News Without Bias ' ; J i Views Without . 1' I i ... . a V I.J; f. f fl V , nP .H i h v r, i, o n n r V""" ir, f , -4 ....... " . 'J-' 3 4 - V. Published ia IMzibzCi City: VOL. 2 ELIZABETH Clfy, NORTH CAROLINA FRIPAY EVENINQ iVUGUST 3,1917 kN0.193 hi ; lis la r l IE UP TO 8ESI5I DRAFT MEN IS ISOLATED SECTIONS BUT IN'G GUXS AND AMMUNITION. STERN MEASURES WILL BE TAKEN BT GOVERNMENT I (By TJulteu Press) "Washington, Aug. 3. Reports of ireatened armed resistance to the iy draft in isolated points in Geor gia and western North Carolina are being investigated by the Department of justice. Tbe mountaineers and farmers in these regions are reported to have supplied themselves with Winchester and ammunition to fight the FRIENDSHIPS BROKEN AS BOYS GO TO CAMPS Fleetwood Dnnstan, recently rec ommended for first class sergeant by his commanding officer, Bends his father, W. E. Dunstan of this city the following interesting letter Community Club for Enlisted Men 283 Meeting Street, Charleston, 3. C. "It is pretty certain that I shall leave here tomorrow, although I have not received orders yet. Capt. Kim ball told us that we could expect them tomorrow. He called to his of fice all that he had recommended for promotion and gave each man his selection of the several camps. Carr and I selected Charlotte, N. C. Thus, I suspect that I will be on my way for Charlotte in a few hours. Carr was also recommended for first class sergeant. He and I are the two first class sergeants who are going to Charlotte. There w;;: be in addition two sergeants, and two corporals belllon. Savannah, Aug. 3. Tanners near Beulah church near here have pur chased arms and large quantities of ammunition, determined it is said to "keep their sons from being taken from them." SUES TO HAVE CAMP MOTHERS rifles and ammunition to draft. Special investigators have been ' assigned to these sections and careful inquiry is being made. Stern meas-, lwo sernis, ana iwo corporals, nres will be taken to repress the re- Letting us choose our own stations is directly opposed to military custom ('apt. Kimball has been mighty good to us at all times, and this is just one of his many favors. As a result all of the boys almost worship him. I hope that I shall be lucky enough to be un der as accomodating and considerate an officer In Charlotte. "In a way I hate to leave here to morrow. As I have said previously we hav a fine bunch of booys here and it is almost like leaving college. Every body seems to be the other fellow' friend, und there has been ubsolutel) no friction anywhere. We hud a fare well supper tonight. They gave us a pretty fair lay out. and everybody en- ARRANGKM ENTH IS BEING MADE joyed it. A .string-instrument-negro FOR . M. V. A. ItllLDINGS TO trio-came out and played lor us In HAVE HOUSE HOSTESSES WITH conclusion we bad a rew little ira ASSISTANTS IX EACH CANTON- promptu farewells, thanks to om MENT mess sergeant, cook, etc. We had the best cook 1 have ever seen. He knew (By United Prnss) how to cook everything and cooked it Washington, Aug. 3. All drafted well. Sammies in the cantonments this fall "All o our snort friendships have will have a "camp mother," it was to be broken. We are scattering in all learned today from the official com- directions: Mississippi, Alabama, Lou mittee on training camp activities. In isana, Gergia, Arkansas, North Caro the Y. M. C. A. Building within or lina, all parts of South Carolina, and near each cantonment she will preside somo arc staying hcie. as hostess or the house. ! "There is one pari of our roll call With a camp mother in charge and that is really humorous. Such names with capable women assistants, wives as these are called in succession: and sweethearts will have a place to Zuzack, Decauche, Dalberg, Blanken visit the Sammies. stein, Gerde, Herzeberg, Kochnover. j "Most of these are German-Ameri cans. All this goes to show how fool ish war really Is when reduced to tho last analysis. I was talking to one fel low last night; and he says that he has cousins fighting for Germany. His name is Waterman (spelled in Ger man Wasserman. ) One would never think tht bis lather was a German by looking at this boy. One of his cousins is a Captain in the German lines, another is a dye