VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, EA-TUIHXV EVENING. i;i7 Betsey Beams W dcome r For Good Will Day Dressed up and" Waiting for Holi day Guests With Program Brimful of Joyousaess ) : it 4 Elisabeth City is beaming with - broad smiles of welcome for herj - guests on Gooa win uay, juij mo ' ' Fourth. ; There has been no let up in pre parations tor this big annual cele bration since the Chamber of Com--merce" announced a few weeks ago - that Elisabeth City would Again be ? hostess to '"her friends throughout ' the entire countryside this year. And now the feast is spread and the Chamber of Commerce and the lJr,atit town 0,d tne P1' 'Welcome " "-"The Invitation is not "come and ! ' " aunil vnnr mnnev horn " hut Pome and enjoy a day brimful of amuse ment without cost except for your lunch. . . . OFfEiP IIOl'J ml i imncn 11 i itLL UllUED Will i a ' IN TWENTY FOUR HOURS FIGHT' INQ RUSSIANS HAVE TAKEN OVER EIGHT THOUSAND PRISONERS (By I'nttcd Prws) Petrograd, July 2. Russia's of fen sire la now fully under way. 664 prisoners have been taken and Every merchant In the city is pre- today greU artu,ery preparations are ;- paring to accommooate as many peo-. roarlng aU ainog tne Gflilclan front. pie as possible as long as the stores Thlg 1(J Ru88la. nrgt offensive un remaln open. There will be chairs der ner new democratic regime and nd ice water and a welcome warmjlt contlnues today with 'artillery fire' onougn 10 rmu me uonwi wlu of great intenslty" In the direction of hat the weather man can sena out. Zolotchov and Breiany in Gallcla. "Everybody in Betsy will be ready to direct visitors to the various attrac BEGINS GENERAL OFFENSIVE Washington, July 2. Russia's of- 1 ' tloas of the day and to aid them in fen8ive ,n 0allcla Is probably only any way possible so that their day tne beKlnnlng of a great general of may be a thoroughly happy one. f enslve. Good Will Day la a grand climax The State Department states that of joyousness. There are other fes- 80me weks t advised that tlve occasions during the year, but organization of the Slav army was they usually involve expenditure for under wy nd bat general attack Tlsitors in 6ne way or another and,would be Deun bout July 1st. . ! their interest 11 limited to a smaller KOMINSKY CAPTURED number ot people frequently. Good Petrograd, July 2.The town of Will Day embraces everybody, little Kominsky has been captured, accord and big, young and old, rich and ,n t0 lategt news from tQe war office poor, If there be any poor In this1 Mow Pawners ara. being brought land of potatoes-v-and has attrac-111 bourly. tions that will compel the Interest of I Mlnlser of War Kerensky.has ln all mankind. formed the cabinet that Russia has begun to play her part with the Al PATRJOTISM THE KEYNOTE lied armies. ' Very fittingly for the day chosen : General Brusiloff Is driving again and for this period of national rally- at the Gallclan city, Lemberc, in the lng to the colors, the keynote of jsame region In which the Russian of- Good- Will Day is patriotism. Flags ' fenslve was waged last summer. He are already waving from many of has smashed through to HaliU and the city's largest public buildings and is now fighting along a 25 mile front. VJfV t.f Mr. Brvan. decorator from Norfolk 4is busy with the working of hanging red, white and blue over doorways and arches and from post to pillar. In the big paYade the same Idea will be manifest In large measure, the Boy Scouts, the Home Guards, Eliz abeth City's band, the Red Cross, but all of that is quite another story. Briefly, Betsy Is dressing up In hon or of the day and in appreciation of her guests The Junior Order' of American Me chanlcss will present a flag to the local school, one bf the officers of the organization making the presen tation address. Chairman I. M. Meeklns of the school board will respond for the school. GERMANS ADMIT LOSS Berlin, July 2. The loss of the village Kominsky in the Russian of fensive is admitted at the war office. FUNERAL OF , H. A. TARKINGTON Quite a number ef Elisabeth City people attended the funeral Satur day of Mr. H. A. Tarklngton at Bel cross. ' Mr. Tarklngton was eighty four years old and died on Thursday. Thi funeral was conducted at the home by Jlev. J. K. Henderson and inter ment followed in the family burying ground. " Mr., Tarklngton is survived by a