Dhs Views Without , Prejudice City VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 23, 1917 NO. 125 MBIT Hffl EXPECTED TO REVEAL ATTI TUDE TOWARD RU8SIAN SLO GAN "NO AXXEXATIOXS AXD N OEVDEMNTTXES' FIEST WORD COMES FEOM A WAYFARER HEALTH EXPERTS JUS A (By United Frees! Washington, May 23. The United tSates government pUni before long to make a statement of Ita attitude toward the Russian aoldier,'s and -workmen's slogan "no annexations and no indemnities." This statement will doubtless take ; (By WILFRED PEELE) Troop C.'Tnlrd 0. S. Cavalry Fort Sam Hoston, Texas, May 10. Now that I am at last "set tied." I will begin to redeem my promise to The Advance. In spit of Manly's advice, . after staying In the Militia eleven days, I decided that I still wanted to get In to the remlar Armv. so I matured to ... . . I The Giesel-Dlxon lectures. of the C SB UWVUSti VUV W VS MUBAVl I I now I am really satisfied. I like the 1917 Chautauqua are a part of the fellows Immensely. They are all re-' Chatauqua's new movement, the FUNERAL LIES. SPENCER The funeral, service of Mrs. E F Sawyer was conducted at the home Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock. The services was conducted by Rev D P Harris, The pallbearers were: George J CHAUTAUQCA INAUGURATES A Spence, E M Stevens, Frank Kramer, NEW DEPARTMENT KNOWN A8 Eddie Hughes, Phil Sawyer, Walter THE1 LIVE-A-LTTTLE LONGER L Small, C R Wilkinson and Cater CAMPAIGN cruits who entered the service since war was declared and they are a fine set Lire a Little Lcnger" campaign. Frank Dixon is already known to Chautauquana and those who have r vii ahinnad to Port Slocum. New I heard him before know how well he ember 1915. Her health had not York, first when I got Into the regu-i U1 present the subject of health been good for 'some time,' but her Harris Mrs.' Edwin Fere bee Spencer died at half past ten o'clock Monday night at her horn on West Main street. She was only twenty-three years old and her marriage to Mr. Spencer was solemnised less ' than two years ago on the tenth of Not- 1 a form similar to that of the French la Army, stayed there tor three days Premier Ribot's statement In Paris, and then was assigned to my troop, for 'the State Department has let it On the way down here we passed le known officially that it sympathl through Chicago and St. Louis, so I ' drives home the needs of the comm and ;comntunlty betterment .t He takes up health-from the stand point of public responsibility and he zes with Rlbot' remarks. got a glimpse of the three largeet cities in America. I am in the cavalry and will be stationed here for some time. unity for the observation of health laws with Dlxonic emphasis. Dr. Carroll E. Giesel of Battle Creek supplements what Mr. Dixon MOHAMMEDANS WANT PF.pnnT.in in rtjssia , We expect to get our horses in -a has to say, urging organization for (By United Press) couple of months. Until that tlmeiKooa- health and stressing the im- Moscow. May 23 The Congress of we haTe t0 dr,U w,th rIfle' 8aber and ' portance of health and conservation i o t Is an1 Ion rn f ta Vsa ra ra rt . ... ... . . ' TMiiaafilmpn In session here w th dele- "" i oi me in mese war times. gates from all Russia today adopt-. n"e' 1 ma? not flnd much "me t0 ed a resolution favoring the instltu- or much to write about but am I giao. 10 say a wuru iu ui minute, and glad to read the news from Ellz tion of a federal republic In Russia. THREE CAMPS FOR MEDICAL OFFICERS Both lecturers are termed "health e.xperts", though go cut and dried a anu g.au lu ru w.c ..rw. uul dlx I duality and personal abeth City and the country around a of the chautmuqAa., about In its columns. ' (By United Press) Washington, May 23. The estab lishment of three training camps forj officers of the medical corps was an-i nounced by the War Department to lay. These wil open June 15th with 6,000 men in training. Fort Ogle thorpe is