VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 12, 1917 Bankers AreTorkiug For Liberty Loan CHAUTAUQUA TICKETS At the meetng of the Guarantors last night- we were, only 1300.00 short of the 1600.00 guarantee. This Is the best record we bare ever made, -,?-jk'i .. :'i Ji',' Tickets mar be tad to&ay at Se- jllg's Jewelry , store and at the Apo thecary shop and from the louowina individuals J. e. Sawyer J B Leigh, J ,W C B Williams, rtiarlp D&Tin. -Nnf kVill KahinH In I l-ifnntir c r Pueh. " v, f , x r I People are callling tor their ilck 0.ir2iL Ti'tA C D.Ar.kMf'' eta this year and if you wish a sea- OC1 YJLUC H UUUllCIS r JTXCOCUll 1U.UIICA 8on ticket It is suggsted that you see one of the .above " named per. sons immediately or you will .have to pay the single admission., In Of d er That Elizabeth City May Wilcox, J T Stalling, ' ' V 's wVY . e w 1 ; rrs , 1 A '1 George A,Twiddy,;; C Personally To People. :V - By Friday noon, comes the , news over the wires from Washington to-' day; seven dollars must be subscrib ed for every man, woman and child la the united states u tne laoerxy uon ls to be sucpssfuL Money must flow Into the national Treasury from now ' until subscriptions close at the rate of $10,000,000 an hour, or $166,667 every minute. ' - v The' three Jank cashiers of Eliza ' beth City put in the morning doing personal work among the customers of their banks la the Interest of the TICKETS flDE only tu THOSE WHO WISH TO HAVE A i,: Gto mss ttOlilSIIIICIIT REGISTRATION LOWER ', THAN WAS ESTIMATED prominent Physician op bis. TINUISHED FAMILY SUC CUMBS TO ,HE.RT , FAILURE ; AFTER TWO MONTHS 1 OP . ILL HEALTH . c - . News reached relatives In , this city Monday night f the death, of Dr. ,Geo,.Costen Brooks; of Sunbury on that evening. . 'He was flfty-flve years tif age and 'had been unwell for about two months.;, f Dr. Brooks made uis home - at Suasbury when a young ' man and has been practicing medicine, there tor about twenty-seven years. ; He leaves many f rinds who sympathise with his family in, thlr loss. w i: ) The funeral services will be con HAROLD CTUAUT WOOD . SOIIE POTATO GHOWEH Washington, June 11. War regis tratlon is approximately 9,150,000, according to the revised figures of the ducted at hI hom, 4 w body wffl Provost General j- r , v. be b ougnt here oa & - This is more than 1.000,000 below wn.- i--nr .-1 -- 0. It was found i.,M.. ,m v. tth j the original -estimates. that (00,000 ellgtbles who had en- Harold Stuart Wooa takes the prize for potatoes grown! ra an Elizabeth City back yard. ' Four big smooth ones which he exhibited to friends to day weighed a pound and a half, while ui lamer s ana nis neighDors' crops are lagging a long way behind. ' .This young gardener is eleven years old and the son of Mi J Q A Wood of this city. Stuart prepared the ground, planted the potatoes, watered ' them and tended them. Isa father's pota toes were planted at the same time, but they lacked the contagious energy and enterprise of Stuart's.' "Daddy's didn't come up till mine were nearly grown, said the young man in an' Interview this' afternoon," and his haven't got much roots to them yet" EX-OFFICE-EOY : : r - IS FOOD DICTATOR IlllltD iLLi!: UiilliS Sjlil... ALOXG EVERY PAKT CP . ERX FRONT STE.IDY A! IS BEIXG JLiDE AXD IT ' " ' ARE rREPARLNO FOU XI. FEXSIVE .s-:-. I 1 London, June 12.- On every v ern front the Allied pressure la e . ing the Teutons with a grip of L ing strength, . Field Marshall Halg, prof.:lr r his' newly won and Comlnatin? i tlons at Wytschaet, Messlnes Reige, has forced the relinquish by the enemy of an additional ; of Belgian territory just west of nelon, according to dispatches, ar JOYOUS DAYS" MUST ONCE ACT 'I AT r i r : l To the south French pressure .Salenv Oregon, June U.