News Without Bias Views Without , J Prejudice ThoOdy D .Newspaper Published ia Elinl City VOL.2 Allies u . - A Tee on Remodeling Map Readjustments to be Made so That Peoples May Live in States of Their Own Nationality ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVEN lis U AUGUST 6,m7 P N0.1S5 m.wm. SOLVES PROBLEM GETS NEARLY A 'THOUSAND NE GROES TO WORK ON FARMS IN COUNTY AND HELP TO PRO DUCE AND HARVEST FOOD CROPS (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 6. The Allies hare come to full agreement as to the remodeling of Europe's wr map after the war. Taking territory here and straight ening lines there, they intend to have such restorations as will tend toward International peace. While Germany dreams of "Mlt teleurope" Middle Europe running Irom the North Sea to Bagdad under Teuton dominion the Allies have :agreed that war shall continue until this dream vanishes. The first of the Allies proposals s to restore stricken Belgium. Then France is to have Alsace-Lorraine. Constafctinople is to be International ized. Turkey is to be ousted from Eu rope the Grecian boundary is to be shoved northward while Greece wilt also get some islands near her in the Mediterranean. Italy wiil have Trent and Trieste, some straightening of her northern border and a small slice, of territory across tno Adriatic. Cre tla and Bohemia will be made inde pendent states, while roland will be established as an independant terri tory as a buffer between Germany and Russia. It is further proposed to divide Austria Hungary into two states. These readjustments are not based on conquest but on the determination that the peoples shall live in states of their own nationality and not un der an unwelcome yoke. The Allies will not return the German-African colonies on account of the tyrranny there. POTATOES IN EH US Wilmington, Aug. 6. More than 1000 laborers, men and women, most ly negros, have been placed upon the farms of New Hanover County thru the efforts of the New Hanover Food Conservation Commission. Negro la borers have been leaving Wilmington by the score until recently, when the Food Conservation Commission ap plied Itself to the labor situation and established an employment bureau with the result indicated. A few SUGGESTION WHICH MAY BE OF VALUE IN POTATO COUNTRY WHILE WHEAT PRICES CON TINUE TO SOAR EHH PORT 15 CLOSED TB-DAV Washington, Aug. 6. The port of New York was closed today as a precautionary meas ure ater a sea captain reached port with the story that he had siglitfcd a submarine some dis-1 lance out. Secretary Daniels has the captain's statement and may issus an official statement. POTATO BREAD ROLLS To Make I Dozen Small Rolls. 8 ounces of 2 tablespoonfuls boiled and peel- of lukewarm ed potatoes water. 6 ounces of sifted 2 table- flour spoofuls of sugar. 1-3 cake of com- 2 tablespoon pressed yeast, ful of butter.' 3-4 level easpoonTul of salt. Two tablespoonfuls of pow- dered milk, 'added to the dough, will greatly improve the quality of the rolls. Although milk it- self or cream may be used, it must be borne in mind that they will increaes the liquid content. Boll, peel and mash the pota- toes as directed ror bread mak- Ing. Add, in order, to this the salt, the powdered milk (fused) the yeast rubbed smooth and mixed with the water, nd last- ly two tablespoonfuls of flour. Let this mixture stand at a tem- perature of 86 F. until the dough begins to collapse. Add to this sponge the butter, the sugar, and ! the remainder of the flour and, If necessary, enough more flour to make a very sr:iT dough. Knead thoroughly until a smooth dough which is no longer sticky ALKRAMA THEATRE SOLD TO NEW COMPANY The Alkrama Theatre has changed hands.' Announcement of the change in management was made at Saturj day night's show, and movie fans could hardly believe their ears. For going to the Alkrama had come to mean, la addition to good pictures and a comfortable place to spend the evening, the .genial smile and royal welcome of Mr. Allen K. Kramer.and to imagine the Alkrama without Us former master seems quite impossi ble, something like going to church and finding no preacher there, or go ing to a ratty where the eats were omitted. The Alkrama is just five years old but Mr. Kramer bad been in the movie business for many years before that and had come, to be so closely associated wl h pictures in the minds of Elizabeth City children and many