manufacturer. His father is in sympathy with Wil son, and his own blood kin are in sympathy with Germain. This is one of the many cases of brother fighting brother." OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS ' i WILL COME SOON ( By I'nlted Press) Washington, Aug. :,. - Offensive operations of the Balkans against the teutons will come soon Allies' agents here said today as a result of recent Allied conferences here and abroad. THREE FOURTHS WANT EXEMPTION niSfiTTlliriPiTIAvo ivD nuTor CAL UNFITNESS RUNNING HIGH EK IN CITIES THAN IN SMALL ER TOWNS ; By United Press) New York, Aug. 3. More than seventy five per cent of the Americans called for the National Army exami nations so far claim exemption, ac cording to reports gathered by the United Press from all sections. Disqualifications for physical disa bility vary considerably running much higher in the big cities than In the towns free from congestion. In New York City 1,427 out of 5.- 415 examined were found to be pos sibly eligible. The Aliens and the phy- siclly unfit totalled 1,827 while 2,161 claimed exemption. Most of the ex emptions are based upon dependency. Ui SAMMY EiiDS HER LIFE POLICE BELIEVE THAT SAMUEL ACKERMAN DROWNED HER-. SELF BECAUSE MUST FACE ARMY EXAMINATION SOUTH MILLS WANTS A BANK Alton L. Jordon of Shiloh passed through tbe city Friday, nroute to Wa&iaiton. D. C.ln Interest of a proposed bank at 8outh Mills. IVILL COMMANDEER All SHIPBUILDIlie (By United Press) Toledo, Aug. S.Fear that she might be apprehended as a "slacker" or that physical examination would disclose the twelve year secret of her sex puis. ed "Samuel Ackerman," a woman, to (By,United Press) end her life by drowning here today. Washington, Auf . S. The com At least, that Is the theory of the nindeering of shipping under construe Police. itlon In the United States will hin Ackerman's "wife" obtained a di- Immediately. vorce two years ago, nine years after TRENCH HELMETS her "marriage" to Ackerman. FLANDERS IS I The Shipping Board ts ready to an nounce Its program of taking over about 2,000,000 tons of vessels now building and also the shipyards. HAV ARRIVED (By -(Jiiitea Press) Mil OFFICERS (By Cnltea Press) With The British Armies, Afield, Aug. 3. All of Flanders is a quag mire. The battle field is lost in fog and Is water soaker) rinu-n from v, i,i. With the American Expeditionary and water soaked nn fmm th , Army. Aug. 3. Trench holmot.' . ti... ........ . . , lo ,u, tuiin seem enguireci in mud and lershings Sammiw have arrived firlnir b reiHvB,i amid great rejoicing. In their training for the trenches nTvir nmr. nrrT, the Sammies have been asking for 1 W me exact equipment they will wear , RUN FYPTTPQTnM on the battle field. Tho , f-CTJKSION I The first Sunday School excursion of the season will be run on Monday August 6th by the City Road Metho dist Church. Showers .f. I Thla excur8ln will be run to Nags in irt p" ion- TUn r t0niBht H6ad n the Steamer A"' L. Van probtbV", I I0";,:: rJ!!t.:,SatUrday bers of the Sun- most.y northward,;. j SCh01 W'" be 1Iowed nun limnrinr IIOI'IPACUIRE -iz . .0Tir,rn I Id JUOI'IILU NtelSBES CA8GET CE BOTH ENGLAND ASD FRANCE HAVE RESIGNATIONS FENDING DUB TO CRTICISM OF POLICES OF OFFICIALS . 1 ; - (By United Press) London, Aur. 8. Two Allied : tlons face a cabinet crisis today. in London rumors nave nraiatA mai Arthur. Henderson, Laborlti member of the war cabinet. would resign as a result of the bitter critl clsm of his participation lo tbe more, ment of radical socialists of France and 'Russia and his open advocacy of British participation in the Stock holm Peace Conference Of Socialists. His retirement Is regarded at cerw tain if the goYernment withholds tht" nassports of such British dAW.t.. and otherwise the conserratiTee will raise a great storm. In Paris two resignations la the Rl bolt ministry are reported pendlnr,- the Minister of Marine, Lacasse, and the Minister of Blockade, Cochla, duft -presumably to criticism of thtr aH- cles. , (By Unitea rress) Washington, Aug. 3. The Inter state Commerce Commission has found that the proposed increase from two to fifty cents per hundred j pounds in freight rates is Justified on j cotton from Louisiana to Mississippi t points, and from gulf points to