News Without ,. Bias VieWs Without ; Prejudice The Only D,:.. - Newspaper published in Elk.-' ) -".; ; . VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 12, 191 N0.172 Hollwcg Resigns Say Dispatches FINDS EDEII III f,1 MIEN COM Situation In Berlin Between Gov ernment and Reichtag Majority . . Rapidly Grows Worse r4 FIO I II TO QUESTIONS INVOLVED FOOD CONTROL MEASURE (Uy United Pre is) IDy United Press j Washington, July 12. Hollweg kaa resigned and Holfferlch and Zim- merman and the five Prussian minis ters will resign Monday when the .new parliamentary secretaries will be '(appointed and action will be taken on universal suffrage in Prussia, the .V-' ..flUtO Department reports. 4V . Berne, Switzerland, July 12. Holl I , weg ha resigned, according to re- --" , ft . j .1 trtrl pi v hut tha ,. pons reueivcu uoic , ; j' . Kaiser has not yet aeciaea wueme , V' te will accept the resignation. J; Zurich, July 12. The situation in "Berlin between the government and the majority of the Reichtag meni Iters, "has become worse in the last 24 hours,' according to reports from Berlin. : Senators MartinjyidJilBUuans vje'uti. The four 'parties oi u.e nh j tQ the WUUe Houfie thjs Bfternoon are unable to unite upon a peace a- (o mop( (he .e.ulont , conference greement. on the nitater. The President's op It is reported that the Kaiser is !K)8itjin U) ,he Goro sun;li,t(, hrs about to isrue a proclamation to ht (,(1,n,1;i(.at r(1 ,:lattPrs still further, 'people covering the Crown Council's ( , decision op the frusslan ciecmiiu situation, reform of the ministry and Imperial parliamentary machine. Basel, July 12. The Kaiser has notified Hollweg that a bill will lie. submitted to the Prussian Hit caf- I rying out the reforms proposed in his eastern announcement, according to, word received hero today. This moan's equal voting riflits In Prussia. . Amsterdam, Jul 12. Uermr-iiV:. radicals will I'oice "peac to! re.eiu tiQti to achieve n form." If I hey fail in their purpose at I his time tii. v will repeat their ed'oris "in more unpleasant manner," says the Berlin Vol waerts SUCCESSFUL. CIVIL ENGINEER WITH NATION WIDE EXPER IENCE INVESTS SAVINGS IN RECLAIMED CAMDEN SWAMP "The South offers the bat oppor tunity for investment in the United j States and the lands of Eastern j North Carolina are unsurpassed." i 'i is but one of the most con servative estimates of this section expressed by Mr M. E. Chapel who n. uts to Elizabeth City in a few days to make his home. ' Mr. Chappel s story reads lik, the Saturday Evening Post or Grimms Fairy Tales, but it happens to be real lite right here In Eastern 1ST ACT By ' ElOFfEK Von HiicnlJffig S -' Plavs to ttie Gallen i XO APPLICATIONS MILL BE RE-, CEIVED AFTER SI'XllAV: JI'I.V 13TH, FOR ADMISSION TO THE 1 SECOND OFFICERS TRAIXINO 1 camp at fort oglethorpe .Trying to Stem Tide of Dissatisfac- branch Manager H T nrpniar of the pacers' Training Camp Assoo-i elation is anxious to impress upon those who are thinking of entering! the second officers training camp at i ort Oglethorpe the necessity of im mediate decision in this matter. "No applications will be received alter Sunday, Juty 15th,' says Mr. Orcnleaf. 'and I wish again to call mention to the fact tha, this is the last opportunity for the civilian to ceure a commission in the National tidn at Home By Activity Alohn Western Front : ttUUS DEVELOP IIIHI1 ' II BR ATTACK (By HENRI WOOD) 7 North Carolina. Six or seven years ago a young rrny except by the slow and uncer- j civil engineer, a graduate of th H,n irocess d' promotion from the' uDMinvvT - .virnrv.n Stute Collece . of Iowa, came herrn't!, I m i. iiMrbnii.i'irj -, .... , , i THIS AFTERNOON IN REGARD 1 muuiiiuu oi me v.auiaeu nujfi u w cmpi upon 10 lX Drainage Association to make thjl'urn,81 ' men for the Officers (United Pres. Staff Cotrmpoiaient.) 