p-Y ' News Without , - Bias . yiews Without - Prejudice . Published in EJizi! ICity VOL.2 - v ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 27. 1917 N0.157 Fill SOLDIERS F iehn II S TROOrS PASS tlTHEK GOING TO OR FROM THE FROST THEY DEDICATE A DAY TO THE. CUL TIVATION O F REDEEMED 1 FIELDS ' 1 (By HENRY WOOD) JUnlted Press Staff Correspondent.) ' ,7 J1 With the French Armies, June 27. ' r Less than three months ago, the French armies took back from the Germans oyer 1,000 square kilomet of French soil, blasted, blackened ; and devastated as rnough God hlm j .elf had Just passed over It his moat ;l l terrible scourge, j i v ' Today, under the magic touch ot the. French armies, who know both low to fight and to work, this thou ' aand square kilometers of redeemed . France, la blossoming and blooming y Ilka a rose. j : To a person' who passed through thla district the day after the Ger man hordes had passed, and who 1 passes there today, tne change almost V rBurpassea human belief. , V The contrast la so great that one is : tempted to believe that other ele mens than merely those of the " French mind and tne French arm . tvhave cfntered into the transformation . ; One Jumps impulsively to the convic tion that Mother Nature herself had leant a helping and lavish hand in an effffrt to recompense the smitten dis- trlct from the sufferings it had un dergone. Enterin this sunay, smiling, ver- dibit niii 1BMELY SUBMIT LX SPITE OF DESPERATE DESIRE TO MAIXTAiX PEACE WITH GERMANY WILL RESENT FUR THER DESTRUCTION OF MER CHANT VESSELS (By United Press) London. June 27. Norway has reached a crisis in its relations with Germany, Judging trom Information received here, and' will not tamely submit to Germany's arrogant de- SUB II E BF VOTE ! QUESTION OF WOMAN'S RIGHTS HAS NOT EVEN BEEN RAISED IN WORLD'S NEWEST REPUBLIC mauds in regard to her commerce '"d writes for the scores of (By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD) -J (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Petrograd, June ST. Mrs. C. Rus sian People stands side by side with her husband in this revolution. She speaks at meetings, votea.leads little Per sWrig Regulars c v. newspapers that have spurng up all over Russia, Just as If she were an ordinary male human being. In the and hipping in spite of her desperate desire to maintain peace. Germanv ha s already sunk a third of this nation's ships and the simple, chtld-Uke Russian mind, no terror of the submarine campaign la Question seems to have arisen as to increasing. A systematic plan Is being . the rights of women. When I asked attempted to smuggle bombs into j whether she would vote in the new Norway, plant them in merchant men' "sia. the Russian women realized timed so that they will xplode at ' immediately that I was either an gea i Englishman or an American. "Why there's no question about it, j said one Russian woman shrugging I her shoulders. "We've had bigger GUARD NEGRO FROM ICF IS UTTERLY DEAD BUT THE RED CROSS RECRUIT IS LIKELY TO IMAGINE THAT THERE IS LITTLE OF IT IN THE WORK SHE IS REQUIRED TO DO (By United Press) Washington, June 27 Romance in Red Cross war nursing is not alto gether dead. But disappointment faces the beau tiful American woman who fancies herself, holding some dying soldier's head In her lap, taking his last words for his mother or perhaps sending A French Port, June 27.. The First j)etachmcrt c American Troops Landed Today on French Sell ' They Are General Pershing's Regulars. The Journey, They Report, was Made . Wlthoui Untoward Incident. v. j " . May Suspend Shipment 01 Carolina Produce him tn a anIHIor'p i-awarr) with a loaf mTTTnaiinmmn t wnrnvn hno-a faht fnr , Ruaoln than the j. nit 121. j. xjii xi x n nam u kl rignt o' women to vote, we ve lougiu side by side with the men for human rights with no question of sex involv- (By United Press) Mobile. Ala.. June 2T. With the courtroom crowded with spectators, ! ed- We've gone to Jail, and we've died each of whom had been searched for and we've even taken our turns at concealed weapons berore entering assassinations. Only on Angle-Saxon, the room, the negro taxi-driver, Fish- i if you'11 pardon me for plain speaking er Brooks, today faced his second day would tn,nk of raising such a ques of trial for the murder of Mrs. Julia tlon." May Hess of Jacksonville. Troops of machine gun reserves guarded him from threatened lynching dant district for the first time slncH the German devastations, a person's first startling question to himself is 'Dld the Germans really destroy any. , thing? Wasn't it all merely a myth? lt seems hnmatrfy Impossible, that the change there apparent could be wrought in less than three months. - Nothing has been done towards res toring the ruined towns, villages and farm houses. But the original impres sion of unuterable devastation creat ed by them la immensely softened by 'the fact that they are now almost ' hidden in waving grain nelds.smlling vineyards and blossoming orchards. , The French soldiers worftlng under the direction of French generals, who 7know other things than mere military operations, have found the means of saving thousands of trees. Throughout the entire district de vastated by the Germans there were ,. thousands of trees that the close pur . 