn, pigs, chicken?, potatoey pea nuts and ve-'etablei for canning. Have you any boys and girls, be tween the ages of ten Ad eifth'een, who have not yet enlisted In this army? Would y iu nJt "Drefer that they enlist in this army 'rather than In the army at the fronfT Yon may say that they ard helping you pro duce these thlffgs. row'e jthey do not feoi tha they; jltftf personally parMclpallnp ohfl JliidlvJduaUy .re sponsible, tiniest 4Hey w are- growing something of thyV.-VtRV' OWNi ,Th effectivrness' of ; ari army Is dependent upon the c" Hi 'organisation.!' l et' i s' , ,.aj (0 you, in the r--"- ' ' ', t that the verdict would be not guilty Roop made a powerful plea for the State, painting Vawter as a black mailer, who exploited his wife and her charniav for bis own pocket. H, th t -w-111. be followed by Jordan Hurlesg to 1 for the defense. An Anniversary Meeting and Ban quet of the Chamber of Commercav will be held on Thursday night, May . ' uui. nils was decided at a meetlntf ' of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday ey v ? ning. I . "At this meeting," says Manager, Pugh, "the annual report of the Matt " ager will be read and recommends , tions of the Board of Directors will . be made to the members. The mem bers will elect a Board of Director!. for 1917 and 18 and a 'campaign for new members wit be automatically ' begun. Of course the recommenda- tions of the Board of Directors Will : include 'Fourth of July Good Will ( elebratlon plans." Jhe following ' committee were appointed to mak -further plans for the Anniversary" ' " meeTIng: Louis Selig, H. O. Kramer, - O F Gilbert, G A Twiddy, O J Spence, ..' and Joe Wlnslow. ...-'.' The Chamber of Commerce hat . been at work for several months on ," ' a municipal play-ground At jester - '. f ' day's meeting the following comdlt , ' tee was appointed and "it is expected' ' Mr. Pugh says, "that the plans oera , ' tofore made will be speedily consum -ated under the direction of this com, mittee. Following Is the committer! ' " : W. O. Gaither, S H Johnson, P H Williams. O F Gilbert. P O Shwvbi. , :.ri The Prei ident, W G Gaither and ' , . Secretary to the Board. H G Kramer . . v i no treasurer. , The Finance Committee will call . on members of the Chamber of Com - , merce this week for their dues. . IS II SI if IS EK6INEERS TODAY NEWS CENSOR HKliF Al'I'OI.MKU AM) ABSOLCTR DICTATOR UK, ANNOl'NCHS THAT HK WILL DIHMIHS KM I'liOVRKS WHO til V K l FORMA TION TO I'HKH.H M' I'l .. rijHf ) Washington, May 8. Secretary Lansing today announced that ho would dismiss any employee iu the Slate Department who jlves the press any information upon which criticism of governmental policies mav be bas ed. Hy this net, he makes himself ab solute dlctutor of the news relations between this country and all foreign on I Ions. IS APPOINTED DEPUTY CLERK Mr, J, I Thompson, formerly Auditor of Pasquotank County, ban been appointed Deputy Clerk of the Federal Court of lhiH' dlstvjct Mr. II. T (ireenlecf lias resihued the position to take effe" t Mav 1st. What Mr Creenleaf will do In the future Is not known. He ii a candi, (late for City Manager and his friends are hoping he will be ap pointed at the meeting of the new board, next month Mr. Greenleaf has been Deputv Cierkfor a number of yeirs and Is very popular throughout Knstern "North Carolina. Mr Thompson has been connected ylth the nff.ilr o' the County for seerfll years encouragement po sib'e Meii l his name nnd address. Indi-atiiig the club that he wants to Join, to this office, and we shall enroll him. and do all we can. by sending him let ter . and. circulars of Instruction, to jielp him make a success of his work.' ;-y''. In tfc's 'ti.Z7 tirAm flT,p to plant soyresmr cr.cowpeas lii"a'l eorft vniirue'f nnil tinvn tn hn ilffIB SERVICES THRKK THOl HANI) WHO HAD Eti LWTF.D IN R(K)HFVELT DIVI SION WANT TO (JO AH FART OF FIRNT I NIT TO FRANCK t New York. May 8-Three (thou sand engineers who had enlisted in the Roosevelt Division, todiy offered their services to the government as a part of the first unit of Ame'rlcaiS to go to the front In Franse. T.C. Desmond, who orEanlzed the engineers.. mudo the ofle- to gee-rotary Maker alter a conference with Roosevelt. In which Roosevelt uried that the shortest way be taken to get men to France, even tho this this meant taking men fram the volunteer dlvlelon. BADLY BURNED AND STILL IN DANGER Had It not been for his mother, John I llowdcn. Jr. would likely have been burned to death Monday. The hoy was left alone in a room for a few minutes. his mother return ed to the room and round him cov ered m flames, she r nib bed a cov er nnd smothered out the flameB before the hoy had time to inhale I be fire nr. It I, Kendrb-k was summoned and rendered medical 'attention. The child Is Improvirig out Is hardly out of danger About one third of his body- burned and he requires constant car and nursing. Had the flames been extinguished a moment later have been burned 1 1 1- yet. was the child would beyond recovery. TO GIVE HIKE 4 i The B. Y. P. U of the First Baptist X'' I ' Church will give a! "hike" to the country home of John Sample on i ' Tuesday evening May 8th. The mem ' ''"'. bera are asked to assemble In the ' Sunday School room at 7:1S. ' - . t WEATIIKR r