V; , News Without U 'f ' 'C -'- v 'oUi;v- ' " v fir , Views Without VHO iT3A - ss Tho Only D.-c: v . Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City ; VOL. 2 ,; ,-:..,; hirtv Per Gent FaUloFass ELIZABETH CITY, '.NORTH CAROLINA, jU PAY EVENING AUGUST 7,1917 N0.157 Monday's Examinations Show Eler yen Out Of Thirty Nine Unable To Come Up To The Mark For Soldiers. j.' 'if ; a" H : . USB l ''- ' 945 if 635 ' 140 1 : Ot the Thirty-nine registrants ex-, .mined by thv, local board of exemp. tions Monday, eleven or about thirty T,er cent, were disqualified for failure to pass the rigid physical examina Iton These were: 8B8 Zenas Dance. Wm Hoggard. Cecil Thos Whltei Mllla Wnlte. Daniel Rb'def. Leslie Hooper, p. B. WlilielniisU Clarence Griffin. John Scarboro B P Sanders. R. D Owens Examinations are rpain in pro gress to.lsy. -with Dr Peters. Dr. kCendrick end Dr. . Fearing in charge. TIME EXTENDED BAPTIST DIES IT 0 Rer. N. P. Stallings, a prominent Baptist preacher of middle and east- em North Carolina, died at his home a.t Moyock Tuesday afternoon. The news reached here this after noon In a telegram to F. H. Zelgler asking him to come to Moyock at once to prepare the body for burial. ALLIED CONFERENCE ' ; "PROMISES RESULTS TJnlteVl Pr" i . London, Aug. 7. An Allied confer ence which promises Important re sults la In progress, ra Downing St. Premiers Rlbot of France, Sonnino of Italy, Pasltch of Serbia, together with representatives of the British and Rumanian governments are pre sent. - -rrr EPIDEMIC H tO LAV HftHD 111 11 PROFITS m. YH1IS GETS en cow ei At Monday night's meeting of the Board of Aldermen the time for get ting the cows out of Blliabeth City was extended until September first, after which timee law requires tht only one cow to a family may be al lowed. , Dyer street was ordered . opened from Pafconage to Scott street. Bur gess St., was ordered opened thru to Starke street. RASH MILLIONAIRE COMMITS SUICIDE (By Untied Press) St. Louis. Aug. 7. A mysterious call from an unidentified woman 'resulted in the finding of the body of Jordan Wheat Lambert, the million aire president of Lambert's Pharma rl Company, who had committed h suicide in his apartment by shooting I 1 (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 7. The govern ment is about'to lay a strong hand on 'war profiteering.' Prices of steel and copper are to be fixed' so as to Insure rasonable pro fits to producers and a fair bargain to the government and the Allies. President Wilson has urged speed on the Federal Trade Commission in determining the oosts upon which the government is to fix prices of raw materials. 4, The Allies are pressing for sup plies and the President has directed that they shall npt be gouged for war purchases. The fixing of the prices of coal, steel Iron, coke,xinc,tin,copper, aluminum, Jead, lumber, cement and petroleum awaits the completion of the Investi gations Committee. (By United Press) Raleigh, Aug. 7, Governor Blck ett today conferred the commission of Adjutant General upon Brigadier General Laurence W. Young of the North Carolina National Guards, who was not Included In th War Depart- mnt's order, mustering the guards in to Federal service last week. This is the same position General Young held three years before he was raised to Brigadier General for Mexican border service. General D. S. Royster who was serving as Adjutant General resigned to make place foT Young. Major George L. Ptaterson resigned the as sistant adjutant generalBhihp on ac count of bitter differences, between himself and Young. :himself. J 1$ BOLD THREATS HAVE ABATED SWEET POTATOES BRING $10 BARREL (By United Press) Raleigh, Aug. 7. Governor Bick- etf "word to the wise" to wouia-ue draft-rt sisters is beMeved to have proved Fufflcient hen:, tcday. The b-d threats if dire trouble w hen The nation flnuUy reached out to select its defenders had abated noticeably while patriots and press joined in violent denunciation of slackers. Mountain sections, however, are still under watch. Threats of southern Georgia