Kcws Without , Bias Mews Without Prejudice Newspaper ?ublisbejl in Elizabeth City . VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, .NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING. JULY 17. 1917 N0.177 Britiish Capture Four German Merchant Ships Damage Two Vessels And Bring Two Crews To Harbor. Other Crews Escape. (By United Prss; London, July 17. The .capture of four German merchant shlpB in the North Sea yesterday is announced by the British admiralty today. UnT The Germanss did their best to H I f T get away. Two or the vessels were II I damned by gunfire from the British 1 shlp which lighted them. Two crews escaped, the others wre brought into barbor. WHY STREETS ARE BEING PA FD BATTLE WITH SUBMARINE i i Buenos Aires, July 17 A battle between the British steamer, Thessaly fend A German submarine When four ,Iayi,)Ut from Liverpool was re ported when the steamer arrived to day. One of the Thessaly's crew was killed by gunfire. MKMBKK OF BOARD OP ALDER MEN GIVES OUT STATEMENT AS TO WHAT HAS HELD UP PAVING PROGRAM MAPPED OIT BY OLD BOARD THE MILK SITUATION We do not know what the Board of Aldermen have come to think of the milk situation in Elizabeth City, but the more we consider the effects of the law banning; the dairies from the city on the 20th of this month the more we believe that such action was ill advised, ill considered and is inexpedient. If the times were normal, it would be a different matter. The Advance would favor, under normal con ditions, that all cows, after sufficient notice to their owners, be barred from the city limits for the sake of a cleaner city. But the times are not normal. The nation is at war. The food problem is a serious one. And every where cities are making less stringent their laws in re gard to keeping cows, and even hogs in the city limits. The dairymen, too, have to dispose of their cows at a sacrilice because of the short length of time allow ed them before the law goes into effect. But chiefly, the little children suffer. They de pend on milk very largely, if not entirely, for their ex istence. In the hot summer months the change from one sort of milk to another often produces serious results and is a dangerous experiment. With polluted city water, countless breeding places for mosquitoes thru out the city, ami the season of typhoid fever upon us, it isn't giving the little children much of a square deal, and whatever may have been the motive of the Board in passing such a law it's certainly unfair to take it out on the kiddies. FIGHT TO DEATH AIM THE tSER MOST OP THE KING'S ROYAL RIFLES AND NORTHAMPTON SHIRES EXTERMINATED IN FURY OP GERMAN ATTACK BE TWEEN LOMRERTZYDE AND THE, SEA ELIZABETH CITY WOMEN .WILL TAKE ACTIVE PART IX NATION WIDE ORGANIZATION FOR PA TRIOTIC SERVICE .. The Woman's Division of the Pa. quotank Council for Defense was or ganized Monday evening with Mrt. Cam W. Melick, Permanent Chair. 1' SOLDIERS MAKE GAMS (By United Press) London, July 17. Haig's soldiers gained during the night northwest of Warneton in the Nieuport sector, a British raiding party encountering a large enemy detachment in front of German positions. After a sharp fight the British drove the enemy into th trenches and bombed them. TRIUMPH 1 1 1 ffl II (By unlit a Press) Washington, fuly 17. Mitohaelis' appointment was a Irinipli for Ger many military spirit. a corning t all dispatches received riv the State De partment. No peace but a Gorman peace will be launched by Gio Kaiser until his fall has boon an ei'ippsln d experts aa. AEROPLANE EILL REPORTED FAVORABLY P.- I'ni'.d '-.:. Washington. July IT. The Senate Military Committee today reported OUt the $fi40.0 (1,000 i. emplane loll with recommendation Dial it pass. Chamberlain will move to consider the bill tomorrow and expects to get the vote on It without delay. DEPT. GALLS FOR IE EH III 1 F (By United Press) Washington, July 17. The War Department today ordered the draft ing or recruiting of a tenth regiment of engineers to supplement the nine ordered sent to repair French railroads. MAKE DEMONSTRATION ON WAY TO WORKHOUSE fv fnltea ProFgi Washington, July 17. Sixteen militant Buffralsts accepted sixty days sentence to the workhouse rath er than pay the fine of $25 for ob- ; structlng traffic while picketing the ) i , White House. They will make a S ' great demonstratlbn on the trip to the wofkhouBe, having hired special (''v conveyances for fthls purpose. H ' - ' - ... ; L V ' Miss, Margaret Campen of Hertford f Jt'$LU T,8,t,n Mr' nd Mr'- ' Lttch' t ' field oa Martin Street . ,. , . '. , ! Alderman M. N. Sawyer, represent ing the second ward, today gave out the following signed statement for publication : ' "At the regular meeting of the old Hoard of Aldermen, held on March : 5th, 1917. the following streets were ordered paved: Southern Ave, Mar ! tin. Lawrence, Khrlngliaus. Selden. 