j-. v V' X News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice The Only Democratic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City ! ; ' - ' . 1 ; : j . . - : - - VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING JULY 27 1917 N0.187 Gloom Hovers Over The British Nation Prospect Of German Invasion Of Russia And The Seemingly Slow Arrival Of American Sammies Among Causes. (By EDWARD L. KEEN) Copyright 1917 by United Press) London, July 27. (.Passed by the -Censorship) This is not a cheerful message but it is believed to be nee ssary so that Americans may know ' how the Englishmen feel during the closing days of the third year of war. It is a regrettable fact that never before since the retreat from Mons has the gloom been thicker over Ens I land tnan n ia " w - Streets, in the homes and cluba aiui Tn in some governmental offices. YlXlt The immediate cause for this glOom, of course, is Russia's sudden reversal after a totally unexpected but spectacularly successful offensive. But, scondly, the suspicion is pre valent that there has been no appre ciable reduction of the submarine menace. Thirdly, there is disappointment on aeeoun pit' America's slowness t(. enter wholeheartedly into the war. S exemplified in the Congressional Obstruction to President Wilson's food program, the shipping board mess, and so on Fourthly, there is a deep realiza tion of the increased cost of war and the prospect for higher tax'es Fifthly, there is a general weari ness for the long stretch of battle and anxiety. Field Marsh. 11 llalg holds the com plete confidence of the people hut few believe that England will he ma terially able to force back the Ger mans until the millions of Sammies arrive. The prospect of German invasion of Russia means the opening of vast reserves of food materials, giving Germany an economic advantage that will render the North Sea blockade useless. C WILL NOT HER REGISTRANTS MUST QUESTION LOC AL BOARDS WHO IX TURN WILL QUESTION GOVERNOR OF THE STATE ( By United Press) Washington, July 27. Smothered with questions about every conceiv able angle of the draft, Provost Mar shal Crowdcr has announced that those in doubt must question tlieli local boards. The local boards will refer them t the governor of the State who, if hh cannot answer their questions, mill ask the Provost Marshal General. Hut mi requsls from individuals or lacal boards, unless first snt to the gover nor, will be answered here. WAR BILL FOR 1918 FIFTEEN BILLIONS i r-v United Press) Washington, July 27. America's war bill for the fiscal year 1918 will amount to fifteen billion dollars, it was officially announced by the Treas ury department today. The estimates sent to Congress include the $3,000, 000,000 loan to the Allies. 10 REPRESEtIT CAH COHTY NAMES OF CAMDEN MEN WHO WILL BE FIRST TO ANSWER CALL OP THE NATION TO FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY ENGLAND 111 suspecieo spy a AGAIN 11 LARGE (By United Press) Petrograd, July 2 7. Nicholas Le vlne, anti-war agitator and suspected spy, is again at large, following a pit ched battle at Tornea, Finland, be tween government agents and anarchists. of the I SEVENTH NI6HT MIES NEED G900 REIKIS ( Uy United Pi e ;-', Paris, July 27. "Thch Sammies in France need all the good wlilesome reading the folks at home can send tliem," sas General Pershing. I By United Press) With The French Armies Afield, July 27. Two hundred and fifty .;u;is were massed on the three mile front on which the German crown prince last night tried for the seventh successive night to wrest the ground from the French ubout Chemin Des Dames. 