1 Ibaivey for the contractors that dullralnln camP n August. Thus far With The French Armies In The uio cauais m me uraiuago msiricu appiieu. or mese r ieia, juty iz. uermany has or-.wood. In the Lombartd .t(nn lie surveyed the entire district an rwo tntrds are about 25 years of age. ganized a new branch of fluhtlna- for. thr w.. .o ..i,. .v ... . , Washington. July 12 The Presi- 11 hai'peued that the native folk afJ: Itn, y h 31 earS- "Stosstruppe." litterally 'storm Uelling the newlyoccupied position. (By WILLIAM PHILIP SUIMS) (United Pkm Staff Oorreepondeot.X With Th British Armiea Afield. July IJ. Von Hlndenburf l Tldent ly trying to stent the tide or dissatis faction at home by hto ihowing oa th western front today. ' The Prussians opposite ther whol British line are more active than at any time during the year. South of Scarpa the en my retook a portion of the trench west of Vert- around Lombartayde. f. i i I... h.. Awtii.xntrn tv ..,ntT' "It Is psnerlnltv t .......... t,-.,,t-... ' . . t, 11 . I , ,, . i . ' i . . tj v 1 1 l ui uiuoga iaA . ' i s . i v , out. ui n 1 . . w j. . i . the food control tangle in the Senate U!,xioU!4 10 ,id of their laa7i?ftrI "m 7 "T" f elly Ut thelr n0w I A" font German airmen it was stated todav at a meeting of TLc' M lht'ni for 8ale at wh&l T. "T" ' leadhl war Wea ' Hiemln des inarmed in the sky desperately trr- fh DemoerHtl.- Peering- rommittee y"u"s engineer considered ma' """" '.i8,ness experience, and fumes, it gained them ground, tem- yiou.sly low price and he invested". men wll nave Dt'en successful in potarlly. aTI of Ills savings m these lands un , hc,r respective undrtakings. Ilpnee 'I lie Germans used ten or twelve sky desperately try ing to cross the British lines In In numerable aerial battle. . ' . STEEL IIKEtS 'Diphnsis has been laid upon the call fresh battalions (from 1U,OUO to 12,. for thr.oor.bovc. :! years. Those above 00 1. m hi In tin. new tactics These !Bis at;o who possess (iialites for "Stosstruppen" are especially picked oriiniHiKl ar. ac epi.ihie but the old- troops. They often attack in the!; cr men will be given preference onlv shirt sleeves and are armed princlual- ly with grenades. Tlio moment the;. 'or. I here are even spme men below capture a position the 'Stosstruppen" 25 years of Re, who have demonstrat- are relieved by regular, but less com bis position in Hyde county on the L'a tDer ability as loaders, -who will battve, troops who bring with them MnHamiiskeet drainage job and will e ralled ot the second camp at Kort trench mortars, munitions, machine- . ' . i . now make his honie in Klizabetu " M" guns, barbed-wire and (.'it v. tii h liiid acijuiied hundreds o! acies. When his work ;n Camden County li.ul iieci; Ldlsind lie Went to Wllaon ..!hi Sv,:tn cjiiaiiei an. I n.vaged m . ii i i i :i : woik iLn In., (ontihueu wn'" their (iuallfications are -super mm ATTACKS to in vc it i: i I ounl'v laud sa:iifs in Caniden Heceiitly he resigned everything ABE REPULSED PI. EDGE THEMSELVES TO HE GUIDED IIV' PRESIDENT'S :uinud in the Middle West, the euuie c( untiy, Mr Chuppeil declares dial he is convinced, tlm I iho South IDEAS (H PATKIOI ISM V U'EIJ ; tiio TTPTi TMN OI' STEEL INDUSTRY lid that liuhl . IK here . hiii 111 I lie lilt; i.i Iveh a'f.n Wa-diiii'.M' lili'l.ers of C WILL MEET AT RAMOUTH GILEAD The Sunday School session of ( am den and Currituck I'liiou'win meet at Ramouih-Gilead Church .!i:lv 7 1917. FRIDAY 11:00 A. M. Introductory Sermon D. P. Harris. 2:30 P. M. General Topic, "Thor oughness. (A) In the Preparation of the Teacher to Teach. E. F. Ayd lett and E. J. Harrell. 3:16 P. M. (B) In the Preparation of the Pupil to Recite. N. T Halstead and W. J. Byrum SATURDAY. 