I), i j U- ..... . . News Without 7 f Y . Cv Published in Elizatctl. City' ' VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 24. 1917 ' ' I - . t : . . N0.12S American Fleet Is Great Human Factory "Boys From Every Corner of The Land Are Getting Cured of Gun Shyness on Board Uncle Sam's Grim Dread naughts. ADDRESS TONIGHT BY DR-CRANFORD President Few of Trinity College is unable to fill his appointment to deliver the commencement address here tonight on account of illness. Dr. W I Cranford of the chair of Philosophy of Trinity College will de liver the address and the public is cordially invited to hear him. While disappointment is keen on account of Dr Few's inability to be present.those who know Dr Cranford declare that an excellent address will be heard by those attending the exercises tonight. ENJOYED BY PACKED HOUS E (By CARL D, GROAT) United Press Staff Correspondent) With The American Fleet, May 24 America's great fleet for the mo ment is a human factory grinding out gun crews by the score. Boys from every corner of the land, many of whom never saw a gun bigger than a Fourth of July pistol, are Retting cured of "gun shyness." are learning to point, sight and Are "big guns, upon which merchant craft rely for defense against Germany's submarines. Boys by the thousand are learning these and many other lessons which shall make them better men, men with the stuff that enters into hero ism and national vigor. For three -days I have seen Uncle Sam's grim dreadnaughts with their men at work and at play. It is hard work and good' discipline. It is also good wholesome I JAP LABORERS GO TO BRAZIL BREAK IIIW HOSTS! I (By United Press) Home. May 24 Following ten hours of terrific bombardment the Italians today broke through the strongly organized Austrian lines in Carso. captured Jam! and took 9.000 prisoners, One hundred and thirty areoplanes participated, also ten British artillery batteries. EIGHT THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN GRAMMAR SCHOOL PROGRAM PLEASES WITH ITS DELIGHT FULLY RENDERED CANTATA AXD OTHER FEATURES The hUh school auditorium was packed Wednesday night. Mmy ;who stayed to enjoy the evening's entertainment were obliged to stand and a number went away for lack of room. The cantata was a delight t0 the audience from the beginning to the end and won continued applause for the participants as well as praise for those who had superin tended the rehearsals. The salutatory was delivered by John Ward and the valedictory by Elizebeth Hathaway. After diplo mas and honor cards had been con ferred the program closed with the singing of "The St ir Spangled Ban ner" by the school. OB, Ml U DIE TBIl. play a well balanced program that turns striplings into men, and men into giants. Most of those aboard are boys, but I (By united rressj I I'aris, May 2 4 Eight thousand and six hundred German prisoners have been taken by the French since (By United Press) Rio de Janeiro, May 24. When the Japanese steamer "Kafako Maru' arrived in this port the captain an nounced that his was the first steam er of a regular service established between Japan and South America. I His ship brought the first cargo of J Japanese manufacturers ever shipped 1 to this market. It included celuloid articles, toilet articles, perfumes, silk goods and some cauned foods. The ! next ship in this service .the captain 1 declared will bring the first lot of ! immigrants from Japan to Brazil, 5,000 of whom must arrived before: the end of December according to a: contract signed by the Brazilian state: of Sao Paulo and the Japanese gov-! ernnient. The Japanese Immigrants' Man MucDermott. co-starred with will be colonlzt-d on the coffee and! Miriam Neshltt in the Klien-Kdison rice plantations of the interior of-fcitute -The List Sentence." which Soa Paulo The "Kafako Maru" took i will be the feature photoplay attrac a return cargo of rubber, wood, min- tion at the New Theatre today, pro erals and coffee. The service will be :ai,,y ,llls playe(, -leatlH" in more four steamers per year to begin. jMircessful motion pictures than anv To-night At New Theatre NO MORE TWINKLE TOES IN ENGLAND (Br United Press) London, May 10 (By Man) Ban. Ished from the British Isles by the frown of popular disapproval, the Goddess Terpsichore waa observed' sadly winging her way westward.early TUE UTTLK GREEX DOOR Will, today. vraa and MURDERER WILL The British Lion has put his Daw. VE 8I3JG 8INQ BT WAT CL down on dancing and the liaht fan- THB ELECTRIC CHAIR tastia will be tripped no more in these parts until the last Hun hesi tation has turned into a bead-long flight. Ciro's is out of bounds. The Savoy ball-room chandeliers are gathering cobwebs. The Waldorf tea-rooms are (By United Press) . Ossining, N Y May 24 Thw "UttU green door" opens for Dr. Arthur Warren Watte at Sing Sing tonlglt. and the