YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY BUY AQLIBERTY LOAN BOND TODAY News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice fc T he Only Democratic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth ICity mi 1 VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAYI EVENING, JUNE 13. 1917 N0.143 BEUETT-WOQDLEY ONE OF MOST ELABORATE AND BEAUTIFUL WEDDINGS IX HIS TORY OF ELIZABETH CITY SO CIAL LIFE SOLEMNIZED AT FIRST METHODIST CHURCH LAST NIGHT Qjyjjif the most beautiful and ela borate weddings in ?ne history of Elizabeth City's social life was solem nized Tuesday evening at the First Methodist 4iurch when Miss Marion Cook Woodley became the bride of Mr Thorburn Powell Bennett. Immediately before the ceremony "with Mrs George Ware at the organ the choir rendered Mendelson's Bri dal Chorus. Then as Lohengrin's wedding march was played little Misses Camilla Woodley Foreman, niece of the bride, and Sarah Dillon Walker, dressed in white silk with pearls and carrying green wickef baskets filled with white sweet peas passed down the aisle and opened the white gates through which the bridal party entered. Rev J L Cunninggim entered first and was followed by Messrs John Harney and Will GatUier, Misses Lot tie Bennett and Laura Rodney of Dover, Deleware, Messrs William Woodley, Julian Selig, Will Overman, Oeorge Beveridge. Misses Sarah Fere bee of Norfolk and Miss Nell Wood. The bridesmaids wore Morfis gowns of green tulle over silver cloth and carried boquets of sweet peas. Next came the two matrons of honor, Mesdames James Wesley Fore man, sister of the bride, and Frank Kramer, who wore Morris gowns of gold metal lace over gold cloth and carried Ophelia boquets of roses. The maid of hopor. Miss Jane Tem ple of Lake View, South Carolina, came next, gowned in a pink tulle creation over silver cloth and carry ing KlHaruey roses, The bride entered on the arnTof her father who gave ner away.:" Her gown was a Morris creation 0( white satin with court train embroidered in silver and pearls, with real lace. The boquet Was a shower of lillle.of the valley and white orchids. The groom entered with his best man, Mr T Sou'.hgate Heaman of Henderson and met the bride at the altar. The ring ceremony was used and the bridal party loft the church as the Tannhauser Bridal March ttSI played. m MR. CURTIS LIKES ELIZABETH CITY PERSHING 10W AI FRENCH FORI COMMANDER OF FIRST AMERI CAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE GIVEN TREMENDOUS RECEP TION BY FRENCH PEOPLE "I threatened last year to come back and live in Elisabeth City," said Mr J F Curtis, manager of Chautau qua tent crew," 'and I am going to keep my word. In fact, I got a special concession so that I could come back tuis year, for it is against the ordei of things for a man to go to the same town In succeeding years." Mr Curtis expressed appreciation also for all courtesies extended him by the people of Elizabeth City dur ing this visit here, and pleasure in the good fellowship that seems to pre vail in the city. "Elizabeth City cer tainly has the real Chautauqua spirit,' said he have selected it as the ideal place in join France in making the w nicn 10 live. At last night's meeting of the guarantors the new superintendent SHUFFLING CARDS Boulogne, French, June 13 Thousands of people cheering and many moved to tears wel comed to French soil the Commander-in-Chief of the Army 'so you can't wonder that i, which America is sending to world safe for democracy. The tall soldierly figure of rr Miller was present and the meet-, General Pershing, garbed in the I business-like khaki uniform of the American army, was ac- ing wkib a most cordial one. It was found that the tickets were nearly all disposed of and perm fission claimed ajJ France nas seldom was giveu 10 sen u. lew muie juuiur; , . , , 1 tickets in order to accommodate the ' acclaimed another in all his-, many children who wish to attend 'tory. Frenzied crowds packed1 FOR BIG GAMBLE SECRET ADVISORY BOARD PLAY NING FOR iiCUE LOTTERY WHICH WILL SIFT OUT NA TIONS NEW ARMY FROM THE NAMES NOW ON HONOR ROLL (By WEBB C. MILLER) (hnlted Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, June 13. Within a few weeks the eyes of the nation will be fixed on the most momentous lot tery In history. In an obscure room in the old land office building a secret advisory board of lawyers, Jurists, military men, and laborers are setting the stages for the huge gamble which will sift out America's new