sf$zi Without (ews Without Prejudice - I J U . i . ...... , , Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City T f VOL-2 EUZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 15, 1917 N0.145 3 Nation's Answer Written In Silver and Gold MAYOR DIES FROM WEDNESDAY'S WOUNDS (By United Press) Bluefield, June 15.. Mayor E E Carter who was shot Wednesday night in the apartments of Mrs Mildred T IEUS OF I is nons Young, whose -7 year old daughter. ! ..,,, VT vat Bsie oung is charged with the JOWX, AT HOMK OX VACATION', AGAINST ALL ODDS LUFBERRY WINS shooting, died here today. America's First Gigantic Contribu f tion to the War For Democracy Subscribed and Probably Over Subscribed. ISUIT IS DROPPED BY DEFUNCT LEAGUE HEAVY OVERSUBSCRIPTION ASSURED Washington, June 15. A heavy overscription to the Liberty Loan is assured. Telegrams received here today from all the Fed eral Reserve Banks show that the American people have triumphed in their first battle against the Kaiser. Robert W. Woolley, Director of Publicity, said. "The oversubscription will probably reach a billion.' At noon, eastern time, official figures at Wash ington gave the total subscriptions already counted at $2,000,000,000 of which the New York District alone took $1,000,000,000. ' The Liberty Loan, America's first gigantic contribution to the war, has been subscribed and over subscribed. When the list closed yester day at noon America had writ ten in figures of gold and sil ver her answer to the first ap peal. Incomplete tabulations early indicated that the loan had been over subscribed, by at least one hundred million dol lars and probably by five hun dred millions. It was. the big banks of the country, pouring in their sources lavishlv closing hours, (By United Press) Philadelphia, June 15. The suit brought by the owners of the defunct Federal League against organized baseball was today dropped from the docket of district court here. TALKS ABOUT GRUESOME TOLL OF GERMAN U-BOATS OX THE SEAS EMBARGOES AGAINST FLOUR AND WHEAT fRv United Press) Rnpnos Aires. June 15. Paraguay an-v other and Uruguay today formally announc ed embargoes against flour and wheat from their borders. A NEW STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS Washington. June 15. "The sub marine war grows more barbarous every day. It has now reached the plane of deliberate murder for every ship sunk, and will no continue to the end. It is not the fault of the Ger mans that every torpedo does not produce a Lusitanio masscre." "That is the kaiser's unrestricted submarine in the words of the man pho probably knows more about the human side of the sea tragedy than ertalnly more than any other American. . He is Wesley Frost, American con sul at Queenstown. the port on the southwest coast of Ireland, where all the Atlantic ocean lanes to Brltlan come together. Off the shores near Queenstown the thousands of ships which feed Britian pass by day and night. .Frost Is in Washington for a rest. For (By United Press) Paris, June 15. Adjutant Raoul Lufberry, of New York, Premier 'Ace' and fighting airmen of the Lafayette Escadrldlle, has juat downed his elev enth enemy airplane, in a single hand ed fight against five Boches. Fim diii SPEAKS 10IIIGII I FRANCE IS HAPPY OVER PERSHING (By United Press) Paris June 15. France hasn't ceased to marvel over General Persh lug since his arrival. It accepts as a happy token of America's full sup port the dynamic energy with which Pershing has entered into his duties. Parisians on the streets stare cu riously at the Yankee officers. HAIG DRIVES FORWARD ANOTHER RAPID BLOW (By United Press) London, June 15. Field Marshall IHAITAIQUA BRLXGS BACK TO ELIZABETH CITY OXE OF NORTH CAROLINA'S MOST YIB ILE AND BRILLIANT 80X8 Frank Dixon speaks to Chantatl quans tonight on the subject: 'Unci Sam, M D." r His personality and his leal tor community betterment need no Intro duction to Elizabeth City people tad the rain will hardly keep them away from the big tent when a North Caro linian so widely and so favorably known throughout Uncle Sam'a do main is to be heard. ( - Superintendent Miller made thft an nouncement at the beginning of Thura day night's performance that tho $150,000 which was Elizabeth City'l share in the Liberty Loan had been subscribed in full. Of this amount T Br TIE PEOPIE CONGRESS IS IN A RUT AND MAT-' TEH OF CONSERVATION AND DISTRIBUTION OK FIRST HAR VESTS MAY HAVE TO BE LEFT TO THE PEOPLE (By J. ROBERT BENDER) (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, June 15. Food con trol by the people instead of Con- re- gress may be necessary at least for toWai'd the ' 'diblts derived from the first har- which swelled v'sts- P"1'"'' opinion niay be the only . . .. , power that Merneri i tioover, iooo the subscnptions to an are- il(llullllslrat0r wiI1 hnve enjn(1 him gate above the amount called l0 (ljn,t.t (.OIlserVation and distrihu- for. 