' VOU 2 n r . ht?tu fTTrv KfiRTH CAROLINA' WEDNESDAY EVENING j AUGUST 1, 1917 no.i : PEACE OHLV WHEN FOE IS BEATE11 f V1I5 FRENCH PEACE FORTY DEAD 1H HEWKORK CITY CNITED STATES WILL FIGHT TO THE END AXD IS NOT SOW COS CERXED WITH MINOR MAT TERS IN PEACE TERMS 1 (By United Press! Washington. Aug. 1. The United States will make specific terms of peace only when Germany 1 beaten. Tnls Is the decision of the govern th Allied democracies enter h fourth year's struggle. Behind the teuton are found reasons for Amer 1. ,of,.,ni to BUDDort France's peace proviso of the restoration of Alsace-Lorraine. It further reveals that the United States is committed to press through to the finish side by airiA with the Allies, it mv he stated upon highest au- .. .i.-. . v,,.o u an understanding inoruy ium among all the Allies, America includ ed that there will be no peace. The government today is concerned only with victory. When Germany is beaten, then there will be time to dlscsss the disposition of Alsace-Lor-Talne, Belgium, Italy, Austrian Ger- man colonies and other territories, declares the State Department. WILL FIGHT TO THE END FOR DEATHS AXD PR THF INTEGRAL RESTITUTION i PORTED FROM r..D v TH ! !!l. RFP4.' ,rvTnv miJ AXD FACTOR- WEI n mr n oi nilIMf iincivimiiii VIGOROUS FIGHT (By Unite Pi ess1 Washington, Aug. 1 -With the wets making a vigorous fight to bring .Kt the defeat of the prohibition amendment to be voted on at four o'clock in the Senate, Senator Cham bers is thundering his oratory against the opposing faction and the debate is growing more and more bitter. tw AI-KACE-LORRAIXE, REPA UATION OF DAMAGES OF WAR AXD GUARANTEES FOR THE FUTURE i (By W. 8. FORREST) (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Paris, July 31. it : no secret In France today that three years of ter rible war have produed an earnest desire for peace. RnHmHnt towards peace permeates th hi government building in Paris. " - ... A 1 the cities and smallest villages most every French home, aristocratic ... nnnr In pitV Or or numme, ntu f"" country has Its individual story of ,or .-eriflee. Crepe Is as common as calico or silk. Naturally this element io hxa nroduced a longing for rw,a,. Rut as the composite voice of . fln..iolQ nf Prance has Bcijtti ato . tne niguci um..Q . said: "The only peace wanted is a French peace integral restitution of Alsace Lorraine, brutually torn from France in 1871, reparation for damages of .-arantees for the future. France will fight until she gets that peace." For the first time during the war thP French parliament, with the ex ception of three or rour recalicitrant WHAM BRITISH DRIVE COUNTRY. MILLS AND FACTOR IES CLOSE DOWN (Bt Unite! Press) xew York. July 31. New York's death toll from the heat reached 40 hen 14 additional deaths were re ported by the police between mid night and 10 o'clock tnls morning, j with forty-one prostrations during the same time, bringing the total to weil above 150. At eisli' o'clock this morning the temperature was 89. Thousund.- slept in the parks, on benches, cn the stpeet, and on fire escapes The suffering on the East Side is In tense IN CHICAGO Chicago, Aug. 1. Twenty one deaths from heat are reported to date, with scores of prostrations, and the Intense beat continues. IN PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia, Aug. 1. Nineteen deaths are reported from the heat. A breeze today has brought some re lief. IN BALTIMORE Baltimore, Aug. 1 A five hour electric, storm has brought relief 11 II i. - nUKt r'i1i"l i n umifii- -v 1 1 h tomnurm m h hi ritut .i v i v ' v i Socialist deputies, is umn " ; " ,i .i. ...r nims or tne ; tli a mnrn ne was oniy id .... t ..Tl U lilt" Y.U' - n nation. Premier Alexander Uibot, fac , ... nniitirl storm of his inn me Examinations T 1 Begin: Mono (By United Press) London, Auf. 1. A deluge of rain that turned the historic mua oi r iana era Into sticky ooze has hampered the British drive. Halg reports all gams cossolidated during the night and all German counter attacks repulsed. The only offensive fighting reported however is of minor importnee along the Comlee Canal and South of the Ypres where the British positions were Improved. FRENCH ASSIST IX DRIVE Paris, Aug. 1. la torrential rains the French are assisting in the great Will be Held in 'Federal. Courtrtion: And Adjoining Offices Oil Fir: . Three Days of Next WeekV . The local exemption board today posted the list of Fr quotank men who are called for the first national army by t: draft and mailed each man a notice to appear for examinati: . next week. ! mi.