fKews Without Bias Views Without Prejudice LIST YOUR PROPERTY AT ONCE 'AVOID THE RUSH ' . . ... . The Only Democratic f Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City ..; VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH C AROLINA, FR DY EVENING. MAY 11, 1917 NO. 116 URGES GENEROUS El RESPONSE BY ALL ABWOrXCEMENT TO THE COIN TRY BY THE SECRETARY OP THE TREASURY RELATING TO THE "LIBERTY LOAN" Richmond, May 11. In a state ment made public today the Secretary o fthe Treasury says: "I hare determined to make an Initial offering of f 2.009,000. 00 of the JH per cent, 'Liberty Loan' of 1917. The bonds will be dated July 1, 1117, with interest payable semi-annually January 1st and July 1st. The maturities wil be announced later. In acordance with the provisions of the act, the bonds will be convertible in to bonds bearing a higher rate of In terest than 3 Vi per cent, if any subse quent series of bonds shall be issued at a higher rate of interest before the termination of the war between the United States and the German Gov ernment. "The 'Liberty Loan' will be offered at par as a popular subscription, and ample opportunity will be given to every man and woman in the United States who wishes to subscribe to se cure an absolutely safe Investment, free from Federal, State or local tax ation (except, of course, inheritance taxes). The bonds will be in such denominator, as will put them with in the reach of every investor. De tails as to denominations, redemp tions, etc. have not been fully worked out. but announcement will be made in due season akka;kmi:ts for i- vmhn1' "Subscriptions will lie received un June Kith as possible. Tin' details as ) end v for del: v r ,1 n 1 t 1st A Hot -Uj "ills will In mad' ii!' rapidlt ufiei June 1 -rit h iis in s .;.!. lie details .i' to ui.'LiiiiiT of pa', i' e i: for ihv bou.N wi!! be ii ii foil it- d laiei II j- .ui'leirnt EPISCOPAL COUNCIL HERE HEXT WEEK Kans are now complete for the an nual council of the Diocese of East Carolina which meets here Tuesday and Wednesday of next week with Christ Episcopal Church. The tentative program of the Council Is ag follows: Monday night the subject of re lilous education will be taken up and there will be an addres on this subject by Rev. Gardiner L. Tuck et of the Board of Religious Educa tion for the province of Sewanee. Immediately following the address an Important meeting of the Dioces ian Pension Fund wlM be held. Tuesday morning at ten thirty the the opening service wil be held. An address by the Bishop will be follow ed by Holy Communion. Tuesday nMht at eight o'clock a Missionary Service will be held. The speakers for this service will be announced lateY. Wednesday the Annual Corporate Communion of the Womens Auxil lary will be held. Other than this there will be no ervlce Wednesday as the tlmewill be taken up with the business of the Council. The services as well as the busi ness meetings will be open to the puM'c and alll are very cordially in vlted to attend. M PRESS MAKES PREDICTION Tl A PROCLAMATION IN FII.KI) T Kit MS IS ritKP.KI"(J FOR " AITRoACHINt; HAPPY FVFNT" mi: s i'K : WHICH SFI'AK.VII PKOIl.lltl.Y HI SSI. N to say iii t;.e will lie a i i a i'i to i .ilise ile ei I le'e . I . i !i large ;t muni' tie i on n I vi a vill lie w H h . I ; )TII I, i retOell s I , pi. I I v 1 1 . 1 III t lleii ;si in ! a w ;i v a - e" ,' II 1- "I an It-. ,"i i.alil. lent i I aiadi h I I i r or I hav fleet lin a in ha- 1" 1'eJP'lt, in order iinioiint of I'lino t In- ta l-i'i: 1 1 1 1 o t li Hess. ".-inc. He a: bulk t') lie , t .1 Id J -1,1(1 I, ii Ml i t: en n ! - is i eq n ; r d nado in tins ' . 