'suit of the French kept the Germans !. from having time completely to cut down. Instead, the Kultured Tree . the trunk 6f the trees, which with a t few days' exposure to the sun would be sufficient to kill peach,plum,apple, i uyilWl BUU cuvi 1 J liccn luai uau uwu half a century attaining their then ac ' tual productiveness. " 'These trees presented the earliest problem. The wounds were merely t bound up like the wounds of a sol-p-dler.Thousands of Army surgeons and Red Cross ambulance drivers and stretcher assisted too In this work. The circles where the bark had been aw LEADERS 11. Work hard toil-generally out of sound of the cannon is the part of the trained nurse at the base hospital. For her assistant or aid and un der this classification falls the greater number of volunteer American women- there Is even more bemeaning toil The answer was calculated to make "u" iOUwor ...u yBU uib 1 most nnmnnal ibbii. for wnunrinri anl. diera are the part of the nurse's aide. Cently reared high school girls who ai present do no dish-washing, scrub blng and Cooking, desiring to serve Red Cross work If they volunteer they soon are dis illusioned. They turn sick at the atom ach when told their duties may in- an Anglo-Saxon feel like a wlfe-beat- er. I approached four of the women who sat at the various committee tab lea around the duma building and plainly put to each W of them this Mr country The th,nk of question : "Madame, have you ever been in jail." They had all four of them. They Hundreds Of Tons Of Food Waste At Norfolk Docks While Labor ers Strike. Talk Of Enforced Em ployment Under Quard. RUSSIAN AGITATOR IN LEAGUE WITH LEOPOLD EVEN' ULTRA-C01VSERVATI8T8 SEE DANGER OF ISOLATION mi, nor in the spot-llpht manner In PEOPIjK OK THE which Mrs. Saneer and the blrth-con- FROM THE WORLI (By JOHN GRAOENS) (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, June 27. Agitation for the immediate liberalization of Germany is growing daily. todl theinjtortes wfth proud smiles. clu(le carrying out slop jars, amputa They had not been prisoners In the tu(l ""Sers, reet, arms and legs -or Cat and Mouse fashion in which the , scrubbing away traces of hemmhor- sufragettes of London have been Jail -1 If patriotism overcomes even these Ghocks and the girl still wishes to trol advocates in New York have lin-lBerve Uncle Sam. Bh "till faces long, hard course of training. Even then she may not be among . those chosen to' nurse American soldiers. The standard set up by the American Red Cross is very severe. Special training and fitness for war nursing fered for a few weeks at a time be hind bars but in the way of the Rus sian Czar, with cold, dark cells and silence; little food and long, lonely hopeless years of waiting. "Has any woman In Russia ever Ever the newspapers wnlch have , been put in Jail for demanding Wo- ,wo ei"" 'n aaauion 10 tne nign been heietofore strongly conservative men's rights?" I asked one of theseje8t Personal attributes and strongest in their tendencies are now urging women who had been Jailed for a Physique. reform. A number of leaders of Ger-.part in the Stolypln assassination. She The Rod Cross has been preparing man thought, heretofore reactlonar- was sitting in the office of the new j for this war for years. It now has an ies, are now apparently in favor of, national peasants' union, presiding! enrollment of 10,000 trained, gradu greater reforms. jover the book in which the Incoming ated professional nurses, sufficient to Such newspapers as the Vorwaertz peasant delegates irom every part orimrw iur me war-nursing require socialist organ, the Tageblatt and the Russia were entering their names. Vosslche are pointing the way. I "Never! Never!," she said emphati The following statement of Prof. rally. "That's one crime that has nev- Otto Huntze, ultra-Conservatlst, is re er been charged against the Czar. But Igarded as significant: meats of an army or 1,000,000. Professional nurses may s 111 ap ply to the Red Cross for enrollment but they are now not likely to be jwe Russian women haven't been like; needed for another year at least.They "We Prussians cannot stand alone the American and English women.The In the midst of Europe and the whole rights of all human oelngs, men and world and