ily D jaocritl ; Newsp-pcr ' J 'News Without ' -VvLA" 7 ' ' rJ --j - Prejudice . I ' ' .iJ? V .'"v : . I Clty ' "L - . . .'. - " ' - Published ia LlhilzC. I ' :- VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORJH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING; JUNE 22. 1917 no.i:: 5 Hundred Million Mark To Be Ear Exceeded .' -'V. - Seventy Five Million Mark Confi dently Expected To Be Passed Today And Many Cities Are Just Now Reporting. (By United Press) , Washington, June 22. The hun dred million mark will he greatly ex ceeded by Monday night If returns , continue to pour In at the present irate. The seventy five mlllloqf mark Is confidently expected to be passed to day. Miss Katherlne Stlnson wllUomor row bring Buffalo's cneck to Wash . lngton by aeroplane, stopping a.t Al " bany, Governor's Island and Philadel phia. Reports, reaching headquarters to ,. day show that cities are vieing with other of similar size in the race. COTTON EXCHANGE ' c ISSUES 7JINING (By United Frif : Kew YorkV June 12,7-rligh Cotton prices and 'er.louBaojftrj,ln Coa tracts," has cauaad the boaxdf man igeri of tie New Yorit-J Cotton Ex change to Issue a warnlnf reg.uest. lng members to" use extreme caution in the acceptance of Urge orders from parties not directly connected with the cotton trade." II S MEDICOS REPLACE HIM lit RECEIVE m 0 THOSE INTERESTED IN TRAINING FOR OFFICERS AT FORT OGLE THORPE SHOULD CONSULT MR. H T GREENLEAF Mr Harry T Greenieaf. Jr. of this city has been designated to receive, ap plications for the Officers Military Many that have been tardy are now ' Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe. reporting progress. The north central Georgia, for this city and surround division of the country leads, the mid- lng counties. This camp includes men die Atlantic comes second, the West i who will be 20 yean and months , to third, New England fourth, and the ' old and not over 44 years old on . South fifth. i August 27th, 1917 and men who are Many cities have gone beyond their over 81 are preferred. "Military training," says Mr ureen leaf, "is not so essential as mental training and experience of handling men as this camp will Cum out men pf high tUnding and experience to be commissioned as Lieutenants and higher grades. The camp will open fAugusTlT a'nfrTlmi iappthaurt-- wlU train for 3 monms. Appucaiiwu win 6e received up to July 16th". If you are interested or if you have made ap plication once before and were not ac STARS AND STRIPES ROW FLYING OVER SIX GREAT BASE HOSPI TA1J4 SCATTERED OVER WAR ZONE OF FRANCE , apportionment. -.4 , .liCOIII OFF its PCPP m VC T im r i in in i i i in ii ii i i PORTABLE WIRELESS OUTFIT NOW USED WITH .GREAT SUC- cepted be 8ure t0 get ln touch with CESS ON ITALIAN FRONT IS me ftt once ThlB tll tt flne opportunity AMERICA'S IXR THE ASKING , . an n, hl,h character and old al- I i ' IstandinK and over 3t years (By United Press) (though men under that age will be . New York, June 22. The one man J t.onsi(,ered lwho nave had good busi portable wireless owtnt weighing but ' training." 'twelve pounds recently Invented by Marconi and now used with great Bucce; a on the Italian front is Amer ica's for the asking, Marconi has an nounced. The apparatus is capable of sending -and receiving messages for a distance of two to three miles and reduces the necessity of a signal corps in danger ous front trenches. (By United Pres) With the British Armies Afield. June 22 The American flag now flies over six great base hospitals widely scattered over the war xone.of France American hysicians have replaced British Medicos. American women nurses are now moving silently along the bed flanked aisles ministering to the wounded. Commanding officers have confer red the rank of major on the noted red the rank of majc$r on all the not ed civil surgeons nowwork in these hospitals. ( U--n LEAVES TO SELL PATENT ' t Ray Kramer, Manager of the, Al krama Theatre, left friday afternoon (for Washington; D C, to make Ota ' final arrangements aoout securing patent for a transfer twitch which tea THE o: ? v ' ' " inveniea. i urn -swiicn w an BBpoc-tii r '( AMERICANS WANTED BY HUN-'uily raluable lnTentioa' to moTinlBRmH AIRMEN RECEIVED E DREU& TO PLAY THE MOST nlcture theatrea oneratinc two ma J THRILLING AND FASCINATING 'chines as it efiablei the operator to GAME N THE WORLD Switch tha cdrrtot falUnUneously .from one michln M the other and doea away with about half the equip ment otherwise flWessary when two THUSIASTICALLY NEWS C AMERICA'S FROJTECT TO ECII HUGE SKY ARMADA ' (By J. W. PEGLE3) t . United Press 8taft Correspondent.) London, Jane ,12. Americ. choolboys the high-school felloe : (By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS) (Unitedress 8Uff Correspondent.) machines are used 4 WiUCThe British Armies ln The Mr Kramer's invention has been rield, 'ne 22 Wing officers out thoroughly tried out. having been In. . . here are more than ever convinced constant service at the Alkrama thea- . h 'ArT,a tft ,'-, that the war will be decided largely tre for the last six months. The sV&'Sg n " in the air-For that reason, news of ent. was applied for some time o'Mti,..r,m. 4 ine Ainericma project ia uuuu. uu " i" uuu nuiuuu tur man a huge sky armada was received securing the patent are now necessary enthusiastically today. The airmen These Mr Kramer expects to make on were agreed that the United States this trip. He thinks that he has good is capable of an enormous and rapid prospect of selling the patent as soon production of machtnes. Moreover, as it is secured, they hold Americans are fitted natur-. ally to be top-nc-tch-flyers only needing two ro three weeks actual bat llefleld experience to make them headliners in the fighting game. i H G KRAMER IS CI 1 IfJlll lllll That the Germans are' alive keenly to the importance or the air branch of military science Is revealed in a report found on a German officer re cently captured. It covered the period BANKERS MEETING WHICH CLOS- Tnejr wouId lT th Germans : five of the Somme battle. i fca trrtH Ki.rcrrinv tw nvvt. hundred more machines to combat v j . : in. nAh. - LI. . I There Is work and room and nee l aplenty for them on the western froxt And, Just as the British have founi most of their best airmenv In - C 1 prep schools and, colleges, they ta Here the best American flyers : . come straight from the campus and classroom. ' ' . A British officer, high ln war ofT.cs councils thus summed it up today j "Suppose the United States within six months Is able to fly 600 machines on the western, front manned by tho sort of fellows who make' the foot" ball, basket-ball and baseball teams. i j.h:r, AtWKt ' ' VSR i&f told inlJrKRESTlNG ADDRESSES AND nans, if it X ''HOSPITAUTY to'flv oWJl VvV can lire PLACED Oil TRIM The report frankly admitte the British and Fren1 of the air. The Germans serted, were unable to fly off if .enomy lines and GermAibQllon. ( forced to remain hM(PqjMj ground. Thus, at deciaiifV . taif the fighting, the was harrassed by warpianes rswop-, fsirml ing low constantly and macnine-gun nlng men in the trenches. ,4 -WAS FEATURED BY IN- (By United Press) L5ndon, June 22 NlcholKf Rtmnrn off, former Czar, will be placed on trial, according to reports from two members of parliament returning from Petrograd. Minister of War Kerensky ,is quot ed by them as asserting that papers ' aerma . VtrSjCtmii the PrlssiJJ: ' , r J"?'-yjG Kramer, cashier of the nl , r Trust Company, who t Vcdnesday night from the vention. at wrightsvuie, received a telegram ln- ng him of his unanimous elec tion as Executive Committeeman of the State Bankers Association, repre- The German helplessness, the re- nt,n the F,r8t D,8trlct Th p0Bl port continued, was aggravated by t,on ta one oI "Ponsibility and jm knowledge that artillery was unable Portnce, for at various times thru-1r-strp?ort them. Tne-4aoment ee. ,0lgy.ia.commteemen are clared the allied flyers so outriumber- wwpiBlo ueclae miueYs bf lin ed and outmaneuver the German air- PrUnc tor the association and the nlsnea thst the latter vn Were on. banking fraternity. able to hold the air about their own heavy artillery positions. The British and French machines constantly hov- Tonight At The Alkrama Clara "The Price She Paid." with Kimball Young as the star Is the Seli nlck Picture Feature at the Alkrsma tonight. INVESTIGATE REPORT This Photo drama or the life of a 07 GERMAN CAPTIVES boaut,'ul young woman is from the I Immensely opulsr novel by Davis Graham Phillips, ti outlines the pro blems ln the life of a young woman used to luxurious surroundings, who finds herseir almost without resour ces. After a disasterous marriage she ' ermines to become an opera sln-Kt-r, ati'l the difficulties she encoun ter, fnin n scries of scenes of unusual i.iti tpr'.. How she finally reaches In d client' mi fiecilom Is an Inter esting st'-iy. j Pearl White is the other prcs Mo" ' on tonights bill, of course she is in j Pearl of the Army, and her versatil ity Is given an exceptional opportun ity to manifest its self in the truly i patriotic picture tonight. I Remember tonights feature hill is have been found proving that the ered overhead, dropping bombs or former Cxar with other officials plan-,Kiving their own artillery acurate ran ned