VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 9. 1917 N0.139 P ATR 1 0 II S n ml I FBI APPEBL PRICE FIXING AXD REQtlS . ITIOX OF FOOD WILL NOT BE HADE USE OF EXCEPT AS LAST RESORT (By ROBERT J. BENDER) ((Unied Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington. June.?. Patriotism trill be made the basis of food con trol during the war at the start. Autocratic measures such as abso lute price fixing and requisition of food will not be utrtiied except as a last resort. . From the farm to the kitchen the regulation of prices will be adminis tered jthrough voluntary agreement, according to the plait of Herbert C. Hoover. 'Slackers' and 'skunks" will be handled according to law. MAINTAIN PROF. N. W. WALKER IN CURRITUCK COUNTY Moyock. N. C June 8th.---Last Saturday June 2, PrOf. N. W. Walker. Inspector of State High Schools, Chapel Hill. N. C.and his two children Mildred and Tom, ar rived in Moyock on tne early train. . Mr. Walker went to Moyock to look over the sAool situation in consider-1 ing the establishment of a high school there. He found the community deep ly Interested in the establishment of such school. After getting the facta necessary he left the impression that the State would establish a State high school at Moyock the coming year. , Mr. Walker advised the people at HFERPICE TIL L II c nnnnsv IUIIU INTERESTING SESSIONS CdX- TINCE TOXIGHT.SUXDAY MORN ING, AFTERNOON AND NIGHT, MONDAY MORNING AND NIGHT The Epworth League Conference In session at City Road Church This week will come to a close .Monday evening with a consecration service conducted by Rev R H Willis. At Monday morning's meeting' Mrs Moyock to build a $10,000 brick build B HrtCB ot Wilmington speak .nrt th. old hnnA for . rtnr. on Bible Study and a model Junior lea a - - - - 1 S1DH .sir AMERICA WILL SEND HIGHEST TVPE OF PHYSICAL MANHOOD TO THE WESTERN FRONT SAYS WAR DEPARTMENT t (By United Press) Washington, June 9. The War Department will maintain its present rigid standard in selecting the new army. This means that America will have on the western front youths of phy slque equal or superior to any now engaged in the war, says the depart ment. It is estimated that one oi every three or two will fail to meet the' high tests for physical perfection. mIUU ARE HELD III CUSTODY IF CONVICTED OF CHARGE OF IL - . LEGALLY GIVING OUT CARDS " WILL BE METED SEVEREST PUNISHMENT llv (ltilcou r'retfai Philadelphia. June 9. Fifteen reg istrars here are accused of illegally giving out registration cards on con scription day and are now in the clut ches of Federal authorities. The heaviest possible punishment will be meted out to mem If convict ed. The shortage of registration cards runs into the thousands. It is under stood that petty politicians secured hundreds of registration cards and it Is believed that the Investigation will Show that the cards were doled out to slackers. , HOPE THAT FEW LIVES WERE LOST t (By United Press) New York, June 9. The hope, bas ed on cables received last night at. midnight, that the earthquake and volcanic eruption that wrecked San Salvador snd 1he surrounding townil did not tike a heavy toll of life, Is expressed here today by local agents Of San Salvador firms. FULL DETAILS OF I PROPOSAL RECEIVED (Dy United Press) Petrograd, June 3. How much sanction o fthe Austrian General Bohradln has In his amazing scheme for separate peace between his Aus trian troops and the Russian troops is the subject of conjecture here. ' i Full details of the proposed scheme have been received at the War office. ;"V Four regiments of the Seventh Rus sian army refused to obey their offl tera. One additions! regiment Is re ported to have arretted its own offl- 'pets. fctlnlstsr ot War Kerensky ordeed 'i arrest of all responsible parties d they will be court martialed. mitory. This should be done and will likely be done. Moyock tfaa a great future. It is now growing and is gathering momentum. Moyock town ship can Issue schoolhouse bonds with gue meeting wil be of much Interest. Sunday evening Rev John A Gere Shipley will deliver an address on "The Missionary Message of the Bi- courses nc