Vws Without Prejudice irk r 1 r I. f : f ;. - -... fe n c ii i4 r r , Published ia Elizabeth City VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH pAROUNA,WEDNFSDAY EVENING, JUNE 20. 1917 NO.l! k'. TcarS To Shreds Will Banner 01 Siiiiragcttcs Incensed At Outrageous Conduct at White House Gates as Russian Mission Entered Government Clerks Take Action (By United Press) Washington, June SO., Incensed the suffrage pickets who. flsunted their denunciatory banners before the TOiite House gates as the Russian Commission entered to greet the Pres " ldent today, an angry mob of 300 men -and women,,mostly government clerks out for their lunch hour, charged up on the women and tor their banners CLEARLY DEFINED TRACK WAS to shrdds. The' banners said "President Wll 'aon and Envoy Root are receiving Russia. They say We are a Democracy Help us win this world war so that democracies may survive. (By United Press) ""W thA wmtn of America, tell you New York, June 20. Trails lead- that America is not a democracy. : ing to the lair of the white slave beast Twenty million American women are 'of this country were uncovered to . .... . denied the rignt to voie. ?. IRIS LEAD TO LITE SLAVE Li FOUND CONNECTING UNCOUTH AND BRUTAL COCCHRI WITH ELEGANTLY ATTIRED WHITE SLAVERS President Police Commissioner Woods and Dis Wilson Is the chief opponent of their trict Attorney Swann by "Mrs Grace national enfranchisement. Help us to Humiston in the development of the snake this nation really free. Tell our Ruth Cruger murder mystery here, government that it must liberate its The mysterious Miss Consulo Larue people before It can claim free Rus- who Jumped out of a third story win- TWO DESTROYERS RESCUE EIGHTY ARTILLERY STRUGGLE ' i ON FRENCH FRONT (By United Press) Paris, Jane 10. A titanic artillery struggle Is in progress on thegreater f Dart of the French' front and it ia h. - ' lieved that Hlndenburg has possibly RESPONDING TO DISTRESS CALL prepared for a giant counter often LAST NIGHT THEY REACH ilTe THEIR RASE AT ENGLISH PORT . f SAFELY TODAY (By United Press) With the American Destroyer Flo tilla in British Waters, June 20. Af- NEWLAND TOWNSHIP GETS CENTRAL SCHOOL I The case of L R Sawyer and others against the Board of County Corn ier a record-breaking dash last night mlMtoner, has been decided in favor in response to a wireless call of dis- Lf the pIalntiffg A Bupertor court tress two American destroyers arriv- jary bronght ,n . Terd,ct ro thu ,f. ed today at their base at an tngusn ! f Kt Wednesday morning FIVE. YEARS OF GIIAUTAUOUA IS ELIZABETH CITY'S GUARANTEE Chautauqua Program for This Year Closed Last Night With "The Chimes of Normandy". Superinten dent and Helpers Cheered, post with eighty survivors from two torpedoed merchantmen. The rescues were made at a point further out at sea than from any tor pedoing yet. Vice Admiral Slmms of the American fleet, wao Is now tem porarily in charge of all Allied naval operations in this section, talked per sonally with the survivors. UIIDER FIDE IH BRITISH TANK sla as an ally." . Miss Lucy Burns of New York and Mr Lawrence Lewis of Philadelphia carried the banners. Both of these fig ured in the banner dropping incident when President Wilson addressed Congress at the beginning of last ses sion. 1 Both maintained their composure while the banners were ripped down and walked quietly back to suffrage headquarters. The police made no ef fort to interfere. ffiERICAtl WHEAT he: son iUSlEO WITH THIS STARTLING ADMIS SION THE ADMINISTRATION IS PRESSING CONGRESS FOR AC TION ON FOOD CONTROL tBv milled Press Washington, June 20. Neutral "countries are draining the United States of its wheat supply and unless ome form of food control is institu ted by July first American wheat will to exhausted by spring. With this startling admission, the administration today pressed its ef fort forward to force Congress into prompt action on the Lever food control-bill. (By W. 8. FORREST) (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Paris, June 1, (By Mail) How does it feed and sound in the "in wards" of a British tank in action? Bullets clattering against the steel covered sides of the newly invented war machine sound like myriads of hailstones against the window of a moving train. A direct hit by a shell shakes the monster from stem to stern and rattles your teeth but in tanks like this it merely tickles their ribs and they wallow on. A first hand description of a tank fighting was given here today by one cle repairman, indicted for murder of j0f tne crew 0f H M Landship "lchthy Ruth Cruger and burying her in thei 0sauras ." He speaks