separate peace to deliver Russia Ha. into Germany's hands. PIERCING PUBLICITY , The German report also admitted bases, ammunition cepots supply col umns, cavalry supporting the troops, divisions ln reserve everything and AFTER SLACKERS 'tverybo(ly' narrag8ed by the amed air men, often completely frustrating the defense at critical Junctures. Iu short, the German report was a confession that an army is powerful! unles something approaching equality Is maintained ln the air. (By United Press) Washington, June 22. Piercing publicity Is being used to round up. the few remaining slackers who evad ed registration. General Crowder has directed reg- The others officers elected at this session were: President W B Drake, Jr, Cashier of the Merchants National Bank at Raleigh; Vice-President Jas A Gray, Jr, Treasurer Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, Winston Salem; J B Ramsey, Presluent First National Bank. Rocky Mount; Erwin Sluder. Vice President Battery Park Bank, Ashevllle; State Vice President Nati onal Bank Section of Americas Bank ers Association, A M Dumay of Wssh Ington to succeed W O Galther, Jr, cashier o fthe First National Bank of Elizabeth City; Secretary-Treasurer, W A Hunt of Henderson. An interesting feature of the Con- The Boche cannot Increase his output of machines very mucn more whllo America can send machines and pilot almost without number. Together we could swamp the Germans. We could make daily raids far into the Hla terland, the land that is thick with ammunition dumps, stores and head quarters. ""'r.'"i.ifcit "Now we cannot spare machines cr pilots from the flgntlng front to 'make such raids on the biggest scalo. But we are strong enough in the air to keep thejBofisje on toe defensive. Imagine Jhf difference to the Germs commni if, 08 or a thousand or f thiindra Aeroplanes and pilots that last named" km't too big a fig-. . were to arrive fresh and eager for the new game. We'd ny all arounl Mm. "American schoolboys . are very much alike the English and French boys. They are 'sports.' They play foot ball and delight in taking chances. That kind of a fellow makes the real airman. 1 'The German air forces have had a few stars, but generally we have 'topped their morare.' They can't stand the pace. because they haven't the sporting Instinct. - ; ' 'Send on your school boys." .They'll find the air game a great one' tha greatest game of all." ' j (By United Press) , Washington, June 21. Investigat ing the report that a British steamer had arrived at Norfolk Virginia, witlii prisoners from a German raider, Com mander Belpnap, naval chief, today; ascertained that the British merchant, man, Edith Cavell, has arrived a' Norfolk but that officials had nr heard the report concerning German, captives. The matter is still being lnr veetlgating. p ' 1 vention was the address by Treasurer Thus, the experts here agree Houston of the Farm Loan Bank at that With prompt action American Columbia. S C. savs Mr Galthnr who lstratlon boards to post complete al phabetlcal lists of the men registered can throw the balance so completely returned today in each precinct and has urged news papers to print the. rolls of honor, COLORED NORMAL OPENS JULY 2nd. to the allies that the Prussian airmen will be unable to cross the line from the sea to Switzerland totally blind ing the enemy and placing him at The hospitality of the Wilmington bankers was royal. A Dutch supper was given the visitors on the first evening of their stay, on the next such a disadvantage that a decisive evening a special theatrical perfor hlow can be struck on the ground. mance was given, and on the third a Other German data recently taken Krand bal1 a' Lamina pavtlllon. admits the allies outnumbered the ! GERMANS ASSAULT FRENCH POSITIONS (By United Press) Parts, June 22 Another mighty German assault, the second In two days gaalnst commanding positions on the French front, was launched yesterday on the East Mont front.The, War office reports 'the enemy pene7 trated the front trenches after heavy, artlllerylng but were driven out" tl: Oliubll . COriGRESS ftFTER THE COAL BAROHS the greatest ever offered In any c,tT ! fJJlJPf EXCURSION oi tne unuaa niaies ai nve aim ieu cents. FOREHAND KEMP SAVS THAT SEEING IS BELIEVING f: , Mr Walter 8 Forehand of South Mills ajid Miss Lillian Kemp of Berk? ely, Va. were married Friday after noon at one-thirty at the home of Paul O Sawyer on W Cypress street by Rev C B Culbreth. AT CANJf MEMORIAL Mr 8 E Chubbuck who is here this . week for the special sale of Instanta neous and automatic water heaters Conducted hv the fJftn Pnmnan anil th. ., .v The services at Cann Memorial, uw uinuutstvtui vi Bf ucvibicb iuai IUO ' sale of the heater, fs almo.t In- Presbyterian Church, Bunday June 24 .... .... tw lare as follows: 11 A M "The offence cess of their heating. 