VOL.2 V ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 25. 1917 NO.i:: If l'.'IZEL0S TO i HI GABU1ET this is believed 0 be next move ' of alexander and such- action, will immed atelt re-unite two fac HONS ' (By United Press) .Athens, June" 2 5. The entire Zaml- ttas ministry has resigned. It U Teported that Elnthoros Venl- aelos, former premier tod president '0? the provisional Greet government "1 now en route here and will prob ably be named by King Alexander as need of the new cabinet. Alexander . ift known to have greatly admired the .prime minister whom his father, Con stantino rejected. Allied officials here say that the King cpuld not make a more popular more than to appoint Venizelos. It would mean the immediate re-union of the monarchical and provisional factions. Venlaelos was three times supported by the people in elections against the former King but each time Constantino refused to follow , .hit policies. PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION IN CAMDEN COUNTY Camden, Jan 15. The Camden Council of Defense will hold a patrio tic celebration at the Court House July 14 th at one o'clock. A promin ent speaker will address the meeting and in addition the .ministers of the county will make short addressee on different topics relating to the war, The ladles are especially invited, In that the subject of canning and pre serving fruit will be discussed by a person who is thoroughly familiar with the subject. HEWETT GRAY Charles Comery Rewett and Helen Christian Gray, both of Saluda, Va, were married by Justice of the Peace, J W Munden, Saturday night at his residence on Selden street. PEOPLE III VOTE II ALL PRQBLETJS PROBLEMS OF POVERTY-AND OF AFFLUENCE AND OF LABOR ARE NOW BEING VOTED ON IN RUSSIA TWIDDY GARRETT Ik BATTLE TO SAVE I WIN E G Lowry Twiddy of Mount Herman and Miss Lela Garrett of Weeks ville were married Sunday by Justice of the Peace, J V Munden, at his rest deuce on Selden street. COOPER DAVIS Lonnie E Cooper and Miss Jennie Davis, both of this city were married Sunday morning by Justice of the Peace, J V Munden at his residence. (By United Press) PARRON-LEARY Emmitt Mitchell Parron and Ruth Ashley Leary, both of Portsmouth, Va Washington, June 25. The battle i werc, married Saturday night by Jus- o save beer and wine as America's war drinks Jg now under way in t he Senate. There developed in that body today a sudden and very pronounced antipathy to eliminating beers and wines, even among prohibitionists, owing to the large use of these bever ages among the laboring classes. MORE CONTRACTS FOR WAR VESSELS tice of the Peace, J W Munden at his residence on Selden street. (By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD) (United Press Staff Correspondent Petrograd, June 25. Every theory every injustice, every problem of pov erty and of affluence and of laborIs being voted on In Russia today. Meetings by the thousands are be ing held. The Russian people are di viding themselves along the lines of professions and occupations anl in their meetings the smallest problems are brought up. In a meeting of wash women in Petrograd the other day, for instance, the women went so far as to discuss their social standing. "We want an eight hour day," de clared one, washwoman, "We want to have time every day to visit our friends and enjoy life." "No! No," declared the next speak er. "What we want is more work. I want to get all the work I can do and work as long as I please. I have no friends to visit." "That woman is wrong," declared a third, "If we haven't got any friends to visit, it's because we've never had time to make friends as other people do. What we need is more friends and more time to enjoy them." Utter and absolute free speech exists; only this could make possible the inflnty of the number of matters that are being discussed by the peo- IMPORTANT MEETING TO BE HELD TONIGHT Tonight at eig&t o'clock those who ar interested in securing better mall and passenger service for Elizabeth City are urgd by Manager C R Pugh of the Chamber of Commerce to meet at the courthouse, and to bring some bed y else along. Nothing has been done In response to complaints of the poor mall ser vice and It is said that Wadda train la to be taken off again. ORDERS DETENTION BRITISH FREIGHTER Protest To Garranza Against High Oil Tr Action Takeh to Prevent Closing uppf Tampico Fields whichwbulcl Throw Tremendous Demand 01: American Supply (By United PreasO ialparjIiQ, Chile, Jane 25. The detention of the brlttfa ireignier, Mettifend, because it carrt one un for defense, was ordered today Jy the. Pkllaan aAvain mant rr tha it fi that the arming of a merchant vessel li a breach of the neutrality laws. "REGRET" PROBABLY THE FAVORITE (By United Press) New York, June 25. Eleven thor oughbreds, including the winner of this year's eKntucky Derby, are scher duled to go to the post at Brooklyn in the handclcap today. 