'arsonage, Burgess, Cypress, Penn sylvania Ave. I'earl, Broad, Second, Dyer, Hunter, Matthews, and Bell. Bonds in the sum of $84,000 were ad vortised and sold to meet this expense and also that of building stables The bond buyers then refused to take the bonds assigning as their reason the fact that the bonds provided for the building of stables and that stables have never been declared a necessary expense of a town by the Supreme Court of North Carolina, -JJBdj t lierefwet, , would, req uire a vote of the people before "Ft 'bOTTfrr would be valid. "The new Board then took steps to issue bonds which would be accep table to Die bond buyers so as to be gin the paving of streets as early as possible While this was being done, a quo warranto suit was begun "by the former city attorney, whose term of office bad expired to recover that otllce. In this suit, be was aided by two members of ilie present Board who signed the bonds necessary for Die prosecution of the matter This suit lias defeated the sale of the bonds, for it is a rule among bond bo ils lhat thev will make no bid for any municipal bonds when (be I'D.' of any ofticer of the eitv Is in disute Therefore, no bonds can bp sold until this su it is ended . "I explain Diis matter so that the I - I wbci live 'in these streets may i"ni, -vstand who are responsible for "ot having the streets paved as was ordered. Il is the old Board and those who have started this suit that are responsible, but we pre not kick ing for NO money to spend brings NO resousibllitv to us Respect fullv. M. X SAWYKR. July 17. 1017. WHAT WROUGHT ON THE SUIT The suit referred to in the fore going statement was instituted by Thomas .1. Markham, city attorney under the old Board. It is the con tention of Mr. Markham that the eleo Don ol his successor. Attorney M. B. Simpson, was illegal If be should win the suit It would mean that al most every officer elected by the pre sent board, Including the city man ager, was Illegally elected. How the present city officials were elected has already been told in this newspaper. The new board met with Mayor Sawyer In the chair. Markham contends that Mayor Sawyer's term expired along with that of the mem bers of the old board. Mayor Saw yer's '(intention Is that he held office , until his successor was elected. The I first business before the board was the election or a chairman. The nlder rPMi from tho first and seonod wards voted for Owens; the aldermen from the third and fourth wards voted for Prltchard. Mayor Sawyer broke the tie voting for Owens. This was the last official act of Mayor Sawyer's first ferm. Owens took the chair and voted for Sawyer as Mayor first as representative of the first ward and then, when' that vote resulted In a FOUR MISTERS T! E II ft Ml HAS T MIST PASS CREDITS BILL AND WIN OVER LIBERAL LEADERS OF THE REICHTAti SAY DIS PATCHES ( Bv l'al" I l'ress) Berlin, July 17. Chancellor Ml chaelis' program Is to be "A strong i Uy United l'ress l'etrograd. July 17. Minister of Finance Shingaroff. Minister of Edu cation Manuiloff, and Minister of Public Relief, Prince Shakhovhsky, formally resigned today. All of these are members of the old Cadet party. Minister of Railways is said to be policy within; unity without " ,w,.io,l.,...wr Ill,,, .,..,.,,., Tl, I n... i , . . 110 Jne UIKn0Hl 80un.e8 Klve Ini8 aa an 8tuck t0 ther pogtg Th awalted Mrs rhag Raid M89 Hatt, prem.er is endeavoring to dissuade outline of the premier's fundamental L,mly tne attafk th now knew wa8 Ml8. a. c. Newbold Mrg R T ' n'iri.'i'vcifv ... .,..i.-u lheorle8- I bound to come. Teh German guns ters. Miss Eva Etherldge, Mrs. C. P. KEREN Nkl HI RKI E8 UtOM J Michaelis Is expetced to make hi,,' d w)ppd out ,hp hr(1(te!, The bat. nrowlli Mr w A Wofth Mf( T Q miiKien speecn in me neicniag on - ... ,, ,., ,,, innil, Mr. nrm d.i (By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS) (United Press Staff Corwipondent.) With The British Armies in The man, Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep. Vice Chair Field, July 17. History's fadeless man. Mrs. Wm. Boettcher, Secretary pages will record the heroic deaths and Treasurer. ' ... . of most of the king's Royal Rifles I The meeting was held at the horn and Northamptonshires in fighting 'of Miss Marcle Albertsonv who had between Lombartzyde and the sea. been appointed temporary chairman They died, almost to the last man. In; by Governor Bickett. Miss