STORES WILL CLOSE FRIDAY AT 1 O'CLOCK JULY AND AUGU it r z. 1 1 1 s I m 92 News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice The'Ody D: 2:. Newspzrrr Published in Eliza I. l' , ' City ' ' VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 11. 1917 NO. 171 Germany Now Faces Acute Internal Crisis EIGHT O'CLOCK AT COUETHOUSE TONIGHT Kaiser May Have To Remove Von Bethman Hollweg And Accept Zimmerman's Resignation. in 1 NUT GIVE UP DREAM DF CONQUEST Dr. Thomas M. Jordan. Manager of I the Anti-typhoid work for the State I Board of Health will address the j people of Elizabeth City at the court I house at eight o'clock tonight. Every body is invited. ladies and gentle men, white and colored. This is the first 'iP in the move ment for an anti-typhoid campaign in Elizabeth City and ti is urged that all who are interested in public health measures attend the meeting. j Dr. Jordan has been in the public health service for the past two years, lias made medical inspection of 12, 000 school children and administered CO. 000 doses of typhoid serum. Be- fore entering the public health ser- vice he had been thirty years a prac- cing physician. SAYS THE GERfilAflS : NAMES AtfD NUMBERS POSTED AT COURTHOUSE fRE LYING M Peace Without Annexations Not Favorable to Ger AGAIN OOTFLAflKS TEUTOH ARMY Berne, Switzerland, July 10. "Peace without annexation is not favorable to Germany." "Germany can win if she holds out." Chancellor Von Bethman Hollwejr so declared in his speech "before the main committee of the Reichtag, according to quo tations in the Berlin Lokal Anzieger. "I consider it my duty to remain as Chancellor for the pro tection of the Fatherland," said Hollweg solemnly. "Peace without annexations is not the acceptable peace for Germany. - 1 "I cannot declare our terms." I The Chancellor's appearance before the main committee tyas called iorth by demands tnat ne ouuine more in detail ex- c.-nerai Koeniiorr has iiaiitz. the key actly how the German government stood on the Socialist plan cit to the (.aiician capital, aii but of no annexations and no indemnities. cut off ; The names and numbers of per 'sons registered and aubject to draft j have been posted at the court house ' and It is the dutv of ftYenr nnrann liegistered to go to the courthouse BRITISH OFFICER EXPLAINS nd wePUin hl8 number mfm WHY OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES wl be drawn (or Bery,ce nam. OF GERMANS ARE LESS REM- ber ABLE NOW THAN THOSE OF The name8 have been pogted fQp ALLIES Jrome time but the names and num- i bers were not posted until Tuesday morning. V SELLS INSURANCE BUSINESS (By LOWELL MELLETT) (United lress Staff Correspondent.) London, June 25 (By Mall) MaJ. General Maurice, Director of MMltary Operations for the British Army, a To my frlend8j patrong Md the few days ago answered the question penera, pubc Th,g ,g tQ not,fy you iiouieriug American t havo .niH m ru. i " v uuau m j i lit) a USUI KUIO WILL EXFf.lPT 'HO IE THIS NATION WILL. EXDEAW TO AVOID MISTAKE MADE I ENGLAND AT BEGINNING THE WAR that has been correspondents for many months. The (luestlou was: "Who's lying now?' was: "The Germans!" However, it wasn't all as simple as CONTINUES STEADY ADVANCE WITH HALITZ, THE KEY CITY TO THE GALICIAN CAPITAL, AL MOST CUT OFF (By Unit'd I'ress) I'etrograd. July 10. -General Ilrua illoff is again outflanking the Teuton army and enclosing I.emberg. Ois palclics from the -ont state that The Lokal Anzieger did not specify how the speech Was Austrian prisoners are pouring In ' sln"e(' again and wont on- Business, formerly owned by Mess. G. M. Scott & Son, to Mr. J. G. Fear ing as of July 1st.. 1917. He will His answer, given emphatically. iako PArn and , h. I o " I'vi Buuni a i. t tention to the renewal of all policies on my books from said date. Mr. Fearing has had considerable that. The correspondents didn't CI,loriD iixa m T ask the question out loud. They just buBlneM and represents a good many looked it They looked it hard enough ' 8trong reliable companies. His bus to get it across, for right in the : ,neB8 wag eBtabi,Bhed ln J900 and midst of an interpretation of recent he Baa had personal charge of the events on the West Front, the Gen- management since 1909. He will call ad and Upon you with reference to renewing your Insurance before vour nreuent "Perhaps I'd better explain some- poik.ie8 explre. I trust you will con ning about communiques. For a tine doing business with him. You long time there was a general