7 i:cv.'5 Witlicut i " Bhs Views Without Prejudice i r. 0. - . . . ;. ... - Published in Elizabeth S"". ' City v". VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINATHURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 21. 1917 N0.151 American Destroyer Sinks German Submarine Add Folks "Back Home" May Rest Assured That American Navy i Flotilla is In The Very Midst Of ; Things j Ti. (Br United Press) U Base of American Navy ..Flotilla, Jltogland, June A Germs sub ;;anarlne fii rammed and sunk br .'Vn American destroyer today, after a i German-born Americas blue Jacket U nd spied out tbe aubmeriible, accord Irig to tbe belief of the crew of cer- : tain American aea watchdog return- - ing to port. ; ' (; , The folki "back home," in the Unl '' ted States can be sure that the Amer :, lean flotilla is In the thick of things ; K : aere. Yesterday a German .U-boat tor- y pedoed a ship at the Tery gates of the baa port of the flotilla as two .American ships were convoying it. SUFFRAGE PIGKETS 1111106 SSCREU . TO II GOU ORCHARDS SHEERED QFF AT THE GROUND ANB TOWERING ROW8 OF ROADSIDE J TREES METHODICALLY FELLED ... (Br J. W. PEGLER). " (United Press -Staff Correspondent) With The British Armies. Id The Field. Mar 12 (By Mall)--, Whole towns erased by dynamite, orchards sheared off at the jground and tower ing rowa of road-side trees methodi cally felled -these scenes of merci less destruction Illustrate -'why the British . soldier wants retribution against the Boche-i;;'-'v' Tommy goes ahead repairing the roads and clearing the, debris . from village streets, admitting that it was military good sense for the enemy to obstruct the lines of pursuit But the Germans said they did these things to prevent the conceal- j ment of troops. And the soldier reas ons is this way; The Boche aeroplanes never get over anyway to observe where the troops are , massing. So Will Beleat Kaiser With CHAMCEFOR E E00DG0HTR0LBILL (By United Press) Washington, June 21. Screaming ' 'traitors' ' an' angry what difference could it make wheth- mob Several thousand Strong er they have concealment? Also, the attacked the suffrage pickets Botb w" careful t0 ru,n chardsj at the White House gates, to- rlTT" ' '"V" day, npping down their ban-; whtt.t the angw,r? smt9 im. ners and trampling them in the Peronne Cathedral refutes th J plea of military necessity. Dynamite tlew out the east wall and two sides and brought the dome crashing amid the prostrate stone columns. Tod y- the interior is a mountain of hi eless wreckage. On its sagging balcony the PRESSURE FROM THE PEOPLE : HAS MADE ITSELF FELT AND L i BILL MAY PASS IN TWO WEEKS $DWARDS-JACOBS . South Mills. June 11. A wedding of nnusuat Interest took place at the Baptist church at South Mills Wed nesday when Miss Nell Jacobs became the bride of Mr. Oplo Gray Edwards. The eeremany was performed - by Rex N H. Shepherd in the presence of a Urge' number of friends and rela tives. The church' -was beautifully decor ated with potted plants and cathe dral candles. A large w-ite arch with gates which opened as the, bridal pair advanced to knee; at the altar formed the setting tor the ceremony. Miss Helen Williams sang "The Sunshine of Your, Smile," Just before the bridal party "entered the church, to the strains of Lohengrin's bridal chorus, played by Mrs H M Jacobs. The maid of honor, Miss Lola Ja cobs, sister of the bride, wore yellow taffeta With a large picture hat and carried sweet peaa. Currituck, June 21. On Tuesday Mrs Walter Hargrave, dame of afternoon, July 3. at 1:00 in the Cur honor, wore blue chiffon over lace rltuck school auditorium the better and carried sweet peaa. ment Associations of Crawford town- The groom entered with his best ship will meet, ana on Wednesday af- man, Mr Frank Hargrave, and thejternoon, July 4, at 2:00 in the chapel bride was given away In marriage by at Poplar Branch the betterment as her brother, Mr H M Jacobs, of Roper, j sociatlons of Poplar Branch twonshlp She wore a travelling suit of mid- will meet. All the betterment ladies night blue with hat to match. Her of Crawford township are requested flowers were a corsage bouquet of to be at the Currituck meeting, and Miles of the valley and sweet peas. ! all the betterment ladles of Poplar Battle Planes Noted J tVench Airman Revealo Allied Plan for Accomplishing this feat With A MEETING OF BETTERMENT ASSO. (Br United Press) V . Washington, June 11. The Invasion of Germany, carrying the fights Into the Kaiser's territory through the air with success deemed a certainty by Allied war heads, Is the plan of the Allies It Is officially known here. Lieut Amaury Delta Grange, a not ed French airman of ' the French Commission, today in making this rev ' elation to the United Press empha sised the Allied general staffs regard for the capability or America to sup ply the "air preponderance,"; , which1 will make possible Ihe shattering of. Teutonic battle lines. ... . .. . . 