the site for the southeast ern division's camp. NEW THEATRE THURSDAY term by no means expresses their charm seven joyous days. death was unexpected by her family and a shock to her many friends In the city and section. Mrs. Spencer Is survived by her husband, Mr. E. F. Spencer of the firm of McCabe and Oice; by her mother, Mrs. Margaret Sawyer; by five sisters, Misses Mary Lou and j Kffie. Sawyer of tLis city, Mrs Jas. Mercer Davis of Mount Holly, New Jersey, Mrs. O. J. Kirchheimer of I Norfolk, and Mr,s. D. Ray Kramer of this city; and alro by two broth ers, W. C. Sawyer and Blackwell Sawyer. AMERICAN SWEETS TENER VOICES BASEBALL NEED Registration Board Names Rcstrai -.. ' ; . ' Appoints Men in Each Precinct to Enroll Names of Men Liable for ' Military Duty Under Draft Act HONOB ROLL. FOR THE EflTIRE YEAR NAMES OF PUPILS WHO THRU- OUT THE TERM HAVE EXCELL ED THEIR CLASS MATES AND LED IN SCHOLARSHIP AND DEPORTMENT. (By H. C. HAMILTON) BOON FOR ENGLAND (United Press Staff Correspondent.) London. May 22 American pop corn haw come Into voue here to help England's sweet tooth over the Manager Louis of the New Theatre has booked the Klelne-Edison five nin ntintnnlnv "Th Last Sentence". . . , i i sugar shortage. Marshmallows and as nis premier aurucuuu iuuhuoj. nil.,.. X'..... WT na,l A iltl I nn iln This is said to be one of the most successful dramatic pictures yet of fered by the Kleine-F.dison-Sellg-Es-sanay-Servlee The story commences in idyllic old Brittany when George Crosby, a New York lawyer, meets Reneee Kerouac, a simple and charm ing, but uneducated and uncultured peasant girl. It ends many years lat er in New York, but before the final supply is falling so lotf that choco sceneB, the Girl and the Man have lutes and similar confectionery will experienced all the vicissitudes of soon be a thing of the past, and the CAPTCRED GERMANS -THROW-??- life, and. tbeir..chi!tlren have suffered flappers are taking the Amer4tn. TERESTING LIGHT ON THE for the wrong the father diet. Marc Bulistitutes with avidity. j New York, May 23. "The National league must win some world's cuam- The Honor Roll for the year 1916- 1917 in the Elizabeth City schools is as follows: HIGH SCHOOL Janle Mercer, Francis 8eyfert. GRAMMAR HCHOOL Fourth Grades: MIhh Holt, tfacher- Sarah Carter pionshlps or baseball as well as h '0scar Williams. FRFfJCH LEARTI inn PLAHS other New World delicacies requir ing little sweetening are supplant ing the standard English candles In in the shops. Despite Kennedy Jones (lecaratlon that the Candy trade of the United Kingdom, on which' more than 100,0(10 people de pend for a livelihood, would not lie interfered with, the country's snar STRENGTH OK GERMAN COUN TER ATTACKS featured in the leading roles. WAR TRUSTS PROBABLY TOLERATED (By HENRY W(M)D) (United Press Staff Correspondent.) ' With The French Afield, May 23. aunday ana tnunaeroumy muunuuiK . Has forstalled the gigantic counter' Washington May 23-War trusts offensive move of the Germans. Prls- organized despite the Sherman law oners from the German lines reveal- will probably be tolerated by the d the enemy's plans today and their government during the war on the ..n,nnt.nna, threw much light on grounds of national emergency. The the tremendous power behind recent , tlon of the supreme court In fierman counter a JUST BULLETS DON'T National league is going to suffer said John K. Tenor, president of the National league, today. "The ease with which the Red Sox defeated Brooklyn last year and the tact that they had little trouble in winning from Philadelphia the year before makes it rather hard for the National league. "We haven't been wlnrring world's championships olten enough. The rep utations of the old Cubs and the old Giants doesn't do us much good. The fact that the'Brayes' established a Tpordtfjr MNrrtrlrrg' a -world's chtf- njoiiHhip in four straight games, de feating what Is