STORES WILL CLOSE FRIDAY AT 1 O'CLOCK JUL" Ai U i-JJu News Without , Bias ' Views Without Prejudice The Only Dcm ... Newspaper Published in Elizalct: ' City VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY1, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 14. 1917 NO.17 KAISER HAS ABDICATED IS RUMORED TO-DAY Report Reaching Here Early This Morning But Still Unconfirmed When Paper Went to Press Says Kaiser Has Given Up Reins of Government to Son Joachim. (By United Press) Washington, July 11 .Unconfirmed rumors are current In official circles here that the Kaiser has abdicated in favor of V; his son Joachim. , , . iifi , " v Officials will make no comment but their attitude seems .to be that while the growing tension as a result of the political 4ritna.ti.An in ftermanv is regarded as becominc more serious, it r ' is not regarded yet to have reached the stage where the throne L - - SUMMONED FROM THE FRONT CONGRESSMEN'S WIVES SEWING FOR SOLDIERS (By United Press) Washington, July 14. Of Wash ington's ballrooms, cuilt for terpsl chorean affairs, there's at least one that isn't being danced in right now. A rattle-tat-buz sings in the ear as the door to the ballroom of the Con gresseional Club is approached, and the creak of rocking chairs is heard. A peak through the doorway disclos es matrons and maids, portly and slender sleevs bared to the elbow, bending busily over sewing machines or humming as they rock back and forth, deftly jabbing and pulling needles through yards of cloth. They are daughters and wives of United States Senators and Repre sentatives, making countless artcles YOUNG EDITOR PASSED ARMY EXAM. Joseph Peele, associate editor of The Advance, who left here Friday for a visit to Raleigh andClarks rille, Va, sends the followng tele gram today en route from Raleigh to Clarksvllle: "Passed army examination at Ra leigh. Go to Fort Thomas, Kentucky Tuesday. May possibly be rejected there, of course.' This enthusiastic warrior went to Raleigh for examination a few months ago and lost out because he coudn't tip the scales to suit Uncle Sara. For the past two weeks he has been eating in Currituck and it seems to have had the much desir ed effect. Anxious to enter the army as a volunteer he took the opportun- r for Uuccle Sam's gay young war-dogs lty of .his visit to try again before the land, sea and air. nuie capsules are shaken up at The women are working under di-i Washington, rection of the Red Cross. What they . Hfl i u nrhof fa tuanfarl Ttiafw nm.! i ' real, downright, back-bending work Copenhagen, July 14. Von Hindenburg and General with a capital W. A visitor, incidentally gets very little attention in this reconstructed ball-room not even, strange to say, a newspaper reporteress. Mrs. Tow ner, wife of the Iowa Rep. and Mrs. Padgett, wife of the House naval com mittee chairman, did get up from thier sewing machines long enough to FARMERS DIED T.iidpnrinrf hnvft arrived at Berlin and becrun a conference with tiiA "Kaiser and crown mince, sa v dispatches received here to day. This is the second time this week that Von Hindenberg and ive a few two-and-three-word an Ludendorf have been summoned from the front on the Kaiser's 8We,R t0 reported questions. Orders ( However, they wouldn't have got up NEWSPAPER SUPPRESSED lt,le"' if Mrs Towner's cloth hadn't Amsterdam, July 14. The Berlin Lokal Anzieger has;eiven out if Mrs Padgett s ma- V.. oY.ao0nH Ktt tVio'flormriTi (rnvprtimpnt. rvresnmaJilv fnr its thine didn't need oiling. (Mrs. Pad- fVankness in discussing peace and the parliamentary situation " confessed, ,i,n. m an aside that i. w. w. activities m in a recent issue ;sl,H J,lst ha(l ,n s,raiIlll('n ollt n '"LlM'''s1' HOLLWEG'S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED killks in her ,m k and ro" llpr Rl(eves ver one hundred have already ea- niv,r, T1 11 WnWo-'a rasicmntinn hau hpn iP again. '' " battalion formed to pro- .P ' m T 1 1 T J-l Mn T accepted says the Berlin newspaper, iajf liicne