.u I .--.'Views Without . y The Only Demoe:::! . ". Newspaper ' Published in Elizabeth r- City Vol. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING JUNE, 29, f 1917 ( ( NO.ir? n - IGrcatSympat hyDevclol)s For BecrsAnd Wines Literally Thousands M Letters and i Olegrams Pour ; Into Congress I men Pleading Por These Beverages. ,.r. !(By ROBERT J. BEXDER) (.United Piees8taff Gorrsepondent.) Washington, Juno 19. Beer will be saved front the ruins of the dry fight In Congress. According to the ns dependable jttforaatlon, the Senate will exclude ,mait and "vinous liquors from Vhe prohibition clause of tne rood con trol bill !. ; Whiskey Is doomed. The attitude of the foremost senators makes that Inevitable. Even If Congress sbdu-a ao the unexpected and vote awsoiute prohi bition it is believed that the Presi- dent will veto it on the ground that ; such action is not for me oest lnter i , sU,of the public' at this time. j Qreat sympathy for" beer and wine .' - lav developed in the nation this n week. Literally thousanas or letters ( v. ,-nd telegrams have come to senators : liere, showing a preponderance of ttentlment for beer. j The church .organizations, now- P 5 K III DR. HATHAWAY IS ' l --back in momoE Dr. J.D. Hathaway has returned from a fishing trip to Nags Head. "The report that I will spend the summer at Nags Head n Mistake, I am sorty to say," says Dr. Hatha way. "I shall be on the Job at my office all summer except on Mondavi;." Ml I UK- 6115 U S OBJECTIVE CALLED SUDS rffly United Press) Washington, June 28. Pershing's fighting men in France have been nicknamed 'Sammies- or "Uncle Sam's Boys," and the thle bids fair to stick and take its place alongside of the British Tommies, the French Pollus, and the German Boches. Tonight At The Alkrama (By The Press Agent) I The Law of Compensation, a drama of Joy, tears ana rove, is the "v '. wW, continue actively for complete attraction onight. Norma Talmage prohibition, with few Una words for the incomparable, will take the lead- - v distilled spirits. ' , - lng part in this most excellent and i-k?-'?Na4d4CWUn . throwing Ms fur tamed picture. Never before have '- "' influence into the Senate light tBy United Press) London, June, 29. On the South and southwest of Oppy Fields, Mar shall Halg today struck a sudden and tremendous blow at German lines, capturing the enemy's rorward posi tions on a front of 2,000 yards and gaining the whole objective sought. UEIIPHCIS t' theeopleW thia cityta ndph ..an aave beer and wine. ' opportunity ti see the most Wired o' Much exercised at the consequence $fai wonderful pleture in' the world of Jamming through drastic prohibi- today, presented to them. And too Turku because of their blasting tyr tion measure, the President is an- the price Is only five and ten cents, ranv and the sume holds true of Ar GREATER VICTORY SAYS THAT RUSSIAN PEOPLE ARE NOW ' FIGHTING AS A DEMOCRACY VOR THE ESTAB LISHMENT OP DEMOCRACY OVER THE EARTH (By United Press) London. June 29. "Peace before victory would be the greatest disas ter In the history of mankind," said Premier Lloyd George in his epoch making speech today. "Indemnities constitute an essen tial part of the mechanism of civili zation everywhere. A great internal 4aca congress, will, deckle on the disposition of German iofo'nies. Meso potnmia can never be restored ot the ' 'ANTI-TOMN FOUND v. . 1 FOE GAS INFECTION x v (By United Press) " ' ! Ketr-lTork. June 29.. Antitoxin for gangrene : from : gas infection which may save thousands 'of lives 'for the Allies at the front has been SECRETARY PUGH URGES ELIZ- discovered by Dr. Carroll 0. Bull of ABETH , CITY'S CTTIZEN8 to tha Rockefeller Institute for Medical CO-OPERATE FOR ENTERTAIN- Resarch, It was announced today. MENT OF CITY'S GUESTS KIEEDED Tonigtit At New Theatre BICJ EJSE !,: HIGH PRICES FARMERS JIA RECEIVED FOR THEIR rOTA TOES REFLECTED IN SAVING 5 AND CHECKING AOCOUNTS OF THE CITY'S BANKS. . .. '": Bank . deposits Jn Elixabeth City during the last twelvv snontha have increaaed by over" miniottf 'dol lars, or approximately SO per cent. Th Pr. i,.nM l """" """, aw . tna lowi Charila Chaplin Is here again. He 0ft, Jepo,tt th? bk v-mf suiuunLea ; io , neany ona and a halt mmion dollar. To- KlcVln. on ot the most tamou. .th!8e t??3 "p Iramas producers the stage, a Pathe Gold iwo ana nail million, V i.t The deposits of one bank the First National, have almost doubled within thia period. .On