fom inside infor cellar beneath his shop. A clearly de- mation. fined track Is said to be found fromj "you need your sealegs to ride at the uncouth and brutal Cochri to the tank," the land seaman said, describ daintily manicured and elegantfrjat- tg tne Bjow rolling ride towards an tired white tUTMt..w,.. . -' Vjertainy. aaohi.un-'.'nU; y"gM ' where on the Somme. The tank ap- DEPARTURE OF UNITS proaches the German wire-- brown , WILL BE SHIELDED W1 entanglements in multitudinous . rows. It slides down an old mine era-, (By United Press) jter and waddles up the other side. If Washington, June 20. The nature, 'cuts through the forest of wire with number and time of departure of ex-!aU;hy crunching sounds and Just peditlonary units in the future willad is the "neBt," piles of white dow of an apartment to escape a mid night assailant who she said attempt ed to murder her is believed to be an important link in the chain which is being forged about the white slavers. Meantime, the net of circumstantial evidence is drawing more tightly about Alfredo Cochri, the Italian bicy be carefully shielded by the war department. SERVICES AT MOYOCK Mr N H Shepperd will preach at Shady Grove Church Sunday June 24 at 3 o'clock P. M. and will preach in the Baptist church at Moyock on the first Sunday night in July at 8:00 o'clock. The public is cordially invit ed to attend these services. TRENCH TALKS (By United Press) A Scot bomber was recovering from a "bit of shrapnel," picked UP while 'taking over a Boehe trench." "We had to take two lines of trenches," he said, "and the second was in the Hlndunburg line. The Boche has im proved in trench making. They make an awful strong trench now. Common engineering, boards and timber but thick overhead cover. The machine gun emplacements are in ferro-con-cret and if the artillery hits them thef'just bend. They're made up of hoops of iron woven together and fill ed round with concrete. It would take a very direct hit by a big shell to knock them to bits. The way we take them Is with rifle grenades. We get round the aides of them and lam them with rifle grenades; that makes the machine-gunners keep their heads down and we get into them then. The German machine-gun teams are pret ty good soldiers, we most often find them dead at their posts. Th quality of their infantry not near so good In fact I'm Inclined to say they are .getting lower day by day. EVKIiVWOMAVS TO HAVE RED CROSS NUMBER For tho months of June. July ard August Mis. Nina lK;iand Covington, editor of Everywoman'3 MaRazino will give one half of every yearly subscription to the Red Cross work. The June number will be a Red Cross number and will be featured by articles by Dr Archibald Henderson, Katherlne Hopkins Chapman, of Ala bama; Capt L R Crawford, Fort Ogle thorpe, Ga., and Mrs Lindsay Patter son. There will be a picture of a mem ber of Manly's battery in costume of the 60's, a sketch of the battery and the little maid's anlestry will be given. sand'bagg with little loopholes here and there. "We fire without ceasing hand on gun and eye glued to the loophole j pierced in the steel with sweat pour ing down our forearms! "A thud, a powerful pantlng.a, last and almost imperceptible stop. The nose of our tank scatters sand and cement bags throwing them right and left as if it were ploughing up a field. Then comes another violent shock, and h'eavy blow and a crashing. We are going straight through a wall and are pulverizing machine-guns. Gren ades burst upon the tank's armor. We are in the midst of the "nest." All at once enemy heads with terror on their faces appear on both sides of us. Now is our turn. Our machine guns crackle orr bullets whistle into the German tvt .u '.if i which we are enfilading and !Ur. w lead into the underground 1 -IMP S iPftilin;; I -o:.i ;'io "nest." to the reisr.The Gornians are in thf great eat ii:iorUi. TM'v t'lruw thi-mselvcs flat on their stjroachs, Wwy nibse their arms to heaven unri eome of them try to run away. "A whistle sounds in the tank and we stop. Then wild cheers come faint ly to our ears. The Tommies are Just behind us. They take possession of the "net" and gather up everything living which remains." This means that the special school tax election in Newlna township has been held valid ahd that the. work of the new central school In that town shrlp may now go forward on an as sured basis. The special tax election was held In October 1916. The question sub-j mitted to the Jury was as to whether) a majority of the qualified voters ln Elizabeth City will hart Chautaa" qua here far At yean to corns. This waa th announcement made