LIST YOUR PROPERTY AT ONCE AVOID THE RUSH '.Jrffaews Without Bias Views Without Prejudice The Only Democratic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 10. 1917 NO. 116 boveiTiincm : :r i V 3 il I 1 T 1QSI led By Congressional Delay No Progress on Emergency War Measures Until Congress Stops Juggling And Jostling Concsrip-tionBill. CONFEREES AGREE ON SERVICE BILL Washington. Mav 10. Eliminating the Roosevelt division amendment from the selective service bill, the House and Senate conferees today reached an agreement.' ' They also eliminated the Fall amendment for raising vol-1 unteer cavalry force for border duty. The prohibition amend ment was left in the bill. . The age limit was fixed at 21 to 30, inclusive. (lly KOKKKT J. BKXDKK) 'Washington. May 1 0 Congressi onay (b lay on all war cim -rgeni ' measures in tying the liamls (if the Government in its plans for co-opcr-ation with tin.1 allies in tin- prosecu tion of tin- war. The Selective Conscription bill is Mill jostled about in conference Willi mi indicat inns that an agroi un iit is likely to he n ;u died ;,t any lime soon, and that two or three weeks of de bute, at 1 1 ; i -1 . will pusn before Hie nieasnr i- . 'i;o t I'd in' n law ti e re une bill, anil I he 1! an si'! in mbtiu ties i : r i i t r ).,,: i,. T,: ; ! w';l la'-" .1 bill Ihrniiv'i .1. bn has 1. . 1 1 ' : ( . ; .on:. TELLS STDRY OF LOST LE6I0H VIRGINIA SOUMKK COV.I.KS( -INC I KOM WOl MS kk i:ivi:i) VI' VI.MY KIIKJK GIVKS VIVID .( Vol V I of .TIO LUrLHAM BOY , CARRIES FLAG Pari-;. Mr U -- Five hu-.dred "('1,1 Clary's" art- fluttering oti the French front toda on that many ani bulanees. Anions the Americans the first to carry the flag to the front was Lans ing Payne uf Durham, N C. MRS. McKIMMON ON FOOD COMMISSION Raleigh, N.C.. May 10 Governor T. W Bickctt has appointed Vr Jane S. M( Kiminon. who is a-ont i'i charge of the Home Denton-' ra : n Work in the state, a me in I er et 'he North Carolina Food Coni ;', j ,-Com,inis Ji;!i ' app lint ;ne ., i.-. " warded b ofht r members ot Commission as decidedly lb i Mrs. VcKiminon h is te direct i" i o'' the Home Demonstration geu!i throughout the state and is heud of i te Girl's fanning Cub ni'ivi nu ::' Under er direction this work b.,s become a factor of cc it i n , nut a i . in the economic life of the State ' anil is a particularly impor'nnt factor in the cauialg.:u t! .at i now being waged for a tr at'v inert asi (I oi mini I ion mid ion eiv.i. tioii of fond resouicer-. SHOWS Kll Tor.o:i:.ow at NEW TEEAT TLITONS AKK MICH IMSTl liV GKOWTI1 OK lKO-ALLV SKX TIM I .NT IN SWKOKX AND .MAY Sliv. BKKNSTOHKF TO PKK Vi:T 1JKKAK (By AKTHIR MAW) Copenhagen, May 10. Germany is concerned "about the recent tre li'i n 'ous increase in pro-ally senti ment in Sweden and Norway, due to American entrance Into the war. that very probably Germany's ablest pro pagandist' will be sent to Christiana as ambassador. This is no other than Hernstorff. ambassador to the 1'nited Slates until America and Germany vered their peaceful relations. This is the latest report from Mer lin and It follows previous advices to the effect that liornstorfT was slated to succeed Zimmerman. That Get--, many has abandoned the idea of the replacement of Ximmcnmuu in order to send Bernstorff to Sweden is tak-; en as Indicating the importance whh h J she .ulailies to Ho1 pro-ulh sentl-' mend now ehrystalizing there. CUTTER UPSET IN DRYDOCK Philadelphia. May 10. One killed and eisj-ht injured, this was tie re sult w lien the I' S Cutler. Guthrie. Mas upset in drydock there todai BIGKETT IMI1E e ftCTfVITY T!' . ri v :: 1 ,.f "lie!! Morgan's Girl' a ! t!ie .v-w Thiaire Fridav matinee and i: t t will mark an unusual event in loi .