News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice V0L12 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING. UULY 3. 1917 - no.: Program Bursting With Entertainment Yet One Can See Everything That Happens During Good Will Day By Following Schedule Closely, The Good Will Day program is llt- Orally bunting with entertainment. The problem is how to keep up with the procession and toe every- thing that happens. It almost looks ' s It one might hare to depend upon his neighbor to take in part of the 'tun and tell him about it afterwards. Still "by following the program close ly everything really can be taken in and hours of continuous enjoyment may be had. V The parade, of course, nobody ever wanted to miss a parade and this parade is to eclipse anything of the sort ever seen in Betsy. The races at the park at two o'clock will follow the parade. - The presentation of the flag, No Jatrlotlc person wants to miss that eremony on the courthouse green. Then the Aerial Howards on the McCabe and Price S. R. Siff Cor ners. That's the big sensational fea- MISJH5 DECioiriG von BREAKS TIE IN ELECTION SCHOOL TRUSTEES TO DEFEA NOMINEES OP THIRD A'jiD FOURTH WARD ALDERMEN BIG CROP HI -HIGH PRICES BUT BETTER GRADING AND PACK ING MUST BE LEARNED BE FORE POTATO GROWERS MAY EXPECT GOOD PRICES ANNUALLY The board of aldermen elected graded school trustees at their meet ing Monday night as follows: First Ward Dr. O. McMullan, four years; P. H. Williams, three years; C. W. Melick, two years; R. E. Lewis one year. Second Ward W. H. Jennings, four years; Dr. J. H. White, three years; The total number of cars of pota toes shipped from North Carolina last year was 2,760. This year on June 27th 4.030 cars had been ship ped from the state, about 200 cars hare gone forward since that time and 200 or more will be shipped in July. Of this number Elizabeth City had shipped 1,115 on June 27th, or more than one fourth of the state's out put Mr. On- who has been in charge of the Bureau of Markets here this sea son calls attention of potato growers a rkvM rt A Aa anif n antra afclnnaA from this section, nowever, urging that more care be given to this mat ter another season. Only luck gave potato growers of this section high prices this year.The 1 1 mm . (By United Press) Paris, July S. A battalion of American troops arrived la Paris early today. Only a moderate crowd greeted them because Parlalennes had not. been advised of their coming. DUES Illinois After warm discussion Tuesday af ternoon the aldermen passed an or dinance banning dairies in the city limits. There was considerable opposition to the ordinance but not enough to defeat it. No person will be allowed to keep them more than one cow in the city limits after July 20th. J. B. Leigh, two years; M. P. Gallop, tare that everybody is talking about one year. now and will talk about afterwards .if for many months. But there won't be much talking while it's happening for everybody will be holding their breath with excitement while thrills in plenty chase down their spinal columns. A swimming contest at the foot of Main and Fearing streets will bring therowd to the water front and the .greased pl chase. wW'get efeii0v together in snd around Main street again. Third Ward N. R. Parker, four years; C. A. Cooke, three years; W. L. Small, two years; Harry E. Banks one year. Fourth Ward E. F. Aydlett, four years; L. 8. Blades, three years; R. W. Turner, two years, L. W. Madrln, one year. The election of the first and second ward aldermen was unanimous. Al derman faypendick from the -third ward nominated ttf trustees- w. T. Love, Dr. S. W. Gregory, R. H. Com- of having our crop on our hands if .there is a heavy crop another season great demand of the market and the j to come off at the same time of the fact that potato digging came oppor turely gave North Carolina potatoes a great boost. Another time the crop might have been an entire loss be cause potatoes from other trucking sections are better graded and pack- Tthe barrels going bad in shipment North Carolina crop. "It will pay the growers hand somely to see that they have the best barrels that can be bought. There was a tremendous loss this year in St. Louis Firc-Svcpi And Running ritii:; ' - . " ' ' " 1 . - 'V ' ' f ., . , i. i . ,1 A