t- V n ( News Without , v. , Bias Views Without Prejudice .If h Oijly Dc: Newspaper " Published ih Elizit:'J City VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 19. 1917 - N0.179 Drawing Will Be Held On Friday Morning At Half Past Nine O'clock in the Senate Office Building Fate Will Call America's Young Men To the Colors . (By United Press) Washington, July 19. At half past nine Friday morning in Room 220 of the Senate office building the drawing will be held which will determine the order in which America s men are to respond to the colors. The hour has all but arrived when slackers will tremble in their boots and the valiant warriors will lift their heads with pride to answer the call of Uncle Sam. General Crowder announced today that the drawing for national army men will be held tomorrow. .... The exact time and place has been decided upon by Secre tary Baker. The entire registration roll of more than nme million men will be drafted at one time and in amazingly brief time, and the order of examinations to be taken will be determined at the time of the drawing. This is the process decided upon: Only one thousand and eleven numbers will be drawn. The first drawing of numbers, from 0 to 10, will fix the order of thousands. Next the numbers from 0 to 1,000 will be drawn. , n K n If the drawing of the thousand groop results thus: 8, 5, 0, 2, 4, 3, 1, 6, 9, 7, that determines the order of the thousand group. Then, if the drawing from 1 to 1,000 starts: 876; 34; 541; 40; and so on through the thousand numbers, the first number on the master list will be 8,000 plus 876, or 8,876. The second num ber will be 8,034. The third will be 8,541. The fourth will be O.U4U ana SO On. IW I'laensmitns, $38. 00 per After tht 8,000 list is completed, then the next number, b, month; in the thousand group is picked up. I two cooks $ 38.00 per month; ThUS following the eight thousands WOUld be the five thou- Two harness makers, $38.00 per sands, the same numbers being added in each case. So in the five month ; thousand irroup there will be 5.876; 5,034; 5,541; 5,040, and so Three shoe makers, $38.oo I FOR suppiy CO. UNMARRIED MAX BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AXD 43 MAY EX LIHT IX SUPPLY COMPANY OP FIRST XORTH CAROLINA MELD ARTILLERY IF THEY ACT QUICKLY Joseph Peels, Associate Editor of The Artvnace, is authorized by Cap tain A. L. F'Mcher of Raleigh to en list men for 'he Bupply Company in the First North Carolina Field Ar tillery. A local physician will exam ine the ppplicants. July 24 is the last day that appli cuits will ho nceived and those de sirlne to get in n North Carolina Com pany must act on or before that date. Men who apply and pass the examl natiin will be furnished with trans portation and called to Raleigh on or before the 25th of July. From Ral eigh they will he sent to Greenville, South Carolina where they will begin active Service. Following- is the rat ing of men wanted n the company: Twenty-one man for army truck HOG CHOLERA RAGES . AROUND OKISKO An outbreak of hog cholera is threatening disaster to the farmers around Oklsko and Pasquotank Sta tion. H. E. Ownlejr is the. official vacci nator for that district and farmers are urged to see him at once and take steps to stop the ravages of the plague. Farmers are also reminded that the law requiers that all sick hogs be kept shut up, under penalty of $50 fine, and that all .dead hogs be buried, under penalty of $10 fine. Colorado Strike Static; Assumes Serious Aspc . t,,. A LADY SAMMIE IS A PROBLEM J3y United PrevO New York, July 19. Uncle Sam has a woman on his hands today and he don't know what to do with her. She is the first "woman Sammie." To he near her husband, a corporal from Arizona, in Pershing's army, she disguised herself as a soldier; was discvoered on the transport and sent hack to the United States from France. A badly perplexed lot of army offi cers refused Information about the amazon today. One report was that she was held Incommunicado aboard an army transport now in port. An other was that because the army offi cers could not figure nut that she had violated any law, and since she wasn't a member of the military for ce? liable to courtmartial. she had been sent ashore to be started home. M;iior .Jewell in charge of affairs Two Thousand Men Will Be - Af fected And Mines Will Be Flood ed When Pumps Stop. ; PMW 11! E LYNCHED HO Iriving who know Mow to drive an around the transport, wouldn't say automobile or truck or who can learn , he knew anvthing whatever about at $36.00 per month. Office men $36.00 up. Two blacksmiths, $38 00 on. month. the lady today except he was "inves tigating ." If the fmtnlne Sammy is being I held, part of the perplexity of Uncle J Sam's represetnatlves is explained. Federal officials, it was said, washed their hands of the matter. They in per i sisted they knew nothing at all about jit. At OoTermw'A. Island, arwx head? HURLED BACK SELL POTATOES AND BUY AUTOMOBILES DAYBREAK AKTILLKHY I IRK ACTIVK OX THF. VVKSTEHX FRONT AND VIO LKXT ALONG THF HOMMK AM) TIIK A1SXK LAST XKiHT Paris, July - German troops last night attacked along a half mile front east of Gauchy and succeeded in penetrating the first, line of the French trenches but were hurled hack at daybreak by a counter attack Artillery fire was active every where last