'fiizwi Without Prejudice VOL. 2 ........ City 1 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE. 28. 1917 no.i:: 1,1 Parade Big Feature I v I i 01 Good Will Day C- The 'Sensational Howards, Horse facing at The Park And Flag Presentation Will Not Detract From Interest in Big Pageant. 7 , 1 "With July 4th leas than a week oft jlans for the second big celebration ot the national holiday as Good Will Day4n Elizabeth City are now going on, apace. As was the case last year, one of the big features of the Day will be the parade. '. Liberal' prizes have been provided and there is no reason why the par AGED RECTUB DIES ATI' 01 'aide this year should not eclipse last." KNOWN AND BEST LOVEIV -year's event by a wide margin. The Increasing number of automobiles in ' this section should mean an espec-1 lally Imposing array of floats. ' ; The best float will win a prize of five dollars in gold and the second MAN IN TOWN OP WASHING-f TON AND HIS NATIVE COUNTY OP BEAUFORT News of the death of Dr. M. Hard ing, rector of the Episcopal church lest a prize ot $2.50. Other prizes- at Washington was received here this Wilt be announced later. .The ragamuffin section ot the par- morning. His death occurred wea nesday afternoon at 6:10 and hi a funeral will be conducted on Fri day. Dr. Harding was seventy three years of age and had been rector of the church at Washington for near ly forty-five years. He was chaplain of the First North Carolina Regiment now the Second Regiment, for i manv years serving as an officer in Tiew past the Judges; grandstand,the'the North Caroima Guards for a Junior Order American Mechanics Jonger perJod than na8 gny otner iwtll present a flag to the local school. min . . member of the Btand- ade will be in charge of of Mr. G. A, Twiddy. There is a prize of five dol lars for the most raggedy ragamuffin and a second prize of 12.50. Other (prizes await winners of third and ' fourth honors. - ' RED MEN TO PRESENT PLAG Following the parade and the re- The presentation speech will be made ,ng CommIttee of the oy a national omcer or me oraer. , I. ,M. Meekins will make the re sponse in behalf of the board of school trustees. . Diocese "W The Boy Scouts, the Home Guard, the fraternal organizations,, the J. H. Zeigler new brass' band will all be features of the parade and each or ( ganization is getting busy preparing for fts part in the pageant. Those who expect to take part in the par- svde should get In touch with Mr. , .'Cam W. Melick if any point is not lear to them and he will direct them v -to the proper committee or give them the desired information himself. r EXPERT WILL DECORATE CITjY , ' Elizabeth City will don gala attire ., for the occasion. The decoration will - t6 in charge of W. W. Bryan, dlrec- tor of the Universal Decorating Com 1 Tany, with headquarters at Norfolk. and Mr. Bryan has already spent a v day 4n the city getting a line on 'what will be the needs In his line. ;. ; Ho will furnish thousands of yards . i of Hags and banting and every bus iness boas and many of the residen ces will be decked out in the nati onal colors. of Runt Carolina, and was Deputy to the General Convention for many years. He had the' hrgnest honors that his church could pay him nd only physical Infirmity ept htm from being elected BiBhop to succeed Bishop WatBon. He was the best known and best loved man In the town of Washing ton and of his native County, Beau fort, where he spent his entire min istry, refusing many calls to stay with his people whom he servd faith fully and well. He is known throughout this sec tion and at the meeting of the Epis copal Conference here this spring a telegram was sent to him from that body expressing regret that 111 health prevented him attending. TO GIVE 0UTIE1G TO THE CLERKS WELLS GILBERT MARRIAGE OP ONE OF ELIZA BETH CITY'S FOREMOST MIL - LINERS TO BAN FRANCISCAN National the marriage of Miss Lin P. Gfl NOT SATISFIED WITH GIVING bert f8 Mr. Jacksod Wells ws solem EMPLOYEES HOLIDAY ELIZA- nixed at an early hoar thW morning BETH CITY BUSINESS MEN at the pastorlum of the First Bap- WILL PROVIDE RECREATION tlst church. Only a few ef Miss Gil- AS WELL Between thirty and forty Elizabeth bert's closest friends were present to Witness the ceremony waich was per formed by Dr. B. C. Hennlng in a City business houses have agreed to simple but very impressive manner, close- Friday afternoon at one o'clock , Mill Gilbert was gowned In a during July and August. Other firms ' handsome travelling suit ef blue taf are still invited to