grownups that it is difficult to be lieve that pictures can move without T7r Potent Factor In Kghtiiig pennM; L. . doubt accomplished much, no well in formed Wllmingtonian hestitates to given have since left for the North, but the movement has practically ceased. Mr. Kramer's aid. Shortly after the Food Conserva- The new company .however, is quite tion movement was started the New ! Krameresque and the name of the Hanover County Commission, in a theatre remains a fitting one. The letter to the State Food Conservation j members are: U. G. Davis, G. F. Sey Commission at Raleigh, challenged, fert, Harry G. Kramer, Frank K. the other sub-Commissions through-j Kramer and J. Howard Kramer, out the State to a contest for re-j Mr. D. Ray Kramer who has been suits, and, while the sub-commissions associated with, his father in the in many other counties have no management of the Alkrama will continue to run the show for thT new company for th next month or 'declare that the campaign of the ,t.,hups longer, assuring the publi6 I New Hanover ( ommlssion has not 0f ti,e Bame excellent service been equalled anywhere else in .State. At the beginning of its campaign the latter part of April, Chairman W. A. McGirt and the other members of i the commission conducted a vigoroun campaign to bring the people of the city and county to the realization of 'the seriousness of the food situation of and their individual responsibility to their community and their Coun try in this crisis, and to increase the acreage and production of staple food and feed crops. EffortB along these lines have ben- continued, but mean while vigorous campaigns have beeh - conducted lh the interest of drying, At nine o'clock Monday morning tlle them in the past. America Enters Fifth : Month C Participation In World War Wit: Many Important Steps Taken. SHE IffiCESS; in t will takk longer than HOARD OK EXEMPTION HAD ALLOWED UNLE88 WORK RUNS 1'AR INTO THE NIGHT I' mm ii it TROUBLE 5ETTIE1 canning and otherwise conserving the the examination of Pasquotank's sol food products which were planted. diers-to-be began in the Federal A large number of canning clubs building, have been organized in the city as Dr. Griggs, Dr. Peters and Dr. Z. well as In the rural districts and thou Fearing have been steadily on the sands of cans of vegetables which or- job ever since, but It appears that the dinarily would have been wasted work will either run far Into th have been conserved for human con- night or bave to be carried ever to has been formed. Set back to rise sumption. Much Interest has recently another day. been shown in the drying of vege- At noon the examination oi sixteen tables and it Is probable that before men had been completed and seventy another season comes ono or more four were to have teen examinert commercial evaporating plants will EXAMINATIONS 'be used in this city. Monday, seventy three Tuesday, sev- I This week has been 'Kraut Week" I enf three Wednesday and twenty 'and thousands of pounds of cabbage two Thursday. !are being packed in new mullet kegs I It is rather early to ascertain a cor 'and barrels. At a demonstration of red estimate of the proportion that kraut-making staged at the court Wooiiincinn Ant fi Ttw i.reRsn r ' h o ii se Monday by Mrr. J. C. T'vtlow, i f ,..iui.,o i,o h,T,,rh home demonstration agent, ill nni t iiiiti uiwiin nao ui wumu " , Demonstration Agent J. H. makinif. both in England and Amer-lnnd MesdamcsJ. P. Herring and Geo iro au an .nnmv in tfnirland iiota- Grant more than 1000 pounds to flour was mixed with wheat and a cabbage were conserved by three j peculiarly delicious bread resulted. In methods kraut in light salt; kraut :this country potato tour is not avail- , in heavy salt; and cabVage In brine, j 'able to the average housewife, and or pickled cabbage. j the U. S. Department of Agriculture The credit for the very effective ; has therefore devised recipes for the food campaign that is being conduct-: 'making of bread with simple, plain ed In New Hanover county belongs 'boiled potatoes mixed with the wheat . not only to Chairman W. k. McGirt, fl()ur County Agent J. P. Herring and Mrs. (By (Tnlted Press) Washington, Aug. 6. Entering its fifth month America finds itself far advanced as a potent factor in over com'ng Germany. While many of its processes were in the formative stage the remark' able transformation from peace to actual participation