called the greatest In pursuance of instruction from the Federal Department tha sods? slfned members, constituting tha Board of Registration for Pasquotank County;, met on the first day of Mar, It IT, and appointed th' following Registrars for th varloua registering (same as voting) precincts of said County as follows: 1 M ELIZA BETH CITY ' First Ward H O Godfrey, P 8 Shtpp, P O 8aweT Second Ward f '. ; ' A C Bell, 0 J Bpence, W T Culpepper, Third Ward ; - , W M Hlnton, C E.Thompson, W N Old Fourth Ward ' , Kenypn Bailey, M B Simpson, J B Flora, " t " Providence Township, Pasquotank County ' ' ' M P Jennings, W F Pritchard.R Nlxpa Morgan. Newland Township W J Williams, W J F Spence, W, A. Foster. t . ,. Pools School House 1 Miss Cobb, teacher: Ada Belangla Elizabeth Harris, Mary Dozier, Mary R S Prltchard, R O Mercer, J Q Hoi- H. Prltchard, James Hill, Scott, Joseph Ferebee. William lowell. Salem Township Miss Weatherly, teacher: Margaret J J Morris, Geo E Halstead, T C Flat jHollowell, Margaret Nash, Mary Lee. cher. Jackson, Nannie Mae Stokes, Wilmer Cartwrlght School House I Ballard, Tommle Gray, Marion Sey- E S Scott, James R. Brlte. baseball machine ever pieced togeth- SEEM TO GET HIM er. doesn't get us any prestige at all. I We've got to win championships and (United Press Staff Correspondent.) keep on winning them. London, May 9. (By Mail) A dl-l "I realize just as much as any one rect hit by a heavy shell or Zeppelin ' that our league doesnt seem to shape bomb may some day finish Brigadier- up with the American, although I General Adrian Carton de Wlart but know in my own heart that by com smaller missiles seem unequal tp the parison -honest comparison on the j0D- record of years that we do not suf- Wounded nine times during his mil- fer." Itary career, General de Wlart has be- Tener undoubtedly has grasped the ttacka a. well as derlng reargument "by anti-trust "nie a ..u.u.. e.uu... n, ...... ttacKS as wen as, i,i.h Kn th niiirioi otm ktnH of baseball is eoins to live or the matter of the great forces which cases, more .rma, ogn.nce the French have been compelled to ,t(.ntion of ,eareuin thel The General's latest wound was a win some championships before it can eject in their victorious advanceThe no ;nnt7Dce(;omargU,n,? shrapnel blow wnlch t00k a chunk out rank with the brand produced by Ran prisoners declard that Hindenburg a80ng for permittin g the or- of one ear. Medical treatment in the Johnson's subjects, had visited the Cornillet front super-1 ,nfaraata hv field hospital staunched the flow of! New York has acquired consider- tnr the nfrenRlVA ioiuanuii " " " ,ul'" "j I 1 " ' 1 - ... U I or- I the great monoprAies during the war vising arrangements planned. I . Hr.ati .,nnn ...in.i w , remaind in the field Paris May 23 N vet es ht flerlou8ly affect bu8lne99; The habit of getting wounded selz- resumed offensive today won for th . nomhlinB ,t ed General de Wlart In the South Frenc the complete domination oi - - . . n thrP be ieved they can deliver more cheap-1 Allette valley and the capture or tnree I L , ,h0a M.t of Chev 'y and efficiency and quickly all sup-, VjmUiHII llllS Ul Ll ' ...... v . ,i jiiies neeueu uy while at war blood, his head was bandaged and he able of a National league baseball reaux and other advances on the sec tor front the plateaus of Vauglero. The statement of French officials de tailed the offensive as being thus suc cessful prosecuted in three violent atacks at different points on this front. the government FEAR DELEGATES MAY LOSE LIVES fBv TTnllr Presd Stockholm, May 23. Delegates are already here in advance of the German called socialist peace confer ence. Those here are figuring today on the possibility that representative socialists from belligerent counties might lose their freedom if not their lives when they return home as the GERMANY PLOTS AC1 FOR PUCE RENEWS EFFORTS TO SPREAD PEACE- PROPAGANDA