- : j.: mi v- i u m.J.. 1 the French are assisting in iu giwi Xue bxh.iuiiih.uuu8 will ue ueiu. uu luuuuaj, Aucauajr cu. drive in Belgium and have succeeded j Wednesday, August 6, 7, 8, at the Federal court room and ad- In COnSOllUBllUB ' fc vjwuv. j i jviiinift viuvvsi . . - ,t ... terday. One third of the 220 called will appear on each day. five thousand prisoneks rauure to receive tne notice mailed win not do neia as a with the British Armies Afield, valid excuse for not appearing for examination. . n r, Aug. i The prisoners taken in the. The proportion of exemptions in other cities has prove 1 first 24 nuors oi ine kicov uiicoi ENLISTS AID OF mrfflCB NON-DELI VERABliE, NON-RETURN ABLE PERIODICALS WILL GO TO SAMMIES AT HOME AND ABROAD WITHOUT ( i)ST (By The Press Agent) Washington, Aug. 1. in resin... to the plea of the Sammies for naner and magazines from home. Postmast er General Burleson has officially en listed the aid of every postoffice in the coifkitry. Kmbrvo soldiers in the various cantonments will also be supplied. In the big postoffices of the coun try " savs the Postmaster General, -there constantly acmmslates large nnpntities of non-delivevrable, non- returnable periodical literature, in cluding monthly and weekly maga zines of high character. Ordinarily all these are destroyed, but hence forth thev will be transmitted free of charge to the boys behind the firing line . It is not the Intention of the de partment to surfeit the soldiers with a mass of cheap trashy reading mat ter but to select insofar as is possible that which is good and have it distri buted thrugh the depot of the quar termaster's office of the army " At The Alkrama The Money Mill." featuring Ooro ... wo.lnPscTnv's treat for t II V lei .. m ' Aikrnma natrons The picture is erc.edingly timely one. :n this and time of the almighty dollar .in vn Bind vnu have seen it yourself of this opportunity Remem ber there will be no addition in the t.,.. hf admission 'a THanele comedy of special not "10 will be screened, "A Male Governess' is the title, and you will enjoy the mix up. WEATHER an .lav You so avail Mostly fair tod continued lonlghf and Thunday. ., , of nf nenu- icgime when me ,iPS reconvened after the Easter holi days took the firm action which con solidated the nation. He modified the high military com mand placing the national hero. Gen eral Petain in supreme charge of French forces on the Western front. "We all want peace," he said. ut what we want and are going to have i. n vmnrh neace." France's parliament overwhelming ly approved this sentiment. Parhans the absolute ihh.. lfh9 Fncfc-t-aiUa-Ihe rank and flle have in the financial sounau of their nation after three years of war is best proof of France's financial stability. , The world has hearc much of the , "i, de laine," the woolen n hank of France. It is the lit tle hoard of gold to :e found always in French homes. Tre strain uu . has been heavy. Rut today this woo, ... ..b ,.,,tiniies to pour from S80U,- 000 to $2,000,000 cc;i week into the . ..... Tins yellow stream naiiK mi.' , is exchanged for the governments . . i...,i, hearing from four short leu" ,. ,.,,,,! nf interest. to v v i ' ' '" , ,. .ho. circulation of Vrench . like American paper nanhinx. r- in today rom til ( uh'V - ii t i . i v .. ' a nan onn.000. This rep i... nation's floating debt ox ' nn.slanding short term bonds and enables France to live - - on tlle war from one great loan to a,i other. The war to date has taxed he finance of France about eighteen bil- , .lr.llui'H seemingly botiomiess u Frances first war and at a time when mm- tarv events were lar iron. ,.....-..... ,h .l.u.licatcd the first Then .,.,,' .he famous French Xcr.n of Vic - it. S3.000.000.000 more . ' ' sock. For the first trom me .......... .i.