Hundred Negroes Dead .An. More Than Five Hundred In juredlaW Hi. tory of Country, " ' V YET HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO MEET HEAVY BLOW OF CARE. FULLY PREPARED RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE ed and when these may be had they are of course given the prefernce. "North Carolina receives less for her potatoes than any other produc ing area.'says Mr.Orr.' It is not be cause the potatoe are inferior to those Many shippers have reported as high as 10 to twenty barrels in a single cat reaching their destination in such a condition as to necessitate rebarrell ing, which means a loss of from ten to twenty dollars on each car of po- . . 1 T . L - raised In other sections that they i wnn tne snippers ana Buyers, n me hrln from a half to a dollar less per 1 first sight It might not apear that barrel than Virginias or South Caro llnas, but because of the way they are put up. We will have to begin next year machine that is what ibe trade deman aafllLowr bamis this loss Is to the grower, but he eventually bears his part of It along with the nippers and buyers. If the carriers- handled the barrels with ids. We will also tav more consideration, apart of this loss - -- Then-for a lovely bit of rest after jmander and C. L. Lister. Alderman the day's strenuousness comes "The Anderson of the second ward pre Moon Queen," a dainty little operetta isented the names of Parker, Cooke, with pretty girls, pretty costumes, j Small and Banks. The vote disclosed I i flongs and so on. They are Elizabeth City girls, too, and when they gave "The Moon Queen" in May they were overwhelmed with ap- the same line of d-avage as was pre sented at the present board's first meeting the first and second ward on the one hand and the third and United Prsi Petrograd, July 3. Six weeks ago the Teutons knew of and prepared for Russia's great offensive starting July 1st. yet today the army of free Russia is forging ahead through liter al breaks in the Austrian line. Prisoners say that it was common knowledge among the Teutons that Russia would begin to fight on July first. The perfection of the German espionage system was thus striking ly illustrated, since very few of the Russians knew of the plan. The next few days may reveal Min ister of War Kerensky as the great est statesman In Europe. The Rus sian offensive Is the carefully pre pared climax of hts long campaign . (By Untted.Presi) East St. Louis, July J. The sm rose today on a city fire swept ar I nronina; with blood.; . . ". , ' . 'A hundred negroes are believed to be dead and more than Ave hundrc i Injured In one of the worst race rlctj In the histir of the country. ,The city Is now under martial law and the soldiers are believed to hava the situation in hand. , Y ' The Are loss is estimated at f 1,. 000,000. -ih- Only two white persons, Detective Coppedge and Win. Krlser, a hard ware merchant, are known to be deal though a score are In hospitals. , The mob at eight o'clock number ed 10,000. Frantic 'appeals fron Mayor Mollman, ' whose ' life 'wg$ threatened several times, were abso lutely unavailing. t - C -Black Valley,", the negro tene ment belt through the heart of the city was a mass of flames at sevei o'clock. Hundreds of negroes crowd ed Into their homes until driven out by the flames, then as they ran out they were shot down. Their bodies were dragged to Cahokla Creek and thrown In. ?..f;V t - Numbers of well dressed white wo- " ieau i ue mob KlCkt plause from a packed auditorium of j fourth on the other. Mayor Sawyer people. I broke the tie in favor of Anderson's At night the Howards give an even j ticket. The more brilliant performance with fire works in plenty and other stunts will bring the program to a grand climax. I! CHARLOTTE WALKER AT NEW THEATRE mayor also cast the deciding vote in the election of trustees from the fourth ward. Alderman I'ritchard of the Fourth Ward presented the names of R ('. Abbott, Thos. J.Mark ham. L. S. Blades and G. H. Barron. Aydlett Blades. Turner and Madrin were nominated by Alderman Ander son of the second ward. Alderman I'appendick protested with that the wishes of the representatives be (By The Press Agent) Charlotte Walker in "Sloth Shirley Mason and Gerge Le Guere, of the respective wards should I Will be shown at the New Theatre respected in naming the school trus ,i today. "Sloth" Is one of the McClure .