News Without Bias '"Views Without Prejudice VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY lEVENING JULY 30 1917 The Only Dcmocr.'c Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City"- AN0.1SD V n pebceiii 7 FEDERAL OFFICERS RAID STILL IN DARE A UyRed States Deputy Marshal J. R. Wiyiams, Officer C. H. Jenkins, and Constable Hersey Williams returned flinday night from Buffalo City, Dare "County, bringing with them Captain Herbert Barnes of this city.and Cor nelius and Ernest L. Hardison of Martin County, whom they arrested for distilling liquors without license. Captain Barnes hired his boat to the Kardisons, who stated that they V THIS IS INDICATED F0M EAR REPORTS OP jafAMINATI WHICH BEG AJ IN EAS CITIES THIS CORNING x (B -Jutted Press) "Washlnjct"- July, 30.-nerlca t0 , would use it for the purpose of haul ay begi"i calling out yre'men who ing iron, rubber, and other junk, are to make1 up the v national which they were buying, jgjany. The officers were Informed that At the National, eaPltal tne first some one was selling liquors around group was called T examination and Buffalo and they lert Sunday on the Other eastern cities also started the Dare Lumber Comany's private yacht work of examination going. As the men came up for examina tion early reports indicated that a heavier percentage of exemptions than was anticipated would result from the tests. The first thirteen drafted Amer icans examined at Washington claim ed exemption. MCE HI0T IS AVERTED Bv United Press Danville, Va., July 30. A general riot was narrowly averted last nighht when a mob including infantrymen handled a negro. Howard Greastly for offensive remarks ubout a white wo man. The personal 'intervention of the mayor and the police reserves restor ed order. Three of the mob were jailed. Grace R IV. for Buffalo, where the? found and searched Captain Barnes' boat. Two barrels of fermenting mo lasses and dried fruit were found in the hole of the boat. A galvanized distilling tank was also found on the boat. The men were carried before Uni ted States Commissioner T. B. Wilson for trial In his office here Monday morning and were each placed under a bond of $250 to appear before the judge at the next 'term of Federal Court to be held here on October 9th. ' READY FOR ACTION IN 24 HOURS ; Washington, July 30. Sweeping food control legislation will probably bo ready for final action by Congress within 24 hours. ; i SPIES ARRESTED T WILL HOT BE WE PRISONERS IS (Bv United Press) I Roanoke, Va., July 30. Two men supposed to be German spies, repre senting themselves as members of the Royal British Flying Corps, en route from Canada to Florida on a secret mission, were arrested here by government agents shortly before noon today. Tonight At Jhe Alkrama (By The Press Agent) Superb attraction at Alkrama to day, Madame Petrova, the most stately and dignified actress appear ing on hte Bcreen today will be seen In "Bridges Burned." This is an ex eetional picture and one you will thoroughly enjoy .Tho picture is high ly spectacular charmingly romantic, and full of action. n Helen Holmes In Railroad Raiders will be a winner tonight. If you have seen a single one of these pictures do not by any couse miss tonights epi sode Tuesday will bo a triple star day st tune Alkrama. Wallace Reid the strong man of the moviess, and Myrtle Stedman,will star in The World Apart, a charming Paramount picture, full of lelight. Ruth Roland in the Crucible, a Very fascinating picture mid one you will want, to see. RUSSIAN WOMEN'CARRY VIAL OP (YANIDH POTASSIUM TO BE TAKEN IK CAPTVRKD BY GERMANS (By WILLIAM . SHEPPERD) (United Vretm Staff Correspondent.) Petrograd, July 30. Russia's wo men soldiers pledged themselves to take their own lives rather than be come German war prisoners. Each woman carries her ration of cyanide potassium to he swallowed is the event of capture. The number of women regiments is constantly increasing. They have agreed that death is preferable to the fate they will probably meet at Ger man