night anil was violent be tween the Somme and Alsne and on the let bank of the Meuse. In Aven court wood the Germans bombarded violently. Sew ca pita l Petrograd, Ju'y 19. An extraor dinary session of the cabinet council considered transfering the govern ment to Moscow, it was announced here today. CAPTURE LOST POSTSAGAUJ London, July 19. The recapture Of British advance posts east of Mon chylepreux which Haig's men had been forced ot abandon under Ger man attacks was effected Wednesday the official report announced here today. I Thoee desiring to enter the com- quarters for the Eastern Department pany can see Joseph Peele at The officials disclaimed all knowledge. Advance office who will fill out blanks Meanwhile there doesn't seem any for the applicant and send him to a. punishment for a girl to patrlotls as physician for Examination. The'" don khaki and follow the flag to blanks if the applicant pass are then France. (By United Prss) Danville, July 19.- Lynching Is now feared in the Barret case from a mob. The prisoners are being tak en to Charlotte and latent reports are such ax to lead to the belief that llarret may have already been strung U. Danville. Va., July 19. Albert Barrett and son, colored, charged with killing farmer Roach, were captured early this morning in Camp bell County. There was no attempt on the part of the prisoners to escape and no at tempt at lynching by mobs. By United Pres Denver. July 19. The strike !:. tlon on Colorado assumed a aerie , aspect today when Federal medial announced that all efforts to et the dispute between the miners t operators in the Leadrtlle dlatr: have failed. Two thousand men will be aff c ed and the mines will be flood when the pumps stop. ' v HOUSES ARE SHAIIECi Put Poison Fly Paper Out of Kiddies9 Reach (Dy United Press) New York, July. 19. A disnat I from Petrograd to the Jewish Da! , Forward says that much destructk wus done in Petrograd as a result c yesterday's riots. Many houses wer shattered by machine-gunfire. A delegation from the army e the front has argved at'PetfOgrc to give assurance of their loyalty t tint government. , ' W. W. Sawyer of Tyrrell County to be returned to Mr. Peele who will was in the city today and In an in- forward them to Raleigh at once, interview for this newspaper said: i This Company will furnish supplies "Tho Sound Neck section made big for the First North Carolina Field money on potatoes this year. Forty Artillery under Col. Cox. ('apt. Fief five new autos have been bought by "her who was correspondent for the farmers in the Sound Neck section News and Observer on tho border recently. TROOP 5 last year will be In command, ('apt. 'Fletcher states that those entering , the supply company now may later bo transferred to the artillery if they so desire. RUSSIA CAPTURES MANY PRISONERS CAPTURE I II i liy United Press) Petrograd. July 19. Russian troops captured Noviea as a result of last night's attacks but on account of heavy losses withdrew to the east ern end of the village where two enemy attacks were repulsed. Three machine guns and 228 prisoners were taken by" the Russians. TURNED DOWN JOB ON WASHINGTON POLICE Hv I'tuinl Press) Washington, July lit. Collector of the Port of New York. Dudley Field Malone turned down a job on the Washington police force. Having testified at the trial of the suffragist pickets that he "could have dispersed the crowd single handed." Judge Ma lone offered him a uniform and club. Malone declined on t he ground that he had a "better job than that al ready," thank vou.' ( Ry t'nlted Press) Petrograd. July 19 Russia's ad vancing armies from July 1 to 13 captured S.'!4 officers and :if,809 men with a vast store of military sup plies of all kinds, according to a war oflico statement today. In yesterday's fighting alone 10 officers and 900 Austin-German troops were takn. In addition to the :iC,,i)A:', officers and men captured between July 1 and I :! the war office listed this ad ditional booty: 111! guns; 28 trench niortcrs; 10:i machine guns; 4 It mine throwers: 4T. bombing mortars; .'! fire throwers and two aeroplanes, with a quantity of other material. mm mi m linns fHv United PrcEgi London, July 19. Mieliaelis will bid for "German peace," in his Reich ATTEMPT 10 DLL 111 WOODMEN OF WORLD TH TTMVWTT. MrWTTTVTirTJT I (l!y United Press) London. July 19. The blowing up of the bridge over the River Vyatka tag speech this afternoon, according ; f believed to be an attemptt to kill to Swiss reports, which declared that the Chancellor's peace formula would conform strictly to Instructions from (Jerman general headquarters and be based on the military situation now regarded favorable to Germany I, CONFESSES MURDER STJI tTTTintftllTIIIrl VI A fTT V ;Wvt !By United Press) Johnston, penna, Jnly 19. -George Tompkins today confessed to murder- t'- 1 '-' f - " . 