'tion of the necessities of life this year. ' However, the plain everv day ; Congress is In a rut from which folks did a tremendous share. 1 ,mIv 11 "in"' ' dislodge it in time' trn c , ,i , ,i ,i i to pass the big food control hill which The fact that there are three Moovpr ond preBdent Wlls()n want million or more individual pur ,1V July ,irHt I Chasers emphasizes that Stat(-' A comprehensive campaign to edu-i meilt and shows that this is tll(j'ate the nation to the need of foodi DCOnle's loan 'control is being started so that when xt -v i i i c i the time conies, if Congress fails, the I New l oi k, already lar ahead , .. ..... , , , . i I ood situation may for a brief space! of all competitors, swung in',,,. ,.,,, in nailI, by tn ,,,.,,. .,. j massive subscriptions toward themselves. I the close. Other cities followed,' I doing proportionately no less. 'TODAY AT THE ! Indicating the patriotism of i NEW THEATRE the small cities of the South,! j Eock Hill, South Carolina, with an allotment of $7f),000 sub scribed well over $200,000 to the loan. Elizabeth City lias a new store to cater to the wants and needs of man kind, be they large or small, young over two years he has been in atten or old. dance at the funerals of merchant This store Is operated by the firm of ships struck down by the underwater T T Turner & Company and occupies terror. It has been his task to collect Duff's old stand on- Polndexter street the evidence as to sixty five sinkings with an entrance on Matthews street in which Americans were Imperilled also. i 1 or slaughtered. He has seen the ceme- Preparatlons are oelng made as terles on the Irish hillsides dotted nipldly as possible for the beginning Wtn fresh mounds. He has heard the of actual business. The store Is being shrieks of mothers for their murder remodelled and will be arranged in 0( babies; seen men tark naked. with up to date manner, all goods being tn(, tortures of hunger and thirst, carried In glass cabinets with no un- brought In from days and nights from sightly pasteboard boxes to mar the food less lifeboats. effect. The woodwork of the cabinets is finished in mahogany and white. The Poindexter street entrance will lead the shopper directly into the men's department while the Matthews stree.t entrance -will lead Into, the hoy's department which will be made a special feature of the store. Mr Turner and his partner, Mr Rol- It is with difficulty that he can be Induced to talk, but when he does, the fullthroated indignation of this clean cut young American Is almost terrible In its intensity. "The German guilt Is double,"said Frost today. "In th first place, no civilized government would have re sorted to such methods, even when it Haig drove forward another rapid $85,000 wan subscribed by Indlvldu blow against the German lines in theals and the remainder was taken bf "Bottle Neck" between Ypres, and the banks themselves. Comines, gaining all objectives, he, Thursday night's program waa on ' reports today. A hundred and fifty , of especial pleasure to the young poo prisoners. a number of howitzers and pie. Paul Fleming kept his audience ' seven machine guns were captured. spellbound with his wonders of magto . for an hour or two, gfven perhaps the; Frost is. Born in Oberlln. Ohio, hls ,mo8t borate show of the kind ef life has been that of the sturdy young seen nere- American who makes tils way In the I Before the ma' performance bt- world by hir.l work and fighting falr.lan the R-88l Violinist. Alexander It is not stran ; .!at he has no use Von Skiblnsky ga,ve a thoroughly da- orihesonhisli ies.' frieht'iilnesn I lightful concert and was greOttd and calls murder by i's real name. Now that the submarines have oeeii driven to attack ships submerged--using the torpedo almost exclusively the murder roll Is bound to grow, Frost explained. Most ships when struck by a torpedo, go down In two or three minutes, which gives no op portunities of escape to those below decks. Recent sinkings which came under! again and again with applause both on account of his music and his very , charming personality