STCUES WiLL CLOSE FRIDAY AT 1 O'CLOCK JULY. AWju AUG - "NewsMVithout ? : ' a -Bias Views Without Prejudice The Only Democratic . Newspaper Published in Elizibcl ' City,"'. : ; i VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 13. 1917 N0.173 Kornilolt Cuts Germans In Two German Generals Flee Precipitously All Communication Being Cut Off. (By United Press) Washington, July 13. General Koenllloffs army in the Dneister Carpathian sector has cut the Ger man army in two, says a cablegram to the Russian embassy here. - Communication has been cut be tween the Germad generals, Bothmer :nd Klrbech, who are in precipitous Threat, the message siaie. KAISER'S DEGREE ORDERS ACTION ORDERS IMMEDIATE KKAMINC. OF BILL PROVIDING FOK I'M S SIAN REFORMS IN ORDER THAT THEY MAY RE El I'KC TIVE RY NEXT ELECTION A STRANGE STORY IN AUGUST COSMOPOLITAN Cynthia Stockleys "Blue Aloes, which begins In August Cosmopoli tan, is one of the weirdest and most mysterious stories that has been pub lished In years. It has much of the dark, brooding qualities of an Kdgar Allen Poe story treated by a modern writer. Her SUI)1Tme COurt experiences In South Africa entitles ARE E M III HE ONLY (By United Press) Washington, July 13. Frankfur. ter, Keppel and Llppman. German sounding as these names may be, ther owners are working 18 hours helping America beat the Kaiser and Keppell's parents are iih. Felix Frankfurter, Walter Lipp- mun and Frederick Keppell are Sec retary Baker's confidential advisers. All left lucrative positions to enter America's service. Dr. Keppell was dean of Columbia university hen the war broke out, but he got a leave of absence, hur ried to Washington and joined Bak er's staff. His hours are 9 a. m. to 12 midnight. Felix Frankfurter had war depart ment experience as War Secretary Stimson's right hand man under Tat. When war came he was a law lecturer at Harvard and was also handling important cases before the PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION IN CAMDEN COUNTY her to write authoritatively of this part of the world. It is profusely illustrated by G. Pat rick Nelson. begins in Cosmopolitan. The Camden County Council of Defense will hold a Patriotic Cele bration at the Camden County Court House, Saturday July 14. A number of addresses will be made, some of which are: an address on Health by Dr. R. L. Kendrlck, an address on Hog Cholera by Dr. F. D. Owen, an address by a lady on can ning, preserving, and economy in cooking, an address "The American Eagle," by Hon. J. C. B. Ehringhaus. The ministers of the county will make addresses of ten minutes each. The American Flag will be raised on the Court House. The public is cordially invited and requested to at tend, as matters vitally interesting to all will be discussed. FS1E IF CREW I. W. W. Members Wanted Nowhere Turned Back Westward at Column bus Citizens of Arizona Towns Will Reject Them Again. AT CHRIST CHURCH (Bv United Press i Bangor. Me., July 13. Tho five masted schooner. Mary W. Bowen, of the Fall River Line, was torpe- Walter Lippman's chief task with Baker is solving econmic war pro blems. He has written several books'11'"'11 ''' ,he enemy, according to pri on diplomacy and economics and "u'-u .was odting a magazine wl ' Sam jumped into the ring. A TRENCH TALE MORE THAN 5,500,000 MOTOR CARS IN U. S. i I iv t'.ii' il I'r i ,-,.,'-.. His shrapnel wounde in arm and ..i, ;.,..,,, i i v l i at fi 3v United Presr. 'shoulder, though not dangerous were w,,ro i .o,;:. more motor A sterdam July 13 Tho official somewhat extensive, and lie was new-v,,rs n,uis, , in ,h(. i n it .,! Stales t t the Kaisr's decree ordering ' back from the hottest kind of light in mr HI1 j11(.r,,as,. , 4;; ,)Pr . . 1 fnrm ij. Prussia, accord- ing; but it was not at all the fighting , T1(, p.oss ,,, f ortl tJieilUiat iw , . , rfl1., Vnirllah nfllenr I was most concerned to talk about. I "How are we getting on? Oh, there vate advices received here today. The,!. ll-.,o V.,... I. CIl t Ucle muo iiuuim uuiu itrw iuik o a British port under Captain Mac I Donough. Tho fate of the crew is un known. (HEW REPORTED RESCUED Washington, .luly - The Amer ie: .1 I :ik. Hhiiebrnnde. of New Or leans, was submarined July 1(1. Her ( rew was rescued. The crew of tho lioweu was also res -ued. cars, including commercial cars, was I'.Ti 1 2, D'.M'i ; the number of motor cy cles regstered was 250,820. SWAGGER STICKS 'VRIST WATCHES (By United Press) Washington, July 13. General Parker, Commander of the Southern Department, has been ordered by the War Department to maintain law and order in the Arizona L W, W. disturbance. ": The trouble cultlmlnated yesterday at Bisbeee, Arizona, when the de portation of more than a thousand members of the organization of In dustrial Workers of the World was undertaken. The I. W. W. had threat en to destroy the wheat crop In their' 7 PH 1 for Industrial rlr.. 1. 