, . , j Without C Ehs Victvs Without VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING. JULY 7. 19l7 no.i: 4 - j-Icn 01 Dralt Age Must Iccp On Alert Are Held Responsible For Knowing Whether They are Chosen and The Time For Examination . . By United Press V Wellington, July 7. America's men Of draft age will be responsible lor ascertaining whether or not they re drawn In the big human lottery. - Hence the War Department asks .that they be on the alert in keeping up with the newspaper announce- ' menU of dratt requirements and when la doubt ask the If cal exempt ion boards. ; ' Briefly, this Is what ellglbles must -do: 'Go to your exemption board and find out what your red Ink serial III I'llED FOR OFFICERS' GIFS ADJUTANT GENERAL McCAIN IS SUES STATEMENT TO REMOVE MI8CONCEPTION8 Washington, July B. Convinced that many desirable men are holding number Is as soon as the boards have back their applications from the ,sec- - finished numbering the cards for thelond officers training camp because ot lottery. 'a misconception of the requirements, "Watch for the drawing in Wash-1 Adjutant General McCain issued a lngton and then find out whether statement tonight making it clear nmhor van drawn and the that 'intelligent and forceful" men Order In which you must appear and are wanted even If they are under 31 hon vnn must take vour Dhvslcial years of age and without military WILL MEET AT RAMOUTH GILEAD 9;30 10:00 . examination." ' The fate of the 9,649.938 men on the National Army registration roll will be held in a huge glass bowl ' filled with little gelatine capsules.The numbers on the paper squares in each ot these capsules will designate men drafted. the t .ELEVATED 1811 TAKES PLUNGE (By United Press) New York, July 7. Four persons -were seriously hurt and ten others Injured when two cars of a Broad way elevated train plunged from the trestle on Brooklyn street today with fifty passengers. training The previous statement of the War Department that It will be difficult for nun within the draft age or with out uiiliuiy experience to gain ad mission to the camps has resulted, The Sunday School session of Cam den and Currituck Union will meet at Ramouth-Gilead Church July 27-29, 1917. FRIDAY 11:00 A. M. Introductory Sermon D. P. Harris. 2:30 P. M. General Topic, "Thor ' oughness.' (A) In the Preparation ot the Teacher to Teach. E. F. Ayd lett and E. J. Harrell. 3:15 P. M. (B) In the Preparation of the Pupil to Recite. N. T. Halstead and W. J. Byrum. SATURDAY. A. M. Devotional Exercises. A. M. General Topic "A Strict Conformity to the Pur poses ot the Sunday School." 10:40 A. M. (B) A an Agency Seek ing the Conversion of the Un saved. George J. Spence and ! N. H. Shepherd. 11:20 A. M. (C) As a Factor for In creasing Knowledge of the Truth for Continuous Develop ment. M. P. Jennings and S. N. Hurst. 2:30 P. M. General Topic 'Some Methods of Reaching These Ends." (A) Loyalty on the Part of Church Members in Their Families and in The School. N. R. Jones and I. K. Stafford M. (B) Effective Co-ODera- tlon of All the Members of The Sunday School. R. R. Keaton and B. C. Hennlng. HUNDAY 00 A. M. Sermon J. K. Hender- aon. The speakers suggested in this pro gramme are simply loaders In the TROOPS SSFETY IS PROVIDENT APPARENTLY TRANSPORT CAR RYING FIRST CONTINGENT OF PERSHING'S ARMY SAVED FROM TORPEDO BY ACCIDENT TO RUDDER (By United Press) Paris, July 7. It was the provi dential and timely accident to the rudder of one of the transports of the first contingent, of American ex peditlonarlea.that may have saved the vessel from the torpedo of a German submarine. The sudden veering pf the vessel t apparently led the submerged sub i marine to the conclusion that it had been discovered and caused its com mander to hastily fire his torpedo agd take flight. Four torpedoes passed harmlessly astern the transport an eye witness said today. . 3:00 owns WILL LEAVE SHORTLY 11 (By Uuitod Press) Washington, July 7. Count Bern- storff's assistants who had not left America when the envoy departed will leave shortly for Berlin, a hieh government official Informed the Unl ted Press today. f In the government's Rnr hunt Ten discussions. The question and topics ton emolovees in the service of neu- omdais believe, in an impression that are then thrown open, when all who tral8 handllnK German affairs in this applic-Ui.Mjs for sucb men will not be desire to do so. are Invited and urged muntrv will h rinanH n..t The first step In this direction was HINGEBTY WILLIAMS Miss Rett A Williams, one of Elii abeth City's most attractive and pop ular young ladles, was married on July 4th t Mr, Leonard of Portsmouth Va., the