'This win bring victory many Immediately after the ceremony Mr Branch twonship are requested to be manth. nearer Ind-mi nnthinr u im and Mrs Edwards left for an extended at the Poplar Branch meeting. These poMibU we hold h, mMtOTy of bridal tour of northern cities. They meetings are not for the betterment -.- ji n i . IT K ,in Untied ProeM Washington. June 21. Opposition to the food control bill is giving way, talk "hank- home" are making : their pressure felt, v " As the House settled down for de- . bate today under the five minute rule here ; talk was heard In the Senate of a ' compromise to appease the bitter an ' ronlatn of the bill and there are t bints of its passage in the next two ?;'Weeks. street. The police reserves were call ed out to quell the rioting. Ten thousand people witnessed the scene. Mrs. Lee Richardson, leader pipe organ sings the ghost ot a Wee- time anthem as the May breeza goes soughing through the va)vesj Tbe pipes jangle as a brick is dislodged and tumbles to tbe floor. Fair, away the guns boom. The British, never church. iThe remaining west wall is not scared by shell fragments. It was of the mob, was arrested. The Suffi continued to erect fresh banners defiantly. Lucano, Switzerland. June 21. The former king ot Greece, Constan tino, and his family have planned to depart from Lake Thun following shelled : the h obser- dejnojBjtrattons against them during ieft .ending lobarilper Britis their two'daVs slay here. "Wherever "rVrK they go they are hissed on the streets A( thfl outgklrt8 o! the town mm BESTED BOLOGNA lies Peronne Cemetery where the Boche ' dug In among the dead. Corpses were BEARS ALL EARMARKS thrown into bonfires and the vaults OF A REVOLUTION occupied by Germaa officers as dug - outs. Two trench lines run straight will be at home at Spring Hope after, ladies only. Every man, woman and July 15th. child In reach Is Invited. The bride is the attractive and' Papers and reports will be read popular daughter of Mrs Addle Ja-aad discussed and two addresees de cobs of 8outh Mills, and the groom livered. Each betterment is asked to is a prominent young pharmacist of have one member prepare a paper Spring Hope, son of Dr and Mrs Ed- sating what the association has done wards of that place. j the past year. A circular letter la be- The out of town guests at the wed- ing sent to each association asking ding were Mr and Mrs H M Jacobs that this be done. We hope to have of Roper; Mr and Mrs L Prltchard of an educational good time at each Portsmouth, Mr and Mrs Walter Har- meeting. Come and bring your friends grave and Mr Frank Hargrave of Tarboro. ROPER HAS COMMUNITY GARDEN RUST GSELL Herbert Leslie! Rust of Hopewell Va. and Miss Helen Josephine Gsell of Norfolk, Ya., were married Thnrs- ! : (By United Press) V Rome, June 21. Alfredo Cochri, wanted by New Yoric authorities on the charge of murdering Ruth Cru ger, the seventeen year old school girl, was arrested in Bologna by Ital Jan'authorlties this afternoon In res pbnse to requests from the State department. (By United Press) Berne, June 21. The movement which has resullted in the downfall of the Austrian cabinet bears all the earmarks of a revolution in incipi ency, according to private advices from Vienna. The formidable move ments for secession have now united into one powerful anti-government plan. FORTUNE TELLERS REAP HARVEST RUSSIA REPORTS ft- ARTILLERY ACTIVITY (By J. W PEGLER) (United Press Staff Correspondent.) London. June 10 (By Mall) The old crystal ball has been brought out of storage and polished up for new revelations, and the oulja board and planchette have a new coat of shellac through the cemetery. Military necessity made the enemy smash the door of French family tomb where six dead had slept for many years. The coffins remained ex posed. Two English guard regiments with a little feud between them went into the cemetery on the heels of the Boche. The first arrivals found one coffin bored by a machine-gun bullet from the direction of their advance. This message was on the white-washed wall: "The Boche may have dug-outs here but be didn't shott the hole in the far-off coffin." To which the late-comers scribbled this reply: 'Neither did they write on the walls you blackguards." Strewn with the fragments of head FIFTY MILLIONS HAS BEEN SUBSCRIBED i f (By United Press) Washington, June 21. Fifty mil Hons of the hundred millions has been subscribed and contributions t0 continue to flow into the Red Cross PLEDGES CO-OPERATION WITH THE ALLIES for tlu clairvoyant business is boom-, Btone and battlefle,d Junk ,r6 count. lug In London. .