electric chair's deadly cur. rent win polt out his life In payment now sometimes nsed for tea. Private I toT ue murder of bis wife's father dances are, if possible, more taboo nd mother. I j " I , Mav first in the offensive between not all. There's a grandfather ensign. SoMOn8 an(J Auberlvei today-8 offl. mere s a wan street oroger, scruu blng decks and polishing brass, There is a Bi'ffalo business man. There are college lads, boys ojt of grammar school---folks out of every walk of life, to whom the lure of the sea and the call of patriotism sound louder than aught else, This is the story of three days with the fleet, Later we shall nee those great huP.s by day and by night, a sight to thrill the most blase. We shall go with the men into their daily work and play, their waking and their sletping, but today we are gunning: witli the lads. Hhoo'ing up imaginary German i'-Poats with a gusto and an accuracy that augurs ill for any they mav run across in later days. We start at 5 a m. The gray dread nougts roll a bit. with their yawn ing gun turrets sharp against the brightening sky. The ships seem straining to be "up and at 'em," Hundreds yes, thousands of men are astir at the call of reveille, They nlle out of hammocks from every HAS NO FEAR OF PLAGUE THIS YEAR (By United Press) New York. May 24 Infantile pnr alysis may break out this summer in I cities where it was uulescetit last The Germans are literally thrown ,. ..,.,,r,u ., i ,,..i tneir,by the board of health today. Cap- fh ili'iiurtmiitil tlneu iut prnni't an tureu are uientmeo as neionging to cial statcmnt asserted, detailing fur-1 ther heavy losses inflicted on the enemy in the repulse of violent at-J tarks on the Vauclerc plateau. back to the starting point of counter thrust. The prisoners four different divisions, Indicating ihat the attack was made by 60.000 men. F HI other epidemic hero for some time. In th past they have coeie four or five years apart Health Commissioner Kmrson is experimenting to see whether the infection may originate in decayed teeth, as has been suggest ed by Dr. Louis Fischer, a specialist in childn n's diseases. VARNS AGAINST BUTTER WASTE AMBASSADOR USING EVEKY OP PORTUNITY TO SPEAK TO KUS SlA'x TUOOPH OF AMERICA AXD DEMOCRACY other male star now before the pub lic long before the day of the multiple reel feature. Marc M-icDei mutt was the iilol of the "fans" Mis work in many of the Edison one reel subjects still ranks with the movt artistic portrayals of character ever seen on the screen In "The Last Sentence." Mr Mae lei iui;t has a role which is particu larly suited to his lowers, and film e-!'' :th unaiMtiioir in spyin.; 'hat ii-vi r Ik's he been seen to better ad '..iii at MNs Xeshitt, too. is igvea i I opportunities These two "i.i stars -lie sii'toi-tecl by an ni' i .iiiillv well i '-osen cast, inclinl-ri- r.r ;, Wi'huui Herbert I': (or I ' me lan' ( I la lys . (Jane a nil !'a . 1 1 1 ' ri I McKee. FIRE ON SOUTH ROAD than public affairs. The recent wrath aroused by Lord and Lady Curson, who entertained a dozen guests at an informal dance in their home, has put the fear of the malcontents who write letters to the editors In the hearts of any who would dance In the future. London was alive with posters the day after Lord Curzon affair, screaming to the public In foot-high letters that 'Cur- zon Dances While England Burtis," "Twentieth Century Nero," etc. There Is Just one institution In London that dares to brave the storm or wrath which those who aren't able to dance shower on those who can and do. The American Women's Club held a series of three Tea Dances for the American girls and young men in London, in April. MR. ANDREW PARKER PUT GOVERNOR dead ON GOAT-BACK t I Hv United Press) Detroit. Mich. May 24 Pythians fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday morn- to the number of nearly 10,000 rep- ing and arrangements for the funeral resenting all sections of Hie middle- wm j)e made as soon as the body tr- west were in Detroit today for a big rtves. , ; Dr. Waite has been prepared for his end for months, declaring tig readiness to expiate hi tin by death, in the belief that h could enter "ft new world" at peace. 