'Regret,' the daughter of Broomstick, .will prob ably bo the favorite. DESERTERS RELEASE PRISONERS FROM JAIL AMERICANS HELD AT CONSTANTINOPLE (By United Press) Washington, June 25. , Twelve American consular officers with their wivea and 108 unofficial Americans are held at Constantinople awaiting specific individual permission from Vienna to cross Austria-Hungary. Austria has agreed rn principle but has not taken action in the matter. The party Includes 4 9 missionaries from Syria and 41 Jewish children from Palestine. STENNITT GRAHAM Harry B Stennitt of Norfolk, Va., and Maude Virginia Graham of Roa noke, Va, were married Saturday night by Rev J L Cunninggim at his residence. 4 (By United Press) Washington, June 25. Contracts for ten more steel ana four more "wooden cargo ships were let last week ' by General Ooethals, manager of the 'emergency fleet corporation, it was announced today. Contracts were al so let for twenty four additional wooden hulls. BRITISH GO DEEPER INTO GERMAN LINES (By United Press) London, June 25. In a score of mlnr operations, such as raids, patrol advances, mixed with local attacks, the British went still deeper into the German lines today. HENRY CRUGER TELLS OF OTHER ATTACKS (Bv United Prcv-0 New York, June 2 5. As Henry IV Cruger, father of Ruth Cruger, took the stand today to tell How the police bungled their probe for Corchi in east New York he recorded one murd er, one disappearance and two mid night attacks upon other Kills. LAWN PARTY ' AT JARVISBURG Jarvisburg, June 2.r A lawn party j was given Saturday night at .larvis-j burg by the, Ladies Aid Society and j the Home Workers for the benefit of' the Christian Church. I SWAIN HAWKINS IN POLICE COURT Trim Sykes, colored was fined $10 and costs in Polio- Court. Monday morning for exceeding the speed limit N. C. SUFFRAGETTES GET IN LIMELIGHT (By United Press) Moscow, June 2 5. The wholesale pie of seething Russia. Folks are free delivery of six hundred prisoners from to talk against each other. Only yes jail and the calling out of troops to terday, for instance the soldiers of round them up, resulted in bloodshed the 12th army at the front deckled here today. 1 that the czar was not being guarded i A number of deserters from the with sufficient care in his palace. They army forced their way into the war passed a resolution to that effect and den's office, obtained the keys and the resolution reached Minister of liberated the prisoners. They then fled War Kerensky. , to a big house where they intrenched "The ex-czar is giving liquor to the ttiemslves against the authorities. soldiers who are guarding him," was 4 one of the charges. 1 Kereiisky went to Tsarkoe Selo u , "XOIliCfllt A.t look Into thn mnttpr H fminH thof O according to a long established cus- 1 torn at the palace, tne guards were be- ( in? p-iven a bottle of wine every day. New Theatre He laid the matter before the troops guarding the palace. I A SUMMER SCHOOL FOR COLpRED TEACHERS A summer school for colored teach ers will be conducted in the State Normal School Building July 2nd and continuing to July 27th, inclusive. All colored teachers who wish to teach in Pasquotank County are ex pected to attend regularly this Sum mer School as it takes the place of the ordinary institute and will be so much more helpful. W. M. HINTON, Supt. "Yes," they replied bottle of wine every day 1-7. 'The Gilded Cage, Picture Brady-Made ' latest World and featuring We receive a the clever lm,e gtar Alice Brady,wlll from the., attraction at the New Theatre cellars. We am only following . , A t r ,0V(! and in(r)Kue, an ancient custom-hut if we are be-1 ,,,,, , a quaint o)(, pHnnpallty which I ( By United Press) J Washington, June 2 5. Miss Vir ginia Arnold and Miss Mabel Vernon I the North Carolina suffragists, who j were arrested at. th- Capitol Satur day when they tried to flaunt their ii.iniKM before I he Russian Mi will be prosecuted, it has been ( ! ed. ing criticized for it bv the soldiers of the 12th army, wo will discontinue the r-actlce." Wherefore, in solemn assembly, they voted to abolish a pleasant and ther-Corn somewhat lingering custom j of Tsjirkne Selo. I People in Russia vote at the drop of 'tie hat on any subject. The third inipiession I received as in .' nierii'ini, was a sense of bewilder- menl at the problem of getting all this voting translated into laws. Th voting is not vague and unsys tematic. Spontaneously a system han grown 1 1 t