-u nnst vear, the time aiso inn iuk r Let, have found that depo- sits have begun to overim...... ,1,-awa Is or private accounts. i,,...,..,. rnn allow her national debt ,o amount to twenty billion dollars and then use loss than one third oi the country's net annual savings to cnllv it Two years of war elapsed be fore the government began to balance e,untH Increased taxation. Includ ing three per cent postage Instead of !. . anwbkd telephone and telegraph 1 r ,,s; double tax on alcohol; increas ed, prices for tobacco, cigars and mat ;,,,s; all goyernnient monopolies; i . . . ii nml Riami. taxes i iui:iier in ( ."- ' ,, legal do. .imei.ts. increased rail I road far.-; a ' rn-'uated income Max and poll tax. bac:,e;ors paying r than married men; inn run ;u,to and gasoline licenses, etc. brings I,,, , the novernme.it J300.000.ouu a I year or enough alone to carry the In iterest on one third of the present na tional debt. Kronomirally France's condition is Past month of Germany's intensl- IN RICHMOND Richmond, Aug. 1. The quicksil ver started on another riot up the tube today and at ten o'clock reached 94. A stifflsh breeze however reduced the oppression. r Via wiiaVi ViaovrtAi tliln nraa AWtAitAl 1 1 Vt4fl TTfio f 1 true in Pasquotank also, a second levy will be made very soon. The names of Pasquotank's registrants appear in tv ' order on tbi inside pages of this issue. The registrants will I examined by the exemption board in the order in which th' names appear on this list. Number 258 for instance will be t: r nisi, iiicju caiuuiucu, auu uuuiuu uui vvlu uq i.uo uwak uuuu t- 1 n.r.r IP1.A wmam nrliAKA linVivttw 1mI(AM a DftaAMAlAflU 4 n , . ,,, , t,,. itv wfirn 1 1" levy. iuc uiau w uuoc iiauiiib v uuuiuci iui t aouuwba.iux i Oscar 13. Davis, oom oi wu (.(j "f" iAnn rVw, 11 uaraf married Tuesday appear for examination is number 196. V. Harri, at his residence on Cherry daim for exemption mUSt be filed With the local bOHr.' str.eet o. . ..ha idnw of the which notified such person that he is called on or before th . , ,M , 7"mnson of this dtv .l! I seventh day after the mailing by the local board of the noti: , I n " known here Mr Davis is also required to be given such person of his having been called ic: a well known citizen of this city. will probably reach five thousand. DAVIS SIMPSON Mrs. Annie L. Simpson and Mr. AT WASHINGTON Washington, Aug. 1. Government reports today gave promise if slight relief from the hot wave and simul Berlously effects crops. FACTORIKH CLOSE Lowell, Mass., Aug. r The cart ridge factory and other big estab lishments have closed on account of the heat. Lawrenceville, Mass. Aug. 1. Sev eral mills have closed on account of the heat. Some closed early in the service. taneously announced that it will not morning, others later in the day. The laine" made successful. WAR DECLARED ON TYX PHOID FEVER IN PAS QUOTANK COUNTY The blowing up of the U. S. S. Maine in Cuba in 1898 caused the United States to declare war on Spain. At that time the United States had 10,759 troops m camp aWacksonviile, Fla., not one of which had been vaccinated against typhoid fever; consequently 4,442 contracted typhoid, and 248 died That experience caused a declaration of war on typhoid by vaccination. In 1911 there were 12,801 U. S. troop3 in camp during the hot months of the year in Texas. All but one had been vaccinated against the typhoid, and he, alone, con tracted the disease. There has been no tvphoid fever in the Army and Navy since vaccination was made compulsory. THREE TREATMENTS, A WEEK APART, ARE NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION. PROTECT YOURSELF AND FAMILY BY GOING TO THE NEAREST DISPENSARY POINT THE FIRST DAY AND TAKING THE TREATMENT Typhoid fever in your community is your fault unless you have done everything in your power to pre vent it. A competent physician, representing the State Board of Health, will administer the treatment. ITINERARY FOR PASQUOTANK COUNTY. DISPENSARY POINTS AND DATES. Live Little Locals Many Minor Matters Merely Mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Frazer Tennant, Miss Gloria Tennant, Miss Annette Davis, Messrs KentPowell, Howard Living ston, and Brooke Talmadge motored to the city from New York Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Kramer and Miss Virginia