Nev.s Without ' Bias I Views Without Prejudice -7 !i"ho 0-1 D ! 11 c Published in Elkibcth City -VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 26. 1917 N0.156 Jl ailed M Control H h By Prohibition Fight V. Unprecedented Situation Develops In Senate As Result Of Effort Of House To Make National Prohi bition Part Of Food Control Bill. if ( v . (By ROBERT J. BENDER) (United Press Statr Correspondent.) Washington lune xe.r-rThe great prohibition fight,' pending. In the senate, has endangered the whole leg islative program of the present Con gress. '- v The Lester Food Control Bill Is blocked by the tremendous confusion resulting from the .injection of the weeping "dry? amendment added to the hill in the House. v Threats 'and counter threats from opposing factions have brought about a situation, perhaps without preced ent in the upper branch of Con- gress. As a result a reaction has set ( in force against a drastic dry measure s an' adjunct to the food bill. Tirnhibitlon ro througn on its own merits and not as an amendment to lelgh .to attend the hearing before the ,a Mntrni m Annul a " nrrftd on Corporation Commission relative to 'H JOT TAKEN OFF REPORT THAT NORFOLK SOUTH ERN WAS ABOUT TO CURTAIL PASSENGER SERVICE PROVES WITHOUT FOUNDATION A telegram has been received from Mr. Pngh today saying that the Nor folk Southern did not ask permission te take off Waddy's train. v. z. ruiu nuu i. i. iviciauu icn Monday on the night express for Ra- 'dry' member today. Meantime letters and the proposed curtailment of passen- telegrams ger train service by the railroads ot the State. The various roads of the from all sections awd from all fac tions are pouring Into Washington. .State will petition the Corporation Radical prohibitionists hail the sit- Commission at this hearing for per .aatlon'es a propitious time to put mission to make such reductions in - across a national dry" bill. Conser- their passenger service as they deem , Tatlvei are urging against hitching practicable; and the idea prevailed - " nmhihltinh niipflttnn onto the here that the Norfolk Southern would food bllL-i ..-.' ' " ' """"" "pToSaTlffernfflr ' Meantime senate financiers are, off trains five and six, now operated mulltng over the possible loss of $750 between Norfolk and Edenton and . OO0,O00t in Jlquor taxes by the Fed-'known as Waddy's train. eral Government and of $8,000,000,. 000 by state and city governments. In response to a call sent out to the citizens of the town a number of The prohibition-food control meas- business men and crtizens met at the nre is also threatened from another angle. Its opponents are endeavoring to so overload It that it cannot move. They say that If the Federal govern ment is to control food it must also control sleel, oil, clothing and every thing else to sacks and peanuts. Amendments providing for such con trol are still In reserve. With this tangled skein to unravel, the senate committee on agriculture met today to xedraft the House bill. It, is hoped that the measure will be ready to be taken to the floor for a finish fight Wednesday or Thursday. NAMED TO SIEVE ON - - BOARD EXAMINEES GEO1,'; HAY AFTER suraop LAND SHOULD BE PREPARED AND PLANTED IX THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. HOMEGROWN HAT WILL BE IN GREAT DE MAND . Mr. C. H. Robinson received a tele gram from Governor Bickett Monday advising him that he had been nam ed by the President to serve on the Pasquotank county board of exam iner of the men drawn from this county to serve in the United States' army nnder the selective draft The other members of the board here will be Dr. Zenas Fearing, county physi- -i w tit r niAa cun,nur. n.v. u... P.I.I, V r T,in. IK The appointee, have been advised by the Governor that they have been ... h...H fW nn nf- .ral appointed after careful consideration fnla Thl yeM,g hom wwn Bupply ana eacn 01 men ur, f ,s mdfc the position tendered them. The Gor-j wh,cn u frew md fof ernor hardly allow, any appointee tnlnf elge. Som. of lt ha, wlMly any alternative except to accept the . . . . tar h. appointment, so strongly does he urge and pMture ttg aad MXt gum. upon mem ineir amy in iae maiier, mer, some has been planted to late corn, and some to neas and other TO RAISE $1,000 .'summer-growing hay- plants. But FOR GOOD WILL DAY, much remains at this writing without j anything planted either to make feed The committee appointed by the , or improve, the soil. Chamber of Commerce to raise the '. , This land is doubly unfortunate in money for the expenses of Good not having opportunity to contribute Will Day begins work early Wednes- its full share to this country's sup- day morning. .port In time of need or to gather fer- One thousand