9:30 A. M. Devotional Exercires. 10:00 A. M General Topic "A Strict Conformity to the Pur poses of the Sunday School." 10:40 A. M. (B) As an Agency Seek ing the Conversion of the Un saved. George J. Spenee and N. H. Shepherd. 11:20 A. M. (C) As a Factor for In creasing Knowledge of the Truth for Continuous Develop ment. M. P. Jennings and S. N. Hurst. P. M. General Topic Methods of Reaching Ends." ! the I hi 1 1 .tea l'rc ) Xor. Ii ( 'arolina i ,lh- The steel liln'1 'bat when i! ., t inTi I 1 I ' ' ' ! I ri oil Nei! ' ! e w II President's warning ' !,s u"' blood i:,iiiii-,'in hi-.' ':,ct . is the sort p i o Ii t At ; ( .net ;. reprcse' in t cvi -;ts i il'ie. si I. lb-- r.oveni ( epl a tu ii e to be lixcil later price will be in keeping wit I esiib n t 's idea of a pa I riot i f'in. (Hy United Press) , ... "The present aluw response from necessary to hold and organize theX lj0imnx' July The Germans e Slate, wth North ,Ca'-lna's past captured positions. Just as soon asi Rt!rapted a RBneral ratd at night i.i vmh extensive knowledge of tne war rei,r1- fa only be due to a nils- these troops arrivt. tho "Stosystrun- , ., , lj0muart-" r- coiueption r the needs or u tiilnin- pen." return to the rear. There they! K V xoaay, Dttl were 1e: standing of the require, require- mt rewarded bv .-i,g vacations d;iuc""'y. driven A-Sr,'. rh, hew. M 041 ..-ui..-r vai - vfcju... Paf,s' JM?J2. Qrman attacks in tne region or juvlncourt and ou I both l)-n,'c? of the Meuse we?1;' re V'Jj SESIGrVIiD PPOM ! 1 "I"-' today. In the Champane e- EXEMPTION BOARD Mr. C. II Hohfusofi. chairman of the Hoard of Exempt ions of fasipio- ml Or John luted in his lo'itnl I'aiiu will a-l. mi. ,u i". e 'ii wont to regard woi Ihless Mich Ian !. in ii. whii Ii Mr. Chap- on Iheir pi-eihnts '(" 11 bin i i. v -I (! Iibeialh and lie 111. ellim Willi the ci'iri limcnl thoi ll -lily believes that lie wa. noi representativi s of all the steel mistaken in Ins filiation ,,f ;,,. Ml ( iissloa or l he busii., .s !. t.,' wild avn inipi civil IM'.. that desire nut to disrupt iiii; into i In- army no n 'ant in the affairs of many men hi've --. ed to pl;o e t heir phi ill s 1 1 1 1 1 ' - - disposal at" I Hi'- The the mar ' 1 : I in. '111. .He now t .jh lis to mi about the work of i 1, n.i ins.' Ins hi ml and i ul till" I '..! i to i o in p Ii I e tii, drainage, and then, he will show the .... i . ' ii..-. ; eel ion what can be ! u I i I the en o. icous id.-n . the (,'veniineiii desires of ill this crisis. It would he a valuable mat i rial to c;ot into .. tanks as a private a man with the I . n I I ra in: : of an Enc i neer or a man with c 'I'nsivi' exper ic'i.. e in ti v ii.. I'lanufa"! nr". This doc, not. apply c ibc call ror Iliii l's. nil i a i what m in "I I.i n l I 'it . has resigned H. Crii's has been aj rii n and on t!''- Aisue front "id thft ' - ii'iihii sei-tor tiiere is active artillery ti'-htine. -v': pho ( . uiitortunalc condllions in sent preparation lie ai ceplod in cm RErUBUCMS n i n m a i i it I r. s IK- fill 2131111 SI III 1 I Bl II iv iiioiiiiiniiiii sii mm a " i a.ji . m B n m m mm unnuurju rcnnib "' ! -! N'o .ippHcanl will I j j ess of the number ! ' FXF antrn m nr.u h done. 'U'e say., all an., limit p ' in tile . t Bv Unit! d Press) hiii'Mon, July 'l - "Exempted north and nianv a sniiill round nieial badO i,,'i . t 1 1 1 1 tar c.:ow an tiling in South.' !:- ! "The: e is :a a: . U u ha t we i n n do." mill t ue seasons a i c . .shot t thai on ha vn to i ii i ., crop as though it were a baby to k"i.' it coinr. riven siockrai.