News Without VBias-, - ; Views Without Prejudice TheOaly D2siocr.:tic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City ' fx - VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 5. 1917 N0.165 Big Crowds Flocked To Good Will Celebration Hardly so Many, as Last Year But All That Elizabeth City Could Comfortably Care For. Program Carried Out Until Weather Man Intervened. PLEASED THE FOLKS The horse racing were especially enjoyed by visitors and Elizabeth City horse lovers. "As good races as the Btandpolnt of the number of visl-j have ever been here," was Sheriff tors in the city and the program of ld's verdict. tertainment Banks. ' Mokant, won the 6 . ' , iw,a ho,,ni2:30 iace and the Free for all race VU 1 o r...i. I.T M frnlah o nnln f o ., ,v o , WHS WOU Uy W. Lj. UoVlH, 1 jt l I il II . imuioi oil ' i uuiudcuidll lu The day's program closed with the! satisfy the most exacting. Miss Sweet who is a great favorite here, especial 'courthouse green. A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR Although very few of the onlook- Although rain brought the Good Day program to a premature close, making the evening uneventful the day itself" was a success both from to arrive and early on Wednesday v ioata ant nn their real holiday OUVVU. Bwv - , ,. n . V. VsJ woa horn and opereua. 1 11B muuu vjuccu, uu 1110 ARGENTINE HAS ( SERVED ULTIMATUM (By United Press) Buenos Aires, July 5. Argentine has served her ultimatum to Germany. From reliable sources it is learned ; that the note has been dispatched. It virtually asserts that unless Ger many makes immediate reparation for past destruction of Argentine ! ships and grants assurance against I future attacks Argentine will sever j diplomatic relations. j SECRET POLICE SPY MENACE MI ST BE SMASHED IMMEDIATELY AM) GOVERN' MENT ORDERS QUCK ORGANI ZATION OK A "SCOTLAND YARD" HERE FOR TWO DAYS (By Uuited Pres) WAR DEPARTMENT PROBING RIOTS ly with the young people, will be seen tonight in a beautiful love drama. The picture is worked out so smooth ers knew it because no announcement ! and clan that it is a decided treat, air. By noon the program soon began with the par ade as scheduled. MnrBhftls Kendrick. Worth and Trtlt,lnnr nrapaaHDrl tho F.Hzflhpth CitV I Band, heralding the approach of the had been made to that effect, a dis-jand makes on, feel glad to get away !.., fr.i1a anrt thP 'unguisneu visum iuup hi w.r pamuo, I'"" in one of the autos near the front of By I he way. have you ever ex Tlie first niize of $5.00 iu the Hag-, perienced any trouble with your Carr of Durham who was Attending eves0 Max Flgn.un has, and in the a meeting of his church at Hertford , excellent Metro Comedy tonight "Me and came over for a part of the day. Wouldn't Wear Glasss" no one can It was generally hoped thai he would . tell the reason why except Max. speak to tho crowd, for a few min-j You will miss an exceptional op uates at least, but rain interfered P(,riUnity of seeing a pretty and with this plan as with some others, I sweet romance as well hs a good THE PRIZES WON j comedy If you fail to be on hand at The first prize of $5 00 in the par- the Alkrama tonight. - - Washincton, July 5. The Imme-j Mr. Edgar Morris, representing ditite necessity of smashing the Ger the Pittsburg Water Heater Co., is mini spy menace has caused the gov-1 here for two days, during which the 'eminent to order the quick organiza-j Gas Company is offering especial of an entirely new secret police; system, the National Intelligence, Service. I It includes State. War, JS'avigatlon ' and Justice departments. The Treas- j ury secret service will continue to work on counterfeit cases. The oper ation of the new system will be sim ilar to that of Scotland Yard in Great Britian. America's spy hunt tends to ab solve any member of the Navy from guilt in spreading the advance news upon which Germany mobilized her U-boats to waylay the United States transports. The decrease in sinking merchant men, officials East St. Louis, July 6. The War Department probe