has occurred. Around 400,000 National Guards men are under arms' ready to move to the Southern Camps, opening on Am gust 15th, for intensive training. The regular army has been gradu i lly fllrod with volunteers until it is only 3,000 or 4,000 short of itajmm-j plete quota, while the AmerlcairXMg actually waves on EuropA'land !, sea and Pershing's dlvislppUs rapidly shaping fo actual tre.pi service. ...American destroyWi prowl in theJ U-boat sone while scores of new des trovers are building here. These are minor thrngs which have ;!'cn place In the construction of t'ie great war machine. Others are the registering of 10,000.;&0 youths; the seizing of 91 Oerman ships and repairing them; the authorization without a single dissenting vote of $7,000,000,000 appropriation; $750, 000,000 for Merchant shipping; $640 000,000 for aviation; agreement to loan to the Allies $3,000,000,000, half of which has been advanced. A commission has been sent to Russia and to France. Thirty two campn have been constructed; an embargo has been established to keep food from Germany; a great food conser vation measure has been launched; and the Liberty Loan has been fifty per cent oversubscrled. on ELIL1IDHT DR. OWEN AND HIS HELPEr BRING PLAQUE UNDER CC:, TROL WITH SIMULTANEOU SERUM TREATMENT Dr. F,. D. Owen and hU assistant serum administrators during Jul brought under control four outbreak of hog cholerartn this district, one la Currituck two In Pasquotank and or. 3 In Gates. ' The farmers co-operated in the ob servance of the necessary sanitary laws and cholera was practically eli minated In these communities. During July Dr. Owen inoculate! 3,109 swine on 172 farms, with tha help of his assistants. He personally treated 724 animals, vls'ted 14 farrxH and had 234 Interviews with farmers. Ho taught eight demonstrators to use the simultaneous method of erum treatment, nold meettngs.madD post mortem diagnoses, and altogeth er travelled 837 1-2 miles in b.U work. , . again, and when the dough has trebled In volume, knead lightly, orm Into small balls and place, not too close together, in greas ed pans. Allow to rise until dou ble in volume, as shown by the "indicator," and bake 20 minu tes In a moderately hot oven, at about 400 F. MAY BE AID IN CEBESS Farm Herring of v IU puss the rigid physical examine I, mi or the proportion that will ask for exemption. mi ETT I5 PRESIDE IT Of R R LATE CHAIRMAN OK SHIPPING HOARD WANT8 TO GIVE DE TAILED rrilLICITY TO DEN- M A N -GO ET H A LH ROW West Unloigh. Aug. fi Governor ISickett today named S. M. Brinson, Pretlow, the home demonstration i of p. i)Prn, President of the Atlan- illv ITnltt 1 Press) Raleigh. Auk. C Governor Hick I This bread is sairt to be not. only a'apcnt hllt n80 to other members of ,f,(, an(1 jnrth Carolina Railroad 'compWe success from the economy , l0 f(10, conservation commission and i companv ; T. W. Slocumbs of Golds standpoint, where potatoes are cheap lhe nPW8paers of the city and to the ',ro (,,.Tetary-treasurer; J. M.Davis ett is confident that North Carolina's and plentiful, but to supply an at threatened resistance to the draft has tractive novelty in the household thoroughly abated ns tlie result or menu, and a welcome variation from official warning that offenders would the usual bread monotony. It has i be summarily punished. rich brown crust, is render and elas- Dr. H. Q. Alexander, president of tic, and the flavor is preferred by the Farmers Union, disavows any in-'many to the bread made wholly or tentlon of hindering the opertaion of wheat. It contains more moisture the draft, although Insisting tfiat per-; thHn ordinary breac, and therefore aonally he believes it to be unconsti- has longer keeping qualities, tutlonal. I For the making of potato bread, at I the present time, it is advisable to " 'use the early perishable potatoes.slnce Mr. and Mis. F. F Garrett motor-: the later varieties are capable of ed to Hertfoid Sunday They were storage-until spring. "Culls" also accompanied bv Mr. Llovu Sutton and may be so uBed. Miss Minn.e Wood. people generally who have responded heartily and appreciatively. I BIH HEAIM 8! FILIBUSTER KEYSTONE BARBER SHOP Next Door to Sellg's Beat Service Lowest Prlco j No advance In cost of shavlnR hero. Share 10c Shampoo ... v "jMawBaga 25 B y-aGloTOT's Mange Shampoo 50e J t AJI Tonics ......... ............ 15c v ""' Hair Cut ............ .....-. 