by Supt, Miller last Bight and received by Xh$ audience wKh a round of applause. It waa announced Monday night that j Chautauqua waa assured for next year but tie Guarantors were unsatis- . J fled with anything less than a fira LOCAL COMMITTEE HAS BEEX year guarantee. Chautauqua' hers NAMED AND THE CHAUTAUQUA each year has been Increasingly pop ASSOCIATION WILL 8EXD REP- ular and this year all season tickets KESENTATIVE MONTHLY were sold before the first program. Tuesday night, the Chautauqua i pro The Junior Chautauqua Winter gram for this vr rtr,mA with .. the district voted for the special tax. Club is now assurred. The local com- comic opera 'The Chime's of Norman u0, i luo jury ia nuai ami mittee to back the club with Mrs J D dy." This waa the most elaborate af the Issue is now settled,. Hathaway as chairman: are Mrs Clay fair ever seen under a Chautauqua The school building in the new spe- Foreman, Miss Mattie Griffin, Mrs Z tent here and a recortf crowd wltness clal tax district has already been built Fearing and Mrs J W Modlln. Jed it. Those who saw the play express. The Newland comnfunit now has "During two seasonn," says MIsb od the opinion that Hl waa 'th. hA.t uuo ui lut) mum nioaern rural scnooi Powell leader of the Junior Chautan. qua here this year and General Super visor of Junior Clubs, the Junior Chautauqua Winter Club has been buildings in this section T MAN yet" from Chautauqua. , , Tuesday afternoon the annual Jo nlol Chautauqua play "Good Fairy' Thrift" was presented with unniual proving us vaiue to me communities ( success and received frequent ap that have taken up the plan. Theyfplause from the interested audience. I I i Elv United Press) emperor of Austria Hungary is con fronted with the most difficult task as a ruler since he assumed the throne. I ka.i. 1 m ' ueeu Huirvensiui seasuns, as nas i been seen from thd number of towns renewing their arrangement and from the Increased number of towns. "Beginning with October 1917. a worker from headquarters will visit London, June 20.- The youthful tne cnlldr;n one day in each place, and returning once every month. With a month at Christmas time omittec she will visit PVnrV mnnth until Mnv frlvfncr north The entire Austrian cabinet, headed clu M?en meetn The course in citizenship that was begun in October 1917, wllr be con- by Count Clam-Martini resigned late yesterday. judging from the cautious com- t)nued dur,ng the comlng w,nter We weiu o. ue uerman press, uermany ha( approxlmate,y flve hundred grad. uates from the course in May, 1917 and hope to see more a year hence. A regards the situation as grave. SUSPECT ARRESrFD AT PEI Margaret Hill took the part of Fairy Thrift and Maude Leigh the part Of Bad Fairy or Wastefulness. Herbert Aydlett took the part of George Wash ' ington, Derothy Scott of Martha Washington, Carlton Woodley of Aid de-Camp and George Modlln of Unci ( Sam was the ' Savings Bank. She waa dressed In barrel costume with a Saving Bank' painted on it with a slit on one tide. There was a family of Good FairiesT- v Thrift, Beauty, Pride, Strength. Fer tility, Freedom, Health, Wealth, Pa triotism and Preparedness; and family of Bad Faries Father Spend, Mother Spend, Will Spend and May Spend. These were accompanied by a siuuy ui Japanese cnuaren, a group group. ISACOLI . I - . . .eries-uupssons m iou games, ccupT Lot,. ich children and a group of prising a resume of their origin and public school children or America. It history, classification and execution, 'was surprising and wonderful to aee will be one of the new features on! how snlendlrilv thn niv next winter's program. 7Jy United Press" Pensocola, Fla., June 20. On what they term 'very suspicious circum-j stances," the Federal authorities are holding Heinrich Stein, an enemy alien found within the prohlhitea area of the Pensacola Naval Station. He is being held without bail. CALLS ATTENTION TO SOCIETY RESORT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY RE PORT IMMORAL CONDITIONS , Miss Powell It is hoped that arrangement can be made In each town to hold separate meetings for little folks and older ones. The ages vary so it is difficult to do jus tice to either little or big when all must be together. In this way the les sons in citizenship can be much more thoroughly carried out.Specialties for boys Include "stunts," marching i drills, etc. The play will be a big fea ture In the scheme to be given un less It seems wiser to have it earlier, at the close of the season. "Welcome, to Elizabeth City who enters the first time this year. May we all swing along with great vim and interest during 1917-1918." The