Jan! i, J1916 this The rnlans tor "Good Will are rapidly taking permanent shape. MrJBJryan the Norton decorator j has snipped nia sags, ounung, iaa ders and etc out here and it la, al ready on hand. . Mr. Howard has shipped his flre- .. ' . .. T . . hlMm will be seen in a two reel feature on the Court House Lawn has been .,. u. mvi.. .. . a tuw iin iu noun luici. Ijlf CM. rne noau oi tne mercnants are oe- , . melodri mZ T , a w. - h" bn nto . . . . , Rooster Play by the Astra Film Cor- AwwnnMimAntai tn turn ftsi In rttttrln. vw " 8 " Mration under the dlroctlnn nf nn """" tic procession. iFtsmaurlcB with ca.t in,xnAtn.itkn nd on fISf.MMO.Oa' The advertising has been .peeai y - jUM 28 m7, ft. toUl deposlU ag- anH niHlplrtnalv dnna aif timn would ' s mni ft ftitu . normlt in tait avarvthlnr m In rna.ll- ' wav two veitra kTkT J : i r.n7 COT8 and to every large' "l"0, Dan" .mX a whlbh is not in hand. ' hardly less favorable showing.', The -Our merchant, this year are not SA dramatic SsT,n" Bank d uaf Company's responding to this "Good Will Fund' ' JJStSUB have increased 'within, th0 In tha ao nuk vnl ii nrniv finfrflr nnr trtr " the extent that they did last year," 8U,tCd t0 the Bcren says Mr. Pugh of the Chamber of Commerce. "Our people who have not contri buted should give a hearty contribu tion to .this fund which is necessary to ' meet the contract entered into for the purpose of the entertainment plans, and let the amount which he (rives be meanurea b nts apprecia tion of the visit of the friends of a MONO THE SEVENTY FOUR VIC- tney and Mollle King.' " .. ''. " w ; "w play it ran on Broad-1 1" "''"J'"' " . and repeated its sucl Pwpm'mtelr:9 erc"t- iiSIeS Vf deavoring to force a ompromise of Come out, don't let the weather hln Senate Dry amendment so that dis- der you from seeing eucn a marvel. .tilled spirits alone will be stopped, I IS SECRETARY LANE menla." "Without indemnities we have no Remember we have tne cent ventl-1 guarantee agalnist the repetition of lated and, cqolest theaitre tu the ' events. " State, and everything to add to the The Premier predicted that the Elizabeth Cltv in our midst on this patriotic occasion rather than by comparison of the contribution made by some other man. j "Our merchants an Duslness men should not overlook tne fact that the people who trade In Elisabeth City are eventually comng to real- same period from . J,m.0J' to 1711,963. The Citizens Bank has to day deposits aggregating $656,805.40 n increase ofapproxlmatel seventy five per cent. " 'O. . ' The biggest single factor Itf. the Increase of deposit! in th flixabetb. City banks is the potato crop of the ' Elizabeth City section, the coun-' ties to the north of tne Albemarle Sound. This year's crop brought the farmers of these counties over a mil. TIMS WERE FOUR LITTLE n ooiiars. And there aM silll some GIRLS CARRYING GROCERIES cotti this section whick ; the HOME FROM STORE i ers have been letting go at over a hundred dollars a bale lately and that has helped some. ' ' . Within a few weeks how Currituck; farmers will begin marketing; this year's crop of sweet potatoes. When, (By J. W. PEGLER) (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Folkesstone, Eng., June 29. A f- ize lie Interest -that the JndvlduaL ihefiejman aeroplanes finished prices for potatoes and other truck merchants have In them per se rath- noniDing tnis town in me raid watch crops 'ar good there are no period er than the Interest which they have killed 74, the survivors gathered in of business stagnation in Elizabeth alone In the amounts of the money knots at the street corners and told City the year through. , s which they snd in n commercial each other about it. Tl was Just like mmmm , , i way and for this reason we should me ariermatn or experiences, oc- let our friends know Tjy our unres- curring in any American town after the tornado has wiped out Main Slre-t. I comfort of the patrons a there. Pearl White in "Pearl of The Army," will be with ua, Indeed th Sho wtonight can not be eclipsed any where. Get alyou can out of your dimor and . come to the Alkrama to night, if you 'want to see the best picture yet known. Saturday at the Alkrama has al- Russian revolution will "Insure a victory of a higher and more exalted nature than any one could have con templated before because the Rus sian', ara now a free people fighting for democracy's future." (By United Press -. : Washington. June i. dv..i. wnyg been considered the best day , t 'the Interior Lane is generally of the week and tomorrow wlll gurft. ; credited with' saving the government ljr proTe lnference nd the American people $180,000,- William For presents his master- . 