army from the millions whose names were placed the nation's roll of honor on June r.tli. The exact method of drawing out ( 'hautauqua. SURFMEN HOLU I the streets. General rershing th. names has i.ot . t ie, u decided jwas deeply moved by their:"'"'' (demonstrations. From here he T.e finding r an absolutely ininar- left today On a Special train for , tia I system invulnerable to political Paris, I tampering is one of the knottiest pro Paris, June lit. General Pershing hlems encountered, arrived in a French port today. He "as been deciih-d. practicallysthdt was given a trem.neous reception by tlle J"r-V WDeel Is Impracticable, the townspeople. . The leader of the first American ! expeditionary force is expected to ar rive in Paris this evening. The most enthusiastic preparation is beliiR made to accord him a reception which j will fittingly mark the gratitude of1 Frence for America's aid in the war. J The American general will be formal - j Wednesday at The Alkrama, mat ly welcomed by Vice Premier Vlvlani. j,,,,,. rtll(1 lllKMt wlu be a vitagraph and Minister of War I'ainleve. Mar- ,!hlP Ribbon fvalUH., entitled 'The shall Joffrc and General Koche will Ust Mrtll ft,atUrlng William Duncan form his military escort of honor to and Mary Anderson. It is a love trag conduct him to his headquarters thru ,,(lv of ,MP 0UtI)()Ht8 or civilization, and the' main Rtreets of Vnris."Te w4uri-ne ,i,at raa(es a BpP(.ial appeai t0 city is keyed to the highest pitch of au. NO SESSION WAS HKLD TODAY ON ACCOUNT OF THE ILLNESS OF FORMER PRESIDENT CAPTAIN' 1 H MORGAN OF SHAWWUKO The closing session of the Surf men's association will be held to morrow morning at ten o'clock. No session of the association has been held today on account of the Illness of Former President Capt. P H Mor Wtt TffHwboro. Interesting moving pictures will be shown at the Alkrama tonight in honor of ihe surfmen and they have i expectancy. MEAGRE REPORTS FROM TORNADO j Tonight At The Alkrama all been given ribbons of admittance by N W Daily. The, Chamber of Commerce took the surfmen In an automobile tour of the city this morning. The election of officers will be tak en up at Thursday's session. FRANCE READY TO MAKE NEW AGREEMENTS Pet rograd, June IS. France for mally notified Russia today that she SUBSCRIPTION DANCE . ON THURSDAY NIGHT A subscription dance will be given ThurSdfcj' night in the Robinson bulldttrgJ . : met' I I ( HA ft (ISIffll IS hillicothe. Mo., June Meagre reports indicate that probably 1.1 were killed in the tornado lasl night that struck Trenton. Mo. The last chapter of The Great Se cret will he shown Wednesday night. An extra picture is booked for Th Alkrama Thursday, matinee and night. The Lonesome Chap.' is the nitnie of the picture featuring the favorite cast Hons- Peters and Louise Ilutf. Also a Metro comedy. The church Was beautifully decorat ed. Whit and green was tho - color scheme. Baskets of brlde'e rows Were suspended from the celling and the stands ready to make agreements the choir was latticed with ropes of .with the new democratic Government southern smilax entwined with bride's of Russia covering questions of co- roses. The windows were nanKed wnn operation in tne war. magnolias and clusters of lighted can dies. On either side of the altar were trellises of smilax and a profusion of bride's roses. Immediately tfter the ceremony on elaborate reception was given by the parents of the bride, Mr and Mrs W J Woodley, at their beautiful home on West Main street. Mr and Mrs I M Meeklns and Mr and Mrs J T MeCabe received the guests at the front door. Mr and Mrs, W J Woodley. Mr and Mrs T B Ben nett, and the entire bridal party com posed the .receiving yne. Mr and .Mrs James Fearing ushered the guests to the pmieh room where Mr and Mrs M Leigh Sheep, Mr and Mrs Harold Foreman. Misses llaltie Harney, Kulh Ueid mnI Kuth Windsor of Milford, Deleware. served punch. Mr and Mis O F Gilbert. Mr and Mrs Uoscoe Foreman. Tr and Mrs II 1) Walker ushered the guests to the gift room where nunu rous and cost-) ( fV F.DW.XKD I- KFF ) lv reiiieinlirnnces were (Hsnlivc,! hv 1 i I n it I'd I'nss Staff Correspondent Mrs Clav Foreman. Mr and Mrs (1 n London. June LI. -One more king Ferehee. Miss Florence l-Vr. lice of )r,i paid the t'oiloii v.itli bis crown Norfolk. Miss Parker. Mrs M I Kvans. for his import of the Mvine right of Dover. Deleware. and Itev and Mrs of monarchs o do as they please. J L Cunninggint. J ' 'oust ant ine I. King of Greece, has Then Mr and Mrs Carl ltlailcs usb-ilx- n forced to abdicate because he ered the guests into tTie dining room 'bad lost the sup ort of his people Chantauqua Program Edward F. Miller, Superintendent Wednesday, June 13 AFTERNOON Admission 35c. '2:'oi Scrii-s I, eel lire lv Ihe Superintendent. Concert -McKinnie Operiitic Co. EVENING Admission 50c 7 :.'