-1 photoplay annals. Without In ing tnialded as the 'greatest ever" or ruai untied to embody all the re forms and dogmas ot civilization, the play will afford stirring scenes and a grippiiu' inn rest that has seldom bo-n reflected upon the screen Its so :u are laid, in San Francisco at a period just preceding the greath earthquake and consequent !lre. This catastrophe is used ns the climaxing incident of a series of sensational events that lead to the Presidio, where refugees congregated in thousands after the night of terror and destruc tion Dorothy Phillips, one of the imst famous e otionul stars the screen has t ver introduced, will play the chiding role- the daughter of "Hell" Morgan, ke, per of one of the most notorious spun in San Francis, co'h Harbary l'u,it lbr leading man will be William Stowvll. and Lou Chanel, a ccer actor of villainous parti, will provide the counterbalance to Stowell's manliness in the princi pal role. San Franeino h. fnre the earth quake and tire The interior of "Sail ors Rest " The proprietor, "Hell" Morgan, and his daughter. A conniv ing politician who coveted the queen of "Sailor's Best ' 1'hu the stage is .. t when ltoger t'uruell. a portrait "It STRIKES Meant tdiippili:; pile the No one i i to hov I food eee Meanttmi on the i , pinna-: .i -hit I 111; ((;, ,i. w ri ; i . i :it Sl He Coil 1'OI'llel' ' Hi. Tb "..,.. 1 I. 'li j The I'i, . I wave took tin iv ' ;el we pa I hi ou::h t hr in I i ; I ' ba I ra i.e. to tale the .- Ill i IIL- Millie 111' ' but miIv a stna' . a. I'll on a t ume i:, .I'd i' 1 1 WOMEN MUST EE id . i ip ' a 1 b.l o '!' 11 1 I III , .. I (I ll I .1 ! 1 l,e a-ii, I i.;: i li; V our i ''-'.' e, :,tn-I.- r oi' i oir I !,MI t i.n iioN oi ti;y yi u:ss I.AMI Silol li! ' I M! ill K- i: u i i n .1 i im:i, s.s (. i:uou .:i 111 ll" li gill ( ; M:i I hi i l"d i h.. i . coin' s upon the seene and the stoiv oi liell" Morgan's ' i is well uiid r will . Harvev i put in Park pi lin i'Iiii : el i . el ir 0 inn pa I eil I, lie I..' 1 .'i I form for lie .1 hi! ' . and Ida screen i mining d in the have' 1. h.ii apalb i n.u.- , n Pies .1 fol il ll" Ul'e- !' H V "ll Mi 'igil. N ' ,.M i . . 1 1 :i'. I . . IN !'i a big ' i ' h; i i, i n e ov. i hill thill's nl: il throw. lie I in i h i i 1 1 itr 111! ur hi i.i .in to i or Ch.uhiitn, Virginia, deycenda ut of ward. "The tii ihi li I. I n lib ' 1 eon.- ' I 1 ' 1 I ' ' , I i II 1 1 ' of s e , '.dree.' -i ,S of ri'lil"'' coiiatics of t!u llo 1 I I (By United Preict New York, May 10. Women who help Urn nation in wartime, taking Jioattions vacated by men, must be paid the same wages as the men re ceived, declared Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, chairman of the Women's com mittee of the Council of Defense, today. TEACHERS DESERVE HONORABLE MENTION Currituck. May 9.- "The teachers is the Poplar Branch st h'ool " says County Superintendent, of Kducation Ialey, "deserve special mention for tfceir faithful work for the past two years working under unfavorable nditions. As the public knows they kT had no school rooms in which t work. They have been for the past two years working in a chapel. Odd Fellow Hall and an uncomfortable Mracture covered with tar paper. All 4kee places have been very uncom fwtable. Regardless of thr unfavor U conditions efffciency in work has ta forward in the school. The work tm ie high school has been the most pctive since the establishment of til ach,ool. Students show more effl dcacy than heretofore in the tame President Zacli.iiv Tailor and of Confederate rcneral James K. B Ste wart, told it with enthusiusm today. PaniU is convalescing from a shrap nel wound in his left arm. Here is his story, told with occasional reference to ii map of Vini'y ridge that was smeared with rain and mud, the same map he carried over with him : "Our battalion, the listh, contain ed about 10 per cent Americans The Legion has gone to reinforce other battalions so that there is no all American force remaining. We were in the reserv trnchs, slightly back from the llrst line, when the time came. I didn't notice the time slip ping by. 1 was busy issuing rum to the men and everyone was taking a last look at his tools "There was just one danger about waiting for the zero hour of r:;',0. Fritz had been throwing