of the race riots here which occurred this week and resulted in the death of upwards ot 100 negroes and four white men, in juring three white women, is under way. It is alleged that the laxity of the militiamen prompted the probe. Governor Lowden himself took charge of the 2,000 troops ordered to guard the town yesterday. The blacks left town as rapidly as possible yesterday, many of them re- : turing south. values In these water heaters. Tonight At The Alkrama (By The Press Agent) Blanche Sweet and Thomas ghan in "The Silent Partner," Mel-will HOW JULY 4TH WIS CELEBRATED PARIS, LONDON, ROME AND RIO VIE WITH AMERICANS IN CELE BRATION OF NATION'S HOLIDAY I IT FRENCH P0. AMERICANS WILL. BE ESTAD TABLISHED IN PERMANENT CAMP JUST BACK OP FIRING LINE BY JULY FIFTEENTH procession. The city officials and the Chamber of Commerce officials were in place and the Camden Council for Defense had a prominent position. The Junior Order was splendidly rep resented by its members and by a large number of small boys who car-, Tied the big flag which was present ed to the High School by this organ-! Ization. The Fire Company and the Boy Scouts added greatly to the effec tiveness of the parade. The Canning Club girls were in Paris, July B. Paris went wild on the Fourth In acclaiming Its grat! tude to America. Millions cheered themselves hoarse as the battalion of Pershing's bronz ed veterans swung along in the nar- believe. which began ade eagerness to get at the foe evi- last week Indicates that Germany dcnced ,n every Btep has abandoned her usual routine and Tney pheered aKaln go thunder. is concentrating upon intercetping m,,v .,,. ,hn whnI onomQ,, bo In an uproar as they espied Per- ade for the best decorated auto was won by McCabe & Grice. The second Kitty Gordon in "Vera the Medium Is the sensation at the Alkrama to morrow and of the age in moving pic- i i m n r n i. v. a .. - II.. with rtt pn0t..mB0 four vp- ipriiee 01 (i.p was wuu uy ine ou. -nTcTeTTtflT. The ronr-cratr Drrys "hadTKW"M -.rSS- v.!."' u' The first prize of $5.00 in the Rav-! inamHtic rasnion wun tne lure. ur le foil v of men knd ftf- a most attractive float. Indeed, its certained and who will be given the members were diligent throughout I'lzt' "Poii application to Mr. I'ugh. the day and did their bit most charm ingly toward making the day a suc cess with attractive lunch stands at convenient places for the visitors. The Ragamuffins were as good as last year but unfortunately their number was smaller and they passed too quickly to win the admiration they deserved. A-number of business firms had good floats and the First National and Saving! Bank and Trust Com pany were appropriately represented. " The float of the First National Bank was two mammoth dollars and boro the motto "Roll your dollars to the First National Bank." Private cars in the procession were very prettily decorated also. UNIQUE DECORATION'S The business section of the city had been decorated by a Norfolk dec- tha anDearance of "the real thing.' with their big wagon drawn by two,1""1" 'prtment f Mie papra.iU'Voman. and tl mules. - "' ;was won by t,lp man riding jjn the fords the star to wear dozens of as-' The Surgical Dressing Society had buKK'. whose name has not been as-' tounding gowns, valued aggregating in cost seven thousand dollars. The picture will lie a revelation to many and should be seen by all Remember the matinee starts promptly at 'I 45 and all who can had better attend the matinee, as this feature is so vastly popular that standing room will be at a premium tomorrow night. Pearl White in Pearl of the Army will be tho serial attraction. transports. i Secretary Daniels indicated today that the Navv Department has thor oughly investigated the matter hut that no leak has been found. Prepar ations for sailing ware well known in the American port at the time of departure, however, and there were sufficient open cables whereby Inno cent appearing messages In a prenr-i ranged code could have notifed Ber lin that the ships had