points east of the Mississippi. ORIV E PABTiy WEATHER to go CROSS AIID STAR FOR HIIIDEIIRG SlICC ESSSUll By United Press London, Aug. 3. The German drive against the hill east of Monchy and Lepreux was successful in part last night. Haig reports that thm enemy temporarily gained positions on a half mile front. WILL BE TRAINED (By United Press) Washington, Aug 3. Twenty three thousand instead of sixteen thousatid men will be trained in the second group of officers camps. Within a few days the 72,000 ap plicants for these camps will know whether they are accepted or reject ed. Meantime the commrsslons for the first group are about ready for delivery. OH VERGE OF mmmm (By United Press i Amsterdam, Aug. 3. Russia and Austria are on the verge of an under standing according to a declaration attributed to President Huysams of the Intel national Socialists Huicau in today's Hans Klsblad. NOTICE The Advance to publishing today the entire list of Pamiuotank's 1.400 men registered for amTi into tbe Na tional Army and the order in which they will be called. The list has been corrected by the official list of the Pas quoiank Exemption Board and copies of today's paper may be had at The Advance Office for two cents a copy. The list will not appear after today and those who desire copies should call for them as soon as possible. CITY WATER AGAIN FIT FOR DRINKING City Health Offlcer, Dr. C. B. Wil liams, reports that analysis now shows the city water , again lit tor ydrlnklng purposes. - JOINT LIFE INSURANCE One of the logical developments of life insurance is the popularity of insurance on two lives. This form of insurance, appeals to the common sense of partners in bus ;ies and to hu.-iT)aiul and wife. In case of insurance on two lives Hie policy Is payable to the survivor in case of the first death of either of the insured, unless otherwise stat ed in the application. These policies' are written by the Pan-American Life Insurance Co. on tbe whole life, and twenty payment and twenty year endowment, plan. The benefits and privlliges are fur nished for lowest cost consistent with safety. All the r. Kui is are guaranteed. A clean cut policy which any Intelligent man can read and thoroughly under Ftond. The Pan-American Issues all forms of up to date policies at low non-participating rates. This well known In surance Company with assets of over 16,600,000 and business in force of over 142,000,000, 1 represented by Wood & Cartwrlght, No. SIS Hiriton Building WAR DECLARED ON TY PHOID FEVER IN PAS QUOTANK COUNTY 1P.Q The blowing up of the U. S. S. Maine in Cuba in 1898 caused the United States to declare war on Spain At that time the United States had 10,759 troops in camp at Jacksonville, Fla., not one of which had been vaccinated against typhoid fever; consequently 4 442 contracted typhoid, and 248 died. That experience caused a declaration of war on typhoid by vaccination. In 1911 there were 12,801 U. S. troops in camp during the hot months of the year in Texas. All but one had been vaccinated against the typhoid, and he, alone, con tracted the disease. There has been no typhoid fever in the Army and. Navy since vaccination was made compulsory. THREE TREATMENTS, A WEEK APART, ARE NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION. PROTECT YOURSELF AND FAMILY BY GOING TO THE NEAREST DISPENSARY POINT THE FIRST DAY AND TAKING THE TREATMENT Typhoid fever in your community is your fault unless you have done everything in your power to pre vent it. A competent physician, representing the State Board of Health, will administer the treatment. ITINERARY FOR PASQUOTANK COUNTY. DISPENSARY POINTS AND DATES. (liy United Press) Copenhagen, Aug. 3. Expressing 1 his "boundless thanks," tbe KalBer to day telegraphed Field Marshall Hln denburg, conferring upon him the Cross and Star Royal of the Order of the House of Hohenzollern. FOUR KltlED ey offline (by trnited PrM.i-i.