25S 45S 18 117 12G 107 437 46 237 420 10 140 223 390 275 373 309 43 433 4 32 182 75 280 181! 1,1 31 440 269 3 79 19 4 298 5 t; 3 21 320 3 50 A 71 inra JFIEIMESEST! . ! I (By United Press) Petrograd, July 27 Chargi: g -jarlessly over the shell torn Meld jrhen their men comrades had d HILCLEUUIIT Of TRAITORS Petrograd. July -7. Russia lias restored the dentil penalty and is prepared with a policy of wholesale executions to clear the Itnssian army of cowards. I'he institution of capital punish- mem is necessary." savs Keronskv Berted, Russia's women lighters first ,,f.hp p0V(,nulH,nt lac,,s ,hr, diternn battalion took 12 prisoners and twoj (. h,l(.,.i(U.inK ,,, .inny , (llW. Officers today. lards and traitors. The ministry as . I siniH'S full resnonsibilit v for this ,ep and I lie execution of uislojal . i ; : V, ill lie mill Hilled RASE IIS II ' MEL n ( Uy VlllC d Pi -: Chester, ''a., .Inly 3 7 gn.es nr. ' ... v l;t- i.fs 1 f,,!lov i-i!' th" vecui .I'll' e ol ;;. !.t ".I le .',.'. : ' " ' . I v -Z. . J i 1 1 m 1 a 1 5 " ct il (I 'O , , L J L WAR DECLARED ON TY" PHOID FEVER IN PAS QUOTANK COUNTY The blowing up of the U. S. S. Maine in Cuba in 1898 caused the United States fo declare war on Spain. At that time the United States had 10,759 troops in camp at Jacksonville, 71a., not one of which had Toeen vaccinated against tyohoid fever; consequently 4,442 contracted typhoid, and 248 died. That experience caused a declaration of war on typhoid by vaccination. In 1911 there were 12,801 U. S. troops in camp during the hot months of the year in Texas. 'All but one had been vaccinated against the typhoid, and he, alone, con tracted the disease. There has been no tvphoid fever in the Army and Navy since vaccination was made compulsory. TIIKE3 TREATMENTS, A WEEK APART, ARE NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION. FHOTECT YOURSELF AND FAMILY BY GOING TO THE NEAREST DIGPEl'lSAY POINT THE .. r . . . -. .... tri f t,t;i T2 TREATMENT ix-.T P :i yoi'V . : mi v i ; your frr.ult ll. d I'll ll,. Eft OTtMlli lit Df-r n 1 liiR U'l :1 mi (Uy United Picks IiUPuns Aires, July 27. -An earth tuak.' of great intensity, hclieved to have ctutsed much damape in Chile. iM-ported hy Santlaso dispatches to La Nacion. Details are meagre but v i r;:t alarm la felt here. I u 7 ii HLIUi :. J. i tuff u 'J ii i. ( sin i . i A i i A1 WEATHER hJLallv fnlr tonleht and Satur- say; gentle to moderate winds mostly southwest. Wnshink'ton, July 27. The Senate Military Committee unanimously vot ed to recommend to the Senate Mon day the Immediate pannage of the chamberlain resolution perrdittinR the drafting of aliens into the new rational arffiy. Dr. H. D. Walker left yesterday af ternoon for Baltimore on Profession al business. . . ; in il .i . in . " : " . 