MUCH INTEREST IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT - JOIN THE MARINES REPRESENTATIVE. OF PALMER Washington. June . Special nati onal marine corps recruiting week begins tomorrow, continuing to 'June too mast be between IS and 35 i years, snd can enlist for the war ner tf-vwan a w -nu w wyt-w rnnr wv I. ur acn ivn. .i- ioa only. "Men who want to flrht STRUCT TEACHERS IN PALMER where the action is hottest on Und.l i .uMiir MtritUD sea or In the air," says Major Genial I George Barnett. commander of the West Raleigh, N. c, June . The Martne Corps, "will find the marine courses In Education planned for the corps offers them a grat bpportun- Qnmmasi Qskw1 r9 eh Ca iAllAsa ' i4 . i i . ' . . .. Summer School of the State College of Agriculture and Engineering are attractive state-wide favorable atten tion and are planned with the needs of the teachers. In the schools of the state in view. Language and Reading In 'the Pri mary grades will b conducted by Miss Ethel Terrell of Asheville, Sec retary of the N. C. rimary Teacher's Association. Coures in elocution for ity to uphold the honor ot their coun try and heir flag." MONDAY AT THE ALKRAMA ble." the rate of 15c on each 1100 valnff f ' nday fternoon at four o'clock the benefit of teachers will be given ' 4.. n..lAn K. kAU V... f V r l -. nu nituirriBttr witiw win in uciu. u mig i j iuauu, luruieriy ui SI. This is the tenth annual session of Mary's School of Raleigh. Discussions lion of property and 45c on each poll. and buy $10,000 in bonds, build the house and use It while the bonds are being paid off. This will pay off the bonds within 10 or 12 years. Such will be no burden, It will be a pleas ure to the people. Prof. Walker left Moyock and went to Poplar Branch and spent Satur day evening and Sunday morning with his people. Saturday night Prof. Wal ker delivered an Inspiring and in structive address to the people ot Pop lar Branch. He first discussed the seriousness of the war, and said that few people actually realized the mag nitude of the world war. He said the war is one for the liberation of man kind It's a war foi- a principle upon the Conference. Rev C B Culbreth will; preach the of the rural school and community and class-room management will be annual sermon, Sunday -morning conducted by Mr. Giles, member of which will be followed by an installa tion service. .v, ' The meeting this evening .will be featured by a model Missionary meet ing. ' Rev A D Wilcox or Goldsboro ad dressed the conference Friday even ing on "The Social Message of the Bible." ! This morning's service was open ed by Rev J M Ormond and the sub ject of Bible Study was taken up by Mrs H B Branch. An institute for the 1 Missionary Department was held and ...... Ia which our liberty rests. He said it " n"" may last 6 months or 5 years. In the ot the Conference have ex last half of his address he discussed Dre88ed themselre as delighted with school development. He told in a the hospitality of the church and the pleasing manner how the Poplar eity and Elizabeth City people on the Branch school should grow and a- other hand have reatly ,nJoyed the velop and rank with the best high schools in the State. He said he want ed to see It rank as such a school. BIQ REGISTRATION IN CURRITUCK COUNTY session of the conference. DESERVES SUPPORT Currituck, N. C. June 8th. Six hundred and sixty four regis tered in Currituck County, four hun dred and sixteen were white, four aliens and two hundred and forty four colored. Everything went along nicely. As far as known every per son In the county under the age limit registered. There were no slackers The number registered was far great er than expected. OF THE PEOPLE the S'.rte Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors, while Mr. High smith rlso of the same Board will hold regular classes in psychology and the principles of teaching. Mrs. R E Ranson, President of the N. C. Story Tellers' League will give a course in Story-telling bringing out the correlation between this and teach ing Play and Play-ground work as a part of education will be directed by Mr. C. H. MasDonald, Supervisor of