1 1 ;i : ill be I - it i I. a 1 1 an -: o;r e:-cdils. and li la I in it .'Mid le! 'i genera 1 Ine ili ' - : tion. "Tbo initial i--- ha mmed l. t In . s- 1 ' eil of our nun ( lov, ' " no e I i duct of (lie war and la the t ol eir n 1 1 i i i" a. n a 1 1 1 T. dit is lie n- i 1 1 mi. ,1 Jirov isn oi of ilie a I ac i'4. I !l I 7. Alter havini' i vice , a i; suggest i.,ns rn in , a ineei i: a:-.. . 1 n os investors in all pants oi tl 1 fee ( nnlideiit of ill, alu ma i i id ton bsorb i a pid I y :: ': one linn. tion ,,:, Mll ki:ski:i: iuxks AS A.K li s e e ei n 111 1 n I u il! i the 1 1 1 I 1 I I T 1 1 u in doill at iii'i ton. i lia n in is of lor i -1 1 in n e h. ol '. i.ic'i i' Hi prii d I in h Co 1 1 ' ' !' I' 1 1 1 M le i.'i.llv I,. .l ss eei: list ( 1,111' ' Hue .'it Slorltln v ) i Hill!! I'll I " I' le llll I' I .lis it - 'J a "a nila si hem. d as convincing proof that ilie -iirt of tnovi itietit is n ml' r w a v i: .id a III " that followed tile conference scheduled i"i I len tiilier wh' ii llolw.g launched his mi:!'- ii.'- 0 i I r i ;i 11 p.-rs t Ir n sin1 ib nlv predict' d "nil a pprocli i n it liap p .aeal " Today tin- satno phrase 'a ) i o;i' Ii mi' happv oveiii" is used a t !. p , ss aeent iiiatt-r. Tin in t" i -etiei. is that a seoa in 1 ' pom nun i with Russia is loi'iniiie. .l duel nient'oii is caridnlly avoided how ever oi an sucli hope in i on nei t n .n .ellf .1 To-night At New Theatre THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES having de clared that the supreme test of our nation has come, and having asked for the earnest support of our people in the prosecution of the war which is now our war, I deem U my duty to caution all citiiens against the waste of food, and to advise that the utmost economy be exercised in the consumption of products of wheat, and of all other foodstuffs. The gravity of the situation, which makes Imperative rigid husbanding of the world's food supply, la set forth In the following plea of Herbert C. Hoover. Chairman of the American Commission for Relief In Belgium, and recently appointed head of the Ameri can Food Board: "Our Allies cannot fight without food. Our enemies are calculating that America will fail to supply them, and that they will need to give in. "The total stock of food today available In the Al lied world is not sufficient to last until September, if America continues its present rate of consumption. We are now face to face with the result of last year's poor harvest, the diversion of man-power from agriculture all over the world, the unavailing efforts of the European women to plant available fields fully, the isolation of Russia, the sinking of food ships, and many other causes. "England, France and Italy are reducing consump tion by drastic steps, but even with all this reduction they must have from us during the next three months more than twice as much food as we should have export ed normally or than we can send it we consume as usual. The only hope of providing the deficiency is by the eli mination of waste and actual and rigorous self-sacrifice on the part of the American people." Thus, by the exercise of patriotic self-restraint and a judi cious selection of only the most plentiful foods for use, every American man, woman, and child can do his or her bit to aid America and itB Allies In this hour of need. We are a nation of 102,860.000 persons, of upwards of twenty million families If each family will reduce Its consumption of food by but a pound a week there cai be added to the food sup ply of Europe ten thousand tons of foodstuffs a week, or over one half million