- aeries of five-reel dramas grouped ;nnder the title of Seven Deadly Sins. The series is proving an immense ; - aeocess of at New Theater. ' A ringing appear for patriotism, a . etlrrlng denunciation of laziness of today is "Sloth," It flres upon women ? Who Joll in luxury, those whom pros- .perity has made indifferent to duties ' wtord others and toward their coun- .Jtry. . ' Shirley Mason is a rich girl who Is . annoyed because George Le Guere Is . going away ot the border with the National Guard. Charlotte Walker comes to teach her patriotism, to " cure her of the temptation of idle ness. Miss Walker appear in throb bing scenes of famous heroines of history Sally Wells, who fought In- " dians; Margaret Brent, who was tak en prisoner by pirates and over whom bad men and good battled to "the' death; and Molly Pitcher, the , famous hoyden, who manned a can ' - con at the battle of Monmouth. Each , of the stories is vivid, with real hu- man interest and" humor, with scenes of battle and scenes of love. The entire drama is 'an absorbing play, exposing the sins of laseiness. - Miss Walker la supported by an . excellent cast and the settings are 4eautiful.Hundreds of men took part In the war episodes. One of the thrills is a blld folded. duel between Ingles, . the swashbuckler; and Sir Philip Reed; the prize to be Margaret Brent tees; but he was promptly reminded by Alderman Sawyer and Anderson that four years ago he had refused to permit the aldermen from the second ward to have this privilege. Tonight At The Alkrama (By The Press Agent) The Alkrama program today, mat inee and night, is beyond question the highest class attraction offered to the public in many a day. Mae Murry in. "The Primrose Ring will simply delight both young and old. Extra notice, Mrs. Vernon Castle will be seen in next to the last chap ter in Patria. I Good Will Day at the Alkrama will be celebrated in great style. This -popular theatre has been decorated handsomely for the occasion, and extra electric fans secured for the benefit of the public. But the great est thing is the big Vitagraph Blue Ribbon special "Whom trie Gods Destroy," featuring Alice Joyce, one of the most popular screen celebri ties who visits this city. Then for the fun a, very comic com edy has been secured, and you can just bank on having a good ltugh. Therefore let your plans for the big holiday be sure to Include a visit to the Alkrama, as hte attractions there will be the biggest thing to be Coming Friday by special request' seen during the whole Good Will . ''IlelJ Morgan's Girl." New Theatre. Day, ... : j ...Program... GOOD WILL DAY JULY FOURTH IV 1. (1:30 P. M Formation: Band. Ollicrrs of Oinnilicr of ( oiimicroo. City Officials. Ofiiccrs of C'oinniunitv Fairs. County Officials. ' Homo Guards. ' Fire Department. r- ." Pageant Actors in Auto. Fraternal Orders. Comical Displays. Floats. Line of march: Form on Church street (to K) east) at Martin Street all floats and organizations should he at place of formation by ONE O'CLOCK From Church to Water Street, Water to Main; Main to Perse; Perse to Church; Church to Road; Road to Burgess; Burgess to Poindexter; Poindexter to Main; Main to Court House, and disband. III. (2:45) Presentation of National Colors to the Graded School by J. O. U. A. M. Speech by an official of the organization and accej tance on the part of tho School Board by Hon. Isaac M. Meekins (this to take place on the platform at side of Court House Green.) (3:00) "Aerial Howards (Bicycle rider across a wire stretched from the top of the S. R. Siff s Company store to the store of Mc Cabe & Grice, performed by Mrs. Howard while Mr. Howard does trapeze work un der the wire while she is riding.) (2:00) Races at Old Fair Grounds(these races are under the auspices of the local riding club and not connected with the Chamber of Commerce. We leave open time from 3 .to 4 o'clock for races.) (4:00) Swimming contest (This may be seen from the foot of Fearing and Main Streets and a prize will be given the winner.) (4:30) A greased pig will be turned aloose at the arch on Main street and will be given to the person qatching him and bringing him to the Judge at the