Play Grounds at Raleigh. Practice Schoof will give teachers an opportunity to put into immediate practice the ideas gained at the Sum mer School, and Teachers' Institutes will be held June 12-25 and July 12 25 for the benefit of those unable to attend th entitle session of the Sum mer School. Mr Jack London of the A N Pal mer Company of New York "will be with the Summer School of the State College of Agriculture & Engineering and will give courses in the Palmer metnWBTPenlnafoftTrfijtnuiai lug all Monday at The Alkrama, matinee and night "Womanhood The Glory of the Nation" will be the great offer ing. People of this city are proud that they are going to have such a big pic ture offered them at the small price of 25 and 15 cents. This picture has shown every where, Including Nor folk at 50 cents. GERMAN COUNTERS PROVE FRUITLESS grades. Stress will be laid on black board work, critic classes, and in the mechanics and pedogogy of the Pal mer method has produced gratifying ACTION' OF CURRITUCK COMMI8- witn chHdren wherever it ha8 1 fiinvfna iv vrvrivrj APPRftPRl. . .... .... 8IONERS IN VOTING APPROPRI ATION FOR FARM DEMON8TRA TOR WAS PROGRESSIVE STEP Currituck, N. C, June 8. On Monday, June 4, Mr K A Robertson, State Corn Club Agent, Raleigh and G W Falls, Farm Demonstration Agent of PaBquotank county, appear- SCARCE NEXT YEAR ed Defore tne Board of Currituck coun ty I ommissioneirs to assist me biu TEACHERS WILL BE -Currituck, June 9 Superintendent of Education R W Isley, of Currituck today issued the following statement: To Currituck County School Com mitteemen. Committeemen are appointed for a term of three years. One man is ap pointed or re-appoiiiied each year. In each district In the county the two me" whose time does not expire June 301 1 should be looking after the em- p'',y,'ei', "f teachers. Or the three e o' liittfi - if ii 'iijv be doing this or! lnu:j l ( '. i school law ullov, -i co' lniittr mu'ii to engage each ers and v . t!' m i-c i if lit I" tn ploy teachers v. i'.i th n p ovi it 'l.. approval of the county sn jx-ri n ; n dent. They should be select. '1 and formally elected in the superin tend pnt-eommittee-meeting later. Good teachers will be scarce this year. Many lady teachers will have to take the places of many of the male teachers who have cn:Isted. Early in the spring the "Grasshopper Teacher' was discussed in The Advance which tried to Insist upon committeemen se curing teachers early and holding them year after year If they make good, This Is the second appeal to committeemen to act. Do not wait un til the last of Augimt when the best teachers usually are employed. At the State 1'nlverslty Summer School a Teachers' Bureau is conduct ed to aid committeemen and teach ers. This Bureau will help yeu secure teachers if you write Prof. N W Wal ker. Director Summer School, Chapel Hill, N. C, and state terms. commissioners In employing a Farm Demonstration Agent for Currituck County. These agents stated that the Federal and State Departments of Agriculture would pay two-thirds if the county would pay one-third of the salary for Currituck's agent. After much deliberatio nand hesitation the Commissioners decided to employ a man for the work. The agents present pointed out that a good farm agent in the c6unty treating hogs and doing nothing else would be a good thing. The agent will increase the number of boys in the corn club work. He will eld the county Superintendent of this !, i's who has been4rylng to do club W'h :i ( nrrittif 1 should rcuierobr: 's new agent comes DC-' neople here that t'.ie 'ounty pays a small y.irt of lit! unhir- CONFERENCE AT ' METHODIST CHURCH The Rev O T Adams. Presiding El der of the Elisabeth City District win bold the third Quarterly Conference at the Epworth Methodist Chruch on next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock The people ot the community are cor dially Invited to attend these services. ' sou th winds. vet a'l his time goes U.