co-operate in thejfeta with black hat. After the cere plan to give the clerss during the mony the couple lert on the morn hot summer months a half holiday ing train for northern cities and each week and it is possible that possibly for a western trip. They will the list may reach yet larger propor- be away for some time and upon tions. ( j their return will make their home Is The banks this summer will ob- Elizabeth City. Mrs Wells will con serve the Friday afternoon holiday tinue in the millinery business and and practically all of the larger i Mr. Wells expects to start a business clothing and department stores of his own. have -agreed to the plan. The list The wedding came as a surprise to this year includes insurance firms, the majority of Miss Gilbert's many wholesale houses and groceries and friends, but in spite of that fact. others who have not heretofore Join- many handsome gifts were received ed in the movement. The general by her. From those hearing of the participation of the business houses marriage for the first time today in the movement will give Friday came countless expressions of good afternoon quite a holiday air thru- wishes. If Mr. Wells were taking his out the city. t bride away to live the general sent I - It is planned this year, in order ment would be that he is robbing the to make these afternoons of re- town, so highly is his bride held in creation the more enjoyable and the regard of the people of the town holiday-like to the clerks, to have and the entire section where she is something in the nature of a picnic well known both in a social and in a or baseball game or some such event business way. every Friday. Plans are now on foot' Mr .Wells is perhaps no less hlgh for the celebration of the first half ly regarded by those who know him holiday with an outing an excur- here. Coming here from California slon on the Vansciver If It is possl- after a three years Jaunt about the ble to make the necessary arrange- world, he has impressed those who ments to charter the steamer, or In have known him during the past half case that should prove impractica- year as a gentlemail of excellent ble on such short notice, an automo- worth as well as an exceptionally ef-; bile picnic, probably to some sulta- ficient craftsman ble point along the river shore where, the picnickers cap enjoy bathing dur ing their outing. The Elizabeth City Band will be invited to go on this outing to pro- Guards Will Soon Jciti rasL v ' Force Abroad' Will Be Augmented as Soon as Possible, New Nation al Army Hardly Ready Before Spring. itr RED CROSS READ! TO USE FUNDS iWITH SYSTEMATIC PLANS TO HANDLE 9114,000,000 AS EF FICIENTALLY AS WOULD A BIG BUSINESS CORPORATION fly United Press) Paris June 28. The American Red Cross in France is ready to spend that $114,000,000 which American generosity has Just contri buted and to spend it as efficiently as any big business corporation would. For more than two weeks now the American Red Cross Commission has been planning this vast work ahead. There are three chief duties of the work in conjunction with the army medical corps: (By United Press, v V Washington, June 28. -' Genera! Pershing's men in Jchakt .wtl be aug mented just as soon as possible by a considerable contingent of other train, ed troops. ' It trangresses no censorship rules to indicate that the national, guards men are likely to be included In the units sent abroad ahead 'of the new national army. ' .; The general opinion hare is ; that the new army can not be moulded into fighting form until next spring at the earliest. , -,'.. ' . TREMENDOUS WELCOME IN ' ENGLAND ; (;, " . New York, June 28. London pap ers here show graphically, the- tre mendous welcome wnich .the Persh ing staff received in England.; : The London Times ofT Junel 9th. devoted several columns to d scrib ing the American's arrival aiid to biographies of the American oncers. Al) of the newspapers printed des. crlptions of the American uniform t v ! n n I..V SPECTACULAR OPEN AIR EX HI . ' " BITTON ., The sensational Howards will pro Tide one of the most spectacular open air exhibitions ever seen in this part of the state. A tight wire will be stretched from the Hinton building to the Y. M. C. A; building two of thei tallest buildings In the city and Mrs. Howara will ride bicycle over the wire from one build ing to the other, while her husband performs hair-raising acrobatic stunts on a trapeze swung from the wheel. HORSE RACING AT ALBEMARLE PARK At the Albemarle Park race track during the afternoon there