nunascnau. SPANISH WAR VKTERAXS WILL ASSIST IN CURBING ACTIVI TIES OF ORGANIZED LABOR IN I A It WEST (Wv United Press) Portland. Oregon. July 14 Span ish American war veterans will as- NAVY WILL BUILD AIRSHIPS FOR ARi- Daniels Announces That New Ai: plane Factory Will Gfo Up Probably Near Detroit. STATENURMALTU y PLAN TO RAISE MONEY FOR THE EQUIPMENT AND BEGIN WORK PUTTING THIS IN AT ONCE k 9 STRIKE III BRAZIL STOPS IflOUSTRY WHEELS OP TRADE SKOTCHED AND BLOODY RIOTS A(XX)M PANY PARALYZATION OF PRODUCTION GERMANY MAKES (By United Press) Sao Paulo, Brazil. July 14. A general strike, attended by rioting, and many casualties paralyzed all in dustries today. All transportation has stopped. Five hundred agitators have been arrest -' Anarchists are believed to have been active In bringing abuot the strike and they are now playing an important role in making it el'i'c--tlve. A TRENCH TALE Mrs. Towner explained she couldn't tect the farmerB against the methods talk long, as "the girls' had to finish of tne Wookers. eleven suits of pajamas the same day. ' Farnprs throughout the Yakima k tho lon-f oil th.. nr.o.,Dnii Valley are armed. One of them nniii FORMAL APOLOGY, club lB dolng Tney nave 8ent out today in referring to the Workers. I thousands of copies of the Red Cross "Ty'11 et H from us if they come (By Unite Press ' I directors of chapters, to women all here' Christiana. July 14.-Germany has over the country urglJlft thm tQ Jo,a, made formal apology to Norway for the,r nearegt chapter and enter gy8, SIXTEEN SUFFRAGETTES Iimis uiacuveieu nnf 111 1110 miosi (pmatipo ,, v lnt war rollof worlr I Then, too, these women receive i every day thousands of letters asking all sorts of questions relating to just By United Press , Washington, July 14.--A mill! dollar airplane factory will be bu! by the navy, Secretary Daniels a nounced today. i The plant will probably be local near Detroit, It la said. . American aerial experts are no abroad studying foreign aircraft tl they may be prepared to recommer. what types shall be bu'lt here, INCREASE FOR JUNE IN COTTON OONSUHI The trustees of the Elizabeth City Colored State Normal met Friday morning and enthuslastlcaHy adopted a plan for the maintenance of an in dustrial department in the work of this Institution. Ii bus been the Idea of some of the trustees of the State Normal fori year, the Census bureau reports the colored race here that this school in failing to educi'e I i e negro Indus trially Is missing the chief end for whlj'h it was established and giving i he students who have attended it training thnt has been of but doubt ful value to them in making them li'ire useful menuvs of society nrd ' fitting them t.) wet the problem) of life. of Baron Rautenfield whose bag- ' gage contained infernal machines su- posedly to desrtoy Norwegian shipping. Some time ago this school secured an appropriation from the General Education Board of New York of $3,000 a year. It is planned to put in a workshon and laundrv and to snend ARE ARRESTED TODAY' part of this money for their equlp- jment. The school also has forty ono m is MATTEROFHQURS such work as they are doing. All let- Washington, July 14 ine pome a(Tog of tmable land and lt wa8 the ters are answered, no matter what arrested sixteen mnuani suiirageiis impression of the beard of trustees their nature Is. picketing the White House Taken, altogether, these women, was 110 disturbance, from a reporteress's viewpoint, get more real work done, In less time than their husband's do "On the Hill. I Buenos Aires. July 14. Argen inc's formal rupture of diplomatic 'minus with Germany Is only a matter of hours, according to the highest authorities here. The govern ment has practically decided on this ClllilSI' BRITISH TRANSPORT SUNK BY SUBMARINE activity nu l il'Ulllll wis L i nnniu! rnniiT1 mho r n it FR t MUNI I "I got it in both legs before wr-: reached the German lines," a youth ful Australian was relating his ex perience at Vimy Ridge, 'but, Glory be to God. 1 fell Into a shell-hole and , , ., nlonao n I tl O II 11 Cell t'ldllV. ly oown as siiuk i'" clever place. I lay there for hours ami I heard great roarin- noise com in" near roe. 1 knew it was a tank anil Iprayed it would not come near me. me beln' hid in ttu shell-hole. But I heard lt go roarin' past quite near and then it got stuck, and I could bear It flghtln' and strugglin' to get clear. I never saw It. "Later n tbe day, a lad I knew came by, slightly wounded. 