wife,' two children. Mr. T. W. Tar klngton of Belcross and Mrs. George Williams of Belcross. There are " a large number of grand children and six great grand children. Among the grandsons is Mr. S. B. Tarklngton of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Tarklngton had lived in wedlock for sixty wears. Mrs. Tarklngton Is an aunt of the late J. Heywood Sawyer of this cltr. Mr. Tarklngton moved to Belcross in. early manhood and since that time has been a prominent member of Sawyer's Creek Baptist Church. Among those attending the fun eral from Elizabeth City were: E. L. Sawyer, Miss Narcissus Sawyer, Mrs. Jerry Sawyer, C. R. Tarklngton and S. B. Tarklngton. A NEW KIND OF DUEL? B. Y. P. U WILL X PRESENT-PLA? , 4 : ACTIVITIES OF ORGANIZATION WILL CONTINUE THROUGH , HOT SUMMER MONTHS OF THE bummer i; , ; "The Colonel's staid." in three acts will be presented by tht Bap tist Toung Peoples Union ot Black well Memorial Church next Friday, July 8, at eight o'clock, In- the annex. Preparation for the play .has been j going on for some time and It is ex jfcected that it will prove very popu lar. The admission war be fifteen cents tor children and t wenty-five cents .for adults. Following la tht cast "of character: 1 ' . . . Col. Rud .Henry . Newbold Col.. Byrd.b...Elwyn Trueblood Bod (Col Rud's Son..Bim Burgess Marjoris (Col Byrd's daughter)?.. ..'.Ulurilla 8trahl Mrs. Emmella Carrol...Callle ferry Chlng ..-..Emmitt Wynn Mr. Baskom ..v...Tom 8utton At the regular meeting ot the B. Y. P. U.last Sunday nighrit wM unanimously decided that the organ ization would not disband as usual for the summer months. On the ofh er hand the officers are making every effort to Increase the membership and efficiency of the organization. , (By The Press Agent) A gymnasium game, said to be new, Is "blind boxing." The two contestants are blindfolded and punch each other as best they can. It is said to be very funny. But is Isn't new. Years ago, ac cording to history, a pirate and a gentleman of title engaged In a blind fold duel with daggers. Pretty Mar garet Brent, a Maryland girl, was to be the prize. The pirate won. It wasn't funny In those days. The Incident Is shown In "Sloth," starring Charlotte Walker, one ot McClure's Seven Deadly Sins, which is to be at the New Theatre on Tues day. Tonight At New Theatre (By The Press Agent) "The Men She Married." will be the headline attraction at The New Theatre today. The moving picture fans of the city will find a very in teresting story of modern day type. And for the one who loves excitement well the unscruplous adventure gets all that Is coming to him in the end. The gowns are splendid nd the fem inine sex can see the latest designs. Also a Pathe News, of every day events. i ... r 'f Boy Emperor, Removed in 191 ? placed on Throne, Civil v, Regaridedi as; Inevitable WHY GOOD WILL DAY Good Will Day was Inaugurated in 1916 by the then newly re-organized Chamber of Commerce. vV- The Idea In the mind of the mem .., bers of the Chamber of Commerce, ; EHzabeth City's leading business men was to entertain the people in i' the city's big trade territory, to ln ;Tite them all here for a real holiday, 'not to ask them to buy, but to come to enjoy the free attractions pro vided for them by the city. Goo Will Day is an expression of ppreclatlon to -the people of the villages and communities of - "' Dare, Hyde, Washington, Tyrrell, Lj V Chowan, Gates, Perqnimans, Pasquo . ' tank, Camden and Currituck. It is likewise an expression of neighbor- lines! to these people. They come to ' m - .a ' FA "i ".wns, THE WHITE RAVEN AT THE ALKRAMA (By The Press Agent) An attraction worthy of yuor at tention will be the headliner at The Alkrama today matinee and night. This feature Is "The White Raven," starring the celebrated stage ifavorite Ethel Barrymore. The White Raven is out of the ordinary run of things. It is a picture that will make itself felt, and will Interest you from the very beginning. This story does not rely on the popularity of the star to carry it through. Both the play and the actress will cause you to spend an evening of real pleasure. Here comes the train boys, look out, Helen Holmes In the Railroad Raiders, will furnish you plenty of excitement. ! the boat lines will make special rates for visitors to Elizabeth City on Good Will Day, co-operating with the