!() Concert McKinnie ( hieratic Co. a no j 1 1 stnited Lecture Peter MacOueeii, S "The droit European War." F. K. (j Thursday, June 14 AFTERNOON Admission 35c. Concert -Alexander Yon Skihinskv, Yiolinist. Lecture l)r. Carolyn K. (ieiscl, ".lust You." To lie followed hv a conference-hour. ::;) Concer Entertainment his companv. Admission 50c. EVENING Skihinskv. Paul Fleming, Magician and p ONF. MORF KINO I'OKI I-! CROWN FOR Sl'PI'ORT OF Tlli RIGHT l MON.l II TO DISKF (JARI) TIM; WILL OF HIS I 'Fo ri, F Friday, June 15 AFTERNOON Admission 35c '':.'! Series Lecture hy the Superintendent. Concert ( iarland-Eekhot't' .lordan Co. EVENING Admission 50c. " : 11 '.' 'I Carland Eekhol'i' . lordan Co. . t n :' -mI: Dixon, "Incl.- Sam M. D." Saturd v. J'.ni K ' i ; - I : , ( 'olicerl .TEPNOON Admission 35c. tendent- .'in 4 1 where they were received by Mrs Dan Morgan and served a delicious Ire j to ruin through course with mints and nuts in green 'Greece join in th and white by Mrs Clinnie l laves, M iss-1 Dispatches from eg Mattie Griffin, Minnie Leary and 6u0 Griee. id Mrs Walter Small bade the Llieu. plor scheme or pink and la carried out in all the dec. rlth sweet peas and smilax Ithe dining room where the rme Of grean, and white wtls and had brought his nation almost is insistence inat German intrigue. Alliens dei hire that King George's abdication in fav or of Prince Alexander was accom plished with an utter absence of dis order. The entry of G.vece into the War on the side of the allies is expected. It Is known that the new ruler is fav orable to the allied cause. jit' with briheVfosea,, tulle 1 gan'iad '"'-m' ' . Y I gloves. Th te wore for her going away 'rrls suit,, of" blue wool Jer- ' '', 1 1 ' " e m ' "nrl Id r shoes and pearl gray glovei. The bride and groom left on the morning train for Niagara Fall and will return by way of Ashovllle, Lake Junalmska and Clack Mountain. Drama Tliinitp Sunday, June 17 Sacred ( 'lit nouncei Mondav. June 18 '' :' I Series Lect Concert 'I ' 'd ilomeeail ( 'iai'1( iNING lloine-t ail" ' ofe.'it EV I'lle I )i, -oil, I he ll'i'Ti eiirnan 1: 1 1 1 1 in I A (hire at Collection. hum to he im- AFTERNOON Admission 35c. ire hy the Superintendent, he Symphonic Orchestral Clul and Madame Justine Shannon, contralto. EVENING Admission 50c. 7:0 Concert The Symphonic Orchestral Cluh jind Madame Shannon. Lecture Hon. Percy Ald. n, M. P. "The Future of Europe." Tuesday, June 19 AFTERNOON Admission 35c. J:.") Junior Chautauqua Piav "(Jood Fairy Thrift' "The Village of Dintf Donjr Bell" present ed hy the nicmhors of tho "Chimes of Nor mandy" Co. A firoat afternoon for the chil dren. Brin them with you. EVENING Admission 75c 7:30 Opera ''The ChimeB of Normandy " presented .' -i by a full cast, chorus and orchestra. ' CiMrm pdmitted to tmj fpfninn ?5 cr.H " State Should Not Lag In Buying Liberty Bonds . . i, Having Answered the Nation's Call So Spendidly in the Registration of Her Manhood, North Carolina Should be No Less Eager to Take The Liberty Loan. NEWSPAPER MAN prn i q ni n niivQ itLuriLLu ulu uniu "North Carolina has done ao well In the registration of her manhood that It would be a shame to do tag than equal that record In theturchai m L.nerty uonrts. W'KKK'S VISIT 'I am concerned to observe that Klizal.eth City is falling short of hef apportionment in buying these bondf land from what I can undergtand fti ' ITilNKSS MA.(iKH OK THK KAL banks of the city are setting their ' CON THIKTY TWO YKAKS AtO mark flftv thns,i hii. ... ' UU4 1UI 0 DUUI b JL SDKS MAM ("IIANGEN OX THIS that apportionment. "This is a matter in which it ieemg -to me our banks and our people are Mr (J ItfiiHon Ferebee of Norfolk too little concerned, was here this week to attend thej "I am gratified to observe that ' Bennett-Woodley wedding and gave 'be banks are now offering to OLTTf the editor of this newspaper an In-itbese bonds for customers who are ' teresting interview in regard to days able to pay as little as a dollar ft wheu he was an Kl:za:ieth City cltl- week. zen and newspaper man. 