marriage taking place In that city. Miss Williams Is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams of this TWENTY HE HE :' . FIII6IIIF0LCEE AIR -CRAFT RAIDED city, Mr. Hingerty Is the son of Cant? Ge. W. Hingerf the well known master of the schooner, Sandy Hook, which plies between Baltimore and Elisabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. Hingerty will make their future abode in Portsmouth, i London this morning at tea thirty. LONDON THIS MORNING AT TACKING IN TYO DIVISIONS (By United Press) London, July f. A fleet of.proo ably twenty enemy airplanes raldei Va. U. S. TROOPS TO HOLD IMPORTANT POSITION (By United Press) New York, July 7. If, as reported from Washington, Majof General Pershing's expeditionary army is to be given a place between the French and British arm is in the extern thea ter ot war. they. 'lll have one ot the meat Important sections of the whole wsirD front under tuclr care. No o-ie knows exactly the present junction point of the French and British armic. but it is somewhere around St Quentln rnd La Fere. The most southerly point mention ed in British official statements as having been fought over by Field Marshal Halg's forces is Fayet.about one mile north of St. Quentln. Savy, not more than two miles fur ther south around St. Quentln, has frequently been mentioned in 'the French War Office statements.lt was captured by French troops early in April ,and presumably is occupied by them now. St. Quentln Is an important key- point in the Previous to the raid Lord Trench, Comander ot the Home defense army announced that hostile aircraft had been sighted off the Isle ot Thanet, on the east coast of Sussex The enemy attacked la consider able force and in two parties. '. . , This is the largest number of aero planes that has ever raided London and dropped bombs. The damage and casualties have not yet been announc ed. It is said that the machines flew very low. V ; 1 - , HAD PLAIIIIED to take an active part in the discus- G W. BROTHERS, W. H. PRITCHARD, D, P. HARRIS, Committee. MONDAY AT THE - NEW THEATRE considered. On the contrary, it is pointed .-ut, those of demonstrated sions. J executive ability in, civilian pursuits, ranirir.,; 'n age from 2 upward, are earnestly cicalred. Gen. McCain's statement was given out, with a request that the newspa pers give it prominence, because suc cess of the second camp series de pends on correct!')! of the prevailing misconception. It follows: Vlie statemt-nt thr.t ivature men will he given prefcrop-f for the sec ond series of officers training camps seemed to haA o ben n isunderstood in some quarto's where qualifications are ual. There Is nr intention to 'By United Press) bar out applications by men under! London. July 7. aeneral Haig's 31. In fact, examining officers have forces struck east of Wytscharte early been instructed to regard the ages 25 j,,liH morning, advancing their line to 3f as the most suitable. There is slightly, the war office announced GRAND llURT PROBE OF EAST ST. LOUIS RIOTS IS EXPECTED TO BRING SENSATIONAL FACTS TO LIGHT 3y United Press East St: Louis, July 7. The grand Jury probe of the recent race ' riots Douai-Cambrai-Lafere here ,8 Pectel to develop sensation- ID I ED made when the State Department made arrangements for M. Bern and H. Chaufhausen of New York, Ger-, man consulates unaer swiss protec- denburg's famous "strategic retreat.' tion, to quit the country. Others, in- Then, when the city was within se cluding German consuls scattered . tUal sight of1 the Allied troops, a aDOUt at several points, German weakness in th Oermftn Hnfnnan An. line of the German defense on the BI lnmoDy 10 ne elle n western front.The British and French BP,racy w brewing for a general up offensive of March adn April brought r,8,DK amonK the negroes on .July the Allied forces to within a mile of Fourtn- ' the city, it was at the time of the of-' Dr L- N- Bnly. the negro dentist fensive, apparently one of the main who ,8 al,eei to have been the brains objectives of the drive by which the ln tne plot' ha" disappeared. , . French and British followed up Hin-1 CARRIED GOOD WILL TO THE POORHOUSE clerks and other German employees will follow. mm TODAY SAMMIES ARE III FIDE HEALTH IX f (By The Press Agent) World Pictures presents Rohert Warwick and Gail Kane in "The Heart of A Hero." a story which once seen will never be forgotten. Found ed on the events we never tire of , hearing and reading about, It des- cribes the dangers and worries of those brave souls who made possible our present day prosperity. It begins at the peaceful New England Hchool house where Nathan Hale Is engaged . The industrious