1 Sunday July 15th the Sunday School' " . V. """ J " r 7 . . . the claim to be their aim. It u thought .too, that Teutonic Influence and finance was behind the move ment. and the citizens of Blsbee acted accordingly. . ' the trainload of deported I. W, The services at Christ Church, Rev. II. S Osburn, Rector, July 16th,sixth .Sunday after Trinity, are as follows: Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 A. M.Union Services at 8 P. M. at which the Rev. Dr. B. C. Henning will preach, and I) which all are cordially invited. AT FIRST METHODIST At the First Methodist Church will meet at 9:30 A. M., and the Ep worth League at 7:15 P. M. I At 11 A. M. the Pastor, Rev. J. L. j Cunningglm. will occupy the pulpit and will preach on "Christian Disclp- li hip." The public is cordially invited. At tho (lose of the service a con t'eionce of the membership will lie held for a few minutes to consider a question pertaining to the New Church. Every member Is urged to he present. At 8 P. M. the congregation will worship at tho Union Services to he held at tho Episcopal Church AT CITY ROAD METHODIST ing to dlspatcnes reacum m-i HoHin Is as follows: " , ... etn.e Ministry I "How are we getting on Oh. there , rectered was 250.820. ' P-v United Press d to me In accordance with my ( i nothing to worry about in that di-l sta((JS collocte(1 m registration and1 Washington. July 13. Uncle Sam m 8 . appeal i herewith decide rectlon. The Job just nom is getting n,.Pnse r(PH $25.8fi5,3G9.75. Of this wears a wrist watch and carries a LmJtiirv io same that the'rid of Bodies: and I can tell you it's $23,910,811 was applied directly to te dwarf walking stick these days hill lterlng the electoral law of the'Koing on at a great rate. I fancy It construction, improvement, or main- because these devices are -part of rfrty "Rfrart-Mntrrodtftt Church, Sunday f non.itles be submitted early i would startle even our people, let tomuu.e ()f Ule road8 in 43 the modern soldiers regular equip- July 1 5th. The public Is cordially In- "UUOD ' , , Q mBV he 'alone tlie people in Germany, if they ao that the next elections may ne ' - iT, nor nn av n r i H p . r I., ai... a. .tfT.i,i , pw r1" " ny ine umce 01 l unuc roaos. for'at which the Huns are being laid . out. Of course 1 know nothing about 'pjfjji DEMAND FOR ii":";r,,::,,,i;:ei:rn,,,1,1;;: aluminum creases ther dead lie on the ground. If their .1,,, frntl, r,f H thevM ' IMCagO. 111.. J U I y 1 , - - I HO I 11110(1 W.'s arrived at Columbus, New Met ico last night and they were not al lowed to detrain. They turned wet ward again. doi ;lah takeh up arms Douglas, Ariz., July 13. Two hun died citizens armed with' revolver and sawed off shot guns are awaiting the arrival. of the westbound train from El Paso, carrying large nam hers of the I. W. W.'s. RISBEE HTANDS FIRM Blsbee. Ariz., July 13. Not one I. to vith the new 11 cm " v franchise. Let all arrangements this purpose be made." The decree refers exclusively the State of Prussia. London, July 13. German dis patches prophesy that the German government will accede to the Reich tag majority demands for election re forms and the statement of Ger many's war aims before the vote of -credit is asked Saturday. ANNOUNCES QUOTA FOR NORTH CAROLINA states, according to figures compiled ment. j Nowadays most of the stalwart young Americans in United States army khaki tell the time by taking a peek at their left wrist, and an in creasing percentage of tho officers are' lugging nifty little "swagger sticks Or Frank Siler of vlted to hear him. people knew revolt and call of the whole business. But instead of tho truth Well, look at the official German casualty lists, republished in our patters from (heir's For the month