iUltr.,Kermit Kram er left Tuesday for Virginia Beach. Mrs. J. Edward Hughes and Miss Huyla Hughes have returned from Morehead City. Miss Onclta Rarham lias returned to her home in Norfolk, Va., after spending the week-end in the city, the guest of Miss Ida Gard on Southern Avenue. To night At New Theatn ( By The Presa Agent) Owing to the delay In the transpor tation company at the changing point in Richmond, Va., we were compellel :o change the dates on our shows ar ' today we are running "The Mast. Passion," in place of our Bluebird. And In connection with "The Mn ter Passion," we are going to lib. : Ford Sterling Ind Mary Thurman i a 2-reel Keystone "Pinches la tl. : Finish." Tomorrow H. B. Warner in "Tli Danger Trail," a 5 part drama of thi North. Come out and see the beautif ! snow scenes, and chapter 6 ot "T1..3 Voice on the Wire," a surprise serial. Rev. S. Morgan of Henderson passed through the city Tuesday en- route to South Mills, where he will conduct a meeting at the baptist Church. Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Green of Suf folk. Va.. are spending a few days with Mrs. T S Harney In this city before going to Nags Head, where they will spend some time. Mrs W. Y. Young anil two sons, Banks and Charles, of Raleigh, are the guests of Miss Mattie Hanks on Burgess Street. nTrnirn dir.nl itiLn it Mnnr IUIHI 0 15 TORPEDOC London, Aug. 1. The American nt earner, Montano, was torpedoed and sunk by submarines yesterday,, tho admiralty announced today. Twenty two survivors landed. She carried 47 men. . 1 MKH. WALLACE DAWSON DEAD Mrs. Wallace Dawson died at her homo on Martin Street Tuesday ., I. i night at 11 o'clock. ' Stewart Alexander of tho United "s ... ' . ' h ah. Dawson a well knowtt here States Navv, who left hero with the 1 1 , mi I-, t,, ,'itv am before her marriage toMr. Wal- loca imva militia, was In the (Ity . lace Dawson several years ago she r,"Hda:' ! was Miss Ira Acworth. ' ; A simple funeral seryice Willi 69 conducted at the home Thursday' at l P. M. by Rev. J. L. Cunnlnggim, Mrs. H W. Mixon of Henderson Is the guest of Mrs. Philip Cahoon at her home on Ehringliaus Street. Okisko Smalls S Corinth Mondays, July 1. Mondays. Jul; Mondavs. .Inly 30; Aug. fi; 13; 20; no: Auc. i,: Kl; 20 30: Aug. fi, 13; 20; ( nrtwvight's St .Tuesdays. July 3 1; Aug. T ; 14; 2 Simon's Store. Tuesdays, July 3 1 ; Aug. 7; 14; 21 c. Kvan's St. Wednesdays, Aug. 1; S; 1". 22; Wednesdays, Aug.l; ; 1j; -1.; Wednesihns. Aug. 1; S; 1.1; 21 Thursdny. Aug. 2; 9; 1 ; 23; Thursdays. Aug 2; it; 10; Fridays, Aug. 3; 10, 17; 24; Fridays, All. 3; 1 , 1 . ; 24 t to 1 2 to 3 to 2 1; 9 11 a. m. 2 p. m. fi p m . to 11am Foster's Si ore Whitehead's ; Pro idem e IiroiherC II Wceksvill" F. l.owry's Store. 12 to 2 p.m ; ) to 11 a.m ; 12 to 2 p.m ;2; 3 to 5 p.m 9 to 12 m. 23; 2 to 4 p.m. ( 8 to 12 m. ; 12 to 2 p.m. Miss Annie Newbern of Powells Point was here Tuesday on ner way home from the Greensboro Summer School. M. Leigh Sheep returned Tuesday morning from Nags Head where ho spent several days. Misses Ada Hodges and Mary Diggs I of Norfolk. Va.. are the gue-ds of Miss Mury Jones on North Road St. after which her body will be-sent to Salisbury, Md., where interment will bo made. -.r Besides her husband she is surviv ed by two children one five years old and the other eleven.- MF.K.T TONIGHT AT cmTVTUOt'K:; The Fraternal Patriotism Commlt iein from all fraternal order in tho . ity are requested 1o meet at th -( c ill r I house tonight at lght o'clock. riiflon Smi'li of Fast l.akfis In tho 'itv, th" guest of relatives. . It. I'. HARRIS WILL I (IVIH'(T THAYER MEET IV Raper's Store Fridays, Aug. 3; 10; 17; 24; 3 to fi F.LI.ABKTII (ITV. COl'HT HOI KK, SATURDAYS AuKUHt, 4, II. 18. an. OA. M. TOO P.M. p.m. A C. Johnson of Shlloh was In tho itv Monday on business. warm VCVJl o d a Bck p') K C Stokelv of Camden the city Sunday. was In I 1 In the absence of Dr. B. C. llotin' raver meeting at the First Bap' iiuidi will be conducted by Rev v. Harris tonight at the usual ho j w. Muilln of Markeys Ferry wa in the city Monday. u,ht A REPORTER'S UX lenf note book. Under will r! return to, ADVANCE Office, an 1 delve reward.

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