over quite a heavy load of stuff every morning and we waited in the shallow reserve trenches without dugouts. We kept as low as we could, while the whizz bangs came over - whizz-bum! whizz -bum! some plunked Into the mud harmless. Others gave us a few casu alties while we crouched. "Down to my left was Lieutenant Frank E. Hinds of M uneapolls, a former telegran r . He was hit nno died of his wounds He used to be in the 19th company. Volunteer signal "The bulldinn committee at thin ' corps In the Philippines. Ahead of ua Mfcool la doing all possible to have were some of the 78th battalion in Wkp new school holm completed by the rst line. They wero to take the the time the school will open In the, first German line In our sector; we bM. During the past fall and winter VMterlal was hard to secure. Now fter the material has been secured wpenters am hard to get. The build lag committee or the builder would fc(?; glad to hear from carpenters who ract work at once." C04L IF SCARCE. ofnTfrtnitl vri v afe VfurlP an ntt;-rMt, because our firo is on their trenches while theirs Is directed at ours. We could see Homo of our stuff as it whizzed by oil a flat trajectory just a gold blur and hear the friction in the air "We took the second line without much of a fight The Bodies came running up out of the dugouts in swarms, holding his hands shoulder high shaking with nerves pnd calling 'Mercy' Kamerad! Marcy. Kamerad!' "They emptied their pockets trying to give us presents, pipes, knvgs, but tons, watches. One Amercan corporal came running to m n a traverse and asked 'Seen any Fritzes yet?' He held his bavonet read v. hilt hadn't i found anv of the enemv where his ing to the extent of their ability to bunch went in. the demand for iiiicreased food and "Our prisoners were mostly mem- feed production, but they are han hers of the 11th Bavarian regiment. ' tiicapped by a shortage of labor and Their officers had ducked back along, work stock, and they are not going the communication trench. j t i. a,,. t supply the deficit of "With HO or 40 men 1 went ahead rood and feedstuff we shall face. It to establish that strong point, anxl-i js imperative therefore that steps he ous to get it done go In case our tak(,n , ln(.reaHe u reage and prod. third wave should have trouble in ,1(.t),,n ))V ()th(!r means. The great taking the third line. Just as we got; jftt 0)lorUlni,v WP nave ,, doing started digging a runner came upjth)a ,8 tnrollf,h tne U8e of ()Ur r();ld with word that Major Harison's thigh foIceg Qf men n(l workBlo,.k ln ,nw had been smashed by a chunk of high! ,.liulvati((n of 1(iI( land aml ,,. explosive, shell. They had put him in a shell hole where he was compara- a i d (In nei e e(t ll er to i "r'.'n ; . . s i u 1 1 ri sMiate urging l ! : , T I here I e no del i v in t hi acl ivl i Tec ('I'iidi s le'ler teds it s ovi n story ll is as follows 'III tin; emeigeev we now face not uily piitriuiic duly but the nee it y of protecting the people of our own slate from demand.s that we increase our a erage and pro. duction of staple food and feed crops by every means at our com. mand As the constituted author ity in your county, upon you rests the resppoiis!)iUty of doing every thing possible to protect your peo ple from threatened hunger and deprivat ion. The farmers of our State are rally "Oil il hai" of I he pi , , nla .hi'iit ' d at I ii. Willi te .Mil '' in? ' he (juctli of 1 1 ip, ,. n ' l:,i,l a . ; i Mio. ' .' i til. : " h i,' i ... : mail ' ma ' i- i. i ' lion : ' i 1 1 ; wi,l he ,. ii 'llo. Ii, l'i:.l. Douitijy I'hillh)-; p!a "Siiilor's Pent," for be love of whom Roger Curwel, artist and mini of re finement, sunk to a lower si rata, only to rise to the level of the girl he loved and bring her on with him to the fullness of life's best ideals 'Hell' Morgan's Girl" pictures in gripping scenes the transition of two souls, passing, as it were, in their flight, to eventually join in the happiness of perfect redemption through love, alv FJRST NATIONAL BANK KKCKIVKH CKKTIMCATKS lively safe. When the Job was finished I went back to report, being now in command. On'the way I got hit with a piece of shrapnel. "That was about 6 a m. Monday. At 3 Tuesday afternoon. 