resist liberalization. We women, have been at stake In Russia are threatened with a dangerous iso Ifitinn from tl) world's peoples. must be between the ages of 25 and 40. fully prepared slum)).. Today tlies: Krafts aro in full leaf and blot.som.the roots appear to have cut away was first covered witn a been entirely saved and by this pro special grafting cement, and the en-; cess years have been saved in restor tlre wound then carefully bandaged ' ing the dowucut orchards of France. ;,up with the same bandages; On every hand are alsn to be seen that had been prepared for human carefully ciiliivated and sown fields limbs. loach bearin;.' its nice little painted Of nurse's aides there may be some and men and Women have been fight-; reeded sooner but untrained volun j fng Ride by side for them. All of us teer women who really hope to serve men and women, have considered our! in American hospitals In France selves as human beings without any should immediately begin preparing ex differences. Now that the revo- 'themselves to pass the Red Cross lulion is won, men and women are examination. Nurses' aids are now Rtill side by side. Nobody lias raised , being selected by tHe Red Cross but the nnerMon of women's rights in the, t lie young "hair-brained" high school revolntlen until you American and r'irl-voliinteer however patriotic and Knrlisli newspapermen came along." sincere, stands small chance of being "Hut are you women sure that you eh-. sen, principally because of ber (By United Press) Washington, June 27. That King Leopold" of Bavaria, commanding the German forces, conspired with the German agitaotr, Lennln, toward ac complishing a general peace without annexation or Indemnities was thede duction from the State Department message received here today. The message said that Lennln had spoken before the the Russian Work men's and Soldier's congress on June 22nd in favor of separate peace. Kerensky then read a speech which 1 (By United Prew) , Norfolk, June 27. With hundred i of tons of food going to waste at th docks here Government Agenta ar at a loss to relieve the Jtuation. . The Norfolk' freight nandleri itril. :: is aggravated by the general", labt-r shortage and seems likely to result 1 1 the entire suspension of ahlptnents I r truck and garden produce from Vir ginia and the Carolinan io New Tor; , Philadelphia, Boston and other cas ern cities. v - Boston steamers will sail witho cargoes tonight unless they are loa ed by soldier volunteers as were twj steamers last night. i Ffye thousand labt-ert are need el immediately here It is declared.Labi - virtually duplicated Lennins, lndi-was already exceedingly scarce caui eating that Lennln had received a 'tog much delay and lost In ihlpplr wireless and deliveerd It as a speech This revelation greatly stirred the Congress. NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OF NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE &TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This is to notify the patrons of the above named Company that under the existing laws we are compelled to have the various reports which we have to make to the Federal Govern ment and to the State In on time or we will be penalized for failing to com ply with the law. We therefore request you to have your rent In the Company's Office, 519 Kust. Fearing street, not later than the 10th of each month. Upon yo I .II,I UK to comply WK WILL BElthe WOfkhoUSe rfl.t.hw tfiati me mies fi sv.rt "heir hM v THATi T V uaTBMCt. perishable produce when the ttril yesterday afternoon of 200 men the docks brought affairs to crisis. Talk is current here today of en forcing employment under the guar JL of soldiers. sotFonnl BEJEIIED Washington, June 27Ccr yicted of "obstructing traffic," in militant demonstrations t' the White House gates, six sui fragists of the National V7c man's Party today .Ceclarc that they would serve tne alter- ur i native sentence of three days i )i.',(U ... li . DISCONTINUE FROM So great was the lni-r.-oer of trees Saved in this way that the available supply of grafting preparation was quickly exhausted. Tr was then used as a substitute and finally even a loamy clay. Substitutes for surgical bandages also had to be found and in the end it was discovered that moss twisted and tied about the dressed wound was as effective as anything else. A much more serious ji-oMem of mrse presented itself where the trees had been entirely rut or sawed down. But here French genius solved the problem. The stumps protruding usually two or three feet from trie ground were .