-i DO WE NEED GAS? Do we need me Gas Company in Elizabeth City? Ar we willing to heln It ntvi here? . . , Jt Is only a young nstltution, but we believe it has been a great con venl nee, and even a great comfort to many homes in Elizabeth Citv. It I was just getting oi tfs feet when the wa. prices struck it, and they struck it with a force that made It tremble. Tim prices or material tlmi ' ifn into i lw m'jinir..ii,lrn . " '" uu i n in nas. ami thi! pipes, fixtures and etc, have in creased from 2r to 200 per cent, not to say anything about the advance in (operation in the hospital here Thnrs the cost of labor, or course we cannot 'lay night for appendicitis and is re' compare our little plant with plants ,! Ported to be getting alone vr of larger cities and towns, for our I factorily. patronage is of necessity limited, New York, Aug. 3. Th has coraDletelv . i Four persons were killed by llehtn Ing today in the storm that folin-ai i he four days excessive beat durinr which the temperature was almost constantly above nlnetv c'.iin .'. jly 200 deaths and 1,000 prostrations, UNDERWENT OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS I and Mr. carter Jennette, son of l .... 11 F warren Jennette of thig ity n id aifeil piiht vo c - t w r ('OKI fir nriK iw nn iu . - v- 1" in on . much or more than In larger town, JNU TO THE PATRONS iiu I'lucii tra ,r nnmiwjf nr i.ntiunm , i a i iiiiu III Okisko Mondays, July .10; Aug. fi ; .Smalls K.)i. Mondays, July 30; Ail, (i ; orintli Mondays, July HO; Aug. R ; rartwrirhfH St.Tuesdays.July 31; Aug. Simon's store.Tuesdays. July 31; Aug. ('. V. Evan's St. Wednesdays, Aug. 1; X hosier's Store Wednesdays, Aug.l; Whitehead's St. Wednesdays, Aug. 1 13; 20; 9 13; 20; 12 13; 20; 3 7; 14; 21 ; 14; 21 ; in; 22; Ui 15; 22; 8; 115; 22 11 2 6 to lla.m m.. m. m. 12 to 9 to 12 to 2 p.m 11 a.m 2 p.m s. Thursday, Aug. 2; 3 Thursdays, Aug. 2; 9; Friduys. Aug. 3; 10; 17; 16; 23 3 to G p.m 9 to 12 m. ll 23; 2 to 4 p.m. 24; 8 to 12 fa. Providence IJrotliers' 11. Weeksvillo Lowry's Store. Fridays, Aug. 3; 10; 17; 24; 12 to 2 p.m. Kaper's Store Fridays, Aug. 3; 10; 17; 24; 3 to 6 p.m. ELIZABETH CITY, COURT HOUSE, SATURDAYS August, 4, 11, 18, 25, 9 A. M. TO 0 P. M. . r'"- ' ; - - I . a- . ' t: ers. It Is asking me ooard of aldermen to permit it to make a slight increase in its charges for gas, not for the purpose of Increasing its profits, but to enable It to live, and to enable It to serve its patrons efficiently and satisfactorily. The few additional pen nles It costs each home will not amount to much, but it will enhl bo company to live, and to furnish yood service, it Is not asking for a permanent increase, but onlv until times get normal. Many companies are asking for much lurger Increase, but this company Is only asking for enough say 122 percent, to enable It to stem the current, with the addi tional burdens, the great war has laid upon it. It is needless to say how the expenses of the company have In creased, everybody knows how the prices of everything have advanced, and coke, coal, crude oil and piping are keVpjng pace will) tiin highest. If the cost of furnishing gas Is more than Its receipts, it takes but little business judgement r() say what the Inevltabblo result will be. Tbe com pany is only asking Its patrons to help it live through tho war, and then when normal times return, It will most cheerfully go back to normal, and even lesser charges. ' Mrs. P. C. Cohoon and sister, Mrs. H W Mlxon of Henderson,' are spend ing the week at Nags Head. NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH ! COMPANY. i This is to notify the patrons of flhe uove named Company that under the existing laws we are compelled to have the various reports which W have to make to the Federal Govern ment and to the slate in on time or we will !, penalized for falHnf'to'" comply with the law. , ,. ... We therefore request you to have your rent in the Company's office, 509 East Fearing street, not later than the 10th of each month. Upon.'youf I' Ul.l Ki: to comply WE WILL BE COMPKLLKI TO DISCONTINUE VOl It HKKYICK FROM THAT HATE. Owing to conditions broughUlbout by the present war we are unable at any price to purchase more Instru ments, and if wo should be compelled to take out your 'phone we. will be unable to reinstate you until condi tions change. Therefore, take notices and govern yourself accordingly. All telephone rents are DUE an 1 PAYABLE on the FIRST tiAVv KACH MONTH in advance at tl i Company's office. , ' Norfolk ft Carolina Telephone ft Tcln- graph Co., ' p. W. GRICE." ''"5 '' General Manager.