1 was re lieved to go to the hospital. less farms, many of which exist in practically every county in the state The production of 'foodstuffs is more Important than ttje building of good roads, and I am again writing to urge you to take this matter up ln your county without delay. Many landowners of 'he State are offering tenantlesg land free of all Been is l -il ire. ilred-ip" rive:s and I'.ucno praeti-a'lv hern ires. May 10 Coal Is in Argentina that the f 'he connlri's navigable A'!'"- ba-h'ir ha . ijp-a-ied Is a pyrt!ci!'avl sc ' u fatt'-r leie. hh was neccetmry i "i 1'"' to '' 'T en thn local liarbnr to re-mil the entrance of Sate vessels nm n con ''ataH. ot "dredging is - reryl to-"lrevent from relSlHnir. were ta take the second and the com pany behind us the third. "The artillery strife was the most dazzling thing I ever witnesses. 1 looked back and saw rows of guns go off, each iu turn, yet so fast that the flashes seemed like a toothy-edged ribbon of flame "Tno Higni'.i to advance was the ex plosion of n mine down on our left. 1 It was not so terribly loud; the ground trembled and a big flame shot no bill I was surprised by .the mlld ee j of t he uoWc. i "I Mtooil ui and waved mv haud nr.d cai'l 'dni" on fellows.' Over we 'went. We just wal1"!1 ('load. It was ! no use hurrying. The guns played on tlio (Jernuin first line for about three "A great many ot our dead irMw charge A statement in yoar local scattered everyway as I came back. In ppn requesting the owners of va- oue shell hole 1 saw four or five who ami to communicate with you had crawled there wounded, and died. I wlli no doubt lesult ln the offering Their heads had aagged under the n, al) lhe ,an(J you wm be able to water and other wounded fellows take cafe of rent free or a( a nomin kept away from there. One dead man e, rentHl was split wide open, apparently hav- ing been hit squarely by a shell." SERVICES AT EPWORTH minutes, giving oor first ware a chanca to got np there and drop, In .T to'lceeii th dnvdres the minute the shelling lifted, to pre- nf Puenos Alms, at least, vent t!1e Crrnmns front bringing op I Pannill went to the hospital before the casualty lists came out but oth- its of the legion have hen id that Ser-' The pastor, Hev. C. H. Culbreth, g.-aiit Ah. Waltirs, for aally of the will preach at Kpworth Church, next ':':!n l !' S. Infantry was killed and 1 Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. The fo liate P 1) Oossnrd of Council Sunday school will meet at .1 : 00. with j l!lu"' i lowu. seriously wounded. I J F. Hi-others tts superintendent. The i Piiitiill was formerly mnnager of lust mid third .;und ivs the Stinday Ithe ! ni'i ill Acoustic company, in school wdl nuet ;.t in o'clock In the Pit.t .inir-h He euli-ied in Toronto, m-irniti : "lit on pr-a-hing days n-iv::ig in London be received a Which tire the second and fourtn S'jn tlaj-B in each month the Hunday school, will 3:00 o'clock with th preachlna; aervice to follow. In an interview this morning. Mr. (laither. Cashier or The First Nati onal Bank, stated that his bank had received the 1'nited States Govern ment Treasury Certificates for which they recently subscribed, as stated in this newspaper, and that these certi ficates are Issued for $5,000.00 each payable June 30th, 1917. and carry interest at three percent. It is not thought that many individuals here will care to subscribe as much as .ri,000.0() to this loan. Mr. Guither further stated that his bank was now taking subscriptions to the I'nlted States Government Bonds which will he issued on July 1st, car rying interest at three and one-half percent. These bonds are going to be in denominations as small as $50 00 each, and any one desiring to show his patriotism by buying some of these war bonds at this time can do so by calling at the First National Bank where applications will be handled without charge either to the subscriber or the Government. KNOTTS ISLAND SCHOOL CLOSES meesase from hla mother, Mrs. Au gusta. Pannill, of Chafham, Virginia, who ha4 been notlflart" by the -. war ollW ot hi .