Albertson l' fighting, the fury of which has not 'will have charge of the Department 1, been surpassed by any of the titanic of Food Conservation; Mlss.Edson conflicts of this greatest of wars. Carr, the Department of Food Pro' British army headquarters today ductloh; Miss Llllle Grandy, the D4 permits the heroic story of this fight partment of Child Welfare and Social " to be told to American readers. Service; Mrs. J. L. Cunnlngglm, the Scarcely any of the meager group Department of Moral and Spiritual , survivors of this great German at-' instruction; Mrs. C. P. Brown, Horn tack on the sand dunes came out of and Foreign Relief; Mrs. Herbert the battle unwounded. All that did Peele, th Department of Public . emerge were those who swam the Health. Other chairmen of depart- . river Yser. iments are yet to be appointed. Liter The enemy bombardment of the ature in regard to the work of the sand dunes began at 6 o'clock in the various departments Is to be ordered, morning. The fire of shells rested for also, and active work will be begun, a time near the front lines of the by the organization as a whole ,ln British trenches and then shifted September. Meanwhile the chairmen back to the support lines, deluging und others who can do will be' "doing them. Then It lifted across the river their bit" toward concentrated work and pounded the British reserve po- In the fall. sltlons. Throughout the day the hail In the gathering of women that of shells was repeated. It arose to a made up the charter membership of hell-fury of fire late in the day and the organization all churches of the ; then droves of the enemy airplane, city and all women's organizations , flying low, spat their machine gun- outside of the churches were repre fire on the British, re directing the sented. Among those present were: , artillery ranges. , Mrs. C. W. Melick, Miss Marcle Al ii y this time many of the British bertson, Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep, Misi : defenders were gone. Tho remainder Llllle Grandy, Mrs. J. L. Cunnlngrfm, speech in tne Kelchtag Minister of War, Kerensky, hurried Thursday, or possibly Wednesday. ly returned from the front today, fol lowing the resignation of the cabinet niinisTelT. -r- (JUNES WERE ' T itlefleld was a malestrom of smoke, Jones, Mrs. Wm. Boettcher. Miss steel flying sand and debris. j Minnie Albertson, Mrs. Whltehurst, Between 7 and 7:15 p. m. the Mrs. C. C. Clark. ;.; enemy planted a barage fire around The aim of the Woman's Division ' Mid fioiit Umm once agaliuwhlle sim- of tho Council for Defense If to an! the manifold activities ofv-wo- NOT YET PAST CRIHIH London, July 17. Germany has not yot pawtwl-her crisis-lu. iternj altairs. I he new chancellor must .... i,. ,i, n ,,.i. t,a fv 11 1 a II W unit llir H l ninii umiimn, iiiv E show that ho can command enough 1 Kalser-!, i,nr(iPSt fighters, charged man's patriotic service, and Elizabeth bith flanks The foremost attacking ; ''Uy women will do their part In the wave was concave, in the middle con- great patriotic mechanism. At Wash verging on tho few remaining Brl-:ington stands the central orcanica Liberal leaders in parliament are (sh ,,.,, Thls fraRniPnt of the de- tlon, the National Council, composed i I support In the Kelchtag to pass the i Credits Bill German dispatches indl ,cale that this is no small obstacle. ( By I'll it.nl Press) A n Al lain ic Port. July 1 7. The marine.; were Die first ashore in Prance. Also II was one of their trans ports the German submrines tired on. ' was learned today. IN POLICE COURT In Police Court. Tuesday morning, tl ' l arl'e Edward Smith, colored, dissatisfied with Michaelis' appoint ment because Ilollweg was retired without consulting Kelchtag niem Ih rs. ((IN I EKENCES I i lim n I, Amsterdam. July 17. Conference whi h Chanc ellor .Mic haelis. Vim D iiidenhurg and Ludendorf and oth or military chiefs have been holding with Kin liLit majority leaders are Dins far il n I) u i; I ill. Berlin dispatches stale Th" 1 : i I . I ; j ur leaders (lecture ilia' will colli iniic to adhere to and fenders, with one or two men to of six members of the President's each unbroken machine gun that re- cabinet, and In addition to these, . nialned, worked desperately striving ; seven members of the Advisory to boat the Germans hack Many ma- Board, industrial leaders. (blue guns were jammed with the. In each State capital there is the ' sand. Then came the shoock of mnn , central organization for the Stat to man fighting British officers with 'with Its officers and in each county their men armed with bayonets and there will he county organizations, clubbed gnus in a