im- wll, fllld hlm prompt and efficient ln presslon that the German communi- Bervice in all matters pertaining to uies were more reliable than our ,,P insurance Business own I Any favor you may show him will The correspondents couldn't help be highly appreciated by me. nodding assent to this. They knew. Thanking you for the loyal sup t". vl ut American editors have port shown me. I beg to remain, thought on the subject. The General Resneclfnllv eral suddenly stopped and smiled and said: received. Amsterdam, July 10. All doubt that the internal crisis in Germany Is acute has been swept away with the receipt of advices from Berlin Indicating the strenuous efforts that the German bureaucracy is adopt ing to smooth affairs In the empire. The Kaiser yesterday presided over the meeting of the Kronsarat or conference of the crown council. the first meeting of this body since the beginning of the war. The German Empire muRt have the approval of the Reichtag on the annual budget of expenses for war. If the Reichtag pursues its pre sent course of antagonism against Chancellor Von Bethman Holweg. It Will seemingly be necessary for the Kaiser to remove the Chancellor. So cialists, Centerists and radicals are all supposed' to be united against the government, giving a clear majority ln the Reichtag. WILIACCEPT RESIONATIOV. Unconfirmed reports received here State that the Kaiser has decided to accept the resignation of Foreign Sec retary Zimmerman and Vice Chancel lor Holfferich. Zimmerman lias long been under fire in Germany and has been parti cularly censured for bungling the Mcx lean-Japanese plot ai'ainst the Tin ted Btates. Iloli'leric is blamed for much Of the graft in the nation's food control measures. A y r in a steady stream and the enemy is ... u lllat IIUPi'pssIon was more '!so shattered that the Russian cavalry !6r ll'RS "rl1t" has been called into action. T,le '""respondents opened their More than a thousand additional ,Heveral mouths and popped their sev- ! prisoners are reported today with six i''ral eves Thls was awful ''ank- new villages taken, three large guns 'and - number of Small field Dlece The enemy Is "retreating to the SH ELTON G. SCOTT. ness. ( By United Press) Washington, July 10. John Bar leycorn is coming to life again as a prominent figure in the Senate light for food control. After having been buried he is be ing rendered first aid service by wets and a group of drys who believe that bis burial is unconstitutional. "Here's a general rule: The dis patcher -of a winning ' flYmy' com- rlver Lomnicka and the Russians 1 mander are usually more to be relied I have penetrated their lines for ap-!on than the d,8Patches 0f a losina 'proximately six and a quarter miles. I commanrter- This 18 true even if ,nev i London. July 1 0 Admission that I " ,r ,,m", men. the Russians have smashed through the German front near Stanlslau CROPS RESPOND (By WEBB C. MILLER) (United Prees Staff Oorreepnodci Washington, Julv H.wTne Uni: States will sift out and exempt fn fighting all laborer vitally needed 1 the work of clothing, feeding and e plying the army. ' Lest this nation make the mlsta made by England at the outlet of t: war the government will tee tl. Buch men at these keep, their jol and to this end a Iret Is being ma ' of Industries essential u backsto; to the armies in the field. 113 FIE r,i Si SE M PEiCi Washington, July 10. The reason there are many vacancies la the Avia tion Section Is that only i' small percentage of those who appljrcan puss the physical test. Here's what one must do after filling out a series of application forms: "Have you ever been seasick!" U the first question popped. Aviators must be immune to mal de mer. Tests for near-sightnedness. and far-sightedness, color preceptlot graded to finest tones and vision fol low. Vision must be normal. - Heart, lungs and blood pressu must be perfect. , " ' ' Feet most br well Shaped!: '"'hi. the nervous system normal, j Chest expansion must be three or more Inches Inflated. ' . . v Equilibrium tests are next.',Ap'pll- (By United Press) Washington, July 10. America 'Suppose we lose a village in the farms have responded to the call of cant 8nuts hls evGS nd balances hlm- midst of a hard day's fighting. Does war. ,8elf on 0,8 toe8 w'tb heels and toes (Gallcia) is made sage received here. In a Berlin mes- BRITISH ADVANCE REPORTS HAIG j ( By Culled Press) i London, Julv 10. -- The British J a'jaiii advanced toclav in the Messines ' i -W'ychaet sertinu reports Field