FOR PUR POSE OF ENDING WAR ON OWN TERMS Mr Untied Pressi club. It Is expected everywhere that It will win the National league cham pionship. If It does t will provide African War. He wan hit twice durlna: some nretty strong opposition for that Campaign. anything the American league can I It was in Samoliland that he re- trot out. In a short series it would be j celved his next wound. This time he a hardttask to defeal that aggregation j lost an eye but continued to serve as of high-strung, hard, playing athletes ; Captain In the Army. j The regularty with which the Ath- Commanding a force in Flanders In tetics formerly crushed aNtional lea the early days of the Great War, the gue opposition, the sucress of the general had his left arm shot off.That Red Sox in 1912 and their two later laid him up for a while but he came l victories in 1915 and 1916 look rath back and was wounded next as com-!er bad for the National leagle and mander of a Gloucestershire corps all this in spite of the wonderful Cubs at La Boisclle. J the Pirates and the amazing feats of Then there followed three more the Braves, woundings occuring at various points " on tUe Western front. MILLION WOMEN General de Wlart is a Belgian. f WIN VOTE TODAY brother of the Belgian foreign minis-1 i ter. But he was educated at an Eng lish college, and has been In the Bri tish Army for many years. His friends fert. ' Fifth Grades: Miss Fai8on, teacher: Elsie Pugh. Mt. Hermon Township O L Bundy, J W Perry, B G Wlnslow. Nlxonton Township Mrs. Pearson, teacher: Margaret G W Cartwrlght, J P Perry, Jas. W. Commander, Lillian Harris, Albert j Price. Bright, Stuart Wood. . . ; . j.JW,ppye namri Jteglstrftra will Miss LeRoy, teacher : WTlborne Har-,iit at "tfae'l rftpectftetfirff: ' ,-ell. clncts. on the 6th day of June, 1917, Sixth Grades: j between the hours of 7 A. M. and 9 ' Miss Lasslter, teacher: Annabelle P. M. for the purpose of registering Abbott, Mlllcent Hayman. Mrs. Roberts, teacher: Larry E. Sflnner. Mrs. Pool, teacher: Leona Lewis. Seventh Grades: , Miss Elliott, teacher: Margaret Chesson, Lottie Drinkwater, Elizar bth Etherldge, Alma HaymalargjU ret Mann, Goldie 8tok0 tyivrf Evans, Claude Ward. v; . Miss Harney, teacher: Sophia Davis Frank Dawson. - all male citizens (white and colored) . between' tbo iges of 21 and 30 yean inclusiyqTtiia' means those persons , who gna)l pst iil yoara old on or be fore Jane 6th,' and who have not reachti' their $lst, birthday prior to Junpthlll7;.; . i5 AliaW between tho above agei , 're" subject to registration. If you fail to present yourself for registration, or presenting yourself, you give false, misleading, or Incorrect answers, you are a misdemeanant and subject to' punishment by ONE TEAR IN PRIS- on. ' . . . , .;, .. CHAS. REtD, Sheriff. G. R. LITTLE, Clerk 'Sup. Court ZEN AS FEARING, County Health Officer ', say he Is a calm, quiet man, of cheer- London. May 23. Germany is ac-iful disposition but not aDt to laugh price of attending the meeting. So f" tively peace-plotting again after a over a near-joke. For his conduct in only doleates from Scandinavian ns-jiu ln propaganda efforts consequent ' the Samoliland campaign he was tlons, Bulgaria and Austria are here. upon tne 1ntia re,,ulse of the at-jniade a member of the Dictingulshed Every effort has been made to coax tempt t0 eIltl(,e RURBa into an agree- Service Order. He received the Vic the attendance of Knglhih and French mpnt for BPparate j,eace. tori(l rross in the present war. delegates. j The Teutonic efforts to bring about j Here is what the official account ,; th end of war on Germany's own said when he was awarded the V. C. SERVICES AT EPWORTH terms are revealed in dispatches re-1 'It was owing In a great measure to METHODIST CHURCH ' e,VR(1 tdav from half a dozen Euro- his dauntless courage and inspiring i pt-Hii cities. Coming at a time when example that a serious reverse was