'tine thousand such bond buyers In "Thirty-two yearn ago," said Mr. Pasquotank county would, with what' Ferebee "I was business manager of, bag already been subscribed, run tub The Falcon, with Frank Vaughan as scriptlons to Elizabeth City banki p(ll'or. well up toward this city's apportion "The Falcon was published on Wat-,nlent- " ' er street over the Robinson building. I "ll 18 unbelievable to me that With. "Vuugban left her for Albany.New the PPr effort that amount of lub- York, where he was a reporter until 8CrlPHonR cannot be secured In a Citjr the time of his death a short while w,,k' counts the members o( Its ago. He vros a brilliant tollow aail so ('hr,stmtt8 Savings Clubs lit 4h0U ail(lB"-',".: " 11 1 - p" highly thought of in Albany that the legislature adjourneu out of respect I "II should be well understood, of . to Iuh memory on the dav of his rour8e. H'a' Liberty Loan Bonds' are t V death. a better Investment tnaa- a Sarlnart-V "I was here for about eighteen Acrn'"U which draws four per cent,' , nioiilhs and while here married Miss ln,,'r,,!,, f,'U which is subject to tX fl'i, Mrs W J Wood ley's atinn. Annie T Cook. sist. r. We were married in the First 1,10 nnl-v raan who would not be Methodist church thirty one years ''enetltted by Investing nls savings la ago. The church then had galleries on Liberty Ilonds Is the tax dodger, every side. The wedding last night re-! "' 'f'eived a letter from D H Hill, called very vividly my own wedding . ' lui iniiati of the executive committer lhirt one years ago. (lf ""' North Carolina Council of Natl- The town has certainly grown in ""al IWfnse this morning, tin past thirty years, t s;iall never fori suggsls that I get a committee get landing at the old depot on Penn-'of ladles and also a committee of mett sylvania Avenue. Tim mud was about started today on a canvass to sell as two inches thick all tho way up and Iiany as these bonds as possible lll( thought I had struck the most dismal " county within the next two days, place on the globe "It i now so late tliat I pass his "Hut 1 soon discovered signs or suggestion on to the local newspap F.lizabeth City's promrse for the fu- ' in the hope that sucn committees lure. Indeed, I found that the town may be appointed tonight in our chur was one of the best of places to live ,bes. In our lodges or wherever our In. The people here really know how leople are gathered together. These to enjoy life. They jtave a good time various committees could get togeth. and are as happy a people as I have t tomorrow, divide the territory and over known .begin work." "Uu can scarcely Imagine the difJ Tllis ,fl Sllclt' ference in Main t then and now. (' ''ringhaus, the recently appoint Thev were onlv a few residences of "1 ''airman of the Pasquotank Coun. anv'si,-. I remember M L Sheep's ty Council r National Defense ttfd ) house. . Selbv Harnev house, the ' for this paper this morning. '..1,1 CrKlin I, ,... nn, IhA I'l.llln !, ' Tl"' ,,",lk,, f th Clty & "0W Bat And. of course, tin. changes In the business section of the citv have been even fi'atei." Tin re were three newspaper here in inv day. I lie falcon, I lie ariiim ian. wliiili was Hie Republican organ, and Col. Creecy's paper. The Krniin- mi-it. I Islied that subscriptions here will reach $1011.000.00; but none haB been j heard to express th liope of a much I larger amount than that. I To do no lietlev dian the banks mm in lo epeci would make Elizabeth 'ii :::: I :: per cent short of what I I In- National (ioveininent has a right I to i-vpeci of this prosperous communr It V. The Toll of The Liberty Bells ta nic y i uuu ufjuii iiiu air prdlino; the country with nmrnirifr anH annual Let every in;in uitliiii tln-ir sniiiid SEARCH HIS HEART iiml determine wTn-tlier and in what measure lie lias met the call of liis Country! What is Personal profit against thy Country's need? What are riches without honor ' Or life without Liberty? WORKING MEN SHOULD BUY BONDS ( Hy Cnited Press) Wa-diini'ton. June l.'l. Working men should buy at bast one $ fiO Llb irly llond. said Samuel (Jonipers,' fn tils message to organized labor today" through the Cnited Press. SHOOTS HIS WIFE AND KILLS HIMSELF i Hy Cnited Press Sheffield. Ala.. June 13. Dr H W Ulalr, one of the best known physi cians in Alabama, and former presl. lent of the Alabama Medical Assocla; tlon, shot his wein the arm and; himself In the forehead today,' -Hs died Instantly. ... .-..-i 4-s ' The couple had been separated for some time1' and his wife's divorce suit was pending. k

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