Junior Chautauqua has been most successful this year. Miss Powell has been assisted by Miss Edna Dow dell, Assistant Junior Leader and Miss Hattie Harney, Local Junlqr Leader. The kiddies are 'Just crazy" about and very much pleased TO GOVERNOR BECAUSE OF EF FECT ON NAVY MEN THERE AMERICAN HAS NEW JAW BONE COTTON ASSOCIATION CLOSES COTTON MARKET (By United Press) London, June 20. Private McDon ald, of Omaha, has a new Jawbone to day, thanks to the skill of British surgeons. McDonald is with the Six tieth battalion. During a charge at the German trenches a shrapnel burst overhead, and when McDonald came to hie sense a piece of his Jaw was gone. A bone was grafted to fill ihe gap,, and now all that Indicate the p-:-', f. I gap,, and now all that Indicate the Creekmor of New Hope wound tt a red' pear running from tie back of his Jaw to hla month. (By United Press) Liverpool, June 20. The Cotton Association today closed the cotton market as a result of the sensational movements of that staple. MEETING OF EUREKA LODGE Eureka Lodge No. 817 A F and A M will meet tonight and will confer the Master Mason Degree at 7:10. All members are urgently requested to be present . . i over the Winter Chautauqua Idea. "You have one of the largest Ju nior Chautauquas on the Circuit,"said Supt. Miller, "and the most beautiful children I have seen at any place." CONFERENCE AT CITY ROAD CHURCH (By United Press) Waalilngton, June 20. The startl ing on Mticus of Immorality at New port, fashionable society's resort, were called l tin.' utifiillon of the Governor of Hliodr Isiand today by Secretary of ih. Navy Josephus Dan-t Tn Reverend a T Adams, presid iels, because of their effect on the ,n Elder ' the Elizabeth City DIs men In the naval i raining Btatlon ' tr,ct- w" hoI(l the third Quarterly taere (Conference for City Road at City "Notorious houses of prostitution Ro,d Church Thursday night. All the and open gambling houses are doing oW'-'il members are urged to be pre a flourishing business declared the sent nnd the people of the church and Secretary. Tonight At New Theatre community are cordially Invited to attend. U. D. C. MEET THURSDAY The D. will me t H. Hill Chapter, U D C Thursday afternoon at George Wll- four o'clock with Mrs There Is not a child living that has Hams on Road street not read or heard about The Christ-J The change of dajte was made on mas Carol Charles Dickens Immortal jaocount of the Chautauqua. Mr Bur classic. Bluebird Photoplaye bate gees will be present and give a re- gone to considerable expense in put ting this on the screen. This ia an opportunity -of a life time o don't fall to witness this wonderful produc tion. port of the Confederate Reunion held In Washington, D. C, June Ith As this will be the nnl meeting for the summer all . members are re quested to be present7 . .. , . up with only a week's preparation The Junior Chautauqua play WU followed by a comedy "the Village of Ding .Dong Bells" by members of th Chimes of Normandy Company and it proved veVy popular with the audi- ' ence. :, : An Interesting feature of Tuesday, afternoon's program was when ,8upt Miller asked Miss Powell to appear ' before the audience after he had iug-' gested that she be given an expression of apprciation for her splendid work here. The kiddies cheered her to such ' an extent that the applause of th j grown ups could be hardly be heard The Junior Chautauqua Assistant and -each member of thw tent crew were . also given a demonstration. Roscoe , Turner then rose and started the ap- plause and cheering for Dr. Miller , "I will always carry with me," rei 1 ponded Dr Miller, 'pleasant memorise of my visit to the beautiful city Of, Elizabeth. SEVEN GASOLINE CARS EXPLODE . ; (By United Press) : ' Crawfordsvllle, Ind., June 20. " Seven Clover Leaf Railroad gasoline ' ' cars exploded at Klrkpatrick near here today. Wires are down and it ll ' difficult to obtain information, threatens to destroy the town. Fire AMERICANS AT THE FRONT (By United Pre) J London, June 20 Coupling freight ; cars on the Northwestern Railroad at Kensie street and California avenue, , Chicago, Is what Paul Garsard of ' Council Bluffs, Ioda, often looks baokf on remlniscently as be lies In the hoe pltal here, recovering from a German -bullet received at Vimy Ridge, Gar . sard participated in the murderoul ' assault on the Royal Canadian Rifle at Vimy on 'Easter Monday. He VII the first man to Join the (701, Batta : Hon, ths American Legion. As for hii , . wound-"lt might have been worse,", he'iaya. MRS. SAWYER ILL Mr M K Sawyer ia seriously in al her home on North Road street ssssfnwsSns