tons a year. Such a saving r.pusents but a small part of that which may easily tie made by Hie Ann rican people, and which it will he neros-utry for tln-m to make in order to bring th" war to an early and successful ocneliision (CUT WORMS HOW TO DESTROY THEM ! (By GKOVKR W. FALLS) My attention has been called sev eral times to the immense amount of damage that is been done by the lit tle Insect known as the cut worm. t This little creature is very hardy, ana endures the cold nights and days, at is very much la evidence by the progress that Is being made In destroying the small plant, tor the last week. There are three ways In which yon Way prevent this worm from cutting nown your plants. IHrst, place a fnn. pel, made of paper around each slant Second, dust Parts green oa your plants. Third, mix J ounces Paris Green. 2 cups of syrup, and one peck of wheat Bran. Make dough, and scat ter around your plants. Don't put Paris Oreen on your beans. It will burn your plants. If you should need poison to keep the insects from your beans use Arsenate of Lead. In using Arsenate of Lead, i wit advise you to use the paste In stead of the powder; but In case you have the powder only use one-half the amount. One pound of powder Arse Vl lu is equivalent to two pounds of paste Arsenate of Lead. m ffiiifiiis ARE UNSETTLED MUXITIONS DISTRICT REVOLTS AND ANNOUNCES ITS DTTO TION OF ORGANIZING SEPA RATE REPUBLIC t,rii.. (By WILLIAM G. SHEPPERD) f Not oi I v mi the mi- .: r Id of food.,' ii lis li p., i, 1:1 cd . fin a .1 i i:r d : : ein I I'. :n.,il" as . 1 1 I ' ' 1 ' I - in : ! : 1 1 i f l.i. II'. :i i' an. " .' I ' .' 'I ' 'i . il II i ale I ! ' ' .1 , v a nil :i I i Hi..: . n lie ! i .1 ll'-M nl'i i i - up.i land thai ! lev i ll. . 'I hi l;,l.i i;, I ' I I : . ! i : I ' I ' i . i 1 i i 1 i v ; t i " , in;, v. ' I 1 1 I'ei rt i o I 'i r- - pa 1 1 i. it n and !: nina m ;mi I.. I U no! he said ih.ii m lie' ; f no a:-n i s lor ine sin essi n pi i. ,ei 11 1 n Ilie win Id's liberty upon which our n nni lit has nol doni its full pail r. ;. s uvi nit eoi'oitn in ll" 'nous increase eonsii in hi ion in t In : i pin to ' ! I ifoil. t III 1 I all i nil i'. : e . 1 1 i i d I. ii if. 'Ill lip p i I' n of '.' i -1 1 1 1 d pa I I iot ic I oi Ml ri"al I l ll k h for lion has entiled Mm-; rum M nor. SERVING COUNTRY AS WELL AS MEN Raleigh, May 10. "Canning Divi sion. Home Guards, General Jane S. McKimmon, Commanding." That Is a suitable title for one of the greatest forces working in North Carolina this ar In the campaign for Increasing the production of food supplies. It Is a thoroughly live and enthusiastic division with an alert, wise and prac tical (lireclillK olliccr 'Our people don't know how fortu nate thev arc In linvitiK such an or Kani.ation in the field M H no like this," declared John Panl I. mas. the I ' M,l IV .-'if t.'irv of the Stale food Petrograd, May 11. The Seal! burg district revoltad today, and tat workmen cltlsens of the district tirr announced their intention of th or ganliarlon of a separate republic ' Representatives of the workmen ' . soldier committee left hero Immtdl -' alely after the news was recelrel (tf ' - attempt to dissuade the revolterf from their announced purpose. The provisional president of tht munitions district has been arrested ' ,' by the rebels, but Just how serious ' the revolt may be is not clear. Thar has been no violence, apparently. The revolt Is regarded as another" , instance of the friction between tht -Duma and the Government growlnf out of questions of governmental pol - icy. i .: It Is said that the Government U . (Planning an International project - which embraces a meeting la somt , neutral nation of the socialists of all : the world to discuss world problems. Backers of the plan insist that It Is In no way identified with the proposed June meeting of socialists In Stock' j holm. ' ' Ilblil TO E MMIEUES v V ' i iv: m ( ' 1 11 tl ssiin e ! IOIi IIS V. "II a an:; I V v. I Th A S RUSSIA , HAIG REPULSES CERMAJ ATTACKS 10 KEEP FAITH ti. nil oi i I'.