- fie bu'lilir" up ff the county. This act n on of the best and greatest the County Conrnl 'slnn' rs ever passed. No person in, th--county should have a word against such an act and likely no person will. The proposition was too good to let pass. Let everybody help him when he nm 9 and try to produce a great deal moro food and feeds than heretofore. He will come fn tlm- to heJp the far mers in planting fall crops. It will be the aim of the District Agent, Mr R W Freeman, Wilson, N. C. to have Currituck's new agent take charge of the work July 1. The agent will help fanners get fall crops that will help reed hogs during the winter snd stock In the spring It. the farmers will do as he says. Nofann er knows all about farming. The agent can help the beet fanner. Usu ally the best farmer Is the one ask ing for such aid. been tried. Hourswlll be arranged so that Mr. London will be able to hold conferences with teachers regarding this work and personal attention will be given to any desiring It. Mrs. Pearl Cross Green, Supervisor of Penmanship in tlie Raleigh schools will also give courses In writing car rying on an exposition of the Berry Method of Penmanshp. (By United Press) Paris, June 9. The German coun ter attack against the French proved fruitless after severe fighting all last night. London, June 9. A powerful Ger man attack over a rront of six miles covering all the ground Just won by the great British drive on the Bel gium front has been completely brok en down by British fire from Haig's forces. TURKEY WILL NOT INTERN AMERICANS (By United Press 1 . Stockholm, June 9. Turkey will not Intern Americans but Is willing 10 gram tnose or military age per mission to leave her Borders, accord ing tb official information to the United States through Sweden. ROD PEA CI FOR THIS SEAS! OVER TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS BKOUC&IT TO Till COUNTY ix PEA, MONEY TE3 YEAR- - ELIZABETH LODGE WILL MEET MONDAY Elizabeth Lodge No. 217 I O O F will meet Monday eveniBg to have work in the first degree. All members are requested to be present. CAMDEN FARMER MAKES MONEY ON POTATOES N H Knight of Old Trap thinks he has established a record for potato growing In this section. Mr. Knight planted four barrels of seed potatoes, which cost him $134.16 He sold his crop for 980, at a niet profit of 1845.84. The net profit per barrel on his In vestment for seed was $211.84. "Can you beat It," asks Mr Klght. TWENTY KILLED IN MINE EXPLOSION Butte, June 9. Twenty are known to havo been killed and It Is possible that the number may mount to a nun- lilred when all fatalities are known In a mine explosion today north of Butte At least a hundred were trapped in the mine by the explosion. Rescue crews are bt tng rushed to the scene by order ot the National Bureau of Mines. ODD FELLOWS ARE DELIGHTFUL HOSTS Achoree Lodge entertained the Odd Fellows of both lodges and their friends in a most delightful manner. Informal speeches were made by Solicitor J C B Ebrlnghaus, Rev E F Sawyer, both prominent Odd Fel lows, and by Herbert Peels from out side the fold. The spirit of good fel lowship prevailed and the newly dec orated and handsomely furnished hall was much admirer by the visi tors. Delicious refreshments were served during the evening. WEATHER Probably showers and thunder storms tonight snd Sunday; fftsi L Tonight's Show At Alkrama MOYOCK ITEMS Saturday at The Alkrama. matinee and night Elizabeth City's favorite productions wHl be staged. Cute lit tle. June Caprice will star in "The Mischief Maker", in tne rollcking ptc tnrlsatton of a madcaps devltry. The picture was produced by William Fox, snd thst Is all the recommenda tion needed. , i Now Musty 8uffer will furnish the fun for the chlldren.They will not see Musty, many more times, so tbey had better make good use of him. r , GRIGO'S COMMANDERY ' , MEETS MONDAY Commsndery, Knights Templars, Mo. 14 will meet Monday evening at eight o'clock. All Sir Knights are re quested to be present as business of Importance to to he transacted. 