farm ers bad failed to materialize at noon. The movement of sweet potatoes to northern markets has begun, one car load reaching these markets from North Carolina Tuesday. Re celpts at Elizdbethh City, however, are up to this time very light, no car load shipments having yet been made from here. Sweets were quoted on the north em markets at $8.00 to $10.00 i barrel. Mr. Denmer Munden of .Norfolk was in the city visiting friends and relatives Sunday SECTION VISITED BY LARGE NUMBER OP. TOURISTS NOW STRICKEN WITH PLAGUE OP INFANTILE PARALYSIS (By Gutted Prss) Richmond, Aug. 7. A violent epi demic of Infantile paralysis threatens northwestern .Virginia, the State health authorltlesinnounced today. With 4 S cases reported in the last ten days In six contiguous coun ties, Rockingham, Page, Rappahan nock, Green, Albemarle, and Augusta the outbreak Is believed to be spread ing rapidly. Representatives M the United States Public Health Srevlce and of the State Health Commission are on the ground. All public meetings have been suspended by direction of the State authorities. This section is noted for the large number of tourists who visit It each ear. Luray Cave, one of the wbnder places, Is in Page County. WET CANDIDATE To-night At New Theatre (By The Press Agent) "Builders of Castles," a 5 part drama of the schamer will be the of fering at The New Theatre today, matinee and night. An unusual story story, told In a striking fashionably Edison film stars, Marc Mac Dermott and MIrian Nesbitt, together with a sumptuous production, makes a force ful combination which presents In a fascinating manner a photoplay which appears destined to score heav ily. There is need tor dramatic talent of a high order to bring out properly the many tense dramatic situations. The offering will be one of the best dramatic shows that has been pro duced to date, also a Jerry on the Job cartoon, entitled "Quinine, a bitter title but a Bweet comedy. Tomorrow Ella Hall in 'Polly Red head," a Bluebird photoplay, and a Keystone comedy In 2 parts, "Her Na ture Dance." oDn't crowd. IX LAST WIXDUP SPEECH DE CLARES HIMSELF FOR RIGID ENFORCEMENT OF PROHIBI TION LAWS 3y Unitod Press Rchmond, Aug. 1. Old Dominion Democrats are balloting for governor today. They were up early and at the polls at sunrise. Up to noon, however, no 'coups d'eat" sufficiently sensational to de termine the vote had been sprung. As the allotment proceeded smooth ly the three candidates are believevd to be abreast. Davis, the "farmer's candidate." a wealthy Lovodon County wlyer, in his windup speech here last night pledged himself to the rigid enforcement of the prohibi tions laws despite his forme 1 record for local option. J Taylor Ellyson Is the 'machine' dry candidate and John Garland Pollard the lndependant dry candidate. Both claimed the victory early today. II TO TIKE J FIGUTl III VERDI SECTOR W.D. COX ELECTED V r . COUNTY SUPT. , .Currituck. Aug. I. Mr. W. D. Cox of Moyock was elected County Super r lntendent ot Education In Currituck County at the meeting of the county board of education on August 8th. , Mr. Cox will be at the courthouse on each Monday. , Now a practicing attorney at Moy ock Mr. Cox was, oefore he took up the practice of law, a teacher ot a number of years experience. He was principal of the State High Schooat Swan Quarter In his last year's work In the school-room and was especial ly successful In engineering the ob servance of the first County Com mentemnt In Hyde county. RUSSIA LOOKS TO HER BIG H KERENSKY AND KORNDLOFF MUST LEAD AATION OUT OF MILITARY AND INTERNAL DIS ORGANIZATION SAYS RUSSIAN EMBASSY Washington, Aug. 7. Russia now looks to her two big K's, Kerensky and Kornlloff to lead her out of military and internal risorganlzation to stability and triumph. Kerensky yields the supreme pow er of the administration branch and Korniloff is vested with absolute con trol of the army. Both have the entire support of all Russian political parties. This Is the situation as summed up by the Russian Embssy. JURY LIST FOR SEPTEMBER