will be horse races in which many of the .fastest horses ever seen on the turil in this city will take part. Most ,of the attractions for hte day are frr but a small admission fee will bei charged those attending the races. .EXCURSION RATES TO VISITORS vide music. The clerks and other em- 'AMERICAN Eli I CM E (By United Press) Paris, June 28. In the American MRS. J. T. McOABE ENTERTAINS Jr ployees, apprised of the Intention of their employers to give them this outing o nthe first half holiday of! the summer, are looking forward to the event with keneest Interest. Following are the firms which will i close their stores Friday afternoons Army Aviator Major Mitchell has at one o'clock, beginning July 6th.: been already in active service and R. E. Quinn & Co., Sllverthorn-Mor- nylng: over the German lines around risette Co., Markham & Ferebee Co., Verdun and elsewhere during the Sawyer & Scarboro Co., P. W. Mel- Pst week, it is announced at Amer ick & Co., L. P. Gilbert Co., Walker lean Army headquarters. & Co., Pritchard Millinery Co., Miss S. A. Perry, D. M. Jones Co., J. H. Aydlett Co., Sharber A White Co.. Twiddy & White. Owens Shoe Co., Mr. Leigh Sheep Co., Gallop ft Toxey Shoe Co., Weeks & Sawyer, McCabe A Grlce, T. T. Turner A Co.. C. A. Cooke, P. DeLon, D. Walter Harris, First, caring for the American ' and how to tell the ranks of the Tar troops behind the lines. The army Jt-ious officers. Several printed, lengthy self will pick up Its wounded on the and laudatory articles of their achter firing lines and take them to the ments. . i Army-operated base hospital. I HOW TO SEND MAIL ' Second, to aid In continuing to' Washington, June 28.- Ia sending extend the relief work already under maII to United States soldiers ' In iway in France. (France the following correct form is Third, to give effective assistance announced by the post office depart- I- to civilian relief wrk, co-operating ment: " ., i-v- 'wlth the French government and fol- "John Smith, Jr., Cara Infantry lowing its suggestions to the limit American Expeditionary Forees. of our means and ability. CilDIIUI is HI Tonight At The Alkrama TROOPS In no event should the designation of the location of the units bi at tempted. Domestic postage rates ap ply i 1 MEETING OF T.E.J,. OLAC The T. E. L. Class ot First Bap tist Sunday School met at the boms of Mrs. 8. E. Williams on -Baxter Avenue Tuesday night. , After im portant business was transacted, de- wsra served. (By United Press) With The British Armies Afield.' June 28. Canadian troops today . llclous refreshments occupied the town of Eleu Dit Leau- Those present were Mesdames B.C. veue. southwest of. Lens Patrols : Hennlng. J.L.Prltchini nrvkiu. Mrs. J. T. McCabe entertained a number of her friends at Bridge at her home on Main street Tuesday evening in honor ot Mrs. H. 1. Cone of Panama. Those present were Mesdames H. I. Cone.W.M. Baxter, H.M. Griffin, A. L. Pendleton, Louis Selig, Dan Morgan, Edwin Aydlett, H. G. Parks, W. P. Duff, J. P. Greenleaf. T. 8. McMul lan, A. H. Worth, F. O. Jacocks and D. C. McClenny. TYPHOID FEVER RAGING AT OKISKO R. Sift Co., M. Wescott, Hayes A White, Mrs. M. Hill Little ft SawyeJ ot paramounts fast becoming favor Co., Culpepper, Griffin, Old ft Grioi Co., Grice-Whttehurst Insurance Co., G. Fearing, Raulfs ft Cox, Mit chell's Department 8tore, People'), Bargain Store. Tonight At New Theatre An epldemlcc of Typhoid fever is raging at Okisko, according to re ports received here Thursday. Seven cases along one half mile stretch of road are reported where the epidemic Is at Its height. PATRIOTIC SUNDAY AT FIRST METHODIST U In response to an appeal by Presl dent Wilson, to observe Sunday, July .T I lt. as Patriotic Sunday In all Sun ... .t , and most of the boat lines coming Into the city have offered excursion jonnd trip Htes for the occasion and the opportunity to spend a holiday 4 without a dull moment at small ex pense will be an unusual one to the people of this section. he first Good Will Day celebra- held a year ago, was such a ed success that, the people of ection will hardly b willing to this year's event, The flint am- members of the First Methodist Sun day School are preparing a Patriotic program to be rendered on that day, The public is cordially Invited to at tond. tomobile booster party left here on Wednesday and .reported interest taken by the country people In the forthcoming celebration, as couraglBg,,;;.