VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, ttORTH CAROLINA; WEDNESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 24, 1917 NO. 21 USUI'S IIIIIIilEIITfCIED THROUGHOUT GEMMII III Though (Mficial Recognition Will ' Be Deferred Until After the ' Senate Debate '.' By, CARL 8 ACKERMAN JUnrted .Pftu btaff .Correspondent) Berlin. Jan.: 24 President- Wll- jon'a speech to the- Senate . waa tel egraphed to th Kaiser and Von JIndenburg at. the front today. : 'Ambassador Gerard conferred ior forty minutes with Foreign Sec retary Zimmerman last night and later' cabled to Washington a confi dential outline of. the German for igh office's Impression ot the state- menL vfV"" - Meanwhile the President's senti ment. Is fully; echoed publicly and officially "la 'Germany. . It is viewed ith interest and with-favor. - Whether Germany can officially ' J-ke recognisance and' declaration Vhis-effect to "pot clear. Respon- i . ,. officials5 point out that howev er that Wilson's declaration is the step . toward peace for which the world longs. . Informal-discussion by the foreign office hat developed the belief that Germany cannot reconlze the ad dress' officially (because the Alliesi Teply.to "VV'Hson was never officially received'jJy Germany; because it is Relieved that Germany cannot make further peace moves after the in sulting Teply to hr own peace sug gestions by the Allies; because offi cials desire to await the Senate de bate, feeling that a statement from -Germany before that debate would mean an Interference in American affairs, and because Germany does not consider the time opportune to state her terms, though willing fo discuss; the : speech itself. YORKiwaRtDtesiWEiiTi KTaiw ITaiA tan O A "ft itoa without victory at the conclusion of the Civil War" savs the' New York World today, a staunch supporter of thej Administration. In its inter pretation of President' Wilson's f peech, to . the Senate which has aroused criticism in the Entente countries. ., Foreign editorial com r nt asserted with emphasis that Llacoln , would never have listened to Wilson's proposal. "The j North completely crashed th. "JJitary power of the Southern (jokdeYecy" says the World edi torially: It made an end of slav ery and jeceesion but Imposed no conquerors terms upon the vanquish !. - Southern leaders were re stored, to citizenship without pain or penalty; jPeace -; Without victory" The AVorld 'declares ; "places no limita tions upon the extent or complete ness 6f;military occupation bnt em I hatically ; affirms that the terms of reace ought "not -to be dictated by she success jt such operations. MONDAY Washington, 'Jan. 24 Declaring e President's address to the se ? t e the most important ever made by an Executive of the United States ," Senator Cummins, imme diately upon the convening of the '' SeriaTe today "demanded action at once on. the -resolution calling for debate on. the President's speech ext Monday. On the other hand, Senator Sher mntv It bitter denunciation of the President' address declared that yVrtomp; wech from the "throiW nd .the forestalling 0f vvtrf- .opinion he attempted to mnlfe f he" Senate accept any treaty which h migbCmake";. ; ; Senator Ptoni xyged ' that the (Cummins mo tlonVv referred Id the Foreign- Re lations Committee. . ' - - linn and woved Uncle Sam Wants A Paper f actory (By Uuited Press 1 Washington, Jan. 24 Hit where It hurts most in the pocket book Uncle Sam will probably build him self a million dollar paper manu facturing "plant. Bids for this year are a million dollars more than a year ago. Alonzo White Died Yesterday News reached here Wednesday morning of the death of Alonzo White at -Morganton where hig sis ter Miss Lula White, was called to his bedside a tew. days ago. The body reached here Wednes day afternoon on the 2:30 train. His death occurred Tuesday from heart trouble at the1 age of fifteen In the Morpanton School for the Deaf and Dumb which he has at tended since he was six years -old. The body will be taken to the home in Tyrrell County for interment. ANNOUNCEMENT After v Bavin j conducted a general ness'for' the - past" six years under the-flrm name of B. H. Fearing & Company,.. I have decided to change the name, therefore, on and after February Jst. ,1917, I shall contiru ue the business. In my present office in the Kramer Building, under my own name. This change, will not in any way, effect the outstanding business, and all matters pertaining to the busi ness will receive my personal at tention as heretofore. Soliciting a 'continuance of your patronage, I am, Respectfully, Phone 933. ' J. G. FEARING. 