(' London, June 21. Delayed Itus- , sian official statements ot the past J&TJST HAVE COMPLETE ,three days give weight to General , NATIONAL FREEDOM Brusiloff's pledge that Russia will ' nght. The Petrograd war office re ports "fusillades of artillery activity on all fronts." NOT A PRUSSIAN CAN BE FOUND Rome, June 21. "Peace- without the victory of civilization and com plete national freedom is Impossible and would merely be the forerunner of an inhuman scourge of war." This was the keynote of Italy's war, aim as expressed by Premier Boselll- He (By United Preas) 1 ve opening in parliament today. With British Armies Afield, June was greeted with cheers. 21. Some time within the last twen-j ty four hours the German nTe re" 1 EVERYWOMAN'S TO HAVE treated out of all territory west of the river Lys and from near Werenton southward. British patrols reported today that j or thj monthg of June July &nd they failed to encounter a single Prus ugt M N,na Iotland sian in this section. I ,,,.. B..i--,mon. mob..i will give one half of every yearly subscription to the Red Cross work. The June number will be a Red Cross number and will be featured by articles by Dr Archibald Henderson, Katharine .Hopkins Chapman, of Ala bama; Capt L R Crawford, Fort Ogle thorpe, Ga., and Mrs Lindsay Patter son. There will be a picture of a mem ber of Manly's battery in costnme of the,60's, a sketch of the battery and the little maid's anfeetry will be giv en. . " ' . GERMANS PENETRATE FRENCH TRENCHES v Paris, June 21. An extremely vio lent attack thrown against French position east of Vaux Haillon by fresh t German troops from the Russian front penetrated the French trenches today. i V WEATHER :. v I i " Partly overcast, , probably . local thnndershowers in Interior tonight or Frldayj gentle variable winds. Y Frank Llverman of Norfolk,- fa., was in the city Wednesday. , . less bead -work wreaths, placed by mourners In days of peace. "A Notre Chere Grandmere," said the inscrip tion on one. Grandmere's grave may In' one of those pried open. At the edge of the cemetery was a very little fjravi', carpeted blue with f'MRCt-tr -not!'. The hc-adatone said Wnddal 't1 wp-i enly tour yeara old. The Boihe had. ml touched it. Near by, a row of woodi-n "iron 'irosses," each inscribed "Ui.scr Kr merade," gave proof that the German cadaver factory lost some raw material thru sentiment. At Arras the Cathedral and the Hotel de Ville are smashed beyond possibility of restorations. Only a small corner of the hotel survives as a memory of that grand specimen of Spanish architecture. Bapaume is a hideous shell, altho the Australians have cleared up the streets. Here an Australian, peace fully tending a cooking stew told how the Boche hate goes mad at times. secretary of (he Chamber of Com- den.at his residences Selden St. merce of the live little city of Roper, was in the eity Thursday morning. "One of the most Interesting sights at Roper these days," said Mr Jacobs, 'is our community garden." "We secured some land this spring and got about twenty-Eve families in our town interested in the commun ity garden idea. All ot us went work and with such good result that garden produce has been plentiful in Roper all the spring. Prices on garden truck in Roper as a result have been comparatively low. I "I think that Roper's community (By United Press) garden is an excellent Illustration of Athens, June 21. The Official Ga what the people of any community Iett today published a letter from can do by a little co-operation." K,n& Alexander to Premier Zalmlg Rnnidan hnlnr sprretarv nf h Pledging CO-OperatiOn With the Al- Roper Chamber of Cmmerce, Mr Ja-j1,e8- cods is also a member or the washing ton County Food Commission. He REPORT MADE OF thinks that the community fairs, held SUBMARINES WORE throughout the state last year, have! done a great deal to Increase food and (Rv United Press) feed production throughout the state. I New York, June 21. German sub Washington county is showing mark- marines have sunk 2,000,000 tons of ed progress in this