- most en J. W. Griffin, W. 8. Cartwright I r CM S m m n A a w (By The Press Agent) I Today at The Alkrama, matinee pushed even further. and night Margaret ttrngton, one STRONG SUPPORT FOR BOSELLIS MINISTRY (By United Press) Rome, June 28 The Chamber ot ltes will be seen in 'The Sacrifice," a picture out of the ordinary run of things. Miss Ullngton has had a remark able career on the speaking' stage, and the fact that she has signed with hn Paramount Deonle. means that another month provisionally you will see one of the greatest act- vote Indicates very strong eupaprt resses of the day right here In Eilz hurst, E. B. Hughes, Oeorga Cox, Charles Orlggs. Q. M. Hughes, Wil liam Culpepper C. P. Harris Lp. Pool, Martin Beldamy ind 8. E. Williams. The visitors present were: Mrs. Edwin Ferebee, Mrsi H. C. Bright and Mrs. Joseph Pool. ' T-v l. nHav 237 tO 28 tO ' UTrtf VnTH m imTVB T IWtl r4 extend support to tne government The for the Boselll ministry. 'U (By The Press Agent) The Royal Pauper is a play writ ten to touch the human heart and Mr. Larrlmore deserves much credit in making thfs picture such a great success. The Royal Pauper Is a story taken from the novel When Dreams Come True. Don't fall to see the first episode of the great serial The Voice on the Wire. Ben WiUon needs no Intro duction to the people to Elizabeth City and no doubt those who see him in the first episode will want ot keep this wonderful serial up. Tell your many friends that Ben WUson will be seen at the New Theatre today nnd no doubt they wftl say he Is good. abeth City. Ralph Herts will be in a side splitting comedy The Flirt. This Is a comedy filled with fun from the be ginning to the end. Come spend an evening of A TRENCH TALE (By Unltea Press) This is my third time with real WOUnds," said a young Irish srge OF ' ) NORFOLK & CAROLINA .TELEPHONE &TELEGRA7H company: ; i CXlStlDK 1ft ws wo &ro COI amusement and relaxation In a place ant through bandages which' cam always filled with nice fresh cool near covering7 his entire head 'bttt" ;&e T" reP"" h i.. hL,ti .have to make to the Fedei air. its not going to he the last though , SENDS OUT TO WAR This Is to notify the patrons ot the abov named Company that under the existing laws we are compelled , to which We TT. J 1 its not going to he the last tfiougn, they've mad. a pukka mess of me , "f1 "d to . this time, rbeye 'rly peppered ;Wfw for "ftO Com PT ARQ Af 1Q1Q me with shrapp. Thero aren't manyi - CLASS OF 1918 We therefore Teqnesryotf to have Hon now," he said. Adding that heour rnt ,n the Company's Office, tit hid been in the "ton since Mens." K" Per,n tfeet not Itr thaa "My company got a new draft not ' 01 eBcn moal- UDm w (By United Prss) Annapolis, June 28. One hun dred and ntnety-nlne members of the long before me attacked and the new class of 1918 went forth to war with boys went over the toj like the rest no Illusions today, Just a year, ahead of us older ones. That's the sort of of schedule time. Secretary Daniels thing that used to surprise us regu awarded their diplomas. , lars, we've got over It by this time. FAILURE to comply WE WILL BK COMPELLED TO YOUR SERVICE DATE. DISOONTUVUE FROM THAT VENEZILOS IS WARMLY WELCOMED (By United Pre) Athens, via London, June 28. "After a few days I expect to have much to say to my beloved Athen ians" was Premier Veneillos saluta tion to the great crowd which de manded a speech as soon as his cab inet had taken the oath ot office, "Its been -a long separation." JAPAN MAKES EFFORT TO RETAIN POSSESSIONS Owing to conditions brought about It's all the one game and the new b, the preaent WiT We ar, unabl at ones play it like good 'uns. They're i-nv nrlca tn .....k.u mn, in... play it like good 'uns. They up to beating Fritz any time. "WEATHER OR AO" (By United Press) Tokio, June 28. Japan is making every effort to retain for herself the former Germany colony, Tsing Tao and other former German posses sions in the South. Sea Islands, Vis count Motono, foreign minister, as sorted in,tht Diet today. ! Probably local thundershowers to night and Friday gentle to moderate variable winds. The only light that ever dawns on EACH MONTH mnnts, and If we should be compelled to take out your 'phone we will bo unable to reinstate you until condi tions change. Therefore, take notice aud govern yourself accordingly. All telephone rents are DUB .and PAYABLE on the FIRST DAT1 OI' in advance at the some, men is daylight. paired. Put in first class shape toy only one dollar. William Grant, Water Stre ett Company's office. v ' Norfolk ft Carolina Telephone ft Tel egraph P9H ! 1 T; C. W. GRICE, tf , ' ' General Manager.