4t dly jan 24 25 26 27 Woman Clerk Of Committee Dr. Joyner day Superintendent W. M.k Hinton haa recsived t the following tele gram from Dr, J. Y, Joyer, super intendent of Public Instruction: ' "Wi'l be at meeting Saturday un less prevented .by consideration by Assembly of Educational Bill "that day which la' not probable; In that event wiil send substitute." ' It is almost certain therefore, that Dr. Joyner will speak at ; the Alkrama Saturday at eleven o'clock on 'Preventable Ignorance, or Edu cation, as announced at-the begin ning of Community Service Month. N. W. Walker of the ' University faculty will take Dr. Joyner's place in the event that Dr. Joyner him self is prevented from coming. Will Interest Housekeepers Miss Jamleson, Assistant State Home Demonstrator, will speak In the Civic League Jtest Rooms In the Hinton Building Saturday aftt noon at three o'clock, and will dem onstrate recipes in which Canning Club products are used. The members ci the Civic League and all others interested are invited to hear Miss Jamleson and to see the interesting demonstrations made. Miss Jamleson giV3s The Advance additional information , about the making of Canning Club Bean Sa lad, suggesting the use .of onion Juice In the dressin, a bit of chop ped onion or beet with the beans as a variation of the pimento first suggested. MOVING REAL ESTATE OFFICE W. R. Lambert is -moving his real estate office next door to' the ExiweCotmiwy" - tntto"JUblnson building.. He- expects Vtd be ready for business In'hig new tifflce by Saturday. FI,1 SIX TO m EMM BUT. OFFICIAL ANNOlNCEM EN Y CONCERNING MONDAY NIGHT NAVAL FIGHTVREMAInS UN CHANGED , ' ..." (By Unite Press) London, Jan. 24 Ther are' pe slstent reports Jrom Holland today that from six' to tea German de stroyers i were sunk In , Monday night's " engagement , between the British and German sea forces. However, . the admlrality has made no official change in the an nouncement of the sinking of one German destroyer and the destruc tion of a British destroyer. The Holland dispatches state that the Dutch are considering the internment of the badly damaged. German' destroyer, V-69. REP0RT8 FROM BERLIN The reports from Berlin say that one British destroyer was sunk In action and one German torpedo bdnt reached the Dutch harbor, the rest ot the Germa vessels returning with slight losses. Live Little Locals Many Minor Matters: t ' Merely Mentioned Mrs.l Lambetlt ct NashviL'e, Tenn and Mrs.- At Mowry of Charlotte have returned to their homes hav ing been called here by the death fo their grandmother, Mrs. Mary F Da via whose funeral occurred on Sunday at WesksTllle.r . M. L. Burgees ' passed through the city .Tuesday returning -' from Raleigh to his home In Shilob after atendlng the Grand Lodge of ' Mas ons, and Visiting hia daughter, . Mrs F. W. Brothers. - Mrs Lucille Johnston who has been the guest of Mrs. A. K. Kra mer left Sunday for her home In Temperanceville, Va. Consult Canada On Paper Prices (By United Press Washington, Jan. 24 To confer with Canadian officials regarding the reported action of the Canadian government in fixing Dews print paper priceg to publishers at ten dollars increase over last year Com missioners Parry and Harris of the Federal Trade Commission will go to Ottawa, it wag announced to day. Many Reported PIhjiired . '--v. i $1,280 Pledged Immediately (By United Prefss) " Washington, Jan. 24 Can a wom an keep a secret? , The foreign re lations committe of the United States thinks so. The committee has chosen for the first time in history a woman as the clerk of the committee. This is an important post. Her name is Miss Jessie L. Simpson business woman extra or dinary. Her nomination carries with it tttT privilege of the floor ot the Senate, enjoyed but by one other woman In