2'c -; : Singe -2." i, . Moustache Dyed - 'BOc vrr.Y HARGRAVrs, Prop. WHO SHALL HAVE CUSTODY LITTLE JACK (F.v I'Dttcil Press Washington, Aug. 6. A filibuster threatens the Food Bill today. Senator Reed who Is an out and out antagonist of the bill has planned to fight the conference report and has the backing of a few others. COMMITTEE REPORTS WAR REVENUE BILL of New Hern, attorney. T. S Kther idce of New Hern, Slalo Proxy; Al bert K. Kountree of Klnston; Georgo L. Parrott of Klnston, auditor. J. M. Allen of Goldsboro, W. M Webb of Moreheart City. Finance Committee; Thomas H. Hyman of New Bern, Chas. S. TVatlace of More head City; J- K. Dixon of Trenton, D. C. McCotter of Cash Corner, Pam lico County. E. Taylor of Wllming- n W. K. Drake. Jr., of Raleigh and W H McElwee, directors. ( Hy United Press) u-Hlitnirton. Auk. 6.- The late IK liinan-Goethals shipping row may be aired In Congress. William Denman late chairman of I he Shipping Hoard, has announreit Doit be will furnish the California delegation the details of his dlfferen ces with Goethals and will ask to have them printed In the Congresslon al Record. Dennum snvs that he has Presi dent Wilson's nermtsslon for this action. Seeking vindication before the puh- Denimm opened his campaign with the statement that his policies nave oen adopted by the new shipping board under Admiral ( apps ana Chairman Hurley. Sensational dlslosures are promls in his statement to Congress. VIRGINIA TO CHOOSE GOVERNOR ON TUESDAY (By Unlteh Press) New York. Aug. 6. Who shall have the custody of little Jack De Saulles while his mother Is in Mineola jail charged with killing his father may bring first Into court the battle resulting from New' York'a most sea 1 sntional society murder in years. ' JAPAN WILL NOT CO-OPERATE FURTHER (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 6. The Finance Committee reported out the war rev nue bill today, recommndlng that it be presented to tha Senate. The bill carries an appropriation of $2,008,' 970,000. " ' " RUSSIANS ARE PREPARIIIB BATTL! (By tluitea Press) .'. Berlin, Aug. 6. The Russian -have prepared for battle between t'. Dnelster and Frnth Rivera, the, war olllce here announced today, i; LOSE LESS THAN THREE U-BOAT, (By United Press) Copenhagen, Aug. 6. Between February and August tlie average of submarines lost each month " wai slightly less than three, according t ofllclal statements from Berlin re col ved here. Against these losses many 1 more submarines are being built it' is ta!J. notice to the patr01t: of 5 ; ; (By United Press! Toklo, Aug. 6 -The admiralty de tiled today that Japan will take any further steps to co-operate with the Allies in the Mediterranean. Such help is not needed, it was stated. (Bv United Press) Richmond, Aug. 6. Three men are laboring mightily to be Virginias war governor. Tomorrow the Democrats will choose In the primary whether this shall be ICllyson, Hmard or Davis. They are apparently running neck and neck. The Davis forces will hold a rally hero tonight. All headquarters are claiming an overwhelmingly plurality. NORFOLK & CAROLINA . TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPi: COMPANY. This is to notify the patrons of tl: ? above named Company that under tl existing laws we are compelled t have the various reperts which vr have to make to the Federal Govern ment and to the State in on time cr we will be penalized for falling to comply with the law. We therefore request yott to have your rent in the Company'i office, 60 East Fearing street.not later than t 10th of each month. Upon ye FAILURE to comply WE WILL 1 COMPELLED TO DISOONTIM YOUR SERVICE FROM TJ: ' DATE. TEN MILLIONS FURTHER CREDIT Washington, Aug. .Further cre dit of $10,000,000,000 for Italy was announced, by the Treasury Depart ment today. Ging to conditions brought al by the present war we are unabl j any price to purchase more Inr" ments, and if we should be compe l to take out your 'phone we wi'.I unable to reinstate you until c tlons change. Therefore, take r and gororn yourself according1. All telephone rents are DU: PAYABLE on the PIRST DAY EACH MONTH in advance at Company'i office. ". Norfolk ft Carolina Telephone announced today. y graph Co., ' ' , t 'Farmhands will be called out last ', ; : C. W. GIUCH, DRAFT WILL NOT DELAY THE HARVEST Washington, Aug. 3. The draft wllf not interfere with harvesting the nation'a crops General Crowder j it is stated.