TERM Following Ib the Jury List for Pas quotank County, North Carolina, Term of Superior Court, beginning September 17th. FIRST WEEK D D Overman, M E Pappendick, C Q Eanes, J M LcRoy, Isaac Davis, L C. Hudson, J B Bell, R O Rolllnson, J W Markham, J R Brlte (Newland) George J Wlnslow. T L Overman, A L Chesson, J M Simpson, H E White, W E Cox, Martin Jennings, C P Har ris, L D Rogerson, J J White, Sr.. 3 J Bateman, J N Richardson, Joseph Self. T F Bartlett, Milton Ives, D W Roughton, M L Sanderlin, J R Brite (Mt Hermon) Paul Brothers, C. P. Pritchhard, J H Cartwrtght (Provi dence), Irving C Harris, Davis Simp son, J R Bowden, W K Jones E. City) W II Keaton. HFCOX1) W KKK C V Markham, J H Price. Cary Dfillanre, Lemuel Jackson, H E Own ley, Joseph Banks, W T Jackson (Mt. Hermon. J M Barnes, C C Pappen- dick, W G Overman, K w ureory, C W Sawyer, J C Hare, E K Prlt- p. moiEu ES ALu... CAS COMMITTEES APPOINTED TO STUDY CONDITIONS IN GOYEr.N ' MENT WORKS AND REPORT C2i AUGUST ?4th Vv,r;.-;Vv'. ' (By United Press)' , Washington. An. 7.- The labor situation in the United States is caus ing the government real alarm. ' . War work is threatened to such a point that a concerted campaign was started today to dispel he unrest among workers Immediately. . ' The Wr Navy Latw? Depart' ments have named committees to study the adjustment ot wages la the nary yards arsenals and other govern ment works, to bring abouf a more unlorm schedule and to " report on Aucust 14th. ! i i The high cost ot living and the de termination to share in war profits are believed to be responsible ". tor this unrest. ! .. ' YOUTHS ill BE SOLDIERS (By United Press) "; : "' Washington, Aug. 7. Over lonely mountain passes, through great stretches of wild country, the con- ' scripted youths of Alaska's (5,000 -Americans are trudging to register for the draft. ' ' ) . Among them are several hundred Eskimo lads, clad in heavy bear skins with big hoods. These are track '' Ing across Ice and snow to add to Uncle Sam's roll of honor; k ' ; S3i (By United Press) Morehaven. Fla.. Auk. 7. There are thousands of women throughout chard. W H Ballance. M W Lister, E .a rnnnirv inimhln and rfiadv to D Ttneprson. E W Cox. S J Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Johnson and children left today In their car to spend two weeks at Omar, Delaware. (By United Press) Paris, Aug. 7. Heavy fighting broke out in iae Verdun sector to day. Following heavy bombardment by the forces of the German Crown Prince, a strong attack against the French lines was launchhed from ap proximately three miles along the step into the places that men of mill' tary age are now holding in municl pal, state and national government. positions. This Is the opinion of Mrs. Marlon N. Horwitz, the first woman mayor of Florida. EMiohn fhnrv R I, Commander, r n Lowry, C H Herry, II C Markham. FOR SALE TO QUICK BUYER "Virelnla Bell." a nice, eentle,. left bank of the river Meuse home raised race horse and colt. Will sell at a sacrifice. Apply to P. C. Harris, on Second Strejt. July 21-to Aug 6 dly 3 TO LOOK INTO THE NEGRO LABOR QUESTION Business Manager Pugh of the Chamber of Commerce has called a meeting tonight at his office of tha employers of negro labor In Eliza beth Ciy. It Is estimated that six hundred negroes, or about fifty families, have left Elizabeth City In the last six months. The meeting will discuss thu migration of labor from this section. FOR SALE TWO LARGE DKAr horses. Sell either separate or to gether. Good sound stock. C. W. Stevens. ' J.30-sw-2w. BIG LAND SALE IN NORFOLK COUNTY WANTED X)PIE8 Of THE DAILY Advance or June 28, and the Semi- ' 'WeeV'tt Advance of June 29.-tit yot i sny, of these papers call Tha Au.ance office and they will ' M r t f-r. ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as, Administratrix of the late Jesse White. I hereby give notice to all persons Indebted to his estate to come forward and make im mediate settlement and those holding claims against the same to- present them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. 