'A visit to the ' ; office of the Gas Company where this , most satisfying of all modern con veniences Is telng demonstrated will - -convince one immediately," says he and extends a cordial invitation to L r" ' City people to see the dem- of the Cross. 8PM "Coming to Ones Self." The public la cordially invited to attend. the North Carolina colored teach er's Summer School will convene at'UermanB 'n aeroplanes by ten to one,! the State Normal 8chool, July 2 to tn tfle battle of the Somme. This 27th. The School will be presided ratio, airmen here.agree, ought to be! O 'er by Principal P W Moore. An in- maintained hereafter. v tiui.,:: Is extended all teachers tc(J The .Germans evidently have an r-,tlI1(1 inkling of what the future has' ln .inailKenicl'iS liav. been made SO, afore for them. Thv urn utrnlnlnir livnur exjiniBt i will be reas-, ..very means to increase the aeroplane 'licit. So hastily are their machines .. jji n :waQayg that they tend to fall to pieces as soon as the strain of acrobatics in ; it i-m them. And ncrohptl8 udw an essential to-aerial fighting. The North River Line will run the' If Anierca itrfk-s wuile the iron is first excursion of the season to Nags hot. Germany will be driven from the preparing to attack ln TWO niiiiins ABE ARRESTE MEN IN DEFIANCE OF ORDET.3 AGAINST PICKETING "WllITi: HOUSE ' THEY PERSIST 1T3" FLAUNTING BANNERS WILL ATTACK RAMPARTS OP COAL TRUST IN FORCE THIS WEEK NEW BILL MAY BE PART OF FOOD MEASURE TO NAGS HEAD SUNDAY Head Sunday, June 24th. sky The general agent states that the passengers wll be given every conven- j ience possible. The steamer, Annie L Vansciver. j will leave here at eight o'clock Sun day morning and returning will leave Nags Head at 5:30 In the afternoon. (By United Prossi Washington, June 22 Congress Is force this S OB 0 F BELGIUM SATURDAY AT NEW THEATRE TflLO IN SEW supply during the war. The vastly Important part that the railroads play in the distribution of coal will also be thoroughly probed. ITrtt ht aaal. . .Jk 14 1 ILL 'tha fcrnban hoort f ICnrnna " annlr ' "' "l "V" 11 l"J""Oie Jout it. sorrow in the Senat, Chamber Pposed bill will be Intro- v3y United Press Washington, June 22. week the ramparts of the coal trust. The senate and Interstate Com merce Commission have met and laid plans for hearings on a Joint resolu- are &a,n ln Prospect. tlou of both houses of Congress pro- ( By United Press) Washington, June 22 Following the riots of the last two days strict orders were Issued the suffrage pick- Jets against flaunting their banners or standing about the White House. 8hortly after the Issuance of this order three patrolmen and two police women, after trying to'peacefully dis suade Miss Lucy Burns', militant lead er, and MIss'Katheme Morty of Bos ton from unfurling a bis; yellow ban ner at the gates arrested the two wo men and took them to headquarters. They were released shortly after ward with the warning not to obstruct traffic. At the suffrage headquarters new denunciatory banners, were pre pared and sensational developments If this be treason," displaying vldlng for Government regulation of ' President Wilson's own words before the sale, transportation, distribution ' the wwte House "then let Mm and requisition of the country's coal make the n,08t of tner r tn0 words on the banner or Miss AIlcs Paul, leader. ' Belgium, Charlie Chaniin which failed to ar riv- last fiaturdav has alreadv arriv- today while a great throng in ed, so there will be no dlsappoint- . .. 1 ' "t 'ments. This Iss, brand new two reel Mr and Mrs Alson Seelet of Peters-1 subject) Come early and avoid the burg, Va, are visiting , Mr Seeley's rush., There will also be, a five reel. terness and misfortune, tha like of the galleries listened. Baron Moncheur chief of the Bel gian Mission, related hfs story of bit- duced as an amendment to the food parents, Mr and wrs A Seeley oh. Paths subject which will pe announc- J which had never been heard hf the r'ttves Tfrppt. 'j 'ed in the paper tomorrow. , 'Senate before. measure. WEATHER RECEIVED WELL BY PRESS AND PEOPL" 4 (By United Press) Rome, June 22. All doubt as t the permanency of the Boselll cab!: appears swept away, Judging by t' enthusiastic reception of Italian r Generally fair tonight and Satur day: not mnch change in temperature . papers and people or the vsr light tontle variable winds, 'stated to the chamber y"

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