--Back in the basej of.the now badly scat: 1885, Bert Hoover was office boy f or . Hindenburg line is steady' and the Or gon Land company in Salem marked with intense artllley Cre. a gftod office boy at that Hie uncle I 1 At a timely moment Italy la t r. ; Dr J W Mlnthorn. was1 the head of the ing another offensive, this time company. tToung Hoover, thought he Trentino, adding anether theatre was worth more money. Dr Minthronlthe great war. Italy has lust com ' Days Chautauqua'! 8even Joyous Elizabeth City has already aubscrlb begin Wednesday.' - ed seventy five thousand dollars to The first program, which will be the Liberty Loan, but as the loan has presented under the big tent on Road not' yet been fully "subscribed and as and Church StreeU, opens with "a terment will take place in Hollywood cemetery. .". " ,j :':; . ', ' PART W CHATJTAUUA'S SEVEN , listed in the reguUrarmy.; aavy orj Be.ide htaWto"''''"; "uu" w uiMiua wiui uu lurTiTed (our children' two boys -wuuerin souin-ea one nigniy successiui oiicnsiv'j not been accounted tor; Alsd, the tnd two rirls. 7 They v arei yMisssslint0 cllfornl8-: v r i ; , ' "i V ' the Carso plateau and Austria r v"""w' ' uuv.muws. Marie and Etta. Hrnnk nrt Mr Hon ed as much as .was estimated, as im- M- nFM.. Rrv; .,4 1t ought to be QTer subscribed and as bankers are taking the lead all over the whole country m doing their bit t to see that it is fally subscribed or over subscribed bv Thursday.nlght Of this week", bankers .here have fallen ' In line and begun an arduous and j spirited personal campaign to secure subscriptions.' ' ' This was decided upon Monday af ternoon when the presidents of two of the city's banks, tne cashiers of an oi thent and the newspaper men met F T Sabine, of the National City Com pany of . New York hut now working under the direction of the. Central Liberty Bond Committee of this dis trict at Richmond, in the Chamber of s -Commerce Rooms In the - Hlnton building. Mr Babine told of plans and methods of obtaining suoscnpuoni , that have been successfully used else- - -where and it was declaea tnat tne rflrst step to be taken should be the personal effort of the bankers to iri ; terest their customers among the 'bn&lnesB men in a more active inter- ' Y.4- T Ihnrts Tiatl Alt' ttlTAA Of y thf cashiers stated after their morn- infi' wk that the response to tneir ttilprt had been mos encouraging. . VWe have received a hearty jpecep )V and are more than pleased at presponse to our efforts this J1rnIn,, said Mr. Babine to a re- -i)r - . . . rter tor tbls papr at noon toaay. Pcye nave oeen espviBujr cuwuibbo the spirit of co-operation wun llch the business men nave met us ; in taur. worn. ; Lt the meeting Monday afternoon Hf M R Griffin, cashier of the Citizens , Bank,' suggested, as did this news ' paper some days agoi that the mer chants and other business men of the city could exert their erfort to no bet ter end than that of interesting their employes in subscribing to the Liber - ' tr Loan.' Tne mercnani," saw mr. Orlffln, "could purchase the loan for his clerk and then let the clerk pay for it by a deduction of a dollar a week from his or her weekly pay.. A . m & - ik. . I u n . i. I HinMtna ffoon pari ui me uu iuis iuuiuiu ' business men in this scheme. 1 However if one's employer's aoes : not' fall In line with this suggestion. there -is still no reason why the man working on a salary and the wage ear ner.tnay not purchase a Liberty Bond. 