Mar-! shall llaig j GERMAN ASSAULTS i FRUITLESS AS BEFORE ( Hv Cnited Press) Pa i I .1 lily I n. - - Germany si ill niiiiiiui's assaults on Clieinin lies Panes and these assaults ale as fruit -li ss as before. S AMERICANS NEED t fEIR the British officer directing the fight at the particular point immediately wire the fact? No. He says, 'Well, they've got it now; but we'll get it back before this day's work is done. There'll he time enough to report it The V. S. Bureaus estimates that the spring wheat crop will total 72, 000,000, which is 32,000,000 bushels more than the 1916 yield. Corn will reach 3,124,000 bushels, wheih is far above the 191fi yield of then.' Hut the German commander's 2,583,000. very Ins! action is to shoot along the White potatoes promise 452,000, news hi headquarters that he has 0(10 bushels against 2M5.000.000 in captured that village. I know that to 1911! and 10.000,000 bushels of i ,wM m,1Ht ,,, removed. Teeth, must together. It sounds simple but try it. Then with eyes still shut hi bal ances on each foot bringing the Other up until the heel touches the knee cap. v - Kyes are than examined minutely by the belladonna and the isis la-"x-rayed" to make doubly sure there Is infection. Large tonsils, and sde BELIEVE &m. are w in e PREPARE SPfffl TEXT BUL1ETINS COM MITT KK APPOINTKH BY GOV KKNOR BICKKTT TO ARRANGK I OK iSTUDV OK PRACTICAL SCIKNCK IX STATU SCHOOLS ( By united Press) Raleigh, July 10. Governor Hick ell today appointed Dr. J. Y. Joyner. (United Press Staff CorresiHindent.) I M'crintendent of Kducatlon, Presi Wiohlmrlnn Tl 1 n n ''"t . .. UKlllICk present poltlcal upheavel is only a hopeful sign of later explosion,- that Is the flew of officials here. Thjey think that Germany as a Whole wjptand steadfastly behind the Kaiser for the time being BUT PRESENT POLITICAL IT HEAVAL IS HOPEFUL SIGN OF EXPLOSION LATER AS ECONO MIC AND MILITARY PRESSURE INTENSIFIES (By CARL D. GROAT) ( Bv Pnited Prss i Washington. July 1(1. -- South Americans need not fear the Cnited Stales embargo, for their treatment will be mnili milder than thai of neutrals which are pouring supplies into Germany, this is the assurance of officials, following the. crv of "starvation" from neutrals on every hand. NEW PRESIDENT CONFIRMED AT NANKING I Hy Cnited I'ress) Washington, July 10. -Willi Pek ing surrounded by Republican troops and the emperor retired to a for bidden city, the new president Hsuan was confirmed at Nanking today, ac cording to Slate Department advices. SIX KILLED AND THIRTY ONE INJURED RAIN HAS HINDERED MANY SHOPPERS bo true because it is exactly what sweet, potatoes are expected this year the liritish officer would do if he weio in the Gorman's place. "And in i lie same way the Ger man officer loses a village he holds up ih" report sometimes more than :i dav in the hope of winning it I'll k befoie repotting. There's a cer lai'i atnniinl of human nature in the : i i Hi' . oil'! I olisi i ve. "I don't want lo tire on; with inv big page adv.' says .Mr. M Leigh Sheep of the Woman's Wear .M'lic.' but the rain has prevented so miiiiv shoppers, both of the city and country, from getting to our July Clearance Sale that I do wont lo re mind them that this sale Is still on and lasts until the dose of business Saturday night with bargains which I believe cannot V.e duplicated in this seclon.' The sale began on Saur.,'ay morn ing of lasl week and in spite of had u.alher ha'ijbei'ii a decided success, attracting much favorable attention. Indeed, it seems that it's always fine or isolated for the lime weather when shoppers and bargains "'so I he i run in i nii ne of t he ad -N.iiM-mg n nil v is the more reliable in that respect . Then there's the matter of prisoners taken. The advancing aiun sends its prisoueis back of the lines lo the detention cakes us fast thov are taken and they are (mint ed as fast as the reach the cages. The losing army commander, driven out of his own ground, doesn't know what proportion of bis missing are killed, lying wounded on the field, taken prisoner.1 being. bo good and sound. Nasal passages must bo clear " Hearing must, bo perfect. The tick of a watch must be heard at five feat Across a 25 foot soace the annll (cant must differentiate between everybody j-,;.lSH- .,,, "on," and 'Brass' spoken in a barely audible whisper. Iviiiilibrlum. (he seventh sense, must be perfectly developed. The o;hr senses must be perfect for OHO impaired sense Injures the "balance , store and ent W . ('. Iliddlck