hands- I The Legion of Death has in it "good killers." I learned this today ! when I talked with five of them now" j in the hospital here suffering from shell shock. From a woman's lip 1 heard how she had run a German through with the bayonet, firing her rifle at the same time. Girl soldiers drilling on the streets of Petrograd is now a common sight. IKE SETTLED IS CHEESE (By United Press) Chicago. July 30. The switch men's strike was settled today in a joint conference of the Brotherhood heads and railroad managers which adjourned at seven this morning. The men will resumo work Immediately. in police court At New Theatre In Police Court Monray morning, George Markham was fined $20. and costs for assault on J. T. Brothers of Weeksvllle. Went worth Blount was fined $12. and coss for speeding. The case against Albert Hedrirk, alias Hank, for vagrancy and tres passing was continued and will be tried in Police Court next Monday morning. LITTLE NEWS FROM BRITISH FRONT ' (By United Press) I London. July 80. Small patrol en counters In the neighborhood of Bul- lecourt and Ashevllle were all that was reported" from the British front ( I!y The Press Agpnt ) Fiippose you found the wife you did not love in the arms of your i dearest friend, w6uid you stop to think that your friend might be mak-i ing love to your wife simply to en able you to get your freedom? j Think this over and then go and j r.'O "A Square Deal," the startling and intensely interesting World Pic ture at the New Theatre today, and you also will see the World before you in a Pathe Weekly. I Tuesday you will have the famous Isabel Trunnelle, one of the prettiest I stars on the screen, In "The Master Passion," ft 6 part etry of a woman! soul, and I'The Great Hansom Cab Mystery," an antimated cartoon, feat uring Gigga, of Bringing Up Father July 28: August 1 : August 2: August 3: August 4: August 4: August 6: August 7: August 9: August 10: August 12: August 12: August 23: August 25: November 5: May 23: June 3: August 21: October 15: October 15: October 16: October 19: October 19: March 9: March 15: August 27: August 27: August 28: August 31: September 1 November 25: March 14: April ti: April 7: April 9: April 10: April 11: April 13: Apr'! 13: April 23: April 28: May 9: May 18: May 19: June 9: June 11: July 22: WAR DECLARATIONS OF THE WORLD WAR 1014. Austria declared war on Serbia. Germany declared war on Russia. Germany invaded Luxemburg and violated Bel gian neutrality. Germany declared war on France. Germany declared war on Belgium. Great Britian declared war on Germany. Germany retalliated with a similar declaration. Austria declared war on Russia; Russia declared war on Austria. Montenegro declared war on Austria. Austria declared war on Montenegro. France declared war on Austria. Montenegro declared war on Germany, (midnight): England declared war on Austria. Jnpan declared war on Germany. Austria declared war on Japan. England declared war on Turkey. 1915. Italy declared war against Austria. San Marino declared war on Austria. Italy declared war on Turkey. Serbia declared war on Bulgaria. Great Britian declared war on Bulgaria. France declared war on Bulgaria. Italy declared war on Bulgaria. Russia declared war on Bulgaria. 1010. Germany declared war on Portugal. AuBtria declared war on Portugal. Italy declared war on Germany. Rumania declared war on Austria. Germany declared war on Rumania. Turkey declared war on Rumania. Bulgaria declared war on Rumania. Greek Provisional Government ( Venizellsts) de clared war on Bulgaria and Germany. 