'accommodation to their customers di- mm! mw wrttrt ian a.a rinl. , lair a vimk need feel AO Hesitation in V going to his bank and making appli , cation for a Liberty Loan Bond, . hnrtionmnt of the Liberty Loan but "Smnt. subscribed in Elisabeth I nave to be doubled before as laf be said here y S '; .? lecture by the superintendent, Mr. Ed ward F Miller, and closes with a con cert by the McKipnle Operatic Com pany which la remembered here with and Dp. praf ,t0IK bury;, two sisters. Mrs. Harry West or Norfolk and Mrs M C Cobb of this city, and one brother Attorney J. CI Brooks of this city. , V'v'..'' ,W r Dr. Brooks was tne . son of the ped during the war. AMERICANS JOIN - ' ' J . BRITISH FLYERS late Judge Brooks and Mrs. Maggie Brooks. ' - . , President Wilson Has ; announced keen her forces massed ther con: that this same Bert Hoover ex-offlce ly to meet the menace of Ce; boyis to be "Food Dictator", of nation of a hundred million. , . t: FIFTEEN CARLOADS Cadornas ever (tightening grip Trieste, now almost within sigM ( the Italian. They must also rus!i r serves into Trentino. This is one c ' . v (By United Press) pleasure aihce.former .ppearance. in Am.rlc.ni unable ttf Jola tfc, Unlted' " ' ' fc Chautauqua. H Vi , States Aviation Corp. because of the PROVIDENCE FARMER n weaaesu-y . u,ru,h. of .ppUc.UollIr ar ; golng t0 j up vumpM, w ... Canada- to enUst in the Canadian Hy- m conpert ana an inusuatea lecwre .f Xoronto; offlclal. on me au ooruiui -uujevt yay, - ... ... , a J 1 i J ICT STATEMENT V LL PLEASE ENTENTE '(By United Press) ' ;! ' v Kholm, June ll.The predio- at the German peace state be isued by German Majority t will 'favorably impress the i' by reason of Its liberality rre on t' h authority.' "Edropdan War'' .will be delivered by the veteran, war ' correspondent Peter McQueen ; iW '&'' When the guarantors met Monday night t9 report on tickets told it was found that, the sale of tickets had gone tar beyond that of prevloue years Corpgi at tne guarantors nnat rw:uniuj. Hitherto, the greater part of the tick eta have, been sold at the last min ute. This year only about one f hun dred tickets remained unsold Monday night and this number Is (dwindling rapidly today. It is most likely that many will try to get tickets on' the last day and will be unable to do so. Those who want tickets should let their wants be .known' Immediately without further' delay in order to avoid disappointment. . . PRIZES FOB PARADERS The Chautauqna parade will form in front of the 'Court house at cine thirty Wednesday. The manager of the parade especially urges the child ren to get ready to enter the parade in' orllgn alor comic costumes. Following are the prizes ' offered irf original pr comic costumes. FOR BEST DECORATED AUTOMO- i BILE OR TRUCK: 1st. Twenty-fle gallons GasoIine,giv en by The Texas Company. 2nd. ' Five gallons Cowaxco Auto oil, given by Crown Oil ft Wax Co. 3rd. pnrt Tire Cover, given by Auto Gas Engine Works. 4th. Three years Si.jscriptton to the Dally Advance. 6th. Ono year subscription to Even ing News and 6 .0 0 0 Votes. 6th. One pair Headlight buids, giv en by Southern Auto V Marino Works. ., " " 7th. One Tire Gauge, given ny auw Supply Vulcanizing Co. CHILDREN PRIZES FOB MOST ORIGINAL COSTCMESJ j Fve dollars' in Gold, given by Savings Bank ft Trust Co. 1 (Girls', Scent Ball or Dorlng, given by H C Brlgnt Co ! (Boys' Scarf Pin or Cuff Links, given by H C Brlgnt Co One Hawlian Hula Huia Tie, SMILES THIS YEAR Mr J T Darli. m. nrntnlnant farmar . The Canadian aviation schools are M Providence "township, was in, the equipped to receive, the Americans clty' Tuesday. Asked if he had raised who pass satisfactory physical exam- potatoes this year. Mr Davis" . face mations. Americans now at the Tor brokft nt0 Bmiies. He hadn't' gone in onto schooriaVeTJeen assured earTct.