of April. Prisoners .ri:'.:t And wo and tho French too forty States will require 5(1.000 tons of alu minum a year for aeroplane and motor vehicle construction to carry on the war against Germany, ac cordng to Dr. F. C. Weber of Chi cago, a chemist and experimental in- (Dy Uultt Washington. July Baker announces draft quota as ginia is.71'5 lina 10.081. li Press) 1 ;, - - Seci''"itry North Carolina's ti74. That of Vir i, of South Cant- REM 68 BMEFOOTED OR IN THE NAME OF PATRIOTISM .WEARS WOODEN ANDAUS WITH A LEATHER TOE UUARD ' (By United Press) ' Berlin, July 13. Bank clerks here today discarded their shoes as a pa triotic example to their fello,w cltl- I" teino nH ii'iiraa nf llpOIllo IliaV HOW ,i thousand of them during that vcntr month Of curse. 1 know tho lisl does not say that il includes all the casual ties (It'll (Kiuireil during April; but only Unit if- tit" April lis' But you can L'ticv- what the people in Cer. m:1i are meant to think altotit it .i-.-aiie-l 40.00(1. And the figures in killed and wounded wruld startle then! a ren! deal more; c-.pei tally It.' l.;':le.l. The shoe stores have begun sell ing wooden sandals with leather toe prediction that Wlllard guas. 7 imp U ..L1 it' It ! WUl THRU ( I!y United Press) New York. July 13. Tho pacifist li'-av: weight ehamiiion. James Wil lard. fohably is all though with tha fight game. Never a lover of the game which game him fame and his fortune. Willard has purchased a cir ( nr, f i t oil his managers, and now. presumably is ready to call it off. Terer is. nothing startling in a Is through. He could hardly afford to risk pub lic censure thuogh taking on some This amount of aluminus. Weber says, cannot he obtained from hau xite, its present source. We must use kaolin, or lireclav, which the Ger mans have been using since their source of French bauxite has been cut off. Welter says this country's imply of kaolin is practically lnex il-!e. The largest deposits are in IHoiss. ,'. e'i'i h;s submitted his theory to fee Society of industrial Engineers, which in turn will take It up with the Council of National Defense. FIHGTH PLANE W. W. can ever return to Blsbee. Greensboro ,,. , .. ,, . . . ., i in uib euici. nere roaay, louownig ( ol ege wll occupv the pu pit of the fll . ... . . ' . -L -. .. a...,...the deportation of the 1.200 I.W, W.'S. " " "V..iri. MAY TAKE OVER MINES Denver, July 13. The operation V of all mining properties at Lead vllle may be taken over by the gOT ernment In the event of the failure of Mr Thomas Hutchinson Stone of federal mediators to reach a settle- West Point. Vs., and Miss Mary KHz- merit with the miners. A strike ha Mince of Rumfonl, Va,. wer been chIIa.I fnr .... vHiuiuu; uuiQPI f C V STONE PRINCE abetli married Friday morning by Justice tlement is reached before that time. of the I'eac, .1 W. Miinden, residnce on Seidell Strict. at his APPLICATIONS ARE COMING IN FAST This trouble Is bolleved to be ft part of the I. Wr. W. disturbance that has swept over western states thU' week. KILLS PILOT M OBSERVER OE HO( ME MACHINE. SERGEANTS PARSONS AND WILLIS DOWN THREE ENEMY MACHINES Paris. July ed his eighth inc. killed ili of l iie I'. i( lie ! it i ' i it I'm i 1 :: Lit in Thaw down enemy pla lie today, bay - pilot and l li ohserver 1 1 ; : 1 1 1 1 in Branch Manager, II T. Greenleaf, of the Officers' Training Camp As sociation, stated to a reporter for this paper this morning that he Is now receiving iiiite a number of ap plications for admission to the sec ond Officers' Training Camp at Port Oglethorpe. Prospects are that there will be n rush of applications at 5U AGITATED BY USE iah BIRDS AND SQUIRRELS Sei m ants I 'a i soiit ed three enemy mai lie. and Willis down tines in hot Itat- tnent and Mr Greenleaf advises all who Intend gelling In their appli ed ions to in I al once. (By United Press) Stockholm, July 13. Sweden la o last mo- violently agitated by the news of the ARE DENIED BREAD MINUS ARMS HE CETS BACK JOB i i:- rniicd Pr ss) l,,,doii. July i:'..