city in the effort to give the people of this section a thoroughly enjoy able holiday brimful of interest from beginning to end. VARIED ATTRACTIONS. The Sensational Howards, horse racing at the park, a play on the ...Program... GOOlT WIIX DAY JULY FOURTH - h? e' 'V - ' "Ks7 t 1 courthouse green, these are some Elizabeth City to buy the necessities! the attractions of the day The of life. They have helped to build Elizabeth City by making the town trading center. Elisabeth City know them nersonallr.Good W1'AA vwas set anart as a bla fam EXCCRSION RATES : Tlis Norfolk Southern railroad and program has been arranged with care so that nothing need be missed by any one The cafes, hotels and drug stores will make every effort to serve refreshments to the ; large crowd VMott and werybody ls invit.1,lu,,ck ,0 erybody may' see all that goe on during the day. JL ' Mrratd) Mrs.; Willam ; Baker ot Grandy were In the city Saturday. , III (1:30 P. M. Formation: 4Jand. Officers of -Chamber of Commerce. City Officials.' Officers of Community Fairs. County Officials. Home Guards. Fire Department. Pageant Actors in Auto. Fraternal Orders. Comical Displays. Floats. Line of. march : Foran on Church street ( to go east) at Martin Street all floats and organizations should be at place of formaticeji bv ONE O'CLOCK From Church to Water Street, Water to Main; Main to Perse; Perse to Church; Church to Eoad; Road to Burgess; Burgess to Poindexter; Poindexter to Main; Main to Court House, and disband. II. (2:30) Presentation of National Colors to tho Graded School by J. 0, U. A. M. Speech by an official of the organization and accep tance on the? part of the School Board by Hon. Isaac M. JTeekins (this to take place on the platform at side of Court House Ureen.) (2:45) "Aerial Howards (Bicycle rider across a wire stretched from the top .of the S. R. Siff's Company store to the store of Mc Cabe & Grice, performed by Mrs. Howard while Mr. Howard does trapeze work un der the wire while she is riding.) (3:00 Races at Old Fair Grounds (these races are under the auspices of the local riding club and not connected with the Chamber of Commerce.) (4:00) Swimming contest (This may he seen from the foot of Fearing and Main Streets and a prize will be given the winner.) (4:30) A greased pig will be turned aloose at the arch on Main street and will be given to the person catching him and bringing him to the Judge at the Arch. (5:00) Out-Door Pageant "The Moon Queen" (Thi beauitful opera will be giv en upon a stage erected fpr this purpose at the Court House preen under the per-, sonal supervision of Misses Hattie Harney and Martha Elliott.) ' - (8:30) Aerial Howards high wire bicycle in troducing a wonderful display of Niagara Falls fire, works, ( , (9:00) "STUNTS". (An . announcement will be made at, the conclusion of, the opera "Moon Queen'! concerning these stunts.) Note: The- music will be furnished by the V' J. IL Zeigler Band for which a massive floai has been I provided. ' 1 1 - IV VI VII. VIIL IX. LADDB SGflfiCE j!l CEITK - tt 'V; v'-" - ' AFTER FINISHING' IRISH POTA TO CROP FARMERS ARE BUSY FIGHTING GRASS IX SWEET POTATOES, CORN. OOTTOX, AND ' WATERMELON8 , . , . i ? Powslls Point, N. C. Jans tl.I a trip from Newbern's Landing to the Point The Adrance representa tive has been told oi .erery . hand that labor Is seriously short This la das to the fact that some of Currituck's youtb hare Tolunteer ed to fight for Uncle Sam and that many workers hare been led to th cities by the lure of high prices, paid for labor. The farmers are' paying from $1 to $3.25 and board day for labor and cannot get as much as they need even then. This shortage is especially serious on the farms where the acreage is large. The grass got a good start In the sweet pota. toes while the Irish potatoes ' were being dug and rushed to market, and heavy rains have prevented the war on grass at the Tory time whenjhe work should have been done. The farmers are making a desper ate effort to get ahead of the! grass and the fair weather this week has helped them considerably in this res pect. From before sunrise until sun set they are lifting' their. share ot.th burden ot feeding the world. An ob- ' i . i . . i n... server seeing ia seat ui mono iur rttuck farmers at work cannot doubt that they arc the ben soldiers Uncle Sam has. , The Irish