dollars will be re- tlllty by means of legumes and store quired to celebrate Good Will Day on It to add to next year's crop. But why the scale planned for by the Chamber force this land to rest or remain idle? of Commerce and the commtltee The land wants to work, the country hopes to secure the full amount with- needs the products of its efforts, and in twenty four hours. All business the individual farmer, the local land men and others'who will contribute owner or farmer needs every ounce to the fund are urged to make their the land can possibly raise, subscriptions on the basis of the ' Under normal conditions North Car amount needed and be ready to report olina farmers need more hay annu- the amount they will give promptly ally than they grow. Under conditions when they are called upon. as they exist now, and bid fair to The following are the members of exist next year and the year to follow, the committee: J. 0. sawyer, H. G. home-grown hay is certainly going to Kramer, Henry C. Newbold, E. F. be in great demand. A surplus of hay Spencer, G. R. Little, C. R. Wilkinson cannot be made from grass and clov Bill C. Sawyer, J. T. Stallings. Louis er meadows already planted. There is WIDESPREAD INTRIGUE THROUGHOUT SPAIN Madrid, Jane SC. The suspension of all constitutional guarantee is an nounced today by the cabinet. The ministers explained that widespread political intrigue necessitated. - this order., ' ' ' - ' ' 7 - Tonight At The Alkrama At the Alkrama, today matinee and night, Hearts Desire is the name of the plcture,and it is a Paramount pic duction with the Inimitable Marie Doro as the star. . Hearts Desire is a lovely romance that will be sure to please. The pic ture deals with the life of a courage ous peasant girl, and the story is one of intense interest. ' 'Mrs Vernon Castle will be seen at her best In Patrla tonight, and it will be more than worth your while to come out and see it," says Mr. Kramer. VEniZELOS III mm mi FATHER GASPER MORETO, ITAL IAN PRIEST, ADMITS THAT AL FREDO COCCHI MADE CONFES 8ION TO HIM BEFOR4 LEA VINO AMERICA ' ' ' (By United Press) -New Tork," June'll.- The Buth Cruger murder mystery took a new' tarn today with the summons before the grand Jury of rather Gaspard Moreto, Italian priest, who early this morning admitted to the authoritief that Alfredo Colchl confessed to him Just before escaping to Italy. District Attorney 8wann announce ed that he expected to have definite evidence that the police hade "de termined efforts to shield Cocchl end to side track the investigation." F 1 I Athens, June 26. King Alexander has formally announced that he has entrusted to the former premier, Elu therios Veniselos, the task of forming the new cabinet, the selection of which is expected to weld allegiance immediately to the new government. FRENCH CAPTURE 1 hues Selig. ARGENTINE CLOSE TO SEVERING RELATIONS only one channel of increased produc tion immediately available that is by means of the more complete utili sation of the field from which small grain has recently been harvested. Trom TneieTeldy g' iraltntflHoa'-twne- , of hay more than ha. .ever been MITCHELL'S RECEIVES BIG SEA TURTLE (By United Press) Buenos Aires, June 26. The sink- wn Lhnil,d bft hrvMterf next Sen ing by a submarine of the Argentine-. tember and October. But that cannot court house Monday night and voted to send Mr. Pugh and Mr. McCabe to Raleigh to attend the hearing. If the Norfolk Southern petitions tor per mission tjD take off these trains, the Elizabeth City Representatives will point out that this would mean a 33 1-3 per cent reduction in train serf vice for Elizabeth City leaving point, between Edenton and Norfolk with only four passenger trains a day. The Waddy train was taken off about two years ago, but was put' back on when the Norfolk Southern secured permission to locate its pes senger depot at Elizabeth City on the main line. It developed at the meeting at the courthouse last night that trains one and two are now receiving mail at Elizabeth City. There is no mail clerk on the train but the mail pouch is taken on to Edenton or to Nor folk and through mall reaches its des tlnation no later than heretofore. However, It is evident that so long ate Agricultural committee today vot- "s tne present schedule is maintain ed to broaden the House Food Con-'d Elizabeth City's mail service must trpl Bill to include tne regulation of ( remain to some degree unsatisfactory coal, steel, oil and petroleum, pro- as a large amount of mall from the ducts, farm ' implements and other north arrives at Norfolk Just too late necessities. I to make connection with the Norfolk Southern. The N.Y.P.&N. connection that we were congratuIaltnK ourselves on some time ago has proved a delu- THE PROPER TIME sion inasmuch as the N.Y.P.