- When a Ger man explosive bullet, near Ypres last ( Bv United Press) London. June ?,0 (By Mall)-- Kind ness to animals Is asecondary consid eration when your country's at war. an American women in London learn ed at the expens" of two pounds ten .summer, blew away Lieut A. A. E. shillings. Even at that she had a story liutclielor's left arm, the Saskatoon that left few dry eyes in the court- hoys who made up his battalion said room. good -live to him. as they thought for Charged with fending considerable pood. Today Lieut. Batchelor Is on qsantities of bread to birds and sbulr- his way hack to his battalion, wear- K Is in her garden, an offense under ing an artificial arm. The task of tin- new Defense of the Hallm Act, convincing tho War Office he could she told the following story: handle his old job. he said, was th "I am seventy three years old. For hardest thing he has had to do since seventy years I'have always fed birds tho war began. HOTEL INSTALLS AUTOMATIC CALL CLOCK American export restrictions and the newspaper, Tidnlng, bitterly attack! the United Stato.4, characterizing the emtiargo as "an attempt to force Sweden into the war in the name d( nio( racy." Tho 4u-.llul. I t--- ..... ...,,,.-,,, ,-i'M,. an a wnoio , are united in the desire for commer- ' An automatic call clock has Just cial and political neutrality and do :M been installed at tho Southern Hotel, not wnnt to outer war at all, except Kliahetli City's up to the minute If it should he necessary in order to Hotel. . iiy-iunu i iiHir own son against foreign This clock reminds tho nlcht clerk aggression. of anv call and Indicates the room - occupied by tho guest. It keeps ring- ERITISH REPULSE Ing until the clerk gives the matter his attention. ,1 TO SAY GOOD-BYE TO SOLDIER SON GERMAN RAIDS FAUST EMHE OS CLDTHES nn it animals I have lout two sons in of the lesser heavyweikhts, and of . D , ... . , war, one at San Juan Hill and the (By united Prtss) the few men available, there isn't a one would woudn't be able to give King Jess the fight of his life. The action of the champion In get ting rid ofi Tom Jones and Jack Cur lry is commendable In a sort of way. for its eliminates the syndicate which put the world's champion to work in other at Gallipoli. I am alone in the .world Rtnl the little creatures are my only friends." ! Somewhat to everyone's surprise, however, tho Judge fined her the max llmiim for a first offense and warned lir that a repetition would be severe ly dealt with. "HER" NEW YORK a circus instead of sending him out Washington, July 13. The Wo- t0 fight which was expected of him I vrrTOTTVP non'a Committee of the National bv a nubile erateful for Wlllard's 'IuIITING OUTSIDE Council of Defense asks American success in bringing bark the world's women to "wear the clothes lttle to the white race. v have," so that man ower now engag- Roy Larson returned Friday from ed on' feminine fads may be released for war aervice and to abandon 'keep- ocean View and SfclVlC where . tin Jnrlth th StVles" during the ha Soi tioon iom. v . . . if... ,. .... , Note the punctuation In " 'Her' New York." the Pathe Gold Rooster play, starring Gladys Hulette, to be shown at tho New Theatre. The extra quotation marks are rightly around "her" because the New York in the story is wholly and absolutely in the proprietorship of Poebe Lester, the lovely little coun- GATES OF PEKING try girl, played by Miss Hulette. She first sees it rising in a glor ious mirage from out a cornfield (By United Pressl London, July 13. Success of the i British raid south of Ypres and the Mr. John Q A. Wood left this .ft-' I - ' - ernoon for Washington. D.'C. where, "u ho will say good-bye to his son, John I Wood, who expects to leave soon for OIIjIj ritUVlU fi France. Young Wood is a member of I thn Engineer Corps and is expected the call to active service In France. (By Unite PraitT : Tien Tstn. July IS. Fighting la wherein she Imagined she was In going on today Just outside the gates 'her"'1 New Toork, rubbing - elbows ""Inn 1 of Peking between the Monarchists with peYirpq rf clltteri""' it FEDERATION LABOR TO SAVE HOMES (By United Press) Denhury, Conn., July 13. The settlement of the Danbury Hatters' enso without selling the homes of 141 workers is to be discussed this afternoon and It is said that the Fed eration of Labor will ray the Lowed FOR AIRPLANE FLEET (By United Prss) Washington, July 1!. Chairman Dent of tho committee on military al'fulrs Introduced a bill today pro viding for an lmmenso airplane fleet, with an approprlaton of siv hundred and forty millions. , WEATHER : Probably srinwer t"""!-M