I Premier Ribot's firm and unyielding averted. After three other battalion Tue pastor Kev. C. B. Culbreth, will preach at Epworth Church next "Sunday sfternoon at 4;00 o'clock. The, Sunday Scthftol will meet st 3;00 ..ft'fock, Jha public is cordially In- TlteiVtof,.Wid these services. statement of France's war aim is commanders had become casualties, prominently displayed here, as well ho controlled their commands and en- as additional statements In regard sured that tho groutrl won was rnatn- to America's position, there seems talned at all costs. He passod un'lin- scant likelihood of any headway this latest German move. in incbingiy through barrage fire of the most Intense nat ire." I Colcmgus, O.. Kayy 22 One mll- ' lion Ohio women today were grant ed the rteht to vote- for presidents! ! electors in the fall of 1920. t Although the act signed by Gov ernor Cox Feb. 21, was subject to a 90-day referendum, antl suffrages failed t0 secure the needed numl.er rf signatures to prevent Its becom ing a law.- V TrJW 'i he I1H was Introduced last win ter by Representative .Tames A Itcynoldn Cleveland. It pissed the lower h"u:'o. 72 to!ii. -mil the Ke'i'ito ani't'ovcl of it, l!t (o 17. Ohio Is the fourth stato In the I'liit.n to r:rmit women pTti-il suf frape, following te lead of Illinois, North Dakota and Indiana. Eleven other states have full stiff frage. PRIMARY SCHOOL First Grades: Miss 8tevens, teacher: Virgilia Banks. Evelyn Puckett, William Puck ett, Selby Stokes, Milton Self, Julian Riiwr Charlie Sneaf. Mia Zoeller. teacher: Nathan BOARD OF REGISTRATION, White. Mrs. Fearing, teacher: Louis Har ris, Frances McClenny, Cornelia Jen kins, Rufus Bradley. Mrs. Brooks, teacher: Sudie Baker, Violet Baker, Mary Dudley. Second Grades: Miss Willis', teacher: Mary Gladden Gregory, Helen Leigh. r , Miss Bell, teacher: Allen Bell. Mrs. Etherldge, teacher: Margate! Connery, Howard Johnson. ' Third Grades: f Miss Marshall, teacher: Ruth Gas-' kins. Miss Ferebee, teacher: Annie Mid gett, Sarah Helen Leigh, Laurence Aydlett, Charlie Price. ' Mrs. . Skinner, teacher! Bonnie Parks, Annie Seeley, Marjorle Skin ner, Luclle Jennette, Lillian W1U kins, Carroll Abbott, William Perry. PaequoUnk County, 1 POPULAR AgC!3TANT ; BECOMES MANAGER t For sit yeiff Cfeorg' F Wright has , made friends' around t th SUndarl Pharmacy ahd ,te btief ' day he waa v promoted frW Assistant Manager to , tue'Maaieg'rfaJHJ, ' .'' '. -ImterT tov&'iL tfborttif tor this , newkpa declared ( tha f'he hd jee idandng stead , ,;.. sirC-M -stf-" , In addition te rlnir.lhto well- r deserved promqopi :MF;1lv"right has ' recently been thrust t)efpr,e the pub-, lie'" In spite of ls natural modesty " and entire lack of eelf-eijploitaiton. As salesman of Diamond Tires he has become well known, not only here at : home but throughout this section. In- i deed, he Is being constantly embar-' rassed by old friends who send, him ;.. word that they are rejoiced to tee his face again even though this must ;' be on the billboard and the news- papers in the extensive advertising A campaign of the Diamond Tires peo-., 1 pie. , ' Mr. Perry, formerly manager of the Standard Pharmacy has been trans forred to. the wholesale business of tho firm on Fearing street. t GROCERS BANQUET TONIGHT (By United Press) Toledo,' O., May 22 Following a aeries of addresses on vcx prablenn as they affect grocer?, nearly five thousand members or the retail .;ro-cei-R association will nttend a ban quet in tho Terniml Auditorium tonight that will m; l;e heivy Inroad on the grocer supplies of the city which In enter'.iilnlnf; them l.t an nual convention. The !ay' program included addresnes by W. B. M. Mc.Intyre, Davenport. Ia.,; w. f. . WEATHER j , Flske. New York; C. F. Kurtz of Fttr ,.ior tonight possibly lights Iowa State University and L.M.H. j fr0Ht in mountain dlstrcts Thursday" Attenbach of Denver. fair moderate west winds. . '. f