&N. boat ! lias not made connection with the steamer, Toro, whicn has been offl-' dally admitted, has brought Argen tine very close to a severance of rela tions with Germany. be unless the land 1 prepared and planted within the next two weeks. according to Mr J M Johnson.Offlce oft Farm Management, North Carolina Experiment Station. ROOT PREDICTS If pract,cabiei piow every Held of EARLY VICTORY .mall grain stubble that is nt already ' 'showing a valuable crop, fertilize It, (By United Press) I harrow, and then drill cowpeas or Petrogrda, June 26. Victory by soybeans for hay. If no drill is avail-, ! 1918 was predicted today by Ellhu able, sow broadcast and disk or drag Root at Moscow, "If every govern- them In. If time In which to plow and ment and every people will turn fully harrow the stubble land before seed- The clerks of Mitchell's Department Store were taken by surprise Tues- daynBbTHlhg vrBeire'ttrge'Bee turtle was sent to the store. There was no explanation of where the turtle came from, but it is thought probable it was caught by Mr. O. F. Gilbert or by Dr. J. H. Hathaway.who are on a fishing trip this week. SHRINE CONVENTION r.M TETO BROADEN n to the task.' OVERSUBSCRIBES THIRTY PER CENT (By United Press .Washington, June 26. The Sen- (By United Press) Norfolk, June 20. Norfolk ha. oversubscribed to the Red Cross fund thirty per cent. Tonight At New Theatre ing is not available, then spewed the work by disking thoroughly, If pos sible, Immediately after good rains, and plant the seed. The main point is to get these lands covered with a summer-growing legume just as quick ly as possible, feed the soli and fill barns and stack yards with key for winter and spring. Why not devote our time to mak ing something else and buy hay from the North and Westf We have been doing that In the past, but the practice costs too much for normal times; and when our roads Minneapolis, June 26. Shrlners about 25,000 of them took possession of Minneapolis today and will con tinue 'to sort of run things,' during the two days national convention of the Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles pf the Mystic Shrine of North America. FOOTBALL GAME IS SUSPENDED Washington, June 26. The West Point-Annapolis foot ball game has been s'uspended for the duration of the war, it was announced today. WEATHER Probably fair and continued warm d Wpdnesdav: Ken tie vari , get ousy. as tney are going io oe wun bJo w(nd8 mo8t,y gouth otner tramc tins ran ana winter, it i ... . . . . . .. (By United Press) Paris, June 26. Suddenly assum ing the offensive "on a wide front' north and west of Hurteblsse, the French last night captured the front line of German trenches and com pletely attained all -objectives aimed at, according to this morning's official announcement of the war office. BRITISH i BATTLE (Ry OnlMu PresSi , London, June 26. Three British naval planes fought ten German air craft In aerial battle over Routers, downing one in flame, and probably destroying two other.. The Geiman. were apparently .tart ing out for a raid. The British avia tors and their planes were unharm ed. REMEMBERS WAR TAXES People talk of never having beard of having to pay United States internal revenue taxes' before, says Mr. If. B. Culpepper of this city, end proceeds to. exhlbU official United States receipts for war taxes paid in 1869 and 1870. One of the receipts is for one dollar, the internal revenue tax on a watch, and the' other is for 15.84, Internal revenue tax on retail business. ANNOUNCEMENT AT Nance O'Nell. famous star, who Is ' w111 b extremely difficult to get them to be seen at the New Theatre tonight to transport hay to a country that has a five-act drama, one of " "I'l1""1""1 U1 mining u, own supply. Patriotism will demand other servico of the railroads, ana both profit and patriotism dnnand tha we take care of local needs and in terfere with no one In his great duty. (By United Press) London, June 26. "The American government will announce the dispo sal of its' forces on the western front at the proper time," was the reply to the Interrogator who wanted to know Whether Americans would be under the supreme command of Cennral Petaln, General Half? ,or General Per suing. V Norfolk Southern one tinio sinco the new pouching order went Into effect. I The N.Y.P.