of A. and K. College. State Chemist B. W. Kilgore as a special committee to- prepare "pedal text bulletins on Agriculture, Manual Training and Homo Econo mics for use in the public schools. "These two facts. taken together " - - ,wlth the fart that n defeated armv HORSE KILLED (By -Cnited Press) ! ,s "Iwavs more disorganized than a BY LIGHTNING Yallejom. Cal.. July 10. Six were w,nn,n armv cxpiatns ,n large parr, killed and thirty one Injured in the w,,v ,ho nmmun'nue of the ndvnnr- explosion of a powder magazine in nrmV iR ,1kpv ,0 1)0 niorPi arn the Navy Yard on Mare Island Mon- rsf- day. according to official statement.! This appointment Is made in com- The W C. T 1 The norlnd in which thp German communique got Its reputation for W. C. T. U. MEETS pecurncv win the period when the WEDNESDAY P. M. German armv wns advancing on al- ' , nnst nil fronts. That period Is long effort to break through our line at will moet at four nnst. The nrrurncv tames have been such-and-such-a-place failed.' That -en sc. The applicant Is seated in at "re volving chair much the same as a barbers or dentists. He is whirled ten times in each direction as fast as the chair will revolve with eyes shut. Suddenly stopped he Is to look In the opposite direction from which i h has been whirled. The regular jump ing of the eyeball as the brain seeks to regain Its equilibrium shows hoif .quickly the applicant is finding his get together at the Woman's Wear i,i.ineo Forty times more the applicant Is twirled sitting straight with eyes shut and with head dropped at an angle of 4 5 degrees with the torso. He Is told to sit straight when suddenly stopped or to raise his hands straight in front of him If normal he will throw, his weight far to the opposite side from which ho has been whirred. He Is then stood on his feet and "With eyes closed is told to walk 11 I straight line to the Opposite side of the room. Many applicants are compelled to I Quite an electrical storm was wit nessed by the people living at Nags Head. Monday, according to reports received here Tuesday. Lighting "truck C. K. Kramer's stable and killed Lis horse. will demand a statement of peace t ',li:,ll, p wl,h a "t passed t ,h last ' o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the reversed ' sounds familiar, doesn't If Well. the,hl,v" "ll,,or opwstlons before , they terms without annexatlns. However, they- believe that matters will grow worse and the clamor louder as econ omic and military pressure intensifies. .session of the tSate Legislature. LAUNCH ANOTHER 4 BIG WAIT LOAN 7 Washington, July 10. Within two weeks Fecretary McAdoo will bepin ' ' - i f r J'i eec'-h O fini'-nj ! U DRAFTED home of Mrs. C. T. Clark on Uoad One correspondnt suggested that tact would bo that we had not sought , street. This is an important meeting fhe general rule described scarcely to break through their lino at that 'and all members are requested to be covered the recent wide disparity of point, that we had a definite, limited INTO 0 S ARMY vVashlngloti, July 19. President Wilson has Issued the" formal t 'pro- present. HOUSEWIVES REGISTER FOR CONSERVATION Py United Press) Grmpn and British statements objective and that we gained it. "&0." said the General, "for the That has been the case time nnd again Prst time and I thing It n rather this spring. significant of the way the war Is go- "And then, too, there have been Ing German headquarters has been Interesting descriptions In the Oer rompelled to fall hack oh plain lying, man communiques ,of battles that Their communiques read mors and never have taken place. I have no more like fiction. TTtpy"hTve one tm- hesitation In saying German Head . ' nil! w iinv iivhmi mj kbwv ' uw nisia- ucimawuu iu so 11 R uci uiau s ixrcavi - 1 vmil U IU IVUvnJ( ia aiu Washington, July 10. Millions of pl0 vtn tor m(mt ef theTtj be- Quarters as embarked on a campaign sired and It well to have u.v.u n.i to ..a .rR.Biiusip,,, wltn attrfhntlns; to tb Frlfn of I-H?-. It's ptirpnsoe rrmv e ti nwny'fheir rl-ct to throw ont fhe't r - . - , are eligible. Examining officers re port that if possible to pass "by an operation the applicants In every In stance immediately make arrange ni-nts to b operated on. ; The standard for admission to the Aviation Section has been reduced from a college education or Its equi valent to the equivalent of two years college training. Athletes who ex celled In school are particularly c a f

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