-wound, lie told her he wasn't fMitlnt Tnnni went to ,1'he public Is Invited to .attend both the Punday school and preach- Knotts Island, May 9-Kn-itts Is land school cleses Thursday, May 10 Thursday morning at 11 A. M the program begins. The declamation contest and re citation contest, with songs and histnn of the Mb and !M h grades, raring this school term after iilil-h lunch u Ml he served A v. I'I I'i' iii on i' '; on - an ' Yl a n il Mn -lev lioiy.and , hv r'l'iriiniug I-; ttl sc,',.' i ' r ; . " i Hvi ll ' folio i d L' o'clock Woman's O il'll e. v V. 10 ll' No'ijik,, p' oU'a m. IU iit:1: DIS Tl i CAI'Tl UINt; I'OKTION OP CER MAX KltONT AM) Sl'PPORTiya LIN KS Jl'ST t)KTH OP LEX3 ' n ("'T'ed P'r'im '"'. London, May 10. With the BrUJall offensive temporarily deadlocked around Fresnoy and Bullecourt, Field- Marshall Haig struck in a new dlrec lion today, capturing the portion, of the German front and supporting lines south of the Souces river Jut north of Lens, with a number of prisoners. Despite the apparent deadlock tt Bulecourt, the British commander re ported gains by his forces la the face of the tremendous-losses inflicted, OB the Germans in Ujeir repeated etfort to counter attack and shake the Brl' tish grip. ' V -q Fast of Orecourt Haig reported fur ther advance. Tho British attacked German ppal Hons at Trois and Hauvagei, north of St. Quentln. today, but the Germans', hastily reinforced, pushed the ' Brl tish back from their gain by their superior weight. '. i General Nlvelle's French trqopi repulsed an attack in the region of ciievreiix and widened the French, wedge on the German lines across the, other slope of tho plateau, Vachera. The resumption of artillery firing is reported over nearly the entire Russia n front t odii v. ' ' ' tENIIS AGREE ABOUT AMERICA MOST OIVLKSt; l-;i,KMKTS, GOV" i:ilMI' NT M SOCIALISTS." GiVK.N L-VJ'KIOSSION m TUBER . JMSAIMTiOVM. OF THIS COXTS TlvV ,!' l Bv I niled I'ress) Berlin. May 1 n. - "Germany holdl no reason tor an otleliHlVe againaC Amei h ii, but cannot, forego her pre sent use of submarines for the flakfl . of peace." ' ! i "The war can only bo ended Oft t, e basis which will inflict no dishonor - able terms upon auy nation." Theso expressions were obtained hf : the United I'ress from the two most diverse elements in Germany i the -government and the socialists. The government's view was glTeft In the llrst statement and pointed Out . that Germany was only torpedoilf AmerlcHii ships in the barred-SOne ' and does not consider this a hofltlle' act. since all countries were wanted, of this action beforehand. '', ' . Philip Schledeman expressed the', other view. adding that Wllson't titude was incomprehensible and hi indulgence to Kngland as great M ' his harshness toward Germany, ' t BRITISH VESSELS PURSUE DESTROYERS (Bv United Bressl London, May 10. Destroyer Hon In which four British T pursued eleven German destroyer t within range of their batteries it C bruge Is announced by the admire! ty. One enemy ship was hit In lhe running fight. AMERICANS HELD PRISONERS (By United Pres. Washington, May 10 One ham dred and twenty seven American taken from ships are reported to fee held as prisoners by Germany. rl PORTSMOUTH PREACHER WILL SPEAK HERE v ) f 1'ortsmoetb.i 1 s f.hlch rotinljf.t of drills, pui tn:iiine. redtntloti, tabloauVs- songs, ec. RrrclaJ stress h"S. ben-pt on pat riotintn throueh whole , duy's pro- ! i 5 S. He. r. 'il . u ill V ll I 'hill'. and . Mason. a. h at iBlnekwell Memory ' i i ; i;ti at both morn n i ;i i- pen vices. i 1' WEATHEH ' ' , Fair tonight snd Friday," llftbi change 14 temperature, gnullo h'od.-rnf rorth l;i !i

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