'Hullo. Peter,' says he, when he saw me In the hole. "For God's sake have you a wattr bottle with you?' says I, 'mft legs is both broke and I can't move to get a grip of mine!' He threw me down hi3 water boUle and it bein" full of rum and water, it kept me goln'. Then it began to rain, and an other lad passing by, saw me and threw me down a water-proof sheet. Late nt right the stretcher-bearers got me. So they were all Good Sama ritans, th way they helped, them that saw me lyin' by the wayside." ( I'.y I'liit-il l'rcsa London. July 14.-- The British transport. Armadale. has been sunk bv n submarine, thn admiralty an- Six were killed and live are niiss'iig, but none of military rank. DEPT. Ill FEED 1. 1 WORKERS mm guns i:i:my s aktillf.rv ci n: nu: ( tC!:TtUTKI i wofyrk STOPPF.I) BY llHi a K OF TIIK FRKNCH ( By I'nlted I'l'-ss'; London, July 14. German forces I he Belgian front are .showing great a'T'vity against the British, Field Marshal Ilaig reports todav. South of l.omliartzyde last night the Germans attacked after heavy artillering. but were repulsed. The . British took a number of German July 14. The violence or priiotiers h counter artillery stonned German concentration of the Wocvre district this LLOYD GEORGE SENDS MESSAGE 4V (By United Press) i London, July 14, 'There can be ' no lasting peace until the responsi bility of the governments to their reople is clearly 'established from one end of Furopo to' tfie f 'Vr.J'-'Je- Hermanos. New Mexico, July 14. On cattle cars the 1.200 Industrial Workers of the World deported from Blsbee were started to Columbus to day where the War Department will feed them until they can be arrang ed for. i a n Hip I ic,:cl the heavy KiMifii'e in morniiu'. i";.e lilhcjal statement declares that German aviators bombing over Nanvv todav Killed two women and ,ic c hild 'i'lie I-r i in today carried out a sic(f- fui miii west of the Navarin farm in the Chnpagne. , TRKNCH TA1.F I Bv I'nlted Press) "I've seen a Bocbe who really un derstands the war." declared an Kng There ,jlat tnj9 Bfould be put to some use The suggestion was made that there t was just about enough ground for a good dairy farm, and the inadequacy of the city's present rr II l supply, soon to he agirrevated by putting dailies in the city out of business, was pointed out. The fact that the color- led A. & M. at. Greensboro operates 'n successful dairy was also cited and the hoard took enthusiastically to the suggestion. One difficulty presented Itself: the In. I. of equipment. The $.00:) pro vided by Grand Board Is Inadequate to meet all this expense. It was de cided to attempt to raise In addition enough money to build the necessary barn and stables -about $l,f00. The matter was put before the summer school students of the school this morning and they agreed to try to raise half this amount. One hundred and fifty six dollars was Immediate ly subscribed. The white people of KIKnbeth City are asked to contri bute the remainder. W. L. Cohoon, (By United Press) " " -Washington,' July 14.' . Cottovj consumed during June JL817 amounts to 675,000 hales against 5 T 0,0 00 las! IRFOIK FACES filth I (By United Press) ., -Richmond, July 14. Word comei here from Norfolk indicating that the street railway employees threaten to strike unless their demands, for thirty cents an hour and a ten hour day Is granted. The genreal officers here say that the men are now" re ceiving from 25 to 30 cents an hour. CLARKE McCAIN Mr. Robert Polk Clarke and Miss Avery Kathleen McCain,' both' of Newport News, V$., were married Friday night by Justice of the Peace J. w. Mumlen at his residence on Selden Street. ' ' ' KITE ORDER IS kntiui: FORK PCBLICAN CONTROL CHINEHK MONAKCHUL HI KRKNUER8 AND RE GOVERNMENT - IN ' 9 , : 1. . . . . 