and foreign ad. cent. At the afternoon entertainment l preceding Dr Gelsel's lecture he wai also heard with much pleasure. , Tonight's program will Include 1 music by the Garland-Eekhoff-Jordail Company, a trio of talented young WO , men. ' ,. . On Thursday afternoon Dr. Carolyn , . and Sawyer, are well known not only was possible to sink ships occaslonal in the city but through the entire seo-. y without murdertng non-combat-tion and the'r friends will bo warmlyj( ants. Now that the arming of mer interested in visiting the new stone, chant ships and the effectiveness of and in watching the progress of the the patrols makes tt impossible ror,Tw(,rty (ljf;nt of h(1). crew of 32 per new huslness. Mr Turner nas oeen uie suniniii inr u nnm ....... with Mitchell's Department Store in the clothing department until recent ly and Mr Sawyer has been with A F Toxey & Company. ing. they would drop it if they were white." The sporting words he uses explains much "f the sort of man that LIBERTY BONDS SEEE ABOVE PAR (By United 1'reis) New York, June 15. The first Lib erty Loan Bonds sold on the New York Kxchange shortly after noon to day at above pm. A block of $10,000 worth sold at the equivalent of 102. RICHMOND DESERVE DIST. OVERSUBSCRIBES Richmond, June in. The Rich mond Federal Reserve District over subscrihd its $80,000,000 allotment by $20,000,000, according to the es timate of Governor Seay of the dis trict after the wild rush shortly be fore noon had flooded the banks. PRESIDENT SIGNS WAR BUDGET BILL ( By United Press) Washington, Juno 15. President "Wilson today signed the $3,000,000 000 war budget bill. WKATItER Damage 'badly smgentle to moderate winds. atate Dei . , sianight and Saturday; colder Clara Kimball Young in the forth coming release, 'Caiallle." which will be shown at the New Theatre today. In this picture Miss Young puts forth great efforts. Her Trilby" was judi i'. I'1 be a very beautiful piece of wo I;. Ii 1 ii ; d.-'ighted millions by its. p: lios. beauty nnd n ntiment. j In (. nj'i.." win hnve : h 'mc fine dramatic art; but ('amine is verv vie. I ious, very be. u t i ' ' and a very fie Ibrated member the Penh u-id I world; with a string or wealthy lov ers, and all the usual ways of a w. man of her class. Stirl she is woiu..t! ! enough to really fall in love once and for all. But at the end of it all she dies a tragic death, leaving only the remembrance of her brilliant if un- ! pleasant reputation ana tier love for I Armand. t The renowned French director, Al bert Capellani. makes the picture, nnd hu brother, Paul Capellani plnys the p;i- t of Armand. J "At th New Theatre Saturday." says Manager Lwm. "Charlie Chap lin will be seen in Mie Trenches. He is going to do some fighting. Ho will no doubt be transferred in the air. So this is vour only chance to see him in The Trenches." i Florence Laliadie will also bo seen in a five reel drama "Her Life And his." This is a Thanhouser produc-! tion and measures (uite up to t ho Thanhouser standard. "Hesure to see it." savii Mr Lewis. I Chautauqua Program Edward F. Miller, Superintendent Friday, June 15 AFTERNOON Admission 35c '!:(MI Scries Lecture by the Superintendent. Concert ( ! arlaiul-FicklioiT .Ionian Co. EVENING Admission 50c. 7:4.") Concert (Jarlniul-KekhotT Jordan Co. Lecture Frank Dixon, "I'nele Sam M. 1) Saturday, June 16 AFTERNOON Admission 35c. .'!:(() Series Lecture by the Superintendent. Concert The Old Homestead Ouartet. IIF.LI' BUY BONDS AND AT TIIK same time get bargains tit Mit chell's. Liberty Bond Sale closes at ten o'clock Saturday night, June 16th. , " ' j'Vv' ' i ll')!!p'.; 1 Sunday, June 17 Sac r d l 'eiu'i nounced. EVENING 'Hd Homestead" by Denman lit" Ki'cnt American play. Collection. i ,-i!id Adui c s at hour to be an- Atrni-jsion 35c. his observation since the beginning E Ge'1"'1 made a very forcible ,and in-1 I of the ruthloaa warfare, show this terestlng address "Just You' and it conclusively. w t0 JU8t Y0U tnat Bne aPDea,e1' I A freighter loaded with iron ore She stated that last year counHeM" and convoved by a destroyer went men died in the prime of life on ac-. ,down In two minutes. Klghteen of her count of Incurable diseases which ...( crew of 26 drowned. :' ave with a little personal car , , Another sunk in two minutes after een prevented. She appealed to th being struck. She was hit in daylight men and boys to keep their Uvea clean but the submarine was not seen. fr0'" anv "ae of al,--01 and "tntad . . that the countrys future was in tnoir ; hands and it Is the men who must' bring democracy to the world "with our help." she said. I)r Ceisel stated that overeating" and improper eating are largely the cause of such a low average life-tlm. 