1 SUFFRAGETTES i3y UnitKd Press 1 Washington, July 19. President Wilsojp today pardoned the sixteen Suffrsppttet serving a sixty days sen- Ambassador Francis, reports a dis patch from Haparanda. The Ambassador's train was late and thin saved his life. IMPROVING AFTER OPERATION Mrs. Walter Newbern. Jr., of Pow ells Point who was recently operated on In the Elizabeth City Hospital Is now able to be up. WOODMEN AT OKISKO , The Woodmen of the World will encamp at Oklsko on Sunday, July 22nd. Ererybody is Inrited to attend the meeting. Prominent upeakers will i ' e people. The members of the camp of Tim World at Okisko. assisted by the Hertford Camp, will unveil tho John I,. Ludford monument on Sunday, July 22nd at. 3 P. M. Sovereign S. (). Bryant of Raleigh, will be the speaker for the occasion, and the general public is invited. BANKS CLOSE FRIDAY AFTERNOONS The Hanks of this city will close at one o'clock Fridays tho remainder of July and August. SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO. CITIZENS BANK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. July 18, 19. W.WTFI) TWO HOYS lM)KH fourteen years to deliver The Ad vance. Have plenty of applicants but want boys who can secure new subscribers on routes. Apply to The Advance oflice at 8 a. m. or 4 p. m. WARNING Until further notice all city water used for drinking pur poses should be boiled; Water analyses indicates pollution. -, C. B. WILT t At!3, IT. D. No matter how eeutuus wx may have been in fly prevention, without doubt the fly will be with us again this sum mer. We will try to screen him out and disinfect him out, but when he appears indoors we will have to set ti direct trap for Wni In the shape of some kind of fly poison. There are poisons safe and unsafe, nnd If we have any little children in the home the kind of fly halt we use deserves a moment's thought. Reports of last summer tell us that 12 children In the states reported (and how many In the unreported slates we don't know) died from carelessly touching or swallowing the liquid from so called poison lly paper. These sheets of specially prepared paper, which fire laid In saucedishes and left around the room, are treated with arsenic, one of the most dangerous poisons and fatal to children. The saucer lying on table or window sill is a constant temptation to a child, who cannot reason or under stand. To put one's finger in the dish and taste It seems qulle natural but deadly. Mirny other deaths attributed to infant diseases, like summer com plaint, have Inter definitely been traced to tasting tly poison. Better than this kind of fly halt. If there are children around. Is some one of the sticky papers. Their disadvan tage, that they lire In the way and ar ticles are apt to become fastened to them,-is done a way with if wire racks manufactured specially for the pur pose are used with them. The sheet can be put Into this rack and the nick hung on the wnfl or other place out of reach or danger from blowing about. Another form of sticky poison is the so-called "sticky tape," which comes in a roll to be suspended from the ceiling or wall. As the roll unwinds nnd waves In the air the flies are at tracted to it and stick to it. Yet there is never any danger of such a tape soiling articles. - There Is also a new, peculiar wire covered poison pnd to be hung up on the wall. Flies are attracted to the pnd and when they taste Its contents they at once die. The pad can be hung anywhere and lasts a season. If a liquid poison is preferred, nevertheless, the simplest Is u weak solution of for maldehyde In water In the proportion of two teaspoonfuls to a pint. It may be placed In saucers, preferably out of reach, although It Is practically non poisonous except to Insects, and Is, In addition, a good disinfectant. Ten cents' worth of this liquid will last n family nil summer. Pyrethrutn powder may be burned In badly Infected rooms. To prepare It, plnce a piece of paper In the huttom of the howl and sprinkle enough of the powder on to cover the paper. Over this sparingly sprinkle some saltpeter. Place the bowl on a tray and light ote end of the paper left exposed, when the fumes will arise. rt , Choose a safe poison. Your child's life depends on the caution yon use. SENATE DfCfuOr IHFOU By Cnltea Press) Washington, July 19. The Senati today adopted a resolution demand ing full information on the details of the fight on the shipping boar.' between General Goethals and Chair man Denman. WILL MEET AT RAMOTH GILr T-, The Sunday School session of Cam den and Currituck Uulon will meet at I). P. Harris. ; Ramouth-Gilead Church July 27-29, 1917. .1. FRIDAY 11 (to A. M. -Introductory Sermon 2:::o P. M General Topic,, "Thor oughness.' W , (A) In the Preparation of th Teacher to Teach.- E. F, Ay lett and K. J. Harrell. , , 3:15 P. M. ( B ) In the Preparation or the Pupil to Recite.' -N. T. Halstead and W. J. By rum. SATURDAY. 9: SO A. M. Devotional Exercises. 1 10:00 A. M. General Toplo 'A Strict Conformity to the Pur poses of the Sunday School." 10:40 A. M. (B) As an Agency Seek- . ing the Conversion of the Un saved. George J. Spence and N. H. Shepherd. "' . .t 11:20 A. M. (0) As a Factor for In creasing. Knowledge of , the Truth for Continuous Develop ment. M. P. Jennings' and S. N. Hurst. ' 2-:t0 P. M. General Topic 'Som Methods of Reaching The; Knds." " ; (A) Loyalty on the part Church Members In. The; Families and in The School. N. R. Jones and I. K. Staffor ::.oo P. M. (B) Effective Co-opcr tlon of All the Membors c Tho Sunday School.- R. V Keaton and B. C. Henning. SUNDAY :'y- 11:00 A. M Sermon J. K Hend son. The speakers ruggested In this pr gramme are simply load on in t discussions. The 'question and toi ' are then thrown open, when all ' desire to do so, are Invited and u 10 take an active part In the c p'onn.