history. Miss Leo na Wells, clerk of the military com mlttee. Miss Simpson was nomi naed for the clerkship by Chair man Stone, and received the unan imous vote of the committee of which she has been acting clerk for six months. At a meeting of the Vestry last $1,280 was pledged towards the Pension Fund. Thi seems to as sure the raising of the $2,000 asses- ment upon this Congregation. The congregation will now be canvassed, and It is thought that all will want to have a part in thlg matter. The congregation feels under great obli gation to Mr. W. W. Robertson, of Norfolk, for his splendid presenta tion of the cause last Sunday. GAS COMPANY PAINTS UP .The Gas Company U keeping up with Its neighbors on Polndexter street in the block between Main and Fearing, where so much mov ing and remodelling has been go ing on recently, and has a new coat of paint. CORLETO RACKLEY LAN-OWENS , , Clyde L . Lane of Burgess and Miss" , Eula; ' Virginia " pwens ' of WeekiYllle were married by J.. W. Munden Monday afternoon. The groom, Jsv the son of: Mr. J. K. Lane of Burgess and the bride is the daughter of Mr. W(UIam H. Owens of , Weeksville. ; ; They "were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs; F. R. Penn and by Stanton Chory of .v'"... - . , . l Joseph Corleto and Miss Mattie Rackley, both of Norfolk, were mar ried here Wednesday morning by Justice of the Peace J. VV. Munden. TRAIN DELAYED The local southbound train from Norfolk was about two hours and a half late Tuesday on account of the blockln? derailment of a freight at Butteg Road. MOVES TO BANr BUILDING . Mr. William Boettcher has mov ed his ; offices from the V Hinton building to the second story of he Citi2ena . Bank Building. : ; . ';, '.' WANTED Small 'Iron safe Must be cheap, ' M ,L. Britt, care Fow ler A Co. it 'fte-i 'I 'By.JDnited Vrms ' rpn'city, Pa., Jan 24 A passen ger train on the Pennsylvania rail road 'jumped the track near here to'dayf She was strucK by a fast freight and many were reported injured. Ambulances were rushed from the city td the scene Immediately . Flare-up In Leak Inquiry (By United Press) New York, Jan. 24 A momen tary flare-tip between Representa tive Cbipperfleld of the House Note Leak Committer and Council Whip ple marked the morning session here. Chlpperfirld objected to mpug ning" the statements of witnesses, whereupon Whipple denied thai Tie had done so. prawn . fob;; in.; DOMINANT ' NOTE IN FOURTH . ANNUAL CONVENTIOfv OF N A T10NAL FOREIGN TRADE CCl . CIL AT. FITT3BURQ TODAY Rev. W. R. Halght of Windsor has returned home after a trip to this city to consult an eye specialist. D. P. Leonard of Philadelphia passed through the city today oil his way to Hatteras. E. F. Aydlett has returned from Hertford where he has been attend ing Perquimans County superior 'court . S. M. Brothers Jr. of Weeksville is moving to Hickory Va. to make bis home there. Messrs S 8 Ciijbs and E J Gibbs of Middleton, Hyde County, were in the city Wednesday. Mr. C. E. Thompson has return ed from Hertford where he has 'been on professional business. MlM.Mliflre4 Edwards and M lss jfivelya hif f of Tiertforffw la the city Monday: Mr. J E Corbett has accepted a position with the M. P. Gallop Company. Mrs W D Sheppard is improving after an illness at her home on Sheppard street. T. 8. Meeklns of Mantes was In the city Wednesday on business. Mr. M. N. Toxey of Shiloh was In the city Wednesday on business A. J. Jennings o fWeeksvlIle was In the city Wednesday. Raider Said To Be Hiding M. P. Jennings of Providence was in the city Tuesday. Miles E. RuBsell of Providence was in the city Tuesday. Miss Grace White left Wednes day for Norfolk. Mrs A. K. Kramer Is visiting friends in Norfolk. Mr. Pembroke Baker of Ahoskie was in the city Tuesday. (By United Press) Rio De Janeiro, Jan. 24 It is ru mored out uncomflrmed that the German raider is in hiding at the mouth of some of the rivers on the north coast of South America. The Mtnlstre of Marine Is Investi gating.' t A CORRECTION In the police cnirt news of Mon day In this paper the statement that Trannie Crnnk was fined $5 and costs for larceny should have read assault. instead of larceny. The error la; very much regretted. ' ' i; MOVING