out of the. old organizations sion, i w hereby national organizations of all ecid PRESIDENT SIGNS EXPORT CONTROL BILL (By United Press) Washington, June 25. President Wilson today signed the export con trol bill authorizing the license of an embargo on the shipment of food stuffs abroad. By intted Pmii Washington, June 15. Firm but friendly representation to v Mexico against the new high taxes in, the Tampico oil fields and other repre sentations mgainst the so-called dena UpnalUatlon" of foreign companies have been made against the Carranza government by the United 8tates for' ernment, It was learned here today. Great Britlan is understood to hare seconded the representations against oil taxes. Representations were made in an entirely friendly tone but were In sistent in seeking a lower tax. Other representations were direct ed against the Carranza decree com pelling all foreign companies to oper ate under a Mexican charter, thus taking from them the protection of their own governments. , Unknown to Carranza, It was learn ed today, the German consul in the Tuxam district has been stirring up trouble. , The closing up of the Tampico oil fields would throw a tremendous de mand upon the American supply, i -4 I pan res MAMMOTH DAM BURST BY FLOOD Larry Swain of Weeksvllle and Mrs Lula Hawkins of this city were married at, the home of Ahram Swain, the groom's father, Sunday afternoon at Weeksville by Rev Rufus Bradley. WOULD FIGHT KAISER soi l s are developing. I I A few washerwomen, for instance, I J or a few farmers, in sumo extremely j reinoti district hold a meeting and elect a delegate to a meeting of wash-I (rvnmen in- farmers in some nearby! (Bv United Press) I town. This larger meetinc, in turn, I Salt Lake Citv. June 2d. A mam- e! els a delepue to a convent i"ii in a moth dam at n f servnir twelve miles still larger enter and finally, dele-' frem Fair View burst today under 1 1)'' 1 gat on are chosen to represent a still terrific strain of impounding flood j larger district in the main organiza-I wad i s which are now sweeping t li ru i t inn which is being formed here at I the valley below, according to reports , tii capital. There is a bewildering' from track crews of the Denver and number of such organii'at Ions, with an is at least a hundred years behind the times, gives Miss Brady the best opportunity she has had in quite some time to display her talent of unusual dramatic expression. In selecting the supporting cast and in 'the costuming and mamnioutli , st.age settings, money was not per-j milted to be a consideration, and tho, production is a very stupendous one., Tie' demand for tho lilav has been i great, and the management had trou-j Me in procuring it for this early date, i but in keeping with our policy of giv i !!-.' our patrons the best and the earli est service procurable, the drama can he seen here on tho date mentioned1 COMPTROLLER CALLS FOR REPORT OF BANKS III OF FAULTY FOODS FOODH DEPRIVED OF THEIR VITA 11. MODERN MILLING, ' BAK ING POWDER AND EXCESSIVE COOKING PELLAGRA FACTORS I'ellagra may be prevented and the cost of living reduced at the same time, according to Dr. Edward J Wood of Wilmington who ; treats (Uy United Press) Washington. June 25. The Comp troller of the Currency today isued a "Object fully in the June Issue of call for the report of condition of all Health Bulletin which Is Just from National Hanks at the close or oust-,'"- " y ; ness Wednesday Juno 20th. UI" wler ,mu our siogan w we get away trom tnosef conditions that not uly produce pella gra but many of the prevalent nervous disturbances, which lie attributes to beautiful but faulty food. TAFT CALLED TO WHITE HOUSE above. ti;v Unfed re-s) '-Mo.lorti milling methods are large Washington, June 25. Former ;y i.,,,,, for pellagra,'" says Dr President Taft was called to t he ; V(I(1(1 "lr Ule okl faHhloned mill of White House today by request of tho (iriy ymn aR0 af) ()t)8 Hn,p BCrTy President. It is authoritavely reported WM, lln ,mi,.s rea(,i, port an(1 freBll that Tart will serve as chief justice fnlit. ()tlr wheat. Is ground in such an ' on the 'Supreme Court." of exemptions ( (,Knnt Wfty (hat Uu) (JUt8id9 j8 fljg. and registrations. Rio Grande Railroad. i, 3 (Ry United Press) Detroit, June 25. Johann Wilhelra nephew of tlie Kaiser, would take up; the gun against Germany if the age limit of selective service were raised to include him. Cunt von Hohenzollern is his title. He was born In Detroit and his been here for the last seven years. The Count's Identity was disclosed when he applied to Marshall Behrendt for permission to enter districts res tripted to Germans. ,. While jfe Bpent the greater part of his