respect this year, j British shiDDlnz alone since the un declared Grange convincingly. J "Let America contribute the air preponderence," as she can and then indeed the "divine right" rulers will sue for real peace. . , s, "We can destroy their' munition. works, their mobilization depots' and" factories. nNr. : "We can destroy the bases of their; submarines. i.' We can make scrap heaps of the great German navel bases, make the Kiel canal utterly useless, and ' rett der Impotent the huge guns at ilell ogoland and make possible the storm ing of that fortress by your . battle, fleet and ours. " v "Germany has declared certain sones forbidden. We will declare for (bidden sones 100 miles behind ' the4 M. 1 . . . ... uerman irnes, gi ve -cmiiantnns t depart and then with super-raids be hind the lines we will effect a decis- ive victory." . ''.Vl'V "It will take four machines td the? Germans one to accomplish this, how ever, and at present air craft Is sed almost exclusively as an instrument of Information. ;.: "With a thousand battle planesj America can blase the trail for demt ocracy straight to Berlin." LIEUT. GARDNER ADDRESSES BANKERS H G Kramer has returned " front Wrlghtsville where ne attended "the Banker's Convention and reports : very enjoyable trip. ' An address by Lieut Governor Gardner featured tbe .meeting otif Convention Tuesday night. LITTLE GIRt; DEAD limited warfare campaign was inau gurated on February first, according he said. Roper was so much pleased with the community fair held there a year t0 maritime experts. ago that they formed a fair associa tion with Mr Jacobs as secretary. The association Ib planning a fair for Roper this year on a much more ex tended scale. The fair will last two nvg Bnd will be managed on such a bi .iIo as to attract wide attendance in this .'!!' '-. WILL RECEIVE FULL SUBSCRIPTION DESTRUCTIVE TENANT MAIC2S MILLIONAIRE v3y United Press Washington, June 21. Every one who purchased up to $10,000 worth of Liberty Bonds will receive their full subscription, the Treasury De partment announced today. I By United Press) Rio tie Janeiro, June 5 (By Mall) De Marques da Sllva rented his house, in a surburb of this city to a negro family. His tenants left recently with out paying the rent,. and, adding in- SUFFRAGISTS WILL NOT CEASE ATTACKS (By United Preis) Washington, June 21. The suffra- ! gists propose to flaunt again before the White House their banners at- Verna Elizabeth,' the two year Ol4 daughter of Mr and Mrs O T Twiddy, died Wednesday at the home pf he? parents on Parsonage Street -' ' The funeral service was conducted in the home Thursday afternoon at. four oclock. ' ' ', ',, 1 Interment followed In Hollywood) cemetery, 'f ' ' CONFERENCE AT . V CITY ROAD CHURCH H. H. BOONE DEAD A telegram was received here by friends Wednesday afternoon an nouncing the death of H. H. Boone at Benson, Mr Boone was formerlr with the Standard Pharmacy ' here ' and has many friends in the city. - suit to Injury, stole all the electric tacking4 President Wilson. wiring and plumbing fixtures in the Though counselled by the police to house. They even tore up an under- j refrain they declared they'd go thru ground lead pipe leading to the water main.The doctor sat on the veranda of the vacated house contemplating the iniquity of tenants in general when he noticed a peculiar metallic gleam in the trench where the pipe had been torn out. The gleam was caused by mercury odztng from the clay. The mercury mine will probably make the doctor a. millionaire. - WO Oaither Is attending the Bank ers Convention at Wrlghtsville. with their program come what may. RUSSIA WILL WAGE IMMEDIATE OFFENSIVE The Reverend O T Adams, presid lng Elder of the Elisabeth City pis trict, will hold the third , Quarterly Conference for City Road at- ' City, Road Church Thursday night. All the oflichl members are urged 4o"be pre sent and tbe people ot the church and community are cordially invited to at4 tend. . ,f (Br United Press) Petrograd, June II. AH members of the Russian Workmen's and Sol diers Congress todar unanimously re solved upon an Immediate Russian I the summer all U. D. C. MEET THURSDAY The D. H. Hill Chapter, IT, D O will me t Thursday afternoon, . at four o'clock with Mrs George Wil liams on Road street The change of date was made OrJ account of the Chautauqua, kr But. gess will be present and give re port ot the Confederate Reunion held in Washington, D. C.; Jane 6U As this will be the flhal meeting for, members am . re. offensive. V J quested to be present