000 annually by the reduction In bl- plece ..The Love Thlef .. A plcture : . luminous coal prices. which vividly protrays a womans X ' Operators of mines yesterday passion and lealousv. and who la It t. agreed upon Jmmedlale reduction of ho'does not want to see such a vivid " nrlces after adopting resolution Dicture? Or-tchpn Harrmnn an.i n. Jreihat'J.rices:e fixed with the aid of Hale are the .Ure and they &re con kjU'BntMTjini'h9 Federal Trade gi,iered af, immenseiy successful fav- EUZELIAN CLASS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Harry Gregory entertained the Euzellan class of Blackwell Me morial 8unday School at her home on Rroad Street Monday evening. The following officers were elect ed for six months: rrestdent, Mrs. trained contributions to this "Good Will Fund," our heartfelt apprecia tion of the friends of the trade that loRlcally flows into Elizabeth City." SAYS NORWAY HAS . , ; Mil EXPECTED III ft FEW HOURS ARGENTINE LIKELY TO AN NOUNCE REVOCATION OF HER NEUTRALITY AND FOLLOW BRAZIL'S COURSE A thetrical manager producing a, ( By -United Press) musical show had his 'beauty chorus, Christiana, June 29. The foreign lined up to rehearse a big 'number.' minister in Strothlng has formally ,The familiar found . bombs sent announced that Norway hastrongly 'the girls into jmnlc. W th their skirts protested to Germany 'over the ex 1 pinned above their k ices they flew plosion plots uncovered In the arrest 1 from the single stage ex:t. of Baron Rautenfels but has nof yet ! In time to preven- a serious stam- received reply, , pede the manager blocked the door,! 1 , lined up the girls and matched them AMUBLANCE CORPS lout to the lawn of a public square, j 5 'Lie flat on the grass," he ordered. DISPLAYS COURAGE "Keept calm. If you're going to be 1 " hit by a bomb you can't doge It but I (Bf United Press) ' . the bricks won't And you out here." I Paris, June 29. Section tbirteen The girls beyed while explosive of the American Ambulanow Corps crashed around them. The snow had was formally cited today for great ;.n-rTJi,' Commission, and a committee on e orltes. .'no casualties, though bombs tore up courage and self posession, specially ' on May 25th when it extracted the " wounded from under Are. , ' .' X. "V National ense Council. This ac- What do you know about alrshina? t . ft. .ii.m.J . ft. . ..ann tatron ur n -.rxwn is Deiiereu iu u.t. -"m VL. your tamtitanty with the sub- K through the Influence and efforts or jerl ia iimit(.,i. The Aerial Joyriders Secretary Lane. , t, -morrow will jnvo a revelation. It is one of the now Fox remedies, and tliat. Bayiiip; enough. RUSSIAN DUMA WILL NOT DISSOLVE (lly United Pre.is) Petrograd, June 29. The Duma has formally refused the request of a number of elements of Russia that it tflssolve because it has been super set if"; as. a representative body by "wafhma congresses, such as the sol diersrr,"klng men and peasants. rggWDV THRONG SIFF'S AT CHRIST CHCHCIl Kev. li. S. Omhiiii. Hccitir. The fjervices at I'l.rl: t Cliun h. July 1st. fourth Sundav aftf-r Trinit. will bo ns follows- Sunda-, School iit !) ; 4 5 A. M. Holy Communion nnd Sermon nt 1.1:00 A. M. All meii'.-ieiH ni-( united to Join in the I'nion Servicts to lie held nt the. Firrt Jiaptisi Church at 8:00 P. M. mm aawyer; r irm United Press) Mrs. I). n. Bimpson, Bu..u n,lonna AlrB. iune 29 Argen President. Mrs. U. F. Prltchard.! nDara llk(,,v to announce the nettrlv 8treptB Third Vice President, Mrs. C.E.Ward, -npntralltv between' In a busy street an ex-sergeant. Fecretary. Mrs. Harry Gregory ; i German (, ,1)e VniUi( states with-' veteran of raids at the front, took -Treasurer, lrs. C. F. Richards; Re-, command of the crowd. He command NOTICE TO THE PATRONS. porter, Mrs. W. M. Combs. Thfi slllkjnR ()f Argentine's steamer ed everyone to lie down rn tne mid- Mrs. It. T. Venters taught in a'ijTor() rf)C0!,,,v 1)y a German subma- die of the street. Then he patrol interesting manner, the third chap- , ', anniirentlv brought that tho block to enforce his commands. government to a crisis rvnc public Rombs struck all around but most of Hentlment favors the folowhiK of the eoplo escaped Injury. Brazil's course and aliening with the The manager of a neighborhood United State1". store told of waiting on four little pF ter of "Winning the Oregon Coun :trv," nt the conclusion of which, Idnitttv refreshments were served by the hostess. 