-in.u is . burden because you have to Iced oui caiile nine mon hs in the yeai horn ....).! bouhi from Iowa. Many farms I'eve bei a inliielv abandoned in have been turned is. liven those are vecritmiiK, t be onlv men loiupeteiil nijlitarv b'ad ' 1 "s, who a i e (ict na ' i- i,r I', vatualde in i v 1 1 a! fairs. ' Mi t he on;. I ;:f aeis f. r an mil'' w '' hl'otd bis a p ! i' a ! ra in'"', i a nm uierei b" -I'll.' (' liusiio'ss is of ci il i c in lias some reined tndilary affairs 'l ieu 'I'sin. ,lul I J. - Sixty thou-' iiml ppulii ian t roups now surround I t kin;,' The imperialistic forces UU ,1 ! (I'inmaiid el (I 'iieral Hsun are ii:ci ibeil insi:! the capital. Th6 i'nie: I,. ins are aimed with 76 gUnS. w r beaitc: the three words will shield unsatisfactory because feed has to be Com the public';- cries of '.Slacker" I, I'oiu th" middle West for the those freed from the duty of bearing ducks and chickens. a rms. IN POLICE COURT "The Northern, farmer works hard lor what he ;:cts. The southern farm " couldn't stand such hard work and the nenn would die off fii short cider on the northern farm." of commissions that may be granted. While no one will be commissioned who falls to do satisfactory work, vet the attempt will be made to accept nly those men who are rensonnhlv sure of succeed hir: Each applicants record In collnce and in business will he Investigated and his personal oual icar jtjes carefully Imiuircd into before he will be culled to aimear before "'' '"""' '-'.inini' is of Major Creiir for examination. When 1 1 '" ;i 'I'irin:' his course at i,0 K so called between Julv If, and -.. bit is iii no sense essential August 7th he will receive from nn! I I-,..:.. i.. 1 l.i , V J ' ' i .. i , i. ainiMiip com Armvv Siirr.'.'on a tdivsiial examina-' bined with a sound pbysbiue are the (( wli i-h will bo the last until he remiireni. nts comes up finally for his commission! A good education is necessa ry t t he close of t he Cnmp but this does not demand graduation -() n)an ,1Pf,( resign his iresent or evn attend:, nee at a College. The position until he has been accepted training or an active business lite by Major C.reig. All men accepted Pel rograd, July 1 2.--The Russians may greatly outweigh an academic by him will go to the Camp, and all. have occupied Kalusch, the former such men may feel reasonably sure headquarters of the Austrian army. v flPPIIDV miQTOIIHB uui i nuiHiimu HPAnnilARTPRQ 1 1 c. 1 1 u y ij o 1 1 1 1 1 1 u ! ;vi.i I ""iii degt re. 2:30 tr Police Court. Thursdya morning Robert Wooilhouse. colored, was glv 'Some "" months on the Countv Roads. These Wooilhouse was charged with break ing int a store on Park Street, steal- (A) Loyalty on the Part of ing a bracelet watch, and stealing a Church Members In Their box of cigars from the Standard Families and In The School Drue Company on Fearing St. N. R. Jones and I. K. Stafford , The case against James Shannon, 3:00 P. M. (B) Effective Co-opera- colored, who was charged with break Vlr0Rra(, (.a,,,,s wlli( h als() tion of All the Members of mg Into a store on rarK Mreet. v eu- The 8unday School. R. R. nesda' morning, was continued and will be tried In Police Court day. "'!! stand the strain of n military RUMANIANS JOIN campaign. But previously athletic RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE I,row('RR ' not sentlal. Even the i older men, those above 40 years, : hRve stood the test well at the first , , , i i of winning their commissions. When Many prisoners were taken. , Only a strong and sound body 1 ; ineso commissions are granted, the London, July lz. un a ironi OI (By United Prss Washington, July 12. The re-or- Canip. Instead of breaking, they have ganized Rumanian army has joined f"r!,,,i,v improved In their physical the Russian offensive, condition. EYE EXAMINATIONS Keaton and B. C. Henning. ' SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. Sermon J. K Hender son. The speakers suggested In this pro gramme are