struggling, bodv to j making a network of patriotic service' body mass il was a huge I i lit to the 'over the land which will be of value in insist upon their demand for a stale- was tried for stealing brass, was re leased under suspended judgment on payipg 3' .IS. the costs of court. Ira Parker was fined $;.!!." for speeding. R. M. i'.igley was lined $l.!).r, for operating an automobile without dis playing the proper lights. The case aglnst Dollie Markham. colored, charged with assault, was dismissed. j CHILDE HAROLD 1 SUNK BY U-BOAT (By United Press) Washington. July 17. The Amer ican schooner, Chllde Harold, was sunk by a submarine in European waters on June 20th, the State De partment, announced today. All hands were saved. The schooner was not armed. leent of Germany's war aims ami "no aiinc xal ions" pi iiic iile Live Little Locals M.inv Miiiiir Matters MitcIv Mentioned Mr nd Mrs. G. L. Litchfield and children motored to Hertford Sun day. George Sawyer has returned to his post of duty on the United States battleship. Pennsylvania, after a death One soldier, winded, wounded and haltered bv the -helling and the des perate fighting of man to man, swam across the waterway and then went back with a rope, so Dint those of the few remaining who could not swim might pull themselves across to safe ty. Tho German olfiolal version of this struggle on Die sand declared there were 12.ri0 British prisoners taken. Here at headquarters it Is declared this figure obviously Includes killed and wounded. British troops gained back at least one section of a trench south of Lorn baert.yde In a counter attack imme diately after the German assault. in war or peace. The organization concerns itself with conservation, sanitation, co-operation, Industry,, preservation of historical data, trans portation, home defense, hospital nec cssltic and comforts, and standi ready to render service In any Way which the government may desire. mm strike mm. w visit to his parents. Mr. and Robert Sawyer, on Bell Street. Mrs. Mis. Sadie Toier and duaghter.MIss Carrie Toler. of Norfolk, Va.. who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllarney, Sr.. on Hunter DRIFTED FOR TWELVE Ml Atlantic Port, July 17. Drifting tin between Sawyer and W. C. Glo- street, left Monday for Nugs Head, toT tweive days In an open boat, two ver. Owens voted again as chairman where they will spend several days of the board. In this action Owens was sustained by a precednet set wo wars ago Oien teh present city charter went Into effect. Tho action at dial lime i roused resentment on the pari of one faction on the board but though there was talk of a suit (hen. -loihing came of It. ! Exceptional pictures are booked at , ejected to the office of Mayor The Alkrama tomorrow with special by Owens' double vote, P. G. Sawyer organ music. again took tlie chair, and cast the Vltagraph Blue Ribbon Special. fBv IT i) lied Press) Paris, July 17 The German forg oes made further desperate assaults F lust night In Champagne, seeking tO" ' drive the French from their newly won gains around Mont Teton, but . were repulsed .today's official state- otent assorts. ' ..' The war otllce announces a vigor," ous offensive blow by the French ; ltcund Hill 304 and Verdun which resulted In the capture of position! -which had been lost to the German members of the crew of a Norwegian I jUI, 28th. Many prisoners were Joseph Riggs has returned to his post in the navy, after a visit to rela tives and friends in this city. schooner wore picked up two hun dred miles off the Irish coast by a British ship arriving here today. One of the men was unconscious from hunger. WARNING I Until further notice all city deciding vote In the election of every The Ninety and Nine deals with the water Used for drinking pUT clty officer as to whom there was a ull too familiar subject of one becom-1 pQgga ghould be boiled Water contest. The present city attorney Ing addicted to the habit of strong, ' owes his office to the mayor's vote. drink .and beln the cuase of an lnno-; analyses locates pollution. The suit against the city arises out cent girl having her name linked with O. D. WlJj-iIAIVia, . U. of the foregoing facts. , la guilty one. . J. A -v. City HealtH Officer. S i . , . . . - taken. V. ' The Germans again attacked Mont Teton but the attacking waves were withered In French fire and the Ger man troops fled back to the trenches leaving many dead. ; ;-1 There was active artillery around Ca'iiey and Courey. ; WEATHER V: . Local tuundershowers this ; after noon or tontght;Wednesday probably fair; warmer west portion; gentle to moderate winds mostly south and southwest