1 4 Moyock, June 8. Mrs J H Bell and children, Haywood and William, are visiting Mrs Mollle Poyner. Mrs Alice Charlton of Portsmuoth, Va., Is visiting Mrs Mollle Charlton. Miss Addle Wilson, vho has been teaching school at Florence, 8 C. re turned to her home here Saturday night The Wesley Bible Class had its regular business meeting at the honte of Miss Jane Cox' Thursday night. Mrs Fritz Rltter left for Elizabeth City Wednesday nlglit where she will attend the Epworth League Confer ence. A play entitled, "Mr. Bob" was pre sented here- Monday night by the High School pupils. It was well ren dered and thoroughly enjoyed by an appreciative audience. Mrs E F Prltchard of Baltimore Is visiting Mm Mollle Poyner. Messrs FrMs Rltter and E E Fore man motored to Ocean View Thurs day afternoon. Mr H P Jones accompanied by his daughter, Elisabeth, went to Elisa beth City Wednesday. Rev N P 8talllngs continues to be very 111 at his homo hers, Mrs Jennings Is v&Ulkg her mother la Norfolk. - ' V : . : No less than 13.168 baskets of May Peas have been shipped through Com mission Merchants hero' this seasoa and a tew shipments are still being made.' Peas have hewn, priced from 60c ap to 13.00 per basket, aveng ing about 11.60 per basket At the average price of fl.SO per basket Mty Peas shipped op to Friday will bring to the farmers of this county. $33, 38.50. Reports from the commission mer chants showed this, year crop, a record breaker. For Instnch, R C Ab bott's shipment this year wis over three times that last year .17,007 baskets against 6,600. Though none of the other commtesion merchants were able to give definite figures they all reported this year's crop above that of last. - Another item of no small Interest Is. the pea picking. Dr L 8 Blades hag paid out thus far this season 1398.64 for 1,178 baskets of peas picked on his farm. At this rate over four thou sand dollars has been paid out by the pea growers tq woman, and children a class of labor, who generally speak ing do not find many opportunities to earn real money. . . -'; The pea crop. Is handled by 'the Southern Express Company - which must be doing a record business tn something besides peas. This com pany's office here did over $5,000.00 more business during May this year than during the same month last year With the pea crop off their hands at a good price Pasquotank farmers will now turn their attention' to pota toes which are already beginning to mnva fraAtv mil nrhlxh t4nrlm top notch prices. EXPECTS TO YISUL: MITCHELL'S SOME DAY "I've enjoyed The Advance more than usually lately," writes a lady from another State to whom a friend In this city Is sending the home pa paper," and changing the subject half way, if I ever do get to Elizabeth City, I expect to go, as soon as I hare saluted you all, to that Mitchell's De partment Store. ' - 'I've read many attractive adver tisements but never any that appeal ed quite so strongly to my own Una- ' glnatlon." adv. PF.PSTTTNfl PP.flWTVWn T)1T vmn msv. m - (By United Press) ! ' 'ft. London, June 9. Oeneral Pershing' was ormany receivea oy rung ueorge , today In private audience. General Lord Brooke made the presentation. . 1 (... NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OF :v Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Company,' fS This is to notify the patrons of the above named Company that under the existing laws we are compelled ' to have the various reports which wa riake to the Federal Government and to the State in on time or ws will bs penalised foj falling to 'comply ,irith th law. , . jj.-Vr.'', - We therefore request you tq. have your rent in the Company's. Office, -509 East Fearing street, not Inter tlun tho 10th of each month, i Upoa your failare to' comply- we will i be . compelled to diacontlaue your, srt vice from thai date. Owing to condi tions brought about by the present war we are unable at any price' to purchase more Instruments, and It we should be compelled to take oat yonr phone we will be unable se reinstate yon until conditions change. Therefore take notice and govern yourself ac cordingly. ' ; . , i AU telephone renU are due . and payable on the first day of each month in advance at the Company's office. Norfolk ft Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Co. : C W. GRICB, den. Manager May II. SI. It, 81. 81, June 1, 8, 4, 1 n . . .

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