simply leadera in the discussions. The nuestlon and topics pp(, mtnR R,pW,R )s my are then thrown open, when all who desire to do so, are invited and urged to take an active part in the discussions. Fri- according to slates' "In nrpflnlzlnp the first ramn Ihcro Cnmn will consist of nrnctlcnl epr- that the Russian advance continues was only a scanty preliminary 'wi-ert- cises In the duties of a soldier to a front of 350 miles with gen- nK- conducted by the Kxtimlnlng of- gether with frequent, possibly week era, lighting from iho Carpathians to fleers. No verv searching nhvslcal ex- lv. written and oral oulzzes upon the amination was made until after the 'subjects taught In that training applicants had begun their work at course. Final success will depend ut Cnmps, nor was a very careful tnyes- on the demonstration during the da lb tlgatlon made, In many cases, of tholr work of the power lo command and conscript army will be already In more than 120 miles from Tarnpool traininh. So the work and the salary to the Carpathians the Russians have of the grade acquired will begin at revived the fight and the armies are once. Thpre will be no waiting period battling their way forward today. .In without work and without pay a ten days offensive they haTe pene- "There will be no grueling examl- trated tho Austrian lines in two . nations upon the long forgotten stu- places and captured a score of Cities dies of college days. The tests at the and townH and villages! crossed two great rivers and taken 43,000 prison ers. fin; k. SCHOOL TRUSTEES "H EFFECT ORGANIZATION DECLARES USUAL : SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND exclusive most modern The Insurance firm of Culpepper, The new board of grided school mental fitness for the task ahead, tt upon the evidences In the above men- trustees held their first meeting on was tho expectation to eliminate a tloned quizzes of a mans apprecla- Wednesday night and effected organ-' largo percentage perhaps 50 per tlon of tho fundamental military ntion 1 work and onlv the methods are used Grillm, Old and Orice, at the regular j cent, perhaps 75 per cent during principles. p Aydlett was elected Aalr- Wljen I have your glasses ready director's meeting Thursday morning the course of training. This laid a "The welfare of our country, the p h. WIlllamB, rice-chairman, for adjustment, they are Kyeglasse declared a soml-annual dividend of great hardship upon many men. Some honor of our Htate, the final safety1 an,i y r Jennings, Secretary-Treaa- WEATHER West portion .probably thuoder showen tonight and Friday. West r-ortldn tbandef showers this -' afteM 0 drugs used. Eon or tonight. Friday fair, gentle r t to northwest Winds of tho finest quality, exactly made eight percent. An officer of the com- having given up their positions In of tir fatnlllen rioranl that oui to correct the defect of either both eyes or pany told a reporter for this paper cltil life, tailed to win their com- rtrong tnunliooi! reepono dto this rail i following the meeting that the direc-1 missions and are thur left without a Oar day of trial i at hand.. The nrer. lt me supply you with correcct tors were very much pleased with the means of livelihood. .The shortness burden of h duty U heavy. The glasses. - DR. I D. HATIIAWAT Over McCabe & Grlce :. excellent financial condition and the! of the time that was made possible prlc of freedom In high. The gnge Urge amount of new business done Jfof the' first organization was respon- of battle for the' sake of humanity by this established Arm for the JastlslWe for this fatiU. - " 7 ' 1 ha bi eat at oor fert. The pen six months. : ' .' . : -- I '"It is the l"' -n to svold f V -"'VH 0-- ",M LOSSES PROBABLY . ' f ' TWENTY TH0USAITD London. July 12. rdt! h 1