forty-seven years in Germany 'Johann was born here while his par tints wore touring the United States, Ills father Is a brother of Bill Hohen Kollern. i ' ' . Tonight At The Alkrama uih ountahl A ui nil, for member of a number of repetitions. instance, may tie a soldler-s organization. Julius Steger will be seen today at The Alkrama, mattner- and night in 'The Stolen Triumph." This picture deals with the two selves of a man. "You can actually see your better self," says Mr. Kramer, "trying to he may also belong to an organiza tion of his craft and, in addition, ho1 may vote in an organization of Uk- raniana. or Letts, or I'oies. i noro is no limit to the number-of places in which he may express his opinion and have his votes counted. How the new government, out of all the mass of public opinion and there's never been so much public opinion anywhere in tho world as overcome the wiles of your evilself in'u,(11.0 3 n Russia now will be ablo its interest and general plan. j to sift th-i prep-'iidtratlng causes Is a 'It has been quite a little while bowildorlng problem but it is one since Julius Steger has played at The that the new government Is determln Alkrama. His return will be greeted j ,,ti to solve, with delight by tho patrons of this theatre. 'Helen Holmes.the dare detlfbf the ralL" will be here, and will simply thrill you." - - " WEATHER I'robably fair tonight and Tuesday; r-entle variable winds. ' TO SUBSCRIBERS A few readers of The Advance did not take careful note, of tho i diluvial la. it week. 'Your Patter and You," and consequently wi re surprised on the next, day when they received a statement for their subscription a few days before their time was up. We, tlie cfore, take this space to say again that, we have hundreds of subscriptions expiring July 1st and in order that, collections may not be so long deferred and that subscribers may be given an opportunity to discontinue their paper promptly if thoy wish to do so, wo are getting these statements out to subscri bers as rapidly as possible this week. Payments made when tho bills are presented will lessen the cost of collection to us and give us timely aid at a season when advertising is usually at low ebb. Those who cannot pay when the bills are presented will do The Advance a great favor by making a special effort to re new their subscriptions not lat , er, than July 1st. , ' GERMAN COUNTER SLOWING DOWN , (i!y Unite Press) j Paris, June 25. -Germany's coun ter offensive drives slowed down to dav to mere artillery combat. carded because o fits dingy COlor.and so the cattle get what our Children are dying for because of appearand cos'." :'; Apparently, It ijr the lack of thftt dirty portion of the grain which Jies on the outside, and which the mills take off, that produces pellagra., , It ' is that yet unknown but very neces - - tsary element in food called vitamin. MOTION PICTURES I l h, 1( m, (1y suggested by the writer, i AND THE RED CROSS iH ",al wo ''at wh0,e voru meal an j j whole wheat flour or make our bread The North Carolina Motion Picture1, '.. chops and our blscuitS Of , ! , , , short or middlings. u' i Inhibitor's League, in session at, l' iWrightsville Reach this month adopt-1 fiit'1" a part In the . 'ed u resolution to set aside the gross production of pellagra, in Dr Wood's, irceipts of one day each month, duringlK't. are excessive cooking, aa , tho entire duration of tho war, to be 'excess heat destroys tho vitamin In ; .lnnitod to tho National Red Cross ; fls. and the great, uso that is made Society for its war relief work. ThlBf ii0,la an(l baking powders. The al wlU mean a donation of receipts from , ka.Uni preparation that is liberated approxmiatelv 150 theatres in the when heat is aplled to soda ia destruc . Stat one day in each month and wasjve of vitamin, and in order to check introduced "as a measure of appre-! pellagra at this source, people must i elation for the action of the Senate Ko back to yeast raised bread or to ' Finance Committee" in exempting ; old-faBiiloned hoe-cake or corn pono. jfrom war taxation the popular priced j "Cook your meals less and throw 'theatres. Whilo individual theatres tho frying pan out or tho window," have made such donations before, the t is tire author's advice as to tne Harm' I North Carolina League is the first State organization to make such a contribution to tito Red Cross cause, Raleigh was seated as the placo of meeting ior nit year. ' -; i , -, ful effects of excessive cooking. Ha says: "Our people overcook 'nearly everything except those things need ing much : cooking, as v cereals .which art universally undercook c 1 ''

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