potato c op in Currituck was not gm good as it had beln in other years. The cool weather of a late Rpring together With rain at the digging period hindered in many I caseo. Exceptional records were made however, and the good pricesjlrought more clear money to the farmers than in any previous Irish potato season. Attention Is now 'centered on the potato crop. An entire family may often be seen turning potato vines, or hoeing out the grass In the potato Patches. cp;;::", Sweet potatoes will be a little late this year but prospects are good for a large yield. Digging will begin the last of July. The first corn of the season is bearing tassels and 'the crop looks good. That planted later has been hurt somewhat by the rains. Corn planted just behind the Irish potato crop Is beginning to come up and its outcome will depend upon weather conditions. Sewral Currituck farmers planted their first cotton this year. They do not expect much of a yield from this crop and fear that getting It picked will be difficult, but believe that the price may make up for these dlsad- ' vantages. Watermelons and peanuts are also being raised. Peanuts are raised chief jly for home use. The watermelon ! crop Is late and there will be plenty ' of them in due season. ' 7 (By Unlud Press) V Shanghai, July I. iisuaa T. former emperor of Chjna', depc; the revolution which made CLI . republic, today announced hid ; eession to the throne and hi a. tion of the government. l " At Peking martial law thrci: the empire was formally prod..: and. President LI Yuan Hung formally ordered, to relinquish i authority. . .: . - - cmi war inevitaeij: Washington, '.July J. C! Monarchists have accomplish e l t coup d'etat, dislodging PresW ;t Yosn Hung, according to State I partment Information., , l' Chang Sunn, declared dictatr,' the power with the full backlr his party including that of Hsu I Chang, cabineteer, of the repul They will restore the !boy emper Hsuan Tang, who was removed if it. ; v. r f .- ' The State Department message v dated yesterday and indicated t the soup would occur Immediatf ' As 8outh China Is bitterly on to this overthrow of the govern tr clril war Is regarded as practk inevitable. ' . , . n u lioiiSFici;: n THE MANY OF THE BEST AND IV. EST HORSES IN ; EAST f NOKTn CAROLINA HAVE 1 ENTERED FOR WEDNESD.V . V RACES VVvv,! V V," ' At itwq o'clock at Albemarle Pr the Good Will Day horse racing l fins.' Many of the best and fastest nor have been entered for these rn Among them are Leeman by W. Davis, Sllak by T. B. Cooke, r Hall by A. L. Toxey, Rer byt. Hodges, Star of the Sea by L. A. strong, Mokant by J, H. Banks, 1 die by Dr. C. 0. Ferebee.'ilary B., I. H. B. Lowe, Neletta by Dr. R. Davis, Country Boy, by L.' B. At strong, and Katie by Jessie Morr: An admission ot 25 and fifty c: Is charged for this attraction. 1 grand stand is free and there is charge for parking automobiles. EUCKEE AND SHEELT WILL CLOSE FRIDAY P. M. The Arm ot Rucker and Sheely will close their store Friday afternoon during July and August. By error, their name was omitted from the list la Saturday's advertisement. . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lutia end daughter of Conway, Iowa, are now visiting J. r, Banders and family on Pearl street. Mr. L,utln left here thirty-nine years ago and this Is his first visit here since tint time. NOTICE TO THE PATEC OP ' ' NORFOLK & OAEOLI" ' TELEPHONE &TELEa?.Al COMPANY, . This is to notify the patrons of i above named Company that under existing laws we arec compelled have the various reports which have to make to the Federal Gov rnent and to the State in on' tlr. we will be penalized for falling to c ply with the law. We therefore request you o 1 your rent in the Company's Ofllco. East Fearing street, not later t the 10th of each month. -Upon FAILURE to comply WE "WDLT COMPELLED TO DISCONT YOUR SERVICE ; FROM 5 DATE. . "'"'-'vi' Owing to conditions brought r by the present war we are una! ' any price to purchase more I ments, and if we should be con to take oat your 'phone we ' unable to reinstate yon until r ttons change., Therefore, take and govern yourself accordln, ' I All telephone rents are IV PAYABLE oa the FrRST T , EACH MONTH in advance t Company's office. Norfolk ft Carolina Tele; ' egraph Co., , t ' , ' C. T,'. C

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