salleU Then Berlin could have wirelessed the V boats in regard to what path the. ships would be likely to follow. This it 1& heiifyyrt it. what happauad (iernlahv's spy svsfem must be and their own Idol, s spy ousted from America." This mandate went forth from the War and Navy siting himself "Papa" Joffre. First on the program of France's old time celebration of tho Fourth was the presentation of flags to the American commander at the Inval Ides. The great court was surrounded by troops massed four deep. The greatest notables of France assem bled in the centre, cheered as the stars and. stripes were presented. Those of Pershings' Regulars par ticipating In the celebration left to day for the permanent camp of the ftoer!ctinrPTpeditioiiary force some where near the battle line. London, July 5. Britishers wore tiny American flags In their button- Paris, July 5. America's first ex peditionary, army will be established in its permanent camp In the war zone by July the fifteenth. , One battalion participating In the Paris celebration left today for that camp. General Pershing's headquar ters are the scene of tremendous ac tivity. . French Port, July 5. (Delayed) Passed by the American Censor) Although the American expedition ary army Is to leave the .latter part of the week for Its permanent train ing camp behind the firing lines, it has strted its Intensive training here already. -" This training consists of inarches and trench practice. The Inhabitants here are thrilled dally by the 'lines of troops traversing the streets and headed by bands. V , Hundreds of troopers bathe dally in the cold sea water near the tern porary camp. Daily baseball games feature camp life. Military and naval police patrol the streets maintaining strict order. ' , ' The arrival of the last contingent of transports with horses, automo biles and supplies has been announc ed. '.. ., v Pllll 10 CUT .1 1 I- .1... i 4 ueiia i uuei is in me iuiuhi oi me na- ...,., .,.,,i.. ii ,i a. tions' Fourth .Tulv eolehrfl t inn o rwt ' - . . " . ' can Independence with all the enthu- The second prize of $ 2 r. 0 in the Rag amuffin Department of the parade was won by the man with a coon on; a stick The man's name has not been ascertained and will be given tho prize upon application to Mr. Pugh. j The first prize of $ !". 00 in the : swimming contest was won by Melick : Blades The second prize of J 2 . F 0 was won by Brantley McCoy. Special ' mention is given Lemuel Blades The , aiiu.iionnl entries m this contest were .lule F.theridge, Duke Cropsey Shellon McMullan The, greased pig whs caught and won by 1 1 i ii t on Owens. Broad street. THANKS ARE EXTENDED I nous rourin or JUiy cmenraiion ana rejoicing over America's first victory in tho war. - slasm of the American Colony. Rome. Julv R it That the attack by submarines tip- A , , , , . . the American Fourth with red. white- and blue decorations and exercises at tho coliseum and canitol. Speeches were made lv Premie- ltozelll and Ambassador Page. Rio Do Janeiro, July .r. Brazil celebrated the American Fourth in a very enthusiastic fashion. M CONTINUES E! his the I The Chamber of Commerce wishes to thank Mr. Y. P. Duff for the Use of his piano for the "Moon Queen," erator and flags and buntings were "Peretta. The Electric Light & Power Germans, twug last nlglit struck suc displayed in abundance. A number of 'niany for its splendid services and cssfully at the enemy southwest of private residences were decorate.l al- co-operation in the setting of poles 80, one of the most interesting ot an1 adjusting lines across wires and a front of fi0 y"rd9' these being the home of Mr and Mrs HO ": ",c ""f'1 of Aldermen for a I Twelv or fourteen enemy aero W. P. Knowles on Martin street Froirr' lnnil,ion of 2r,.O0; the Police for ! Ie8 attacked Harwlck early yes the front of their home flew the',npir splendid assistance in handling ,er,'ay killing eight and injuring 22. AmrlKn wifh'iho Pritioi, ,h the crowds and especially their court , Material damage done was ver' on