'Ili.'se prerent weie: Vt:. v Will Crniit. Mr?. Wheeler ... "email. Mrs. C. I". K'eliard ! Mrs. Cliff Hairis.Mrs U. T. !'i ii 'ii;n 1, ami Mrs. C.K. Ward. Those inviu-il wore: Itev. and 1rs C it. Angell. Mrs. U. T. Venters ! mid Mrs. '. K. Overman. ANOTHER R. F .D. ROUTE FOR CURRITUCK NORFOLK & CAROLINA I TELEPHONE &TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ACEORES LODGE ';",:,.' bii: i thinr1 : Crowds thro. ' R-'W' C0v store on Thurs-' ,f, T, day of their .B : i Sate vweni oy wuu Preparations (as. . . " , .Av.ift been made, to rtVo'Care of t tiers wbo rum. Aft'oi '.a' MEETS TONIGHT Tlie members i f Achoree 11 meet tonight !'i their hall v. will bo given gnc. The people of Currituck will nave i c; ! tnnily of getting their mail fr'" i Snowden as well as from Moy-Lodget-ock. as a new R. F. U. Route has Work bei.ti established from mere HOOVER ADVICES NATION'S HOUSEWIVES Just before the raid. The no- This Is to notify the patrons of the ' tbev uteppod ourside a bomb ui,ovp named Company that under the pave- ,,xiitlng laws we are torn polled to - ( Bv I'nitcd Press) Washington. June 29.- "Cut your loa'.' of I-read c.n the table and only when you need it,' is u slogan Riven housewives today by Herbert C.lloov er. girls in cut roared In the middle of the iiient. killing them all. Tbo store man (mvn the var)oul, r(.ports which '.we iinitiiiiie,, rustied out and car- i.Vf ... ... )h i.v,,pr.i flovern.-'-l iii"iit and to tho fttate In on tltne pif ; we will be penalized for tailing to Com In io initiatory d(- A nri.n h.ln0ou l.nw 1 'A' 31 Tin KTTTJTl A V 'Company id. al cllf advertised sale rk and the 8. R. Siff the adv I KiAx ? WI?LL MEMORIAL utjrnuu. r , AT FIRST METHODIST Ciart. D. D., , "v. ofHen- nl, M Will 1 . I. morning i. wu "cotu u"lu ri0rVw.n .evening service at tne X li V? r lemnrial church 1 I- Tn response to' sn appeal by Presl dVnt Wilson, to, dbparve Sunday, July lit, as Patriots Sunday, in all 8n dav? Schools ol the United Stateslhe members of the tllrsjt Methodist fun Hotf'flrhnol are nrfepHrlng Patriotic prograui'to be reiVcd r-h that day, Th" f uhllc In corc'-'r ' i I t'' ft- P.efore the mail could ie golten from Moyock only and now it can bo gotten from both moyock and tfnowdc.n. GERMANS ATTEMPT . COUNTER ATTACK (By United Press) . Paris, June SJWAat was ap parently another attempt at a gen eral counter offensive was struck In heavy blows by the Germans on the i t i u of tie i::--: r v STATE OF WAR CONSIDERED TO EXIST (By United Press i London, Juno 29. That tho new government of Greece considers that a state of war exists Detwecn Greece and the central powers la asserted by a Reuter Dispatch from Athens. a ried lliom into his stoie Ono flend child Ftill bugged her ackags of groceries. IlcariiH' I lie first bomb a block away a butcher grabbed a woman customer around the wa!nt and rush ed hr Into the vault. He slanrimed the door. In the adrkness the womnn (n amed for help. Ten minutes later 'COMPELLICD TO le the Jumbled wreckage of tho but- VOt'It SEKVICK (her shop she was thanking the but- .BATH. cher for saving her life. One German was injured piobablyl It... . fatally. He had lived In town for i u ,lDe Prweni war we are 25 years and had many friends thore T WILL BE SENT TO SOUTHERN CAMPS '" '' i : '.'""I' . '" ' " .Washington, June ,29. The war Department has announced that in stead of holding National Ouafd troops in their home quarters in the l orth when C " I f t (' y v ill l;c -t ("--r-r-y t ) I jily with tho law. We therefore request you to have jour rent in tho Company's OFflce,609 Ka:H Fearing street, not later than i'ie loth of each month. Upon, your FAILURE- to comply WE WILL BE niftCOXTIXUE Ii:6I THA Owing to conditions brougl' 'any price" to purchase n WEATHER t Thundershowers this afternoon or tonight; not quite soVarra tonight: Saturday, fair; fresh south shifting to west winds. ,. J. a B. Ehrlnghauff and E. Ft Ayd- lett were at Onesvrh Thursday tk n ; ' r in n ri ntents, and if we should ' to take out your 'phon unable to reinstate yo ttons change. Thereto and govern yourself s All telephone rept PAYABLE on the I EACH MONTH in I Company's office. Norfolk ft Carolina 1 egraph Co.,

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