Arch. (5:00) Out-Door Pageant "The Moon Queen" (This beauitful opera will be giv en upon a stage, erected for this purpose at the Court House green under the per sonal supervision of Misses Hattie Harney and Martha Elliott.) (8:30) Aerial Howards high wire bicycle in troducing a wonderful display of Niagara Falls fire works. (9:00)-"STUNTS" (An, announcement will be made at the conclusion of the opera . "Moon Queen" concerning these stunts.) Note-The music will be fnrnished by the ' J. H. Zeiglcf Band for which k massire float Hs been i provided. ? ;-v v , " ? v ; - ,.' and Iron handed discipline of the nd beat the dead bodies with stone i ftusslaB troops. M1 tlnbsTweninefeen year oil Six thousand and three prisoners; girls beat- an aged "negrest 'lo deatli twenty one guns, six machine guns, with their shoes. " with more ground gained. Is the re- The city was plunged In" darkness suit of the continued Russian offen- when both whites and blacks cut the slve the war office announced today. , wires, the blacks so that they could BIG GAINS TODAY 'escape and the whites so that they Today Russia's offensive forced could evade th mllitidm.. . ' tho enemy back across the Little' Styrppa River in Gallcia, penetrated OKI)KIW DRASTIC MEASURES threo lines of enemy trenches and took fi,300 additional prisoners. The war office announcement Indi cated sweeping Rains everywhere in cluding tho occupation of Presovce and the heights southwest of Zebrov and Kordahulduv. IS B E II VI. VII. VIII. IX BUYERS OF BONDS VOTED BY LATE BOARD OP ALDERMEN CANNOT BE SHOWN THAT BOND ISSUE WAS VALID AND GET BACK GOOD FAITH DE POSIT The 184,000.00 bond issue voted by the board of aldermen whose term of office expired June 1st cannot be disposed of. The trouble arises over the fact that it was proposed to use part of Springfield, July 3. ."Use draitlo measures, if necessary, to stop the outrages in East 8t. Louis," this l the blanket order sent by Governor Lowden to Adjutant General Dickson in East St. Louts shortly before noony GERMANY MERELY.; , v v MAKES A PROMISE ' " ? si, Duenos Aires, July ,3 .Argentine has Instructed her minister to Ger many to demand Immediate repara tion and indemnities promised , for the sinking of the Argentine steam -shrip, Protedlgo. So far Germany has made no further move than her pre rnlse. V ? v NOTICE TO. THE PATROirC NORFOLK & OAEOLTJA fSLBPHONE &TXLTCIIAXH This le to notify the pwtroe of the abovj named Company that under the the nrood fmm tho a nt th-1 ,Bt,nK we are compelled to bonds to build municipal stables. The b"e the Tar,0UB DOfte which we North Carolina supreme court has haTe t0 mak t0 th F-der1 Tern not handed down a decision ruling J ment nd t0 tne 00 time or , that bonds can be issued to .ecure , we w111 be P11-""! T failing to com funds for such an object without a ' p,y w,tn tne law i; V ' ' vote of the people. We therefore request yoto td nave The vrm that was about to buy I your rent ,n the Company' Offlce.BOS these bonds and had already made a 1 Ea8t Fear,n" tnet 0 )tm than good faith deposit to that end made lDe luin 01 Mea monin- VP 0UP that deposit with the proviso that they should be furnished with cita tions of rulings of the State Supreme : court showing that the municipality had the right to Issue bonds for the purposes set out without submitting the bond issue to a vote of the peo ple. No such citations could be fur nished. If the1 town is to issue street pav ing bonds the matter will have to be gone at all over again from the be ginning. WEATHER Showers In East portion, fair west ern portion tonight. Wednesday gen erally fair; moderate shifting winds. FAILURE to comply WE WILL B" COMPELLED TO DISCONTEfUS YOUR SERVICE FROM , THAT DATE. -.';):v;- , Owing to conditions brought about by the present war weare unable at any price to purchase more lnstrn monts, and if we should be compelled to take out your 'phone we will be unable to reinstate you nntil condi tions change.' Therefore, take notlc and govern yourself accordingly. - All telephone rente are DUB an l PAYABLE on the FIRST DAY ' " EACH MONTH la advance ' at t Company's office. ' , ; Norfolk ft Carolina Telephone A T ' graph Co., ', '-,: ':; ' ' 1 " k ' c. w. qv.:t. ' " ' - ' Oonrrnl T' 4

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