American shins Tuesi av failed was due to Admiral (Heaves desper ate lighters who bat off the subma rines. News of this victory against Ger many plans of frightfulness spread ; broadcast over the world on Indepon lenco Day made the day go down In 'history with the original Fourth of July. Five torpedoes were fired upon American ships. With the blinding' rays of the convoy's searchlights flashing trails of silver across the ocean .the American gunners fired at their scarcely seen foes and one more U-boat lies wrecked at tho ocean's bottom while the American transports even to the last horses are safe on French soli j "Th private cable leak and not so much what Is printed in tho news- Belgium, advancing along PI'"'"""- ,hat ls tl,p "eadly peril wnicn tne government must wipe out in its anti-spy campaign" said Lord Northcllffe In an Interview to the United Press todav. DIG US I ( By Suited Press) London. July d - Continuing tactics of "mixing" blows at MR. JACK BROTHERS DEAD The funeral of Mr. Jack Brothers, who died at New York Monday will bo conducted here Sunday. Mr. Brothers was the son of Mr. G. V. Brothers of this city, and a resident of New York City. AERIAL HOWARDS PERFORM TONIGHT French, the Italian, the Roumanian. e0U8 an(1 Sod natiired treatment to and the Belgian flags, making an nn-iwanis a" during the day; the mem usually beautiful effect as well as a herB ()f ,he band who "oned their most striking one. The flags were all services in such a creditable manner large and all except "Old Glory"were for ,fle ml',al entertainment for made by Mrs. Knowles herself. 'T'tne ',av; tne Virginia-Carolina Navl wanted to make the flags of all the gallon Company for the truck fur- . Allies,' she said, "But I didn't quite ",3hed the band float and Misses Hat get through." Mr. and Mrs. Knowles tle HarllBy and Martha Elliott, and are from England and their interest tne seventy girls who participated in in international affairs is very keen. lne "Moon Queen"; those having The parade wound up at the court' charge of tho parade; Captain Clark house and disbanded. There Rev. E. ' and Mr. Sanderson for arranging the L. Stack of South Mills in an elo-' swimming cours; Mr. Leigh Sheep, quent patriotic address presented the Mr w- K- Dunstan, Mrs. Lou Morgan flag tQ the local school in behalf of for Judges of the parade; Rev. Her the Juiiior Order. Rev. E. F. Sawyer, nert Osborne. Mr. Darius White, Mr. Chaplain of the Junior Order, also Thorburn Bennett Judges of the took part in the exercises. The Sag swimming contest, and generally to was received by Judge J. B. Leigh thank all who contributed in any for the school, and a patriotic poem ! waT to make the occasion enjoyable. Wis read by Mr. Emmett Wynn. Pa-! In solicitation for funds the com trlotlc airs rendered by the band add,mittee failed to secure the required ed greatly to the impress! veriess of amount and there is a shortage of ?the ceremony. about 1 1 50.00. whlcn would be ap- - preclably decreased by those who can The Aerial Howards pleased the enil additional contributions to J . T. Deen rearing or ini8lMcCabe. Treasurer. slight tt HKIjLS INHIRANCK BCHIXKSH The Aerial Howards will give their performance tonight at eight o'clock at the intersection of Main and Poln dexter streets. Everybody is Invited to come out and see the performance. ATTENTION BAND BOYS. nicuiis S Washington, July 6. W German has placed a screen of submarines' 200 miles out In the Atlantic in the effort to cut American communica tion lines, according to ffTJT De partment Information. The subma rines are reported to be operating off the Azores where important relay cable stations are located. ,' . "--T -, J LARGE CROWDS -' ATTENDED GAME3V Large crowds attended both games v of baseball furnished by the Elizabeth City Cubs for Good Will Day. Th grand stand was crowded and many were standing to see the games. The first game was between Cubs and Sound Neck, which resulted in a score of 4 to 1 in favor of the Cubs. The second game was between the Cubs and Milldam, and the score of this game was 9 to 5, In Mllldam't favor. ELIZABETH LODGE - W TO INSTALL OFFICERS The Elizabeth Lodge I. O. O.TvIV will meet tonight and install pew officers after which refreshments will he served. y. 