1. ,. , .. ,1 f twiainna liih officer, recovering from a bit of . . , ., , ... . began this morning the work of soll- ihraii in a field hospital. I was , . . . ctlng the contributions and met with wounded when wo captured him and frrollfvlnir roannnnn enrried me for half n mile. "This ' " AUGUST COSMOPOLITAN Tho big feature in August Cosmo- hi i was Is the greatest crime the world hps ever known' "Yes sir," the of- NOTICE TO MILK CONSUMERS Owing to the recent action of the City Aldermen, forbidding the keep ing of cows in the City, we regret to have to advise our patrons that we will not furnish any milk or cream on and after July 17th, 1917. We wish to thank you and assure you of our appreciation of your cus tom. Mrs. J. C. Commander, W. W, Keaton, P. C. Harris, ' Frank Albertson, J'eras ' ' It Is believed that the $1600 ex pected will be raised promptly and fleer Insisted, 'that, is what the Boche wthout great dfflculty and that the snid.' The crimes of the beasts who matter of building the stables will go are running German ytoday are un-'fnr,j r(i at once. poiiian is Konert w (hampers' new pPak!,hlp XnPV WPre thieves and novel, The Restless Sex.' brigands when they started the war AnoMier great story Is "Blue Aloes' hnt nnw tnPv'rR the bloodiest mur by Cynthia Stockley. Iprers bv wholesale, the world ever Other great wr ters and artists In j pro(,urP(, ThPV know perfectly well this number are: Llllie Langtry.Her- j tnpy.VP )ngt ,he war but they are bert Kaufman, KUa Wheeler Wilcox, frllrbtene,l out of their miserable Jack London, John Galsworthy. Sam-,RkIn(, t0 admlt ,t and ca, R halt;and because thev are frightened of what the people might do when they learn j " the truth, they keep the thing going (Ry lInUed preB9)' and sacrlflc many thousands of Ger-j rionhl,rv rnnn ,, uTtin f. mans every slngl day. Just to shield ! iia nnh'rv ., w. t uel Merwln, C. N. and A. M. William- HATTRES US IS SETTIED l.iii; I A.arj R'jbcrta Itinehart, George ,Ade, Arthur Reeve, Howard Chan dler Christy. G. Patrick Nelson. Will Foster W. D. 8tevens, George Gibbs, Anton Otto Kkher, James Montgom ery Klagg. John T. McC'utcheon and W. T. Benda. TIME EXTENDED FOR APPLICATIONS : Greensboro, July 14. Time for fling application blanks of those wishing to enter the second officers -"'ri'fT rntrri et' Fore Os;leihorpB, (By United PressK ? Washington, July )4. A; cable gram received by the Chinese em bassy announces that General Chan; Ilsun, the military leader behind the attempt to restore th monarchy, and the entire monarchial force' sur rendered in the Chinese capital on Thursday. t Complete order now prevalls.There has been little bloodshed. No deaths are reported and but a few have been wounded. " RUSSIAN E 101 Ef. the reputations of a handful of nrtnees and politicians. Here on this front our people are being killed like files. Your artillery kills them in bunches. Our men would gladly give themselves up to end It but you know they cr.nnot. When there seems a chance, there Is always an officer of rN. C. O.'s about. It Is not only your guns, that kill. Manr Germans fall each day with German bullets . In tVr t" " pro, ( v'" d"' tied today and the homes of 141 hatters saved from auction when D. K. Loewe signed a release freeing de fendants from all claims. The amount of money Involved has not been publicly stated but the law yer for the Union said "The Loewe Company squeezed the United Hat ters to the last cent , "IN.,,. (By united Pfess) 4; Petrograd, July 1'. After, hard fighting the Russian troops J today forced their way into the village of Novlea, southwest of Kalusch t and occupied the town. ' ', ' IN POLICE COURT Joe Swindell was fined $1.95 for operating an automobile without dis playing the proper lights. t WEATHEIt