1017. China severed relations with Germany. America declined a state of war against Germany. Culm dec lared a state nr war against Germany. Austria severed relations with United States. Panama declared a state of war against Germany. Brazil severed relations with Germany. Austria severed relations with Brazil. Bolivia severed relations with Germany. Turkey severed relations with the United States. Guatemala severed relations with Germany. Liberia severed relations with Germany. Honduras severed relattons with Germany. Nicaragua severed relations with Germany. Germany severed relations with Hayti. San Domlnga severed relations with Germany. Slam severed relations with Germany. t tit in TiTOT.T.TftTCP TENTS LINE UP CENTRAL POWERS ALLIES : Germany, Austro-Hungary, Tur key and Bulgaria four nations. ENTENTE POWERS AND THEIR ALLIES: America, England, France, Russia, Italy. Belgium, Serbia, Monte negro, Japan, San Marino, Portugal, Rumania, Cuba and Panama fourteen nations. HAVE SEVERED RELATIONS WITH GERMANY : China, Bra zil, Bolivia, Guatemala, Liberia, Honduras, Nica ragua, San Domingo, Slam nine nations. HOW THE BATTLE LINES RUN. WESTERN FRONT. England: Holds I he line from Lomhartzyde to Dlxmude to Bixschotte, Zonnebeke. Klein Zillebeke, Holleboke, Messlnes, Ploe psteert (all In Belgium) t Armentieres, Fromelles, Neuve Cha pelle .I.iiBassee, Loos. Liev! ,. around the outskirts of Lens, Ache vllle, oppy. Pamponx. Monchy. Cherisy. Bullecourt, Lanlcourt. Hermles. Gouzeaucourt. Villiers-Gulslain, Epehy, Le Verguier.One small portion. In Belgium, is held by Belgian troops. France: From around St. Quentin. to St. Simon, to around J.aKere, Kresnes, Coucy. Neuville. I.aft'aux. Jouy, along the Chemln deS Dames to Craonne. Berry-au-Bac. Courcy, Cernay, north of llheims, around Peine. Nauroy, MoronvUliers. Auberive, Souain, to the Argonne notth of St. Manehould. and Varenness, to Mamal court, Va herauvIHe, Douamont (north of Verdun), Damloup, Ktain, Lea Eparges. St. Mihiel, Contamousson, through the Vosges to the Swiss border. MACEDONIAN I KON T. Troops under General Serrail (France) and Including units from the Brttiid). French, Italian, Russian, Serbian and Greek armies hold a line approximately west to east from Ocbrida to Oo hech to Karlis I north of Motiastir) to Zovlk, to Dolran and Lake Doiran. ITALIAN I KONT. In the Tientino the lines have undergone no particular change in more than a year. On the Isoii7o ntid Cnrro, General Cadorua's offensive this spring advanced the Iielian li'-.o to approximately this course: From the Isonzo east of Plnva t Ku!. Vodic. Monte Santo, Gra zigna. Tivoli, Saber (cast of Gorlzia I to Vertojha, San Grade, Vol kovnjak. Faiti llrib. Vrrslc east cf .Jamino, Selo, close to Her macla. and down past Trimavn to the gulf. The line-! are within twelve miles of Trieste. HI SSI AN FRONTS. No change has occurred for a yi-ar on the Rlgn-Mitau front, the lines ef battle in Rumania and the wooded Carpathians have also not been moved by eithe'' side. On July 1. Riun'a :l::rted a great offensive which gained twelve or Of teen miles advance toward Lemherg, but this was all swept back by July 2:!. On this date tho line ran approximately from east of Vila, around Llda and Novogrudok to Stolovltshi, Ganzevitchi. Plunkino. to Pinsk, then along the Rivers Prlpet and Strumen to south of the River Styr to Dulmo and Brady. In Gall cla, they ran from Brody through Praezany and Tarnopol. thence down into the Carpathians and Rumania. SOUTHERN FRONTS In Palestine British troops hold a line from Gaza nearly to the Dead Sea, approximately 40 miles from Jaffa and Jerusalem, with only one gap around Beersheba. in Mesopotamia, British troops have peuetrated sixty miles beyond Bagdad nearly to Samarra and Khanikin. Further to the east Is the Russian army, which hat been quiescent elnce reported la the region of Kermanshah and Hamadan. Ono other Russian army, which has not reported in months, was established near F7nm arid Erzlnjan, Caucasia" : Foodstuffs In Danger from Hca! Department Of Agriculture Urgeo All Patriotic Housewives To Buy And Can Frnits And Vegetables Now. WILL SEE THAT BOYS GET PAPERS (By United Press) Washington, July 30. Secretary of Commerce Redfleld will see that the Sammies' newspapers and maga zines get across tht ocean past the I' -boats all right. He said so today. He was immensely pleased with the Idea and heartily approved of Persh ing's appeal through the press for newspapers and stories for