'v' . The murder of Walte'a father-in-law, John E Peck of Grand Rapids, Mich., and his mother-in-law, . by poison and by the use of genns.cime to light In the spring of last year.Mrs Peck died January 20, lilt, Her husband's life ended March 12,1916. Waite admitted he planned to kill his wife also. ' ;..f; , Driven by a desperate need If Of money to maintain himself ht lnxu rious surroundings, Waite went about his poisonings methodically and with as deadly coolness as a Borgia, might have manifested. :-:'.' .. The body of Mr. Andrew M. Par ker will reach Elizabeth City from demonstration of the order. A fea ture of the occasion will be the riding or the K of P goat by Gov Albert E Sleeper, of Michigan. The oath will be administered by supreme officers of the order. Kolowing the Initiation of the gov ernor, a class of 1.000 candidates will be Initiated. All-star degre" teams of Ohio u,nd Michigan will compete for a valuable 1 1 aiphy Mr. Parker Is the son of Mr N R Parker o fthls city. , , FOUR HUNDRED REPORTED LOST PUS 'Pv Unite" Prnn Petrograd, May 24 Speedy re onstruction of Russia's fighting for- house on South Road street was burned down Thursday morning Ht about nine o'clock. The house was vacant and was filled with fodder. It belonged to Elsie Mitchell, a negro nook and corner of the great crafts. They must attend to tneir usuat eriy;(leg ,g proml8e,i bv MiniBter of For morning labors, scrubbing down;(1gri Affairs Tereschtenko In a tele decks, shining brass, peeling Pta- Lram t,iav to French Minister Ribot floating : ut jlze(j by tne new Rusgan KOvern- i III trill, a va Ml pa i ps li ir opui iiir o i m j toes, getting everything ready for an! establishment which is a town in itself. The great anchor chains rattle and j nto fiKn,n(? The American ambas smash, as they heave the anchor ""t i 3ador pranci8 is today addressing the, of the deep. The engines puff, as men Rusian troops together with assem-. below ships "down in the subceler : 1)lag08 of the ,)f,0ple. In this work he i five floors below" shoot in great ,B r().1,eratng closely with Minister j chunks of coal or turn on gallons of i of War Keren8)(-. Ambasador Fran-1 I Hy United Press) W ashington, May 24 If every or, of the 20,000.000 American house holds should waste 1-4 ounce of but ter daily, the loss would be 114.062. f00 pounds a year, the product of ever half a million cows, according woman. to department of agriculture figures TP ro,,f r another house, be today. If only one In every 100 homes to Andrew Shopp, a negro and wasted that 1-4 pound, the loss would , "ecupled V himself and family was total over 1.000,000 pounds annual- damaged slightly, ly. The department Issued these sta- , is on if America's potent influence will be.tistlcs to show why no butter what ever should be wasted. Ill THE FAULT oil. Bells and buzzers sound. The navigator gives his orders and the ships are off, a line of ugly warriors, streaking the sky with black smoke clouds. Flags bearing strange devices sig nal out to the patrol ships, which scurry forth to open the way for the dreadnaughts. ' cis is the most popular of all the dip lomats here. He is daily deluged by appeals for speeches and Is accept -ling every invitation. In his spee ches he drives home the "brother- hood of Democracy between Russia 'and America." declaring that the .New Hussia and the United States OF WIG Tonight's Show At ALkrama Tonight at The Alkrania Para mount pictures presents House Peters and Myrtle Steadman. in "As Men Love," a very powerful society drama I Miss Steadman, the beatuiful co- GEKM.W KOCMMNTH' OWiAX "tar of Mr, Peters, will be seen as a EXPREHHES BITTER DISAP- j n,0(1"' " so,'1"y woman, and has an I'OIXTMEXT AT Rl'HHIA'S RE- apporiunnv m mspmy.im n m,u,-i .IETIOX OF SEPARATE PEACE (Vv T'nltcd Press) Amsterdam, May 24 Russia's re-j jertion of separate peace is a most bitter disappointment" declared th German socialistic, organ. Vorwaerts today. This Is the first admission of the I entered the war practhlally simul- The ships plough into the rolling tanpousIy and that the United States waters, while the task of denning Btands rpady to tlip an ngKressive ship proceeds, and other drills '"-! Rasla 0n the battle front, eluding a snappy setting up physical : exercise are under way. rect these tasks. Once as far as the secret orders Their gun crews from magazine to call for, the war vessels spread out in j t uiT-t run up close to 100 men. The a giant circle, targets are put over-jcrew8 W()rjf like the great machines faiire Gf German peace efforts the board and the gunnery proceeds. jthey man. The shell, the powder, the (jerman censor has permitted to pass. In squads, the lads take their place : ramming, all go ahead like raaglc. j ..Thp jtton was all the fault or beside the guns.practise at filling, I Elsewhere, men are working out Honwe)!;" the editorial continued, sighting and firing the bigger cannon! on charts Just the range, elevation If ne had 1)ke Austria, announced while the pop.pop of one-pounders at land so on of the target. The ensign that Germany had no intention of the distant target gives a. touch of yells his diirectlons down a multitude annexnR an Inch of territory the re realism to it all. I of tubes, pushes buttons, flashes the RuU would have been different." Aft. on all the ships, other crews lights and then up in the secret "fire are training with dummy guns. One j control" tower, a man pushes some TVr,M1,mTAW pounders and five pounders. The shell more buttons