4 - . Alamra T. White, Administratrix s "o't Jesse White, deceased. Per Geo. J: Spence, Atty. , fait t. inT.'-n'F vv'fr'v-v";-,Tf - July 9, U, 23, 80, Aug 6, il ' ',' Charles F. Harper and wife have gold to W. N. Old for $10,000 a tract of land in Butt's Road magisterial district containing 450 acres. The tract Is part of the property conveyed to J. W. Carter by Geo. A. Wilson In 1878, and Is bounded on the west by the Blue Ridge road, on south by Whitmore swamp, and on the east by land formerly James Y. Old's. The property is sub-divided Into three separate tracts, one containing 176 acres on the Blue Ridge road, and a third of 7 acres on Whitmore road. The property was conveyed to Chas. F. Harper by C. Whittle Sams and Q. W. Coleman, special commissioners, Dec. 1, 1908. Tonight At The Alkrama (By The Press Agent) Big feature for those whoattend the Alkrama tonight. Sessue Hayakawa, the famous Japanese actor will be seert in the JaRuar's claw', a Paramount Picture In every sense of the word. An offer Ing that has been considered and de- .i i .v. ...iiui nintnrA avAr nfrer IHv Unltl Preisi ciu . i tha Paramount Froeram. Au . .1 .. 1 .1 A .. r. 7 . narmanv ha. I cvl W1HU1IU, "US- f . agreed to the safe passage of hospital u.r 1, Vt.V,.-. carry Spanish Pr . " " Kum ivumnu in iuo .,B.. SAFE PASSAGE OF I IDSPTA 5 (By United Prss) ' u ;v Berlin, Aug. 7. Open dissatisfac tion with the new cabinet Is expressed by the liberal press. Thbe Tageblatt Is b'tter in its statements that the people have been given no choice in the new gov ernment. i.; i EXCURSION SUCCESS , The excursion to Nags Head Mon day given by the City Road Sunday school proved an all round success, i It wai weil patronized by every de partment of the Sunday School and , a most delightful day was spent. f ' NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OF ' ' ships provided they officers abroad, guaranteeing only the sick and wounded that Grat Brltlan has thanked Spain for this arrangement. f,nm Wife," will be the serial attraction France shall be transported as herald This picture which is causing such to the States widespread comment will be sure to j fascinate you, even u yw seen a single episode. The story to night takes up a very delicate situa tion, and will cause you to wonder DTTOQTAW 'DOTflrt'Mli'.va I what roallv la eolne to happen to Ruth ARE CAPTURED IN POLICE COURT By United Press! I -m Berlin. Aug. 7. The capture of In Police court xuesaay morning, 1.300 Russian prisoners and the Joe Watson, it. u. neoo, iae mcruw- stormlng ot positions north of Focsnl son, Joe Scott, Frank Hall, all color- are reported from the war office NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This Is to notify the patrons ot the above named Company that under the existing laws we are compelled to have the various reports which WO have to make to the Federal Govern ment and to the State In on time or ' we will be penalized for failing to comply with the law. v We therefore request you to hate your rent In the Company's office, 509 cam rearing B-.reei.uoi laieriuai uiv. 10th of each month. Upon your FAILURE to comply WE WILL BE COMPELLED TO DISCONTINUE YOUR SERVICE FROM THAT DATR WANTED AT ONCE GOOD MILK ; cow. Must be gentle and give not less than 3 gallons. Apply to THE ADVANCfJ OFFICff. ' " tf WEATHER Fair tonight and Wednesday, Light variable winds. ed, were lined 96.95 and costs each for speeding. Frank Depnfer, colored, was fined $5.95 and cost for assault and being drnnk on the street. Mr. Joe McCabe was fined .86.95 tni coflfs t"f speeding. Cwlng to conditions brought about by the present war we are unable at any price to purchase more instru ments, and If we should be compelled to take out your 'phone we will be unable to reinstate you until condi tions change. Therefore, take notice ano govern yourself accordingly. i All telephone rents are DUE and PAYABLE on the FIR8T DAY .OF EACH MONTH in advance at the Company's office. Norfolk t Carolina Telephone ft Tele graph Co., C. W. GRICC, ' Central I''-""'