-''flrt trimmed off in n scientific man- - - . rv:A ,'4ner so os to conserve tho sap and pro in ' i-i nui tne Tp w t ' vv sign: "Terrain Cultivate Par TArmey." (Ground Cultivated by the Army.) As the troops pass, either to or from ho front, they stop and dedicate u day to the cult ivat ion of the redeem ed fields. Thy next day they pass on and other trocps resume the work. It is doubtful If any one soldier will ecr again sec t ho fields lie has work edor help gather the crops ho lias cultivated, lint he works just as wil I ' j i " v knon;r; that It is alt for Fit uce nnd nil for lie ultimate vie to rv. No more convincing' denial of the Cennnn's claim that they abandoned this territory of their own free will and not under irrevocable military will lie allowed to vote in the new government?" "Why just as sure as the men are. The question isn't, even raised, I tell you. It hasn't occurred to anybody that women might NOT vote." pressure could be imagined than a death of the roots. This nllmpso at the wonderful produc'lvo- as then treated with the uoks of these growing fields nnd blos- tho.CU's. a. sketch of the battery and lag paste and carerully bandaged rnming orchards. While their abun tne cut aown trees lying at tne,(iutieo crop will tie welcomed ny an t li. o . 1 1 til o maid's anieptry will be glv budded from , the sap and life France this coming Bummer f.nd fall, en remained in It aftsr being cut there can be no question but they . . urancnes inati Bnowea great would nave been a tmiusana mines . XUTP ATTTITP 1 . - i. 1 s I .il - i m ' . I . , HUAAiWU iueia,ui uuus auu omer mgns oi more vitauy necessary ,io aiarving. I'tlonnl youth. Women who aspire to reach the front as nurses' aids must pass ex aminations in llie Ked Cress courses i'l First Aid, Hygiene and Home Care of the Sick, Home Dietetics, and i Preparation of Surgical Dressings. EVKRYWOMAX'S TO HAVE ' ! The American woman who wishes RED CKOSH NUMI1EH to hcl in this war can lend a hand i i ether work than war nursing. She For tho months of June, July and should immediately get in touch with August Xir. Nina IHiIland Covington, editor ru' K very woman's Magazine will give one half of every yearly subscription to the Hod Cross work. The June number will bo a Red Cross number and will be featured by arMi'bs by Dr Archibald Henderson, Katherine Hopkins Clrtipman, of Ala bama; ("apt h R Crawford. Fort Ogle thorpe. Ca., and Mrs Lindsay Patter son. There will be a picture of a mem ber of MnnlVB battery In costume of Wednesday. Immediately after ceremony they lei t lor Norfolk and COMri-XLED TO ' .Vv,.;: " j Prominent nationally in' suffr- Ji.fco nmylr oil .1. ! Owing to conditions brought about! & a" I bv the present war we are unahlo at i A- any piJce to puicliaso more instru- WOMAN'S PARTY. WILL . rlGKT IN COUETC li' locill Uell rnie town. Cross chaptei her ni' nts, and if wo should be compelled! to tale out, your 'phone we will be; Washington, Juno 2J.-America'a unable to reinstate you until condi- ! ,iiita,lt besiegerrt of the White Houb-ti.-ns change. Therefore, tako notice,( Uv(jnty flVe of them, were docketed and gove, yourself accordingly. j tor lriai today. At the outset, -the fcat All telephone rents are DrK and onalt W oman's Darty announced It I'.A YAHIjE on the FIRST 1)AV OK ( determination to fight the casa'j'n th EACH MOXTII In advance at the high courts In case of conviction, Ci mutiny's ollice. j Norfolk & n.!Ina Telephone & Tel- FOOD CONTROL BILL crapli ( o., , C. V. CHICK. General Manager. PRITCHARD JONES Mr. K,";relt Vernon 'Pi itchard and Miss Hdltli lolia Jones were 'married by Hev. I). P. Harris at :i-s resiGenco tho other points In Virginia and upon their return will be at home in Nixon ton. The bride is the daughter of Mrl and Mrs, Wm," Jones of 'tfils' city and. vitality Were then cnt Tiermany had'she bein able to hang i Probably fair tonight and Thursday the groom is the son' of Mr, and-Mrs, .. n - i i.. i .1. . ...a. , I - ' , vt m.i-Am . . ' . " 1 1 o nit..j ntii' ' ' fed into the enre- onto them. 1 Centlo Variable winds. H. 8. Prltchard of NixontOn? RUNS AGROUND IN DENSE FOG INCREASES ITS SCOP: Washington, June 2 1. The Sena t .V nVuliural committee toaay furth i:ierea.'ied the s"opo of the food coi trol bill to make it include copp' mid it:; products, lead, lumber), at' timber. -'"JV" (Ily Pnlted Press) i AWARDED CROSS Newport. June 27. - I ho, Pnited States (.ruiser, Olympia, Admiral'1 Dewey's flagship In the battle of Man- lla Huy, Is In a precatious position Ies of Austria has appointed '& off Block Island, Rhode Island, where Martinto, former premier, to. bo C It ran aground this morning. lernor General of Montegro i The chief machinist's muto, Wil liam N. Babb, was killed by a falling hatch. There were no othor casualties. " OF ST. STlPIir lleilin, Juno 27. Emperor C! awarded him' the grand cross or order of St. Stcbhen, according Vioniia advices.

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