people o the time are . presented at work and at play. Then rapidly the action changes and the dissension with England begins to assume large proportions. We are now carried through the days when i to pledge allegiance to the Colonists j meant practically gambling away one's life. The success of their re severance is responsible for our pre sent prominence as a Nation. Though showing evtensively the events which transpired .the play follows chiefly the life of Nathn Hale up to the point where he rendered his immor tal speech, "I only regret that T have but one life to lose for my coun try." This is undoubtedly the most appealing play of the present day. It shows truly the Patriotic Spirit which th Boys of '76, carried with them and the element that reigns within the American of 17. Monday you have a. chance to see two of your i favorite stars on the World' Program. Robert Warwick and Gall Kane. And in connection with "The Heart of sHero.r 6u"r weekly screen rnaga sine.wlil be. xiewerL. ,.y v ,' , . also some misunderstanding about the necessity of previous military ex perience. The government Is looking primarily for Intelligent and force, ful men and military experience, thn desirable, is not strictly necessary." Applications for these camps will clone on July 1 !. Army officials are showing some concern over the few applications re-i reived thus fur. In the New York dis-j trlct where it was expected 10,000 or more applications would present themselves less than a thousand have' applied. I STARS SHINING IN SPITE OF RAIN this morning. ASKS WITHDRAWAL OF AMENDMENT iUv t'ntirt Tressi Washington, July 7. 1'mnldent Wilson has asked the withdrawal of BI'HIIjY 'AT WORKTRAINING FOR IIATTLi:, BUILDING CANTON MENT M UNLOADING "LAHT BIT" OK CAKGO, MISSOURI MILES vloped elsewhere along the Franco- A committee from the local W, C. T. U. carried the holiday soirit to uruisn rront causa a cnange in plans the Inmates of the poorhouse , on and the drive on St. Quentln was Wednesday morning. In Mrs. Clay temporarily held up pending blows Foreman's automobile, which was struck at the weaker svots. COFFIH 810 MAII MD ON THE JOB Washington, man of the July 7.-Alrcraft As chair-Production ( By iJultea Press) French Tort, July 7 --( Delayed ) -General Pershing's Sammies are Board of the Council of National De fense, lioward K. Coffin, probably hears more responsibility for the ad ministration's present aviation pro- prettlly decorated with flags, they carried boquets for each person, each bouquet tied wibt white ribbon which Is the emblem of the W. C. T. U. and " with a verse of scripture attached scripture reading and a prayer ser vice told the message of Good Will to these lonely souls and a bountiful upply of Ice cream and cake made the day a real holiday for them. A--visit from the W. C. T IT. is usually; made at about this season and this year Mrs. Foreman, who Is president of the organization suggested the Idea of going on Good Will Day when' "Business is good' that reply was one hardly to be expected on a morn ing like today's but that was the an swer that the Woman's Wear Store gave, and the stars shone gaily about the well-ordered and attractive shop ping centre Just as tho nothinig had happened to dampen anfbodf's spirit. For the July Clearance Sale, an All Star Kvent began this morning at eight o'clock and lasts until the close of business next Saturday night. Town shoppers were on hand early and steadily and many country shop pers made the extra effort to attend in spite of the rain. adv th amendment to the Food Bill, getting their land legs back by har which would prevent members of the denlng marches. Practically every advisory hoard of the National He- unit in the camp hero has by now fense ''ninc'l from fvliir.g their own "hiked" It off into the countryside manufactures to the government nc- and gotten back into trim after the cording to a letter received hy the cramped, closo quarters on board the , transports. J The Americans also have turned to building operations. Today practical ly all of the cantonment buildings had been enlarged, and a number of new ones erected. 1 "Medical headquarters today declar ed that tho health of the American army is excellent. There are a few scattered cases of mumps and meas les, but no serious Illness gram calling for an appropriation of fio raudl wa being done in town'fof the people generally that the in mates of the poorhouse were In dan ger of being forgotten. 