&N. steamer is achedul-! rd to arrive at Norfolk twenty min-l ntos beforo tho departure of the Nor-! folk Southern. This therefore possible. connection is in "Greed, McClure's Seven Deadly Sins, is ' known as one of the greatest emoti lonal actresses of today. Mies O'Nell was born In Oakland, California, and I educated in Snell's Seminary there, j Miss O'Nell first appeared under the management of McKee Rankin, at the Alcazar Theater In San Francisco. hf)' was nn immediate success, and soon wont to New York to appear with' Weber and Fields. Sinco that time her rise has been rapid, her ex- oep'ioiml dramatic ability beiiiR But n Inrge part of ,,,..., rppnBMiZP,i the northern mail comes into Nor. folk COUNCIL HOLDS MEETING The Matoaca Council No. 10, De gree of Pocahontas, held Its regular business meeting In the Red Men's Hall MondaV evening. A good 'crowd was present and plan, were made to help the milk and ice fund of the city, the Red Cross Society end to parti cipate in the Good Will celebration. Every member Is invited to be pre- by way of Richmond and does! not reach Norfolk until nbout eleven I o clock. Manifestly this mail will con Unite to lie over in Norfolk all day mil II a change In tho present Nor folk Southern schedule is effected. SEVERE EARTHQUAKE IS RECORDED (By United Press) Mhen Miss O'Neil entered motion pictures sho found the motion pic ture patrons Juit as appreciative and I just as eager to sno her as were the nmliences Who had seen hed on the Hpeaktnn stage. Sho was starred by Luhln, Fox and Metro, before she Joined McCliire Pictures, appearing In such well known film dramas gs 'The Fires of Johannls," 'Souls In Bond age," "Unto These who Bin, i A wo man's Pastt" and The lfon Woman. Mis. O'Nell recently was. married. MR. CHENEY HERE TO FIX FAIR GROUNDS Mr. Albert Cheney has arrived and v.-Hl begin to prepare the Fair ground for tho Alheniarlo Agricultural As sociation within a few days. Mr. Cheney Is well experienced and will have the grounds laid off In a short time. Cleveland. June 26. A verr .evert! to Alfred' , Devereux-Hickman, for earthquake at e distance of ,00 of three year, her leading man and au- ent next Mondav nleht. During the f.OOO mile. wa. recorded here bvlthe'thor of nearly all of the motion plc- ' remainder of.. summer mecings elraograph today. The earthquake tur$ drama's In which she played. Mr, w"l b 1'!. i r---t sr-'tlilrd, lasted for two hour, and seventeen Hickman play. "Jlrarale" Hobson in BIG SALE Af &RiSIFF CO. ' ('' ;., 'The big June Ctc&fajgce Sale of S. R. Biff Co., begins TJnirsday, June 28th, and ends July 7th. Ths firm holds a big sale at about, this time every year and the people of this city and of the vicinity await , the coming of the event with interest.! ; Thousands' of excellent bargains are to be offered at very low prices and the store Is expected to be crowd ed, a. Mr. SICf ha. put special efforts , forth to put the best on tale at the lowo't rHes pifi!b!, . , , TO SUBSCRIBERS A few readers of The Advance did not take cartful note of the editorial last week, 'Your Paper and You," and consequently were surprised on the next day when they received a statement for their subscription a few days before their time was up. We, therefore, take this space to say again that we have hundreds of subscriptions expiring July 1st and in order that collections may not be so long jleferred and that subscribers may be given an opportunity to discontinue their paper promptly If they wish to do so, wo are getting these statements out to subscri bers as rapidly as possible this week. Payment. made when the .blll.arejbfesented will lessen the cost of collection to us and give us tlmejy aid at a season when advertising Is usually at low ebb. Those who cannot pay when the bills are presented will do The Advance a great favor, by making a special effort to re . new their subscrlptlcis not lat er than July 1st NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OP NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE &TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This is to notify the patrons of the above named Company tnai unaer mi existing laws we are compelled to have the various reports wnicn we, have to make to the Federal Govern ! iuent and to the State In on time or we will be penalized for falling to com t ply with tho law. , Wo therefore request you to have . your rent In the Company's Office, 619 . Knst Fearing street, not later than tli! 10th or each month. Upon your; I'.MI.l'KK to comply WE WILL BE COMPELLED TO DISCONTINUE YOUR SERVICE FROM THAT DATE. Owing to conditions brought about by the present war w are unable at any price to purchase more lnstru i nients, and If we should be compelled to tako out your 'phone we will be unable to reinstate you until condl-, ,tlons change. Therefore, take notice aud govern yourself accordingly, Ali telephone rent, are DUB end PAYABLE on the FIRST DAT OP EACHMONTH in advance t; the Company', office. ; : ' t Norfolk A Carolina Telephone ft Tel--' rgraph Co., ' "' L- " ' J C. W. GRICE. Con "rat y