1 - tu i. m. ; tu .'i p. m. ; 11; 2 1 ; !) to 1 la.m M; 1:12 to 2 p. in 15; 22; it to 11 a. in IIj; 22; 12 to 2 p.m l,"i; 22; 3 to 5, p.m Vr:;,:;i nda-.rt. .luly :;:); Ai-:. C ; I l ,,; , v. i !; ,'! Y S! ;'.-(-.rys..Fiily I ; Am;. PI'ik.:,'" hl'rc.Tt;-.-d!..- July 1. 1 ; Aus. 7 ('. V. I'jvn.i's St . Vcii niHilays, A us. 1; X', KoHier's SIdic Wetl.ieKdaya, Au;.;.1 ; Wliltehenfl'K St. Wednesdays. Aid;. 1; 8 Providence Thursday. Auk. 2; !) ; Ki; 22; 9 to 12 m. EroLhers' II. S. Thursdays, Aug. 2; U; 1G; 23; 2 to 4 p.m. Woeksville Fridays, Aug.2; 10; 17; 24; 8 to 12 in. P. I.owry's Store. Fridays, Aup. 3; 1.0; 17; 24; 12 to 2 p.m, Raper'8 Store Fridays, Aug. 3; 10; 17; 24; 3 to 6 p.m ELIZAHETH CITY,. COURT HOUSE, SATURDAYS Aajfiist, 4, 11, 18, 25, O A. M. TO 0 P. M. Camden county's net quota for the ' new national army :s 46 men, ninety two men will therefore be called un der the first levy. Following are the names first 236 names drawn: Silas B. Seymore. John Spence. Joe Gallop. Claude J. Needham. Bennie F. Pearce. Marshall W. Right. Joe Howell. Charlie H. Walstou. Willis Harper. Charles Ferebee. Sam Taylor Boykin. Willie D. Stevens. Dan Bacchus. Clarence Tello Trotman. Morris C. Jones. Claude Bruke Sawyer. Lewis Latham Berry. Cephus Tlllltt. Kddlo Gregory Robert Griffin. Henry S. Lamb. K. J. Davis. Carey Harris. .Vilton Lamb. Charles B. Cox. Jim Percer. Wannainnker Miller. C. T. Mcpherson. Lu Sawyer. Kd Hughes. Henry G. Dough. John Archie. James Fuller P.urfoot. Mack Brite P nle Bppnce Burnhsm Phillip M. JTatthews. ILSi FIX FOOD PRICES i3y United Press London, July 26. England is go ing to fix prices of necessary foods in order to prevent speculation and to eliminate the middle man. This was the declaration of Lord Rhonda, food dictator, in the House of Lords today. Si i 54 O. B. Walstn. 332 W. H. Eason. 343 D. R. Jacbs. 452 James Roach, 355 J. M. McCoy. 218 Vandecar Baxter. 335 Jesse Lee Harper. 154 Luke Gregory Wright. 388 James L. Turner. 72 Edward Seeten Cohoon. 112 Hillary Nelson Leary. 11 Sam Brickhouse. 30 John Overton. 199 Arthur Gregory. 406 Harry Lee Barco. 392 James Wiley Taylor. 3 83 David W. Sawyer. 341 William Lee Jones. 353 Jesse L. McPherson. 358 Henry W. Nosay. 363 Herbert Pool Pearce. 227 Lurry Carver. tKi Sam Gregory. 103 George Ivey. 368 Lemuel Klggs, Jr. 291 Jesse McCoy Trotman. :!60 Joe Frank Old. 122 Willie Pugh. 222 Greenville liattlett. 297 Willie W. Dough. 1 2S John Burgess Pugh. 3 4a George II. Jacobs, Jr. 5 1 Joe Willie Walston. 25 Burke Hughes. 121 Herman Owens. 292 Alec B. Krias. 2 1 1 Noah Cowell. 90 William Kdmuud Godwin. 130 Curtis Snnderlin. 336 Cnudo Hewitt. 41) Paul Williams. 43S Moses Jones. 2'! Noah Hughes. 191 John Hill. 1 68 John Spellnian. 278W illlam H. Harrington. 8 Joseph Burke. 331 Durant Cecil Davis. 312 George W. Brajr'. 4 24 Emerson Ferebee. 175 Willie II Outlaw. 300 Garland C. Cutreli. 36 Henry George Stevens. 4 60 William Spence. 151 Samuel Don Whitehurst. 3 3 Haywood Rountree Riddlek, 63 Danuel Euro Bray. 4 1 David Spence. S 7 Charlie Jol. nson. 156 Gi'orge F. Spe-ice. 27 1 Wiley Jones. 1 57 Charles A Wliit. 29 Cornell Outlaw. ;i Mar-linll Barnard. 1 I C.''"i ;'i Washington Fason. 4 2 7 Philander George Giiiiin. 