and the whole thing NO EAEJVlJr 11UJN and the nowder bag go in like clock- shoots all the big guns at once. i FROM REGISTRATION f (' work, and with a smash that' makes it seem as though these lads were in deadly combat with a real enemy. , Up in th turrets wwith the tremen dous 14-lnch guns, other drills pro 4!fted, . - Ensigns, fine clean cut chaps, di I ant ii n In a 1 4 Inch turret with a chap named Erlckson. fresh from An Washington. May 24-Exemption napolis only a short time ago. Clean from army service will be granted cut and commanding of appearance, er the registration draft on June lie had that gun crew working like Bth and ot before. Every one the captain of a football or a baseball ' military axe must register the War nine would har hit men. , , (Department has warned. , of morning and evening gowns. which !are most becoming to her blond I beauty. The play Is a tense and in- leresting drama of high society. Mr. and Mrs Sydney Drew will get a divorce tonight at the Alkrama. "Come be a witness in the case, "says Mr. Kramer. These Drew comedies are of a very high grade and please all who see them. Friday matinee and night at The Alkrama the long heralded appear ance of the popular Clara Kimball Young in the first of her own com panies productions "The Common Law," Is scheduled. . ! This Is a plcturlzed version of the celebrated novel of the same name by Robert W Chambers, and will no doubt, be seen by a large and appre ciative crowd. "Pearl of the Army" featuring the daring Pearl White, will furnish the to rush road improvement. In chang thrllls of the evenlng.Thls wonderful iny the character. Governor Brum sorial Is steadily Increasing in popu-.baugh remarked that food had now larlty and "you surely want to see tomorrow's episode," saya Mr Kram- U1DE DIVERGENCE OK PEACE VIEWS OF STOCKHOLM DELE GATES INDICATES THAT THE MEETING WIIX END IN FIAH4X Stockholm, Mav 24 The German plan for a "General Pence Confer ence" of Socialists next month Is foredoomed. That Is the opinion of well Infoimied and sympathetic non Socialist observers. Instead of any such general meet ing It is predicted that it will be j merely a continuance of smaller meet j Ings of Socialists of different coun-i triest such as is now in progress. This prediction Is based on the divergence of views of peace terms between the various delegations. Thos In close touch with neutrals and naturally supposed to Incline toward Germany ) London. May24 More th&it.fOur i hundred were lost in the sinking of !the Hritlsh transport, Transylvania, the admiralty announced -. today, I The TrHtisylvaniu was sunk May 4. The losses included 29 officers, ,373 men. the cuptaln nn ten of the , crew. The transport was the ' pro perty of the Anchor Line. i STATEMENT WILL : ENCOURAGE RUSSIA Washington. May 24 Ajtneif.caj's forth coming statement regarding1 the Russian situation will probably blast for all time GermanyV Insid ious pence at her own price propa ganda, and will probably expose a new chapter of German Intrigue. It Is expected to greatly encourage Russia. . . ZEPPELINS RAID ENGLAND London. May 24 Four or five German airships raided the eastern counties of England last night drop plug a number of bombs and killing n man in a Norfolk village. The 1 bombs fell chiefly in country dis tricts and the damu-ce Is declared negligible. The yippelins escaped in the thick clouds. , . . 'i'v,,. TRAINING CAMP are exhibiting a surprising bent in the other direction. Swedish and ALABAMA TO HAVE Norwegian delegates and some Dutch indicate their Inability to agree to the German terms Their foremost Washington. May 24 Annlston, objection Is the Insistence by Ger-1 Alabama, has bpon selected a Field many that she should retain AUace-1 Artillery Training Camp for-' th Lorraine, Most of the neutrals believe ' southern States. that France is entitled t her lost pro vince. FARM.AND GARDEN v DAY IN PENNSYLVANIA Harrlsburg. Pa.. May 24 - Origi nally Intended as Pensylvania's third annual "Good Roads Day" today be came a statewide "Farm and Garden Day" by proclamation of Governor Brumbaugh. War had not been declared when this was designated as "Good Road3 Day." With, the declaration, state and locaf highway authorities began WEATHER Fair tonight sltghty warmer West and central portions. Friday , fair, warmer gentle to moderate shifting winds. er. become the greatest consideration. The governor himself will do "his bit" in farm and garden. NOTICE To our country friends we wish to say that we have purchased a largo automobile truck and we are now In a position to deliver goods anywhere in the country. Silverthorn A Mor rlsette. Adv. " May 21, June 7, 14 , Mrs A O Colona and little daugV tr, Glenn Perry, of Norfolk, Va. ar visiting Mrs Claud Perry on Ton" sylvania Avenue. , . f

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