'she also said that American te6pi - Only the larger passenger ships, do Bleep enough and stated that ...ill .... I It 4 - . 1 . i. win remain anoai long enougn 4VlBi0eplng out of doors was a great 7, ; launch the boats and get off the..,, ... , ... , one hour sleep in tht opn air she said than two In the ishnd. The Abosso sunk rii three minutes and !i0 women and children died. "Sinkings of this sort from now on will bo the rule not the exception," said Frost. crew and passengers; and those will; not float so long if struck in vital1 was of more yalua average bed roofif. spots or by more than one torpedo. sh(, pllf ,,.,, stress on drinking The submarines are now so fearful plenty of water and stated that It wa of exposing themselves to the deck 1 insurance against the development Of guns of slowly sinking ships that they seldom come tip ro question thei many of the Incurablo diseases. Following the the names and prlzee escaping crews of passenger ships.; fr0m the Chautauqua parade: Monday, June 18 AFTERNOON .'!;()() Series Lecture by the Superinl- iii i . Concert The Symphonic Orchesir.l ":ub Madame .Justine Shannon, contralto. am EVENING Admission 50c. 7:4o Concert The Symphonic Orchestral Club and Madame Shannon. Lecture - Him. IVrcy Alden, M. P. "The Future of Europe.' Tuesday, June 19 AFTERNOON Admission 35c. .'!:()0 .Junior Ch:mlau(ua Play "(Jood Iairy Thrift' "The Village of Dinr Done; Bell"" present ed by the members of the "Chimes of Nor mandy" ( 'o. A K'reat afternoon for the chil dren. I'rinn' them with you. EVENING Admission 75c- 7:4.") Opera--"The Chijnes of Normandy "presented by a full cast, chorus and orchestra. Children admitted to any session 25 cent3 Out of six passenger ship sinkings Investigated by him, this happened In only one casethat of the Laconlat jwhcih was sunk near midnight. Hideous as this assassination from ambush Is, It does not equal the wan- jton crimes committeed in the days before 'ruthless" wnrrare when the j submarines came to the surface and ; attacked with gunfire. The warning given in theso cases' Jwas simply the beginning of the at i tack and sailors were often killed by the "warning shots.-' This sort of warning was given onlv to save the i expensive torpedoes worth -7,000! apieci of which a submarine can' cany only n few. When the ship gave signs of surrender, flie firing geiier-j ally stopped and a boarding party I from the submarine destroyed her i with bombs. The crew took to their' J I'nless picked up they were left to certain death by starvation or drown-, ing as theso attacks took place l.r0 and 200 miles off shore. In only on' case did Krost find that the subma rine offered to assist the victims by, towlne their floats toward (lie Innd I I The sufferings of these crews who were picked up by pyrrol boats were terrible. Many of them were never picked up. The men probably went FOR THK BKST DfiCORATED AUTOMOBILE ! 1st. Prize Red Cross Surgical Dress ing Society Twenty five gal Ions of gasoline given by Thtf Texas Company and one yean subscription to Evening New 2nd. PrizeJordan Ward of Overland' Motor Car Co. five gallons of ' Cowaxco oil given by Crown OH & Wax Co; and OjreO' years subscription to . Th6 Daily Advance. !rd. ml. mad nnd leaped Into the sen. In the case of Culrnhill. a I'.ritlsh freighter with a crew of It! men, five of whom were Americans, the Germans de liberately gutted the lifeboat, took the provisions which the men had placed In the boat and threw them (Continued on fykk Page) Prize Mr J W Woodley OUt tire cover given by Auto and (ins Kni'lne Works. e 4th Prize -Mrs W I. Small One pair; headlight bulbs given by Southern Aulo & Marine Wkg. Mil. Prize .1 M Weeks; One Tire' (iauge given by Auto Supply k Vulvani.ing Co. FOR MOST ORIGINAL COSTUME 1st. Prize Fred Fearing $5.00 in gold given by Savings Bank A ' Trust. Company. Prize Miss Dorothy Jones Cirls Scent Ball or Dorlng gtr en by II C Bright Company. il'.rd.Piize Mr Lester Markham on. Ilawlian Hula Hula Tie given by Weeks & Sawyer. FOR ITXW COSTUME i! Prize Wavlund Hrltton One' Bunk Book and 2T0 deposit' First Nat lonal Bank 2nd. Prize - Wesley Sheep one fOUn' tain pen given by P W Mellck ', Company. .' 3rd. Prize Wlllalm Winslow Ona. camera given by Louis Sellg. V 1st. - i ' t S 1 L4h $a &p