212 Willie Bright. ."57 John . lames Nash. 4 7 0 Pllis Wilson 3.0 5 Gii'iuly llaniard. 323, I "iiicst P. cherry ! I I Abie r Murray. I ' Mai ii ! fart vi irU. 13.5 ..,- d HmvHl '31 'ii mi t i n Pel 1 on . ' !, ' I Wi 4 H I!.!' 1 I "'lat lie T. 1 l.iujdl. ! to David Philio M or'-' 'i. ' .1 - ill i I oi ii-. I a ii 1'oi hi's ! h-Mif. Stuplef. 102 ( 'rawley I larrii'on. 267 Cidi'on M. Needham. 396 Chris Upton. 146 Charlie 11 Williams. 115 Sam Gregory McPherson. 206 Laden P. Gregory. 430 William Henry ttregory. 237 Gaston T. Williams. 268 Jonathan T. McPherson. 434 James Harris. 393 Charles R. Trotman. 400 Macon Whltson. 188 Both Sawyer Bquires, 17 Jrtfteph Forhrs. pi 7 Jt'hn T-1 1 1. IISJI IIISiE Qninirn nm ULUItlt UUl if THE LARGEST LXSURAXCE COIL i Ai the WORLD WILL EH FORMED TO PROVIDE FOR UX CLE SAM'S SAMMIES Washington. Julv f7 tii. i.- . . - uv taigvot Insurance compny in the world with capita lof untold mlllion and wttlf xuu.vuu stoKnoidera Is about to be formed to insure Uncle Sam'a ton of war. i?. ' ' -" Within twnntv fnn t. , UUUIS rresi dent Wilson will hare before him the -.-ouno vi me comDined efforts of America's leading Insurance men. Next week it is ecpected that the plan for insuring American soldlere will be presented to Congrasa. rnrnii Tnnnnn RUSHED 10 FR0I1 (By United Press) ' Washington, July 27. Fresh Ru slan troops are being rushed to the Gallclan front to stem the tide of the German advance past Tarnopol, . ac cording to cables received here.' - '.58 Patrlck'Walston. 446 John Lwls Prltchard. ; t 473 Willie Wilson. ," 34 4 Oscar Jones. 262 Kdwtn M. Sawyer. 240 Fddie A. Whaley. ,t '. 150 Lot Williams. ' ' , 1 9 Mark H. Gregory. 328 Tim L. Creekmore. ; 91 Weaver Gregory, ' 42 2 Simon Ceci FeVebce, 448 -Pwwtrwl 202 F.dward Gray. 272 James T. Morgan, Jr. 124 Samuel Tugh. 44 1 George Vernon McCoy. 226 William H. Cartwrlght. 4 47 Romulus Levi Price. 4 Charlie Abbott. 22S Miles Aydlett. 136 Samuel Foities Staples. 96 James Nelson Garrlngton. 3.7K William Thomas Stafford. 1 6 4 William H. Trotman. 3 1 1 Isaac Barnard. 76 William Wilson Davenport, 40 Charlie Spence. 100 Clyde Forbes Gregory. 2 1 4 Luther Rogues. 209 Kddlo Cartwrlght. i -i 3,82 Jake Sawyer. ' ' 449 John Robert Randolph McRay, . 53 Wilier Simon Walston. 1 1 s Prank KIPott. 2 1 2 John Mack Jones. - HI Fred Wilson Burgess. 571 John I.lnwood Sawyer. , " 24 Oscar Bacchus Harvey. ' 4 8 Aimer Williams. f 1 I' Iniiiiol Archie. , 'J 3,52 P.atijaniin Franklin McCoy. J . 216 Joe Horace Burnham. , 3 0.', William Gregory. . 21 1 Samuel Williams, Jr. 236 Frank If. Whaley. . ; " 1 1 1 Pernio Mitclndl. " ) 3, i; 2 Mersey J. Pool. -- 1 3 7 2 60 I 3 5 I ,13 1 n!r'",,- Spellnian. oi'im ,J 1 1 n - i 1 1 Price, o'lilio S, llloI'e. : !i -i in 9' Sawi'l'. i i Ki.lde k ' 31- i 'f i tsnan. i I'd on. in Gregory. ri . ! ii I 9 5 14 59 8 116 3 58 17 26 287 417 445 259 242 145 'It 302 1 rj C, ,,".', I ' J 1 1 . . Pliillil. P. Greaory. ! : ii ! Ins Jones, to'orge W. Brown. John Harris, .lames Taylor. Cecil Whitehurst. John Lewis Pritchard. Samuel Nash. James Heals. Vokln Boker. Hillard Bacchus. Lewis Gregory. Ferebee Elliott. Mlniard Wilson Newsom. Thomas C. Sawyer. Fred E.' Upton. Jarvis, Wilson. '" 1 ' . James' Burke. Preston Cutreli,