-th5m tf or,er onty thtTtt assignments to thb Royal Flying w,ia hf i,a . k. .m local market for"$255.00 net. v" ,' This is not a record it all this year but merely an average price., It is easy any dajf you are on the street in Elizabeth Cltv to' nick nn t firmer ;1with much the same story to tell. WEATHER Generally fair tonight and Wednes day; gentle variable Vrlnds Ghantauq(iia Program Edward F, Miller, Superintendent Wednesday, June 43 AFTERNOON Admission 35c. 2 :30 Series Lecture by the Superintendent , . , Concert McKinnie Operatic Co. EVENING Admission 50o 7:30 Concert McKinnie Operatic Co.- Illustrated Lecture Peter MacQueen, F. E. O. S' The Great European War." ' Thursday, June 14 AFTERNOON - Admission 35c 2:30 , Concert Alexander Von Skibingky,. Violinist Lecture-rDr. Carolyn R Qeisel, "Just You," To be followed by a conference-hour., 1st 2nd. 3rd. given by Weeks ft Sawyer. FOR FUNNY COSTUMES: 1st A One Bank Book and $2.80 de ' posit, given by First National Bank.- - , -:r-y- ' 2nd. One Fountain Pen, given by P W Mellck Co. " 3rd One Camera, given by Louis ; Sellg. ,. ' VV'i CHICAGO COMES OUT ' OF SLACKER CLASS ' Chicago, June 12. Chicago's mil lion dollar an hour , Liberty Loan campaign Is gradually lifting the city out Of the slacker class. More than $25,000,000 has. been subscribed in the p"t 24 fco-T3. Admission 50c. and EVENING 7:30 Concert Skibinskv. Entertainment Paul Fleming, Macian ms company. - v . Friday, June 15 AFTERNOON . Admission 35c 2:30, Series Lecture by the Superintendent ' ' Concert Garland-Eekhoff -Jordan Co. ' EVENING 'Admission 50c. 7:30 Concert Garland-Eekhoff -Jordan Co. lecture Frank Dixon, Uncle Sam M. D. " Saturdavvung 13 AFTERNOON Admission 35c. 2:30 Seri Lecture by the Superintendent Concert The Old Homestead Quartet. ; EVENING , 7;30 Drama-Thc Old. HomenteiKVbr-Denman ; Thompson, tho jrreat American pliy. Sunday, June 17- . - ) Collection. , Sacred Concept and Address at hour to be ian , nounced. ', " v . . ' Monday, June 18 'AFTERNOON ; Admission 35c. 2 :30 Series Lecture by the Superintendent, i v ' Concert The Symphonic Orchestral Club and Madame Justine Shannon, contralto. EVENING ! Arlmln-tnti KOft. 7 :30 Concert The Symphonic Orchestral Club and Madame Shannon. - . r- . Lecture Hon. Perty Alden, M. P. "The Future J Tuesday. June 19 ' AFTERNOON y Admission 35c" 2:30 A Junior Chautauqua Play "Good Fairy Thrift? i : ,v : V The Village of Dinp: Donj? Bell", present-,, . , - , edly.the members of the.4 'Chimes of Nor- . ; :, ' j '.(; o "f v . ,:manay' Co.--A eat afternoon for the chil- ' dren Brin? them with you. .t.t . v 4 :VrK: : ' : ; :; EVEimiG 'V'dmisslon 75c-r 7:30- ppcra 'Tlie Chin-. 9 of Normandy" presented,! oy a mil enst, ( : - rni and orclitra. - r ) C" LEFT HERE MONDAY,"!..'" ttZZZ ' In spite ofthe fact tnat recent rains . . u ,tlu hopod RuB8la r y Z f:?- i nto acUve partklpstion in t' uo uiiuiui jtit iuza,ueiu iny Mon day, selling on the local market for from ft to i.25v- i , ' , -,v . The demand is good and the mar ket steady and the quality and con dition of potatoes marketed are gen erally good.'.h'-f' ,; v." GERMAN GUNNERS I .1 v FLEE FROM PATROLS ;v.?;uw..