'V, TODAY AT THE V NEW THEATRE Mil! To my friends, patrons and the All members of the J. H. Zlegler general public. This Is to notify you band are requested to meet on the that I have sold my Fire Insurance rorner of Main and Polndexter strs., Business, formerly owned by Mess, at 8 o'clock sharp, by L. E. Skinner, G. M. Scott & Son. to Mr. J. G. Fear- director. ; lng as of July 1st., 1917. He will lake care and give his personal at-. a iMxf nov HAnv win Petroerad Inlv R Thn Tpiitnnte . iii.r, ihi ittiti run teirograa, juiy b. tne teutonic tenHon t0 the renewal of all policies ADOPTIOV Army chiefs are concentrating upon h m Ki .m , . , . ; v on my books from said date. a fine Rov hahv nii months nid counter attacks to stop General Brus I u y DaDy' l"x montnH 0(- lloff's offenslye. At a point east of Mr. Fearing has had considerable (omeof K"d famllyAmother un Brezany the enemy attacks co'mpell- experience In the Fire Insurasce nble t0 care for 8elf Bnd baby and ed retirement For thrfi Hnv ih business, and renresents a eood mnnv r,rtfrt by h"9and wants to give by Russians have continued their cam-, strong .reliable companies. His bus paign unchecked. The Austrians be-' '"ess was established in 1900. and came utterly demoralized by the fe- ne has had personal charge of the roclty of the Russian offensive while management since 1909. He will call the Russians seemed endowed with upon you with reference to renewing superflghtlng qualities. particulars apply to Thoma-s. Chief J. B. TRY MY WAY OF EXAMINING THK JRYK8. i performance for many days and look ,Ved fprward to Jt .as the day's chief attraction. "Well, she didn't fool us. She shore rode that bicycle," was one man's comment. TDurned If she dl'dttt said his neighbor, "She beat hie. V SPEAKS TO ACHOREE LODGE j your insurance before your present policies expire. I trust you will con-1 i tine doing business with him WEATHKTt- Mrs. L. C. Baum of Poplar Branch will speak to Achoree Lodge, IT O. O. F. here Friday night upon the Thanlrtnv vnn fni" flta 1 IaaI ' aim. , , J - .vwnau-. on BWwn yvn IUUWH BIS, k UVf W TNDlIUr . 1 Fair wnignt; rnaay partly cloudy . evening ls anticipated and all mem You'll find it different than that You of tbe ordinary Opticians it Is de- will find him prompt and efficient in fl(le(11y raore thorough. and scientific. service in all matters pertaining to 1 K"081' at notnlnK. hut test each ! the Insurance Business. i oyo by every methd known to science before deciding upon the lenses need- i Any favor you may show him, will ed. be highly appreciated by me. ! As a rule stronger Glasses are (By The Press Agent) . A fine upright young chap SUCC cumbs to liquors lure and from" A ' 'l stalwart young ma is dragged ' to the depth of Demon Hum s deprav ity. He loses his social and business standing and worst of all, his bride. The conflicting emotions -the desire to gain his lost manhood and self respect at war with the temptation to drift along life's broad stream are realistically expressed on Henry B. Walthall's face and Mary Charles ton as Molly, the heroine, proves to- be his inspiration, as his smoldering love for his wife flares up within his breast to expose vividly the curse which drink has placed upon him. When the alcholic yoke is thrown off, happiness returns and love and patience and determination are re warded, t v Doq't forget that mysterious serial "The Voice on The Wire," episode I will be shown today. - ' " V, 5 prdbably tfhoVers'.' bers are urged to be present. Respectfully, SIIELTONG. ECOTT. needed yearly, do you see leaely with yours T " ? -; . PR. J. D. HATHAWAY ' PLAY POSTPONED The play that was to be presented by the B. Tf P.'U. of lackeU Me morlal church' has been posfponci until next week on account of C death of Mr. Jnrk pi,r-, fv, ,