- 1 1 1 :i : lend and I .-' d t ' i oil 1 1 1 ( i ' i ' i ol i S ,s; ;. . 1 1. j.-. . ,i r period ol the wai Ale Kim i in port lit oilier may readih and 10 en rn I ol v he .Indeed by past pi t forma nces 'I'll" i -Minim: clubs of the Stale in llll'i. v Io n Ilie word ;o jusl slailint-r, el an d .Mill This was doublet! the iiet vnir In I !U I the u-irls denied ' ' nun. an i m 1 1 a a- of ."ohi per n m O'l' lie picvions via" Ihei" w;m an ill' lease of "on per cent. In ifT.'i.lllMI in 1 It I "'. I,a-i ve;ir, in spit" of. as d Ion es. . Ini on i e f t Oil II' ( I' Ol I I It I tlli- the i Pei I ivi lie in i a n ia I ion and as a ftu-tor in the up readil and a'curali past pi t forma nces IIIIS IS SOMTION Ol1 ALLIED ', .() I i:mi V I S or THK TURK A,'- isii ei nil i ' i TiutrsT i'PO! ; V rnr.M lil' itl'SM.v i" t'ntipd . f,ii II nipt- lo -I and 1 -iiPi ( i ri; i. "This is the larpcd rancli! p.e. of fiimnciii!' ever nn. I.'ita f in Py the Coverntneiil of tin- I'mied Sl.-es. and in order tha' aniple opport unit v nay bo Riven every one to subscribe I have declili il to use the twelve Ked eral Reserve Hanks, which arc fiscal agenebK of the (ioverrmiont, as the central agency in each of ih,. twelve Federal Reserve district for receiving the subscriptions for taking care of th. il' liu'ls of deliveries of tbo bonds after allotment, and for handling the payments of -o'-eeriptioiis in such manner as will he'--! serve tbo general business and fin.ioeial situation. The 'I in i e Will lie sp ! ' 1 1 i ':,,v a ! t h. . V. The- ! re t o. i;- 1. 1 I n the I'irsi ali.inal I'.anK Mr. Ciol,, . ' sins for all who are Ihinkinc of ti;,e lii.i; i hi viimnior i I will be n Mi 1 while to see this wotiderf u 1 piet u r. 1 It is called the "Manie C;:i pet " and Alanarer .-v, is sas it is a hnlliaiii play of ahsoihini; interesl i is not an advertisement. It is a very mi i rest inc picture and no doulil "ill no uiih the approval of the i I i . 1 1 s of tln In addition lo tbi. ii I'.liiebird l.x t''a"id.e: r l'hol"d:iv will h" h i I 1 1 ed. "Ilell Morgan's (Iirl ." "When yon Iii si see this piituri " says Mr. Lewis "miii say 'I hate her,' then y on finally say 'I love her,' and before (he close of the picture yon pily her iind on your wa ul everyone is wiving 'She is Wonderliil ." This plcluie will give Klizabeth ( itv people an idea what iiliiebird photoplays are and you must agree with the ma na g.nient that the .New TlicatM i- Hie home of good pict n res." n;i -.! Di ! r i:oiim.o n.i ads: IIMI.ll I Of! M.l l.t.l ) li TO ) i.iii;s wit v.its .;msT, isiinors Cm i-;i;m a n i:ai: movi: ! i i 'I' d son. 'In I, 'to !;' ' -i..f: 'i," I roej ad. .daj I 1 . ' I inlv t lie i ' mi pli I e del'ea t of (iertna n.v would assure the wo i Id hit ppi tie - -; I'cace now would In- only an aim: .Ine. Kiis : iii cannot betray In r Allies vi;h uhoin she has be. n lighting lor threi i ar '." Thus I'l'-hli'til Kodiai.ko ol the 1 1 u it i ;i forcefully pleaded Willi the I: i ssian I'liv.'t I'inir body today for .an ii nswei v ing continuance of Kus s.a's part in the war. II" warned the government against lin- insidious pec o nvive in no- si bv Ceitniinv and pointed out Mini (ier niaii workers, however