- c:m:s Wf;?"" press i. ; With British Armies Afield, June 12. In the face of heavy artillery but with comparatively little infantry pp. position, the British' are passing by patrpls well to the east of the posi-f tlons. recently won in the ba,ttle of Messines Ridge. Since then the Ger mans have attempted only one heavy counter. There Is much evidence that the Germans are yet unorganised after that staggering blow. German gun ners fled at the approach of the pa trols today, abandoning seven guns. POLES REJOIlINg (By United Press J Washlngtbnfl June II. The tact that it is Brltlan and not Russia now declaring for a united and independ ent Poland is hailed with rejoicing by millions of Poles in America. ' MANTEO NOTES Manteo, June 11. Miss Lillian Grey left Saturday for Norfolk, Ta, to visit relatives. '. Miss Jennie Mldgett left Saturday for Norfolk, Va., to visit her brother, who Is now In tne navy, ' Miss Bright Montague is spending some time with Miss Loss Mldgett. Messes Rennle Griffin, Mabel Evans In a Jennette and attending the Ep( worth League at Elizabeth City. Mrs E H Peele ab children left Saturday for 'ft visit to Mrs Peele's vister at New t Bern. Mrs, Emma Rollinson has returned to her nine at Frlltco after spending some time here. v " AlUed squeeze but the effort will c tinue without her, profiting by 1. assistance if she can give it but r dependent upon her. , ;i ,f OPElFsTf ,1 . mis :k SURFMEN BEGAN ARRIVING 1 CITY B1TRAIX AND BOAT T: : MORNING-AND MOST OF TI" WERE HERE FOn FIRST til. SIGN . I:- The opening session' of the Surf men's A"oclatlon was held this after noon in the Junior Order Hall. llr. M B Simpson delivered the addrc of .welcome in behalf of the' city an 1 C R'Pngh in behalf of tne Chamber bf Commerce. The mala speech of t evening was made by Mr. Maxum c! Washington, D C, who was introduc ed by President Dominy and who spoke on the work of the association. On Wednesday the surf men will hold sessions from ten to twelve and from 2 to 4 to hear the report of com mittees. .Wednesday aignt at the AN krama pictures of some very interest ing shipwrecks will be shown for th J surfmen. The closing session will be held Thursday from t8u to twelve at which' time the officers for the coming year', will be elected. $ls ty. v.t. '', Surfmen began arriving tn the city by boat and train this' morning and most of them had arrived in time for the opening session,:' V; .t The Surf men's Association Is re ceiving an unusually warm welcome from the business men and Elizabeth City in general since the entrance of America into the war has stimulated more interest in the organisation. Wednesday afternoon the Surfmen will be taken In an automobile tour of the city by the Chamber of Com merce. . '. - ; ' - 1 AMERICANS AT THE FRONT (By United Press) London, June U. Tom Phillips, of Wichita, Kansas, quit his job as ft street-car conductor to go to war, He bummed his way ' to JEngland with Tom La Roche, of Oakland, Califor nia. They landed in August. 1115, and Joined the Welsh Guards. - . , "Tom whs killed at Tpres in July, 191. said Phillips. "I've been pretty lucky wounded twice nut nothing serious. First .1 got slammed on the head wlht ft pal's rifle butt during bayonet fighting with Frits. It was so close we couldn't always be srire who was getting hit. But the real bllghty wounds came 'last treptember 'on the Somme.; A. machine-gun bullet went through my left 'wrist and - another through my leg, and then they oper ated on my head and they're still at It. ' v COTTON SOARS AS . EXCHANGE OPENS New York, June IS. The continu ation of wild soaring m cotton which brought the prediction that trading in cotton futures will be barred dur ing the war was shown as the ex change opened today; ! London, June 12. American ' cot 65 to 70 points - above yesterday's quotation. ':.-.''!; -v :'-'-- -: : 'August sold J4.88 a 'gain of, 60 points.' December at 24.31 a gain of 3 1 points. Within the last ' fortnight prices' climbed 100 points. . YOU -ARE NEXT, SAY ALLIES TO RUCCIA London, June 12. It Is now up t) Russia, England, France and the Un i ted; States have frankly stated the'? war aims.-'-.,-T V , .These co-lncide with ' exprc - ' i from democratic Russia.