1 TO ORGANIZE REBEKAHS Senate Agricultural committee. OPPORTUNITY FOR PEACE NEGOTIATIONS HEATH- Mr. William rv r WHITEHORNE BREAK IMMINENT WITH ARGENTINE (By United Press) Amsterdam, July 7. The German Imperial Chancellor, Von Bethmann Holweg, is to announce Germany's adherence to tho principle of 'no in demnities and no annexations' in his speech at the Belchtag today, accord ing to reports here. Germany looks to this speech for the Immediate oppor tunity to open peace negotiations, it is said. $1100,000,000 than any other one man In Washington. Coffin Is a westerner of tremendous vision and has given his time and money without a cent of return from the government. He has organized! . ' airplane manufacturers. Ie has help-! After a very interesting address by ed work out out a plan for an air- Mrs. L. C. Baum of Poplar Branch oa plane engine that Is said to be a won- tho Kebekahs and their work, mem. dcr I hers of the Achoree Lodge and oth- He Is in his early forties and is ( ers present at the meeting last night one of the big crop of rapid successes decided to organize a chapter here begun In the automobile industry 15 Names were taken of those who wish-: years ago. ed to become members and at a meet- As head of the committee on muni-' Ing to be held next Thursday night Hons and materials he Is also res- the organization will be perfected, v ( ponslble ror automobile trucks, train : Other speakers at the meeting : in has for-i,nK of chauffeurs, tires, motorization Achoree Hall were J. H. Mrrisette, H. SOCIALIST WEEKLY BARRED FROM MAILS The American Y. M. C. A mallv onened its building at thei camn. furnishing rooms for reading, j wl,kh ru,lg wlth an enlne writing and entertainment. The last bit of the cargo brought over for the troops was unloaded to day. This 'last bit" was a big ship ment of American mules army mule of Held artillery, and everything AT BLACKWELL MEMORIAL T. Greenleaf and Herbert Peels. A delicious ice course was served and the evening was very much enjoyed. IN POLICE COURT In Police Court Friday morning (By Cnited Press) ,;, Amsterdam, July 7. Diplomatic Aircles in Berlin believe that a break (between Germany and Argentine Is Samuel Heath and ivnst n.uBe ornena. yynneuorne. uom imrninent if not already noted. Of Portsmouth, Va.. Vere ' married j- The Argentine minister conferred Thursday night by Justice of the 1 at lenKth wlth Forelgn Mnl8ter Zlm H Peace, J W Munden at his residence merman apd briefly with Chancellor on, eldn Street. Holweg. Later he visited the Spanish ' 'I v':-i V ' ' embassy and the Chilean legation. , ... V; .V . -.... V United Press dispatches. this week Ji L. DeCormls of Shawboro was, asserted that Argentine had dlspatch- la the city Thursday. . v , Ted betultlmatuinlo Germany.', : Bv United Press) Washington, July 7. Numerous publications have bean barren" from the mails since the Espionage Act was approved, and it was learned to- Ing the hardest Job of unloading. The whole population of this town watch ed the process with huge amusement and declared that the powerful "punch' of the Missouri pro day that the latest order Is against VVW"B ""ul u,e BO" lo ue MPwl Tho Appeal to Reason, a Socialist eA. trom ftnytnin American. Rev. C. R. Angell will occupy the pulpit of Blackwell Memorial church i. t..u . i j , i Tho army commanders apparently ul ""lu Ule murning ana evening Ber- Gianaerson Phelps was fined $10.00 saved them up for the last, they be-' vlce"- Sunday July 8th. The subject n(. C0Bt8 for beatlnK nl8 wlf. ror tne morning. service at n o'clock VBy Hayman wa, flned , 5-0fl will be Possessing Our PoVeasions.!rf4 ffn.t. for .n,fl(,,hir At the even in a nervlco at H n'ofomtol T? . the subject will be "The Voice 'of God.' The public is cordially invited to attend these services, weekly published at GIrard, Kansas. ENGLAND RINGS WEATHER" Probably thundershoWeYs' tonight WITH PRAISES and Sunday; moderate east to south east winds. - v 1 London, July 5. All England rings with praise of the American naval convey to transports ,of the ex peditionary armjr.Vi , , - ' r: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foreman re turned Friday- nigh Wr om visit . to Mrs. Foreman's relatives in Delegare J?' WILL PRESENT liTT PLAY TUESDAY GERMANS GIVE UP , 7-4kr COUNTER ATTAClCSaTvhe,Rytlcwta' t(be wnt- Paris, July 7.-Germany has ftp. by the B. Y, P..U. andwas post parently become convinced of the MMd'to icceoupt of the death pt -Mr frultlessness of her counter offensive ". yrBCm South of Laon and lighting has ceas- i ed ln that region.. next. Tuesday night, July1 10th. Mrs. Rufus Stokely of Edenton re-1 ; George. Flora has returned to h! , I l. . . a-' l.lt v.- .1- t. ijtf.ki.lk !Tm A v' ter Mrs.' Claude Perry ' o Pennpf Isn4tq his uncles Oeorge MellaVuey, f la Atenue. ".'-.';.-'''' :;: on Hunter Ft, x '" : .