social! no. ar dently desired a German vb o.; and naturally supported the government 'm imperialistic aspirations. ed b ain i' ad i i (I. rn; rr'H ' Vlgeloll' laiL''. I niaehiu in ':n ' ; assault " 1 1 1 ,i 1 1 at f; wi lime v, it ll I i. 0', ( f tin.: u-- I le si U' o l-. i m no il -it nl. I In n ": ea lis .mi ' Si all ORDERED TO SAIL FOR HOLLAND TODAY 'Mills . I null I I "in al ": ! I tile employ tai l; was a A not is r a I i ' 1 1 e w a -' made by I be 1 pi ll I" ol ( o ; 1 1 : : n po 'It tons in If,- i if ion ol ( h "i fen a ml the pom om held in spit e ol m nt i r attacks. The Kraneo lliitish olleusivo Is halt . d I em pore i i I v today. I An ail' tiipl I ' slot in llullecourt In an einirili.ig movcuuul was repuls jed.. I GERMANY'S FOOD WILL LAST UNTIL HARVEST ' Uv t n'teii fret'- Amsterdam, .May 11.- Despite un favorable crops in Turkey, Bulgaria :m:i1 IT" "ary. "it Is absolutely cer tain thai Germany- wil be able to manage her food supply and make il last un til Hie new harvest." Food Di'tator liatocki told the Reichstag today. mo a li no In "I'ela I ami ih a il e:ieli'..' I ' III 11 1 1 'I II .1 lllllle :l V 1 1 tl I I'll n can nina POOl'e-l III' 7nn. d fruit" 'lea red 11 Sill' t would HI' lud S IMKKKST) i "l In-- Mi: il i -.rrospondent) I' m i t. day ll. lid iuni.s flag is 'o lit o'.i Con- la'inoide and Bel : ill ill is Iii hay, .octroi of the Dar danelles, aiconiini; to the Allies' re vis d plans lor their war alms in respect to Turkey This change lo-x P'oj-r'tn has been thoroughly dis iisscd in ollioial chiles of the allied LOVel lltll' ni . Site, i he ', w Ku'sia has renounc 'd i lie old U'l's.ia . dream of doml ''ii i i- Ho in Mis and channel, the Tuikidi 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 mi was forced oq the Allies 'I'o i;i;imi arbitrary control to any one of the world's great nations might cii.'.'.xe je," lousy and endang- i Hie inline of a world peace. rsPtth- i ivoiihl ii promote peace to give the. -Mail - i" any of ih" llalkan ntraits. , ... . , . i i U Jib ' men l SSIAN COMMISSION NAMED BY PRESIDENT j "Th. Ilieml" I'liU' of tl I : i was 7. nnn i ,: t nun w:, It nmv : 1 1 I will 1 1 1 i le 1 1 any. under If ' end of Hie i i ,,' oe Tins ,. . 'nl.s d Ho p.oh.iM' II In ol e no ans. 1 1 1 1 t I II I I't' I 111 1 ll .:shii "toii, May hiis ooiiiplolod I'l " a' ' 1 1 The I'resI- lie- personell of Vciliipol 1,".'t't-i. I'iiiLu ii .1 ... ; .... 1. 1.. nine on nuiiiiiiiun I ,i. i I II ' VY ' M h III 1 1 a III! ciulpped lor tins service. ,,. , , , , , , ., I have asked ibo Federal Reserve l':t"lU "''Uc'iiil. Stale, and MaH . lo get in touch immediately tins; , oinpaim.'s, private Imnkers and wjii, t'. banks, pi ivate bankers, boml bee,; bouse.-, will be h ii I h or I ed to re-; hoes, s and business onranl.ations in " sale" ptinns. While Hie snl).t , y.sal di'slficls. -iiiiesting them script ions will be ad Ii eased to tliej,, orcauie a general "itiin'ittee for Secretary of Hie na-iny, and will lm(,a.h ills'. i-i anil local , oninnl tees fn direct subscriptions to the Govern- ea- b cilv innl low u I. . o-op. i'Hle in ment. it isde.slred that they should bejthis great patriotic work, and to ad forwarded through the Federal Re-'vlre with the Federal Reserve Ranks f Wrve Ban1(B of the respective districts I ! ! I'r.'KSl A n m i-ila in , I'diiv ll Ilulili oyvn ers of J'J yisels laden ruirlly wit'i food , t , l; I. h ha vi' been i i A nicriea n inn t lor man ' a l ,,: in- I - . land. Tins ait ion is said lo be el 1 1 . to the y ' ii ni in e thai "n ithin;; now im-vcnts th" resiini nt ion of irallic with Amer ican ports." Till .fcTEEN AUSTRIAN SUBS ARE SUNK 'on rse. that iln girls of t he S1 a I . an prepariii" to s.