the boys at the front. (By Gnltea PrM) Washington. July 30. Th welter ing heat reported from coast to coast is endangering America's perishable iooasiuirs. The Department of Agriculture la sues today through the press pf the country the warning to housewives to buy and can fruits and vegetables quickly or vast quantities of edibles will be beyond recall. ,' CAMPAIGN IN 24 STATES An intensive campaign for the can ning, preserving and pickling of per ishable foodstuffs has been started In 24 states to prevent loss of .the record-breaking surplus of America's i war gardens. The campaign is sche duled to last three weeks. '- SPEtCH m TISSUE OF LIES THIS IS VERDICT OP RUSSIAN EMBASSY ON WORDS OF GER MAN CHANCELLOR MICHAELIS UTTERED SATURDAY (By United Press) Washington, July 30. "A tissue of lies," this was the answer of the Russian Embassy to the German Chancellor Mtchaells' "peace address' Saturday. At the samo time the State De partment has let It be known that the United States government views the Chancellor's utterances with sus picion and regards tins speech as the "same old game," Germany talking peace at her own price on the heele of victory, this time of the Russian drive. "Michaelis aimed to holster up ths German courage and create dissen sion in Russia," said Embassy olll clals, "but he will utterly fail." DRIVE CHILDREN WHISKEYGOVEfitfllll IS NI III LEAD WHILE TWO PROHiniTIftWltaT j CANDIDATES DIVIDE THEIR I VOTES DAVIS PILES UP WIX I NINGS ON EVERY RAND , v ; r ; . t Uy United Press) I Richmond, July 30. Westmorland Davis, the Louodon County anti-pro hibitlonlst candidate, is believed here to be gaining in his last hour sprint tor the governorship. ' 1 With the Democratic primaries Just a week and a day off, the men who would keep Virginia dry seem ho'pelessly divided between the two prohibition candidates. ' , As yet neither Taylor Ellyson nor John Garland Pollara have yielded to the widespread demand that one withdraw so that their voters may unite in a solid prohibition vote for the other. ',", j Meantime Davis, apparently sedu lously avoiding antagonisms to eith er party, with the solid anti-dry vote beneath his coattails is quietly wel coming disgruntled deserters from tho dry ranks. ,' EST GERMAN PRESSUR E SERVIAN LEGATION REPORTS THIRTY THOUSAND OLD MEN AND CHILDREN DRIVEN FROM NISH DISTRICT BY BULGAR IANS (By United Press! Washington, July .It The Bulgar ians are sending children and old i men Into the deserts of Asia Minor reports tho Servian Legation here. ! Thirty thousand wero driven out 1 from tho Nlsh district alone. Dr. Rl bar. the Slavic member of Vienna parliament Is said to have protested. WAVE OF HEAT I HITS CLEVELAND is ESSENED ( Ity United Press) . " Petrograd, July 30. The Russians and Rumanians have put such force , behind their offensive in the Putnk ' ' sector that pressure from the German ' advance in the Tarnopol region has I been noticeably lessened ,the troop ' retiring In good order across the Gallclan border. ( Itv United Press) Cleveland. Ohio, July :?0. Tho te'.nperature hero today is 101. AWARDED THE FORD PUGH ATTACHES BUICK C. R. Pugh, awarded second prize in the Evening News Subscription Contest, had the sheriff on hand when the Contest closed Saturday after noon with a warrant of attachment for the Buick car, the first prize, which was awarded to John Hough. Mr. Pugh will test the legality of the coriteston the ground that the news paper failed to live up to its contract JUNKERS IRE i HuniMHii nnnu (By United Press) i iniir '!0 flprmnnv'a junkers are working hard with the Get man people to justify militarism. The ef'orts o in liturism to delude the people int.) the belief that Ger many is beset by a rapacious foe who started the war to dismember Ger many is what London saw behind the "peace interview" granted by Chancellor Michaelis of Germany to Korolgn Minister Czernin of Austria. WEATHER " Fair tonight, warmer west portion, Tuesday fair, gentle to n"! '

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