INTO ROBINSON t y.: '; BUILDING ' . The' Grlce . Whitehnrst Insurance Company is moving Into ; the new quarters In the Robinson building and will be ready for work this Mrs. Warren Pinner is visiting friends in Norfolk. M. P. Gallop spent Tuesday at Hickory, Va. on business. L. W. Hooper of Stumpy Point wa8 In the city Tuesday. Mr. 8. W. Scott of Weeksville was In the city Wednesday. C. O. Gregory of Shiloh was In the "city Wednesday. Mr. M. W. Ferebeo of Belcross was in the city Wednesday. ; Attorney P, W. McMullan is at tending Court at Hertford. , Deputy Fish, Commissioner f,qjV Morgan of Hertford was In the city Tuesday on business ' ' 1 Sheriff John Mitchell of Old. Trap wss in the city I'r 'y. , (B? fJnLed Press) ' Pittsburg,; Jan. 14 ThU city was a magnet drawing i toward' It today the brains of American buslaeBj. In eight special trains the leaders of American finance, production and industry' arrived, as fast as Mo gul engines could bring them.: The 800 c mere traveling wl.l join 60 Pittsburgh ' men here to-' morrow . in the fourth annual 7con yentlon ot the" Nations' Foreign Trade Council. - f -1 - ; Special attention will be given to the strengthening lyiitematkally of the trade and' social bond between North and -South America, Plans wlH be made for the develonment of foreign trade with our ; South American neighbors on the - broad est and most progressive basis, ' -"Oeater prosperity through greater foreign trade" will be.' the dominant motto of what . promises ' to be thj most Important gathering of big business en In 1917 V . The best way to meet hew con-. to face after the end of the ; Euro-', pean war will be the problem.- of this' convention. A acore' of. the mast noted ecomlsts, v financial ex- tAt ro fll i man nitr?iitai . mA distributors will treat the '.question from every conceivable angle. Agri cultural, mining, lumbering, mer chandising and transportation , ex perts as well a8 welt as bankers' and manufacturers will have a part in the planning for solidification ot American Interests to meet every possible 'eventuality. ' James - A. Farrel, Frank A. Tanderllp 1 and ' John N. Willys are three of' the leaders of the convention. One special train wait made up at New Orleana,- Itwrlei the prosre. s iv business leaders V of the re-, constructed South. Another'. wa' coming from Sanfranclsco. . . A third was eastward, bound front the ' rich harvest districts of the 'Middle West. Another , from Chicago brought a large number of" railroad men. Still another from K'eW York brought thev Wall Streef6n tlngent. The northern Lake state! sped eastward their copper : and lumber men. Various group, con ferences wllll bring together' tront" time to time representatives, . re spectlvely, of the banking Interests, the transportation Interests," -the agricultural Interests. " Whether the war ends on a days notice or gradually through month , or years of tedious negotiations,, the delezateg are firmly convinced that the conditions will be met with , out Industrial or commercial disas ter or grave uncertainty or ConfuS . Inn tr ihn oimnirv MRS VENTER8 ENTERTAINS t j M.rs. R. T. Venters entertained' the C. M, B. Class of BmckweU Memorial Sunday School at- his , nome on. rsorin noaa siresi luesaay evening. The annual report on Enrolment . finance and the Home Department' was made by Mrs M E. Trueblood" Mrs. u. j. wara ana rs,.uver- man. '. ' ,( Ten minutes talks on the follow ing topics were made : : - . v What service can this class ren der our church this year? Mr Loftin Is our Sunday School efficient? it not can our class help to make it' so? Mr. E. F. AYdlett.V7'" A plac0 for study in the life of the middle aged woman. Miss Bowden.' Some plans for our class during 1917. Mr. Rw T. Venters."; .; Those present. included!" Mlsg So , phia Morrisette, Miss Mary Hast ings, Miss Beulah Btrwden, Mrs.' E. Copeland, Mrs. S., Price, Mrs! C. J. Ward, Mrs 8. "V, ; Pateman, Mrs. 8. E. Sexton, MrsrSi C. Newbold, Mrs. J. H. Aydlett,-Mrs. J. W. Ed ney," Mrs.; M 'E. -Trueblood,' 'Mrs.' Mary Copeland,; Mrs. Otelia '' God frey, Mrs. sr w. Hastinjs, Mrs. W. IB.' McCoy, Mrs.j J. T. Wynn, Mrs. C. F. White, Mrs. E. F. Arrt!", -i rv. r-,. i, r. t ' -