-ive their f oni tn u in 1 i. s iiid their Na i ion in this time of t I i i just c nra i 'cwort by an . l. til as Hie bovs who . nli'd in the annv or lt '-'l iculi ural pui 'iiiils. If H ey can ;:. b -ii lb" i'otnini"ion to go to Russia tO assist Hie provisional government. An ic ni in enc n l will probably be mad ft todat as follows: H" retat y Root, Cy run Mci 'oriiiicli, c. It Iteriran, NeW 'ork l!ankeis. Chns l-lilward Uus-s.-ll. Socialist b ad' i ; Janns Duncan, .()JcH,ln turn, will he prepared to The many Mends of Mr. C. T. jas to the best ineans of spreading full Information about the loan and bring "i P full Information and, because lng1 to very man and woman who de-JiSCott, will be glad to learn that he i. f . i ""' " him i u Muyi iimBui iub Binpi- is Abie to m out again arter beint J wfjj be able to facililnte very greatly I (Continued on buck imrre) 1 ,.0r''-." 1 to hf, l,om from Illness.' i u i n cans, which ai" i v in all probability will lie I he i a uniii" of "i'i isha lib vill b a very itiiportant farlor in feeding our pi ople dining Hn- com. ing fall and wint-T. "Tli. re urn Home p.-nionst ration agents In niore than fill counties in Ilie State at present find it Is wefl In note that their work is by no tn.-ans confined to work among Hie girls. As sistanco is given to all comers and the ohusewiveH of the Stale have been perfected in a large niiisine in the nrt of canning preserving and preparing food, with lb.- result Hint the amouuf of vegetables and fruits pul in glass Jars for home consump tion has been very increased and will this year reach nn aggregate that would have been astounding a f"w '.oars ago. The ai'onts in Hie field are 'I'StlU.le.l e,',rlll -:l ne'.l'o.s ill Hie ait of .'muni:' i ir home coiihu m pi ion io oli'.cl ti' i; lo make every lain- 'I in Hie Sla'e a i Iniiependeiil of the food markets m tiosslble, "Uoalizing i ho Importance of this Billie lluike Will ho 8eh at thlt work n't mwb a rrldeol lima n,.r.. Alkrama Theatre tonight In ,fPes7". , tit of cotton mills and other lndus- hlgh. bnt!v'''l! I'lesid. nl Fed! ti.iion of Iabor; iivailahle. I "''. John s-l.nt. f'htu I'ranO of Chl prodinis 'ago. W'asl 't'.y t, Tied !-- Ion, Mac 11 1 :', Austrian weeks, ordered I'm lr ; submarine., ,.,v.. , snsk in I In lay to proceed to I lol- , M.(lit..-r,i n an doting the pol Hiree v. eks le I al ians. i i . at ie ii olli ciiilly toil,', y'. i U kltMA lOVK in one of hep finest plays, also Pearl White In "Perl of the Army. Don't fall to See- th ! o j" ,f pt,.tm tries In the State are employing ex perts through Mrs. "MeKimMon's of- I"'"' tO te-idi c'M'.t ,.-(-",, tto'v f,i cm dry iind nicierve vegetables and ft nits. Tin- 1'aiiersuu Mills Company al Ros mary look the lead In this aC tivity, approjirialitiK $75 per month a ; tiie sahiry l or a I ruined worker and alloy u her to give her spare time io 111" people iii the country adjoin ing the mill village. Other mills are lollowing suit. " Too much credit cannot be given .Ml i. McKiininon and her efficient lore., of field agents for the work, tiny are doing. Kxtension Circular No 7 prepared by Mrs. McUlmmon should ho In every hoiin- In Hit State! Housewives ai d oiheis can secure It by writ hit? to Hi" Arriniltural Ex tension Service, it.iieisii, x. c, and asking for it " w i a him: t'loiil. .i .;i lit and Sal ii nlay, prob-; rbl I' r.';- , leuiU) io moderata t h'.iiftiiix' yMi-da. . !, , X m. . John R. SJlder, traveling V ale' ? man for the Dodson Printers- Supply Company of Atlanta, 'Oa. was In th'i ( "v F"'1 -v.